The full name of the seraph. Health and Energy


The female name Seraphim is a form of the Hebrew male name Seraphim, which is translated as "fiery angel." It came to our lands along with Christianity, as the name of one of the Orthodox martyrs, and especially spread among the common population. In Soviet times, this name, which has some church sound, was rare. At present, it is rarely used at all.

Characteristics of the name Seraphim

The character of the Seraphim can be called eternally childish. As a rule, this is a very emotional, fickle in her desires and judgments, excitable and cheerful woman who is so naive and helpless that she wants to be constantly protected. Interestingly, in childhood, Seraphim becomes independent early, can stand up for herself in front of her peers, and solves her problems at school without any problems. Of course, along with this, the owner of this name develops her dreaminess, carelessness and desire for a cloudless life. It is this desire that forms, perhaps, her whole life, because an adult Seraphim never overworks herself with work, does not get bogged down in everyday life, but she will be carried away by some extravagant and obscure aspirations to others. The owner of this name often does not keep her word, cannot curb her emotions, is dependent on her mood. But people, as a rule, like her, as she has charm, responsiveness and friendliness, likes to communicate and have fun until you drop.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Seraphim is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius, that is, from January 21 to February 19. Aquarius is similar to the owner of this name in kindness, indiscretion, some naivety, but at the same time he is ready to make her a mysterious and unpredictable rebel, constantly generating interesting ideas.

Pros and cons of the name Seraphim

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name of Seraphim? On the one hand, this rare name, reminiscent of the romance of antiquity, may appeal to many parents. It is positive that, although a little unusual, it is quite acceptable combined with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also has many euphonious abbreviations and reductions, for example, Sima, Simochka, Simushka, Simulya, Simka, Fima, Fimochka, Fimushka, Serafimochka, Serafimushka. But the character of the Seraphim may seem ambiguous to parents, although it lends itself quite well to correction, and it is difficult to call it an unambiguous minus of this name.


Seraphim's health is average. Since she is very emotional, the state of her body is directly related to what emotions Seraphim is currently experiencing. In addition, the owner of this name may be disturbed by the pancreas.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Seraphim shows great tenderness and vulnerability. She needs a husband who is calm, gentle, but ready to become a stone wall for the owner of this name. She herself will be unpretentious and helpless in everyday life, so she will be comfortable living with her parents (her own or her husband). With children, Seraphim is affectionate, but does not know how to show the strictness necessary in their upbringing.

Professional area

As for the professional sphere, Seraphim can make an excellent pediatrician, kindergarten teacher, social worker, elementary school teacher, museum or library worker, social worker.

name day

What does the name Seraphim mean?
This name means, first of all, fiery, fiery.

Origin of the name Seraphim:
The name is most likely of biblical origin.

The character conveyed by the name Seraphim:
This is a very unusual and sonorous name, as if it personifies a certain angel. As everyone knows, it was the Seraphim that called certain angels who possessed precisely six wings. And, of course, already looking at Seraphim, you can never say that she can be an angel. However, it must be said that the incredible energy and warmth and kindness that she has can give out a truly unusually sensitive personality in her, and the sound range of this name itself is very unusual - so all the very last letters of this name sound as if on a full exhale.

From early childhood, Seraphim will be distinguished by a very active and incredibly mobile character. This girl is absolutely interested in everything, she is as inquisitive as possible and with great pleasure reaches for all new knowledge. This kind and sympathetic girl is always ready to help. However, she can be a little touchy, however, any offense does not linger for too long in her soul - so instead of sadness or longing, her usual joy, enthusiasm and absolute positive return to her place very quickly.

In early childhood, the most important thing is to be able to make Seraphim feel as self-confident as possible, how to guide her in the right direction. But communicating with Seraphim is a pleasure, she always has just a wonderful sense of humor, as a rule, she is easy-going, and this is probably why there are almost always an unusually large number of friends and various admirers around her. Yes, and family life often does not bring too many difficulties to these women, and, as a rule, all youthful passions can give way to mature, and very tender feelings.

The extraordinary complaisance and kindness of the Seraphim almost always helps her cut down all family quarrels and the slightest strife in the bud. But a certain childhood habit of Seraphim often dreaming, always goes on throughout almost her entire life with her mistress, and, moreover, always toe to toe. And by the way, for all the owners of such a wonderful name, it’s simply a sin not to dream. And of course, it is fantasies and some dreams that help Seraphim herself to easily recover and relax.

And her working initiative in particular can manifest itself in art, since the refined Seraphim, always the owner of a rare taste and sense of proportion, they always know how to appreciate everything beautiful, and that is why they often turn out to be simply excellent art critics.

The meaning of the name Seraphim: this name for a girl means “fiery angel”, “burning”, “flaming”.

Origin of the name Seraphim: Hebrew.

Diminutive form of the name: Sima, Simulya, Simusha, Fima.

What does the name Seraphim mean? Simochka seems to be out of this world, she is fascinated by religion and mysticism, she is dreamy and fickle. The girl is suitable for a profession with minimal obligations. She Seraphim is helpless in everyday life, so she tries to enlist the support of her husband, mother and mother-in-law.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name of Seraphim celebrates the name day August 11 (July 29) - the Holy Martyr Seraphim the Virgin for the faith of Christ after torment was beheaded in Rome (VI century)

Signs of the name Seraphim: On Seraphim's day, one should be prepared for sudden frosts, harmful to bread, which is still on the vine.


  • Zodiac - Leo
  • Planet - Sun
  • Color - bright yellow
  • Auspicious tree - elm
  • Cherished plant - sunflower
  • Patron - salamander
  • Talisman stone - aventurine

Characteristics of the name Seraphim

Positive features: the name of Seraphim is quite good character. She is characterized by kindness, mercy, kindness.

Negative Traits: Outwardly, the girl often looks like her father, is not tall, and is prone to gaining excess weight. In youth, the one with the name remains mobile and active in the same way as in childhood. A woman named Seraphim attaches great importance to sports.

The nature of the name Seraphim: Seema attaches great importance to her intuition. She lives in the mysterious world of signs and forebodings. She Seraphim is very charming, responsive: since she has an instant reaction, she does not come to the rescue, but rushes. She radiates friendliness, love, tenderness - and would like to receive all this from other people. The girl does not tolerate reproaches: either she flares up ugly in response, or closes in on herself, having lost most of her charm.

Seraphim and her personal life

Love and marriage: Seraphim cannot stand being alone. A girl with this name adapts her lifestyle to those she loves, and therefore family life with her is a pleasure!

Having created a family, she is able to pay attention to the house, abandoning her career. True, even in this case, her marriage can hardly be called happy, since natural gullibility often plays a cruel joke with her, and she hastily makes a decision about marriage without understanding the chosen one. The spouse should be calm, gentle, since the one bearing the name Seraphim will be quite vulnerable and will become upset due to harsh criticism.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The meaning of the name Seraphim in numerology is determined by the number 1, which symbolizes an energetic and active person who always tries to lead an active lifestyle. A girl with this name can perfectly prove herself in an extreme situation, because she quickly reacts to a change of events. However, this quality may prevent Simochka, for example, from engaging in trade or business, since these activities are impossible without planning.

Business and career: For Sims, leadership positions do not matter much. A woman named Seraphim is an excellent performer, moreover, she is able to fulfill the task assigned to her as accurately as possible, if it is formulated specifically.

Health and Energy

Health and talents named after Seraphim: Sim can be called a real workaholic. A girl named Seraphim sometimes suffers from this and begins to get sick.

The fate of the Seraphim in history

What does the name Seraphim mean for women's fate?

  1. Seraphim, that is, fiery, are heavenly beings. The prophet Isaiah, who saw them in one of his visions, said that each of them had "six wings; each covered his face with two and his legs with two, and flew with two. As you know, Pushkin in the poem "Prophet", speaking about " coal burning with fire," used this image of Isaiah.
  2. Serafima Yablochkina (1842 - 1898) - nee - Sorokina; dramatic actress, otherwise called Yablochkina 1st. Wife of Alexander Alexandrovich Yablochkin, mother of Alexandra Yablochkina.
  3. Serafima Ogaryova (born 1988) is a Russian theater and film actress.
  4. Serafima Agafonova (born 1939) - nee - Gordeeva; master of machine milking of the Chapaev collective farm, Mikhailovsky district of the Ryazan region. Hero of Socialist Labor (1990).
  5. Serafima Shlapoberskaya (1921 - 2007) - Russian translator, literary critic, member of the Writers' Union of the USSR (1978) and the Moscow Writers' Union.
  6. Serafima Birman (1890 - 1976) - Russian and Soviet theater and film actress, theater director and theorist, Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1946), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1946).
  7. Serafima Lyulyakina (born 1922) - Erzya storyteller, writer.
  8. Serafima Amosova (Taranenko) (1914 - 1992) - pilot, participant in the Great Patriotic War, deputy commander of the 46th Taman Guards Night Light Bomber Regiment for the flight unit, guard major. In total, during the war years, Serafima Amosova made 555 sorties. Serafima Tarasovna was awarded five orders and many medals for her courage and heroism. She was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and the Order of Alexander Nevsky.
  9. Serafima Gopner (1880 - 1966) - Soviet and Ukrainian politician, Hero of Socialist Labor (1960), Doctor of Historical Sciences (1934).
  10. Serafima Balaeva (1889 - 1960) - a museum specialist, from 1919 to 1956 she worked at the Gatchina Palace Museum. She made an invaluable contribution to the preservation of museum values ​​during the Great Patriotic War.
  11. Serafima Blonskaya (1870 - 1947) - Russian artist, teacher.
  12. Abbess Seraphim (1914 - 1999) - in the world - Varvara Vasilievna Chernaya; chemical scientist, engineer; nun of the Russian Orthodox Church, abbess of the Moscow Novodevichy Convent (1994 - 1999).
  13. Serafima Chebotar (born 1975) is a Russian journalist, feature writer, and writer.

Seraphim- "fiery" (ancient Hebrew)

This woman is always a child. Pleasant appearance, a lot of charm. A man wants to take care of and protect her. Impulsive, unrestrained, but unusually capable. Always insists on his own. Cherishes reputation.

Financially independent, standing firmly on its feet. Democratic. Knows how to please everyone;

Seraphim- choleric with extreme excitability and unstable nervous system. Easily disappointed, at the slightest failure comes to despair and hysteria. Parents should not indulge her whims, it is better to help the girl master her emotions. Her life is difficult because of an overly receptive nature. She tends to withdraw into herself, to live in her inner world. From childhood, it is necessary to teach her to keep her word, to fulfill the decision, not to retreat in the face of danger. You have to make sure she finishes what she started.

She is unpredictable, her reaction is lightning fast. But activity is below average. Intuition plays a huge role in the life of Seraphim. This dreamer and enthusiast lives in the mysterious world of "signs" and forebodings, she studies horoscopes. By nature, she is an intellectual, but her actions are sometimes so reckless that they often lead to serious mistakes. She has a weak memory, she forgets about everything in the world - from why she went to the kitchen to business papers. He tries to put off until later everything that needs to be done now. Very responsive. Strongly influenced. In some cases, careless, in others - too cautious and shy. In her attentive and kind eyes one can read great love, tenderness. She is always an affectionate mother and devoted wife. You should not burden her life with prohibitions, this can only harden Sima. She needs love and care. Can't stand loneliness. Too attached to family and friends. This is a charming woman, full of magnetism. It is difficult to understand her. She is too changeable.

Sex. The very word scares her. She does not know and does not want to understand her desires. Far from ideal are the men whom she dignifies with her attention. But she does not know what this ideal is.

Seraphim's health is not very strong. It all depends on her mental state. She should pay attention to the intestines and the genitourinary system.

"Winter" Seraphim eccentric, fickle in desires, unbalanced. Can be a hairdresser, cutter, fashion model.

"Autumn" - resolute, collected, prudent. It is better for her to become an accountant, an economist, a salesman. The name is suitable for patronymics: Alekseevna, Petrovna, Vladimirovna, Pavlovna, Igorevna, Ilyinichna, Ivanovna, Vasilievna.

"Summer" - emotional, impulsive, her nervous system is often upset.

“Spring” is also vulnerable to all this, touchy, but very responsive and good-natured. She has reason to work as a doctor, artist, healer. Name Seraphim suitable for patronymics: Eduardovna, Naumovna, Boleslavovna, Bogdanovna, Valerievna.

The meaning of the name Seraphim option 2

1. Personality. Those who discover the mysteries of life.

2. Character. 84%.

3. Radiation. 80%.

4. Vibration. 102,000 vibrations/s

5. Color. Green.

6. Main features. Excitability - susceptibility - sociability - intuition.

7. Totem plant. Maple.

8. Totem animal. Trout.

9. Sign. Pisces.

10. Type. Neurasthenic choleric with unstable nervous system. Easily disappointed, any failure drives them to despair. Parents should not indulge their whims, but teach them to control their emotions.

11. Psyche. They are certainly charming, these are “women-children” who want to be protected and protected. If life becomes too difficult for their receptive nature, they withdraw into themselves. From childhood, they must be taught to keep their word and not retreat in the face of danger.

12. Will. Very changeable.

13. Excitability. More than strong.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. These are women of unpredictable lightning-fast reactions, like their totem - trout.

15. Field of activity. They are not very active. They are interested in medicine (pediatrics, gynecology) and preschool education. Seraphim excellent mother, tender and devoted wife.

16. Intuition. Giving too much importance to intuition. They live in a mysterious world of "signs" and forebodings.

17. Intelligence. Intellectuals, but they act so swiftly that they often make huge mistakes. They have a weak memory, they forget about everything in the world - from the umbrella to the husband!

18. Susceptibility. Very responsive, but somewhat careless. In their attentive eyes one can read great love, tenderness and desire for a calm, problem-free life.

19. Morality. Strict prohibitions are contraindicated for such a character, they can only bring harm, these women first of all need love and tenderness.

20. Health. Not very strong, depends on the mental state. They are prone to diseases of the intestines and genital organs.

21. Sexuality. The very word scares them! They do not know and do not want to understand their desires, therefore they often deal with partners who are far from ideal. But do they themselves know what their ideal is and what they want from life?

22. Activity. It consists of dreams, unjustified enthusiasm, extravagant aspirations. Put off until tomorrow what you can and should do today.

23. Sociability. They need love and cannot stand being alone. They are highly influenced and adapt their lifestyle to those they love. Very attached to family and friends.

24. Conclusion. These are charming and attractive women. Seraphim very variable, and therefore it is quite difficult to understand them.

The meaning of the name Seraphim option 3

Feminine form of the male name Seraphim. The Hebrew word "seraphim" means: lights, lights, fiery angels ( Seraphim- fiery).

Seraphim, Sima is not a fashionable name today. Meanwhile, it gives a person a wonderful character. These are affectionate, kind people, unable to hurt another, never raising their voices. It is no coincidence that those around them call them only affectionately: Simochka.

Outwardly, they look like their fathers, but, as a rule, they are short and overweight, which does not prevent them from being very mobile in their youth.

Seraphim are great workers, excellent cooks and very caring mothers. It is extremely rare that they remarry, primarily because of the children, fearing that the stepfather, no matter how good he may seem, will still bring dissonance into their cozy family world. At the same time, the Seraphim are unusually trusting and therefore often turn out to be deceived, not too happy in marriage.

When choosing Seraphim as a wife, one should remember that she must be treated with care, like a child, because she has a fragile heart.

In her old age, Seraphim often has problems with the pancreas and thyroid glands.

The meaning of the name Seraphim option 4

Seraphim- from other Heb. fiery,

Derivatives: Seraphimka, Sima, Simulya, Simunya, Simura, Syura, Simukha, Simusha, Sulfur, Fima, Ima, Fina.

Folk omens.

On this day, one must be wary of sudden frosts that are harmful to bread, which is still on the vine.


Seraphim- sacrificial nature, ready for the sake of close people even for self-denial. Usually she is happy in marriage, but she creates happiness with her own hands; Seraphim gentle, submissive, skillfully adapts to the character of the spouse, ready to help and help out of any trouble. But in return he expects the same selfless love. One thing does not allow: complaints addressed to him. If this still happens, he reacts in two ways: either openly, passionately, angrily and sharply, or he withdraws into himself, deeply experiencing resentment. But since loneliness is not her destiny, she is forced to forgive the humiliation and again be friendly and affable. Seraphim very intuitive, forebodings do not deceive her. Sometimes she even succeeds in predictions.

The meaning of the name Seraphim option 5

SERAPHIM - fiery (hebrew).

Name day: August 11 - Holy Martyr Seraphim-maiden, for the faith of Christ after the torment was beheaded in Rome (VI century).

  • Zodiac sign - Leo.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Color - bright yellow.
  • Auspicious tree - elm.
  • The treasured plant is the sunflower.
  • The patron of the name is the salamander.
  • Talisman stone - aventurine.


Seraphim attaches great importance to his intuition. She lives in the mysterious world of signs and forebodings. She is very charming, responsive: since she has an instant reaction, she does not come to the rescue, but rushes. She radiates friendliness, love, tenderness - and wants to receive all this from other people. He does not tolerate reproaches: either he flares up ugly in response, or closes in on himself, having lost most of his charm. Seraphim can't stand being alone. She adapts her lifestyle to those she loves, and therefore family life with her is a pleasure.

Version 2. What does the name Seraphim mean

female form
from the male name Seraphim. The Hebrew word "seraphim" means:
lights, lights, fiery angels (Seraphim - fiery).

Seraphim, Sima
- not a fashionable name today. Meanwhile, it gives a person a wonderful character. This
affectionate, kind people, unable to hurt another, never raising
vote. It is no coincidence that those around them call them only affectionately: Simochka.

Outwardly they are similar
on fathers, but, as a rule, they are short, plump, which in youth
does not prevent them from being very mobile.

- great workers, excellent cooks and very caring mothers. Rarely
remarry, primarily because of the children, fearing that the stepfather, how
no matter how good he may seem, he will still bring dissonance to their cozy family world.
At the same time, the Seraphim are unusually trusting and therefore often find themselves
deceived, not too happy in marriage.

Choosing to wife
Seraphim, should have remembered that she must be treated with care, as
with a child, for she has a fragile heart.

In old age
Serafima often has problems with her pancreas and thyroid

4 version of the interpretation of the name Seraphim

Seraphim - "fiery" (ancient Hebrew)

This woman is always a child. Pleasant
appearance, a sea of ​​​​charm. A man wants to take care of and protect her. Impulsive, unrestrained
but extremely capable. Always insists on his own. Cherishes reputation.

Financially independent, strong
stands on his feet. Democratic. Knows how to please everyone;

Seraphim - choleric with extreme
excitability and unstable nervous system. Easily disappointed at the slightest
failure comes to despair and hysteria. Parents should not indulge her whims,
it is better to help the girl to master emotions. Her life is difficult due to excessive
receptive nature. She tends to withdraw into herself, to live in her inner world. WITH
childhood, it is necessary to teach her to keep her word, to fulfill a decision, not to retreat before
danger. You have to make sure she finishes what she started.

She is unpredictable, her reaction
lightning fast. But activity is below average. Intuition plays a huge role in Seraphim's life
role. This dreamer and enthusiast lives in the mysterious world of "signs" and forebodings,
studying horoscopes. By nature, she is an intellectual, but her actions are sometimes so reckless,
which often lead to serious errors. She has a weak memory, she forgets everything
in the world - starting from why she went to the kitchen, and ending with business papers.
He tries to put off until later everything that needs to be done now. Very responsive.
Strongly influenced. In some cases careless, in others - too careful
and shy. In her attentive and kind eyes one can read great love, tenderness.
She is always an affectionate mother and devoted wife. Do not burden her life with prohibitions,
it can only harden Sima. She needs love and care. Can't stand loneliness.
Too attached to family and friends. This is a charming woman, full of magnetism.
It is difficult to understand her. She is too changeable.

Sex. The very word scares her. She does not know and does not want to understand her
desire. Far from ideal are the men whom she dignifies with her attention. But she
and does not know what this ideal is.

Seraphim's health is not too good
strong. It all depends on her mental state. She should pay attention
to the intestines and genitourinary system.

Seraphim is eccentric, fickle in desires, unbalanced. May be
hairdresser, cutter, fashion model.

"Autumn" - resolute, collected, prudent. She'd better be an accountant, an economist,
seller. The name is suitable for patronymics: Alekseevna, Petrovna, Vladimirovna, Pavlovna,
Igorevna, Ilyinichna, Ivanovna, Vasilievna.

- emotional, impulsive, her nervous system is often upset.

“Spring” is also vulnerable to all this, touchy, but very responsive and good-natured. She has
there are reasons to work as a doctor, an artist, a healer. Seraphim's name
suitable for patronymics: Eduardovna, Naumovna, Boleslavovna, Bogdanovna, Valerievna.

5 version of the meaning of the name Seraphim

- from other Heb. fiery,

Derivatives: Seraphim, Sima, Simulya,
Simunya, Simura, Syura, Simuha, Simusha, Sulfur, Fima, Ima, Fina.

Folk omens.

On this day it is necessary
beware of sudden frosts, harmful to bread, still remaining on the vine.


Seraphim is a sacrificial nature, ready for the sake of loved ones even for self-denial. Usually
she is happy in marriage, but she creates happiness with her own hands; Seraphim
gentle, submissive, skillfully adapts to the character of the spouse, ready to help and help out
out of any trouble. But in return he expects the same selfless love. One does not allow:
complaints against you. If this still happens, it reacts in two ways: either openly,
passionately, angrily and sharply, or closes in itself, deeply experiencing resentment. But since
loneliness is not her destiny, she is forced to forgive humiliation and again be friendly and
friendly. Seraphim is very intuitive, forebodings do not deceive her. Sometimes
she even succeeds in predictions.

6 version of the meaning of the name Seraphim

Personality. Those who discover the mysteries of life.

Character. 84%.

Radiation. 80%.

Vibration. 102,000 vibrations/s

Color. Green.

Main features. excitability - susceptibility
- sociability - intuition.

Totem plant. Maple.

Totem animal. Trout.


10. Type. Neurasthenic choleric with unstable
nervous system. Easily disappointed, any failure drives them to despair.
Parents should not indulge their whims, but teach them to control their emotions.

11. Psyche. They are certainly charming, they are "women-children",
who want to protect and protect. If life gets too hard for
their receptive nature, withdraw into themselves. From childhood, they must be taught to hold
your word and not back down in the face of danger.

Will. Very changeable.

13. Excitability. More than strong.

14. Speed ​​of reaction. These women are unpredictable
lightning-fast reactions, like their totem -

15. Field of activity. They are not very active.
They are interested in medicine (pediatrics, gynecology) and preschool education. Seraphim
excellent mother, tender and devoted wife.

16. Intuition. Giving too much importance to intuition.
They live in a mysterious world of "signs" and forebodings.

17. Intelligence. Intellectuals, but act like this
rapidly, which often make huge mistakes. They have a weak memory, they forget
about everything in the world - from the umbrella to the husband!

18. Susceptibility. Very responsive but somewhat
careless. In their attentive eyes you can read great love, tenderness and desire.
to a peaceful, trouble-free life.

19. Morality. This character is contraindicated
strict prohibitions, they can only bring harm, these women first of all need
in love and tenderness.

20. Health. Not very strong, depends on the mental
states. They are prone to diseases of the intestines and genital organs.

21. Sexuality. The very word scares them!
They do not know and do not want to understand their desires, therefore they often deal with partners who
far from ideal. But do they themselves know what their ideal is and what they want from life?

22. Activity. Made up of dreams, unjustified
enthusiasm, extravagant aspirations. Put off until tomorrow what you can and need
do today.

23. Sociability. Need love and can't stand it
loneliness. Very strongly influenced and adapt their way of life to
those who are loved. Very attached to family and friends.

24. Conclusion. It is charming and attractive
women. Seraphim is very
changeable and therefore difficult to understand.

8 version of the meaning of the name Seraphim

SERAPHIM - fiery
(Old Hebrew).

Name day: August 11 - Holy Martyr Seraphim the Virgin, for the faith of Christ
after torment, she was beheaded in Rome (VI century).

Zodiac sign
- A lion.

Planet - Sun.

Color - bright yellow.

auspicious tree
- elm.

treasured plant
- sunflower.

name patron
- salamander.

Talisman Stone
- aventurine.


attaches great importance to his intuition. She lives in the mysterious world of signs and
premonitions. She is very charming, responsive: since she has an instant reaction to
help does not come, but rushes. She radiates friendliness, love, tenderness - and desires
get it all from other people. He does not tolerate reproaches: either he flares up ugly in response,
or closes in itself, having lost most of its charm. Seraphim is not
endures loneliness. She adapts her way of life to those she loves, and therefore
family life with her is a pleasure.

Numerology Of The Name Seraphim

Name number: 1

Units are extremely purposeful individuals who are ready to give all their strength to bring ideas to life. These creative people will never suffer from bad imagination, and leadership qualities will help them reach the top in business.
Units are always in the center of attention of others, they know how to subjugate others. Sometimes aggressiveness is excessive, but perseverance allows you to achieve your goals. These are quite contradictory individuals who may doubt themselves, but will never lose self-respect. Units are good partners if you pay due attention to them.

The meaning of the letters in the name Seraphim

WITH- Differ in stubbornness, unpredictability and leadership qualities. In their actions they are accustomed to rely on logic and common sense. They are overly emotional, and sometimes even capricious. They constantly want to stand out from the gray mass. Your partner may be overly demanding.

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. The owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are both simple and charming at the same time. Constantly striving for a good life, which is valued more than friendship. They perform well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

R- people with the letter "P" in their names have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have a well-developed intuition, they are extremely negative about lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.

F- perfectly adapt to environmental conditions. Always have lots of great ideas. In their stories, they are able to embellish and invent a little. They love to help people very much. There is never a dull moment with them. Their life is always filled with many interesting events.

AND- fine spiritual organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness.

The fair sex pays a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. Very economic and prudent.

M- if you look at people who have the letter "M" in their names, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality everything is not so. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work. They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

Name as a phrase

  • WITH- Word
  • E- Be (Is, Be, Exist)
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • F- Firth (the meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Basis, Source);
  • AND- And (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • M- Think

Seraphim name in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write the name of Seraphim in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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