Preparation for the exam in the Russian language. Essay on the text H


Love for your work, for your homeland, for life. These topics are revealed by N.V. Gorlanova on a vivid example of the life of her friend teacher Elena Nikolaevna.

The problem raised by the author is reflected in a short question: “Will there be a time in Russia when all this will fit in one person?” - she asks about the ability to live and the culture of a person. But after reading the text, we need to answer the question. That is why the teacher's reaction is quite clear: "I remember how ironically she looked back ...". After all, she knew that in Russia there are, have been and will always be such people.

The sincerity of her feelings is amazing, but at the same time they are justified by a truly impeccable biography of a wonderful person.

I fully agree with the opinion of the author. Indeed, Elena Nikolaevna was a worthy person, a person who combined the ability to live and culture. And this is easy to understand, because, having become acquainted with her story, told by the author, I have deep respect for her. It is the respect of other people that speaks of your culture and ability to live. I am ready to support my opinion with arguments from fiction. First, the work of F.M. Dostoevsky "The Idiot" Prince Myshkin is the embodiment of a wonderful person. Who is, of course, a cultured person and who knows how to live. But to live not in the Svetsky society, but to live in the broadest sense of the word. Secondly, the story of A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" The main character Pyotr Grinev is an example of courage, valor, and honesty. Throughout the story, we see the hero in various, including difficult, life situations. But in spite of everything, he remains a worthy man.

The read text makes me think about how important it is to learn how to live and at the same time be a cultured person. And also about the fact that there are worthy examples for this in our Motherland, which you must definitely know. After all, they are the ones who inspire you and help you make the difficult decisions that build your life. A life worthy of respect.

Updated: 2017-03-08

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In the March and April issues of the Ural magazine for 2004 ... (according to N. Gorlanova)

In her story, Gorlanova puts forward the problem of attitudes towards the teacher, towards the individual in our society.

In my opinion, this problem is relevant in our time, because the role of a teacher in the social sphere is underestimated, it is not prestigious for the younger generation to work as a teacher at school.

The author of the text claims that "time is an honest man." Elena Nikolaevna loved her students, kept in her heart the memory of each of them, which was reflected in her deep, vivid letters to them. And the students reciprocated her. When she "suffered from nostalgia, loneliness and illness", they "wrote, came, helped ...".

I also think that time is an “honest man” and a fair judge. It sweeps away everything empty, insignificant, leaving only the true, valuable. A real teacher always plays a big role in the life of the younger generation, leaves a deep imprint in the hearts of his students.

Let us recall the story of V. Rasputin "French Lessons". The young teacher Lidia Mikhailovna not only taught the children French. Her lessons are lessons of kindness, humanity. She played for money with her student, losing to him on purpose so that the boy could buy at least a cup of milk a day. He studied diligently, but in that difficult post-war period he was starving, living with strangers. Both the hero of the story and we, the readers, remembered the teacher Lidia Mikhailovna, because the main thing in her was indifference to someone else's fate.

“Russia is famous for its teachers,” wrote the poet A. Dementiev in his poem. I would like to add: "Our school is famous for its teachers." They give all their strength so that the students receive good knowledge that will be useful to them in life. They do not spare their time for additional classes. But not only this is important. Festivals, holidays, trips, competitions are also part of our school life. And everywhere - a teacher is next to us - a friend, an assistant, an educator.

I still communicate with my first teacher Irina Petrovna. I go to visit, I call, I congratulate you on the holidays and your birthday. She taught us, little schoolchildren, not only to read and write, but also to see the world, respect elders, help each other, develop our abilities, and be individuals. And now she is worried about our present and future. Therefore, for me, she is a close and dear person to me.

In conclusion, I would like to say that such teachers as Elena Nikolaevna, Lidia Mikhailovna, Irina Petrovna and many others are Teachers with a capital letter.

Text #1

(1) In the March and April issues of the magazine "Ural" for 2004, the story of Marina Golubitskaya "That's all love" was published. (2) It is dedicated to the Perm teacher of literature, famous in the 70s and 80s, Elena Nikolaevna (the surname in the story has been changed, but the name and patronymic have not).

(3) And I knew Elena Nikolaevna well. (4) Under the Soviet regime, they survived her from an elite school: they didn’t like then that a person stood out with intelligence and sincerity - oh, how they didn’t like it! (5) And she went to work in a school for working youth, where I just served as a librarian.

(6) In fact, it only seemed to me that I knew Elena Nikolaevna well! (7) I knew, but I didn’t know! (8) The story contains letters from Elena Nikolaevna, many of her beautiful letters. (9) Deep, vivid letters, in which her love for her students, her memory of each of them so impressed me!

(10) I cried for a long time when I finished reading, and these were enlightened, noble tears. (11) I felt happy both because Marina Golubitskaya wrote this wonderful story about a wonderful person, and because this person lived - Elena Nikolaevna - in Perm, my city! (12) And most of all I was pleased with the thought that In fact"Time is an honest man." (13) How the teacher loved her students! (14) And they reciprocated her! (15) When Elena Nikolaevna ended up abroad, where she suffered from nostalgia, loneliness and illness, the students wrote, came, helped, wrote again, came again ...

(16) I remember how we once had a long conversation with Elena Nikolaevna at the school of working youth about the Cherry Orchard. (17) She said: “Lopakhin has the ability to live, but no culture, and Ranevskaya has a culture, but absolutely no ability to live.”

- (18) Will there be a time in Russia when all this will fit in one person? I asked.

(19) I remember how ironically she looked at me in response ...

(20) But how she yearned for this Russia! (21) I reread my favorite authors, wrote wonderful letters to students who remained at home. (22) There is such a famous saying: "Patience is beautiful." Her patience was beautiful.

(24) And yet, when she fell ill and ended up in a nursing home ... she suddenly refused to take medicine and died a month later. (25) Like Gogol. (26) But I think so. (27) We will never know why what happened at the end happened ...

(28) But the students remained - many students. (29) And everyone remembers her lessons, her thoughts, her kindness and the breadth of her views. (30) And the same Marina Golubitskaya dreams someday - there - to meet Elena Nikolaevna again and sit with her on the bench, as it happened, to talk heartily ...

(According to N. Gorlanova)

Nina Viktorovna Gorlanova(born in 1947) is a Russian writer who has been publishing since 1980.

Text No. 2

(1) In the past few years, another one has been added to the usual fears of parents. (2) Increasingly, teenagers scare us with an addiction to virtual communication. (3)Here are examples of complaints.

“(4) You can’t drag children away from the computer. (5) They sit for days. (6) Some ICQ, agents, chat forums ... "

“(7) I don’t understand what pleasure this can be. (8) But the son is sitting at the monitor, laughing at something, or even hitting the table with his fist. (9) It seems to me that he is going crazy - talking to himself.

“(10) I used to play video games, it took a lot of time, I abandoned my lessons, and now it’s completely out of hand - it’s like he’s not at home. (11) All day long on the Web, he says, they have a party there ... "

(12) Something like this begins the conversation of worried parents with teachers and psychologists. (13) Then the details are clarified: along with the enthusiasm for computer conversations, academic performance began to fall, the child spends all the time at home, sitting and looking at the screen. (14) The teenager does not do homework, does not help around the house, does not go outside, does not play sports.

(15) Instead of talking on the phone and walking late into the night, more and more children communicate with each other via the Internet. (16) In fact, we have heard similar complaints before, only evil did not come from the computer, but from the phone or TV. (17) The current "computer" children are the descendants of their "television" parents.

(18) How was this problem solved when today's parents were teenagers? (19) Most likely, they just grew out of it ... (20) They may object to me that not everyone spent endless hours at the TV screen; someone already in his youth clearly knew what he would do in life. (21) Many became responsible early, because some had younger brothers and sisters, some were influenced by the example of responsible adults, and some did not know how and why. (22) And although the parents seriously feared for their future, they became completely independent people, with different professions and destinies, many families ...

(23) Why am I saying all this? (24) To the fact that television turned out to be not dangerous in itself. (25) No matter how insulting it is for someone to realize their own "backwardness", they will have to come to terms with the fact that the Internet has become a part of our life and will not go anywhere. (26) The ability to navigate in it and use its capabilities becomes a condition for a successful life in many ways. (27) From an unlimited source of information, it has also turned into a trading network, a method of communication, a means of education ... (28) Whether there will be more.

(29) We should learn from children. (30) I, too, once had to go through a period of irritation and discontent. (31) And now, with the help of her son, she has become quite good at navigating in the virtual space. (32) It happens, too, “you can’t drag it away” ...

(33) Online spending time is quite acceptable for teenagers. (34) Most likely, this harmless hobby lies within the age norm. (35) Although in some cases it is necessary to analyze the situation.

(36) If virtual communication has become an all-consuming passion, a teenager has become withdrawn or aggressive, his vocabulary has become impoverished, or there are other symptoms that concern you, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist. (37) It is only important to consider: the fight will have to be waged not with a computer, but with the reasons that gave rise to addiction.

(According to A. Ivanova)

Alexandra Georgievna Ivanova- family psychologist.

Text No. 3

(1) Let me remind you of the famous saying: “Where is our wisdom lost in knowledge? Where is our knowledge, lost in information?”

(2) The highest that a person can achieve is wisdom. (3) She should have become a school subject, wisdom must be taught. (4) More precisely, wisdom must be taught - as a caution in judgments, refraining from insufficiently substantiated statements, the ability to take into account many factors, based on what is born from a variety of historical experience. (5) It is more than knowledge. (6) This is also intuition, and an aversion to self-deception. (7) A wise person is never presumptuous: he does not consider the results of his thoughts to be final, he admits their fallacy, comparing them with directly opposite statements and finding gaps in what seemed indisputable.

(8) Wisdom needs knowledge, but is not reduced to it.

(9) Someone may know, for example, all varieties of butterflies and understand nothing about environmental problems. (10) Not even interested in them. (11) In this case, a person loses sight of the connection of a single butterfly with the structure of the world.

(12) Knowledge answers the question “Why?”, And information only answers the questions “What? Where? When? How?".

(13) Knowledge consists of "understandings" and is the property of science. (14) Knowledge needs information, but is not reduced to it - it is higher, because it knows how to check the reliability of information.

(15) Knowledge in the European, and now in the global scientific tradition has always been opposed to opinion. (16) An opinion is just a certain attitude to something, and knowledge is, I repeat, an understanding of a pattern. (17) It is important not so much to defend without fail his opinion, how much to think about how it was proved, at least aspired to become knowledge. (18) The desire to encourage baseless opinions in every possible way as an end in itself is very dangerous for a growing person. (19) It is not enough to think on your own - you must also think correctly.

(20) The taste for freedom, for the flight of thought, takes a long time to learn. (21) Remember: Pinocchio's thoughts were short, short. (22) And a very young Pushkin wrote these words in a letter to a friend: “I am learning to keep the attention of long thoughts ...”

(23) It turns out that one’s own thought requires a long and painful argument with oneself, an internal strict requirement for checks and rechecks, building long chains of reasoning. (24) They must all be kept in the circle of their intense attention - this is serious work.

(25) This is what it means to "keep the attention of long thoughts."

(26) And for some people this is a pleasure. (27) Socrates, as the legend says, was once so carried away by reflection that he stood motionless in one place for almost a day, not noticing anything around.

(28) People can obviously be divided into two categories: those who are able to "keep the attention of long thoughts" and those who prefer short, simple thoughts, which does not interfere with their complacency and narcissism. (29) When unfounded opinions are encouraged, they support this narcissism and a tendency to self-deception in a person.

(30) That is why today it is so important to get away from approval, from encouraging short thoughts, like those of Pinocchio, and to learn from Pushkin with his preference for “long thoughts”.

(According to B. Bim-Bad)

Boris Mikhailovich Bim-Bad

Text #4

(1) With the release of Mark Geyser's book about Marshak in the Life of Remarkable People series, the general reader's perception of the famous poet should change. (2) And not only among the masses. (3) Even such a venerable critic as Benedict Sarnov believed that "he became an original artist, the Marshak as we know him, only in Soviet times."

(4) But now Mark Geyser tells in detail about the poet’s arrival in literature, and we learn that Marshak began with poems that caused rave reviews from Stasov, who immediately took the young poet under his wing, as well as Gorky, Chaliapin and other outstanding masters. (5) Akhmatova, for example, later admitted to Samuil Yakovlevich that without his "Book of Ruth", published back in 1909, there would not have been her "Lot's wife" and some other poems ...

(6) In Marshak's life, something happened that he was in real danger. (7) Here is at least the story of the defeat of the Marshakov editorial office of Detizdat, when many of its employees and authors were arrested. (8) Years later, in the case of one of the then repressed children's publishers, they found a warrant for the arrest of Samuil Yakovlevich himself. (9) He was saved by the fact that he left Leningrad on time ...

(10) Where did the children's classic Marshak come from, who admired such great and very different writers as M. Gorky, V. Mayakovsky, M. Tsvetaeva, K. Chukovsky? (11) A world-famous translator who won creative "duels" with the most outstanding masters? (12) A wonderful teacher, educator of young, and not young poets?

(13) The main thing, probably, was in his love - for people, for literature, and above all for children. (14) And the famous Marshakov’s conversations with people who interested him in something (most often with writers) - memories of Samuil Yakovlevich are full of enthusiastic responses to them? ..

(15) One of the most powerful pages in Marshak's creative biography was opened by Boris Polevoy, at that time the editor-in-chief of the Yunost magazine. (16) He had already heard that Marshak was barely alive, that doctors were fighting not even for days, but for hours of his life ... (17) And suddenly a call came from his office: “Samuil Yakovlevich wants to talk to you.” (18) Field did not believe. (19) I decided that they were playing him.

“(20) And then I hear something,” he recalls, “that immediately convinces me that I am talking with a real Marshak, with a poet who is dying:

- (21) My dear, you must have heard that I am blind. (22) I don't see anything. (23) But they read the proofs to me. (24) Believe me, there are serious flaws there. (25) No, no, not yours, but my flaws ... (26) The proofs are in front of you? (27) Find a page such and such. (28) Found? (29) Take a pencil, I will dictate an amendment to you.

(30) I get scared.

- (31) Samuil Yakovlevich, I'll come to you. (32) The magazine will be patient.

- (33) No, no, no, we can tolerate it, but the magazine cannot stand it. (34) We have a million readers. They need to deliver the magazine on time. (35) Write down. - (36) It already sounds like an order.

(37) Field decided that the worst for Marshak was over. (38) A person on his deathbed cannot keep proofreading!

(39) But Marshak could. (40_And a day after this conversation, Polevoy heard that Samuil Yakovlevich was no longer alive ...

(According to S. Sivokon)

Sergey Ivanovich Sivokon(born in 1933) - Russian literary critic and literary critic.

Text #5

(1) Everyday, everyday observations show, and scientific psychology claims that the most dangerous, aggressive, destructive people are “complexing” people. (2) Weaklings. (3) It is they who, constantly in need of compensation for their insufficiency, weave intrigues, intrigue, stealthily strike.

(4) Great power, on the contrary, is generous. (5) I knew a super-strong man who, in his entire long heroic life, did not touch anyone with his finger, not wishing harm to anyone. (6) Spiritual strength and nobility go hand in hand, and this explains why in our time nobility has again become in demand, appreciated and so widely practiced that sometimes it turns almost into a mass profession.

(7) In the Salvation Army, smart risk-taking and true nobility are inseparable. (8) The craft of salvation naturally filters people according to their spiritual qualities. (9) As a result, only strong people who are able to protect the weak who are in trouble are detained for a long time in rescuers. (10) So, for those who want to get a job in the Centrospas detachment, it is not enough to have an impeccable military or sports past behind them and possess the necessary set of specialties. (11) "Good" of the medical board is not yet a guarantee of success. (12) Almost a thousand correctly selected psychological test answers also do not guarantee a candidate a place on the staff of an elite unit. (13) The newcomer needs to prove to future colleagues during the internship process that he can be relied upon in any situation, that he shows the kindness and tolerance necessary in their daily missions.

(14) To cope with his duties, a person must have a noble soul, full of the best qualities. (15) But why, even with virtuous qualities, does a person commit immoral acts? (16) Confucius answered a similar question: “All people are close to each other by nature, but they diverge from each other in the course of education. (17) A person may lose noble qualities under the influence of bad communication. (18) Therefore, in order for all members of society to fulfill their civic duties and human norms, it is necessary to educate a person in the spirit of virtue.

(19) The education of culture, getting rid of bad manners and inclinations is aimed against arrogance, arrogance, self-will, anger, envy, feelings of inferiority, indiscipline, excessive suspicion, treachery, hypocrisy, duplicity, deceit, meanness and self-interest. (20) Only by getting rid of bad manners and inclinations, having cleansed one's own soul, having expelled everything bad from it, one can count on rapid progress and achievement of perfection in skill. (21) None of the people who are narrow-minded, greedy, cruel, cunning and secretive, due to spiritual inferiority, have ever managed to achieve any significant success, and if they succeeded, then their triumph did not last long. (22) In the end, everything ended in failure both for themselves and for those around them.

(23) Will a noble person die surrounded by competition and anger? (24) No! (25) It is he who will win. (26) Since nobility is based on fortitude. (27) To win in life, to win beautifully and lastingly, firmly, thoroughly, you must have a high soul. (28) Good character.

(29) the most reliable thing in our world is the nobility of the spirit. (30) Not by birth, not by blood, but by mind and honor.

(According to B. Bim-Bad)

Boris Mikhailovich Bim-Bad(born in 1941) - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education.

Text No. 6

(1) For some reason, such professions as a pilot, astronaut, seafarer, geologist are considered romantic ... (2) But it seems to me that the greatest romance is in the everyday work of a scientist. (3) After all, a scientist is the person whom society, humanity instructs to learn new things about the world around us and about ourselves, that is, to make discoveries. (4) And how happy is a person who makes discoveries all his life, every day!

(5) And who has not dreamed of making some great discovery or inventing something necessary for people? (6) Let this discovery concern seemingly very insignificant things, for example, the history of one word and even one sound. (7) Such a discovery does not necessarily make its author famous, except for a narrow circle of scientists who deal with the same problems. (8) One of my acquaintances, who worked at the Nauka publishing house, liked to tell scientists: "The whole world is waiting for your book ...". (9) Here he paused, and then added: "... eleven people." (10) But still, these are discoveries.

(11) True, scientific discoveries are not always correctly assessed by contemporaries. (12) In this sense, the story of one now famous linguist is shown.

(13) In the second half of the 19th century, a young Swiss scientist named Ferdinand de Saussure worked in France. (14) He was twenty years old when he wrote a small book on the original vowel system in the Indo-European languages. (15) Once upon a time there was a language from which Russian, German, Latin, Greek, Armenian, and the languages ​​of Iran, Pakistan and North India developed later. (16) So, the young de Saussure, comparing the words of different languages, “calculated” that in the common Indo-European language there were two sounds that were not preserved in any of the Indo-European languages ​​known to us.

(17) Most scientists, if they read de Saussure's book, considered it nonsense. (18) Only the equally young Polish linguist Nikolai Krushevsky, abandoned by fate to distant Kazan, and two more specialists agreed with de Saussure's conclusions. (19) And the most famous scientists of that time called Ferdinand's first work "immature", "fundamentally erroneous", "essentially untenable" ...

(20) Almost fifty years have passed. (21) De Saussure reached an advanced age and died little known. (22) Shortly before his death, he read three times at the University of Geneva, where he was a professor, a course in general linguistics. (23) In the first year, only six listeners came to him, in the last - as many as twelve! (24) As you can see, the students at the lectures of de Saussure, to put it mildly, were not particularly eager to get into it.

(25) And then truly fabulous events began. (26) Two close and beloved students of Saussure, by the way, who became very famous scientists, decided to publish his lectures in memory of their teacher, collecting notes from students and the professor himself and restoring the text of the course based on them. (27) The Course in General Linguistics was published in 1916 and instantly made the name of de Saussure famous among linguists all over the world. (28) And at about the same time, inscriptions were first deciphered in one of the oldest Indo-European languages ​​- Hittite. (29) A young Polish linguist in those years, Jerzy Kurilovich, began to comprehensively analyze the sounds of this language. (30) And one can imagine his surprise and admiration when he discovered among them both sounds, “calculated” half a century earlier by de Saussure!

(31) It turns out that already in his youth, de Saussure studied languages ​​​​according to his system, which he presented to his students only in the very last years of his life. (32) Only then did it become clear that the “immature” reasoning of the young porter was in fact a great discovery.

(According to A.A. Leontiev)

Alexey Alekseevich Leontiev- a well-known linguist, psychologist, psycholinguist, author of textbooks and numerous publications.

Text No. 7

(1) Everyone gathered. (2) At first, the chairman of the local collective farm, on whose land this monument was built, made a speech. (3) He spoke without any papers, loved the figure and knew how to present it, and therefore they always listened to him with animated attention.

(4) And I kept looking at the cement cone, rereading the names again. (5) Righteous G.A., Private. (6) Proskurin S.M., Private. (7) Pyzhov A.S., lieutenant. (8) Rogachev M.V., Jr. sergeant. (9) Rodionov N.I., private ...

(10) Like everyone else here, I also did not know anyone from this list, but the names inevitably attracted me.

(11) It is too early for us to sum up the results, - the speaker continued, - but what we have done is already significant. (12) This is a matter of honor ...

(13) Romanov F.S., Jr. sergeant, I read to myself. (14) Salyamov M., private, Sanko A.D., private ...

(15) Reading these names, I somehow did not notice when the chairman was replaced by a lively girl. (16) I listened to this clean, quick girl, and before me stood in my memory the pictures I saw there, in the war ...

(17) ... In winter, we changed the infantry unit on the bridgehead. (18) Thinned, exhausted by heavy fire, she was imperceptibly taken back across the river. (19) Once, I, who then commanded a company, saw through binoculars in front of the occupied positions a lonely young killed soldier lying alone. (20) Who was this soldier? (21) After all, he also had a surname, name, patronymic ...

(22) And I thought: how differently the fate of a soldier can turn out. (23) Even if he died the death of the brave. (24) It is good if he was picked up from the battlefield, if he was identified at the same time, and if the company commander, while compiling lists of losses, did not hastily mix up, did not miss his last name, (25) It is good if the report got to a higher headquarters and if that headquarters they didn’t surround them later, they didn’t burn them, they didn’t bomb them from the air, along with clerk’s chests and safes. (26) If ... (27) But you never know these "ifs" on the way of a soldier's name to such a plate on the fraternal obelisk!

(28) At this time, the lively girl uttered the last phrase especially loudly and, pleased that she had never stumbled anywhere, blazing with a happy face, ran on her toes from the obelisk to the children standing in the ranks.

(29) And then, when those who wished to speak were invited, a woman came out, in a winter cloth shawl, with winded hands. (30) She immediately turned pale as soon as she was at the monument, and only then she shouted out:

(31) I'll tell you this: two of mine died. (32) In fact ... they are all mine ... everyone who died ...

(According to E. Nosov)

Evgeniy Ivanovich Nosov(1925-2002) - Russian writer, prose writer, author of novels and short stories. Member of the Great Patriotic War.

Text No. 8

One thing is clear to me: the main participants in history are People and Time. Not to forget the Time means not to forget the People, not to forget the People - it means not to forget the Time.

The number of divisions that participated in a particular battle is calculated by historians with scrupulous accuracy. However, they will not be able to eavesdrop on a conversation in a trench before a tank attack, to see the suffering and tears in the eyes of an eighteen-year-old medical orderly girl dying in the semi-darkness of a dilapidated dugout, around which German tanks have broken through, to feel the crackle of a machine-gun burst that kills life.

We were then twenty years old. We dreamed of returning to that sunny pre-war world, where the sun seemed to us a festive sun, rising over the earth every day according to its immutable pattern; grass was grass meant to grow; lanterns - in order to illuminate the dry April pavement, the evening crowd of walkers, in which you walk, eighteen, tanned, strong. All the downpours passed merrily over your head, and you were mischievously happy with the flash of lightning and cannon-balls of thunder; all the smiles at that time were intended for you, all the deaths and tears were someone else's... The whole world, transparently radiant, lay at your feet in early blue April, warming you with kindness, joy, and the expectation of love. There, behind, there was no fierce intransigence, everywhere there was a greenish-light watercolor in the air; and there were no hard black paints. During the long four years of the war, feeling the fiery breath of death near our shoulders, silently passing by fresh hillocks with inscriptions in indelible pencil on the tablets, we have not lost the former world of youth, but we have matured by twenty years and, it seemed, lived them in such detail, so saturated that these years would be enough for the life of two generations.

We knew that the world is both strong and unsteady, We learned that the sun may not rise in the morning, because its brilliance, its warmth can be destroyed by bombing, when the horizon is drowning in a black-purple curtain of smoke. Sometimes we hated the sun - it promised flying weather and, therefore, shoals of Junkers diving into the trenches. We learned that the sun can gently warm not only in summer, but also in the most severe January frosts, at the same time indifferently and mercilessly expose with its light in all details the recent picture of the battle, torn apart by direct hits of the gun, the bodies of the dead, whom you called by name a minute ago . We have come to know the world along with human courage and suffering.

Time has already touched the memory: the details have faded, the faces of the dead are half-forgotten, the smells of the trenches torn apart by shells are not so acutely felt in the memories, you do not instinctively bend down on the street at the distant sound of a jackhammer, reminiscent of the battle of a large-caliber machine gun. With flashes of festive rockets over the roofs of houses, an involuntary cry does not break from the throat: “Lie down!” It is no longer habitual to look for a place on the corner, near a pharmacy or a department store (a place for a firing position with a wide sector of fire), and a child’s cry accidentally heard at dusk does not recall the black contours of broken villages, the furnace cinder of smoking ruins, charred gardens, crying in darkness.

The long-awaited world (we walked towards it for four years) firmly entered our consciousness - a world with the brilliance of the morning sun on the pavements, with the rustle of crowded trolleybuses in the evenings and the cozy fuss of pigeons on the cornices at dawn.

(According to Yu. Bondarev)

Yuri Vasilievich Bondarev(born in 1924) is a Russian writer, prose writer, author of novels, stories and short stories. Member of the Great Patriotic War.

Text No. 9

Injustice has been talked about and written about since ancient times—perhaps since humanity learned to speak and write at all. What is injustice is still not clear.

It is very difficult to reach an agreement on this issue, since in this case the dispute is being conducted with a sufficient degree of interest. Everyone wants to be treated “fairly” and complains about “injustice”, but tries to interpret the situation in such a way that the injustice towards him immediately becomes obvious. And everyone has sufficient self-conceit to judge "fairly" about the attitude towards other people, and does not notice at all that others are outraged by his imaginary "fairness". Thus the problem is distorted by passions and shrouded in prejudices. Entire generations get stuck in these prejudices, and sometimes you notice how the very word "justice" causes a caustic smile.

From previous generations, humanity inherited the conviction that people are equal from birth and, as a result, they should be treated equally. However, the essence of justice lies precisely in the unequal treatment of unequal people.

If people were truly equal, life would be extremely simple and justice would be extremely easy to find. One would only have to say: the same people - the same share or all equally. Then justice could be justified arithmetically and created mechanically; and everyone would be happy, because people would become nothing more than the same atoms, a kind of mechanical balls rolling everywhere, which would be similar in appearance and would have the same inner mental make-up. How naive, how simple, how petty!

In fact, people are not equal in body, soul, or spirit. They will be born as beings of different sexes, with different health and strength, with completely different predispositions, gifts, instincts and desires, they belong to different spiritual levels, and (by virtue of justice!) they must be treated differently. This is the basis and the main difficulty of justice: there are an infinite number of people; they are all different; how to make everyone receive according to justice? If people are not the same, then it is necessary to deal with them every time according to their living originality. Otherwise there is injustice.

Thus, justice means precisely inequality: to take care of the child, to help the weak, to condescend to the tired, to care for the sick; show more severity towards the weak-willed, more trust in the honest, more caution towards the talker; honor the hero.

Justice, therefore, is the art of inequality, and it belongs only to noble souls. She has a heightened sense of reality; springing from a kind heart and keen observation, it rejects a mechanical approach to people. She wants to individually approach each case, disposing a person to compassion. She tries to capture in a person his essence and originality and, accordingly, treat him.

(According to I. Ilyin)

Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin

Text No. 10

There is no doubt that humanity will find ways leading to renewal, deepening and inspiring of its culture. But for this, it must learn gratitude in order to build its spiritual life on it.

Modern humanity does not appreciate what is given to it; does not see his natural and spiritual wealth; does not extract from its inner world what is inherent in it. It does not value the inner strength of the spirit, but external power - technical and state. It wants not to create, create and improve, but to own. Manage and enjoy. And therefore, it is always not enough and everything is not enough: it always counts its “losses” and grumbles. It is possessed by greed and envy and knows nothing about gratitude.

And so each of us must first of all learn gratitude.

We have only to open our spiritual eye and take a closer look at life, and we will see that every moment, as it were, tests us, whether we are ripe for gratitude and whether we know how to give thanks. And the one who endures this test turns out to be a man of the future: he is called to create a new world and its culture, he already carries them in himself. He is a creative person; and the one who does not stand this test is possessed by spiritual blindness and envy, he carries within himself the decay of a perishing culture, he is a man of an obsolete past. This is the criterion of spirituality, this is the law and measure, which few people think about, but by which it is necessary to distinguish people.

What is gratitude? This is the answer of a living, loving heart to the beneficence rendered to it. It responds with love for love, joy for kindness, radiance for light and warmth, faithful service for the bestowed grace. Gratitude does not need verbal expressions, and sometimes it is better for a person to experience and express it wordlessly. Gratitude is not a simple recognition of someone else's beneficence, for an embittered heart accompanies such recognition with a sense of resentment, humiliation, or even a thirst for revenge. No, true gratitude is joy and love, and in the future, the need to return kindness for kindness. This joy flares up on its own, freely and leads love - free, sincere. A gift is a call that calls for a kind answer. A gift is a ray that requires reciprocal radiation. He addresses both the heart and the will at once. The will decides; she wants to respond and begins to act; and this action renews life with love and kindness.

Thus gratitude purifies the soul from envy and hatred. And the future of mankind belongs precisely to grateful hearts.

(According to I. Ilyin)

Ivan Alexandrovich Ilyin(1882-1954) - famous Russian philosopher, literary critic, publicist.

Text #11

The number of "universal" symbols is growing every year, because new scientific disciplines appear, such sciences as biology, psychology, and linguistics are being improved and introduce their own special symbolism. Doesn't this mean that our writing is returning back to pictography, that is, pictorial writing?

To some extent, yes. But at the same time, creating new symbols-ideograms, humanity does not refuse the achievements of millennia from phonetic writing. Thus, our writing becomes mixed, "letter-ideographic". For example, the texts of scientific articles on mathematics or nuclear physics are written in just such an alphabetic-ideographic letter. Its advantage over the alphabet is obvious. Firstly, ideograms are understandable regardless of the language (chemical formulas, mathematical symbols), and secondly, they not only shorten the record, but also help scientific thinking (the progress of mathematics is due mainly to the introduction of special symbols, the creation of the "language of mathematics"). And thirdly, such symbolism becomes understandable not only to any person, but also to computers.

"Information explosion" - this is the name of an incredibly large amount of information, which is growing like an avalanche every year. Since Gutenberg's time, more than 35 million books have been published to this day, and this figure is clearly underestimated, since a huge number of special editions do not enter the book market.

Not surprisingly, scientists are not able to read all the published literature, even about their narrow specialty. That is why at the present time the only salvation from this flow of information, which, moreover, is increasing every year, is the creation of information-logical machines built on the basis of electronic computers.

With the help of "machine writing" it is possible, bypassing translation from language to language, to record all the necessary information in electronic memory. The system of universal symbolism, international signs of science are being improved every year, but earlier this happened, so to speak, spontaneously, without the participation of specialists. And only in the last years of the 20th century it became clear that not the last word here belongs to linguists who are engaged not only in the primitive ideography of primitive tribes, but also in modern scientific ideography.

"Machine writing", it is also the "universal code of science", it is also the "world writing", will be created. It will be an ideography understandable to any person and computer. But it does not at all follow from this that phonetic, alphabetic writing will disappear. After all, living colloquial speech will be preserved and will develop and improve, poets and prose writers will continue to create in their native language. This means that the alphabet will also remain - a means of recording a living word. True, here, too, technology can make significant adjustments: authors now record their works on dictaphones, any novel can be "slandered", there are already many electronic libraries consisting of "sound books". However, the sounding word can be given in various interpretations (remember the reading of poetry performed by the authors themselves and masters of artistic reading).

Therefore, both the alphabet and the book will probably live for centuries, only the scope of their use will be significantly narrowed. Scientific, special, technical literature will be recorded by "means of machine writing", and fiction - by means of the usual traditional writing. In this sense, the letters will die only together with the living human word.

(According to A. Kondratov)

Alexander Mikhailovich Kondratov(1937-1993) - Russian linguist, biologist, journalist and poet.

Text #14

Surname! Still, this word is amazing ... of course, surnames are not born by chance and not without reason. But the fact is that they are almost always born, so to speak, in relation to some temporary circumstances, and then they experience these circumstances for years, decades and even centuries. Of course, after a relatively short time, people lose their memory of where the surname came from and why it was associated with this clan. What was natural and natural in relation to a distant ancestor, becomes strange and incomprehensible in relation to his great-great-grandchildren. The connection between the surname and the people who bear it becomes completely random, or rather, sometimes it is even difficult to suspect it.

Preparation for the exam in the Russian language.

1) In the March and April issues of the magazine "Ural" for 2004, the story of Marina Golubitskaya "That's all love" was published. (2) It is dedicated to the Perm teacher of literature, famous in the 70-80s, Elena Nikolaevna (the surname in the story has been changed, but the name and patronymic have not).
(3) And I knew Elena Nikolaevna well. (4) Under the Soviet regime, they survived her from an elite school: they didn’t like then that a person stood out with intelligence and sincerity - oh, how they didn’t like it! (5) And she went to work in a school for working youth, where I just served as a librarian.
(6) In fact, it only seemed to me that I knew Elena Nikolaevna well! (7) 3nala, but I didn’t know! (8) The story contains letters from Elena Nikolaevna, many of her beautiful letters. (9) Deep, vivid letters in which her love for her students, her memory of each of them so impressed me!
(10) I cried for a long time when I finished reading the story, and these were enlightened, grateful tears. (11) I felt happy both because Marina Golubitskaya wrote this wonderful story about a wonderful person, and because this person lived - Elena Nikolaevna - in Perm, my city! (12) And most of all I was pleased with the thought that in fact "time is an honest person." (13) How the teacher loved her students! (14) And they repaid her in return! (15) When Elena Nikolaevna ended up abroad, where she suffered from nostalgia, loneliness and illness, the students wrote, came, helped, wrote again, came again.
(16) I remember how we once had a long conversation with Elena Nikolaevna at the school of working youth about the Cherry Orchard. (17) She said: “Lopakhin has the ability to live, but no culture, and Ranevskaya has a culture, but absolutely no ability to live.”
-(18) Will there be a time in Russia when all this will fit in one person? I asked.
(19) I remember how ironically she looked at me in response.
(20) But how she yearned for this Russia! (21) I re-read my favorite authors, wrote wonderful letters to students who remained at home. (22) There is such a famous saying: "Patience is beautiful." (23) Her patience was beautiful.
(24) And yet, when she fell ill and ended up in a nursing home, she suddenly refused to take medicine and died a month later. (25) Like Gogol. (26) But I think so. (27) We will never know why what happened at the end happened.
(28) But the disciples remained - many disciples. (29) And everyone remembers her lessons, her thoughts, her kindness and the breadth of her views. (30) And the same Marina Golubitskaya dreams someday - there - to meet Elena Nikolaevna again and sit with her on the bench, as it happened, to talk to her heart's content. (according to N. Gorlanova)

Composition based on the text by N. Gorlanova

There are people whose memory does not fade over the years. These are those who generously gave their knowledge, love, soul to others - this is what they saw as their mission. And in return they received a grateful memory of people. N. Gorlanova's text raises an extremely important problem of interaction between the teacher and the environment.

The author tells about the difficult fate of the amazingly talented teacher Elena Nikolaevna. She was pursued by the envy of her colleagues, she ended up abroad, where she suffered from nostalgia and loneliness. A truly intelligent person, she somehow gently and unobtrusively defended the right to have her own opinion, and her main weapons were sincerity, a sharp mind and honesty. And once in a nursing home and not wanting to be a burden, she passed away as quietly as she had left an elite school, where her colleagues did not like her. But grateful students visited Elena Nikolaevna, wrote letters to her, supported her financially.

N. Gorlanova believes that a true teacher is one who sees the meaning of his life in serving the high ideals of goodness and justice.

The position of the author is close and understandable to me that a teacher who gives his heart to children influences their entire future life with his moral lessons. Elena Nikolaevna sincerely loved her students, they were interesting to her, in each she saw a personality. It is these teachers who are trusted, and then they check their lives on them.

Let us recall the teacher Lidia Mikhailovna from V. Rasputin's story "French Lessons". The young teacher is inexperienced, but she has a kind and sensitive heart. Only she understood the withdrawn, shy village boy, only she felt that he was ill, and came to his aid. She helped her starving student, although she had to sacrifice her job and reputation. And he will not be able to forget her and will carry gratitude through his whole life for the best lessons - the lessons of humanity and kindness.

Another bright image comes to mind - this is the teacher Maria Petrovna from Y. Bondarev's story “Forgive us!” Thanks to her, many students have become famous, accomplished people. It was she who noticed a spark of talent in them, believed in them, supported them, and they, in the bustle of everyday life, forgot her, living in a remote village in poverty and loneliness. However, Maria Petrovna selflessly and disinterestedly serves her cause, not taking offense at anyone, not expecting gratitude. But meeting her, who lives modestly, almost in poverty, and yet happy with her students, awakened the conscience of adults, her former students who were quite prosperous, made them remember to whom they owe their success.

These holy women, real Teachers, who do not get tired of doing good, have proved with their whole lives that it is possible to live honestly and beautifully, thereby showing people an example of self-giving, self-sacrifice and true intelligence. These are the people who make the world a better place.

2) Elena Nikolaevna, being abroad, received support and help from her students.

4) Feeling the sincere love of the teacher, the students reciprocate.

5) Elena Nikolaevna believed that it was possible to combine the ability to live and culture in one person.


Correspond to the content of the text:

2) Elena Nikolaevna, being abroad, received support and help from her students.Proved by Proposition 15.

4) Feeling the sincere love of the teacher, the students reciprocate. Proved by Proposition 15.

Distort text

1) The story was written by Marina Golubitskaya, and Nina Gorlanova, reading this story, shares her memories.

3) There is no information that Marina was proud that she studied with Elena Nikolaevna. And about the fact that they worked together, there is.

5) And the ironic smile of the heroine of the play speaks of the impossibility of combining culture and the ability to live. (proposal 19)

Answer: 2 and 4

Answer: 24|42

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: advanced

Guest 26.01.2015 11:48

And where in the text does it say that the teacher was not loved by the leaders and teachers?

Tatyana Yudina

Yes, it is not said specifically ... according to the text, it turns out that everyone did not love at all. If they loved it, they wouldn't let me quit.

Which of the following statements are true? List the response numbers in ascending order.

1) Sentence 15 confirms the judgment expressed in sentence 14 of the text.

2) Sentences 8-9 of the text contain a descriptive fragment.

3) Sentences 11-13 present the narrative.

4) Sentence 24 lists events occurring one after another.

5) Proposition 20 clarifies sentence 19.

Answer: 124

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

From sentence 6 write out the phraseological unit.


In sentence 6, “In fact, it only seemed to me that I knew Elena Nikolaevna well!” phraseologism "actually" is used.

Answer: actually

Answer: actually

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

Svetlanka Nekrylova (Syzran) 20.09.2013 20:52

Since when did "actually" become a phraseological unit?

Tatiana Statsenko

And yet, this is a phraseological unit: “in fact” is an indivisible combination used in the meaning of “really”.

Anna Guskova 07.11.2013 19:23

Suffering from nostalgia is also a phraseological unit.

Tatiana Statsenko

No, this is not a phraseological unit, this is a divisible phrase.

Ruslan Mukhortov 13.02.2017 17:48

And why exactly "in fact", because you can write "in fact", and it will have the same meaning: "really"?

Tatyana Yudina

The assignment says: Write.

Indicate the method of formation of the word SAID (sentence 22).


The noun "saying" is formed from the verb "to utter" with the help of the suffix -eni-.

Answer: suffix

Anastasia Smirnova (St. Petersburg)

The word "saying" comes from the verb "to utter" with the help of the suffix "-eni-". This is a suffixal way of word formation.

Among sentences 10-15, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one using a conjunction and two personal pronouns. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

The personal pronoun “they” in sentence 14 replaces the noun “students” from sentence 13, the personal pronoun “her” in sentence 14 replaces the noun “teacher” from sentence 13. The conjunction “and” connects sentence 14 with sentence 13.

Answer: 14

Rule: Task 25. Means of communication of sentences in the text


Several sentences connected into a whole by a topic and a main idea are called a text (from Latin textum - fabric, connection, connection).

Obviously, all sentences separated by a dot are not isolated from each other. There is a semantic connection between two adjacent sentences of the text, and not only sentences located next to each other can be related, but also separated from each other by one or more sentences. The semantic relations between sentences are different: the content of one sentence can be opposed to the content of another; the content of two or more sentences can be compared with one another; the content of the second sentence can reveal the meaning of the first or clarify one of its members, and the content of the third can reveal the meaning of the second, etc. The purpose of task 23 is to determine the type of relationship between sentences.

The wording of the task may be as follows:

Among sentences 11-18, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun, adverb and cognates. Write the number(s) of the offer(s)

Or: Determine the type of connection between sentences 12 and 13.

Remember that the previous one is ONE HIGHER. Thus, if the interval 11-18 is indicated, then the desired sentence is within the limits indicated in the task, and the answer 11 may be correct if this sentence is related to the 10th topic indicated in the task. Answers can be 1 or more. The score for the successful completion of the task is 1.

Let's move on to the theoretical part.

Most often, we use this text construction model: each sentence is linked to the next one, this is called chain link. (We will talk about the parallel connection below). We speak and write, we combine independent sentences into a text according to simple rules. Here's the gist: two adjacent sentences must refer to the same subject.

All types of communication are usually divided into lexical, morphological and syntactic. As a rule, when connecting sentences into text, one can use several types of communication at the same time. This greatly facilitates the search for the desired sentence in the specified fragment. Let's take a closer look at each type.

23.1. Communication with the help of lexical means.

1. Words of one thematic group.

Words of the same thematic group are words that have a common lexical meaning and denote similar, but not identical, concepts.

Word examples: 1) Forest, path, trees; 2) buildings, streets, sidewalks, squares; 3) water, fish, waves; hospital, nurses, emergency room, ward

Water was clean and transparent. Waves ran ashore slowly and silently.

2. Generic words.

Generic words are words related by the relationship genus - species: genus is a broader concept, species is a narrower one.

Word examples: Chamomile - flower; birch - tree; car - transport and so on.

Suggestion examples: Under the window still grew birch. How many memories I have associated with this tree...

field chamomile become a rarity. But it's unpretentious flower.

3 Lexical repetition

Lexical repetition is the repetition of the same word in the same word form.

The closest connection of sentences is expressed primarily in repetition. The repetition of one or another member of the sentence is the main feature of the chain connection. For example, in sentences Behind the garden was a forest. The forest was deaf, neglected the connection is built according to the “subject - subject” model, that is, the subject named at the end of the first sentence is repeated at the beginning of the next one; in sentences Physics is science. Science must use the dialectical method- "model predicate - subject"; in the example The boat has landed on the shore. The beach was strewn with small pebbles.- model "circumstance - subject" and so on. But if in the first two examples the words forest and science stand in each of the adjacent sentences in the same case, then the word shore has different forms. Lexical repetition in the tasks of the exam will be considered the repetition of a word in the same word form, used to enhance the impact on the reader.

In texts of artistic and journalistic styles, the chain connection through lexical repetition often has an expressive, emotional character, especially when the repetition is at the junction of sentences:

Here the Aral Sea disappears from the map of the Fatherland sea.

Whole sea!

The use of repetition here is used to enhance the impact on the reader.

Consider examples. We do not yet take into account additional means of communication, we look only at lexical repetition.

(36) I heard a very brave man who went through the war once say: “ It used to be scary very scary." (37) He spoke the truth: he used to be scared.

(15) As an educator, I happened to meet young people who yearn for a clear and precise answer to the question of higher education. values life. (16) 0 values, allowing you to distinguish good from evil and choose the best and most worthy.

note: different forms of words refer to a different kind of connection. For more on the difference, see the paragraph on word forms.

4 Root words

Single-root words are words with the same root and common meaning.

Word examples: Motherland, be born, birth, kind; break, break, break

Suggestion examples: I'm lucky be born healthy and strong. History of my birth nothing remarkable.

Although I understood that a relationship is necessary break but he couldn't do it himself. This gap would be very painful for both of us.

5 Synonyms

Synonyms are words of the same part of speech that are similar in meaning.

Word examples: to be bored, to frown, to be sad; fun, joy, rejoicing

Suggestion examples: At parting, she said that will miss. I knew that too I will be sad through our walks and conversations.

Joy grabbed me, picked me up and carried me... jubilation seemed to have no boundaries: Lina answered, answered at last!

It should be noted that synonyms are difficult to find in the text if you need to look for a connection only with the help of synonyms. But, as a rule, along with this method of communication, others are used. So, in example 1 there is a union Same , this relationship will be discussed below.

6 Contextual synonyms

Contextual synonyms are words of the same part of speech that come together in meaning only in a given context, since they refer to the same object (feature, action).

Word examples: kitten, poor fellow, naughty; girl, student, beauty

Suggestion examples: Kitty recently lived with us. Husband took off poor fellow from the tree where he climbed to escape from the dogs.

I guessed that she student. Young woman continued to be silent, despite all the efforts on my part to talk her.

It is even more difficult to find these words in the text: after all, the author makes them synonyms. But along with this method of communication, others are used, which facilitates the search.

7 Antonyms

Antonyms are words of the same part of speech that are opposite in meaning.

Word examples: laughter, tears; hot Cold

Suggestion examples: I pretended to like this joke and squeezed out something like laughter. But tears strangled me, and I quickly left the room.

Her words were warm and burned. eyes chilled cold. I felt like I was under a contrast shower...

8 Contextual antonyms

Contextual antonyms are words of the same part of speech that are opposite in meaning only in this context.

Word examples: mouse - lion; house - work green - ripe

Suggestion examples: On work this man was gray mouse. At home woke up in it a lion.

ripe berries can be safely used to make jam. And here green it is better not to put, they are usually bitter, and can spoil the taste.

We draw attention to the non-random coincidence of terms(synonyms, antonyms, including contextual ones) in this task and tasks 22 and 24: it is the same lexical phenomenon, but viewed from a different angle. Lexical means may serve to link two adjacent sentences, or they may not be a link. At the same time, they will always be a means of expression, that is, they have every chance of being the object of tasks 22 and 24. Therefore, advice: when completing task 23, pay attention to these tasks. You will learn more theoretical material about lexical means from the help rule for task 24.

23.2. Communication by means of morphological means

Along with lexical means of communication, morphological ones are also used.

1. Pronoun

A pronoun link is a link in which ONE word or MULTIPLE words from the previous sentence is replaced by a pronoun. To see such a connection, you need to know what a pronoun is, what are the ranks in meaning.

What you need to know:

Pronouns are words that are used instead of a name (noun, adjective, numeral), designate persons, point to objects, signs of objects, the number of objects, without specifically naming them.

According to the meaning and grammatical features, nine categories of pronouns are distinguished:

1) personal (I, we; you, you; he, she, it; they);

2) returnable (oneself);

3) possessive (mine, yours, ours, yours, yours); used as possessive also forms of personal: his (jacket), her work),them (merit).

4) demonstrative (this, that, such, such, such, so many);

5) defining(himself, most, all, everyone, each, different);

6) relative (who, what, what, what, which, how much, whose);

7) interrogative (who? what? what? whose? who? how much? where? when? where? from where? why? why? what?);

8) negative (no one, nothing, no one);

9) indefinite (someone, something, someone, someone, someone, someone).

Do not forget that pronouns change by case, so "you", "me", "about us", "about them", "no one", "everyone" are forms of pronouns.

As a rule, the task indicates WHAT rank the pronoun should be, but this is not necessary if there are no other pronouns in the specified period that play the role of CONNECTING elements. It must be clearly understood that NOT EVERY pronoun that occurs in the text is a link.

Let us turn to examples and determine how sentences 1 and 2 are related; 2 and 3.

1) Our school has recently been renovated. 2) I finished it many years ago, but sometimes I went and wandered around the school floors. 3) Now they are some strangers, others, not mine ....

There are two pronouns in the second sentence, both personal, I And her. Which one is the one paperclip, which connects the first and second sentence? If this is a pronoun I, what is it replaced in sentence 1? Nothing. What replaces the pronoun her? Word " school from the first sentence. We conclude: communication using a personal pronoun her.

There are three pronouns in the third sentence: they are somehow mine. Only the pronoun connects with the second They(=floors from the second sentence). Rest in no way correlate with the words of the second sentence and do not replace anything. Conclusion: the second sentence connects the pronoun with the third They.

What is the practical importance of understanding this mode of communication? The fact that you can and should use pronouns instead of nouns, adjectives and numerals. Use, but do not abuse, as the abundance of the words "he", "his", "them" sometimes leads to misunderstanding and confusion.

2. Adverb

Communication with the help of adverbs is a connection, the features of which depend on the meaning of the adverb.

To see such a connection, you need to know what an adverb is, what are the ranks in meaning.

Adverbs are invariable words that denote a sign by action and refer to the verb.

Adverbs of the following meanings can be used as means of communication:

Time and space: below, on the left, near, at the beginning, long ago and the like.

Suggestion examples: We got to work. At the beginning it was hard: it was not possible to work in a team, there were no ideas. After got involved, felt their strength and even got excited.note: Sentences 2 and 3 are related to sentence 1 using the indicated adverbs. This type of connection is called parallel connection.

We climbed to the very top of the mountain. Around we were only the tops of the trees. Near clouds floated with us. A similar example of a parallel connection: 2 and 3 are related to 1 using the indicated adverbs.

demonstrative adverbs. (They are sometimes called pronominal adverbs, since they do not name how or where the action takes place, but only point to it): there, here, there, then, from there, because, so and the like.

Suggestion examples: I vacationed last summer in one of the sanatoriums in Belarus. From there it was almost impossible to make a phone call, let alone work on the Internet. The adverb "from there" replaces the whole phrase.

Life went on as usual: I studied, my mother and father worked, my sister got married and left with her husband. So three years have passed. The adverb "so" summarizes the entire content of the previous sentence.

It is possible to use and other categories of adverbs, for example, negative: B school and university I didn't have good relationships with my peers. Yes and nowhere did not add up; however, I did not suffer from this, I had a family, I had brothers, they replaced my friends.

3. Union

Connection with the help of unions is the most common type of connection, due to which various relationships arise between sentences related to the meaning of the union.

Communication with the help of coordinating unions: but, and, but, but, also, or, however and others. The task may or may not specify the type of union. Therefore, the material on unions should be repeated.

Details about coordinating conjunctions are described in a special section.

Suggestion examples: By the end of the weekend, we were incredibly tired. But the mood was amazing! Communication with the help of the adversative union "but".

That's how it's always been... Or that's how it seemed to me...Communication with the help of a separating union "or".

We draw attention to the fact that very rarely only one union participates in the formation of a connection: as a rule, lexical means of communication are used simultaneously.

Communication using subordinating unions: for, so. A very atypical case, since subordinating conjunctions connect sentences as part of a complex one. In our opinion, with such a connection, there is a deliberate break in the structure of a complex sentence.

Suggestion examples: I was in total despair... For I did not know what to do, where to go and, most importantly, who to turn to for help. The union for matters because, because, indicates the reason for the state of the hero.

I didn’t pass the exams, I didn’t enter the institute, I couldn’t ask for help from my parents and I wouldn’t do it. So There was only one thing left to do: find a job. The union "so" has the meaning of the consequence.

4. Particles

Communication with particles always accompanies other types of communication.

Particles after all, and only, here, out, only, even, the same bring additional shades to the proposal.

Suggestion examples: Call your parents, talk to them. After all It's so simple and so difficult at the same time - to love ...

Everyone in the house was already asleep. AND only grandmother muttered softly: she always read prayers before going to bed, begging the powers of heaven for a better share for us.

After the departure of her husband, it became empty in the soul and deserted in the house. Even the cat, which used to run like a meteor around the apartment, only yawns sleepily and still strives to climb into my arms. Here Whose hands should I lean on...Pay attention, connecting particles are at the beginning of the sentence.

5. Word forms

Communication using the word form consists in the fact that in adjacent sentences the same word is used in different

  • if this noun - number and case
  • If adjective - gender, number and case
  • If pronoun - gender, number and case depending on grade
  • If verb in person (gender), number, tense

Verbs and participles, verbs and participles are considered different words.

Suggestion examples: Noise gradually increased. From this growing noise became uncomfortable.

I knew my son captain. With myself captain fate did not bring me, but I knew that it was only a matter of time.

note: in the task, “word forms” can be written, and then this is ONE word in different forms;

“forms of words” - and these are already two words repeated in adjacent sentences.

The difference between word forms and lexical repetition is of particular complexity.

Information for the teacher.

Consider, as an example, the most difficult task of the real USE in 2016. We give the full fragment published on the FIPI website in "Guidelines for teachers (2016)"

Examinees found it difficult to complete task 23 when the condition of the task required distinguishing between the form of a word and lexical repetition as a means of connecting sentences in the text. In these cases, when analyzing the language material, students should pay attention to the fact that lexical repetition involves the repetition of a lexical unit with a special stylistic task.

We give the condition of task 23 and a fragment of the text of one of the options for the USE in 2016:

“Among sentences 8–18, find one that is related to the previous one with the help of lexical repetition. Write the number of this proposal.

Below is the beginning of the text given for analysis.

- (7) What kind of an artist are you when you don’t love your native land, an eccentric!

(8) Maybe that's why Berg did not succeed in landscapes. (9) He preferred a portrait, a poster. (10) He tried to find the style of his time, but these attempts were full of failures and ambiguities.

(11) Once Berg received a letter from the artist Yartsev. (12) He called him to come to the Murom forests, where he spent the summer.

(13) August was hot and calm. (14) Yartsev lived far from the deserted station, in the forest, on the shore of a deep lake with black water. (15) He rented a hut from a forester. (16) Berg was taken to the lake by the forester's son Vanya Zotov, a stooped and shy boy. (17) Berg lived on the lake for about a month. (18) He was not going to work and did not take oil paints with him.

Proposition 15 is related to Proposition 14 by personal pronoun "He"(Yartsev).

Proposition 16 is related to Proposition 15 by word forms "forester": a prepositional case form controlled by a verb, and a non-prepositional form controlled by a noun. These word forms express different meanings: the meaning of the object and the meaning of belonging, and the use of the considered word forms does not carry a stylistic load.

Proposition 17 is related to Proposition 16 by word forms ("on the lake - on the lake"; "Berga - Berg").

Proposition 18 is related to the previous one by means of personal pronoun "he"(Berg).

The correct answer in task 23 of this option is 10. It is sentence 10 of the text that is connected with the previous one (sentence 9) with the help of lexical repetition (the word "he").

It should be noted that among the authors of various manuals there is no consensus, what is considered a lexical repetition - the same word in different cases (persons, numbers) or in the same one. The authors of the books of the publishing house "National Education", "Exam", "Legion" (authors Tsybulko I.P., Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Senina N.A.) do not give a single example in which the words in various forms would be considered lexical repetition.

At the same time, very difficult cases, in which words in different cases coincide in form, are considered differently in manuals. The author of the books N.A. Senina sees in this the form of the word. I.P. Tsybulko (based on a 2017 book) sees lexical repetition. So, in sentences like I saw the sea in a dream. The sea was calling me the word “sea” has different cases, but at the same time there is undoubtedly the same stylistic task that I.P. Tsybulko. Without delving into the linguistic solution of this issue, we will indicate the position of the RESHUEGE and give recommendations.

1. All obviously non-matching forms are word forms, not lexical repetition. Please note that we are talking about the same linguistic phenomenon as in task 24. And in 24, lexical repetitions are only repeated words, in the same forms.

2. There will be no coinciding forms in the tasks for the RESHUEGE: if the linguists-specialists themselves cannot figure it out, then the graduates of the school cannot do it.

3. If the exam comes across tasks with similar difficulties, we look at those additional means of communication that will help you make your choice. After all, the compilers of KIMs can have their own, separate opinion. Unfortunately, this may be the case.

23.3 Syntactic means.

Introductory words

Communication with the help of introductory words accompanies, complements any other connection, complementing the shades of meanings characteristic of introductory words.

Of course, you need to know which words are introductory.

He was hired. Unfortunately, Anton was too ambitious. On the one side, the company needed such personalities, on the other hand, he was not inferior to anyone and in nothing, if something was, as he said, below his level.

Let us give examples of the definition of means of communication in a short text.

(1) We met Masha a few months ago. (2) My parents have not yet seen her, but did not insist on meeting her. (3) It seemed that she also did not strive for rapprochement, which upset me a little.

Let's determine how the sentences in this text are related.

Sentence 2 is related to sentence 1 by a personal pronoun her, which replaces the name Masha in offer 1.

Sentence 3 is related to sentence 2 using word forms she her: "she" is the nominative form, "her" is the genitive form.

In addition, sentence 3 has other means of communication: it is a union Same, introductory word seemed, rows of synonymous constructions did not insist on meeting And didn't want to get close.

Read the review snippet. It examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list.

“Creating the image of a wonderful teacher, the author uses such syntactic means as (A) _____ (in sentences 15, 29) and (B) _____ (for example, sentences 13, 20), as well as such a technique as (C) _____ (in sentences 17, 22). The sincerity and depth of feeling experienced by N. Gorlanova when she read a book about Elena Nikolaevna is shown with the help of such a trope as (D) _____ (enlightened, grateful tears in sentence 10) ”.

List of terms:

1) comparative turnover

3) exclamatory sentences

4) quoting

5) rhetorical question

7) parceling

8) rows of homogeneous members

9) hyperbole

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


Explanation (see also Rule below).

Let's fill in the blanks.

“Creating the image of a wonderful teacher, the author uses such syntactic means as rows of homogeneous members(in sentence 15 homogeneous predicates and homogeneous objects are observed, in sentence 29 homogeneous objects are used) and exclamatory sentences(for example, sentences 13, 20), as well as such a technique as citation(in sentences 17, 22). The sincerity and depth of feeling experienced by N. Gorlanova when she read a book about Elena Nikolaevna is shown with the help of such a trope as epithet(enlightened, grateful tears in sentence 10).”

Answer: 8346.

Answer: 8346

Rule: Task 26. Language means of expression


The purpose of the task is to determine the means of expression used in the review by establishing a correspondence between the gaps indicated by the letters in the text of the review and the numbers with definitions. You need to write down matches only in the order in which the letters go in the text. If you do not know what is hidden under a particular letter, you must put "0" in place of this number. For the task you can get from 1 to 4 points.

When completing task 26, you should remember that you fill in the gaps in the review, i.e. restore the text, and with it semantic and grammatical connection. Therefore, an analysis of the review itself can often serve as an additional clue: various adjectives of one kind or another, predicates that agree with omissions, etc. It will facilitate the task and the division of the list of terms into two groups: the first includes terms based on the meaning of the word, the second - the structure of the sentence. You can carry out this division, knowing that all means are divided into TWO large groups: the first includes lexical (non-special means) and tropes; into the second figure of speech (some of them are called syntactic).

26.1 A TROPWORD OR EXPRESSION USED IN A PORTABLE MEANING TO CREATE AN ARTISTIC IMAGE AND ACHIEVE GREATER EXPRESSION. Tropes include such techniques as epithet, comparison, personification, metaphor, metonymy, sometimes they include hyperbole and litotes.

Note: In the task, as a rule, it is indicated that these are TRAILS.

In the review, examples of tropes are indicated in brackets, as a phrase.

1.Epithet(in translation from Greek - application, addition) - this is a figurative definition that marks a feature that is essential for a given context in the depicted phenomenon. From a simple definition, the epithet differs in artistic expressiveness and figurativeness. The epithet is based on a hidden comparison.

Epithets include all the "colorful" definitions that are most often expressed adjectives:

sad orphan land(F.I. Tyutchev), gray fog, lemon light, silent peace(I. A. Bunin).

Epithets can also be expressed:

-nouns, acting as applications or predicates, giving a figurative description of the subject: sorceress-winter; mother - cheese earth; The poet is a lyre, and not only the nurse of his soul(M. Gorky);

-adverbs acting as circumstances: In the north stands wild alone...(M. Yu. Lermontov); The leaves were tense elongated in the wind (K. G. Paustovsky);

-gerunds: the waves are rushing thundering and sparkling;

-pronouns expressing the superlative degree of this or that state of the human soul:

After all, there were fighting fights, Yes, they say, more which! (M. Yu. Lermontov);

-participles and participial phrases: Nightingale vocabulary rumbling announce the forest limits (B. L. Pasternak); I also admit the appearance of ... scribblers who cannot prove where they spent the night yesterday, and who have no other words in the language, except for words, not remembering kinship(M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin).

2. Comparison- This is a visual technique based on the comparison of one phenomenon or concept with another. Unlike metaphor, comparison is always binomial: it names both compared objects (phenomena, features, actions).

Villages are burning, they have no protection.

The sons of the fatherland are defeated by the enemy,

And the glow like an eternal meteor,

Playing in the clouds, frightens the eye. (M. Yu. Lermontov)

Comparisons are expressed in various ways:

The form of the instrumental case of nouns:

nightingale stray youth flew by,

wave in bad weather Joy subsided (A. V. Koltsov)

Comparative form of an adjective or adverb: These eyes greener sea ​​and our cypresses darker(A. Akhmatova);

Comparative turnovers with unions like, as if, as if, as if, etc .:

Like a predatory animal, to a humble abode

The winner breaks in with bayonets ... (M. Yu. Lermontov);

Using the words similar, similar, this is:

Into the eyes of a cautious cat

Similar your eyes (A. Akhmatova);

With the help of comparative clauses:

Golden foliage swirled

In the pinkish water of the pond

Just like a light flock of butterflies

With fading flies to a star. (S. A. Yesenin)

3.Metaphor(in translation from Greek - transfer) is a word or expression that is used in a figurative sense based on the similarity of two objects or phenomena on some basis. In contrast to comparison, in which both what is being compared and what is being compared is given, the metaphor contains only the second, which creates compactness and figurativeness of the use of the word. The metaphor can be based on the similarity of objects in shape, color, volume, purpose, sensations, etc.: a waterfall of stars, an avalanche of letters, a wall of fire, an abyss of grief, a pearl of poetry, a spark of love and etc.

All metaphors are divided into two groups:

1) general language("erased"): golden hands, a storm in a teacup, mountains to move, strings of the soul, love has faded;

2) artistic(individual-author's, poetic):

And the stars fade diamond thrill

IN painless cold dawn (M. Voloshin);

Empty skies transparent glass (A. Akhmatova);

AND eyes blue, bottomless

Blooming on the far shore. (A. A. Blok)

Metaphor happens not only single: it can develop in the text, forming whole chains of figurative expressions, in many cases - covering, as if permeating the entire text. This extended, complex metaphor, an integral artistic image.

4. Personification- this is a kind of metaphor based on the transfer of signs of a living being to natural phenomena, objects and concepts. Most often, personifications are used to describe nature:

Rolling through sleepy valleys, Sleepy mists lay down And only the horse's clatter, Sounding, is lost in the distance. The autumn day went out, turning pale, Rolling up fragrant leaves, Taste a dreamless dream Half-withered flowers. (M. Yu. Lermontov)

5. Metonymy(in translation from Greek - renaming) is the transfer of a name from one object to another based on their adjacency. Adjacency can be a manifestation of a connection:

Between action and tool of action: Their villages and fields for a violent raid He doomed swords and fires(A. S. Pushkin);

Between the object and the material from which the object is made: ... not that on silver, - on gold ate(A. S. Griboyedov);

Between a place and the people in that place: The city was noisy, flags crackled, wet roses fell from the bowls of flower girls ... (Yu. K. Olesha)

6. Synecdoche(in translation from Greek - correlation) is kind of metonymy, based on the transfer of meaning from one phenomenon to another on the basis of a quantitative relationship between them. Most often, the transfer occurs:

From less to more: Even a bird does not fly to him, And a tiger does not go ... (A. S. Pushkin);

Part to whole: Beard, why are you still silent?(A.P. Chekhov)

7. Paraphrase, or paraphrase(in translation from Greek - a descriptive expression), is a turnover that is used instead of a word or phrase. For example, Petersburg in verse

A. S. Pushkin - "Peter's creation", "Beauty and wonder of midnight countries", "city of Petrov"; A. A. Blok in the verses of M. I. Tsvetaeva - “a knight without reproach”, “blue-eyed snow singer”, “snow swan”, “almighty of my soul”.

8. Hyperbole(in translation from Greek - exaggeration) is a figurative expression containing an exorbitant exaggeration of any sign of an object, phenomenon, action: A rare bird will fly to the middle of the Dnieper(N. V. Gogol)

And at that very moment, couriers, couriers, couriers through the streets ... can you imagine thirty five thousands one couriers! (N.V. Gogol).

9. Litota(translated from Greek - smallness, moderation) is a figurative expression containing an exorbitant understatement of any sign of an object, phenomenon, action: What tiny cows! There is, right, less than a pinhead.(I. A. Krylov)

And marching importantly, in orderly calmness, The horse is led by the bridle by a peasant In large boots, in a sheepskin coat, In large mittens ... and himself with a fingernail!(N.A. Nekrasov)

10. Irony(in translation from Greek - pretense) is the use of a word or statement in a sense opposite to the direct one. Irony is a type of allegory in which mockery is hidden behind an outwardly positive assessment: Where, smart, are you wandering, head?(I. A. Krylov)

26.2 "Non-special" lexical figurative and expressive means of the language

Note: The tasks sometimes indicate that this is a lexical means. Usually in the review of task 24, an example of a lexical means is given in brackets, either in one word or in a phrase in which one of the words is in italics. Please note: these funds are most often needed find in task 22!

11. Synonyms, i.e. words of the same part of speech, different in sound, but the same or similar in lexical meaning and differing from each other either in shades of meaning, or in stylistic coloring ( brave - brave, run - rush, eyes(neutral) - eyes(poet.)), have great expressive power.

Synonyms can be contextual.

12. Antonyms, i.e. words of the same part of speech, opposite in meaning ( truth - lies, good - evil, disgusting - wonderful), also have great expressive possibilities.

Antonyms can be contextual, that is, they become antonyms only in a given context.

Lies happen good or evil,

Compassionate or merciless,

Lies happen cunning and clumsy

Cautious and reckless

Captivating and joyless.

13. Phraseologisms as a means of linguistic expression

Phraseological units (phraseological expressions, idioms), i.e. phrases and sentences reproduced in finished form, in which the integral meaning dominates the values ​​of their constituent components and is not a simple sum of such meanings ( get into trouble, be in seventh heaven, a bone of contention) have great expressive potential. The expressiveness of phraseological units is determined by:

1) their vivid imagery, including mythological ( the cat cried like a squirrel in a wheel, Ariadne's thread, the sword of Damocles, Achilles' heel);

2) the relevance of many of them: a) to the category of high ( the voice of one crying in the wilderness, sink into oblivion) or reduced (colloquial, colloquial: like a fish in water, neither sleep nor spirit, lead by the nose, lather your neck, hang your ears); b) to the category of language means with a positive emotionally expressive coloring ( store as the apple of an eye - torzh.) or with a negative emotionally expressive coloring (without the king in the head is disapproved, the small fry is neglected, the price is worthless - contempt.).

14. Stylistically colored vocabulary

To enhance expressiveness in the text, all categories of stylistically colored vocabulary can be used:

1) emotionally expressive (evaluative) vocabulary, including:

a) words with a positive emotional and expressive assessment: solemn, sublime (including Old Church Slavonics): inspiration, coming, fatherland, aspirations, secret, unshakable; sublimely poetic: serene, radiant, spell, azure; approving: noble, outstanding, amazing, courageous; affectionate: sun, darling, daughter

b) words with a negative emotional-expressive assessment: disapproving: conjecture, bicker, nonsense; disparaging: upstart, delinquent; contemptuous: dunce, cramming, scribbling; swear words/

2) functionally-stylistically colored vocabulary, including:

a) book: scientific (terms: alliteration, cosine, interference); official business: the undersigned, report; journalistic: report, interview; artistic and poetic: azure, eyes, cheeks

b) colloquial (everyday-household): dad, boy, braggart, healthy

15. Vocabulary of limited use

To enhance expressiveness in the text, all categories of vocabulary of limited use can also be used, including:

Dialect vocabulary (words that are used by the inhabitants of any locality: kochet - rooster, veksha - squirrel);

Colloquial vocabulary (words with a pronounced reduced stylistic coloring: familiar, rude, dismissive, abusive, located on the border or outside the literary norm: goofball, bastard, slap, talker);

Professional vocabulary (words that are used in professional speech and are not included in the system of the general literary language: galley - in the speech of sailors, duck - in the speech of journalists, window - in the speech of teachers);

Slang vocabulary (words characteristic of jargons - youth: party, bells and whistles, cool; computer: brains - computer memory, keyboard - keyboard; soldier: demobilization, scoop, perfume; jargon of criminals: dude, raspberry);

Vocabulary is outdated (historicisms are words that have fallen out of use due to the disappearance of the objects or phenomena they designate: boyar, oprichnina, horse; archaisms are obsolete words that name objects and concepts for which new names have appeared in the language: brow - forehead, sail - sail); - new vocabulary (neologisms - words that have recently entered the language and have not yet lost their novelty: blog, slogan, teenager).

26.3 FIGURES (RHETORICAL FIGURES, STYLISTIC FIGURES, FIGURES OF SPEECH) ARE STYLISTIC TECHNIQUES based on special combinations of words that are beyond the scope of normal practical use, and aimed at enhancing the expressiveness and descriptiveness of the text. The main figures of speech include: rhetorical question, rhetorical exclamation, rhetorical appeal, repetition, syntactic parallelism, polyunion, non-union, ellipsis, inversion, parcellation, antithesis, gradation, oxymoron. Unlike lexical means, this is the level of a sentence or several sentences.

Note: In the tasks there is no clear definition format that indicates these means: they are called both syntactic means, and a technique, and simply a means of expression, and a figure. In task 24, the figure of speech is indicated by the number of the sentence given in brackets.

16. Rhetorical question is a figure in which a statement is contained in the form of a question. A rhetorical question does not require an answer, it is used to enhance the emotionality, expressiveness of speech, to draw the reader's attention to a particular phenomenon:

Why did he give his hand to insignificant slanderers, Why did he believe false words and caresses, He, who from a young age comprehended people?.. (M. Yu. Lermontov);

17. Rhetorical exclamation- this is a figure in which an assertion is contained in the form of an exclamation. Rhetorical exclamations strengthen the expression of certain feelings in the message; they are usually distinguished not only by special emotionality, but also by solemnity and elation:

That was in the morning of our years - Oh happiness! oh tears! O forest! oh life! Oh the light of the sun! O fresh spirit of birch. (A. K. Tolstoy);

Alas! a proud country bowed before the power of a stranger. (M. Yu. Lermontov)

18. Rhetorical appeal- This is a stylistic figure, consisting in an underlined appeal to someone or something to enhance the expressiveness of speech. It serves not so much to name the addressee of the speech, but to express the attitude towards what is said in the text. Rhetorical appeals can create solemnity and pathos of speech, express joy, regret and other shades of mood and emotional state:

My friends! Our union is wonderful. He, like a soul, is unstoppable and eternal (A. S. Pushkin);

Oh deep night! Oh cold autumn! Silent! (K. D. Balmont)

19. Repeat (positional-lexical repetition, lexical repetition)- this is a stylistic figure consisting in the repetition of any member of a sentence (word), part of a sentence or a whole sentence, several sentences, stanzas in order to draw special attention to them.

The types of repetition are anaphora, epiphora and catch-up.

Anaphora(in translation from Greek - ascent, rise), or monotony, is the repetition of a word or group of words at the beginning of lines, stanzas or sentences:

lazily hazy noon breathes,

lazily the river is rolling.

And in the fiery and pure firmament

The clouds are lazily melting (F. I. Tyutchev);

Epiphora(in translation from Greek - addition, final sentence of the period) is the repetition of words or groups of words at the end of lines, stanzas or sentences:

Although man is not eternal,

That which is eternal, humanely.

What is a day or a century

Before what is infinite?

Although man is not eternal,

That which is eternal, humanely(A. A. Fet);

They got a loaf of light bread - joy!

Today the film is good in the club - joy!

Paustovsky's two-volume book was brought to the bookstore joy!(A. I. Solzhenitsyn)

pickup- this is a repetition of any segment of speech (sentence, poetic line) at the beginning of the corresponding segment of speech following it:

he fell down on the cold snow

On the cold snow, like a pine,

Like a pine in a damp forest (M. Yu. Lermontov);

20. Parallelism (syntactic parallelism)(in translation from Greek - walking side by side) - an identical or similar construction of adjacent parts of the text: adjacent sentences, lines of poetry, stanzas, which, when correlated, create a single image:

I look to the future with fear

I look at the past with longing... (M. Yu. Lermontov);

I was your ringing string

I was your blooming spring

But you didn't want flowers

And you didn't hear the words? (K. D. Balmont)

Often using antithesis: What is he looking for in a distant country? What did he throw in his native land?(M. Lermontov); Not the country - for business, but business - for the country (from the newspaper).

21. Inversion(translated from Greek - permutation, reversal) is a change in the usual word order in a sentence in order to emphasize the semantic significance of any element of the text (word, sentence), to give the phrase a special stylistic coloring: solemn, high-sounding, or, conversely, colloquial, somewhat reduced characteristics. The following combinations are considered inverted in Russian:

The agreed definition is after the word being defined: I am sitting behind bars in damp dungeon(M. Yu. Lermontov); But there was no swell on this sea; stuffy air did not flow: it was brewing great thunderstorm(I. S. Turgenev);

Additions and circumstances expressed by nouns are in front of the word, which includes: Hours of monotonous fight(monotonous strike of the clock);

22. Parceling(in translation from French - particle) - a stylistic device that consists in dividing a single syntactic structure of a sentence into several intonation-semantic units - phrases. At the place of division of the sentence, a period, exclamation and question marks, ellipsis can be used. In the morning, bright as a splint. Terrible. Long. Ratny. The infantry regiment was destroyed. Our. In an unequal battle(R. Rozhdestvensky); Why is nobody outraged? Education and healthcare! The most important spheres of society's life! Not mentioned in this document at all(From newspapers); It is necessary that the state remember the main thing: its citizens are not individuals. And people. (From newspapers)

23. Non-union and multi-union- syntactic figures based on intentional omission, or, conversely, conscious repetition of unions. In the first case, when unions are omitted, speech becomes compressed, compact, dynamic. The depicted actions and events here quickly, instantly unfold, replace each other:

Swede, Russian - stabs, cuts, cuts.

Drum beat, clicks, rattle.

The thunder of cannons, the clatter, the neighing, the groan,

And death and hell on all sides. (A.S. Pushkin)

When polyunion speech, on the contrary, slows down, pauses and a repeated union highlight words, expressively emphasizing their semantic significance:

But And grandson, And great-grandson, And great-great-grandson

They grow in me while I myself grow ... (P.G. Antokolsky)

24.Period- a long, polynomial sentence or a very common simple sentence, which is distinguished by completeness, unity of the theme and intonation splitting into two parts. In the first part, the syntactic repetition of the same type of subordinate clauses (or members of the sentence) goes with an increasing increase in intonation, then there is a separating significant pause, and in the second part, where the conclusion is given, the tone of the voice noticeably decreases. This intonation design forms a kind of circle:

Whenever I wanted to limit my life to a domestic circle, / When a pleasant lot ordered me to be a father, a spouse, / If I were captivated by a family picture for at least a single moment, then, it’s true, I wouldn’t look for one bride other than you. (A.S. Pushkin)

25. Antithesis, or opposition(in translation from Greek - opposition) - this is a turn in which opposite concepts, positions, images are sharply opposed. To create an antithesis, antonyms are usually used - general language and contextual:

You are rich, I am very poor, You are a prose writer, I am a poet.(A. S. Pushkin);

Yesterday I looked into your eyes

And now - everything is squinting to the side,

Yesterday, before the birds sat,

All larks today are crows!

I'm stupid and you're smart

Alive and I'm dumbfounded.

O cry of women of all times:

"My dear, what have I done to you?" (M. I. Tsvetaeva)

26. Gradation(translated from Latin - a gradual increase, strengthening) - a technique consisting in the sequential arrangement of words, expressions, tropes (epithets, metaphors, comparisons) in order of strengthening (increasing) or weakening (decreasing) of a sign. Increasing gradation usually used to enhance the imagery, emotional expressiveness and influencing power of the text:

I called you, but you did not look back, I shed tears, but you did not descend(A. A. Blok);

Glowing, burning, shining huge blue eyes. (V. A. Soloukhin)

Descending gradation is used less often and usually serves to enhance the semantic content of the text and create imagery:

He brought the tar of death

Yes, a branch with withered leaves. (A. S. Pushkin)

27. Oxymoron(in translation from Greek - witty-stupid) - this is a stylistic figure in which usually incompatible concepts are combined, as a rule, contradictory to each other ( bitter joy, ringing silence and so on.); at the same time, a new meaning is obtained, and speech acquires special expressiveness: From that hour began for Ilya sweet torment, lightly scorching the soul (I. S. Shmelev);

Eat melancholy cheerful in the scares of dawn (S. A. Yesenin);

But their ugly beauty I soon comprehended the mystery. (M. Yu. Lermontov)

28. Allegory- allegory, the transfer of an abstract concept through a specific image: Must defeat foxes and wolves(cunning, malice, greed).

29.Default- a deliberate break in the statement, conveying the excitement of the speech and suggesting that the reader will guess what was not said: But I wanted ... Perhaps you ...

In addition to the above syntactic expressive means, the following are also found in the tests:

-exclamatory sentences;

- dialogue, hidden dialogue;

-question-answer form of presentation a form of presentation in which questions and answers to questions alternate;

-rows of homogeneous members;


-introductory words and constructions

-Incomplete sentences- sentences in which a member is missing, which is necessary for the completeness of the structure and meaning. Missing members of the sentence can be restored and context.

Including ellipsis, that is, skipping the predicate.

These concepts are considered in the school course of syntax. That is probably why these means of expression are most often called syntactic in reviews.

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