Funeral masks. Aztec funerary masks Warumungu ceremonial paints

  • beauty and health
  • "Best Facial"
  • Deep pore cleansing!
  • 100% natural calcium from bentonite clay
  • dried in the sun
  • Fragrance Free
  • No impurities

Feel the difference!

Facials, acne treatments, body wraps, clay baths, foot care, chilled clay for knees and mosquito bites. Enjoy the beneficial properties of clay at home. Decorates and refreshes.

Mix clay with equal parts apple cider vinegar and/or water. Use non-metallic utensils. Mix well until a homogeneous paste. Add more clay or liquid if necessary. Apply a layer, 1/2 - 1/4 inch thick, to the face or other area. Let dry for 5-10 minutes for delicate skin and 15-20 minutes for normal skin. There may be a feeling of tightness. Feel the difference! Wash off the clay with warm water. Slight redness of the skin is normal and will subside after 30 minutes. Removes impurities from pores. Deep pore cleansing! "The Most Effective Facial in the World" - 1 lb of clay is enough for 10-15 applications. Use once a week or more often for problematic skin. Also suitable for men.


For external use only.

The product is not tested on animals.

Without products of animal origin.

If irritation occurs, discontinue use.

Denial of responsibility

iHerb makes every effort to ensure that images and product information are provided in a timely and correct manner. However, sometimes data updates may be delayed. Even in cases where the labeling of the products you received differs from those presented on the site, we guarantee the freshness of the goods. We recommend that you read the instructions for use on the product before using it, and not just rely entirely on the description provided on the iHerb website.

... They are found in the Egyptian pyramids, in the shaft tombs of Mycenae, in stepped tombs, in the barrows of the Black Sea and the Yenisei. Faces made of gold and semi-precious stone jade, terracotta and plaster, wax and clay, wood and linen ... These are funerary masks. For historians, anthropologists, art historians who study the past, they can tell a lot.

The cult of the dead and the cult of skulls associated with it, widespread at different times and among different peoples of the world, gave rise to the custom of making portrait masks of the dead and placing them in graves. According to the ideas of the ancients, such masks were supposed to help souls identify their owners.

Using masks, anthropologists can recreate the appearance of representatives of long-disappeared tribes and peoples. After all, funeral masks were made according to casts from the faces of real people. Many museums around the world have already collected original "portrait galleries" - collections of funeral masks.

Masks are magnificent works of art. They testify not only to the sculptural skill of the ancient sculptors. These are sometimes real masterpieces of jewelry art. Masters of the Incas, Aztecs, Chibcha knew how to decorate golden masks with skillfully soldered finest gold wire-spider web. Even the jewelers of our days are not able to repeat it. In West Africa, bronze and gold masks are known, made using the “lost form” method - casting on a wax model. This casting technique reached its peak in the 16th and 17th centuries. Benin bronze was admired even by the famous Benvenuto Cellini.

Frozen faces made of gold and bronze, jade and terracotta, plaster and wax reveal some pages of human history to scientists.

The green jade mask, dating back to the 7th century, belonged to the supreme leader of the Maya. An ancient sculptor made it from pieces of sacred stone, sticking them on a plaster base. Anthropologists believe that the owner of the mask was a foreigner by origin: his anthropological type is somewhat different from the Maya. The mask was found in a pyramid near Palenque (Yucatan Peninsula).

Monte Alban (Mexico). Golden mask of the Aztec god of spring Xipe. The symbol of the god was clothes made from the skin of a slave who was sacrificed; it meant the vegetative cover in which the earth is dressed every spring ...

This mask was found by archaeologists on the territory of our country: in the burial ground of Uybatsky chaatas (80 kilometers from Abakan). The mask has a solid age: it is the same age as our era, and maybe even older. The coloring of the mask conveys the tattoo, which was in vogue among the Tashtyks - residents of the Yenisei regions.

A special cultural and geographical region - Mesoamerica - includes Central and Southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, the western regions of El Salvador and Honduras.

The existence of an ancient culture in Mesoamerica that flourished around 1100 AD. still baffles historians. We are talking about the mysterious Olmecs. Their religious rituals are far from being fully understood, just as the very origin of the Olmecs is not understood. The earliest traces of habitation were found in the La Venta region and date back to the end of the 3rd millennium BC. e.

According to ancient legend, the Olmecs ("people from the land of rubber trees") appeared on the territory of modern Tabasco about 4000 years ago, they arrived by sea and settled in the village of Tamoanchane ("We are looking for our home"). According to the same legend, it is said that the wise men sailed away, and the remaining people settled these lands and began to call themselves by the name of their great leader Olmec Wimtoni.

Some scholars believe that the first empire in America was the Olmec. This was due to the creation of cities (ritual centers) with a peculiar, simple and powerful architecture.

The Olmec culture has been called the "mother of cultures" of Central America and the earliest civilization of Mexico. They are credited with creating the basis of writing, a calendar, and a system of numbers for the later cultures of Mesoamerica. But there is still heated debate around this - not many agree that the Olmecs invented it.

In the last century BC, the Olmec civilization completely disappears, but their heritage organically entered the cultures of the Maya and other peoples of Mesoamerica.

The Maya civilization covered most of the Mesoamerican region.
Speaking of "ancient Maya" - refers to the history of one of the most important pre-Columbian Mesoamerican cultures. Contrary to popular belief, the Mayan civilization never "disappeared". At least not quite as their descendants still live in the region and many of them speak any of the languages ​​of the Maya family.

Funerary mask of King Pakal

K "inich-Khanaab" - Pacal I (Great) ("Solar Water Lily - Shield") - this is probably the most famous of all the kings in the history of the classical Maya. His reign is an excellent example of what a deep imprint an outstanding personality can leave in history.

Red Queen

Teotihuacan "the place where the gods were made; City of the Gods" is the name given to it was one of the largest cities in Central America during the pre-Hispanic era.

MASKS Teotihuacan

Aztec Empire

MASKS Aztecas

Mexican traditional masks created for rituals have not only artistic, but also religious functions. There are countless festivals where masks are used in a combination of Christian and indigenous traditions. These festivals often include parades and street theater. These masks are carved in wood, painted with ornaments and sisal rope, animal horns or teeth.

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