Why does the bat have no children. “I fell face down on the tiled floor in the bathroom.”


Elena Letuchaya burst into the media space swiftly, and seemingly from nowhere. The Revizorro program on the Friday channel, which exposes unscrupulous restaurateurs and hoteliers, made a splash on Russian television.

In the format of a sharp, sometimes on the verge of a foul reality show, Elena Letuchaya was in her place. Beautiful, bright, educated, strict, bold and tough - the audience immediately fell in love with her.

No time to fall in love

Oddly enough, they didn’t gossip much about the personal life of the TV presenter. A single woman, who is over 35 years old, always causes bewilderment of the public. But here it seemed like it was clear - what kind of husbands, children? She is at home five days a year.

Look, today she is in Yekaterinburg, tomorrow in Sochi, and the day after tomorrow in Arkhangelsk. Dangles around the country like Putin.

Indeed, Flying to all questions about her personal life invariably answered that she had no time, and she did not like to twist novels. Almost nothing is known about her past relationships., most likely because the peak of popularity came in recent years, and before Elena Letuchaya was not famous.

Elena says that she had a relationship, from 20 to 25 years old she lived with her boyfriend. But then, according to her own statement, she was not at all ready for family life, she almost ran away to her mother.

Wait for your man

As for today, Elena is married, and says that she met the man of her dreams. Being a strong woman, she also needs a strong man, and there are few of them. But found. “He is very strong,” Flying admits, “I am such a ... sheep next to him.”

Yuri Anashenkov is a lawyer, the owner of a collection company. He was born in Moscow in 1977. In 1999 he graduated from the Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He served in the system of Internal Affairs, received the rank of major. He held the position of personnel inspector in the Department of Internal Affairs for the Eastern District of Moscow.

Later he left the authorities to engage in entrepreneurial activities. Yuri had two civil marriages. With Evgenia Zaichenko, Anashenkov had a son.

With his second common-law wife, art critic Hasmik Vaye Reytor, Yuri lived for six years. In this relationship, he had two sons.

Interesting Notes:

According to Elena, Yuri is a wonderful father, he helps both ex-wives. Rumors that Elena took Yuri away from Asmik, Letuchaya denies - he was already free, and his ex-common-law wife found another man, everyone is happy.

Yuri made an official marriage proposal only to Flying. They were vacationing at a ski resort. February 14 climbed into the mountains, he got down on one knee and held out a box with a ring. "And what, the wedding will be?" Elena was surprised. "Of course," Yuri replied.

The lovers played their wedding on the island of Santorini, celebrated quietly, in the circle of relatives and closest people.

The family lives in a 250-meter cottage in an elite village near Moscow.

The luxury of being weak

Elena says that with the advent of Yuri in her life, for the first time in many years, she allowed herself to feel weak. Husband is a real man's shoulder, stone wall. As a lawyer, he handles all of the Flying's legal affairs. In particular, he advised her when the contract with the Friday channel was terminated.

Elena Letuchaya switched to Channel One in order to engage in social journalism. Now she walks not in commercial establishments, but in terrible hospitals, dilapidated houses, having turned from a restaurateurs' nightmare into a round-the-clock nightmare of officials.

This is exactly the work that Volatile has always wanted to do. The break with the Pyatnitsa TV channel turned out to be painful - under the contract, she was obliged to pay 50% of all fees received on the main button of the country.

However, the winner of the award of the Russian TV Academy "Teffi" does not regret it at all.

Leaving Friday and the Revizorro program allowed her to devote more time to her beloved husband and home.

The sons of Yuri often come to visit them, Letuchaya also thinks about children.

Both spouses are passionate about extreme sports - skiing, horseback riding, longboarding. They travel a lot, photos from different places of the world periodically appear in Elena's microblog.

They are different in character - Elena is explosive, and Yuri is calm. At the same time, they practically do not quarrel, Flying manages to negotiate.

Once Yuri was asked by Elena's girlfriend how he copes with her character. To this he replied: "I like that Lena has a character, and I like that she never applies this character to me."

Today, Elena Letuchaya leads an active creative life. Her program on Channel One "Flying Squad" continues to reveal problems in the social infrastructure of different cities. Produced the Lexicon project for children and their parents. Preparing to release a new television project for those who dream of working on television.

In all endeavors, she is supported by a faithful and reliable husband.

Joint photos of a happy couple

about health problems and for the first time in a conversation with reporters, she touched on the topic of children, which she does not yet have. So, Flying said that on the TV channel "Friday" she literally worked for wear and tear:

I filmed the Revizorro program with a team of five people. They were in the same boat with me: we fought for the project to be honest, socially significant and help people. When I didn't know how to rate a restaurant, we sat down and decided together. We didn't think about ratings and numbers. I lived the project at 105%. This was the secret of success. You can’t play - this is life, I didn’t work according to the script, - Elena said.

But Flying filmed the Moscow season with another team, which is now working with Nastasya Samburskaya's program. And Flying did not like this new team.

This team is currently working with Nastasya Samburskaya. I refused to shoot the Moscow "Revizorro" precisely because I personally found out several times that information was leaking about which institutions we were going to. She had absolutely no control over it. Therefore, I have doubts about the veracity of how this team will work, the TV presenter added.

That's just to predict the fate of the updated thanks to the Sambur program Flying will not undertake, especially since they are not familiar with Nastasya.

For my part, I wish them success. If they don't take money, shoot honestly, don't set anyone up, then the program will remain socially significant and useful to people. I will only be happy about it. Believe me. I worked at Revizorro for four years: at the cost of my own health, together with the team, I made the program interesting and useful for people. If Nastasya Samburskaya fights for the rights of people at the cost of her time, then she will succeed, - the journalist believes.

Elena admitted that she finally managed to settle. She went to Channel One specifically to "do something useful." And on "Friday" she was not given the opportunity to host a new show, as she did not ask.

Satisfied with my decision. On Friday, the channel manager saw me only as the host of Revizorro. They didn’t give me a new project, and six months before leaving the channel, I only received threats if I refused to star in promotional videos for other programs, ”Flying complained.

The journalist also said that she left Revizorro for health reasons. For several years she worked in the program without days off.

I suffered from my hyper-responsibility and workaholism! I worked for three and a half years without days off. Readers will not believe: how is it without days off?! Yes, in the truest sense of the word - without days off. I made 6-7 flights a week, then returned to Moscow - I slept for a day, and then ran again to the shooting, to meetings, somewhere else, - the TV presenter said. - I came to Revizorro as a very healthy person, so I started vehemently: I worked a lot, I flew a lot. I could not sleep for two days. Often the departure was at 5 am, that is, you had to leave the house at 2 am. We arrived at 8 am, after 2 hours I was at the shooting. After a while, problems began: headaches, because of which I could not sleep. Then doctors banned frequent flights for the first time.


Once we had an event planned for the sponsors of the Friday channel. I led him with Pasha Volya. On the morning of that day, I passed out in the bathroom, falling on the tile on my face from the height of my height. I hit my chin - the doctors diagnosed a severe concussion and a deep dissection of the chin. Thank God, my husband was at home - he helped, and we went to the surgeon. They sewed me for 40 minutes: as a result, a huge scar, dizzy. But I'm going! Because I promised, because they won’t find a replacement for me, ”she said. - The make-up artist then hid the scar, but every time I smiled on stage, blood flowed from it ... Having introduced the artist, I went backstage, where they corrected my makeup. At home that evening I fell ill, then it took a long time to recover. But she might as well not have gone.

Elena to fully work in the Flying Squad program on Channel One. The first issue, and already at the end of December, the program was closed - the doctors again banned the woman from flights, without which the creation of the program is impossible.

I will clarify that I was forbidden to fly often. In order for the “Flying Squad” to come out, it is necessary to fly at least four times a week, constantly live on an airplane and sleep little, the woman said. - Everyone saw how hard it was for me to work the last month. We shot five programs, the last one was done at the limit of my strength. I want to say a huge thank you to the staff of Channel One, who tried to find a compromise: put me in the studio, and send correspondents to the regions. But this seemed insufficiently convincing to everyone, and to me in particular.

According to Flying, they decided to suspend the program, and now they are thinking with the producers of Channel One on another project in which Elena could work while staying in Moscow. Elena needs peace also because she plans to become a mother: in August 2016, she married businessman and lawyer Yuri Anashenkov. Before that, they met for two years.

Until the age of 30, she did not think about the child, because she was not emotionally ready for his appearance. To the question: “Lena, when will you give birth to children?” always answered: “It will happen when I meet the person I love and we have a family. I want my children to have both a mother and a father.” When asked: “And if you don’t meet such a person?” I confidently answered: "Then I will not give birth." I never wanted to give birth for myself. Giving birth in order to later save the child for parents is not my option. For the first time in my life, I thought about children at the age of 35. Having met Yura, she realized: now she is ready to become a mother. I am sure that when you are ready emotionally, then motherhood goes differently, and you treat your child differently. I hope that everything will work out for me, - said the Flying.

Elena Alexandrovna Letuchaya. She was born on December 5, 1978 in Yaroslavl. Russian TV journalist, TV presenter, producer and director.

She became widely known thanks to the Revizorro program on the Friday! TV channel.

She graduated from the School of Television and Radio Broadcasting "MITRO", where she later headed the "Workshop of Elena Letuchaya" of the Faculty of Journalism of MITRO.

In 2015, she was included in the list of the sexiest women in Russia according to Maxim magazine, taking 91st place.

She is constantly asked a question about her surname - is it a stage name? But in fact, Flying is her real surname, received from her father.

Elena herself says that she never considered her surname to be any unusual and extravagant.

Elena Flying - biography, personal life, career

Father - Alexander Nikolaevich Flying.

Mother - Lyudmila Alexandrovna Letuchaya.

"I grew up in love, was a wanted child", Elena says. The whole family took part in her upbringing - from parents to grandmothers.

According to Elena, mom was a strict policeman, and dad was kind: “Mom immediately said to any of my questions: “No!”, And dad winked: “Do it, do it, but only in a quiet way. And don’t tell anyone.”.

One grandmother lived with her in Nizhny Novgorod, and another in St. Petersburg. She visited them regularly. Her paternal grandmother taught her to enjoy simple things: ""Look how beautiful the leaves on the tree are," she said. "Feel how the sun shines warmly, close your eyes and enjoy"", Elena said. Whereas mama taught "responsibility, sober thinking and uncompromising".

She is grateful to her parents for being very active in her childhood. She studied at an art school, dad got two-week subscriptions to the Hermitage (which were then sold only to foreigners). "I was taken to houses where poets used to live. In St. Petersburg, my mother and I often went to plein air, I painted, and she sat next to me"- recalled Flying.

She grew up as a restless child: "I jumped with the boys around the garages, earned abrasions and scars". Her parents sent her to dance, then she studied at a figure skating school and, as the reners said, showed great promise.

However, then the family moved to the Far East, and she had to forget about skates.

In 1985, together with her parents, she moved to Tynda, who worked there on the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.

While studying at school, which she graduated in 1997, she was engaged in dancing and figure skating, and also studied drawing at an art school.

She dreamed of leaving for St. Petersburg and becoming an architect, but it did not work out. Her parents chose her profession - they assigned her to a prestigious financial and economic college, from which she graduated with a degree in finance. "A serious institution, there was almost a military regime there. And graduates were immediately taken to the third year of the Khabarovsk Financial Academy", Elena said.

Returning to Yaroslavl, she worked at the Russian Railways, later, in Moscow, she studied as an economist: she worked as a financier for 4 years in the companies of Gazprom Gazenergoset OJSC, then for 5 years in the Russian Railways company.

In 1999, Elena Letuchaya graduated from the Blagoveshchensk College of Finance and Economics with a degree in corporate finance.

In 2005 she graduated from the Russian State Open Technical University of Railways with a degree in Economics.

She grew up the career ladder, however "I realized that I don't like my job at all". And then she decided to change her life - in 2007 she entered the Ostankino Television School.

In 2010 she graduated from the Ostankino Television School, having completed her first video, which was dedicated to blood donors. At the same time, she worked as an editor in the news room of VGTRK Vesti, training and preparing for live broadcasts of a TV presenter of economic news on a TV channel. At the same time, she filmed stories for the Stolitsa TV channel.

"Despite the fact that I studied as a presenter, I was interested in production, directing, staging. I still produce documentaries, I have my own team, and I always get into the work of directors and cameramen. If I have time, then I would definitely go to VGIK to study as a director", - says Flying.

In 2009-2010 she worked on the Global Star TV channel. Author of the programs "ART life" and "Territory of men".

In 2011, she became the editor and producer of the Channel One Special Projects Studio, which produces the talk shows “Let them talk”, “Tonight”.

In September - December 2012 - the producer of "Onion Heads", was engaged in the production of television programs for MTV.

In July-September 2013, she worked at the Yellow, Black and White company as a producer of the TV series Kitchen. She was the producer of the series for two seasons. He is also the producer of the sequel Kitchen in Paris.

She was the producer of the show "Holidays in Mexico".

In July - August 2013, she was a producer on TV3, was engaged in the production of documentaries "High-profile cases".

From February 2014 to March 2016 - host of the program "Revizorro" on Friday TV.

Elena Flying in the program "Revizorro"

The program was not only interesting, but also dangerous - there were often excesses, manifestations of aggression on the part of those who were satisfied with the audit by the group of Elena Letuchaya.

However, the girl declares that she knows how to control herself: “Of course, people get into a fight, argue, shout. But it’s very difficult to piss me off. The only time I really took the situation very close to my heart, it happened right in Anapa. a lot of people. I, like an iron lady, commented on the situation. But as soon as we started writing a statement to the police, I became hysterical. The doctors had to give me a sedative. After that situation, I recovered for a very long time. I was cured by loneliness, books and yoga. And the best antidepressant is equestrian sport..

Elena Volatile - a fight in Salekhard

In 2016, Elena starred in a cameo in an episode of the movie "Friday!". In 2017, Elena Letuchaya played herself in the Russian adaptation of the cult American sitcom Two Broke Girls.

Dubbed Julia Stiles (the heroine from the film Jane) in the film "Worse than a lie." In April 2017, Elena Letuchaya dubbed the character Natalie Digest in the cartoon "Cars 3", which premiered in Russia on June 15, 2017.

She was a producer of documentaries about the series "Kitchen" and "Ship".

July 10, 2015 acted as the host of the sixth annual award "Consumer Rights and Service Quality".

January 27, 2016 headed "Workshop of Elena Letuchaya" at the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino" (MITRO).

Since February 2016 - co-host of the Revizorro-show program.

On June 28, 2016, she received two TEFI awards for the Revizorro program in the Journalistic Investigation nomination and the Revizorro Show program in the Evening Talk Show nomination.

In September 2016, she became a guest celebrity editor for Hello! magazine.

On November 28, 2016, she opened her own online store, at the request of her fans, under the name "Flying Store" in honor of her return to the Revizorro project as a host.

Since March 2017 - producer of the project for children and their smart parents "The Magician Lexicon". The project serves the purpose of preserving the Russian cultural heritage and the psychological health of children, thanks to its focus on the development of native speech and the ability to use it. The project publishes books, audio books, audio plays, animated films, mobile games, magic boxes, various educational and gaming products, and also organizes events for children.

In July 2017, Elena Letuchaya joined the Supervisory Board of Roskachestvo from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

On October 30, 2017, it became known that Elena would switch from the Friday! on "Channel One", where about checks in social institutions - schools and hospitals.

Elena Flying in the Evening Urgant program

The growth of Elena the Flying: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Elena Flying:

About herself, she says that she is not subject to social rules. And she never aspired - like many girls - to jump out in marriage.

According to Volatile, she was proposed three times: at 23, at 24 and at 26. But she believes that she would hardly have become a good wife then, so the family would not have existed for a long time. “At that moment, I was not ready, I was looking for myself. Everything was interesting to me, I was striving forward. And my chosen one needed a homely wife who would cook borscht and give birth to 500 children for him”, she said.

Only at the age of 37 did she first say "Yes" to her chosen one - Yuri Anashenkov. He proposed to her on Valentine's Day February 14, 2016.

Previously, she got engaged to Anashenkov after a year and a half romance. For the sake of Flying, Yuri left his common-law wife Asmik Vaye Reytor, with whom he had been in a relationship for 6 years and raised two children.

Elena Letuchaya and Yuri Anashenkov

"He is a real man, he is very kind, he makes decisions. He takes on this responsibility. With him I can feel like a woman, and a woman should not take on this responsibility. He has a good heart, he loves his children and is very "He takes care of them. He takes care of me. He makes me happy! I think that's the most important thing.", - Elena explained her choice.

According to her, she and Yuri had love at first sight, the TV presenter decided on an official marriage and thought about motherhood.

Filmography of Elena Letuchaya:

2010 - Moscow. Central district-3 - editorial staff of the magazine
2016 - Friday - cameo

Lena Letuchaya is a well-known Russian journalist, TV presenter, producer and director. A wide audience is known as the host of the program "Revizorro", aired on the federal TV channel "Friday!". Producer of the first two seasons of the popular series "Kitchen". She worked in the studio of special projects of Channel One. Before joining Revizorro, she took part in several documentary projects. Since 2016, he has been the head of the workshop at the MITRO broadcasting school.

All photos 10

Biography of Lena Flying

Lena Letuchaya was born on December 5, 1978 in Yaroslavl, where she spent her early childhood. Her father, Alexander Nikolaevich, is a civil engineer by profession, in 1985 he went to the construction of the BAM. So, a distant and unfamiliar Siberia appeared in the life of a first-grader Lena. The girl quickly got used to the new place and was one of those who are called activists. She studied well, was engaged in dancing and figure skating, while developing her creative skills at an art school. Elena saw her vocation in architecture and dreamed of leaving to study in the Northern capital.

But after receiving a certificate, Lena Letuchaya enters the Blagoveshchensk Financial and Economic College, which she successfully graduated in 1999. After that, she decided to return to her native Yaroslavl. Here, the future star entered MGUPS, at the same time getting a job on the railway in the Passenger Service Directorate. Having received a university diploma, the girl finds a job in the Gazenergoset company. However, after working there for several years, she finally realized that she was doing something completely different from her own. As the TV presenter said, she felt that "life is passing by."

In 2008, Elena takes a decisive step and enters the MITRO Television School, which she successfully graduated with a degree in television and radio host. Brilliantly filming a graduation TV report about the problems of donors, she was once again convinced that she was on the right track. But without the necessary connections and acquaintances, it was not easy to break into television screens, so for about a year Flying makes great efforts to be able to reveal her talent.

Elena received her first television experience in the Vesti program, helping to prepare an economic news block for broadcast. In parallel with this, she filmed TV spots for the Stolitsa channel. Then, during the year, she was the host of author's projects on the Global Star TV channel.

Lena Flying knew her finest hour after joining the Revizorro program. She got there after winning the casting arranged by the leadership of the channel. He really liked how the future presenter checked one of the capital's restaurants. In February 2014, she was offered to broadcast, the format of which was bought from the Ukrainian New Channel. Having traveled to many cities of the country for two years, Lena became even more convinced of the important social purpose of the program. Many owners of hotels and catering establishments have already realized what losses anti-advertising from a popular program can cost, so they are trying to improve the quality of their services. This is the mission of this TV project, Flying is convinced.

Not all fans of the star presenter are aware of other aspects of her creative career. For two seasons, Elena was the producer of "Kitchen", its sequel "Kitchen in Paris" and a documentary about the series. Also, since 2011, she has worked as an editor and producer on Channel One.

Today, Elena lives in a frantic pace, in which there is little time for relatives and friends. Frequent business trips, irregular working hours, as well as a complete lack of time for rest do not affect the appearance of the beauty. Volatile, as always, slender and elegant, to the envy of women and to the delight of men. It is no coincidence that in 2015 Maxim magazine included her among the sexiest Russian women.

She confesses her love for skiing and loves any extreme. The TV presenter regularly practices yoga and enjoys horseback riding. Despite the chronic lack of time, Elena cooks herself in her spare time and, when the opportunity arises, tries to learn from more sophisticated colleagues Yu. Vysotskaya and N. Belotserkovskaya. Among her favorite dishes is the branded Oriental cake, which she tries to pamper her friends with.

At the beginning of 2016, it became known that the permanent host of Revizorro was leaving the popular project. Rather, she acted in a new capacity - as a producer. But it did not last long - in the autumn of the same year, the Friday! announced that Letuchaya would host the show again. But in the new format, Revizorro, led by Lena, will check only metropolitan establishments.

Personal life of Lena Flying

It is known that even before joining Revizorro, Flying had a boyfriend with whom they lived in a civil marriage for 5 years. But then the relationship outlived itself, and the young people parted quite peacefully, remaining on good terms.

According to her, in her personal life everything happens very logically. At the age of 25, it was still too early to marry, as she felt that she would not yet be able to become a good wife and mother. Until the age of 30, the TV presenter made a career and family relationships simply did not reach her hands. At 35, she realized her readiness for family life and even clearly understands what kind of man she needs.

Elena does not hide the fact that she never tried to get married at any cost and treats the stamp in her passport without any reverence. In 2016, on her page in one of the social networks, she happily announced her engagement. The famous restaurateur Yuri Anashenkov turned out to be the chosen one of the TV personality, who left his common-law wife for the sake of a new relationship. The couple got married in August.

The 37-year-old TV presenter and Yuri Anashenkov decided to run away from everyone and have a romantic wedding ceremony. And they chose the Greek island of Santorini, which is one of the most romantic islands in the world, for the celebration. The wedding itself was modest, the bride and groom invited only the closest people to the ceremony. But the incredibly beautiful view of the sea and a luxurious wedding dress from Vera Wang fully compensated for the lack of splendor and pomposity.

However, Lena compensated for the lack of splendor of the wedding ceremony with an expensive bachelorette party: it took place in the presidential suite of the Lotte Hotel. The cost of apartments, as you might guess, is simply breathtaking - 600 thousand rubles per day!

Lena assures that she is very lucky to meet a man who looks with her in the same direction.

“We are like yin and yang. Similar in many ways. First of all, we have the same position in life. Yura is very responsible, unusually kind, and, most importantly, I feel like a woman with him. It seems to be so elementary, but I communicate with my friends and understand that men have ceased to take responsibility, and women have ceased to feel like women next to them, the star confessed. - And I feel weak next to Yura. Beloved. And, in turn, I want to give to him. This is not a story of those: you owe me, you owe me. We are very good together. We take care of each other. That's what this story is about. And then someone writes that he is an oligarch. What nonsense. It really doesn't matter what he does."

The couple spent their honeymoon in the Maldives. Lena and Yuriy surfed, yoga, sunbathed, cycled and swam with manta rays.

Some love her, others hate her. Someone is impressed by the rigidity and uncompromising nature of the host of the Revizorrro show, and someone in the heat of anger will call her an arrogant bitch. the site decided to figure out what Elena Letuchaya really is. We also tried to find out how one of the most controversial projects in the country is filmed, why the TV presenter no longer eats in restaurants, and whether the 36-year-old blonde is ready for family and children.

“Thunderstorm of restaurateurs and hoteliers” - this is how Elena Letuchaya, the host of the Revizorro show on the Friday! TV channel, is now called. The slender and strict blonde justifies her middle name by 100%.

For those who are not yet familiar with the new star of domestic television, we tell: Flying, taking operators on the road, travels around the cities of our vast Motherland and checks the quality of service in restaurants, cafes and hotels.

Along the way, he brings to light their especially tight-fisted and unscrupulous owners, restoring social justice. Flying (this, by the way, is the real name of the infamous TV presenter) has many fans and enemies.

For example, at the end of May, a photo of a printed e-mail that came to the mail of one institution was published on the social network Facebook. The person who introduced himself as the producer of the show "Revizorro" informed the recipient that soon the film crew, led by Elena Letuchaya, would come to the institution with a check.

The sender of the letter also warned the owner of the cafe that “cooperation will increase the rating of the enterprise. ANTI collaboration is a cruel mistake.” The issue price is 100 thousand rubles. They were asked to respond by email.

Interestingly, the postal address from which the letter was sent is not the official address of the representatives of the program (you can see a screenshot of the letter in our photo gallery - site note).

However, in the world of television, there are cases when really dishonest people became linear producers, whose activities the management could not even guess ... We began an interview with Elena Letuchaya by discussing this situation.

website: Elena, you probably remember what a scandal happened on the Internet because of a letter from a person who introduced himself as the producer of the Revizorro show, some viewers believed it ...

I have already commented on this situation on my Facebook and I will repeat it again: the Friday! already filed an application with the prosecutor's office demanding to find this swindler. It's clear that this is a scammer! You understand that when our show reveals the hard truth about some establishments, the managers do not like it, and they try to slander us in any way.

website: On the other hand, in journalism there is the concept of "jeans" - custom-made material, when they pay not only for advertising themselves, but also for anti-advertising of a competitor. And such cases on our television are not uncommon.

E. L.: There is no need to compare any other programs with Revizorro. We don't just have a show. I travel around the country in order to get real results. For a year and a half, our entire team, including myself, has been doing everything to earn a name for itself. And you should understand how important a good reputation is to us.

“I know for sure that our line producers, cameramen, editors - everyone who works for us, would never allow themselves such a trick and would not get involved with money. Our conscience is clear."

But some managers who earn money by saving on staff, on quality products and not monitoring the state of their institution will not be at all helpful if I come to their city and show the audience the whole horrific reality. So, of course, it's easier to spread the rumor that we charge money for good stories.

E. L.: Often. Every fourth.

E. L.: I immediately stop any conversations on this topic and do not even bring it up to the moment when they announce the fee to me. Any manager who knows me personally will honestly tell you that I am a very principled person.

And if ever there was a question about whether it would be good to reshoot or delete something, I always state that this is impossible. Everything that we shoot with our team, we show on the air, no matter how dangerous it is and no matter who patronizes this restaurant or hotel.

? Line producer or you personally?

E. L.: Where we come with a check is decided not by the line producer and not by me, but by the people. On the website of the TV channel "Friday!" in the section of our program there is a “Book of Complaints”, where people write - locals, travelers or those who often go on business trips. Usually they complain.

“After we receive a huge amount of feedback, the editorial team “monitors” the Internet space not only on our site, but also on some well-known travel portals.”

Based on all of the above, we select the establishments that we will check. As a rule, we try to visit places where there is a difference in the quality of service: expensive restaurants, burgers, pizzerias, sushi bars, chain establishments. Recently, we began to check student canteens - we are slowly retreating to the social sphere as well.

Who first enters the selected institution, checks the light, for example, so that the camera can shoot a clear picture?

E. L.: I will not disclose the technology of filming itself, this is classified information.

? What is secret about what you do?

E. L.: You understand that if I tell you everything now, it will be wrong. After all, the Revizorro show does not end, we continue to travel around the country with checks.

“I can only confirm the hunches of especially attentive viewers that any institution I go to is checked in advance.”

In a restaurant, I always know exactly where the kitchen is. And where I got this information, I will not comment. I will outline some points in stages: as soon as I get out of the car, the operators turn on the cameras, and we immediately head to the institution. First of all, we check the kitchen. If I am satisfied with her condition, I try the food, and lastly we write down my eyeliners. (eyeliner - introductory text of the presenter in the show - approx. site).

“If I go to a restaurant with cameras and we start writing my text first, naturally, the restaurant staff will notice this and begin to hide traces of possible crimes.”

And I always show up unannounced. And everyone knows this. If it happens that I find myself in a small town, the restaurateur, whose establishment was in our plans, finds out about my arrival, and I receive information that his restaurant is preparing to be checked, we don’t go there. This is a fundamental position.

website: Recently, in an issue dedicated to Tyumen, in a conversation with the manager of a sushi bar, you dropped the phrase: “If nothing changes, you will not work.” It sounded provocative! On what basis could you say that? After all, "Revizorro" is not a public service, such as Rospotrebnadzor.

E. L.: I don't remember what you are talking about. And therefore I can’t comment on this phrase, but I can say one thing: on the website of the Friday TV channel there is a section called Revizorro in Action. Competent authorities are already following in the footsteps of our program and making appropriate decisions.

“At the moment, after our checks, a huge number of establishments have been fined or closed. It is a fact".

In one of the programs, I once said that now we will burn down the institution ... You understand that it was a joke, right? Do not take some phrases too seriously. I joke a lot on set.

website: It turns out that Revizorro also performs a certain punitive function?

E. L.: The program was created in order to improve the quality of services throughout the country. There are establishments that I encourage when I see that they work according to the rules. Well, if I see that a restaurant is preparing dishes from rotten products, we show this to a potential consumer. And I am glad that there is a corresponding reaction from the side of Rospotrebnadzor.

“According to the law, our broadcast on the air is sufficient reason for the competent authorities to come and recheck the establishment after watching it.”

website: Can it happen that one restaurant, having written a lot of negative reviews on the Revizorro website, will point your team, and then Rospotrebnadzor, to its competitors and push them to ruin?

E. L.: How can you push a good institution to ruin? If the chefs prepare dishes from fresh products and all the norms are observed, I can only advertise this establishment.

E. L.: Only in the matter of food samples. Everyone has different tastes, but I try to be objective. If the meat chews like a shoe, then it is unlikely that anyone will like it. As for everything else, for example, keeping the rooms clean, there is no middle ground: either dirty or clean.

E. L.: I am an optimist in life, I always gladly stick an approving recommendation from Revizorro on the door of the institution, hug and kiss the managers, praise them.

“If it suddenly turns out that the institution is bad, I get very upset.”

After all, I work for people, and I feel very bitter for those who visit this place and spend their money there, and the owner deceives them.

? You once mentioned that you no longer favor public catering ...

E. L.: Yes, I stopped eating in restaurants because I saw a lot of things: kitchens where elementary sanitary standards are not observed, cockroaches run around, dirt is everywhere, food with an expired shelf life in refrigerators ... To be honest, now I just don’t risk it. And I still love people.

. Do you live up to this image?

E. L.: When we were just filming the first releases of Revizorro, we were looking for an image: sometimes the producers asked to be softer, sometimes harder, but in the end we decided: “Lena, be who you are.” Besides, I'm not an actress.

“That Lena on the screen is me in life: friendly, sociable, non-aggressive, but very demanding.”

I believe that if a person takes up a job, then he must do it well. Or better yet, change jobs. I advise everyone: do what you like.

website: Are you at least sometimes not as sharp and independent as in the show?

E. L.: Of course, I'm a woman! My close friends think I'm a kitten. True, I can only relax with certain people from whom I do not need to defend myself, and in front of them I do not put on armor.

E. L.: We live in a society, so it's not surprising. Along with fame, both good and bad appeared in my life: they talk and write a lot about me, not always the truth.

“My parents are very worried. I calmly relate to public opinion, it’s much easier for me to live this way. ”

But all the same, I can relax only when I come to visit friends or my mother, because I feel: they love me. There they won’t deceive me or betray me, they’ll only pity and kiss me, and they’ll also feed me. (smiles). I can be myself there.

“Like any woman, I really love to cook for my beloved man, receive guests at home, set the table for a family dinner ... But I don’t show this side to the audience - it is for relatives and friends.”

On the screen, yes, I'm tough, because I really believe in my job. Are the managers afraid of me? Let them be afraid, if necessary, so that they can work better. When it comes to hotel or restaurant service, you need to understand that this area is closely related to finances and people receive money for their work. Some for some reason believe that they have the right to enrich themselves at the expense of others. That's why I appear - like Robin Hood.

E. L.: I do yoga, I love horses, I often go to the stables. All these activities bring peace and tranquility into my life. I like to spend time outside: rollerblading or taking my dog ​​and running with it. For me, happiness is in simple things.

Many fans are wondering if we will soon hear the news that the strict Revizorro host has become a happy wife and mother?

E. L.: In this regard, the European family model is probably closer to me. First you need to travel, fulfill yourself, absorb the taste of life, and then think about children, because this is forever. Now it has become fashionable to give birth for yourself, and then throw the kids at the parents, forgetting that children are a responsibility. I had a long relationship - five and six years. And they made me a marriage proposal, believe me.

“If a woman is 36 years old and she is not married, this does not mean that no one has ever offered her to marry. I just refused."

At 25, I thought that I was not ready to become a wife and mother, because at that time I would have become a bad wife and mother. I had other goals. Still, maybe the person next to him was not quite the same. In any case, everything should happen on time and consciously.

Only recently I began to feel that I would like to give birth to a child - female maturity has appeared, I guess. I look at future mothers and I can’t tear myself away, I understand that they are the most beautiful women in the world! Hope it happens to me soon too.

website: When you have a choice: family or career, what do you prefer?

E. L.: It's too early to guess anything. It is difficult to plan a family, the birth of children - even more so. But if we talk about the choice between work or family, then, of course, when such happiness happens, I will prefer the family. It's not even discussed.

“I won’t travel around the country with my stomach. You just need to be able to combine everything correctly. You don't have to be a housewife."

In general, I am sure that a woman is interesting to a man primarily as a person when she is passionate about something. As soon as a woman loses interest in what she loves, she begins to eat out the brain of her man. But the spouse must be respected, understood, supported.

“Personally, I never had the desire to jump out to marry a rich man and sit at home. I, like all girls, terribly love beautiful clothes. Of course, I want diamonds, a beautiful house, but this is not paramount.”

For me, human relationships are important. Finances, of course, are also important, but I myself earn, and no matter how much I earn, all the money is mine, I spend it as I see fit. And I always try not to depend on a man financially.

E. L.: Big. I grew up alone and always dreamed of a brother or sister, suffered that I had no one. I would like to have many children, but perhaps I have already missed this period of my female time ... I have great love for the children of men from previous marriages.

“I dream of becoming a mother of a charming daughter, I really hope and pray that I will be the best mother. I want at least three children.

It's so great when a big family gets together for the holidays!

E. L.: Yes, I even thought that if the circumstances were like that, I would adopt a child and not even one. If you can save a baby who was very unlucky at the beginning of his life, then why not do it? Many raise the question of genetics... Yes, it's a risk and you take it on yourself, but it's worth it. I could.

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