Why did you decide to come to work in a jewelry store. HAYS job and staff search



Constantly evaluate your actions. Self-criticism is a condition for improvement. Modesty and self-criticism must be combined with heightened self-esteem, which is based on the awareness of the real significance of one's personality, on the presence of certain successes in work for the common good. Suppress the increased self-conceit, boasting.

Learn to live. Always stand up for your views. Be active and overcome all obstacles, only in this case you can get everything you want. Realize your plans and ideas. Initiative and self-restraint will help build a career and get promoted.

Make sound, firm decisions boldly and implement them. Always take responsibility for your actions. Show your business and personal qualities actively and decisively. Don't be afraid of difficulties. Often such people, having the best intentions, achieve significant results in their work, become leaders.

Improve constantly. Build a mindset, beliefs, and ideals. Guide them in your actions. In this way, you will gain experience in the correct behavior with people, which will help you to go through easily and confidently. Read more, attend performances, exhibitions, meet new people. Do not focus only on work, you must have your own hobby.

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Tip 3: How to answer the question why you want to work for the company

The interview is the most important step in hiring. No matter how good your resume is, the employer will definitely want to get to know you personally and form an opinion about you. And if you don't know how to answer question why do you want to work in companies, the impression you make on him will certainly be unfavorable.


Familiarize yourself with the activities companies where you are applying for a job. If you have acquaintances or friends who work there, then talk to them, they can tell you about it in sufficient detail. In any case, you can find some information about this company on the Internet, even if it does not have its own website. It will be just fine if you manage to find information not only about the products that this company produces, but also about the history of its formation, as well as economic and social indicators.

You should get a clear idea about this organization and know how it is known in the market, its reputation as a business partner and a manufacturer or service provider. Well, if at the interview you can refer to some publications and about her activities that you could find in the media.

In the list of reasons why you want to work in this companies, mention those that are important to you as a specialist - the possibility of professional growth and advanced training. For some applicants, an important point is participation in the capital companies foreign investors, which involves trips to foreign business trips and the possibility of obtaining international professional certification.

In a separate block, highlight the advantages that the company has in terms of social programs, wage levels, opportunities to encourage initiative and integrity.

In conclusion, you can talk about how you see the opportunity to prove yourself as a specialist in this companies in what you can be useful to her, what your knowledge and experience can be useful. Here you can list those places of work where you performed similar functions and duties, tell about those methods, software products known to you that you can use in this workplace.


  • why do you want to work in this job

Tip 4: How to answer the question why I left my previous job

If you are invited for an interview as a possible candidate for a vacant job, be prepared to be asked questions not only concerning your qualifications and experience. There is almost always a chance that you will be asked about the reasons that prompted you to leave the previous place. work. The result of the interview may depend on the answer to this question.

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Very often at interviews you can hear such questions: “Why us?”, “Where else did you have an interview?” “Why did you decide to apply for our program in particular?” Another option: why L "Oreal, and not P & G, why McKinsey, not BCG, why Sberbank, not VTB, and so on. I know that many candidates do not like these questions, since most often this is perceived as a request to praise company, for no particular reason.

Of course, there is a possibility that inexperienced personnel officers can ask it only because they heard somewhere that “this is customary to ask”, or met in a conditional list of “interview questions”, and their goal is to listen to how you can answer questions in principle and formulate their thoughts.

But more often, with the help of these questions, the recruiter tries to understand what you know about the company and, accordingly, whether you were preparing for the interview, whether your intentions are serious, what are your criteria for choosing a job, how they correspond to the company.

How to answer this question correctly

Few people like the idea of ​​singing the praises of every company. In reality, people just need “a normal job for 60 (100–200) thousand a month in a Western company”, they submit resumes to 15 companies - not everyone can tell everyone about how they dreamed of working here from the first grade.

Most employers, surprisingly, are quite adequate people who guess that you are interviewing not only with them, therefore, in turn, they also do not want to hear naive answers about your blue dream. Therefore, in order to prepare, ask yourself a few questions:

What are the real What are your key job selection criteria? What are you willing to sacrifice and what not? Why is this important to you?

What are important to you Opportunities can this particular employer offer?

What qualities come first what does the company value and what does it look for in potential candidates? (This can be guessed from the corporate website and interviews with top managers.) Which of these qualities are close to me and developed in me?

If you use non-trivial facts when answering a question about choosing a company, then you make it clear that you have done some work to collect information. For example, you say that yesterday the Red Cross gave the company's CEO a special award for their social program in Western Sahara, or that the company has a program that rewards the best employees with short-term internship trips to other countries where they act as project leaders. And this information is only in articles or books in English. All this will say that you are well prepared for the meeting. This adds value to you as a candidate, as it is important for every employer to be chosen consciously and rationally.

It is very important to choose the right criteria that are important to you when choosing a company. Some candidates focus on salary, others talk about charismatic top management or an incredible professional from among the company's employees, still others focus on the opportunity to go abroad, and still others talk about a convenient work schedule. Having learned about your motivation, the employer can assess whether it corresponds to the real opportunities that he can offer his employees, and whether it suits him in principle. At the same time, it is worth remembering the purpose of such a question. No company would like to be chosen only for high salaries and material benefits. Recruiters prefer the criteria to be interesting tasks, team, corporate culture or working methods. This motivation is more long-term, and such employees are more loyal, and therefore will not leave if they are offered a little more money.

It is also worth considering the capabilities of the company itself. If you say that you want to go abroad, but the company is in crisis, and no one will be sent to Europe for an appointment in the next five years, you are unlikely to be hired. Or you chose this company because of a particular leader, and the recruiter knows that this person will leave the company tomorrow. Of course, I'm exaggerating a little, but in general it works like this.

And of course, it's worth considering in advance the answer to the question why you chose sales over consulting, and why you want to work at Unilever and not at P&G. For this, the answers to the same points will help. If you answer that you have chosen L "Oreal, since it is, in your opinion, the largest company on the market, McKinsey - because it is the only American consulting company, then the employer understands for sure: you know very little about the market, and therefore not very Be serious about your job search or a particular job opening, and this is important information, because you may soon find out that there are more attractive employers and leave.

Interview 1. Why did you choose our company? - I, like ...


1. Why did you choose our company?
- I, like all candidates before me and after me, sent my resume to a dozen places. Where I can get settled faster and more profitably, it's good there.

2. Why do you think we should choose you?
Do you need workers at all? Well, here I am. Worker. It is me who should be chosen, if only because I am clearly smarter than all those who filled in standard nonsense on these questions. And smarter than you, by the way, because I would never ask such stupid questions.

3. What salary would you like to receive?
- $2.5 million per year. That's how much the President of the United States gets.
What kind of question is this anyway? Naturally, I want to receive as high a salary as you can pay me. But you still won't pay. Then there is nothing to show off. Anyway, the choice is mine: you say the price, I say whether I agree or not.

4. Why did you leave your previous job?
- What do you care why I left. You won't change me anyway. Well, what will be your answer? First, I'm lying. Secondly, suppose I answer honestly: a small salary or lack of career growth, or futility, or did not get along with the team, or did not like the boss's dog. And what? You don't know if I'll get along with your boss, the team, and their dog. And you won't know until you try.

5. Where do you see yourself in 5/10/20 years (with our company)?
- If I am so mediocre as to stay in your company for 5 years, then I should not be hired at all. Yes, and your company ... Here's a counter question for you: what are the company's plans for the next 5/10/20 years? What? There are no such. So if you yourself do not know what will happen to you in 20 years, whether there will be a company and what niche it intends to occupy, then how can I know this?
You are using drugs here.

6. What were your achievements at your previous job?
- A resume is not enough for you, then. OK then. I did a great job and did a great job. Now that's an achievement! If your employees work in such a way that they work well only occasionally, then I will disappoint you: with the right leadership and good work, there should be no achievements! It is necessary to work, and not toil with nonsense and achieve achievements!

7. How would you like your boss to be?
- I wish I didn't see him. This is one. Two, it doesn't matter. Seriously, I don't care what he looks like. The main thing is that he should be the boss: one who can formulate tasks normally and clearly. As for the rest, let him drive around the office in red shorts on a white capybara.

8. What are your strengths?
- On the harp, I can play and spit 10-15 meters in length. If you need my qualifications, then it is indicated in the resume. If you need anything else, then ask about it. And if you yourself do not know what you want and what you need, then, sorry, I can not help you. To formulate hidden and obscure desires is what you need to see a psychiatrist.

9. What are your shortcomings?
- You decide what you need, and I'll tell you if I have a shortcoming for this, otherwise I have a shortcoming - I sing well in tenor, the neighbors complain, and at the conservatory they said - talent. Here's another drawback: when I eat soup, I scoop with a spoon towards me, and not away from me! Oh how!
In short, return the leaflet with questions to the down child from whom you took it, and do not offend him anymore, he is already having a hard time.
If you do not know what you need, then hire me, we are amazingly suited to each other: I also have no idea what you need! We will have love and understanding. At the same time, you can fire your HR specialist, he is clearly incompetent.

The previous article about the most common interview questions and the correct answers to them was liked by the users of the portal. As we promised, we are publishing the second part of the material, which also includes questions from our beloved readers.

If you haven't found the answer to your question, don't be discouraged - in the near future we will publish quick answers to your questions and will try to help everyone who asked us for advice. In the meantime, we propose to consider the next portion of the most common recruiter questions.

“Why do you want to work in our company?”


a) If the company is large and well-known: “I have known your brand for many years / use your products myself. I always wanted to be a member of such a well-known team, but I realized that I was not qualified enough to work in this company. Having received the missing knowledge and experience, as well as learning that you have a suitable vacancy, I immediately responded to your offer.”

b) If the company is small: “Your company operates in a professionally interesting area for me. In my opinion, I can successfully apply the skills and experience I have in your organization. I considered offers from large companies, but for a number of reasons, I am more comfortable working in a small business than in large corporations. You can read about the disadvantages of working in large companies Here.

c) A generic answer for a prepared applicant: “I was interested in a number of projects that you are going to launch / have already launched, and I thought that I could be of help to you. Firstly, I have experience in implementing similar tasks, and secondly, I will get the opportunity to work with people who, like me, are passionate about working in this direction, and learn from their experience.”

It is forbidden: answer that you stumbled upon this ad on a website or in a newspaper and you were satisfied with the salary.

Carefully: talk about your interest in working on certain projects and products. You can talk about this only if you have studied the issue in detail. Just information from the official website or from an article on Wikipedia will not be enough. Otherwise, one simple question will turn you from a candidate into a liar.

Remember: recruiters always give preference to loyal candidates who are familiar with the products and the work of the company as a whole. The higher the position for which the candidate is applying, the more information about the organization he must have. Even if this is a two-day startup, then you should be very well versed in this area and know the main movements in the market in this direction.

"Why did you leave your previous job?"


“I worked at my previous job for 4 years, achieved good results and was ready to continue to grow professionally. Unfortunately, my current employer did not have the opportunity to grow and I made the decision to take the next step in my career with another company. The choice fell on your company, because it seems to me that here I can not only fully realize myself as a professional, but also gain new experience.”

It is forbidden: say that the reason for your departure was a conflict with management or colleagues. Salary issues are also prohibited: you cannot directly tell the recruiter that you were not satisfied with the salary at your previous job.

Carefully: talk about unfulfilled career expectations (position growth) at the old job and the desire to realize them in a new place. It may be cautiously mentioned that, if necessary, you could use your organizational skills.

Remember: in most cases, this question is a test for the candidate's conflicting nature. Very often, even experienced applicants break down and start telling stories about stupid colleagues and a boorish boss. Don't give free rein to your emotions.

Why do you change jobs so often?


a) If you are a young specialist (up to 25 years old), then there is nothing wrong with frequent job changes. You can answer: “Frequent job changes are due to the search for the direction that I would be interested in doing. Thanks to my previous work experience, I realized that I want to develop as a professional in this particular area and now I am looking for a company with which I could establish a long-term relationship.”

b) In other cases, you should think through all the options in detail for almost every case of dismissal. The “good” reasons for dismissal include such as: staff reduction, liquidation of the company, dishonesty of the employer (non-payment of wages, systematic violation of the Labor Code).

It is forbidden: talk about scandals with colleagues or management, if they were the reason for your dismissal. Also, don't say that you ran from place to place after being offered a higher salary.

Carefully: talk about the companies you worked for, even if they were outright scams. You should not cross the line beyond which sound argumentation ends and slinging of mud begins, even if it is an unscrupulous employer.

Remember: if you have received the stigma of "flyer", then be prepared for the fact that it will take you longer to find a job. Pay special attention to finding work through acquaintances: loyal employers may be sympathetic to your failures in choosing a company.

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”


“In the next five years, I plan to develop myself as a high-class professional in the direction I have chosen. I plan to become a leader in _____ / fully master ____ techniques / develop new products, etc. Certainly, if the results of my work are satisfactory to the company's management, then I may be able to get promoted to senior ____ / lead ____ / chief ____.

It is forbidden: talk about personal plans (get married, have a baby, go on a trip to Africa), it is better to focus on the professional path. If such a question was nevertheless asked by a recruiter, then focus on long-term prospects: obtaining a mortgage, building your own home, taking care of a good education for children. In no case do not tell the employer that in the future you want to open your own business. Also banned are the answers “I don’t know”, “I didn’t think about it”, “Now it’s difficult to plan something even a month in advance” and the like.

Carefully: talk about your career aspirations. Companies already have enough bosses, so the answer “In five years I see myself as a department head” sounds too defiant. It is highly likely that the company does not need such a careerist.

Remember: It will be better for both the employer and the job seeker if this question is answered honestly. Not all companies are ready to provide the necessary growth or other conditions for the employee, so it is better to agree on your future professional destiny “on the shore”.

“Why did you decide to change the field of activity / profession?”


“Despite my rather serious experience in the field of ____, I have always been interested in the field of ____. Having gained additional knowledge, even if only theoretical, having talked with representatives of this profession, I decided that ____ is the thing that I want to do.”

It is forbidden: answer “I got bored”, “I got tired”, etc. You can’t name a low salary as a reason, because a really good specialist in any field will be paid good money. The wording “I would like to try myself in this profession” and other similar ones that demonstrate your uncertainty in choosing a profession are prohibited.

Carefully: Talk about your passion for a new profession. If you really want to dedicate your life to a new profession for yourself, then before the first interview, read at least a couple of handbooks.

Remember: if you were invited for an interview, it means that you are being considered as a potential candidate, and you have a chance to get a job in a new field for yourself. Your task is not to look like a loser who wanders in search of at least some work. You must appear as a person who has taken a serious and, most importantly, conscious step in his life.

"Why did you have such a long break between two jobs?"


a) “The long break from work was due to family circumstances (birth of a child / building a house / caring for sick relatives). At the moment, all problems are solved, I am ready to fully immerse myself in the work.

b) “I want to establish a strong and long-term relationship with the employer, and not trade for small jobs in dubious companies. Your vacancy and your conditions fully meet my requirements, so I responded to it. This answer option is more suitable for higher-level specialists or managers.

c) “During the job search, I also educated myself / got an education and acquired the theoretical knowledge I needed. In this regard, I did not have the opportunity to actively look for work, so my employment was somewhat delayed. However, I do not consider this period of time useless, since I received a lot of new knowledge that will be useful to me in the future in my work.

It is forbidden: answer “I was constantly refused work”, “I often failed at interviews”, “I decided to take a break.”

Carefully: one can talk about one's self-education only if it actually took place. You should read at least a couple of books on your profile or go to several seminars of famous speakers.

Remember: employers are very skeptical of candidates with long work breaks. Think over the answer to this question in advance and try to look as convincing as possible.

"What was the biggest failure in your career?"


Be honest about your failure. The main thing is that at the end of the story you analyze the error: why it happened, who is to blame, how it could have been avoided and, most importantly, what steps you took to eliminate its consequences.

It is forbidden: to state sharply and categorically, “I have not made a single mistake in my work.” Even if this is so, then at the interview you can do a “feint”: tell a case about how you did something at an acceptable level, and then realized that you could have done it much better. It's not really a failure, but it will show the recruiter that you can be critical of yourself.

Carefully: talk about really serious mistakes, even if you corrected them and even improved the situation. Talking about mistakes in a company's work can cost its reputation, and such conversations can be perceived as gossip.

Remember: Mistakes and failures happen to everyone, including the recruiters themselves, so many treat them with understanding. Also, don't forget that even the most serious failures often turn into local jokes over time. Share them with the recruiter: a little humor will always spice up the interview and make it more comfortable for both participants.

Quite often, at interviews, HR managers of different companies ask the question “Why did you choose our company?”. In response, in most cases, they meet the candidate's stupor, panic in the eyes and a dumb question: “How to answer correctly? Are flattery and praises expected from me? And if I express everything as it is, I will not spoil my opinion about myself? And then recruiters hear either indistinct babble “because you are a good company that ...”, or rollicking “yes, because I saw your vacancy, it suits me, but I haven’t chosen anything yet ...”.

One would sometimes like to exclaim: dear comrade-applicant, do not lie first of all to yourself! If you are attracted to work in this particular company, then answer it!

In fact, HR, asking this “uncomfortable” question, wants to at least understand whether the candidate knows something about the company, whether he was preparing for an interview. Determine how serious the intentions of the applicant are and, finally, find out his motivation.

Vitaliy Lysy, HR expert, IDS group: "It is important to understand the relationship between the motives, values, mutual expectations of the candidate and the employer. Therefore, not only such a question is used, but also an assessment of values, an assessment of competencies. It is important to understand whether the applicant will be happy or not working in a company. This, by the way, is broadcast If the essence of the work is the same, and there are several potentially competing brand companies, then an assessment of values ​​and competencies at the entrance is indispensable. »

Inna Pecheritsa, HR Director of RUSH (line of EVA stores): "I ask: what have you heard about our company (what information do you have about our company?). In response, I hear: either little, just read on the site, or heard a lot of good things, you are developing, you wanted to work for you, etc. And then it is immediately clear what exactly is the motive to work for us."

Council the first. Ask yourself this question before the interview. If you sincerely want to work for this company, then there is no need to come up with an answer. You will be able to voice several reasons why you dream of this particular position. When answering this question in an interview, you will be sincere and persuasive.

If you are interested in this company only because of hopelessness and the urgent need to find at least some work, then any answer will sound untrue and unconvincing. In this case, decide for yourself how much the salary at this job compensates for the efforts on yourself. After all, doing a hateful job requires much more effort than doing exciting tasks in an interesting and promising position.

Tip two. Prepare carefully for the interview. Having studied the data about the company and the essence of work in this position, you show the personnel officer your readiness for an interview, as well as the additional work done. This will add value to you as a candidate.

Tip three. Determine for yourself the most important criteria when choosing a job. What is valuable to you? How does this offer bring you closer to your dream job? If the company you are interviewing for meets these criteria, feel free to voice them. However, remember that this question is asked in order to find out what motivates you. Of course, no company wants to be chosen for a high salary or a beautiful office in the city center.

Successful interviews!

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