Buried alive What happens to a man who is buried up to his neck in the ground An Indian girl buried in a field

The death penalty [History and types of capital punishment from the beginning of time to the present day] Monestier Martin

Buried alive

Buried alive

Two Gauls buried alive in 232 BC Engraving by Adolf Pannemaker from a painting by Philippoteaux. 19th century Private count

The execution, which consisted in the fact that the convict was buried alive in the ground, existed at all times on all continents. In 220 B.C., the Chinese emperor Huan-Ti ordered five hundred scholars whose writings were contrary to the principles of his government to be buried alive. The Incas executed the Virgin of the Sun in this way for breaking the vow of chastity. The same was done in Rome with the Vestals, who were accused of neglecting their duty. The most noble and ancient families of Rome gave their daughters to the temple of the goddess Vesta. Girls were placed in the temple at the age of six or ten years, so that, remaining chaste, they could serve the goddess Vesta for at least thirty years. Those who broke their vows and those who were responsible for extinguishing the sacred fire entrusted to their care were buried alive in the "Field of Criminals". The Vestal Order lasted eleven centuries and was abolished by Theodore in 389. It is known that many Vestals were executed in this way. Suetonius claims that this sad fate befell even the high priestess Cornelia.

A woman buried with her dead husband. Engraving. D.R.

The very history of the founding of Rome begins with an instillation. Rhea Sylvia, the daughter of King Numitor of Alba, became a Vestal at the compulsion of her brother, but gave birth to Romulus and Remus. She claimed that they were the sons of Mars, but she was executed by being buried alive in the ground.

Pope Calixtus I was also executed. He was elected in 218, during the reign of Alexander Severus, and killed by dropping to the bottom of a well, which was covered with garbage.

Throwing captives into the sea, onto rocks, and into a tower filled with ashes. Biblical Dictionary of Dom Calmet. Private count

The Code of Hammurabi, which was in force in the Babylonian Empire, permitted the application of the law of retribution. One of the texts said that if the building of a bad architect collapsed, burying the son of one of the inhabitants under the ruins, the son of the architect had to be punished and be buried alive.

The Persians perfected this terrible execution: the condemned was thrown into a huge pile of ash, which filled the lungs, causing suffocation much more painful than a simple lack of oxygen during traditional instillation.

Choking on gold foil

In China, the perpetrator of a criminal offense could escape punishment by finding a replacement and agreeing with the victim's family on the amount of damages. Thus, after the mass extermination of the French in Qin-Qin in June 1870, mandarins guilty of incitement could get away with offering the coolies five hundred to six hundred francs, a beautiful coffin and a top-class funeral, if they agreed to substitute their heads instead. But, if the death sentence was passed by the emperor, there was no salvation. Usually the sovereign gave the nobility a choice between a public decapitation and a quiet death at home. In the second case, they were sent a bag of poison, a silk rope - yellow or white, depending on the rank, or gold foil, from which a person suffocated. A special Chinese method of suicide with gold foil was that the sentenced person placed the thinnest gold plate on the palm of his hand or on his mouth and inhaled it. The foil clogged the throat, and the man suffocated. Voluntary - voluntary departure from life, an analogue of the Japanese hara-kiri, took place in front of several mandarins, who then sent a report to the emperor.

Gauls and Germans did this with traitors and cowards. The Goths were buried for pederasty. This practice did not bypass the Franks. Chlodomir got rid of the king of the Burgundians Sigismund and his two sons by lowering them to the bottom of the well, which was immediately covered with earth. Under Pepin the Short, Jews were executed so often.

The Carolina Code, published around 1530, was the first attempt to codify criminal law among the Germanic peoples and the peoples of Central Europe. It provided for seven methods of execution, including being buried alive, mostly for infanticide.

Only for women

In medieval France, women were not hanged for reasons of "decency". It was considered indecent to watch a woman's legs jerk convulsively at the level of the spectators' eyes. The women were buried alive. The legal and criminal archives hold records of numerous trials that ended in such a verdict, in particular, in the case of a certain Colette de Saint-Germain, who robbed an officer, for which she was buried alive in Abbeville in 1420. Only from 1449 were women sent to the gallows: skirts were tied to the legs at the knees. The religious wars gave rise to mass executions of this kind for both Catholics and Protestants.

In Sweden and Denmark, being buried alive was a legal form of punishment until the end of the 16th century. This is how women were usually executed, replacing the burial on the wheel, to which men were usually sentenced. Mostly buried women accused of infanticide and bestiality. In Gabon, Indonesia and the Solomon Islands, burial alive existed until the 19th century, and in India until the beginning of the 20th century: according to the religious custom of some peoples, wives were to be buried alive with their dead husbands. In other cases, religious law forced wives to climb the stake to die in the flames next to their dead husband.

To save ammo

By burying alive, some Nazi units punished recalcitrant residents and partisans, whose death was supposed to serve as a cruel lesson for everyone. Such executions have been noted in Poland and Russia. The Asians seem to have a particular fondness for this barbaric relic of the past. In 1968, when the Americans recaptured the imperial palace from the Viet Cong, they found piles of corpses in the pits - more than three thousand people buried alive by the communists of Vo Nguyen Zial.

From April 1975 until the end of 1978, the Khmer Rouge, who ruled Cambodia, staged mass executions of the population, including using burial alive. Believing that their victims (more than two million people) were unworthy of execution and did not deserve precious cartridges to be spent on them, they practiced primitive methods of murder: hitting the back of the head with a club or hoe and burying them alive. Whole families of men, women and children were buried in the pits they dug for themselves.

We owe the Khmer Rouge another "invention": suffocation with a plastic bag, which was put on the head of the condemned, from which he died in terrible convulsions. The plastic bag was intended mainly for adults, children were strangled by placing in jute bags.

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19-year-old Angelo Hays died tragically in a motorcycle accident in 1937. Or rather, everyone thought so. He hit the brick wall head first. The insurance agent had some doubts about the death of a young motorcyclist. Two days after the funeral, the young man's body was exhumed.

Angelo was alive. He fell into a coma - this is what helped him survive the monstrous ordeal. The body uses less oxygen. After rehabilitation, Hayes told the story of his imprisonment in a coffin. He became a French celebrity and even invented a special coffin equipped with a radio transmitter, a supply of food, a library and a chemical toilet in case someone repeats his fate.

Woke up in the morgue


In 1993, Sipho William Mdletshe and his fiancée were involved in a horrendous car accident. His injuries were so severe that he was mistaken for dead, taken to the Johannesburg morgue and placed in a metal container to await burial.

The man woke up two days later and found himself locked in the dark. His screams attracted the attention of the staff, and the man was released.
Relations with the bride could not be restored - she was convinced that her ex-fiance was now a zombie and was pursuing her.

Old lady in a body bag

In 1994, 86-year-old Mildred Clarke was found in her living room. She wasn't breathing and her heart wasn't beating. The old woman was placed in a body bag, planning to deliver the body to the morgue.

She woke up 90 minutes later, shocking and scaring the mortuary staff into hiccups. The woman lived another week before truly dying. We believe that this time the doctors spent more time checking.

Baby spent 8 days underground

In 2015, a couple in China had a baby with a cleft palate. The guy and the girl were not ready for a child "with problems", they panicked and decided to get rid of the unwanted child in any way. So, they put him in a cardboard box and buried him in a shallow grave in the cemetery.

Lu Fenglian was picking herbs in the vicinity of the cemetery and heard a cry coming from the ground. By that time, eight days had passed. She dug up the grave and found a baby there, who survived only because the cardboard let air and water through. Unfortunately, due to lack of evidence, the couple could not be arrested - the baby's parents argued that their own parents wanted to kill their son. No one believed, but it was not possible to prove the involvement of the parents.

The official got out of the grave

A woman visiting the graves of her relatives in 2013 in a small Brazilian town suddenly saw a man ... who was getting out of the grave. His head and arms were free, but he couldn't pull his lower body out of the ground. A witness to the beginning of the zombie apocalypse brought workers to help the man free himself. It turned out to be an employee of the city council.

Before burying the poor fellow, he was severely beaten, so that he did not even remember how he was buried (probably for the better).

Record: 61 days underground

In 1968, Mike Meaney broke the world record set by the American Digger O'Dell (who stayed underground for 45 days). Mini allowed himself to be buried in a coffin, which had air holes with access to food and water, as well as a telephone.

After 61 days, Mini emerged from the ground exhausted, but in good physical shape.

The half-educated wizard almost died

British "wizard" Anthony Britton (Antony Britton) presumptuously declared that he was able to repeat the feat of Harry Houdini, but instead of a miraculous rescue, he almost died right underground. Britton insisted that he be handcuffed and buried in damp loose earth.

Despite careful preparation, which took 14 months, Britton was not ready for the real weight of the earth. “I almost died,” said Houdini, “I was literally seconds away from death. It was scary. The pressure of the soil literally hit me. Despite the fact that I found the air bag, the earth kept falling and falling on me. I almost passed out and couldn't do anything."

Indian girl buried in the field

In 2014, in northern India, a couple asked their neighbors to take their little daughter to a fair where she really wanted to go. Instead, she ended up in a grave. The neighbors took the baby to the field, where they dug a hole, and threw the girl into it.

Fortunately, several people noticed the brawl and when the man and woman emerged from the sugar cane without the child, the witnesses were frightened and hurried to check where the baby had gone.

Fortunately, the girl almost immediately lost consciousness and did not remember anything about the tragedy.

Taphophobia, or the fear of being buried alive, is one of the most common human phobias. And there are good enough reasons for that. Due to the error of doctors or the illiteracy of the townsfolk, such cases occurred quite often before the normal development of medicine, and sometimes happen in our time. In this article, 10 incredible, but absolutely real stories of people buried alive, who still managed to survive.

Janet Philomel.

The story of a 24-year-old French woman named Janet Philomel is most typical of most of these cases. In 1867 she fell ill with cholera and died a few days later, as everyone around thought. The girl was, according to all the rules, reprimanded by the local priest, her body was laid in a coffin and buried in the cemetery. Nothing unusual.

The strangeness began when, a few hours later, a cemetery worker was finishing the burial. Suddenly, he heard a knock coming from the ground. They began to dig out the coffin, sending for a doctor along the way. The medic who appeared really found a weak heartbeat and breathing in a girl raised from her own grave. And on her hands were fresh bruises received from the fact that she was trying to get out. True, this story ended tragically. A few days later, the girl still died for real. Most likely due to cholera. But, perhaps, because of the nightmare she experienced. This time, doctors and priests tried to make sure that she was really dead.

Unknown from Sao Paulo.

In 2013, a woman living in Sao Paulo, having come to the cemetery to her family tombstone, witnessed a truly horrific picture. Nearby, she noticed a man who was desperately trying to get out of the grave. He did this with difficulty. The man had already freed one arm and head by the time local workers arrived.

After the unfortunate man was completely dug up, he was taken to the hospital, where it turned out that he was an employee of the mayor's office. How it happened that the man was buried alive is not known for certain. It is assumed that he was the victim of a fight or attack, after which he was presumed dead and buried to get rid of the evidence. Relatives claimed that after the incident, the man suffered from mental disorders.

Baby from Dongdong Province.

In a remote Chinese village in Dongdong Province, there lived a pregnant girl named Lu Xiaoyan. It was very bad with medicine in the village: there were no doctors of their own, the nearest hospital was a few kilometers away. Naturally, no one followed the girl's pregnancy. Around the fourth month, Lou suddenly felt contractions. Everyone expected the baby to be born dead. And so it happened: the baby who was born showed no signs of life.

After the birth, the girl's husband realized that she would most likely need professional medical attention, so he called an ambulance. While Lou was being driven by car to the nearest hospital, her mother was burying her baby in a field. However, in the hospital it turned out that the girl was not on the fourth, but on the sixth month of pregnancy, and the doctors, assuming that the child could survive, demanded to bring him. Lu's husband returned, dug up the tiny girl, and brought her to the hospital. Surprisingly, the girl managed to get out.

Mike Mainey.

Mike Mainey is a famous Irish bartender who asked to be buried alive to set a kind of world record. In 1968, in London, Mike was placed in a special coffin equipped with a hole through which air entered. With the help of the same hole, food and drink were passed to the man. It's hard to believe, but in total Mike was buried for 61 days. Since then, many have tried to break this record, but no one has succeeded.

Anthony Britton.

Another magician who voluntarily allowed himself to be buried in the ground in order to independently get out of the grave. However, unlike Mike, he was buried without a coffin, at a standard depth of 2 meters. In addition, his hands were handcuffed. As planned, Anthony was supposed to repeat Houdini's trick, but everything did not go according to plan.

The magician spent almost nine minutes underground. For the rescuers on duty from above, this was the extreme threshold for the start of active operations. They quickly dug up the poor fellow, who was in a half-dead state. Britton managed to pump out. Subsequently, in various interviews, he said that he could not complete his trick because his hands were pressed against the ground. But worst of all, after each exhalation, the earth continued to squeeze his chest more and more, preventing him from breathing.

Compton baby.

Most recently, in November 2015, two women were walking in the park of Compton, a small town in California. Suddenly, during a walk, they heard a strange baby crying, as if coming from under the ground. Frightened, they immediately called the police.

Arriving law enforcement officers dug out a very small child under the asphalt of the bicycle path, no more than two days old. Fortunately, the police quickly took the little girl to the hospital and her life was saved. Interestingly, the baby was wrapped in a hospital blanket, which allowed detectives to quickly determine when and where she was born, as well as to establish the identity of the mother. A warrant was issued for her arrest immediately. Now she is accused of attempted murder and leaving a child in danger.

Tom Guerin.

The Irish Potato Famine of 1845-1849 resulted in a huge number of deaths. The gravediggers in those days had a lot of work, there was not enough space to bury everyone. They had to bury many and, of course, sometimes mistakes happened. Such, for example, as with Tom Guerin, a 13-year-old boy who was mistakenly taken for dead and buried alive.

The boy was declared dead, brought to the cemetery, like many others, and began to be buried, in the process accidentally breaking his legs with shovels. It's amazing, but the boy not only survived, but also managed to get out of the grave with broken legs. Witnesses claim that later Tom Guerin limped on both legs for the rest of his life.

A child from Tien Dong.

A horrifying story happened in May 2015 in one of the southern Chinese provinces. A woman gathering herbs near the cemetery suddenly heard a barely audible cry of a child. Frightened, she called the police, who found a baby buried alive in the cemetery. The baby was quickly taken to the hospital, where he soon recovered.

During the investigation, it turned out that the parents, who did not want to raise a child born with a cleft lip, put the baby in a cardboard box and took it to the cemetery. After a few days, the relatives came to the cemetery and, thinking that the child was already dead, buried him at a shallow depth of several centimeters. As a result, the boy spent 8 days underground and survived only due to the fact that oxygen and water penetrated through a layer of dirt. According to police, when the boy was dug up, the child was literally coughing up dirty water.

Natalia Pasternak.

A terrible incident occurred in May last year in the city of Tynda. Two local residents, Natalya Pasternak and her friend Valentina Gorodetskaya, traditionally collected birch sap near the city. At this time, a four-year-old bear came out of the forest to Natalya, who, considering the woman her prey, attacked her.

The bear partially scalped her, left a deep wound in her thigh, and seriously injured her neck. Fortunately, Valentina managed to call rescuers. By the time they arrived, the she-bear had already buried the shocked Natalia, as they usually do with their victims, to leave for later. Rescuers had to shoot the animal. Natalya was dug up and taken to the hospital. Since then, she has undergone many surgeries and her recovery is still ongoing.

Essie Dunbar.

Essie died at the age of 30 in 1915 from a severe attack of epilepsy. At least that's what the doctors said. The girl was declared dead and preparations for the funeral began. Sister Essie really wanted to be present at the ceremony and categorically forbade starting the burial until she personally said goodbye to the deceased. The priests dragged out the service as soon as they could.

The coffin had already been lowered into the grave when Sister Essie finally arrived. She insisted that the coffin be lifted and opened so that she could say goodbye to her sister. However, as soon as the lid of the coffin opened, Essie stood up and smiled at her sister. Those present at the funeral rushed out of there in a panic, believing that the spirit of the girl had risen from the dead. Even many years later, some townspeople believed that she was a walking corpse. Essie lived until 1962.

Not golden sand

A friend called the mother of Alexei Ulikin in the evening. She said that her son was in trouble: Lesha was buried by his own boss. Without details - everything is behind, the son will come home soon. Healthy, well, thank God, thought Lyubov Alexandrovna, imagining a favorite childish pastime on summer sandy beaches: some tanned volunteer is buried in hot sand, leaving only his head outside.

Mother, even in a nightmare, could not imagine what monstrous tortures Alyosha had actually undergone. Having learned the next day all the terrible details of the incident from the investigators of the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Chelyabinsk, she was horrified. After what she heard, she lay in bed for five days: the woman had a fever, her spine was taken away, bleeding began.

7 years ago, a father died in the Ulikin family. Two sons remained in the care of the mother. But since you can’t live on one mother’s salary, both, in addition to studying, tried to earn extra money. Alexey got a job as a storekeeper for a private entrepreneur Ivan Rogatov.

Financially it was hard, - says Lyubov Alexandrovna. - And Rogatov's trade expanded, and he offered the position of a storekeeper through acquaintances. Alyosha grew up without a father, so I wanted to attach him to a decent man, and Rogatov seemed to fit this role. Alexei worked for him for 2.5 months. But this material well-being is how things turned out ...

Three days before the tragic incident, Aleksey went to Yekaterinburg with a merchandiser. Rogatov's firm was engaged in the supply of sanitary ware. The goods were bought in Yekaterinburg every week, so this time we went to the neighboring city in a cargo-and-passenger "gazelle". The money for the purchase of goods - 100 thousand rubles - was with the commodity specialist, Alexei went for the company, to see the city. Why not go: such trips with solid cash were made regularly and always without any protection.

Already in Yekaterinburg itself, the companions' car took a strange turn. They came out: it turned out that both rear wheels were punctured. At this moment, the "four" braked sharply from behind. Three pumped-up lads were ordered by force to get out of the body and, as always happens in this standard criminal combination, they began to frighten: "You hit the car on the track and crushed it!" While we were sorting out what was happening, the money from the salon of the "gazelle" disappeared without a trace. The Chelyabinsk residents immediately reported the incident to the Leninskoye police department of Yekaterinburg.

Shashlik as a reward

Alexey Ulikin is one of those reliable, respectable guys for whom many girls sigh. Slender, tall, never drank or smoked. He studies at the College of Trade and Economics for one fives and fours, but he is not alien to modern trends. The walls in the room are painted a la graffiti, in the corner there is an electronic guitar with a synthesizer. Alexei has a lofty dream - to create his own rock band. An open and sincere guy, he does not hold back, immediately willingly makes contact, so he talks about the terrible events of recent days without hesitation, with all the details, prescribing his experiences and feelings to the smallest detail.

They worked as one team, they did not refuse any requests, - says Alexey. - Twice we went to barbecue together. True, the invitation to a picnic was strange: when it was time for us to go home, Rogatov would bring pickled meat and ask us to do some more work. It turns out that the barbecue needs to be worked out and you can’t get anywhere. In general, he always carefully thought out his work, how best to deliver the goods, how to sell it more profitably. Randomly something will not do. Calculating.

Dictaphone sentence

The calculation was accurate this time as well. Rogatov took the news of the missing money in cold blood, without emotion, and the youngest of the guys, 17-year-old Alexei, became the object of reprisal - the weak link. Apparently, Rogatov believed that it would be easier to split the young one. "I do not believe you!" - this was the only phrase uttered by the entrepreneur when the robbed guys returned from Yekaterinburg. Two days passed after the stingy exchange of remarks. On Saturday evening, a new conversation with Rogatov took place. Alexey described in detail everything that happened in Yekaterinburg, in response - everything seems to be fine, without complaints. Rogatov offered to go to work on Sunday - to help his friend with moving and transporting things. Just the day before, Aleksey received his first full salary in the office, he completely updated his clothes with it. “It was like dressing for a funeral in everything new,” Alexei jokes gloomily, describing further events.

We already worked seven days a week, but okay, we went out in the morning, ”recalls Alexey. - At the village of Sukhomesovo, as soon as the car turned off the asphalt onto an earthen road, two more people sat down next to us. We drove 50 meters deep into the forest. Rogatov suddenly ordered: "Come on, knit him!" They wrapped my hands with duct tape behind my back. They wrapped their legs at the knees, sealed their mouths and dragged them away. A pit two meters deep was already ready and covered with branches. They threw me into the pit, I tried to get on my feet, but Rogatov jumped down and "helped" lie down. I don't remember if I screamed or didn't scream, and it's useless to scream when your mouth is sealed.

Rogatov commanded: "Dig in!", and the assistants began to throw muddy clay soil at their victim. In a semi-lying position, with his head thrown back, Alexei was first buried up to his chin. Rogatov again jumped into the pit and began to demand money, to ask who was involved in this.

I don't need it! Alexey replied. - I, a student, then would not have been able to find a normal job, so why would I spoil my future.

Since you don’t want to make contact, bury it, ”Rogatov ordered. - You do not tell, now we will also bury your brother, a merchandiser. Three graves is not a problem. This is where you stay. Now we will put a tube in your mouth, and if you die, you will not die until we bring the rest, your problems.

The killer recorded all negotiations with his victim on a dictaphone, apparently in order to scare the merchandiser with the recording. But later, the tape became the main evidence of the tortures committed. The second time they buried Alexei with his head.

I didn’t see anything anymore,” Alexei recalls. - The whole face was underground. He breathed only thanks to the free space that remained under his nose. For a minute I was underground, then Rogatov cleared his face of earthen slurry with his hand. And again, let's ask: "Tell me where the money is, while I'm here, I'm especially reluctant to talk to you!" So I was dug up and buried three or four times. The earth was already heavy, clayey, soaked from the rain, and Rogatov jumped on me, rammed. I began to choke, I thought that everything was already over. In general, I remembered God ...

Connoisseurs of the Constitution

The mass grave was supposed to appear in a forest plantation, near the village of Sukhomesovo. Luckily for Aleksey, this is the place where the villagers graze their cattle. So on Sunday, despite the rainy weather, the shepherd from Sukhomesov led cows and sheep to pasture. The trinity digging in the ground surprised him and aroused suspicion: in response to the shepherd's questions, the gravediggers offered to make a kebab from a lamb, or even from the owner himself. The frightened man ran to the village and called for help from his neighbors. The woman was the first to arrive at the burial site. Seeing a pipe sticking out of the ground, from which muffled sobs were heard, she began to rake the ground and stumbled upon a living human face. With a heart-rending cry, the woman rushed into the village. "Oh, and fear, we have suffered!" - Local residents later told reporters.

An employee of the private security department of the Leninsky district police department, Alexander Nekrasov, happened to be a neighbor of a frightened shepherd. Having run into the forest with a group of Sukhomesov's peasants, he did not even suspect about the horror of the grave. But when the three strangers ran in all directions, the militiaman's head went off automatically: "If they are running, then something is wrong." The leader of the gang of diggers - businessman Rogatov managed to catch up and detain. Local residents helped here: without understanding what was happening, they thoroughly crushed the sides of both Rogatov himself and his "twelfth" VAZ model: at first they thought that the attackers were coveting someone else's cattle. The businessman was sent to the police station, and a second murderer was also detained a little later. Both criminals turned out to be legally savvy and, referring to Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, flatly refused to testify against themselves.

The rescue

In the meantime, local residents fled to the forest burial, an immediate response group from the Leninsky District Department of Internal Affairs of Chelyabinsk arrived. Who with shovels, who with their hands - began to rake the earth out of a deep hole. They freed the prisoner to the level of his knees, it was impossible to dig further: firstly, the soggy earth was strongly compressed, and secondly, during the excavations, one had to literally stand on the feet of the martyr. The emcheesmen who arrived at the scene came to the rescue: with the help of a rope loop, the unfortunate Alexei was pulled into the light of day.

I’m just incredibly lucky,” says Alexey. - If these three left for the merchandiser and people at that moment did not pass by, I simply would not have survived. I was out of breath. Then, although underground, I began to pound. And when they dug it out, I was shivering all over from the cold and the shock.

First of all, the tortured guy was brought to a nearby hospital. There they washed off dirt and diagnosed hypothermia and shock. “I’ve been working for fifteen years, and this is the first time in my memory,” said the emergency doctor. “It’s so wild that it doesn’t even fit in my head. Not everyone can even bury a live dog, but this is a person. money crushed everything human in him," Lyubov Alexandrovna cries.


I have been working in the police since 1975, but I don’t remember such sophisticated reprisals,” says Natalya Yusupova, head of the investigative department of the Leninsky district police department. We have never had such audacity and savagery. And although the case was initiated under article 163, part 2 "Extortion" (punished by imprisonment from 3 to 7 years), not everything is clear with the qualifications. Most likely, article 117, part 2 will have great force: this is torture, the infliction of physical and mental suffering through violent actions, if this entails consequences associated with harm to health, with the use of torture. This is also from 3 to 7 years in prison. But, perhaps, it will also be an attempted murder, then the prosecutor's office will take up the case.

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