Preparing and writing a presentation based on visual perception according to a collectively drawn up plan. According to K


Presentation for the presentation "The Saved Garden" based on the story of Konstantin Paustovsky about Gaidar. The presentation helps to organize the work when writing a presentation: determine the type of text, draw up a plan, conduct spelling preparation.

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“Presentation for the lesson of the Russian language. Presentation "Saved Garden"»


Detailed presentation based on the story of K. Paustovsky "The Saved Garden"

  • Let's get ready to write the essay.
  • - Define the text type.
  • (Narration.)
  • - Prove that this text is a narrative.
  • (The narrative text talks about events that develop sequentially
  • Name the parts of a narrative text.
  • (Out of 3.)
  • - Name the parts of the narrative text.
  • (1. - Introduction, 2. - Main, 3. - Conclusion.)
  • - Name the characteristic features of the introductory part of the narrative text. (The narrative text first tells who or what will be told next.)

  • Work on the introduction.
  • Rest in Yalta.

Working on the main part.

2) Save the garden.

Working on a conclusion.

3) Great mood

  • Find in the text words with checked unstressed vowels in the root.
  • - Find words with prefixes that contain the letter “o”. (They heard, it turned out, ran up, stopped, turned black, let go.)
  • - Find words with prefixes that contain the letter “a”. (Squeezed.)

Spelling preparation.

  • - Read the words written on the cards:
  • - Find these words in the text. Look at how they are spelled and fill in the missing letters.
  • Reading these words in unison.






Working with cards.

  • Writing a presentation.
  • Independent work of students.

Chekhov: "The Cherry Orchard"

Action 1

The room, which is still called the nursery. Lopakhin and Dunyasha are waiting for Ranevskaya and everyone who went to meet her to arrive from the station. Lopakhin recalls how Ranevskaya felt sorry for him in childhood (Lopakhin is the son of the serf Ranevskaya). Lopakhin reproaches Dunyasha for behaving like a young lady. Epikhodov appears. Entering, he drops the bouquet. Epikhodov complains to Lopakhin that some kind of misfortune happens to him every day. Epikhodov leaves. Dunyasha reports that Epikhodov proposed to her. Two carriages drive up to the house. Ranevskaya, Anya, Charlotte, Varya, Gaev, Simeonov-Pishchik appear. Ranevskaya admires the nursery, says that she feels like a child here. Left alone with Varya, Anya tells her about her trip to Paris: “Mom lives on the fifth floor, I come to her, she has some French, ladies, an old priest with a book, and it’s smoky, uncomfortable ... My dacha near Menton she has already sold, she has nothing left, nothing. I didn't even have a penny left, we barely got there. And my mom doesn't understand! We sit down at the station to dine, and she demands the most expensive thing and gives the lackeys a ruble for tea. Charlotte too. Yasha also demands a portion for himself ... ”Anna wonders if Lopakhin made an offer to Varya. She shakes her head negatively, says that nothing will work out for them, tells her sister that in August they will sell the estate, and she herself would like to go to holy places. Dunyasha flirts with Yasha, he tries to seem like a foreign dandy. Ranevskaya, Gaev and Simeonov-Pishchik appear. Gaev makes movements with his arms and torso, as if playing billiards (“From the ball to the right into the corner”, “From two sides to the middle”). Ranevskaya rejoices that Firs is still alive, recognizes the situation: “My dear closet! (kisses the cupboard). Before leaving, Lopakhin reminds the owners that their estate is being sold for debts, and suggests a way out: break the land into summer cottages and lease them out. However, for this it will be necessary to cut down the old cherry orchard Gaev and Ranevskaya do not understand the meaning of Lopakhin's project, they refuse to follow his reasonable advice under the pretext that their garden is mentioned in the Encyclopedic Dictionary. Varya brings two telegrams from Paris to Ranevskaya, she tears them up without reading them Gaev utters a pompous speech addressed to the closet: “Dear, respected closet! I salute your existence, which for more than a hundred years has been directed towards the bright ideals of goodness and justice; your silent call to fruitful work has not weakened for a hundred years, maintaining vigor in the generations of our family, faith in a better future and educating in us the ideals of goodness and social self-consciousness. There is an awkward pause. Pishchik takes a handful of pills intended by Ranevskaya. He either tries to borrow 240 rubles from the owners, then falls asleep, then wakes up, then mutters that his daughter Dashenka will win 200 thousand on a ticket. Petya Trofimov appears - the former teacher of Grisha, the son of Ranevskaya, who drowned a few years ago. He is called "a shabby gentleman" and "an eternal student." Varya asks Yasha to see his mother, who has been waiting for him in the servants' room since yesterday. Yasha: "It is very necessary." Gaev states that there are many ways to get money to pay off debts. “It would be nice to receive an inheritance from someone, it would be nice to pass off our Anya as a very rich person, it would be nice to go to Yaroslavl and try your luck with the aunt-countess.” The aunt is very rich, but she does not like her nephews: Ranevskaya did not marry a nobleman and did not behave virtuously. Gaev says about himself that he is a man of the eighties, he got it for his convictions in life, but he knows the peasants and they love him. Varya shares her problems with her sister: she manages all the household, diligently maintains order and saves on everything. Tired from the road, Anya falls asleep.

Action 2

A field, an old chapel, an old bench. Charlotte tells about herself: she does not have a passport, she does not know her age, her parents were circus performers, after the death of her parents, a German woman taught her to be a governess. Epikhodov sings songs to the guitar, poses in front of Dunyasha. She tries to please Yasha. Enter Ranevskaya, Gaev and Lopakhin, who still convinces Ranevskaya to give the land for dachas. Neither Ranevskaya nor Gaev hear his words. Ranevskaya regrets that she spends a lot and senselessly: she goes to have breakfast in a crappy restaurant, eats and drinks a lot, gives a lot for tea. Yasha declares that he cannot hear Gaev's voices without laughter. Lopakhin is trying to shout to Ranevskaya, recalling the auction. However, the brother and sister claim that "dachas and summer residents - it's so common." Ranevskaya herself feels uncomfortable (“I’m still waiting for something, as if a house should collapse above us”). Ranevskaya's husband died "from champagne." She got together with another, went abroad with him, took care of the object of her passion for three years when he fell ill. In the end, he left her, robbed her and got together with another. Ranevskaya returned to Russia to her daughter. In response to Lopakhin's reasonable proposals, she tries to persuade him to talk about marrying Vara. Firs appears with Gaev's coat. Firs considers the liberation of the peasants to be a misfortune (“Men with the masters, gentlemen with the peasants, and now everything is scattered, you won’t understand anything”). Trofimov enters, who resumes yesterday’s conversation with Gaev and Ranevskaya about the “proud man”: “We must stop admiring ourselves. We just need to work... We, in Russia, still have very few people working. The vast majority of the intelligentsia that I know do not seek anything, do nothing, and are not yet capable of work ... Everyone is serious, everyone has stern faces, everyone talks only about important things, philosophizes ... all our good conversations are for this only to avert the eyes of oneself and others." Lopakhin objects to him that he himself works from morning to evening. He agrees that there are few honest, decent people in the world (“I think: “Lord, you gave us huge forests, immense forests, the deepest horizons, and living here, we ourselves should really be giants”). Gaev pompously recites - a monologue addressed to mother nature. He is asked to be quiet. All those gathered constantly utter fragmentary phrases that are in no way connected with each other. A passer-by asks for alms, and Ranevskaya gives him gold. Varya desperately tries to leave. Ranevskaya wants to keep her, saying that she has betrothed her to Lopakhin. Anya is left alone with Trofimov. He happily assures her that they are above love, calls the girl forward. “All of Russia is our garden. The earth is great and beautiful, there are many wonderful places on it. Think, Anya: your grandfather, great-grandfather and all your ancestors were serf-owners who owned living souls, and is it possible that from every cherry in the garden, from every leaf, from every trunk, human beings do not look at you, do you really not hear voices ... Own living souls - after all, this has reborn all of you who lived before and are now Living, so that your mother, you, uncle no longer notice that you live on credit, at someone else's expense, at the expense of those people whom you do not let further than the front. .. We are at least two hundred years behind, we still have absolutely nothing, we have no definite relationship to the past, we only philosophize, complain about melancholy or drink vodka. After all, it is so clear that in order to begin to live in the present, we must first redeem our past, put an end to it, and it can only be redeemed by suffering, only by extraordinary, uninterrupted labor. Petya encourages Anya to throw the keys to the household into the well and be free as the wind.

Action 3

Ball in the house of Ranevskaya. Charlotte performs card tricks. Pishchik is looking for someone to borrow money from. Ranevskaya says that the ball was started inopportunely. Gaev went to the auction to buy the estate by proxy of his aunt in her name. Ranevskaya insistently demands that Varya marry Lopakhin. Varya replies that she cannot propose to him herself, but he is either silent or joking, and keeps getting richer. Yasha cheerfully reports that Epikhodov broke the billiard cue. Ranevskaya urges Trofimov to finish his studies, shares with him her doubts about leaving for Paris: her lover bombards her with telegrams. She has already forgotten that he robbed her, and does not want to be reminded of this. In response to Trofimov's accusations of inconsistency, she advises him to take a mistress. Varya kicks Epikhodov out. Gaev returns, cries, complains that he has not eaten anything all day and suffered greatly. It turns out that the estate has been sold and Lopakhin bought it. Lopakhin is proud that he bought the estate, “there is nothing more beautiful in the world. I bought an estate where my grandfather and father were slaves... Come and see how Yermolai Lopakhin will hit the cherry orchard with an ax! We will set up dachas, and our grandchildren and great-grandchildren will see a new life here!” Anya consoles the weeping Ranevskaya, convinces that a whole life lies ahead: “We will plant a new garden, more luxurious than this, you will see it, understand it, and joy, quiet, deep joy will descend on your soul.”

Action 4

Departing people collect things. Saying goodbye to the peasants, Ranevskaya gives them her wallet. Lopakhin is going to Kharkov (“I kept hanging out with you, I was exhausted with nothing to do”). Lopakhin tries to give Trofimov a loan, he refuses: “Humanity is moving towards the highest truth, towards the highest happiness that is possible on earth, and I am in the forefront!” Lopakhin reports that Gaev has accepted the position of an employee in the bank, but doubts that he will stay long in the new position. Ranevskaya worries about whether the sick Firs has been sent to the hospital, and arranges for Varya and Lopakhin to explain in private. Varya informs Lopakhin that she has hired herself as a housekeeper. Lopakhin never makes an offer. Saying goodbye to Anya, Ranevskaya says that she is leaving for Paris, where she will live on money sent by her Yaroslavl aunt. Anya plans to pass the exam at the gymnasium, then work, help her mother and read books with her. Charlotte asks Lopakhin to find her a new place. Gaev: “Everyone is leaving us. Varya leaves ... We suddenly became unnecessary. Pishchik suddenly appears, distributing debts to those present. The British discovered white clay on his land, and he leased the land to the pits. Left alone, Gaev and Ranevskaya say goodbye to the house and garden. From afar, their names are Anya and Trofimov. The owners leave, lock the doors with a key. Firs appears, who has been forgotten in the house. He is sick. “A distant sound is heard, as if from the sky, the sound of a broken string, fading, sad. There is silence, and only one can hear how far in the garden they knock on wood with an ax.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site

Comedy in 4 acts
Ranevskaya Lyubov Andreevna, landowner.
Anya, her daughter, 17 years old.
Varya, her adopted daughter, 24 years old.
Gaev Leonid Andreevich, brother of Ranevskaya.
Lopakhin Ermolai Alekseevich, merchant.
Trofimov Petr Sergeevich, student.
Simeonov-Pishchik Boris Borisovich, landowner.
Charlotte Ivanovna, governess.
Epikhodov Semyon Panteleevich, clerk.
Dunyasha, maid.
Firs, footman, old man 87 years old.
Yasha, a young footman.
Station manager.
Postal official.
Guests, servants.
The action takes place in the estate of L. A. Ranevskaya.
The room, which is still called the nursery. One of the doors leads to
Anya's room. Dawn. The sun will rise soon. It's already May, the cherry trees are blooming, but it's cold in the garden, it's a matinee. The windows in the room are closed.
Dunyasha enters with a candle and Lopakhin with a book in his hands.
Lopakhin talks with Dunyasha about the train, which arrived late. Lopakhin is upset that he came specially to meet Ranevskaya at the station, but overslept, fell asleep sitting. They listen, it seems they are already on their way.
Lyubov Andreevna lived abroad.
Lopakhin discusses what she has become? He recalls that she was kind, took pity on him when his father broke his nose into blood.
He talks about himself, who broke away from the peasants and did not become noble, only now he got rich.
Dunyasha is worried about the arrival of the gentlemen.
The clerk Epikhodov enters with a bouquet and drops it. Then he raises the bouquet and says that the gardener sent flowers for the dining room.
Epikhodov complains to Lopakhin about his boots, which creak. In general, according to him, only misfortunes happen to him, but he is used to it, he does not grumble.
Dunyasha confesses to Lopakhin that Epikhodov proposed to her. She does not understand him, although she regrets it. He was nicknamed "twenty-two misfortunes."
Lopakhin and Dunyasha hear the approaching carriages and are very worried.
You can hear two carriages driving up, a commotion, Firs leaning on a stick, dressed in an old livery, passes across the stage. Enter Ranevskaya, Anya, Charlotte Ivanovna, Gaev, Simeonov-Pishchik, servants.
Anya asks her mother if she remembers which room this is? She answers with tears in her eyes that she is a child. Ranevskaya sentimentally recalls her childhood, how she slept in this room. She recognizes everyone. Varya calls a nun. Gaev is outraged by the riots, in which the train may be delayed by two hours.
Dunyasha rejoices at the arrival of the gentlemen.
Dunyasha stupidly and hurriedly tells Anya about Epikhodov, his proposal, but she does not listen. Anya is very tired on the road. For four nights she did not sleep, she was tormented by anxiety. Now she is at home. Dunyasha reports that Pyotr Sergeyevich is here, he lives in a bathhouse so as not to embarrass anyone.
Varya sends Dunyasha to make coffee for Ranevskaya, while she herself talks with Anya. She complains about the difficult road, especially to Paris, then it was still winter and cold. Charlotte Ivanovna annoyed me all the way. But Varya says that one seventeen-year-old girl should not have been allowed to go so far. Anya says that she found her mother in Paris among strangers, without money. By that time, the mother had already sold her dacha in Menton, she no longer had any money. But Ranevskaya does not seem to understand her true position. She demands the most expensive and exquisite dishes, and gives her lackeys a ruble for tea. Meanwhile, there was barely enough money to get to Russia. Now comes the auction. The property will be sold in August.
Varya listens to Anya with tears. Lopakhin looks in. Varya drives him away. Anya asks if Lopakhin proposed to Varya, she shakes her head. Anya is surprised, because everyone knows that Lopakhin is in love with Varya. She replies that nothing will come of this love.
Anya boasts that in Paris she flew in a hot air balloon.
Dunyasha enters with a coffee pot. And Varya begins to dream aloud that she would marry Anya to a rich man, and go to the holy places herself. Then she realizes that it is already late, and it is time for Anya to sleep.
Anya sadly recalls that six years ago her father died, a month after that, her brother Grisha, a pretty seven-year-old boy, drowned in the river, and her mother fled from here without looking back from grief. And now Petya Trofimov, Grisha's former teacher, here can remind Ranevskaya of the past.
Enter grumbling Firs. He says that the lady will have “coffee” with cream, but Dunyasha forgot to serve the cream. She runs away. Enter Ranevskaya, Gaev, Simeonov-Pishchik.
Gaev and Ranevskaya remember the rules of the game in billiards.
Anya says goodbye to everyone and goes to bed.
Varya tries to send Lopakhin and Pishchik out, saying that it's already late and "it's time to know the honor."
Ranevskaya is very excited and rejoices that she is at home, that she sees old Firs. Lopakhin regrets that he will soon leave for Kharkov, but he wanted to talk. He tells Ranevskaya that he loves her more than his own.
Ranevskaya delightedly kisses the old cabinet and table. Gaev says that their old nurse has died. Ranevskaya recalls that she was written about this. Pishchik says his daughter said hello to everyone. Gaev remembers the dead servants. Lopakhin hurriedly tries to say that the auction on the estate is scheduled for August 22, but he reassures Ranevskaya that there is a way out, let her not worry. The estate is located close to the city, it can be divided into suburban areas and leased to summer residents, she will be able to receive an income of twenty-five thousand rubles a year. Gaev replies that this is complete nonsense. Ranevskaya also says that she does not quite understand Lopakhin.
Lopakhin explains that if you take twenty-five rubles per tithe from summer residents, then by autumn there will not be a single free piece of land left. He says that thanks to the convenient location of the estate, beautiful nature, one can have a good income from the estate, if, of course, something is removed > cleaned. Cut down the old cherry orchard, which is no longer good for anything. Ranevskaya is outraged by this proposal. She says that if there is anything worthwhile in the province, it is the cherry orchard. Lopakhin objects that the only remarkable thing is that the garden is very large, and if the cherry blossoms, then there is nowhere to put it, no one buys it. Gaev says that this garden is mentioned in the Encyclopedic Dictionary.
Lopakhin explains that if no measures are taken, then on August 22 both the estate and the garden will go under the hammer. “Make up your mind! There is no other way!” Firs says that earlier cherries were dried, soaked, and jam was boiled. And dried cherries were taken in carts to Kharkov and they got a lot of money for it. Lopakhin continues ... now summer residents have appeared, soon there will be even more of them, they will take care of the household and then "your cherry garden will become happy, rich, luxurious."
Gaev again says that this is nonsense.
Varya sends telegrams to her mother, but she vomits without reading, saying that this is from Paris, and Paris is over. Gaev begins to remember that this closet is a hundred years old. You can celebrate his birthday. Pishchik is surprised by the longevity of the cabinet.
Gaev addresses the closet as if it were alive: “Dear, dear. closet...” He makes a solemn speech to the closet with tears in his eyes. Gaev is going to go to bed. Firs mumbles something.
Charlotte Ivanovna appears, Lopakhin wants to kiss her hand, but she does not give it. Lopakhin notices that he is unlucky today.
Lopakhin says goodbye, says that he will return in three weeks. He reminds Ranevskaya to think about his proposal for the estate, if she decides, let him know, because. then it will be necessary to borrow money of fifty thousand.
Pishchik praises Lopakhin for his intelligence and efficiency and asks Ranevskaya for two hundred and forty rubles, but she does not. Pishchik does not lose heart, says that there is always a way out.

Varya, Ranevskaya, Gaev admire the garden. Ranevskaya says that she associates childhood, happiness, purity with the cherry orchard. It seems to her that in the depths of the garden her dead mother, all dressed in white, is walking. Varya is scared. Petya Trofimov enters. Ranevskaya looks at him in bewilderment, Varya reminds him that this is Grisha's teacher. Ranevskaya is crying. She remembers her dead boy. Everyone is surprised how Petya has grown ugly. He said that today in the carriage one woman called him "a shabby gentleman." He sadly says that his fate is to be an eternal student.
Pishchik again asks for two hundred and forty rubles, but Ranevskaya does not have it and she asks Gaev to give it. Varya laments that her mother has not changed. If she is given free rein, she will give everything away.
Gaev dreams of how to receive an inheritance or marry Anya to a rich man, or try his luck with a rich aunt in Yaroslavl. Varya is crying. Gaev calms her down.
Gaev says that the aunt does not love Ranevskaya because she married a non-nobleman. The brother says that she (Ranevskaya) is kind, good, nice, he loves her, but she is vicious. Varya, frightened, says that Anya is standing at the door and hears her uncle's words about her mother.
Gaev embarrassedly kisses Anya, saying that she is an angel. Anya notices that her uncle should be silent, and not say anything about her sister. “Why did you say that?”
Gaev confesses that he said nonsense. He then builds loan projects to pay the interest on the bills. Gaev reassures that Lopakhin will give Ranevskaya money, he will not dare to refuse, and Anya will go to her grandmother in Yaroslavl. So they will begin to act from three sides - “and it's in the bag”.
He swears that the estate will not be sold. Anya, reassured, praises her uncle. I am now calm!., happy!”
Firs appears and scolds Gaev for not going to bed yet. Gaev boasts that he has experienced a lot in life, his men love him. "The man needs to know!" Gaev goes to bed. Varya complains to Anya that the servants call her mean, that she feeds them only peas ... Then Varya noticed that Anya did not listen to her, but fell asleep sitting up. Varya takes her to bed.
Trofimov enters, but Varya sees him out. Trofimov admiringly calls Anya “My sun! Spring is mine!”
Field, long abandoned chapel, ruins of a well, grave
plates and bench. In the distance Gaev's estate and the cherry orchard, even further
the city is visible. Sunset.
Charlotte, Yasha and Dunyasha are sitting on a bench.
Epikhodov stands nearby and plays the guitar.
Charlotte says thoughtfully that she doesn't have a passport and doesn't know how old she is. As a child, she traveled with her circus parents, performed, and when they died, a German lady took her and began to teach. Charlotte grew up and became a governess. Who she is, where she came from, she doesn't know.
Epikhodov plays and sings how pleasant it is to play the mandolin. Dunyasha says he has a guitar, not a mandolin. Epikhodov replies that "for a madman who is in love, this is a mandolin."
Dunyasha considers it a blessing to be abroad, Yasha nods in the affirmative. Epikhodov says that sometimes he wants to shoot himself, and he carries a pistol with him.
Charlotte remarks that women should love Epikhodov.
Epikhodov again begins to complain about his fate.
Dunyasha sends Epikhodov away for his talma, and Yasha says that “twenty-two misfortunes” is a stupid person. Dunyasha is afraid that Epikhodov will shoot himself. Dunyasha says that in the master's house she pampered herself, became sensitive, like a young lady.
Someone is coming. Dunyasha sends Yasha away so that they won't be thought of. Enter Ranevskaya, Gaev and Lopakhin.
Lopakhin again asks about the plots for summer cottages, whether Ranevskaya agrees to give them away.
Ranevskaya indignantly asks who smoked such disgusting cigars here.
Gaev wants to go home, but his sister won't let him go. She looks into her wallet and is upset that she spends money so thoughtlessly, and Varya has to save on everything. Then she drops her purse and the gold crumbles, Yasha rushes to collect it.
Ranevskaya regrets that she went to a restaurant, only spent money on crappy food.
Lopakhin again returns to the conversation about the estate, that Deriganov wants to buy it.
Gaev replies that the Yaroslavl aunt promised to send money, but when and how much is unknown.
Lopakhin is outraged by the frivolity and inefficiency of Ranevskaya and Gaev. He says that every day he teaches them what to do, and they are waiting for a miracle. Ranevskaya replies that dachas and summer residents are so vulgar. Gaev agrees with her. Lopakhin wants to leave in desperation, but Ranevskaya asks him to stay.
Ranevskaya says that this is her punishment for sins. She was always overspending, married a man who only drank and went into debt. She fell in love with another, but her son drowned. This is her first punishment. Terrified, she fled abroad, and this man followed her. She bought a dacha near Menton and because this man fell ill, she did not know peace for three years day or night. He tortured her, sucked her soul out. She sold the dacha, went to Paris, and he robbed her and got together with another. Ranevskaya tried to poison herself ... She is now very ashamed. She desperately wanted to return to her homeland. She asks God to forgive her, not to punish her anymore. She says that she received a telegram from Paris, where this person asks for forgiveness, begs her to return.
Lopakhin says that yesterday he saw a very funny play at the theater. Ranevskaya replies that he does not need to look at plays, but more often at himself in the mirror. How all gray people live, how much they say unnecessary things. Lopakhin justifies himself that his father was a dark man, did not teach his son anything, only beat him, hence his stupidity. Ranevskaya says that Lopakhin needs to get married, he agrees. She adds that on Var, she is a good girl. Lopakhin agrees.

Gaev reports that he is offered a place in the bank for six thousand a year. Ranevskaya says that it is better for her brother to stay at home. Firs gives him a coat, it's damp all around. Ranevskaya notices that Firs has grown old, he replies that he lives a long time.
Gaev dreams aloud of a bill to pay for the estate. But Lopakhin replies that Gaev will not succeed, only fruitless dreams. Anya, Varya, Petya come up. Lopakhin laughs angrily at Petya that he will soon be fifty years old, and he is still a student. To Lopakhin's question about himself, what he is, Petya replies that Lopakhin is a predator, a rich man, needed in nature for metabolism.
Ranevskaya asks Petya to continue their yesterday's conversation about a proud man. Petya says that a person has nothing to be proud of, in most cases he is rude, unintelligent, unhappy. We need to stop admiring ourselves. We just need to work. Gaev objects that you will die anyway. To which Petya replies that perhaps five well-known feelings are dying, but ninety-five remain alive. Ranevskaya admires Petya's mind.
Petya says that a person is constantly moving towards perfection, and what is unattainable now will become close and understandable later. You just need to work, help yourself to seek the truth. “We, in Russia, still have few people working.” He laments that the majority of the intelligentsia does nothing. They consider themselves intelligent, but they say “you” to peasants, they are not busy with anything, they don’t read anything, they only talk about the sciences, they understand little about art. And the workers are in poverty, they live in filth. And all the talk around in order not to see the truth. Petya says that he does not like and is afraid of smart people. “Better keep quiet!”
Lopakhin says that he gets up at five in the morning and works until evening. He sees how few honest and decent people are around. When he can’t sleep, he thinks that “with such a great nature as is given to us, people must be giants...”
Gaev believes that the nature around is beautiful and indifferent.
Everyone sits quietly and listens. It sounds like a broken string. He is incomprehensible and unpleasant to everyone.
Firs recalls that before the misfortune, the owl also screamed, the samovar hummed. To the question of Gaev, before what misfortune. Firs replies: "Before the will."
A tipsy passer-by appears, first he asks how to get to the station, and then asks for “thirty kopecks”. Varya is frightened of him, and Ranevskaya gives gold, because. she has no change. Varya indignantly says that people have nothing to eat at home, and Ranevskaya gives gold to the first person she meets. Ranevskaya says that she will give her daughter everything she has, because. She doesn't know how to manage money. Ranevskaya asks Lopakhin for another loan. He gives. Ranevskaya tells Varya that she is completely betrothed. Varya, with tears in her eyes, says that they don’t joke about such things. Lopakhin quotes Shakespeare. Lopakhin again recalls that August 22 auction. “Think, gentlemen! Think!” he calls. Anya is glad that Varya was frightened by a passer-by and left Petya and Anya alone. Petya says that Varya is afraid to leave them alone, so that they do not fall in love with each other. Petya says that Varya is not given to understand, they are above love, they have a lofty and bright goal. Anya is surprised what happened to her. She no longer likes the cherry orchard. Petya replies: “All Russia is our garden. The earth is great and beautiful, there are many wonderful places on it.” Petya tells Anya that her ancestors were feudal lords, from every tree, leaf a person should look at her and voices should be heard. This changed the landowners. Ranevskaya, Gaev others - live in debt, at the expense of others. He says that the Russian people are two hundred years behind everyone else, but they themselves do nothing, only drink vodka and philosophize. To live in the present, we must redeem our past, end it. And this can be done only by suffering, by working.
Anya says she will leave home.
Petya invites her to throw the keys to the household and leave. “Be free as the wind.”
Petya asks Anya to believe him, he foresees the coming happiness. Petya says that if they do not see happiness, it does not matter - others will see it. Varya calls Anya, but she runs away to the river.
The living room is separated by an arch from the hall. The chandelier is on.
A Jewish orchestra is playing, dancing couples: Pishchik and Charlotte,
Petya and Ranevskaya, Anya with a postal clerk, Varya
with the stationmaster. Varya cries and quietly wipes
tears. Firs brings seltzer on a tray.
Pishchik complains about poverty. “I can only talk about money,” he says sadly. Petya believes that there is something equine in Pishchik's figure. He is not offended. He says that the horse is a kind animal. Trofimov teases Varya with “Madame Lopakhina”, and she calls him “shabby gentleman”. Varya grieves that they hired musicians, but there is nothing to pay.
Trofimov tells Pishchik that if he directed all the energy that he spent on extracting money to something useful, he could turn the world upside down.
Ranevskaya wonders why her brother has been gone for so long. Trofimov suggests that, perhaps, the auction did not take place. Ranevskaya complains that she started the ball inopportunely and there was no need to invite musicians
Charlotte shows tricks with cards, and then with a blanket and Anya and Varya. Everyone is delighted with her performance.
Ranevskaya is worried about Gaev's delay. Varya consoles her mother that her uncle bought the estate, because. the Yaroslavl grandmother helped, who bought the estate for Anya.
Ranevskaya objects that the Yaroslavl aunt sent fifteen thousand, but this money is not even enough to pay interest. Petya again teases Varya with Lopakhin, she gets angry.
Ranevskaya does not understand why Varya is angry. Varya replies that yes, Lopakhin is a good person, but she can’t propose to him. Everyone around is talking about them as a bride and groom, but Lopakhin is silent. She regrets that she does not have a hundred rubles, otherwise she would have abandoned everything and gone to a monastery. Ranevskaya stands up for Varya, asks Petya not to tease the girl, it’s hard for her without him. Petya says that he is angry with Varya because she has been haunting them with Anya all summer, watching them.

“We are above love!” he says proudly.
Ranevskaya asks Petya for consolation, she is worried about the estate. He cruelly says it's not about selling. Do not deceive yourself, but you must at least once face the truth. Ranevskaya is surprised: “What truth are you talking about? I can not see anything." She asks Petya to be a little generous and spare her. She loves this ancestral home, and if it needs to be sold, then let them sell it together with her.
Ranevskaya says that she loves Petya like her own, she would gladly give Anya for him. But Petya needs to study, to finish the course.
Petya sees a telegram lying around. Ranevskaya says she receives telegrams from Paris every day. This man is sick again. And she should have been by his side. She asks Petya not to judge her, because she loves that person. She compares it to a stone around her neck. With him I will go to the bottom, but I can not live without him.
Petya is surprised and says: “But he robbed you; he is a scoundrel, a nonentity.” But Ranevskaya does not listen to Petya, insulting him that he is twenty-six or twenty-seven years old, and he is still a second-grade schoolboy. Ranevskaya says that it's time for Petya to become a man and understand those who love, and you have to fall in love yourself!
Petya is horrified by Ranevskaya's speeches and runs away, and she shouts after him that she was joking. Something crashes down the stairs. Anya runs in and says, laughing, that Petya fell down the stairs. Ranevskaya goes into the hall and asks for forgiveness from Petya. Then they go to dance. Ranevskaya charter, sits down. Anya runs in and says that some person has come and says that the cherry orchard has already been sold. Ranevskaya is annoyed at the servants and lackeys and tells Firs that where will he go if the estate is sold? Firs replies: “Wherever you order, I will go there.” Yasha asks Ranevskaya to take him to Paris with her if she goes there.
Varya quarrels with Epikhodov, who does nothing, but only walks around the house like a guest. And he's a clerk, he has to work. She grabs Firs' stick, but hits Lopakhin, who is entering the hall.
Lopakhin, barely restraining his joy, says that the auction ended a long time ago, but he and Gaev missed the train, so they arrived late. Gaev can't say anything, but only cries. Ranevskaya asks impatiently if the cherry orchard has been sold. Lopakhin answers in the affirmative, to the question “who bought it”, he answers: “I am”.
Ranevskaya almost faints. Varya takes the keys from her belt and throws them on the floor in the living room, and then leaves. Lopakhin tells how he bargained with Deriganov, that he paid ninety thousand, and now his cherry orchard. He rejoices that he bought an estate in which his grandfather and father were slaves.
He invites musicians to play.
He dreams of the time when he will build dachas here, and his children and grandchildren will see a new life.
Ranevskaya is crying. Lopakhii reproachfully tells her why she didn't listen to him before, and now it's too late.
Lopakhin loudly says that a new landowner, the owner of a cherry orchard, is coming.
Anya comes up to Ranevskaya, who has remained in the living room, and consoles her. She says that nothing can be done with this garden, it is sold, but they will plant a new garden. She calls her mother with her.
Scenery of the first act. But there are no curtains, paintings, little furniture,
it feels empty. Worth the luggage.
Yasha says that the common people say goodbye to the masters.
Lopakhin calls for a drink, but no one comes. He gives the bottle to Yasha. Lopakhin reminds us that the train is forty-six minutes away, which means we have to leave in twenty minutes. Petya is looking for his galoshes. Lopakhin announces that he is going to Kharkov for the whole winter. He was exhausted from work. Petya tells the self-satisfied Lopatin not to wave his arms, that he has the long thin fingers of an artist and a tender soul. At parting, they hug. Lopakhin offers Petya money, but Petya refuses.
Lopakhin says that by sowing poppies, he earned forty thousand, and what a sight it was when the poppy blossomed!
Lopakhin announces that Gaev joined the bank for six thousand a year, but he can't sit still, very lazy.
Anya enters and asks Lopakhin not to cut down the garden before they leave. Lopakhin goes to give orders. Anya asks Yasha if Firs was sent to the hospital, he doesn't know for sure.
Yasha's mother came to say goodbye to him, but he does not want to. He is already dreaming how in six days he will be in Paris, far from “this ignorance”.
Enter Ranevskaya and Gaev. They are depressed, say goodbye to the house.
The mother says goodbye to the beaming Anya, who begins a new life.
Ranezskaya says that she is going to Paris with money sent by her Yaroslavl aunt. Anya hopes that her mother will return to her soon. And she will enter the gymnasium, will work, help her mother.
Ranevskaya speaks with Lopakhin about Varya, he promises to propose to the girl, but when Varya appears, Lopakhin talks about nothing. Varya hired herself as a housekeeper to the Ragulins.
Gaev sentimentally says goodbye to the house. Everyone noisily exits and leaves.
Lopatin hired Epikhodov to look after the house and gives him his last instructions. The new owner locks up the house.
The forgotten Firs remained in the closed house. He is worried that, probably, Gaev forgot to put on a fur coat. Then he laments that life has passed quickly, as he did not live.
Silence, and then you can hear how trees are being cut down in the garden.

In the spring, the writer Arkady Gaidar rested in Yalta. One day he was walking down a deserted street. Suddenly, disturbing voices and screams were heard from the neighboring garden. It turned out that a faucet had been torn out of a water pipe in the garden. A strong jet of water beat right into the bushes of roses, lilacs, flower beds, washed out the ground from under them and could destroy the entire garden.

Gaidar ran up to the pipe and squeezed it with his palm. The flow of water has stopped. Gaidar held back the powerful pressure of the water with the last of his strength. He was in a lot of pain. He turned black and clenched his teeth, but did not let go of the pipe until they found a tap and turned off the water. Gaidar ran up to the pipe and squeezed it with his palm. The flow of water has stopped. Gaidar held back the powerful pressure of the water with the last of his strength. He was in a lot of pain. He turned black and clenched his teeth, but did not let go of the pipe until they found a tap and turned off the water.

In the spring, the writer Arkady Gaidar rested in Yalta. One day he was walking down a deserted street. Suddenly, disturbing voices and screams were heard from the neighboring garden. It turned out that a faucet had been torn out of a water pipe in the garden. A strong jet of water beat right into the bushes of roses, lilacs, flower beds, washed out the ground from under them and could destroy the entire garden. In the spring, the writer Arkady Gaidar rested in Yalta. One day he was walking down a deserted street. Suddenly, disturbing voices and screams were heard from the neighboring garden. It turned out that a faucet had been torn out of a water pipe in the garden. A strong jet of water beat right into the bushes of roses, lilacs, flower beds, washed out the ground from under them and could destroy the entire garden. Gaidar ran up to the pipe and squeezed it with his palm. The flow of water has stopped. Gaidar held back the powerful pressure of the water with the last of his strength. He was in a lot of pain. He turned black and clenched his teeth, but did not let go of the pipe until they found a tap and turned off the water. Gaidar was in a great mood all day long. He managed to save a wonderful little garden.

In the spring, the writer, resting, deserted, the street, Suddenly, from the neighboring were heard, disturbing, vomited water pipe, washed out from under the destroy ran up, stopped. held back a powerful, wonderful mood, managed to save In the spring, the writer, rested, deserted, street, Suddenly, alarming sounds were heard from the neighbor, the water pipe vomited, washed out from under the destroy ran up, stopped. restrained a powerful, wonderful mood, managed to save

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Literature"

Ready-made presentations on literature have colorful slides with images of poets and their heroes, as well as illustrations for novels, poems and other literary works. The teacher of literature has the task of penetrating the soul of a child, teaching him morality, and developing a creative personality in him, therefore, presentations in literature should be interesting and memorable. In this section of our site you can download ready-made presentations for literature lessons for grades 5,6,7,8,9,10,11 absolutely and without registration.

Exposition "Saved Garden"

Name the genre and type of text. Where and when did the story take place? Why was Gaidar in a good mood? What happened in the garden? What words did the author use to show that Gaidar was in pain? What can a person's actions say about his character?

The spring writer Gaidar was breathing in Yalta. One day he was walking along a deserted street. Suddenly, disturbing voices and screams were heard from the neighboring garden. It turned out that a faucet had been torn out of a water pipe in the garden. A strong jet of water beat right into the bushes of roses, lilacs, flower beds, washed out the ground from under them and could destroy the entire garden.

Gaidar ran up to the pipe and squeezed it with his palm. The flow of water has stopped. The writer held back the powerful water pressure with the last of his strength. He was in a lot of pain. He turned black and clenched his teeth, but did not let go of the pipe until they found a tap and turned off the water. Gaidar was in a wonderful mood all day long. He managed to save a small wonderful garden.

Saved garden. The spring writer Gaidar was breathing in Yalta. One day he was walking down an empty street. Suddenly, alarming voices and screams were heard from his neighboring garden. It turned out that the axis in the garden pulled out of the faucet from the water pipe. A strong jet of water beat right into the rose bushes, s and reni, into the flower beds, washed out the earth from under them and could destroy the whole garden. Gaidar ran up to the pipe and squeezed it with his palm. The flow of water has stopped. The writer held back the powerful water pressure with the last of his strength. He was in a lot of pain. He turned black and clenched his teeth, but did not let go of the pipe until they found a tap and turned off the water. Gaidar was in a wonderful mood all day long. He managed to save a small wonderful garden.

rested, one day, on an empty street, from a neighboring garden, alarming voices, it turned out, from a water pipe, lilac flower beds, washed out from under them, could have glinted and something to live, powerful pressure, turned black and clenched his teeth, did not find and did not block, excellent mood, wonderful sa d

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