We select the essential oil according to the sign of the zodiac. Fragrant Astrology


Essential oils are able to enhance those qualities of the zodiac sign, which are its strongest side. And those features of a person that can create certain difficulties in his life should be minimized. For example, with excessive anxiety and inability to concentrate, it is quite possible to fight with the help of essential oils. To improve the situation, it is enough to inhale the essential oil for a few minutes a day.

Fire Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

They are distinguished by impulsiveness, passion, fortitude in achieving goals, activity and energy. They love to be the center of attention, they are bold, courageous and persistent.


Essential oils: thyme, mandarin, palmarosa, lavender.

This sign is distinguished by a love for strong beautiful aromas. Choices are usually made on impulse. Therefore, it is advisable for you to use those smells that soothe and pacify.

Palmarosa oil has a cheerful floral aroma. Great for your element, has a beneficial effect, soothes.

Mandarin is able to have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. To relax, feel a new surge of strength - try using this particular essential oil.

Thyme tones, gives strength for new victories and achievements. To gain strength to achieve your goals, use the aromas of thyme.

Essential oils: pine, frankincense, angelica, lemon.

In order to move forward and clearly build the right strategy, decisions must be weighed. Pine essential oil will help to be attentive to details. The invigorating aroma of pine needles is able to awaken natural wisdom in lions.

But angelica has a calming effect on the explosive and desperate representatives of this zodiac sign. It gives them the opportunity to calm down, clearly see their real desires and follow them in their personal lives and in the professional sphere.

Frankincense is great for lions, revealing their true face, kindness and natural tact.


Essential oils: basil, osmanthus, immortelle, juniper.

Naturalness and environmental friendliness mean a lot to you. Sagittarians are characterized by the desire for new knowledge. They are ambitious and ambitious. Love and striving for perfection are in the blood of Sagittarius. And so that everyday routine duties do not lead you into despondency and despair - use basil essential oil. In this case, you will be easier to relate to daily duties.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are sensual, open and kind. And osmanthus oil will emphasize these features of your character.

Immortelle essential oil has a beneficial effect not only on the emotions, but also on the physical health of Sagittarius. Play sports with this fragrance and you will achieve success faster.

Water zodiac signs: Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

Representatives of the water element are distinguished by impressionability and external coldness, changeability and contemplation, richness of the inner world and refinement.


Essential oils: davana, lemon.

Scorpios are courageous and benevolent, they are not capable of betrayal. Davana is the essential oil that best expresses your sense of style and beauty. This oil is an effective aphrodisiac with an amazing intoxicating smell.

Lemon essential oil can nourish your personal energy and minimize fatigue.


Essential oils: cumin, bergamot, myrrh, lemon.

Overwhelmed by feelings and emotions can deprive you of self-confidence. To calm down and feel “on the wave” again, you can relax with cumin essential oil. Feel the best solutions to problems come to mind with the scent. Cumin will add to your self-confidence.

Pisces are often tormented by periods of melancholy and regret. Essential oil of bergamot will help to cope with them. Excessive anxiety and possible depression is typical for most representatives of this zodiac sign. Bergamot will invigorate and help you take a fresh look at the events in your life, believe in the best. Another useful oil for Pisces will be myrrh. Its aroma will inspire Pisces to live in accordance with their beliefs, to become stronger and more confident.

Essential oils: lavender, chamomile, cedar, fir.

The increased sensitivity of Cancers sometimes gives rise to excessive suspicion. Chamomile will help to cope with unnecessary fears and worries, to feel safe. This light, laid-back fragrance will calm you down and put everything in its place.

But to restore self-confidence, masculinity and inner strength is desirable with cedar essential oil. This smell "calls" to decisive action. The second fragrance that inspires Cancers is lavender. It also minimizes the unpredictability inherent in this zodiac sign.

Air zodiac signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

For people born under these signs, flexibility, activity, independence, curiosity are characteristic. They know how to impress, good diplomats. However, these signs lack responsibility and solidity.


Essential oils: vetiver, geranium, frankincense, eucalyptus.

Uniformity and monotony are your worst enemies. You love learning new things and enjoying life.

Vetiver is the best way to inspire Libra to make decisions and mobilize for further victories and success in life. It will also help you be more practical.

Frankincense will bring clarity to your inner world and emotions. And the rich aroma of geranium and eucalyptus will open the world around you anew in unexpected colors.


Essential oils: bigardia, rhododendron, cypress, mint.

Aquarians are mobile and curious. They lack attention to detail, stability. Cypress essential oil will help strengthen the nervous system, calm down, concentrate on the important. Bigaradiya (bitter orange) is able to direct the energy of Aquarius in the right direction. And the rhododendron will create harmony in the soul and body. This smell is associated with new ideas, the search for solutions, moving forward.


Essential oils: dill, lavender, orange.

Gemini is a cheerful, optimistic sign who loves life and people around. People of this sign do not recognize boredom and despondency, they prefer to try everything and find out on their own.

Gaining the trust of the people around you is not a problem at all for Gemini. They have a lot of interesting ideas, they love fun and humor. Therefore, dill essential oil is great for them. Lavender will help in difficult situations to bring thoughts in order and calm down.

Earth Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo

The element of earth dictates a practical view of the world, sobriety of reason. People born under these zodiac signs are characterized by love for material values ​​and prudence. They easily achieve their goals, are able to adapt to changing conditions and be reborn like a Phoenix bird.


Essential oils: lemon, nutmeg, rosewood.

Aged scents are great for Capricorns. Nutmeg is the best way to breathe strength and confidence into life. Lemon will allow you to find new emotions and vivid sensations. This will give impetus to new achievements. To communicate, to be spontaneous and cheerful, to feel confident - use lemon essential oil.

Rosewood balances and opens you to subtle pleasures and joys. This oil is good to use for skin care, bathing.


Essential oils: ylang-ylang, sandalwood, cumin, rosemary, eucalyptus.

This zodiac sign is a traditionalist about everything. Taurus are reliable and prefer certainty and calmness. And in order for comfort and coziness to appear in your home, use ylang-ylang oil. Cumin and rosemary will help you adapt to any situation. Their use will give you harmony.


Essential oils: cardamom, marjoram, grapefruit, mint.

Virgos are intelligent and pedantic. To make yourself more tolerant, you should use cardamom oil, it helps to gain greater mental flexibility, relieves excessive anxiety and nervousness.

The bright, rich smell of grapefruit will allow you to be the center of attention, easily and simply talk about your desires to other people, and not be afraid of condemnation.

Marjoram will emphasize your practicality and economy, and also has a beneficial effect on physical health.

Astrologers say that heavenly bodies affect the entire earthly world, including man. They influence his character, temperament, actions and even the future. They are consistent with the properties of certain planets, signs of the zodiac, earth elements and various plants. Therefore, by their nature, trees, herbs, flowers and their essential oils can be related and consonant with us. We can use their power to restore our physical and mental health, replenish bioenergy reserves.

This theory has no scientific justification, however, for a circle of people who are fond of astrology, esotericism, alternative medicine and striving to live in absolute harmony with the cosmos, the information below may be of interest.

Avoiding boredom and routine, striving for originality and extravagance, passionate and impulsive Aries, fragrances are suitable that can ignite a spark of passion in them, fill them with new ideas, awaken the will to win and give fresh strength to achieve it.

Essential oils:
orange, star anise, basil, bergamot, geranium, clove, oregano, ylang ylang, cedar, cinnamon, laurel, frankincense, lime, lemon, mandarin, myrrh, juniper, nutmeg, mint, neroli, patchouli, black pepper, petitgrain, rosemary, pine, ferula, violet, tea tree, eucalyptus, tarragon.

Taurus has a pronounced need for peace of mind and harmony, a desire for simple natural beauty. They need the smell of sensual and tender, giving birth to romantic dreams, enhancing their initiative and self-confidence.

Essential oils:
anise, bergamot, verbena, vetiver, geranium, hyacinth, jasmine, ylang ylang, hyssop, cedar, cypress, lavender, lavandin, lemon, mandarin, myrrh, myrtle, mint, neroli, palmarosa, patchouli, rose, rosemary, rosewood , chamomile, sandalwood, santolina, fennel, sage.

Mobile, inquisitive, imaginative and adventurous, Gemini is light and playful, able to melt their emotional coldness, get rid of mood swings, support their supply of vital energy and creative forces.

Essential oils:
orange, benzoin, verbena, vetiver, geranium, jasmine, ylang ylang, lavender, lemongrass, limette, lemon balm, mint, narcissus, neroli, patchouli, fir, rosemary, sandalwood, santolina, tuberose, dill, fennel, violet, eucalyptus.

Cancers are peaceful, prudent and somewhat conservative. They are usually always nobly elegant and very sensitive. Cancers, like no one else, need spiritual intimacy and tender reverent love. Aromatherapy will give them a feeling of emotional protection, affection and care.

Essential oils:
Orange, Basil, Bergamot, Verbena, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Ylang Ylang, Camphor, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Lavender, Lavandin, Leuzea, Lemon, Melissa, Myrrh, Juniper, Mint, Neroli, Rose, Rosemary, Rosewood, Chamomile, Sandalwood , santolina, violet, eucalyptus.

Bright, open, courageous and generous Lions sometimes need more loyalty and gentleness towards their loved ones. Properly selected fragrances will help Leos in finding compromises with family members, as well as attract good luck in their great deeds.

Essential oils:
orange, star anise, basil, bergamot, clove, geranium, spruce, ylang ylang, marigold, cedarwood, coriander, cinnamon, laurel, frankincense, lime, lemon, mandarin orange, lemon balm, myrrh, juniper, nutmeg, mint, patchouli, pepper black, petitgrain, rosemary, sandalwood, pine, tuberose, ferula.

Virgos strive for inner and outer purity, self-improvement and impeccability. They need incense that can reconcile the contradictions encountered in their character, give a positive attitude and give courage in expressing their feelings.

Essential oils:
orange, valerian, vanilla, verbena, vetiver, geranium, hyacinth, oregano, spruce, ylang-ylang, cedarwood, cypress, lemongrass, limette, lemon, lemon balm, myrrh, mint, patchouli, rosemary, sandalwood, santolina, dill, fennel, eucalyptus.

Charming and sociable, prudent and sensual Libra is sometimes under pressure from public opinion. Aromatherapy will strengthen their willpower and the ability to avoid dangerous temptations. It will give Libra the feeling of love surrounding them, tenderness and inner balance.

Essential oils:
bay, benzoin, verbena, galbanum, clove, geranium, jasmine, spruce, ylang ylang, ginger, marigold, cedarwood, cypress, cinnamon, lavender, lemongrass, marjoram, tangerine, myrtle, mint, patchouli, rose, rosewood, tuberose , violet, thyme, spruce cones, eucalyptus.

Scorpios are independent, strong-willed, stubborn and determined. They are distinguished by the depth of feelings and increased passion, both in love and in business. Essential oils are designed to moderate their militancy, awaken more trust and cordiality in personal relationships.

Essential oils:
carnation, spruce, jasmine, ylang-ylang, cardamom, cedar, cypress, cinnamon, frankincense, lemon, mandarin, lemon balm, myrrh, mint, patchouli, rose, rosemary, chamomile, sandalwood, eucalyptus.

Sagittarians have a clear mind, courage and strong will. They strive for the spiritual and physical, they do not tolerate everyday life, they are carried away by unknown distances. The fragrances will support their enthusiasm, create an atmosphere of luxurious lightness and sensual adventures around.

Essential oils:
anise, orange, basil, clove, geranium, grapefruit, hyssop, cedar, coriander, cinnamon, lavender, laurel, frankincense, lime, leuzea, lemon, lime, mandarin, myrrh, juniper, nutmeg, mint, narcissus, neroli, palmarosa , patchouli, petitgrain, rosemary, pine, sage, eucalyptus.

Persistent, patient and hardworking Capricorns are often accompanied by career success. However, in their personal lives they are internally constrained, hiding from everyone the passions boiling in them. Aromatherapy will give them great warmth and openness, awaken their imagination, relieve boredom and despondency.

Essential oils:
anise, bergamot, vetiver, clove, oregano, spruce, ginger, cedar, cypress, cinnamon, lavender, lemongrass, lemongrass, lemon balm, nutmeg, juniper, patchouli, pine, tuberose, tea tree, spruce pods, eucalyptus, tarragon.

The distinctive qualities of Aquarius are the desire for spiritual growth, the tendency to idealize, refinement, originality and great love of freedom. In love, Aquarians are often contradictory. Some smells will smooth out sharpness in personal relationships, fill them with harmony, and help express feelings.

Essential oils:
orange, bergamot, ylang-ylang, tuberose, benzoin, verbena, cedarwood, cypress, cinnamon, lavender, lemongrass, lemon, myrtle, mint, naioli, narcissus, patchouli, violet, tea tree, fir cones, eucalyptus.

Pisces are charming, capricious, mysterious and elusive. They are capable of romantic sacrificial love. Incense will help Pisces feel desirable and exclusive, giving them more confidence in their decision making.

Essential oils:
anise, orange, bergamot, verbena, grapefruit, geranium, jasmine, ylang-ylang, hyssop, cardamom, cinnamon, lavender, leuzea, limette, lemon, linden, mandarin, lemon balm, myrrh, myrtle, juniper, mint, narcissus, neroli, palmarosa, petitgrain, rose, rosemary, rosewood, chamomile, sandalwood, pine, thyme, tuberose, violet, sage, eucalyptus.

The above list of incense is far from complete of the variety of essential oils that exist. It is also non-defining. Man is too many-sided to fit completely into any scheme. Therefore, relying on these recommendations, ultimately listen to your personal feelings. Use only those smells that evoke pleasant emotions in you and positively affect your physical well-being.

Publication date: 06/20/2011

Astrology and aromatherapy. Is there a connection between essential oils and zodiac signs? Yes, experts say. This horoscope will allow you to choose essential oils according to the signs of the Zodiac and choose your own unique magical smell. However, this does not mean that you should always use only it.

How to use essential oils according to the signs of the zodiac? "Own" fragrance works only in difficult moments. When you are tired, stressed, nervous - relax and breathe deeply! If you have not found in yourself the dominant signs with which your sign is associated, you can use oils that are close to you.

Aromatherapy is an ancient science and art, its history dates back to prehistoric times. Essential oils used in aromatherapy restore our lost sense of harmony with nature, help people fight bad mood, stress, skin diseases and even cellulite. It is very important to choose the right essential oils, which are plant extracts and have absorbed the energy of the four elements: earth, water, fire and air. Essential oils give us all this positive energy.

Aromatherapy products and compositions can be administered by inhalation, aroma medallions, or aroma incense burners. You can apply oils to your skin, add to your bath, or comb your hair with a few drops of oil at the tip of a comb. We must not forget that essential oils have a very powerful effect. They should be handled with care. Never apply essential oil to the body in its pure form - only dilute it with base oil.

Aries - sandalwood.

The subtle, refined and enchanting scent of sandalwood oil has been considered magical since ancient times; polka has been used in religious rituals and medicine. This fragrance gives you confidence and strength to cope with everything that fate brings you.

Aries have the following traits: energy, enterprise, assertiveness, innovation, impulsiveness, courage, passion.

Sandalwood essential oil is made from sandalwood shavings that grow in India. From it, figures of gods are created for Buddhist temples. Sandalwood is one of the base ingredients for the production of incense and is widely used in cosmetics.

It is used for relaxation and meditation. It is believed that the fragrance of sandalwood reveals creativity and harmonizes human energy. It helps well with depression, fears, insomnia, etc. In addition, sandalwood is a recognized aphrodisiac that increases sexuality and sensuality. It is also widely used in medicine as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent.

Other essential oils: rosemary, sandalwood, coriander, pink grapefruit, lime, lemon, basil, lavender, cedarwood, black pepper.

Taurus is gardenia.

An exhilarating, sensual tropical fragrance that brings serenity and ease to your life. This fragrance will help to establish peace of mind and harmony. Gardenia essential oil is a magical scent, simply created for Taurus who appreciate beauty, comfort and luxury. Use it when you want to pamper yourself a little.

Taurus has the following traits: sensuality, solidity, constancy, steadfastness, stubbornness, predictability, practicality, caution, calmness.

The beautiful gardenia, which has a wonderful aroma, grows in South Africa, India and China. In total, there are about 250 species of these evergreens from the Rubiaceae family. The Chinese give gardenia fruits different names, depending on their size. Large ones are called chi-zu, and small ones are called shan-chi-zu.

Other essential oils: rose, white iris, orchid, jasmine, orange, lavender, geranium, ylang-ylang, cedarwood, oregano, incense, musk.

Gemini is the queen of the night.

The fragrance of the night queen will add charm to you and let you dazzle the world. Cheerfulness, charisma and a subtle sense of humor make Gemini like a magnet for other people.

Gemini has the following traits: sociability, lightness, curiosity, flexibility, quick wits, youth, spontaneity.

Despite the fact that these pinkish bell-shaped flowers are not at all like beautiful roses, they play an equally important role in the perfume world. Their refined, rich, sweetish aroma of tuberose, slightly reminiscent of the smell of a lily or hyacinth, is called the "queen of the night." This outlandish flower comes from Mexico, and only at the beginning of the 16th century it adorned the gardens and flower beds of France, Spain, Italy, Morocco and India.

Other essential oils: basil, lavender, ylang ylang, sweet orange, cedarwood, bergamot, green tea, blackcurrant, fennel, mint, thyme.

Cancer is muscle.

This fragrance will bring solace and allow you to relive the moments when you felt most happy, spending time with close friends and those you love.

Cancers have the following traits: caring, good breeding, sensuality, hospitality, exactingness, responsiveness.

The aroma of musk is included in almost all oriental perfumes. It has the ability to capture lighter odors. Eastern traditions attribute to it many properties and beliefs. The aroma of musk is not only a component of drugs for depression and stress, restores the aura and fills with energy, but is also able to protect from the evil eye and evil spirits.

Other essential oils: chamomile, rose, jasmine, grapefruit, orange, geranium, cedar, wild marjoram, frankincense, lavender.

Leo is a rhododendron.

Leos are the kings and queens of the zodiac. This fragrance was created by nature for those who want to conquer the world and become the first in their field.

Lions have the following traits Keywords: generosity, fidelity, dignity, leadership, charisma, courage, arrogance.

This beautiful flower has a fresh, light, transparent, rich, sunny and slightly tart aroma, which is used in fruity-floral perfume directions. Essential oils of rhododendron help to put thoughts in order and restore clarity of mind, in addition, it makes the perception of the world and feelings more subtle, improves memory and concentration.

Other essential oils: jasmine, mandarin, rose, myrrh, lily, vanilla, bergamot, immortelle, lime, lemon balm, fir, lemon litsea, tropical verbena.

Virgo is a rose.

This warm, sensual, intoxicating fragrance is designed to bring out your natural grace and charm.

Virgos have the following traits: rationality, productivity, pedantry, reasonableness, insight, striving for excellence.

In all ages, the rose was considered one of the most luxurious and romantic flowers: it was used in various rituals of Ancient Greece, royal palaces were decorated with pink garlands, poets in love sang it, and Roman beauties widely used the properties of roses for their cosmetic procedures.

The unique, fresh, sweetish, heady aroma of these marvelous flowers allows you to forget about the fuss, helps you make important decisions, gives clarity of mind, relieves nervous tension and restores harmony with the world. The rose has the ability to purify and enlighten the aura, and gives attractiveness and sympathy in the eyes of others.

Other essential oils: lavender, rosemary, freesia, myrtle, sandalwood, lemon balm, orange, ginger, red grapefruit, tangerine, cinnamon.

Libra - patchouli.

An elegant, sophisticated, mesmerizing and soothing fragrance created to explore and enjoy the world, as well as find peace of mind in your own life. Patchouli essential oil relieves suffering, energizes, gives strength, makes more confident.

Scales have the following traits: diplomacy, sociability, elegance, accuracy, charm, frivolity.

Patchouli essential oil in the sixties became a symbol of the most prestigious and luxurious perfumes, at the same time, it is a powerful aphrodisiac that excites and liberates those who use it. This tool has long been used in Eastern medicine as an antiseptic and antiviral agent.

Other essential oils: geranium, lavender, orchid, white iris, gardenia, amber, grapefruit, orange, cedar, marjoram, frankincense, rose.

Scorpio - ylang-ylang.

This fragrance is designed to draw inspiration from your life and love.

Scorpios have the following traits: passion, emotionality, complexity, secrecy, mystery, strength.

This "flower of flowers" is also called the crown of the East, and the healing properties of its fresh, tropical aroma are equated by some connoisseurs with a honeymoon or inspiration of lovers. Its magical aroma can heal heart wounds, relieve depression, stress, insomnia and dull the feeling of fear. It will also help if you need to gain self-confidence and overcome your complexes.

Other essential oils: patchouli, lavender, orange, geranium, vanilla, sandalwood, musk, cedar, wild marjoram, frankincense.

Sagittarius - ambergris.

This fragrance gives rise to dreams of distant lands and adventures, and also gives strength and opportunity to realize them. With it, you can easily open new horizons and allow change to enter your life.

Sagittarians have the following traits: adventurism, energy, optimism, jealousy, temperament, versatility.

Ambergris is a recognized aphrodisiac that makes our feelings stronger and brighter, in addition, it is used in elite perfumery not only as a fragrant substance, but also as a fixative. Ambergris has been used medicinally for a long time. According to Avicenna, this substance is able to heal the heart, brain and put feelings in order.

The resinous, warm, sweet aroma of royal amber has a positive effect on a woman's body, relieves neurosis, mood swings and depression. Ambergris adds fire energy to Sagittarius, makes them more cheerful and open to the world, and also improves relationships with loved ones.

Other essential oils: black pepper, thuja, cypress, ginger, cloves, juniper, frankincense, orange, geranium, hyssop.

Capricorn - lavender.

This subtle, fresh, bitter aroma turns pragmatic Capricorns into dreamers who have nothing else to stand in the way of achieving their desired goals.

Capricorns have the following traits: loyalty, diligence, pragmatism, resentment, ambition, straightforwardness.

Lavender has been widely used in perfumery and medicine since ancient Greece and Rome. Wealthy patricians added it to the bath, and also used it as a prophylactic against epidemics and an antiseptic.

Many famous perfumes include lavender in their compositions. Its fresh, refined aroma is an excellent remedy for depression, bad mood and melancholy, as well as reduces aggression and irritability. Lavender has proven sedative properties that have worked well for overwork, insomnia, hysteria, and increased anxiety.

Other essential oils: heather, grapefruit, lime, basil, lavender, honeysuckle, green tea, cedar, eucalyptus, thyme.

Aquarius - lotus.

This exotic, mysterious and intriguing fragrance creates a special mood to stand out from the crowd and be popular.

Aquarians have the following traits Keywords: altruism, egalitarianism, friendliness, eccentricity, charity, innovation, freethinking, rebelliousness and independence.

The lotus flower is sacred to many religions and peoples. It symbolizes love, purity and enlightenment. This beautiful exotic flower is used in many religious rituals by the ancient Egyptians, Buddhists of Tibet and Mongolia. In India, it is considered a sacred plant.

This unusual flower is able to lift the veil of secrecy in front of a person, help to understand oneself and learn about one's true desires. Lotus helps to find a way out of the current situation and sharpens intuition. Its light, refined aroma fills the body, thoughts and feelings with freshness, overcomes depression, apathy and fatigue. Lotus promotes calmness and harmony, and also helps the spiritual development of a person.

Other essential oils: neroli, cinnamon, orange, sandalwood, cedarwood, vanilla, violet, ginger, red grapefruit, lemon balm, rosemary.

Fish are opium.

This exotic, sensual, intoxicating fragrance is able to ignite fantasy and imagination, creating a little magic in your life.

Pisces have the following traits Keywords: dreaminess, romance, creativity, talent, sensitivity, sincerity, idealism and selflessness.

This tart, resinous, intoxicating aroma, according to legend, gives youth and beauty, not without reason it is sometimes called the "flower of dreams". It is able to make you brighter and more attractive in the eyes of others, to give sophistication and aristocracy to your appearance. In addition, opium essential oil has healing properties and is a recognized pain reliever.

Other essential oils: lemon balm, fir, cypress, lily, linden, mandarin, bergamot, lemon, lime, lemon litsea, tropical verbena.

Each of us has our own preferences in food, music, etc. So the fragrance that every person likes is a reflection of his inner world, a continuation of unique qualities and individual characteristics.

Our company presents a series of sets of essential oils for each of the signs of the zodiac. One can believe or not believe in astrology, but one cannot deny the obvious fact that astrological characteristics give a certain idea of ​​the character, views and hobbies of a person born under one or another sign of the Zodiac.

A few days ago, the month of Aquarius began, what aromas are inherent in this sign?

From our fragrant horoscope, you will find out what types of aromas, the smells of which plants and natural substances are organically combined with the appearance of representatives of different signs. The horoscope greatly facilitates the choice of suitable perfume products, so it will be useful not only for the representatives of this or that sign themselves, but also for their loved ones, who would like to successfully pick up a “fragrant” gift.

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. The energy and impulsiveness of Aries is not always in the hands of the owners of this zodiac sign. The composition "Aries" will help overcome irritability and intolerance, calm the nervous system and give a pleasant opportunity to concentrate on important matters without sad thoughts. Allowing you to cope with serious mental stress, a mix of aromatic oils relieves fatigue and gives self-confidence.

Essential oils in the Aries set:

  • Geranium
  • Juniper coniferous
  • Patchouli
  • Rosemary officinalis
  • Scotch pine
  • Clary sage

  • Taurus - stubborn and overly practical, do not always find time for the most emotional events of life. Emphasizing the sensuality and good taste of Taurus, a set of oils stimulates the vital activity of representatives of this zodiac sign. Aromatic composition for Taurus will support the immune system, protecting the body from stress and colds.

    Essential oils in the Taurus set:

  • Bergamot
  • himalayan cedar
  • meadow mint
  • Neroli
  • Patchouli
  • Clary sage

  • The aromatic composition "Gemini" was created to relieve fatigue, give a good mood and cheerfulness. Increasing sociability and ingenuity, aromatic oils allow you to achieve success in your career. Keeping the vitality of Gemini in order, a set of oils stimulates the social and physical activity of the representatives of this zodiac sign, protecting against diseases of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system.

    Essential oils in the Gemini set:

  • orange sweet
  • Geranium
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary officinalis
  • Eucalyptus

  • Responsive and well-mannered, Cancers often do not reveal themselves from the right side even to close acquaintances. Helping to overcome capriciousness and timidity, the set of aromatic oils "Cancer" enhances the positive aspects of the character of the owners of this zodiac sign: understanding, sympathy, caring. The use of oils will allow you to debug the work of the gastrointestinal tract and improve the mood of Cancers, maintain their confidence in life choices.

    Essential oils in the Cancer set:

  • Bergamot
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Scotch pine
  • Clary sage

  • Emphasizing the charismatic and bold nature of Leo, the aromatic composition cheers up the owners of this zodiac sign and stimulates their creative and career aspirations. Fully realizing their talents, Lions get rid of all diseases and become a real sun that illuminates the lives of loved ones. Aroma oils with a pronounced woody character soften Leo's vanity and suspiciousness.

    Essential oils in the Leo set:

  • Bergamot
  • Juniper coniferous
  • Patchouli
  • Petit grain
  • Rosemary officinalis
  • Sandalwood

  • Softening such Virgo character traits as snobbery and constant criticism of everything that happens, the composition allows them to gain self-confidence, calmness and a positive attitude towards changes in life. Oils help Virgos take care of their health and keep the body in optimal condition to combat stress, irritability, and irascibility.

    Essential oils in Virgo set:

  • orange sweet
  • Geranium
  • Jasmine grandiflorum
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Citrus (Clementine)
  • Eucalyptus

  • Giving the actions of Libra a decisive and consistent character, emphasizing the elegance and competent approach to the chosen business, the Libra set allows you to quickly develop a career and build relationships with your loved one. The composition keeps the mood of Libra in harmony, immersing them in positive dreams and aspirations. Oils strengthen the immune system and are an effective antiviral agent.

    Essential oils in the Libra set:

  • Geranium
  • himalayan cedar
  • Lavender
  • meadow mint
  • rose damask
  • Citrus (Clementius)

  • Decisive and passionate Scorpios in a fit of emotions become too irritable, suspicious, uncontrollable. Softening the character traits of Scorpios, a set of aromatic oils will allow you to draw inspiration for new achievements in every day of life and in your loved ones. The composition stimulates sexuality and allows you to fully realize the energy stored in the heart of Scorpio, preventing the development of nervous diseases.

    Essential oils in the Scorpio set:

  • Jasmine grandiflorum
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Lemon
  • Patchouli
  • Siberian fir
  • Rosemary officinalis

  • Neutralizing Sagittarius's stiffness and self-doubt, a mixture of aromatic oils lets positive changes into your life. The composition reveals the cheerfulness and assertiveness of Sagittarius, helps to realize all the hidden dreams and aspirations. The warming aromas of herbs and citrus will drive the blues away, leaving you in a good mood.

    Essential oils in the Sagittarius set:

  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Juniper coniferous
  • Patchouli
  • Siberian fir
  • Rosemary officinalis

  • Revealing Capricorn's ability to dream, the Mini Aromatherapy Oil Set eliminates the pragmatic, ambitious impulses of the representatives of this zodiac sign. Minimizes the manifestations of stubbornness and dominance of Capricorns, the aromatic composition makes their character ideal for entering into new relationships both on the love front and in the field of business. Massage with the oils included in the set improves the functioning of the spine and neutralizes any kind of pain.

    Essential oils in the Capricorn set:

  • Bergamot
  • Grapefruit
  • Lavender
  • Sandalwood
  • Scotch pine
  • Clary sage

  • Shy and overly dependent on the opinions of others, Aquarians need the calming effect of a set of aromatic oils. Disciplining the character of Aquarius, the aromatic composition enhances the best qualities of the representatives of the sign: ingenuity, goodwill, responsiveness. Oils eliminate sleep disturbances and nervous breakdowns, allowing Aquarians to cope with new emotions while maintaining a good mood.

    Essential oils in the Aquarius set:

  • orange sweet
  • Bergamot
  • Jasmine grandiflorum
  • Ylang Ylang
  • himalayan cedar
  • Scotch pine

  • A set of aromatic oils "Pisces" will help overcome apathy, stimulate the imagination and desire for career achievements. By boosting your self-esteem, the composition will make you brighter in the eyes of others, draw attention to your ideas and fantasies. The use of oils from the massage kit will relieve Pisces of excess weight, remove toxins from the body that provoke allergies, cellulite and skin diseases.

    Essential oils in the Pisces set:

  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • Neroli
  • Siberian fir
  • Rosemary officinalis
  • Tea tree
  • Aries (03/21-04/20)
    Women of this sign are temperamental, original and extravagant. Willingly use perfumes with a strong smell with a strong concentration of herbal and lavender.
    Astrologers recommend Aries smell fresh and strong at the same time. Essential oils suitable for this sign: lavender, rose, geranium, rosemary, juniper, lemon, frankincense, patchouli, sandalwood, vanilla, coriander.

    Taurus (21.04-21.05)
    Taurus - nature with a good disposition and comprehensive interests. They love sports and dancing, take care of their figure and beauty. Well-imposed low-key makeup, a great combination of costume and accessories - these are the typical characteristics of the Taurus lady. The smells with herbal, fresh, sports compositions most correspond to them. Aromatherapy will be most effective with the following oils: bergamot, neroli, rosemary, chamomile, lemon, mint, patchouli, sandalwood, jasmine.

    Gemini (22.05-21.06)
    -Gemini tend to philosophy and reflection. Their main distinguishing feature is intelligence. Their feelings are relegated to the background. They dress, as a rule, in a sporty or classic style, never blindly follow fashion. Gentle smells correspond to the character of Gemini: sandalwood, eucalyptus, geranium, orange, rose, lavender, neroli, rosemary, vanilla, cinnamon, ylang-ylang, jasmine.

    Cancer (22.06-23.07)
    Women of this sign radiate warmth, but are secretive, impressionable and distrustful. They should use aromatic compositions in moderation so that the smell from them can be heard at a short distance. In order to slightly emphasize your dreamy and romantic nature, sweet essential fragrances are recommended: vanilla, jasmine, bergamot, lavender, ylang-ylang, neroli.

    Leo (24.07-23.08)
    Lioness women are the queens of life, proud, inaccessible, convinced of their superiority over everyone else. They love expensive clothes, jewelry and furs. The choice of fragrances should accentuate their temperament and sensuality. For Lionesses, the best essential oils are: lemon, frankincense, orange, patchouli, rose, sandalwood, rosemary.

    Virgo (24.08-23.09)
    Virgos are born aesthetes, have good taste, and are elegant. They devote a lot of time to taking care of themselves. In the matter of fragrances, Virgos avoid obsessive extravagance. They choose, as a rule, sweetish floral and herbal essential oils: sandalwood, geranium, neroli, frankincense, cinnamon, ylang-ylang.
    Libra (24.09-23.10)
    Libra is the ideal of femininity, they are elegant, charming, have a subtle intuition. In the choice of clothes and fragrances, Libra appreciates classic elegance: rose, lavender, mint, cinnamon, incense, geranium.

    Scorpio (24.10-22.11)
    Scorpio women are easily vulnerable, often fall into a bad mood for no reason, but at the same time they are very sensual. They are closed in themselves and do not like to open up to others. They are recommended sweet aromatic oils: patchouli, jasmine, sandalwood, vanilla, ylang-ylang, cinnamon.

    Sagittarius (23.11-21.12)
    Sagittarius women are distinguished by spontaneity, optimism and mobility. They love to shine in society, so they do not avoid aggressive and original smells. Most of all they love change. Choosing the characteristic aroma oils for Sagittarius, which are necessary to strengthen the equanimity of his spirit and frank sensuality, you should give preference to spicy aromas, the smells of the oriental bazaar: almond, patchouli, cinnamon, rose, rosemary, lemon, incense.

    Capricorn (22.12-20.01)
    Capricorn women at heart are incorrigible idealists. Most of all they value a sense of proportion and modesty, they are not prone to extravagance. It is better for Capricorns to choose persistent aromas, but not too heavy: carnation, eucalyptus, sandalwood, bergamot, juniper, cinnamon, rose.

    Aquarius (21.01-19.02)
    Aquarius women fascinate with mystery and mystery. It is difficult to resist the charming Aquarius lady - she cannot be overlooked in society, although, as it seems, she does not make any efforts to do this. The following aroma oils are best suited for this character: rose, bergamot, orange, lemon, eucalyptus, ylang-ylang.

    Pisces (20.02-20.03)
    Pisces are tender, vulnerable, live in a world of dreams, and a collision with reality is a bitter disappointment for them. In appearance, they are cold and inaccessible, although internal vibrations are often hidden under such a mask. Often they change their minds, go from one extreme to another. This is typical for the manner of dressing, and for the use of fragrances. The most well combined with the delicate and sophisticated character of Pisces - orange, lemon, neroli, rosemary, jasmine, juniper, bergamot.

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