Pokemon go game basics. Hatching eggs in Pokemon GO


The game is currently not translated into Russian, so many players have problems with a complete understanding of all the basics of the game. In this article, I will talk about all the features of Pokemon GO that newcomers to the game need to know.

In this article, you will learn how to catch Pokemon, what are PokeStops and Gyms, what items exist in the game and how to get them, as well as get some valuable tips to help you get comfortable in the game. The next article in the series "How to play Pokemon GO?" will be for experienced players - in it I will tell you more about the mechanics of battles, auxiliary tools for the game and non-obvious secrets that not everyone knows about.

Fast passage:

How to catch Pokemon

Once you've downloaded and installed Pokémon GO, the game takes you through the mechanics of catching Pokémon without any hesitation, placing three extremely famous Pokémon right next to you: Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. Clicking on one of them will take you to the capture screen, where you will be required to throw a Pokéball at the Pokémon you have found. Hit a Pokemon - it became yours and moved to the collection, everything is very simple, at least at the very beginning of your game path.

Secret: You can make your first Pokemon not only Charmander, Squirtle or Bulbasaur, but also everyone's favorite Pikachu. In order for it to appear on the map, you must move out of the radius of the initial Pokémon Five times, after which Pikachu will appear on the map and will be available for capture.

The higher your level becomes, the less willingly Pokemon will climb into Pokeballs and you will have to be more careful about throws. When catching Pokemon, you need to follow two main points: the size of the circle that appears on the Pokemon at the time when you hold the Pokeball and the color of this very circle.

Advice: Turn off the camera by toggling the AR switch to inactive on the Pokémon Capture screen. This will make it much easier for you to accurately throw pokeballs, and your smartphone's resources will be spent less.

Let's start with the size of the circle. As a budding Pokémon trainer, your goal is to hit the changing circle. Many even already very experienced Pokemon GO players mistakenly believe that they need to throw the Pokeball at the moment when the circle is as wide as possible. In fact, the chances of catching a Pokemon increase noticeably if you get into a very small circle, thereby showing your technique.

However, I advise novice players to treat this game mechanic without fanaticism. Most Pokemon, even rare ones, will eagerly climb into a Pokeball at the first call and will not break out of it. If you stumble upon a rare Pokemon, then even then try to make your perfect throw.

The rarity of a Pokemon can be easily determined even during its capture, it is signaled by the color of the central circle into which we throw Pokeballs. There are three rarity levels in total:

  • The green circle is a regular pokemon, it will not be difficult to catch it.
  • Yellow circle - Pokemon is quite rare, be careful when making a throw.
  • The Red Circle is a rare, high-level Pokémon that will fiercely resist capture. When catching such a Pokemon, it is recommended to use bait and improved versions of Pokeballs.

Pokémon of various rarities differ in their CP, which is discussed below.

What is CP

CP (Combat Power) - the combat power of Pokemon, which is the main indicator of their strength. The CP of a Pokemon when it is caught depends on a large number of factors, the main of which is the level of your character. Don't expect to catch an incredibly strong Pokémon at a low level that you will scare local trainers with - this will not happen. To develop your Pokémon, you will have to sweat seriously.

Advice: You can sort the list of all Pokémon you have caught by CP by selecting the appropriate option from the sort menu.

Determining how strong a particular Pokemon is and whether it has room to grow is very simple. Near the CP indicator, directly above the Pokemon, there is an arc - the degree of its fullness indicates how strongly the Pokemon is developed. If the arc is completely filled - at this level of your character, the pokemon can no longer strengthen, but as soon as you take the next level, the arc can again be filled, improving the pokemon.

Advice: Don't waste resources on upgrading Pokémon at early levels, and be content with the Pokémon's power that fell when you caught them.

What is PokeStop

Baits, Pokeballs and other Pokemon GO items can be bought in the game store or found in PokeStops - places marked on the map in a special way. In order to get items from pokestops, you need to reach the mark, click on it and spin the circle that appears on the screen. The higher the level of your character becomes, the more various items will begin to fall from pokestops.

Advice: Items obtained from PokéStops do not need to be clicked to be added to inventory. Just press the cross located at the bottom of the screen and save time.

Complete list of Pokemon GO items

Since we are talking about the items presented in the game, it would be correct to list them all and explain why they are needed. The list is big:

  • Poke Balls/Great Balls/Ultra Balls - Pokeballs used to catch Pokemon. In addition to regular Pokeballs, there are two types of improved Pokeballs in the game - Great Balls and Ultra Balls, which significantly increase the chance of catching Pokemon. You can find all types of Pokeballs in PokeStops.
  • Lure module - a lure module that allows you to lure Pokemon to the selected PokéStop for 30 minutes. The module is activated not only for you, but for all other players. The Lure module cannot be found in PokeStops - they are issued for reaching certain levels and can be purchased from the in-game store.
  • Incense - Incense, another Pokémon bait. Unlike the lure module, Incense lures Pokémon directly to your location. There is a small chance Incense can be found in PokeStops.
  • Razz Berry - A berry that you can feed to a Pokémon to make it easier to capture. Can be found in PokeStops.
  • Pokemon Eggs - Pokemon eggs that can be hatched by placing them in incubators. The gestation process involves the player passing a certain distance - 2, 5 or 10 kilometers, depending on the egg. A Pokémon that spawns from an egg, with a rarity based on the type of egg, is added to your collection.

Table of Pokémon that can drop from different eggs

  • Egg Incubator - an incubator for eggs. One such incubator, with an infinite supply of charges, is available to players by default. Additional incubators, which have a limited number of uses, are issued for obtaining new levels and are bought in the in-game store.
  • Lucky Eggs are lucky eggs that allow you to either get premium items or activate a double increase in experience gained for 30 minutes. All players can receive one such egg as a reward for reaching the ninth level. Additional lucky eggs can only be purchased from the in-game store.
  • Potion/Super Potion/Hyper Potion - potions of varying quality that allow you to heal Pokémon after they take damage in battles with other Pokémon. All potions can be found in Pokéstops.
  • Revive/Max Revive - items that allow you to resurrect Pokémon that died in battles. Revive - resurrects and restores half of the lives, Max Revive - restores the pet with full health.
  • Bag - a backpack in which you store all your items. The standard backpack holds 350 items, for 200 Pokécoins the capacity of the bag can be expanded to 400 items.
  • PokeCoins is the in-game currency of Pokemon GO, which can be used to buy all items. Pokécoins can be purchased with real money or earned by holding training halls.

What is Gyms (Gyms)

Gyms (Gyms), they are also training halls, real places for the capture of which the players are fighting among themselves. You won’t be able to miss the gyms on the map, they are displayed as follows:

Players get the opportunity to capture gyms starting from the fifth level, immediately after joining one of the teams. There are three teams in Pokemon GO and they differ in colors:

  • Instinct is the yellow team.
  • Mystic is the blue team.
  • Valor is the red team.

Belonging to one or another team does not give any game advantages, however, by teaming up with friends under the banner of one team, you can create a serious force to capture and, most importantly, hold the gyms. Can't change team in Pokemon GO.

Gyms are captured in the following way. By clicking on the opposing team's gym, you can see the Pokemon that other players left to defend the control point. After assessing your chances of winning, you can press the fight button and select six Pokémon that will be sent to battle with the defenders. The battle will begin and your task will be to click on the enemy Pokemon to attack, dodge the opponent's blows with swipes and monitor the health of your pets, managing to change them in the arena in time.

Important: If the battle went well for you and you recaptured the Gym from the enemy team, hurry to capture the training room, putting one of your Pokémon on defense. The thing is that until you put the Pokémon on defense, the gym is considered free and any other player can freely capture it.

The Pokemon sent to protect the Gym from your collection disappear, however, they will return as soon as the control point is lost by them.

Now, as for the rewards - they are extremely "delicious" for capturing the gyms. Each Gym you capture yields 500 Stardust and 10 PokéCoins every 21 hours. The maximum number of coins that you can receive per day from captured gyms is 100, so there is no particular point in capturing more than 10 gyms per day.

Important: Don't forget to collect the Pokécoins you've earned - they won't automatically go into your inventory. This can be done by clicking on the pokeball, selecting the store and clicking on the loot button in the upper right corner.

In each gym, players have their own level of reputation, which is extremely important to increase. Each new level of the Gym allows the team (not the player) to place an additional Pokémon to defend the point, which will make it much more difficult for players of other teams to capture it. You can increase your level in the gym by earning prestige points, which are obtained in the following cases:

  • When an opponent is defeated in an attempt to capture the Gym.
  • When one of the defending team defeats a Pokémon during training (a battle of Pokémon on the same team).
  • When a member of your team places a new Pokémon to protect the Gym.

How to level up a character in Pokemon GO

In Pokemon GO, absolutely every action you perform will level up your character. Collected items from the PokéStop - gained experience, caught a Pokémon - gained experience, etc. Especially a lot of experience you can earn by evolving your Pokémon. It is recommended to carry out mass evolution with an activated lucky egg (Lucky Egg), which, as I wrote above, doubles the experience gained for 30 minutes.

How to improve Pokemon

Now a little more about evolution. Most Pokémon have two (and some have three) evolutionary forms that your pets should ideally grow into. Evolution in Pokemon GO is performed for a certain amount of resources - candy (Candy) and stardust (Stardust).

Candies in Pokemon GO are different for each type of Pokemon. You get them, in an amount from 1 to 10 pieces (but most often only 2-3), with each capture of a Pokemon. In addition, unnecessary (weak) Pokemon can be sent to the trainer (by pressing the Transfer button), for which you will receive one candy for each animal. Stardust is also obtained by capturing Pokémon, but unlike candy, it is a universal currency used in the evolution of any Pokémon.

I wrote about evolution at the very last moment for a reason. Yes, evolution is one of the main and exciting mechanics of the game, but it is strongly not recommended to start improving your Pokemon at the initial levels. Firstly, with each new level you will catch more and more powerful Pokémon, whose CP indicator will be significantly higher than the Pokémon you have caught before. And, secondly, the ideal tactic is the mass evolution of Pokemon with an activated Lucky Egg, which the game will give you as a reward for reaching the ninth level.

Advice: Resist the temptation to evolve your favorite Pokémon if your level is low (below level 10) and the Pokémon's CP is not close to max.


I have covered all the main points of the Pokemon GO game and hopefully I have been able to help newcomers to clarify some points. But these are just the main points - Pokemon GO is fraught with many secrets, and the community has already managed to find useful tools and develop tactics for a more productive game. You will learn about all this in the next article in the cycle dedicated to the mobile phenomenon of Pokemon GO.

List of useful topics:

That detained four suspects who, under the pretext of finding a Pokémon, lured the victims to a secluded place and robbed them.

What is going on?

Yoshizaku Tsuno/AFP, Getty Images

After several years of relative calm, Pokémon are making a comeback. The Nintendo-owned franchise that hit the market in the late 1990s is once again taking America by storm, this time with what has become the franchise's most significant title on mobile platforms. It's not yet available in Russia, but we've put together a guide for those of you who can't wait to play. (How to install Pokemon GO if you live in Russia).

This game is so popular that it has almost surpassed Twitter on Android in terms of daily active users, Tinder in terms of downloads on Android devices, and porn in terms of the number of Google searches. At the same time, Nintendo's shares on the stock exchange soared, adding nearly $11 billion to the company's value.

In short, Pokémon Go uses GPS data and the clock on your phone to determine what time and place you are in the game, and then randomly arranges Pokémon around you (on your phone screen) for you to chase and catch. The idea is that you travel around the world more, trying to catch all the new Pokémon in the game.

Tweet: sethary @seth_cordaro

When you got pulled over by the police but you have to catch them all #Pokémongo

Why such popularity?

Part of the game's popularity is that it's free, so it's easy to download and play. But something else is more important. Pokémon Go brings to life the dream that all Pokémon fans have dreamed of since the first game: what if Pokémon actually existed and lived in our world?

But to understand what exactly people are so attracted to this idea, you first need to go back to the late 1990s - to the original games from the Pokémon series.

How Pokémon Games Work

The Pokémon games are set in a world populated by exotic, powerful creatures. They can look like rats, snakes, dragons, dinosaurs, birds, eggs, trees, and even swords. People called "trainers" travel this world to tame these creatures and use them in duels in an ethically questionable manner.

Pokémon Go is an attempt to bring to life what Pokémon fans have always dreamed of

At the moment there is no multiplayer component in the game, because of which you cannot engage in fights or trade with your friends - two of these features are very important in console games. (There are even serious tournaments with cash prizes.)

Judging by the first trailer for the game, multiplayer mode may appear in the future, although this feature was announced from the very beginning.

The lack of normal multiplayer and familiar fights upset some fans of the franchise.

Another major issue is battery usage. Playing the game all the time can quickly drain your phone's battery - it's gotten to the point where there are guides on how to play and conserve battery power. In fact, this is one of the technological rough edges that will have to be corrected in augmented reality games over time.

Ash and Pikachu meet Scraggy, the best of Pokémon.

In addition to fulfilling childhood dreams, for many, Pokémon Go was the introduction to a new type of game in which the real world comes into contact with the virtual - a mixture called "augmented reality".

This is not virtual reality, when you put on glasses or a helmet and completely immerse yourself in the virtual world. Augmented reality games use technology to augment the world around you, like putting the Pokémon Abra in your toilet.

Why would anyone want this? Well, everyday life can get boring. Why not dilute it with Pokemon?

Predecessors of Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go is arguably the most advanced augmented reality game to date. But it wasn't the first, and it certainly won't be the last: developers are using the concept more and more as games like Ingress, Life Is Crime, and yes, Pokémon Go come out.

Google even parodied the idea of ​​Pokémon Go for an April Fools' Day 2014 giveaway (although it could have been a secret reveal given that Niantic, the company behind Pokémon Go, was launched by Google):

Ingress, meanwhile, showed a potential problem with augmented reality games. In Ingress, users can capture each other's "portals", for which they have to go to various points in the real world. So players can literally crash into each other in the real world in an attempt to capture the portal.

Problem: When people compete, they can become aggressive. And already There is messages about how people clashed over the game in real life.

With Pokémon Go, there have already been several cases. Leaving aside for a moment the four suspects who allegedly placed beacons on Pokéstops to attract victims and robbed them, there are a few cases of injuries from the game, and the police are advising players not to go where they shouldn't be. It's likely that most players will stay sane and not get in trouble, but there's still some risk in merging the real world and the video game.

In this guide, we will give a complete instructions in Russianpokemon go About, how to start the game so that there are no problems in the future, you do not regret what you did.

We will analyze everything from downloading, to considering some of the initial nuances that most uninformed users of the game face.

How to play Pokemon Go step-by-step instruction

Start of the game in pokemon go starts far from launching it on a smartphone or tablet (sometimes on a computer and read about it).The first thing you need to know abouthow to start the game pokemon go in Russia , this is where to download it. After all, it has not yet been officially released in our country, and the owners iPhone in general, a big problem, because the toy has a regional lock. But everything can be bypassed and let's start with a simpler one, with Android.

All you need to do if you own a device on android, go to website and download the setup file apk. Also there you will find a complete installationgame instructions pokemon go .

How to start playing Pokemon Go on iOS

In order to download or update the game, you will need to change your iTunes account link from Russian to US. You can play with Russian. I will not describe in detail how to create a new account, others have written about this a thousand times, so just google it.

After the toy has appeared on your smartphone, you should turn on the GPS before launching it for the first time. Next, launch and create a Pokemon trainer account. This can be done using authorization through Google Play (iTunes) or by creating an in-game account, which is more practical if you suddenly play on different devices at once (Android and Apple). Another point, the building may not have very high-quality GPS signal reception, so it’s better to go outside. After loading the game, you will see detailedinstruction how to playpokemon go from a Pokémon professor who will tell you what to do (so far the problem is that it is in English). Next, three starting Pokemon appear in front of you (Chermander, Bulbosavr and Squirtle), in addition, at this moment you can catch the rarest pikachu, and read about how to do this. In order to catch one of the Pokémon, just tap on it and its capture will begin. A screen will open with a Pokémon and a Pokéball. Your task is to throw a swipe at a Pokemon and get into the active circle as accurately as possible. You need to calculate your throw, but with
in time you will be able to adapt and will catch them like seeds. The Pokemonstreak, in turn, will beat off the Pokeball, bounce and interfere in any way with your capture, but you will also deal with this with experience. This is how you catch your first Pokémon and now you know how to start playingpokemon go Right. But you may encounter such a problem that at the top there will be a red bar with the inscription GPS not found and at least poke at the Pokemon, but the capture will not start. There are several ways to solve it. The first is to find a clearer signal and restart the game. If this does not help, then the second option is to change the phone, because support for yours is not provided by the application. If you do not want to spend money, then trait is just waiting for updates and optimization for your smart.

Next, to find the rest of the Pokémon, you need to actually move around the city with the game running. Also on the way you will come across, from which useful ones fall out, if you approach them, click on them and twist and, in which you can fight from the fifth level.

Now you know how to get through the beginning of the gamepokemon go , what to do And how best to start, and you can familiarize yourself with the rest of the nuances and secrets in the rest of ours.

Have a good game!

So, you have downloaded the already hacked version for your smartphone and are eager to start playing it. But first you need to understand the essence of the game, mechanics and features.

Many Pokemon Go players ask how to play correctly and is it possible to play in Russia? We have prepared a complete guide to the game Pokemon Go.

What is it and what do they eat?

The Pokemon universe in the vastness of our country is less popular than in the USA or Japan. This is due to the fact that absolutely all games in this series were released only on the original consoles from Nintendo. As you know, in our country, the versions of these consoles were exclusively pirated, and not everyone could afford the original version because of the high price. All acquaintance with the universe ends with watching cartoons on TV in the early 2000s.

Have you installed the game and are trying to figure it out? A guide on character management and how to play Pokemon Go will help you with this. Let's get started.

Pokemon Go: fishing guide

The main one is catching Pokemon itself. You have to play on the street and explore every corner and every house. The program algorithm determines your location and randomly generates monsters in the nearest area. They are said to spawn in certain crowded areas with large crowds of players to increase the competitive element of hunting creatures. However, no one except the developers knows the exact algorithm for the appearance.

Transformation and . It will be most interesting for fans to play, since everything develops according to the canons of the original universe, so the gameplay and the passage of Pokemon Go has no end - there are more than 700 monsters in the game with all mutations and forms.

Battles between captured creatures with other real players.

All these signs can be attributed to an integral RPG, which is not ashamed to be presented under the tag of some major development. However, the main element in Pokemon Go is augmented reality. Without it, the game would not have become so popular and interesting.

Pokemon Go Game Guide: Which Pokemon to Keep?

Pokemon Go guide for beginners. You are walking down the street about your business and your smartphone starts signaling that one of the rare monsters is nearby. Taking out your phone and turning on the camera, you explore the surrounding area in search of traces of the creature. The closer you get to it, the more tracks and signs you will find.

When you see an animal on your screen, you must throw a pokeball to it. You just have to do this as carefully as possible - not all Pokemon are friendly, and some of them are very timid. The captured monster is placed in your library. After that, you can improve it, use it in battles and brag to other players. After our training and practice, you will easily play Pokemon Go.

After you have collected a certain number of creatures, you can start developing them. To do this, you need to take part in battles, as a result of which Pokémon acquire skills and improve existing skills. Over time, each monster evolves into a new form.

Since the game has not been officially released in Russian, you can find a detailed how to battle in pokemon go guide, which is related to battles, and a pokemon go tips gym incense guide, which talks about all the features and modes. You will play according to the guide only for the first time, until you fully master it. But don't be intimidated - learning to play Pokémon Go is fast and fun to play, so you'll adapt quickly!

The Pokemon universe is too big to fit all the nuances and features in one article. And you will find Pokemon Go installation guides and Pokemon tables on our website in the relevant sections.

Pokemon GO is finally out and immediately captured the minds and hearts of people all over the world. Although the application is not officially available in every country in the world, any inhabitant of the planet Earth can play Pokemon GO. The streets and parks are filled with crowds of eager trainers who are eager to "catch them all." However, novice players often wonder: "how to play Pokemon GO?". We will answer this question in our today's article. We'll cover the mechanics of the game and provide some useful tips on how to become a successful Pokemon GO Trainer.

How to start playing Pokemon GO

First, you need to install the Pokemon GO app from the official Google Play Store or the App Store. If the game hasn't been released in your country yet, don't worry. You can download or use the workaround for .

After that, the game will leave you alone with a huge world that needs to be explored. However, there are three main things you can do in Pokémon GO: catching Pokémon, visiting PokéStops, and fighting in Gyms.

How to catch Pokemon

Despite the fact that catching Pokemon in Pokemon GO is easy, many novice trainers are stumped because their "character does not move." The fact is that you need to walk - then your coach will move around the map. When a Pokémon is nearby, your smartphone will vibrate and you will enter Pokémon capture mode. The color of the ring that surrounds a Pokémon when you aim at it indicates how hard it will be to catch (green is easiest, yellow is hard, red is hard). For easier capture of Pokemon, you can turn off the "AR" mode, as well as use more "advanced" Pokeballs. At later levels of the game, the Pokémon can be fed a berry to make it "feeler" and easier to capture.

Each Pokemon has an important parameter - CP (combat power - combat power), which pretty much determines how strong the Pokemon is. In order to raise the level of CP, you will need 2 things: dust (stardust) and candy of a certain Pokemon. You get some dust for every Pokémon you catch, as well as control of the gyms; whereas a specific Pokémon candy can only be obtained by capturing or "releasing" a specific Pokémon. For example, to raise the CP level of Zubat, you will need dust and Zubat candy. In order to evolve a Pokémon, you will also need that Pokémon's Candy. As your character levels up, you will also encounter Pokémon with higher CP in the wild.

Different Pokémon are found in different places. In this way, the game developer encourages us to explore our diverse and incredible world.

Pokestops are important points marked on the map. Usually Pokestops are located in places that have some meaning to the local territory. However, this is by design. The PokéStop base "migrated" to Pokemon GO from the Ingress game by the same developer - and PokéStops are not always so interesting and entertaining. But, we digress.

Visiting a PokéStop is the main way to get items in Pokémon GO. When you get close enough to a PokéStop, you can click on the PokéStop and start spinning the PokéStop icon. Useful items will “scatter” from the poke-stop: pokeballs, potions, revive (resurrection stones) and eggs. You can also activate a lure module at the PokéStop to increase the chances of Pokémon spawning at the PokéStop. Some items in Pokemon GO, however, can only be purchased with coins, which can be bought with real money or obtained by controlling Gyms.

Game experience (xp) in Pokémon GO can be obtained for almost any activity, whether it's catching Pokémon, fighting in gyms, or visiting Pokéstops. After gaining each level, you will also receive . After reaching level 5, you will be offered: Instinct (yellow), Mysticism (blue), Courage (red). As soon as you join one of the teams, you will be able to fight and capture the gyms.

Gyms in Pokémon GO, like Pokémon Go, are usually located at the site of significant events: for example, near architectural monuments or locations of significant value. You can fight in gyms and capture them for your team. If the Gym is already owned by your team, you can choose one of your Pokémon and fight Practice Battles against your team's Pokémon. In this way, you will be able to increase the prestige of the Gym and allow your team members to place more Pokemon in the Gym. You will also be able to receive daily bonuses in the form of coins and dust for each of your Pokémon placed in the gym. If the Gym belongs to your team and there is room for another Pokémon, you can place your Pokémon there, but only one. If the Gym is owned by rivals, you can fight in the Gym against Defender Pokémon to eventually lower the Gym's Prestige to zero. After that, you will be able to occupy the gym for your team by placing a Pokémon there. Gym battles give you experience and increase the CP and HP of the fighting Pokémon.

The battles in Pokemon GO are a simplified version of the battles in the classic game on the GameBoy. Pokémon enter the arena one-on-one and can use two types of attacks: fast and special (powerful). Simply tap on an enemy Pokémon to perform a quick attack and hold down a little longer to perform a powerful attack (the powerful attack bar must be full). You can also dodge enemy attacks by swiping left and right.

The fight continues until the Pokemon's HP (health) becomes zero. You can also run away from the battlefield - but you will not receive experience for this battle. Pokémon can be resurrected using a Resurrection Stone (Revive), and then finally cured with the help of various types of potions (Potion). Potions can only be obtained in PokeStops, they cannot be bought.

Also, do not forget about the weaknesses and advantages of Pokemon, regarding the types of Pokemon: they are standard here, the same as in any classic game based on the world of Pokemon.

Pokemon GO items: how to get them

Pokeball / Greatball / Ultraball / Masterball (Pokeball / Greatball / Ultraball / Masterball) - Pokeballs are used to catch Pokemon. You can't catch a Pokemon without a Pokeball. Normal Poké Balls are available from the very beginning of the game, Great Balls become available from level 12, Ultra Balls from level 20. All types of Poké Balls can "fall" from Poké Stops, you can also buy regular Poké Balls in the store. Masterball is not present in the game yet, but it is in the game code. Most likely in the future it will be used during major events to catch legendary Pokémon.

Potion (Potion / Super Poiton / Hyper Potion) - Potions allow you to heal injured Pokémon between fights. Can only be obtained from PokéStops.

Resurrection Gem (Revive) - allows you to revive Pokémon whose health is zero.

Lucky Egg - Lucky Egg doubles all experience you get. Valid for 30 minutes after activation. An egg can be bought at the store or received after visiting a PokéStop.

Berries (Razz Berries) - berries become available to the trainer from level 8. Berry can be fed to a strong Pokémon to increase the chance of catching it. Berries can be found in PokeStops.

Lure (Incense) - after activation, the bait increases the chance of the appearance of a wild Pokémon for the trainer who applied it. Can be obtained from a PokéStop or purchased from the Shop. .

  • Buy an external battery for your smartphone. The application uses an internet connection and GPS, so your phone will run out of power much faster than usual. You can also read about.
  • Don't rush to evolve Pokemon, at least until you reach level 10. At later levels of the game, you will come across Pokémon with higher CP, respectively, they will be more interesting for you after their evolution.
  • Riding a bike is a pretty fun and quick way to hatch an egg. You can also check out .
  • The "AR" mode (camera mode) is a rather curious and fun way to catch Pokemon. However, in the "AR" mode, the smartphone is discharged much faster, and it also becomes more difficult to catch the Pokemon. So think about it.
  • Pokemon GO uses Google Maps for its operation. Download Google maps offline and reduce smartphone battery usage and internet traffic consumption.

So, today we learned how to play Pokemon GO. We learned how to start playing Pokemon GO, how to catch Pokemon, what are PokeStops, how to level up a trainer. We also learned what Gyms are in Pokemon GO and how to fight in Gyms. I hope this article helped you learn how to play Pokemon GO. If you have any questions and clarifications on the article - do not hesitate and write in the comments.

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