Healthy snacks on the road, traveling by car, train or bus: a list of food on the road, tips. I'm getting ready to go - what food to take with me


A long journey in your own transport is an occasion to immerse yourself in your own thoughts, to think about life.

Most people love travel precisely for the opportunity to disconnect from the world and immerse themselves in memories.

This is a form of meditation that allows you to restore mental health and put your thoughts in order.

Business trip or vacation - it doesn't matter. The main thing is to think over the details. Otherwise, the trip can turn from pleasant to adventurous.

This is good in films, but in real life it is worth being prepared for everything, calculating all possible options. Then you can go with peace of mind.

In addition to the spare tire, on a long journey you need to take a few more things:

  • First aid kit.
  • Phone with charger.
  • Some amount of money.
  • Taser / gas cartridge.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Supply of drinking water.
  • Matches / lighter.
  • Warm clothes.
  • Pillow and blanket if the trip takes more than a day.
  • Food stock.

The last point should be taken very seriously. Food is necessary for the driver and passenger for a comfortable trip.

Important! If a person is motion sick on the road, it should be remembered that nausea often manifests itself with an empty stomach.

By eating healthy food, you will protect yourself from nausea, it will make your trip easy and enjoyable.

How you feel during the trip depends on what impressions you will have later. No matter how the road turns into a painful nightmare, you need to remember which products are forbidden to take on the road.

Top 5 foods not to take with you on a trip:

Products. Why shouldn't you take them?
1 Fish and its possible variations: fish casseroles, sandwiches and sushi of all kinds. Fish spoils quickly even in the refrigerator. Shelf life is a couple of hours. And fish poisoning is the most severe. The exception is dried fish - it definitely will not go bad.
2 Chips, crackers. It is known that in the West these products began to be called: "cancer sticks." The analogy is not with Soviet-era candy "cancer neck".

Additives in them provoke the development of tumors. Chips and kirieshki literally destroy the body, starting with the stomach and the entire digestive tract. It's definitely not worth taking them on the road.

3 Soft second courses: stew, goulash. Soft, juicy dishes spoil quickly, and they are also unpleasant to eat on the road due to their consistency.
4 Milk. Milk poisoning is accompanied by vomiting. Milk becomes unusable very quickly, and you don’t notice it right away.

And it does not harmonize well with other products, it is recommended to drink it separately. It should be replaced with yogurt or cottage cheese.

5 Fast food. This food is able to maintain freshness for a long time regardless of temperature conditions. But fast food often causes heaviness in the stomach and indigestion. This is junk food, you don’t need to take it on the road.

Which products are preferable on a long journey in your own car? The owner of the car will slow down at any time and eat calmly, which means you can take broths with you for a snack.

But it is worth remembering that meat broths are stored not so long, it is better to eat them first.

Snack options on the go:

  • Sandwich with vegetables, mayonnaise and smoked meats.
  • Smoked sausage and cheese.
  • Pigtail cheese.
  • Yogurt, kefir.
  • Fried potatoes, french fries.
  • Bread.
  • Rusks, cookies.
  • Muffins.

Important! Avoid fatty cream fillings in cookies or any desserts you take with you on the road.

They cause acute poisoning if spoiled. And it's hard to notice. This is a very fatty food, it will cause discomfort and nausea.

What food to take on the train?

Boiled eggs and potatoes are considered traditional food on the train. Many take smoked lard - this is an unfortunate option, the product exudes a strong smell, which will cause discontent among others. It’s not good enough if you smell of smoked lard.

According to the same principle, you should not take garlic and onions with you. If we are not talking about the flu season, then an exception should be made.

Pickles, casseroles, pies are well suited. They are worth treating fellow travelers. Pies are suitable, they are made both sweet and salty. A hearty snack will brighten up your trip.

What can I take to eat on the bus?

Traveling by bus means that you will have to eat while driving. This immediately excludes all liquid dishes. It is better to take food that cannot be accidentally dropped on your neighbor's trousers.

Suitable products are light and small in volume, which are easy to hold while shaking:

  • Fruits: apples, pears, bananas.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Pies.
  • Bun with sausage.
  • Lavash with vegetables.

You should not take products that have a strong smell, because it will take a long time to ride the bus, and there are a lot of people nearby.

Not everyone is pleased to feel the aroma of smoked sausage all the way. There are people who get sick from the smell of food on the way. You need to think about the comfort of others.

Sandwiches from bread and vegetables are prepared for children on the road. You can put some cheese in there. Suitable cookies, pies and casseroles.

From sweets, sweets, marmalade, dried fruits are suitable. You can buy pads or filled crackers. For children, vegetables are the best option.

As for meat, it is taken on a trip with caution. It is better to choose smoked pork or boiled chicken.

You will have to eat them first of all, the meat spoils quickly. You can take it on the road if it is fresh, carefully processed and well packaged.

Take care of your comfort in advance. Store food in a way that makes it easy to reach. The food you choose for the trip should be practical: it's best to leave perishable food at home.

Use plastic containers for food packaging. Take care of wet hand wipes. Take paper towels with you.

When the journey is thought out, it will be unforgettable, it will not be spoiled by problems such as poisoning, hunger or nausea.

Remember the main components of a pleasant road: light food, pleasant music and good companions.

When everything is taken care of in advance, there is simply no reason for concern. Good luck and bon appetit!

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Vacation is just around the corner: tickets bought, suitcases packed, almost everything is ready. And here comes the question: what to take on the road from food?

Now the choice of food is simplified: there are ready-made products packed in vacuum packaging that do not need to be cut, and modern containers allow you to increase the shelf life of most products.

Contents of this article

How much food to take with you on the road

Why do not take a lot of food on the road? If the road is by car, then the driver, after he eats tightly, will want to sleep. Light hunger is always better than overeating. In addition, any trip is a minimum activity. Whatever transport you drive, you don’t have to move much, mostly we sit or lie down.

There should not be much food, it is better to let a slight feeling of hunger remain than overeating.

What food to take with you on the road

Basic Rules:

  • Food should not spoil quickly without a refrigerator.
  • The less food crumbles and stains, the better.
  • Food should be easy to eat
  • The taste of the food would be great also when cold
  • There should not be a lot of leftovers from food, especially small ones.
  • No cutting required
  • Food should not have a sharp and specific smell.
  • The easier it is to cook, the better

What to take with you on the road - pizza

Based on these rules, here are the products that you need to take:

  • Bread- you can take the usual, you can with grains. It is better and more convenient if the bread is sliced.
  • Sausage, cheese- also worth taking in slices. Cheese is best suited processed in a square package (sliced), and smoked sausage, boiled sausage deteriorates very quickly, smoked sausage can lie for a very long time.
  • Vegetables- cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes. Of course, the vegetables must be washed. The fewer vegetables, the better. Radishes and cherry tomatoes are a great example: they don't need to be cut or cooked in any other way.
  • Any cutting in vacuum packaging- such products are stored for a long time without a refrigerator
  • From sweet suitable: glazed sweets (M&M), chocolate bars, buns, muffins
  • Yogurt or kefir– modern packaging allows you to store sour-milk products without a refrigerator without restrictions
  • nuts- they are very useful and tasty. It is better, of course, to take peeled nuts.
  • Baked piece of meat, boiled pork- great for the road and can be stored in foil for a long time

What food not worth it take with you on the road:

Fruits fruits can cause indigestion and usually leave waste

Chips- very dirty and crumble

chicken- Chicken is simply inconvenient to eat. If you really want to take the chicken, then it is better to cut it into pieces in advance

Tomatoes- ordinary tomatoes can burst easily (especially ripe ones)

Potatoes in uniforms-leaves a lot of cleaning and stains hands

boiled eggs- similar to potatoes

Chocolate- regular chocolate can melt

Important! Be sure to take ordinary drinking water without gas on the road.

In addition, do not forget to take disposable wet wipes: now special wipes are sold in stores, after which you can not wash your hands and eat calmly.

Also, do not forget to take disposable tableware and napkins.

What to take on the road from food to the bus

Traveling by bus in organized groups usually involves stops. It is necessary to clarify in advance whether the movement on the bus involves meals, or rather stops at a cafe. Most often, organized groups do not leave you hungry for long. Therefore, you only need to take snacks with you on the bus: for example, nuts and sandwiches. You shouldn’t drink a lot - you’ll want to go to the toilet faster and have to endure until you stop.

What to take on the road from food to the train (for two days)

There is much more room for food choices on the train. Firstly, there is hot water, and secondly, an organized toilet. A train trip, if it takes several days, should be designed in such a way as to understand what will be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Perhaps you should use the services of the dining car.

To our list of products, you can add instant noodles and mashed potatoes. Although, the best dish would be pieces of baked meat with ordinary bread and vegetables - tasty, healthy and satisfying. For dinner, for example, you can eat sandwiches or nuts, try not to eat a lot of food for dinner. Breakfast may include yogurt, kefir and some kind of bun or muffin.

Try not to eat a lot of food for dinner, it is better to have a hearty breakfast

What to take from food on the road by car (by car)

A car is a convenient transport on the one hand, and uncertain on the other. You can see in advance the places of possible stops and, based on this, determine the food. Some drivers allow frequent stops and meals at gas stations. Others prefer not to stop as long as possible and snack on the go. Based on the driving style of your driver and determine the menu.

Food for the road - baked chicken

Travel food tips

Now here are some tips that you should definitely use if you are planning a trip and do not want to get an upset stomach or dirty things.

  • Some foods have a long shelf life and some don't - eat the ones that go bad first
  • Wet wipes not only clean your hands, but can also refresh your face.
  • Prepare garbage bags in advance so that you don’t have to look for where to throw your garbage on the road. It would be nice if they close tightly.
  • It is better to take more variety of food than a lot of the same
  • If there is no time to take things on the road, you can go to any fast food and order food to go
  • Most often, on the road, there is not enough ordinary drinking water, and not juices and lemonades or tea.
  • Try to find a place to warm up: at bus stops, parking lots or wherever you can
  • Don't forget to take pepper, salt and toothpicks with you.
  • In a thermos, you can store not only tea, but soup (especially mashed soup)
  • On the first day, you can take with you the usual homemade dishes: cheesecakes, pancakes or pancakes
  • The best fruit that can be useful on the way is a banana, it normalizes the work of the stomach and can be eaten even with not very clean hands, without the danger of poisoning.

We very much hope that our article about what to take on the road from food, You were useful. Tell us about your tips in the comments and we will definitely add them to our article.

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sausages "pivchiki" in vacuum packaging - such as meat, bread, cucumbers, melted cheese in foil

when we go, I make wrappings out of pita bread. convenient, satisfying and tasty. most often I do some kind of thread with a bull, for example, with tuna + egg, greens, a little mayonnaise. can be made with boiled chicken breast finely chopped and cucumber.
I also make sandwiches with meat, cheese, tomato/cucumber lettuce. I do all this in portions, wrap it with foil or bags, take it out and eat it. I definitely buy fruits, liquid yoghurts. on the way, when we stop at gas stations, we take freshly brewed coffee in glasses with us in the car, and chocolate. Still, of course, a lot of water, juice.

08/02/2010 13:36:45, zirkachka

People, share the experience of traveling with a child by car over long distances. will be 3 years old in August. I'm interested in the organization of the whole thing. What to take from food on the road, how to sleep on the road. We will stay at a motel for the night, but I don’t know how to go with him during the day. We will go to the Abru-Dyurso region in August. There is no turning back, but I'm starting to tremble. Please share your experience and advice. Tell me that there is nothing wrong .... Or vice versa?


If the child, in principle, likes to drive a car, then the EU is okay!!! Last year we drove near Tuapse - 1000 km a day, two stops. My daughter was 2.7. I slept in the back seat without any problems - I laid a cotton diaper so that I would not sweat. Is there an air conditioner in the car? Do not turn on strongly so that there is no sharp difference with the street. I sat down on the pot in a small way right in the car, then I closed it with a lid and put it under the seat. There must be wet wipes and a trash bag in the car. In the trunk - a five-liter bottle of water to wash hands / ass. The child needs to take a bunch of small toys and give out one at a time. Our daughter happily fiddled with the dishes: she fed all the bears, then put them to bed, then showed them something in the window. From food - a lot of water, juice, fruits. Cookie buns in the car are not welcome because of the crumbs. At stops, they not only ate, but also RUN, played with the ball. Definitely stopped at some clearing. In the cabin I kept 2-3 sets of cotton T-shirts / shorts, because it was hot and my daughter was sweating.
Good luck on your journey!

We traveled in both 3 and 2 year old sons. We really liked it, we didn’t stop anywhere for the night, we drove the car with my husband in turn, I liked driving even more at night - there were few trucks, it wasn’t hot. At the age of 2, they took him Semper's jars, bagels, cookies, fruits, yogurt (we put perishable foods in a bag - like a refrigerator), for breakfast I took Max porridge in a jar. But it is better to buy a boiler or a car kettle, and make this porridge right in the car. They themselves ate in a cafe - barbecue, potatoes, vegetable salads. Max was riding in his seat, strapped in, stopping for a piss-stop and eating, basically, they didn’t make long stops. So go ahead and don't be afraid! If you have any questions, you can email.

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Summer and the long-awaited vacation are just a few days away. In winter, we most often spend our holidays in the resorts of Egypt or Turkey. Thinking about what to take a bite to eat on the plane will never occur to anyone. But with the advent of a hot, real summer, crowds of Russians rush to the southern regions of Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the near abroad. Getting to them is cheaper and easier, of course, by train.

Many have already taken care of their summer vacation and booked hotel rooms, bought vouchers to sanatoriums and bought train tickets. It remains only to update the wardrobe, pack a suitcase and groceries for the trip. Our trains are not at all pleased with the presence of a restaurant car and not everyone can afford to eat in them.

So the question arises, what to take with you from food to the train? What foods will not go bad in the heat without a refrigerator? What to eat on a long journey? And for sure, the urgent question for thousands of mothers and fathers is how to feed a child on the road? Read on for this and more.

Food on the road - getting ready and preparing food for the train

This year, in principle, as in the past, I will have a vacation in the summer. And I really want to spend it away from the noisy stuffy city, mosquitoes in the forest and beds in the country. Well, I do not consider rest in our forests or in the beds with potatoes - a vacation, and that's it!

Vacation is a different nature, air, houses, people and even better, a country. So I try to escape every year, to another kingdom-state. In this case, to Ukraine, or rather to the Crimea. Survive the ticket wars at the box office of the railway station and get the cherished tickets, a real victory over yourself and on your own.

This year, I applied a different approach to buying a ticket - a modern one. I just bought a ticket through the global network - the Internet.

We are traveling with our son and my head is already aching, about how to entertain him on the train, how to interest him and, most importantly, feed him.

What to take with you from food to the train?

Of course, you can take boiled eggs, potatoes, sausages, smoked sausage or chicken in the old fashioned way. But, unfortunately, this set of products does not suit us. I don’t eat boiled eggs (diet), and my son treats eggs as if they were fried cockroaches. And to force to eat an egg is comparable, except perhaps with punishment.

Boiled potatoes and sausages have a sour smell and taste after three hours. And we have more than a day to go. It may be safe to eat them, but not at all appetizing. Smoked meats from the store should not be trusted at all.

Going on the road, some easily stock up on food, others do not know at all what to take with them. I belong to the last category of people: I carefully and selectively plan the purchase of products for the road table. But experts have certain requirements for products that are desirable to eat on the train: the possibility of storage in hot conditions, safety for adults and children. We will help you with the choice of healthy and safe food for you and your child, which is worth taking with you on the road.

When traveling by train, you can visit the dining car and choose your favorite food. But not everyone is used to such a service. Therefore, I offer you an approximate list of travel products that are safe to take with you on the train.

1. Vegetables and fruits- optimal products for the travel table, they are tasty and healthy, rich in fiber, provide a light snack, and at the same time do not burden the stomach. You can always wash vegetables and fruits in the car, but it is better to do it in advance and wipe it dry, which will help to avoid quick spoilage of food. It is more convenient to transport vegetables and fruits not in a bag, but in a container - this will preserve the appearance, shape and taste of the products.

2. Homemade food will always be in demand by both adults and children. These are pies with various fillings, homemade pizza, baked chicken or meat with vegetables. Cutlets, chops, fish - these are other candidates for the place of honor on the road table, just do not forget that these products should be consumed no later than 6-8 hours from the start of the journey. If you decide to take boiled eggs on the road, it is better to place them in an egg container for convenience. Your child is happy to eat sandwiches with cheese or meat and vegetables for breakfast or dinner.

One of the best options for baby food on the train is canned puree. It will provide complete nutrition for your baby on the road. Such food does not deteriorate for a long time, since it is hermetically sealed, while the jars can be heated at the conductor or in a container with boiling water.

3. As a satisfying option for a snack, - nuts, dried fruits, dryers, bagels, cookies. Ask your child to eat at the table, otherwise cookie crumbs eaten in bed can make it very difficult for you to sleep.

4. Yoghurts— good, light and tasty food on the train. My family and I love to take them on the road: they are satisfying and healthy. But if your trip lasts more than a day, then yogurt should be transported in a special cooler bag that keeps the cold for about 6-8 hours. This will help extend the shelf life of such dairy products.

5. You can pamper your family porridge. And it doesn't have to be instant. Ordinary buckwheat is "steamed" in a thermos for about 20-30 minutes. And if you also put dried fruits in a thermos, then a tasty and healthy breakfast will be provided.

6. Water in small bottles, fruit drinks and compote in packages or juice - the most convenient drink on the road. The conductor always has tea and coffee, you can order it at any time of the day in unlimited quantities. Cold drink: children's juice and mineral water - it is better to take with you, because. you know better what your baby loves and what he categorically refuses. Remember that concentrated juice and sweet sparkling water contain a lot of sugar and do not quench thirst well.

So, an approximate menu of the day on the train might look like this: for breakfast, you can eat oatmeal steamed with boiling water, a cheese sandwich and drink a glass of tea or coffee. For lunch - homemade chicken with vegetables. For dinner, you can yogurt, fruit and tea with cookies.

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