Why did Raskolnikov commit the crime? Causes of Raskolnikov's crime. "Crime and Punishment": problems


Final essay on the topic "Experience and mistakes".

Works used in the argumentation: L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

Introduction: Life develops in such a way that everything is intertwined in it: love and hate, ups and downs, experience and mistakes ... One is impossible without the other and it seems that every person once stumbled, understood the wrongness of his actions and learned important lessons for himself .

Since ancient times, the expression has been known: a smart person learns from the mistakes of others, and a fool learns from his own. Most likely, this is true, because it was not in vain that many generations of ancestors sought to pass on their conclusions to their descendants, tried to teach children how to live correctly with useful advice and wrote down the wisdom of bygone centuries in books.

The huge literary heritage left by great writers and poets is an invaluable treasure of life experience that can warn us against many mistakes. Let us consider just a few examples of how in works of fiction the authors, through the actions of their characters, warn the reader about the danger of committing wrong actions.

Arguments: In the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" Natasha Rostova, already being the bride of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, succumbs to temptation and is carried away by Andrei Kuragin. The girl is still young, naive and pure in her thoughts, her heart is ready to love, to succumb to impulses, but the lack of life experience inclines her to a fatal mistake - to run away with an immoral person, for whom all life consists of passions. An experienced seducer, who, moreover, is formally married, did not think about marriage, that he could simply disgrace the girl, Natasha's feelings were not important to him. And she was sincere in her illusory love. Only miraculously, the escape did not take place: Marya Dmitrievna prevented the girl from leaving the family. Later, realizing her mistake, Natasha repents, cries, but the past cannot be returned back. Prince Andrei will not be able to forgive his ex-bride for such a betrayal. This story teaches us a lot: first of all, it follows from it that one cannot be naive, one must be more attentive to people, not build illusions and try to be able to distinguish lies from truth.

Another example of the fact that the experience of other people is important for avoiding one's own mistakes can be the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The title itself hints at the moral of the whole work: there will be retribution for misconduct. And so it happens: Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, a poor student, comes up with a theory according to which people can be divided into "trembling creatures" and "having the right." People of the second category, in his opinion, in order to achieve great things, should not be afraid to step over corpses. For the sake of testing his own theory and instant enrichment, Raskolnikov commits a cruel crime - he kills an old pawnbroker and her pregnant sister with an ax. However, the perfect does not bring the desired: as a result of long reflections, which circumstances prompt him to, the protagonist of the novel repents and accepts a well-deserved punishment, serving him in hard labor. This story is instructive in that it warns readers against fatal mistakes that could have been avoided.

Conclusion: Thus, it is safe to say that experience and mistakes in people's lives are inextricably linked. And in order to prevent fatal false steps, it is worth relying on the wisdom of the past, including the instructive plots of literary works.

Arguments to the final essay 2017 on the work "Crime and Punishment"

Final essay 2017: arguments on the work "Crime and Punishment" for all directions

Honor and dishonor.


Literary example: Raskolnikov decides to commit a crime for the sake of his loved ones, driven by a thirst for revenge for all the destitute and poor people of that time. He is guided by a great idea - to help all the humiliated, destitute and desecrated by modern society. However, this desire is not realized quite noble. The solution to the problem of immorality and lawlessness was not found. Raskolnikov became a part of this world with its violations and dirt. HONOR: Sonya saved Raskolnikov from a mental breakdown. This is the most important thing for an author. You can get lost and confused. But getting on the right path is a matter of honor.

Victory and defeat.

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov, Sonya Marmeladova

Literary example: In the novel, Dostoevsky leaves victory not for the strong and proud Raskolnikov, but for Sonya, seeing in her the highest truth: suffering cleanses. Sonya professes moral ideals, which, from the point of view of the writer, are closest to the broad masses of the people: the ideals of humility, forgiveness, and humility. "Crime and Punishment" contains a profound truth about the unbearability of life in a capitalist society, where the Luzhins and Svidrigailovs win with their hypocrisy, meanness, selfishness, as well as the truth that causes not a feeling of hopelessness, but implacable hatred for the world of hypocrisy.

Mistakes and experience.

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov

Literary example: Raskolnikov's theory is anti-human in its essence. The hero reflects not so much on the possibility of murder as such, but on the relativity of moral laws; but does not take into account the fact that the "ordinary" is not capable of becoming a "superman". Thus, Rodion Raskolnikov becomes a victim of his own theory. The idea of ​​permissiveness leads to the destruction of the human personality or to the generation of monsters. The fallacy of the theory is exposed, which is the essence of the conflict in Dostoevsky's novel.

Mind and feelings.

Heroes: Rodion Raskolnikov

Literary example: Either an act is performed by a person guided by a feeling, or an act is performed under the influence of the character's mind. The actions committed by Raskolnikov are usually generous and noble, while under the influence of reason the hero commits a crime (Raskolnikov was influenced by a rational idea and wanted to test it in practice). Raskolnikov instinctively left the money on the Marmeladovs' windowsill, but later regretted it. The opposition of feelings and rational spheres is very important for the author, who understood personality as a combination of good and evil.

Many students make math and spelling mistakes every day. The main task of teachers is to teach children not to make these mistakes. The same goal is set by young parents. They help their child act in such a way that he does not create stupid situations. We need to think before doing anything, there is a very appropriate proverb "A smart person learns from the mistakes of other people." Many people make mistakes by accident, but there are also events where they can create huge problems for the one who made them. Such a problem was created for himself by the hero of the work of F.M. Dostoevsky Rodion Raskolnikov.

Rodion Raskolnikov is a young man living in poverty. He was kicked out of the university.

He may not eat for several days. Rodion tries to get away from this life, but he does not succeed. This young man constantly feels a sense of compassion. He can give his last money to people who, in his opinion, need it more.

Rodion had his own theory of crime. He mentally divided people into "ordinary" and "unusual". "Ordinary" were people who cannot commit crimes, and after that their conscience torments them and they tell and confess to committing these acts. And "unusual" are people who are "allowed" to commit these illegal acts. Their conscience does not torment them, and they continue to live on. Raskolnikov believed in his theory. He believed that these unusual people benefit society. He considered Napoleon as an ideal, who, in order to achieve his goals, brutally cracked down on people who interfered with him.

His theories became the main reason for the murder. Raskolnikov decided to check himself - is he an "unusual" person, is he capable of committing crimes after which he will not feel guilty. He chose as his victim a pawnbroker with whom he pledged things. But along with the chicken, he also killed her sister. For several days afterwards he was delirious. The crime took a toll on his health. He fell ill, but thanks to the care of his relatives, he quickly recovered. Raskolnikov realized that he was an ordinary person, his conscience was greatly tormented, he wanted to confess several times and wanted to commit suicide, but could not do it.

Sonya helped him solve this problem. She suggested that he come to the crossroads and roll, but he could not. Instead, he came to the investigator and confessed everything.

He was sent to hard labor, Sonya went with him. Raskolnikov became very ill and one night he had a dream that radically changed his life. He realized that there are no "unusual" and "ordinary" people, but only angels who can bring people back to a peaceful life. He realized that this angel was Sonya, who spent all her strength to save Rodion.

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in his work raised the problem of mistakes that a person makes. The worst mistake can be a crime. Raskolnikov committed a terrible crime, for which he suffered a severe punishment. Everyone needs to think a thousand times over their actions before they take them. There is an old proverb suitable for this topic: "If you make a mistake, you will remember it for the rest of your life."

According to many critics, Dostoevsky is a master of describing "sick souls". One of the most interesting characters of the writer is Rodion Raskolnikov. "Crime and Punishment" - a novel, of which he became a character, is full of conflicting feelings, human torment and the eternal search for oneself.

Philosophy of the hero of the work of Dostoevsky

What crime did Raskolnikov commit? As the story progresses, the protagonist becomes increasingly embittered because of his impotence to help people close to him. Depressed by his poverty, he decides to kill an old pawnbroker who profited from the people's misfortune. The reasons that prompted Raskolnikov to commit a crime lie not only in his poverty and helplessness. The protagonist longs for revenge for all the destitute and abused, for the suffering and humiliation of Marmeladova, for every person who has been brought to the brink of moral torment and poverty. Passionately believing in his theory, Rodion is outraged by the philosophy of the successful entrepreneur Luzhin, who sought to marry Raskolnikov's sister. Luzhin is on the side of "reasonable egoism." Petr Petrovich believes that, first of all, everyone needs to take care of themselves and their own well-being. And the more rich people there are in society, the richer society as a whole will become. According to Luzhin's philosophy, you need to take care of yourself only, not thinking about your neighbors. Speaking about why Raskolnikov committed the crime, it should be said precisely that Rodion, unlike Peter, "took care" of all people, striving for the good of the world. And in this case, he considered the murder he committed as a way to confirm his theory.

The meaning of killing the usurer

Analyzing why Raskolnikov committed the crime, it should be said that he is not an ordinary criminal. He commits the murder of a pawnbroker under the influence of a philosophy he created. That is, hunger and poverty are not the main reasons for Raskolnikov's crime. After committing the murder, he himself confirms this conclusion in his own words, saying that if he had killed him only because of a feeling of hunger, then he would have been happy from this. However, the protagonist reflects on the causes of the existing injustice and inequality. He comes to the conclusion that there is a rather sharp difference between the two categories of people. And while some humbly and silently submit to everything that life presents them, others - a few - "extraordinary" - are the true engine of human history. At the same time, the latter quite boldly and freely can violate moral principles, generally accepted norms, without stopping before the law in order to show humanity another way. Contemporaries hate such people, but descendants take them for heroes. Raskolnikov considered this whole idea very carefully and even stated his idea a year before the murder in a newspaper article.

Crime as a challenge to society

Speaking about why Raskolnikov committed the crime, one should note his constant desire to oppose himself to "ordinary" people, whom, in his opinion, are the majority in society. By his actions, Rodion challenges the conditions in which the suppression of the human personality takes place and is clearly felt. But at the same time, after committing the atrocity, the hero realizes that his philosophy only contributes to the strengthening of inhumanity. His protest is contradictory - speaking out against inequality and subordination, Raskolnikov in his idea assumes, again, the right of some people to dictate their will to others. And here again it turns out that the majority becomes a "passive object". It is this contradiction that constitutes the tragic error that underlies the hero's behavior. In the course of events, the character becomes convinced from his own experience that his rebellion, directed against inhumanity, is itself inhuman in nature, leading to the moral death of the individual.

The attitude of the hero to life after the atrocity

Raskolnikov manages to commit a crime. But the murder leads to a different result from what he expected. When discussing why Raskolnikov committed a crime, it should be remembered that he was primarily driven by the desire to realize his idea. But the morality of "unusual" people for Rodion turned out to be incomprehensible. And after the murder of the pawnbroker, the main character begins to see true morality and beauty not in those who are higher, but in people like Sonechka Marmeladova, who are able to maintain morality in unbearable conditions. Such people, enduring humiliation and hunger, still retain faith in life and love.

Causes of Raskolnikov's crime

At first, Rodion is calm about his successful murder. He believed that he was doing the only right way. The hero is confident in his exclusivity and originality. He believes that there is nothing "such" in the murder of a pawnbroker. After all, in his opinion, he managed to destroy only one "louse of all, the most useless." But gradually, analyzing his actions, he gives various explanations. So, for example, he says that he "wanted to become Napoleon", was embittered, insane, sought to help his mother, longed to assert his own personality, rebelled against everything and everyone. As a result, the hero is tormented by remorse. He understands that he has violated the moral law. Raskolnikov sees the cause of evil in human nature itself. At the same time, he considers the law that allows the "powerful of the world" to commit inhuman acts to be eternal.


Dostoevsky himself opposed violence. With his work, the author argues with revolutionaries who are set on the only way to achieve happiness for a Russian person - a violation of moral principles. It seems to the main character that he is responsible for his actions only to himself, and the court of others is indifferent to him. In the course of the story, the author brings the character to an understanding of the most important truths. They lie in the fact that pride is evil, the laws of life should not obey the idea of ​​one person, and people should not be judged, and even more so, their life should not be taken away.

A person makes many mistakes throughout his life, sometimes without noticing it himself. But by reflecting, we turn them into experience, albeit sometimes bitter. Yes, the tuition fee is too high, but one cannot bargain with life, it does not accept everyday petty-bourgeois calculations. We all make mistakes, and this is natural and inevitable. It must be understood that human nature is not ideal, and experience is indeed the best teacher and helps to correct it.

Many writers have also thought about this topic. For example, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in the novel "Crime and Punishment" touched upon the problem of experience and mistakes. The protagonist of the work, Rodion Raskolnikov, having killed the old pawnbroker and her pregnant sister, is much more aware that he made the biggest mistake of his whole life. He understands how wrong his beliefs, his theory, were. Rodion confesses to his deed, realizing at the same time that he is the most ordinary person, and not the arbiter of fate or a louse. At the same time, he receives invaluable life experience, the price for which turned out to be so high. The author does not directly state whether Raskolnikov repented, but an astute reader sees a bible in a prisoner sentenced to hard labor. This means that the hero turned to God and abandoned theories that could be harmful in practice.

Another example can be given. Also, an irreparable mistake was made by Nastya, the main character of the story by K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram". The girl left her elderly mother all alone. Katerina Ivanovna was very lonely and ill. For three years the daughter did not visit the poor old woman. Of course, Nastya loved her mother very much, but the work did not let her go. Therefore, Ekaterina Petrovna tried once again not to disturb Nastya, sending her letters very rarely. But the vitality left her and age took its toll. I don’t even know what served this more: old age or longing for my only daughter? Then the elderly woman wrote a letter to her, feeling that she would not survive the winter. But the daughter was too busy. When Nastya received a letter from her neighbor that Katerina Petrovna was dying, she realized that she had no one else in her life. And at the same moment he leaves for the station. But having arrived in the village, Nastya realizes that it is already too late. Katerina Petrovna never saw her only loved one before her death. Nastya did not have the relevant experience. She apparently never lost a loved one until now. How could she, young and full of strength, know that her mother's life is so fleeting. All she has left is a longing for the dearest person and an endless sense of guilt in front of him. All these complex emotions formed the basis of her life experience. She will not make such a mistake again and will save her relatives, giving her work its due, but not forgetting about the family - the only real value of a person.

Sometimes a person needs to go through many trials, make many mistakes in order to gain experience that will allow him to cleanse himself and become better, smarter and kinder. It is no coincidence that mature people give preference not to a career, but to family values, not to appearance, but to essence, not to ambitions, but to dreams, moreover, the dreams of close and dear people.

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