Why did Andrey Malakhov leave the program let them talk. Andrei Malakhov revealed the true reasons for leaving the first channel


A few months ago, the news about the departure of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One produced a bomb effect. Many wondered why the TV presenter at the peak of his career made such a decision, and even put forward their own versions about this. But now Andrei Malakhov himself commented on the situation.

Recall that in July this year it became known about the departure of Andrei Malakhov from Channel One.

Andrey Malakhov for the first time commented on his departure from Channel One. A popular journalist and TV presenter went to "Russia 1" and became the host of the program "Andrey Malakhov.

Live”, and then founded his own TV company “TV Hit”. Legends are already making up the reasons for his departure from Channel One, but first-hand information has finally appeared.

Presenter Andrey Malakhov gave an interview in which he explained in detail why he stopped working with Channel One. Since the showman moved to work on the Russia-1 channel, various versions have appeared in the press, according to which he could leave the First.

It was rumored that the reason was the imminent paternity of Malakhov, who wished to go on maternity leave to help his wife.

It was also suggested that the journalist wanted to produce a new show. Finally, Andrei Malakhov himself decided to clarify the issue of his dismissal.

As it turned out, the showman changed his place of work really because of a woman, but not at all because of his wife Natalya Shkuleva, who is in an interesting position. Changes in Malakhov's life occurred through the fault of the young editor.

As the TV presenter explained, before his dismissal, he had a conversation with the general director of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst. Andrei Malakhov wanted to be the producer of the talk show “Let them talk”, but he was only an intermediary, and the program itself, in his words, belongs to the country.

Together with Ernst, they planned to meet again and discuss the further development strategy of "First" and the role of Malakhov on this channel. However, the next meeting did not take place.


Malakhov said that he wrote a five-page letter to his leader Konstantin Lvovich Ernst, and then met with him:

“... We parted on the fact that we will once again think about where the channel is heading, how it might look in the future and about my role on this channel. The second time, unfortunately, we never met. When I was driving to this meeting, the girl editor who worked for me called and asked which entrance I would call in to set up the camera. And I didn’t want to meet under the cameras, so I didn’t get there ... I just went to a meeting. A suit, a tie, a haircut - and then the editor called and asked which entrance to put the camera in ... Young editors, you know, will kill everything in the world, this has long been clear: the whole world depends on them, on their idiocy and on their level of education ... "

Andrey Malakhov said that with Boris Korchevnikov, whom he replaced in a talk show on the Rossiya1 channel, he has "simple and comfortable communication." Boris's mother called Malakhov and said that she was happy that it was Andrei who took the place of her son.

The TEFI award found its hero, however, the hero did not want to take it.

The awarding of the program “Let them talk” with a television award happened after the dismissal of its permanent host Andrei Malakhov.

Since Andrei is already working on the Russia channel, Konstantin Ernst, the general director of Channel One, took the stage, took the TEFI figurine and assured everyone present that he would hand it over to Malakhov. However, Andrei refused to accept it, without explaining the reason for such a decision.

For a long time, the TV presenter did not comment on the event in any way and finally said in the author's column of his Star Hit publication that he was sincerely grateful to Ernst, but the award should be presented to the talk show producers Natalya Galkovich and Mikhail Sharonin.

Andrey Malakhov is a charming showman who devoted 25 years of his life (1992 - 2017) to working on Channel One. He was the host of the projects Good Morning, Malakhov + Malakhov, Let They Talk (formerly: Big Wash, Five Evenings), Lie Detector, hosted the Golden Gramophone, Eurovision, Minutes glory." In August 2017, Malakhov announced that he was leaving Channel One for Russia-1, where he was offered the position of the host of the live talk show.

In addition to his activities on TV, Malakhov is the editor-in-chief of the StarHit publication and teaches journalism at the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Andrey Malakhov was born on January 11, 1972 in the northern town of Apatity, where his father Nikolai Dmitrievich Malakhov, a geophysicist, was assigned. Mom, Lyudmila Nikolaevna Malakhova, devoted her life to raising children in kindergarten, for which she was awarded a medal.

“She turned the most ordinary day into a theatrical performance,” recalled the pupils of kindergarten No. 46.

Andrei became a “late” child - his mother was 30 years old at the time of birth. He inherited his appearance from his father, as well as stateliness and impulsiveness. By his example, Nikolai, who always bowed politely to women, brought up courtesy and delicacy in his son.

But Malakhov's inexhaustible internal energy is clearly from his mother. According to Malakhov, in childhood he was a cross between a nerd and a slob. He studied at school number 6 in the same class with Zhenya Rudin.

Andrei's first teacher, Lyudmila Ivanova, recalled that from childhood he was a surprisingly resourceful and intelligent child. So, once, instead of the traditional story “How I spent the summer,” Andrei went to the blackboard and sang the song “Summer, oh, summer!” in a thin voice! Alla Pugacheva, the idol of little Malakhov.

The boy was a social activist - he led the October detachment, then the pioneer link. In parallel with the school, Andrey Malakhov learned to play the violin at the Children's Music School No. 1.

“I immediately realized that I would not be Oistrakh, so I served my duty through my sleeves. At the music school, demonstration performances of children were constantly held at parent meetings. They always put me first on them, so that later, in the middle, I would not spoil the impression with my game. And then they began to put me as the leader of concerts, only so that I would not pick up an instrument. Even on posters they wrote my name in capital letters - Andrey Malakhov is leading the concert. I was happy".

After graduating from school with a silver medal, Andrei Malakhov entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and left in 1995 with a red diploma. In 1998, he entered the Faculty of Law of the Russian State University for the Humanities. Acquaintance with Russian television began with disappointment.

A woman came to their faculty looking for capable interns. There were many applicants, but they did not want to take Malakhov.

When it became known that the work consisted of nightly labors over the translation of CNN news, there were much fewer applicants.

Andrei was not afraid of difficulties, he agreed, but he still remembers those nights with a shudder. He sat until the morning with a dictionary, and then processed the news. The efforts were crowned with success - the chief editors liked Malakhov's work.

After graduating from university, Andrey Malakhov became a text editor for Teleutra (later Good Morning) at Ostankino. In 1996, when all the leading programs went on vacation, the management put Malakhov in place. For the next 5 years, Malakhov met Russians going to work every Friday from television screens.

In 2001, the talk show "Big Wash" was first aired by ORT, later renamed "Five Evenings", then - "Let them talk." The success of the project, which took American shows with Oprah Winfrey and Jerry Springer as a model, was phenomenal.

Every evening for an hour, Andrey Malakhov discussed topical issues with the guests of the studio: divorce and infidelity, family problems, prostitution and drug addiction. Both ordinary people and celebrities fell under the scope.

Soon Malakhov began to be called the face of Channel One. His "pro-American" style of conducting - intrigue, heating up the public - maintained constant tension and, as a result, the interest of the audience.

Malakhov and his program were loved and criticized, they were called both "a knife that reveals the ulcers of society", and "propaganda of chernukha" and "a free circus of freaks."

Andrey Malakhov was the host of "Let them talk" for 16 years. During this time, hundreds of ordinary and famous Russians visited his studio.

The audience sympathized with the beaten wife of Marat Basharov, watched Nikolai Baskov donate DNA, how children and parents who had not seen each other for decades were reunited, followed the development of the story with the raped Diana Shurygina, listened to the dramatic love story of Lindsay Lohan and Yegor Tarabasov, and resolved the issue of the adequacy of the relationship between Alexei Panin and his daughter.

In 2006, for about a month, Andrey was co-host of Gennady Malakhov in the Malakhov + Malakhov program on traditional medicine. However, the "younger" Malakhov could not fit the new show into his busy schedule and was forced to refuse.

First, Elena Proklova took his place, then Gennady Malakhov began to host the show under the new name "Malakhov +" alone.

In 2008, Malakhov, together with Masha Rasputina, participated in the second season of the Two Stars show, in which popular people perform hits from past years in a duet. "I raise my glass" by Philip Kirkorov in their performance was greeted by the audience with a bang.

By the way, it was very important for Malakhov to sing with Rasputina - he felt embarrassed for the incident when he did not warn the singer that not only her, but also her ex-husband Vladimir Ermakov was invited to the Let Them Talk studio.

Then the indignant Masha made a terrible scandal and for some time she and Andrei did not communicate. The duet in the show "Two Stars" was supposed to mark the final reconciliation. But from the first days of filming, Rasputina behaved boorishly with Andrei, and once beat him because he was half an hour late for filming.

In 2009, Malakhov, together with model Natalia Vodianova, hosted the Eurovision semi-final, which was held in Moscow at that time, then the opening ceremony of the final with Alsou.

The first true love of Andrei Malakhov was an opera singer from Sweden named Lisa, 14 years older than him.

They met at a time when the future presenter was a student at Moscow State University. For 7 years they lived together in Moscow, but the girl was very homesick and wanted to return to Stockholm, and Andrei did not want to hear about the move. On this basis, they parted, Lisa returned to Sweden. A few months later, Malakhov found out that she had thrown herself out of a window.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Malakhov remained a bachelor until the age of 38. He had many women: businesswoman Maria Kuzmina, actress Elena Korikova, millionaire Margarita Buryak, singer Anna Sedokova ... But he did not want to start a family with any of them. The yellow press began to speculate: is Malakhov really gay?

The wedding was played in June 2011 - a month earlier than planned. They say that the dates were changed after the hype about the upcoming celebration appeared in the media, so the lovers signed in an atmosphere of the strictest secrecy and did not invite star guests.

The wedding was played in the family circle, in the Palace of Versailles, where the rent of one hall costs at least 150 thousand euros. And the honeymoon night of Malakhov and Shkuleva took place in Le Meurice in Paris, one of the most expensive hotels in the world.

In 2017, Malakhov's fans found out that his wife was pregnant. The presenter stated that he intended to help her with raising a child and, in this regard, wants to take “maternity leave”. On November 17, Malakhov became a father for the first time.

The boy, who was born in an elite clinic in Lapino, was born quite large: 54 centimeters and 4 kilograms.

With the choice of a name, parents rush to steel: Malakhov called on the audience of "Live" to vote for the name of his first child. Two names became leaders: Nikolai (in honor of his grandfather) and Alexander (as Alexander Nevsky). The second option won.

Recently, rumors appeared in the media about the dismissal of Andrei Malakhov, who has been working there since 1992, from Channel One. According to Ruposters, the TV presenter decided to leave for the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. For more than 10 years he has been the host of one of the highest-rated shows in the country, Let They Speak, and for many Malakhov fans this news has become a sensation. However, neither Andrei himself nor the leadership of Channel One comment on these news in any way.


Nevertheless, new information appeared in the media. According to the BBC Russian Service, Andrey leaves for the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company due to the decision of the management of Channel One to add more political topics to the air of the Let They Speak program. As it turned out, in May of this year, Natalya Nikonova returned to the channel, who had previously worked on the Malakhov show, but left there and became the producer of the Live broadcast on Russia 1. It was after her return that the conflict began between the TV presenter and the channel's management.

Dmitry Borisov, Dmitry Shepelev

instagram.com/ddborisov/, instagram.com/dmitryshepelev/

“Nikonova returned to the First to shake up the socio-political bloc before the presidential elections.<…>When she arrived, everyone did not really understand what was happening. There was no conflict as such, but everyone tensed up. She also did "Live" on "Russia 1". And this is f***. The editors don’t want to do shit, ”said the source of the Russian Air Force Service.


The source also noted that so far no one has written a letter of resignation, but on the sidelines they are already discussing that the Evening News announcer Dmitry Borisov and Dmitry Shepelev, who recently began hosting a new show on the First "Actually", are trying to replace Malakhov. It is worth noting that none of them confirmed or denied this information.

I took it at the beginning of summer. And the contract with the employer ended on December 31, 2016 - and the TV presenter did not want to renew it. The fact that, Malakhov told the producer of the program "Let them talk" in a month.

“But somehow everyone didn’t believe it,” the TV presenter said in an interview with the Kommersant newspaper. - And on the first day of vacation I wrote Konstantin Ernst a letter that "I'm tired, I'm leaving."

Malakhov sent an official letter of resignation to the management of the Russian Post channel, since at that time he was not in Moscow. Alas, some people misunderstood this act of Andrei.

Andrei Malakhov said that his departure from Channel One had nothing to do with the transition to Russia 1. The TV presenter began to consider offers for a new job only after his story on the First had already been completed.

“I was even offered to host Dom-2. We decided it would be a good show if it were in the Seychelles. Then there was an offer from a new large project at STS. The reaction of colleagues was interesting. I called Vadim Takmenev (chief editor of NTV infotainment programs) on the second day after applying, we talked about television life, and he could not believe in my departure, ”says Malakhov. - But when you act with an incredible corset all over the country, which, let's be honest, won the last TV season, and you are invited, realizing that you are clearly not a fool in television, then you feel respect and understand that here you are no longer a boy who does coffee".

On "Russia 1" Malakhov will not only be the host of "Live", but also the producer of the program:

“My wife calls me boss baby. It is clear that television is a team story, but the final word is with the producer.”

Andrey Malakhov named the main reasons for his transition to a new job:

« This is a series of different events in life. I came to Ostankino as a student for an internship and stood for three hours waiting for my pass. I was fascinated by this big world and started by running for coffee during the day, at night - to the stall for vodka for TV legends. And although you have become a popular TV presenter, you still work with the same people who treat you like the son of a regiment. This is a situation where your colleagues came much later, but already have their own projects. And you still have the same status. You are expected to be the "leader in the ear", but you already have something to talk about yourself with your viewers.

It's like in family life: at first there was love, then it turned into a habit, and at some point it's a marriage of convenience. My contract with Channel One ended on December 31, 2016 and was not renewed - everyone is so used to me being here. I want to grow up, become a producer, a person who makes decisions, including determining what my program should be about, and does not give up my whole life and look like a puppy in the eyes of people changing during this time. The TV season is over, I decided that I need to close this door and try myself in a new capacity in a new place.

Andrey Malakhov also wrote an open letter to his former colleagues in Starhit. Here are excerpts from it:

"Dear friends!

In our digital era, the epistolary genre is rarely addressed, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people were still writing letters to each other, not text messages. So sorry for such a long message. I dare to hope you know the true reasons for my unexpected transfer to Rossiya 1, where I will host the new program Andrei Malakhov. Live”, to engage in the Saturday show and other projects.

I remember the day when, as an intern, I crossed the threshold of the Vremya program and for the first time saw a large television from the inside. Only 91-year-old Kaleria Kislova remained from that “Ice Age” (former chief director of the Vremya program. - Approx. “StarHit”). Kaleria Venediktovna, colleagues still speak of you with a breath. On TV they will no longer see such people who could "build" ;-) everyone - both presidents and top officials of the state. You are an example of the highest professionalism!

From the amazing past, I will also miss Kirill Kleimenov, who is today at the helm of information broadcasting. We started together on the Good Morning program. Cyril then read the morning news, and today he has a huge responsibility on his shoulders, he practically lives in the Television Center. Kirill, for me you are an example of self-denial in the name of your favorite business, and there is the highest justice in the fact that it was you who got the office with the most beautiful view of the ancient Ostankino Park. I also admire that you can easily communicate even in such a difficult language as Finnish. When conjugating verbs in my "easy" French classes, I always remember you.

Head of Channel One. World Wide Web”, my classmate and classmate at Moscow State University Lesha Efimov, do you remember how you and I flew to open the channel’s broadcast in Canada and Australia? I'm sorry we couldn't resume our business trips.

Your deputy and my good friend is the news anchor Dmitry Borisov.

Dima, all hope is on you! The other day I saw fragments of "Let them talk" with your participation. I'm sure you will succeed!

One of the main creators of my style - Tatyana Mikhalkova and the super team of the Russian Silhouette image studio! How many styling, and in a matter of minutes, did Regina Avdimova and her magical masters. I think it could not have done without the help of a collection of frogs, which Regina collects for good luck.

My native 14th studio! With tears in my eyes, I recently watched how it was dismantled. Wonderful design, invented by the chief artist of Channel One, Dmitry Likin. Who is able to do better, to endow the scenery with the same inner energy?! Dima is generally a very versatile person. The interiors of the Moscow cinema "Pioneer", the embankment of the park of arts "Museon" are also his creations. And I am also grateful to Dmitry for being one of the first to infect me with a love for contemporary art, and this added an incredible cascade of emotions into my life.

My beloved Catherine! "Sister-Capricorn" Katya Mtsituridze! I'm sorry I didn't tell you personally, but as a person who works on the channel and heads Roskino, you understand: I need to grow and move forward. Katyusha Andreeva, you have a cool page on Instagram, and special respect for your likes. Katya Strizhenova, how many actions, starting from "Good morning", holidays, concerts, our "sweet couple" withstood ;-) - and do not count!

The main music producer of the channel Yuri Aksyuta, we also have a rich experience of TV hours spent together. Eurovision, New Year's Lights, Two Stars, Golden Gramophone - it was recently, it was a long time ago ... You brought me to the big stage: our duet with Masha Rasputina still does not allow envious people to sleep peacefully.

Lenochka Malysheva, you were the person who first called in excitement, refusing to believe what was happening. But you need to develop, as a producer of your own program, you understand this better than others. And if along the way I prompted you to a new topic on the air called "The first manifestations of male menopause" ;-), that's also not bad.

And if we continue to joke, I am well understood by another producer of his own show - Ivan Urgant. Vanya, thank you for the numerous mentions of my person and for raising the rating of that rather big part of the audience that spins spinners.

Lenochka Queen! In memory of your grandmother Ludmila Gurchenko, which I promised not to leave you in life, I still hired you. You yourself know that you were not the most exemplary administrator. But now, having gone through the “Let them talk” school, I dare to hope that you won’t let me down anywhere.

And if we are talking about Maxim Galkin ... Max, everyone says that I am repeating your television fate (in 2008, Galkin left Channel One for Russia, but returned seven years later. - Approx. "StarHit"). I will say more, as a teenager, I, a novice fan of Alla Borisovna, also dreamed of repeating your personal fate ... ;-) And one more thing. I did not comment on your recent video with the castle in the background, because if money had been in the first place in this story, my transfer, as you can imagine, would have happened nine years ago.

The press service of Channel One is Larisa Krymova ... Lara, it was with your light hand that I became the editor-in-chief of StarHit magazine. It was you who organized my first meeting with the president of Hearst Shkulev Publishing Viktor Shkulev, where this magazine has been successfully published for the tenth year.

Well, in conclusion - about the owner of the main office of Ostankino, on the door of which there is a sign "10-01" attached. Dear Konstantin Lvovich! 45 years is an important milestone in the life of a man, 25 of them I gave to you and Channel One. These years have become part of my DNA, and I remember every minute that you dedicated to me. Thank you so much for all that you have done, for the experience that you gave me, for the amazing journey along the television road of life that we have gone through together.

The only request is to take care of your assistants, especially Lenochka Zaitseva . She is not only a very dedicated and professional employee, but she may well claim the role of the chief psychologist of Channel One.

I wrote all this and I understand: a lot has happened in 25 years, and although I am unbearably sad now, only one thing will be remembered - how good we were together. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, my love! God bless us!

Your Andrey Malakhov.

The well-known presenter Andrei Malakhov had a conflict with the leadership of the first channel. The disagreements turned out to be so significant that the TV presenter filed an application and decided to change the channel.

While the audience was wondering why the producers removed Andrey Malakhov from the air of Channel 1, the media, citing anonymous sources, published several versions:

  1. Conflicts within the team.
  2. Reduced TV ratings.
  3. The discrepancy between the views of Malakhov and Natalia Nikonova (producer) on the subject of the program.
  4. The unwillingness of the producers to provide the presenter with maternity leave (the showman's wife is about to give birth).

On the First, they filmed the release of the show about the departure of the star presenter. The media reported that there were a couple of candidates for Malakhov's place - Borisov and Shepelev. As a result, the issue about Malakhov was led by Dmitry Borisov.

It is no secret that it is problematic to work effectively and make a quality product for the air in the conditions of intra-team hostility and discontent.

The presenter himself noted that a lot has changed over the years. He was not pleased with the change in the filming location of the program (earlier episodes of the show were filmed at the Ostankino television center) and he was tired of following the management commands, not being able to influence the subject matter and the filming process.

The film crew of the program "Let them talk"

Discontent peaked by mid-summer 2017. Although at the beginning of the summer, in an interview with GQ, the presenter stated that the only reason could be an offer to do something completely absurd and immoral on the air to raise the ratings.

Malakhov fired - the main reasons

The TV presenter himself refuted the theory about the insufficient amount of the fee and stated that if this were the only thing, he would have left Channel 1 a few years ago.

Theoretically, the reason for the decline in ratings could be a sharp shift in topics towards politics. The program "Let them talk" is an analogue of the popular show for housewives in America ("The Jerry Springer Show"). Considering such an audience, it is not surprising that the departure from social and everyday topics did not make a splash.

Malakhov VS Nikonova

One of the most plausible reasons for the presenter to leave the channel is the conflict between Malakhov and the new producer of the first channel, Natalya Nikonova.

Ms. Nikonova, in the conditions of the election race, began to introduce broadcasts of “Let them talk” on the air with clearly political topics. Malakhov did not agree with such a decision and expressed his dissatisfaction, but the channel's management refused to meet the showman and give him the opportunity to choose topics for the programs himself.

Malakhov is no longer the host of the program "Let them talk"

Speaking about the real reasons for leaving, the presenter noted that he had long become popular with the audience and over the years he was tired of blindly following instructions at a time when less experienced and well-known presenters get the opportunity to engage in their own projects.

For a creative person with such a colossal experience in TV broadcasting behind him, such an attitude of leadership is a serious reason to think about leaving for a place where his initiative and experience will be appreciated and his opinion will be listened to.

This is not the first time on television when producers do not take into account the presenters, do not try to compromise and lose talented channel staff. It is not known how the change of the host “Let them talk” will turn out for the ratings of the program.

The change in the theme of the show caused dissatisfaction not only with Malakhov, but also with some other members of the team. Producer Natalya Nikonova previously worked on the program "Live" on channel Russia 1, and the ratings of this program, due to its seriousness and obvious political bias, were significantly lower than those of "Let them talk."

Andrey works as the host of the program "Live" on the channel "Russia"

There was no open conflict, but the whole team was at a loss and tense, no one wanted to turn the popular talk show into a clone of Live.

There were even rumors that this was the real reason for the departure of not only Malakhov. In the press, there was an assumption that the presenter would take part of the team with him to the Russia channel 1. An anonymous source denied this information, saying that there were no statements about leaving someone from the team working on the Let Them Talk program.

Family is the most precious thing

The wife of the showman, Natalya Shkuleva, who holds the position of publisher and brand director of Elle magazine in the Russian Federation, is expected to replenish in the family of the TV presenter soon. In this regard, the real reason for Malakhov's departure from the channel, according to Elle, was the refusal of the producer of the show, Natalya Nikonova, to give the TV presenter a vacation to help his wife care for the baby.

Moreover, it became known that Ms. Nikonova refused the presenter the legal right (Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 256) to take maternity leave in a rather rude form, stating that working on the show is not a kindergarten and Malakhov must decide who he is in the first place - nanny or TV presenter.

The showman was dissatisfied with this attitude of management and cynicism towards him. Given the many years of his work on the First, experience and popularity with the audience, the producers could be more loyal and polite.

A quarter of a century is no joke

The talented TV presenter began working on Channel One about 25 years ago, and since 2001 he was approved as the host of the Big Wash show, which was later renamed 5 Evenings, and then became the well-known program Let They Talk.

The host himself said that over the long years of cooperation, everyone is so used to the fact that he is always on Channel One, that since December 2016 they even forgot to renew the contract with him, although Malakhov continued to work and host the show.

The program "Let them talk" is hosted by Dmitry Borisov

Considering how many years Malakhov has hosted the show on Channel One and how many fans he has acquired during this time, we can safely say that viewers will watch his programs on any channel.

TV presenter Andrey Malakhov wrote an open letter to Konstantin Ernst and all the staff of Channel One, in which he said goodbye to his colleagues with whom he had worked for a long 25 years.

“In our digital era, the epistolary genre is rarely addressed, but I came to Channel One in the last century, when people were still writing letters to each other, not text messages. So sorry for such a long message. I dare to hope you know the true reasons for my unexpected transfer to Rossiya 1, where I will host the new program Andrei Malakhov. Live”, to engage in a Saturday show and other projects, ”the website quotes the text of the letter.

The host of “Let them talk” thanked his colleagues for their kind attitude and support, remembered by name those who treated him better than others, noting the professionalism of the channel’s team, and wished success to his successor, Dmitry Borisov.

“Dima, all hope is on you! The other day I saw fragments of "Let them talk" with your participation. I’m sure you will succeed!” Malakhov wrote.

“I didn’t comment on your recent video against the backdrop of the castle, because if money had come first in this story, my transfer, as you might guess, would have happened nine years ago,” Malakhov noted in particular.

And in an interview with the website of his wife Natalia, he frankly told why he left Channel One. Andrey Malakhov admitted: after he turned 45, he realized that "it's time to get out of the tight framework."

“I have always been subordinate. A human soldier following orders. But I wanted independence,” said the “king of ratings”.

An additional "blow", the presenter admitted, was the relocation of the "Let them talk" program from Ostankino, where Malakhov and his team spent a quarter of a century, to another studio.

Therefore, he agreed when he received a call from Rossiya 1 and was offered to become a producer of his own program in order to "decide for yourself what to do and what topics to cover."

In addition, the presenter announced the name of his new program: "Andrey Malakhov. Live".


Boris Korchevnikov: In a sense, Andrey Malakhov and I have a common life

“The main intrigue of the summer” is no more: in the talk show “Live” on the channel “Russia 1” there really was a replacement. Presenter Boris Korchevnikov, having received a promotion in the leadership line, handed over his post to Andrei Malakhov, who, for this, resigned from Channel One. Shooting starts this week

Andrey Malakhov will become the host of the "New Wave 2017"

Passions around Andrey Malakhov do not subside. They just dissuaded them from the topic “Let them talk” and Andrey’s scandalous transition to the Russia channel, they were only glad that Malakhov and his wife Natalya would become parents. All of a sudden, a new story. As the organizers of the competition told us, Andrey will become the host of one of the concerts, which will be held as part of the New Wave ().


“Let them talk” with a new presenter: Malakhov was seen off - two button accordions were torn


In the first edition of the “Let them talk” program, they decisively broke with the dark past with the new presenter ().

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