Search by picture, image or photo. Choosing the best services


Good time!

Today I will tell you how easy it is to find any person by his photo.

And you can also find any similar photo or picture. I will show you 2 free services - an assistant in finding similar pictures and photos.

As always, there will be a video tutorial at the end of the article, if it is more convenient for you to watch a video on this topic, rather than reread the text and watch the slides, scroll down the article.

How to find a person on the Internet by photo?

Sometimes there are cases when there is a photo of a person, but you do not know his contacts in order to contact him. Now 99% of people of all ages are on the Internet.

How to find a friend or just an acquaintance? There is a way out and today I will show you 2 assistants in this matter.

And also in this way you can find similar pictures, and track who personally uses your photos or pictures on various sites, you can expose fake pages.

You can also print the photos found from the Internet and take them to special people search services. Here is one of the sites where you can order cheap photo printing online:

So, we start searching for the right person on the Internet by photo or looking for similar pictures on the Internet.

I will show on the example of one of my photos, to search for similar pictures, the search is performed in the same way. So, go looking for:

Search in Yandex.Images

1.Go to Yandex pictures:

Click on the camera icon in the upper right corner.

1.Go to the site to check the original source of the photo:

It's in English, but it doesn't really matter.

Click on the arrow icon in the search bar, and select a photo or picture on your computer to determine the source.

2. You will be shown the results. In my case, the result is zero, i.e. no images found. If you have the Google Chrome browser installed, you can right-click anywhere on the browser page and click Translate to Russian

Why can this be? Sometimes TinEye does not find all the photos, especially those that have been posted recently, because they have not yet been indexed.

3. This is how the answer to a search query looks like in Russian

Today I told you several ways how to find a person on the Internet by photo for free, how to find similar photos and pictures on the Internet. of course, if other sites and services, including paid ones. You can easily find them through a search engine on the Internet. Good luck searching))

The FindFace service, developed for users of Russia's largest social network VKontakte, will be able to find any person in the virtual space with just one photo. The project was based on face recognition technology created by N-Tech.Lab.

FindFace allows you to find a person, find out public information and contact him through an account on a social network, and for all this, a photo taken by a mobile phone is enough. Poor lighting or an unsuccessful angle will not prevent the algorithm from quickly finding the right person. The service identifies a person in a photo with an accuracy of about 70%, and if the desired person was not found, FindFace offers to look at photos of similar people, which makes it unique among modern dating services.

A new type of social service was developed based on the technology of the N-Tech.Lab company, which specializes in solutions in the field of neural networks. Such networks are able to analyze information and learn like a person, but they do it much faster. The N-Tech.Lab algorithm takes less than a second to search for the desired file in the database of 300 million photos. This solution was recognized as the best at the international competition The MegaFace Benchmark, organized by the University of Washington.

Now you can use FindFace using mobile applications for iOS and Android, as well as through a browser. All necessary calculations are performed on remote servers, so the requirements for gadgets are minimal. The service allows you not only to find the right user, but also send him messages, put likes, view photos and other information.

At the first stage of its development, the new service will work in the VKontakte social network, the daily audience of which exceeds 100 million people. In the future, FindFace will become available to users of other social networks.

The basic functionality is free. For users with a wider range of options (unlimited number of queries per month, complex search settings, etc.), the service will cost from 149 to 459 rubles per month.

From time to time, users need to search by photo. Such situations most often occur when you need to find out the source of a particular photo.

For example, if a person has a frame from a movie, but he does not know the name, then from this frame you can find out what kind of movie it is. In this case, it is simply impossible to enter a request in words, since it is not clear what needs to be entered.
In addition, sometimes you want to know who took a picture. For such cases, there are very easy-to-use services. Consider the most popular of them and how to use them. Before that, it would be useful to understand how image search works in general.

Image search algorithm

Everything in this case is based on the fact that when you upload any image to the Internet, the process of adding certain attributes to this photo takes place. Any content manager or SEO specialist will understand what the Alt attribute, Title (name) and Description (description) are.
So, any image that is located on the open spaces of the worldwide web has all this. If these attributes are not specified by the person who uploaded the image, they are generated automatically. Actually, they are used to search for images on the Internet.
In this case, everything is taken into account - both the name and the description, and in general all the information that is only available for this image. And now back to the description of search services.

Service number 1. Google Pictures
Yes, the world's largest search engine, of course, has in its structure a service for searching information from photographs. The search scheme itself on it is exactly the same as in a conventional search engine that searches for standard test queries.
As practice shows, Google works much better than other search engines in this regard. In fact, this is the reason for its immense popularity.
The Google photo search service also performs very well - all possible links to the entered pictures and information about them are found.
To find some information on a photo in Google Images, you need to do the following:

Go to This is the address of the Google image search engine.
Enter the desired image into it.

You can do this in one of four ways:

Copy from another resource on the Internet or from an image viewer. This is done by right-clicking on the desired image, if this happens in the browser, and selecting the "Copy ..." item, or by selecting the image, for example, in Paint and pressing the Ctrl + C key combination. Then it remains just to press Ctrl + V on the search engine page.

No. 1. Browser Copy Image Button

Select a file on your computer. To do this, click on the "Search by image" button, go to the "Upload file" tab, click on the "Select file" button, in the window that opens, select where the desired image is located and start the search.

No. 2. Search by uploaded photo in Google Images

Provide a link to a photo. To do this, right-click on the photo you like in the browser and select "Copy address ...". After that, go to Google Pictures, click on the "Search by Image" button, click on the "Specify Link" tab, enter the previously copied link in the appropriate field and click on the "Search by Image" button.

No. 3. Image link search in Google Images

Simply drag and drop the image file from a folder on your computer to any area of ​​the Google Images site. This method is described on the service itself and is the main one for working with it. In addition, it is the easiest among all on this list.

3. Press the Enter button on the keyboard if the search has not yet started automatically.
As a result, the user will see the size of the image, information about whether there are similar images on the Internet, only of a different size, and links to sites where there is the same or similar photos. Also, the user will see a request by which, most likely, you can find this picture. In addition, in the "Similar Images" section, images that are similar in meaning will be shown. An example of search results can be seen in Figure 4.

No. 4. Sample search results in Google Images

The Yandex.Image address is The ways to enter an image search by image using this service are exactly the same as those of Google, namely:
dragging an image from a folder;
file selection by pressing the "Select File" button;
entering the address of the image on the Internet.

As soon as the user enters the site, he will see a menu in front of him, indicated by the number 1 in Figure No. 5. To access the three methods described above, on the main page of the site, you must click on the "Search by Image" button (in Figure No. 5 it is highlighted with a green frame).
After that, a menu will appear, indicated by the number 2. To use the first method, you just need to drag the desired file into the field marked with a red frame in the same figure. There is also an inscription “Select a file”, by clicking on which a standard selection dialog will appear, where you will need to specify the location of the desired image.
To enter the address, you need to copy it on another site (this is done, as before, by right-clicking on the picture and selecting the “Save address ...” item) and enter it in the field shown with a blue frame.

No. 5. Ways to upload an image to Yandex.Pictures

Yandex.Images has many advantages over a similar service from Google. So, you can search for a picture from your collection called "My Pictures".
You can upload anything there. To do this, click on the button highlighted in Figure 6 with a green frame. You can also select search protection here. The fact is that in addition to the necessary materials, the search engine can often issue materials of an erotic or violent nature.
It is better not to see all this for children and mentally healthy people in general. For such cases, there is a "Family Search" function, which can be selected by clicking on the protect button (highlighted in blue). Also there you can completely remove protection or choose something in between - "Moderate search".

No. 6. Yandex.Images page

Here on the screen saver there is always a photo of the day, which may also be of interest to an ordinary user. In addition, there are buttons below, by clicking on which you can find other pictures with similar themes and download desktop wallpapers with this photo.
An example of search results by image in this service is shown in Figure 7.

No. 7. Search result via Yandex.Pictures

Service number 3. TinYe
This service is the most popular for photo search among developers and system administrators. The reason for this is that it is best at finding similar pictures and information about the input image.
Still, Google and Yandex specialize in searching for text phrases, and their photo search algorithm is developed somewhat worse. But TinYe was originally positioned as a search engine for photos.
The site of this service looks like this: Its interface is somewhat unusual, but the methods for loading the source image for search remain exactly the same.
So, to select a file for searching, you must click on the button highlighted in Figure 8 with a red frame. After that, it remains to indicate again where the image is located.
In the field shown in the same figure with a green frame, you can enter the address of the picture, having copied it in advance, or drag the picture directly into it. After that, it remains just to click on the search button in the form of a magnifying glass, if it does not start automatically.

No. 8. TinYe photo search service page

In the search results, the user will be able to see the number of sites that have an exact match of this picture. Below you will see how many images were checked and how long this process took.
After that, the sites themselves with the desired image will be shown, as well as links to them. An example of search results can be seen in Figure 9.

No. 9. Search results on

Below you can clearly see how a photo search is performed using a service from Google.

Consider how to find a photo on the Internet by photo.

Thanks to a few simple search techniques, you can always find an object of interest in the picture, a site or a forum for its placement.

The function of analyzing similar or identical images can be useful in completely different situations.

Cases when you may need:

  • The fight against fakes. If a user suspects that the person writing to them on a social network is not who they say they are, you can easily check several images from their page. If some of them have already been uploaded to other sites, banks or forums, with 99% probability we can say that the page of the interlocutor is fake. That is why sometimes it can save you from scammers and other intruders;
  • Search for an unknown object. On the web, you can often see articles or collections with images of interesting interior items, clothing, and other categories. You can find the name of a previously unknown thing using;
  • Checking your photos. With it, users can try to find several of their images. This way you can identify fakes on your page. As practice shows, fraudsters often simply copy pictures of social network users and use them as their own on Avito or OLX in order to deceive potential buyers;
  • Names of famous people. The function is needed if you need to recognize an actor or singer.

Analysis of primary sources

Since the original source of the image is indexed by the system before the pages with the copied one, you can find it in a few mouse clicks in Google and Yandex. In the results, you should pay attention not to the “Related Photos” category, but to the “Mentions on the Internet” section.

Thanks to the ranking of pages in Google, you can easily find the real source of any picture, regardless of the social network or forum on which it is located.

Despite the huge number of banks and search engines for graphic content, we recommend choosing standard Google and Yandex for references. These systems implement the most accurate algorithms that are known today. In addition, they look for graphics not only in their own database, but also check all sites indexed in the system.

To use Google for this, just go to the site and follow a few simple steps:

  • In the field, select the camera icon and specify a direct link to it or select it from the memory of your device;
  • Click on "Search";
  • The result of Google issuance will show similar photos, mentions on other sites and forums (here you can find the original source). If a public person was depicted on it, in 99% of cases he will recognize the correct first and last name, and will also offer to read short information;

To narrow the scope, you can set additional options. To do this, in the displayed results, click on the "Tools" button. It is located at the top of the page, just below the text line.

Then select the period of mention of the picture on other sites and the preferred option (only similar images or a certain size of a graphic object).

The system from Yandex works similarly:

  • Go to the page and click on the camera sign next to the text field;
  • Drag and drop a picture for it or upload a file from a computer;
  • Click on "Find".

The updated Yandex algorithm offers the user several options at once for what is shown in the desired picture.

Also, you will be able to access all possible object extensions. As in Google, users have the opportunity to look at sites where the image appears.

Search for an item by photo

On the World Wide Web, we often stumble upon images of interesting gadgets and objects, however, it is not always possible to remember the name of the object. To quickly find out the name of the item on it, just use the systems described above from Google or Yandex.

The image below shows an illustrative example of searching for an item using only one picture. Google immediately determined the topic to which the object belongs, and found an online store where you can buy such a product. The exact name of the subject is also indicated on the results page.

If you find an unknown object not in the form of a digital image, but in real life, you can simply photograph it and then analyze it from the image. When doing it, try to choose a neutral background. This will make it easier for the system to identify the item.


RevIMG is a third party resource that is different from standard search engines. This site also allows you to upload an image for it, however, the user can set the subject himself and crop it so that only the element of interest remains on it. This feature will be useful when working with collages.

I'll tell you one of the ways to deal with rednecks who do not reveal secret places where they fish or pick mushrooms. I must say right away that there is nothing smart in this method, but it works. I am even sure that many people know about it, so today's story will be for those who have never thought about it.

It's simple, any person has a desire to show off, this is a fact (I already “hear” a friend’s shout behind my back, they say, Chernyakov, they don’t judge others by themselves). Almost all fishermen and mushroom pickers like to take pictures of trophies and post their photos on the Internet. So, ask such a person to send you the original photo. For what? Well, you can lie, they say, I liked the photo so much that I want to put it on my desktop as a screensaver in Windows.

Everything is simple. Almost everyone today takes pictures with mobile phones in nature. Almost every cell phone has a GPS. Almost every mobile phone has an option to put a coordinate mark in a photo, and no one disables it by default. And if there are coordinates, then they can be seen. How? - easier than a steamed turnip. Now I will show you with this photo as an example.

Digital photos have a thing called EXIF. I won't go into details now, I'll just say that this is additional information about the photo recorded in the file of the photo itself. There are a lot of interesting things there, for example: when the photo was taken, with what camera, and what is most interesting for us is where it was taken. Geographic coordinates are written there, and they are extremely accurate.

If the photo has already been downloaded to the computer, right-click on it, then select “Properties” from the menu. In the window that opens, select the “Details” tab, and a little lower you will see the GPS coordinates. As I said, they are very accurate (and we will return to this picture again at the end of the article, remember it).

If you do not know what to do with these numbers, you can use, for example, Google's Picasa program. If the photo has coordinates, Picasa will show a red pin. Click on it and you will see a map.

As you understand, the Internet is already full of such services that show a map from a photo. Just upload such a photo to the site or give a link to it. I'm not even too lazy, I'll explain how to "take a link to a photo." For example, if you are using Firefox, then it's simple, right-click on the photo and there click on "Copy Image Location".

In Internet Explorer a little more confused. Right-click on the photo, select “Properties”, in the window that opens, select the link with the mouse, right-click on the selected text and select “Copy”.

Here is the way for you. The main thing is to ask for a photo.

And now for the new residents of Winnipeg who want to know exactly where mushrooms grow near us. At the weekend I was in the forest park. Riding a bicycle, I noticed a boletus near the road. Since I was not going to pick mushrooms, I only photographed the mushroom and drove on, did not cut it.

Here it is, a real untouched boletus, and if you need it, find the place yourself. By the way, not far from the city.

Okay, as you understand, "redneck", it's true, it's all nonsense. That is not what this article was made for. I just want you to understand how terrible it is when technology falls into the hands of amateurs. And what a horror it is when the ignorance of amateurs is abused by criminals. This is a way to find where to steal something, this is also a way to find a person who is not a fact that he will be happy to meet.

As far as I understand, when a photo is uploaded to Facebook or Odnoklassniki or (sorry, sir) Vkontakte, then the system itself erases the coordinates for you. With Instagram, I was also unable to pull out the coordinates, however, I read where it says that there is even an application for a mobile phone that, from an Instagram photo, shows a photo from Google Maps Street View, and an address. But how?

I don't know, I can't check it myself. How do other Internet resources deal with photos? – also one has to guess. But you understand that it is better not to guess, but to rely on your own head.

Now the obvious conclusions. Yes, we know that mobile phones, by default, include GPS coordinates in a photo. And it's great, yes! Especially when you bring back a bunch of photos from a long trip and then don't remember where it was. And then once, and found.

But it's great for personal use. If you want to take a photo from your phone and send it to someone, but don't want to see the coordinates, each smartphone has an option in the settings not to write GPS coordinates to the photo file. Turn off and take pictures. It will be necessary - turn it back on. Delov something?

If the photo is on a computer, it's even easier there. Before sending a photo, make a copy of it, and then, as mentioned above, right-click on the photo, then select “Properties” from the menu. In the window that opens, select the “Details” tab, and at the very bottom click on “Remove Properties and Personal Information”.

By the way, when I post photos on my site, I almost never erase the coordinates. Firstly - nothing personal, secondly - perhaps you yourself are interested in finding out where the places that I photographed are located. And once, yes, I got greedy, but this is the same “secret” clearing.

In general, let's sum it up. If we already use technology, we use it consciously so as not to be a monkey with a grenade. And there are a lot of technologies of all sorts and cunning. For example, as I noticed, a huge number of Android phone owners are not even aware of the existence of such a useful (and dangerous) site And this is not the limit.

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