Pomelo - useful properties and contraindications. Pomelo fruit - what is useful and is there any harm to the body


The largest and one of the healthiest citrus fruits is the pomelo. Perhaps not everyone had the opportunity to try it, and not everyone is aware of the unique properties of this product. It is imported into our country from Taiwan, Thailand, China, Indonesia and Israel. The fruits are harvested from large trees that remain green throughout the year. After flowering, citrus fruits ripen, this is a spectacle of amazing beauty, as a result of which very valuable fruits appear on our tables. To get the maximum benefit, they can not be stored in the refrigerator for more than three days, and at room conditions it can last for a whole month. Why is it worth paying attention to it, and how is pomelo fruit useful for women and men?

Pomelo fruit: useful properties and contraindications

Valuable vitamin composition of pomelo

Pomelo is the richest source, B1, B6, PP. It contains beta-carotene and, as well as a number of macro- and microelements necessary for the body: magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, fluorine, zinc, iron, manganese and copper. As for the energy composition, 100 grams of this citrus contains only 0.4 grams of fat, 0.75 grams of protein, as well as 1 gram of fiber and 8 grams of carbohydrates.

This composition allows the use of pomelo for general and restoration of the body's defenses weakened by diseases. It is very useful during a period when there is a particular lack of vitamins. A number of colds, viral infections and flu are very sensitive to foods containing such an amount of vitamins, so pomelo should be included in the diet in the spring and autumn.

Thanks to the essential oils contained in this fruit, the body is energized and the immune system is restored. The use of citrus contributes to the normalization of the heart, normalizes blood pressure, and also prevents the formation of bad cancer cells in the body.

General beneficial properties of pomelo for the body

People who are prone to overweight prefer to use pomelo for the purpose of losing weight. And this is absolutely the right decision! The substances contained in these fruits have a unique ability to break down fat and proteins, which leads to weight loss. eating this fruit saturates and gives a feeling of absolute satiety, and this allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed during the day. In addition, the use of such a fruit will not lead to a deficiency of vitamins and substances necessary for the body, as is the case with any diet. In a word, you can lose weight with benefit and pleasure, enjoying the juicy fragrant pulp.

The use of pomelo is recommended for hypertension and has an excellent preventive effect on blood vessels,. If you are tired, frustrated, or prone to mood swings and depression, check out this product for sure! He will come to the rescue, help restore vitality and defenses, cheer up and strengthen the nervous system.

The pulp contains a large amount of calcium, due to which bones are restored and strengthened faster, fractures heal faster. And the presence of phosphorus in this fruit helps to activate brain activity. Special substances that are practically absent in other citrus fruits and fruits are limonoids. Once in our body, they have a powerful effect on it within 24 hours. This contributes to increased productivity, better focus and attention.

By adding this fruit from the royal table to your diet, you can improve kidney function, and. Due to the high content of iron, it activates the production of hemoglobin. This will prevent the development of anemia. Iron is well absorbed, as it enters the body along with vitamin C.

From the seeds of citrus, a very effective extract is obtained, used in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, fungal skin lesions and warts.

What is useful pomelo fruit for men?

Men benefit from the use of pomelo. Firstly, this fruit relieves the symptoms of alcohol poisoning well, which alleviates the condition with a hangover. Secondly, this fruit is considered a powerful natural aphrodisiac, which will improve sexual function and increase sexual activity.

According to healers, this delicious "guest" from China improves the process of spermatogenesis. Not without reason, there is an opinion among the Chinese that a pomelo as a gift to a loved one or any person symbolizes the wish for male strength and longevity.

For men whose daily activities involve working with mechanisms and require increased attention, healers recommend eating this miraculous fruit every morning. Then mindfulness and concentration are guaranteed for the whole day.

Useful properties of pomelo for women

First of all, it is worth noting that this is a citrus, which is highly recommended for pregnant women (but in the absence of any allergic reactions). It is able to normalize the metabolic process, and this is necessary for the prevention of toxicosis. The latter, as you know, occurs due to excessive levels of toxic components in the blood. In addition, it is useful for expectant mothers to eat this product both to prevent the appearance of excess weight, and in order to protect themselves from depression and worries before the upcoming birth.

It is better for nursing mothers to refuse citrus, since the reaction may occur in a newborn baby.

With prolonged use of this fruit, effective prevention of breast cancer and other oncological diseases can be carried out. According to those who prefer to use folk remedies, pomelo can even stop the growth of dangerous cells that have already formed. This greatly increases the chances of recovery and getting rid of a dangerous disease.

Fiber, which is contained in citrus, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and stimulates its peristalsis. If you eat this overseas fruit for ten days, your libido will increase significantly. The peel, added to tea or water, lowers the level of estrogen in case of its increased amount in the body.

It is impossible not to say that this product can not only be eaten, but also used as a cosmetic product. It is added to masks, used to rinse hair, used to strengthen nails and cleanse the skin. We will talk about some folk recipes in more detail.

How to choose a pomelo and use it?

The effectiveness of its external use and eating depends on whether the fruit is chosen correctly. Pay attention to the skin: it should be smooth, the aroma should be quite pronounced and pleasant. Yellowness over the entire surface of the fruit should be uniform. The pomelo should not have dents, any stains or darkening. If the fruit is very large in size and light in weight, then it has more peel than pulp. It is better to choose a small but heavy fruit.

So, a beautiful and incredibly useful citrus is already in your home. We must eat a piece, and use the rest to nourish the skin of the face. Grind the pulp with a knife into small pieces, add a little honey, a few drops of lemon juice. The resulting mass is applied to the skin of the face. It will be most convenient to carry out this procedure while lying in a warm relaxing bath, then the liquid consistency of the mask will remain on the face. After 15 minutes, wash off the composition with warm water, apply a nourishing cream to the skin. You can repeat this mask 1-2 times a week.

To nourish and saturate the skin with vitamins, you can wipe your face with a fresh slice or a napkin moistened with juice. This will reduce the oiliness of the skin. If fresh juice is diluted in equal proportions with water, you get an excellent remedy for nourishing dry skin.

For oily skin, you can also use the following mask: crush one fruit slice with a fork, mix with a teaspoon of low-fat yogurt. The resulting mass will give juice, they need to soak a cotton pad and wipe the face. As soon as the juice dries, apply the remaining mass to the skin and leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse your face with cool water. You will see how it will freshen up and acquire a healthy shade.

Pomelo in the diet of diabetics

It is possible to alleviate the course of this disease and minimize its manifestation with the help of this exotic. Fresh juice is useful for, but it is better to cook it by hand, without using juicers. In this way, absolutely all substances will be preserved. Immediately after eating, you need to drink one hundred grams of the resulting juice.

You can also use the pulp, although with diabetes it is still less useful. You should not eat more than 100 grams of fruit per day.

Does pomelo have contraindications for use?

Despite the huge list of advantages and useful properties, this product also has contraindications. Refuse to use exotic citrus for those who have increased acidity of the stomach, and have recently undergone surgery due to peptic ulcer or esophagus.

As for the tendency to allergies, you can consult a doctor about this. You should not abuse this fruit, but perhaps an experienced doctor will determine the safe rate that will only benefit the body and will not provoke an allergic reaction.

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Pomelo is a citrus fruit that recently appeared on the shelves of our stores, and almost instantly gained popularity. This is caused not only by the pleasant delicate taste of the fruit. It is able to help many people, especially women, cope with various health problems.

Something about pomelo

The pomelo gained its popularity not only for the extraordinary aroma, taste and size of the fruit, which can reach a weight of more than 10 kilograms.

This is what pomelo fruits look like on trees

Scientists, having studied the biochemical composition of this fruit, came to the conclusion that it has unique properties that can be used in the treatment of people. In particular, pomelo is very useful for the female body.

Pomelo or pompelmus (as it was called in Holland) is the oldest species of the citrus family. The first mention of it dates back to 100 BC. Even then, in China, the fruits of the plant were used by people for food and for the preparation of medicines. Until now, this fruit is considered a symbol of prosperity, prosperity and good luck.

In Europe, pomelo appeared only at the beginning of the 15th century, when the English navigator Captain Sheddock brought seeds from the Malay Archipelago.

Now this fruit is grown everywhere in the south and southeast of Asia, in the south of Europe, in some states of the USA, as well as in Israel, Japan and on the equatorial islands of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans.

The peculiarity of the taste palette of the pomelo pulp is that for some it seems sweet, for some it will seem bitter, and for some it will be sour. It all depends on the degree of maturity, place of growth and variety.

When overripe, the fruits burst directly on the branches. Their mature size can reach 30-40 cm in diameter.

However, regardless of this, pompelmus fruits are able to retain their taste and useful properties for a long period, even if stored under normal conditions at room temperature. And all thanks to the thick peel, which protects the core from drying out and spoilage.

The skin of the pomelo is thick and fleshy, with a bitter taste and a rich aroma reminiscent of bergamot. But even this part of the fruit has its own beneficial qualities.

The benefits of fruit for the female body

Pomelo is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for the female body at any age.

In this form, pomelo fruits go on sale.

With a low calorie content, from 30 to 43 kilocalories, the fruits are abundant in the widest range of useful substances. That is why the regular use of pomelo fruits in food allows you to normalize the work of internal organs.

Table of the content of nutrients in fresh pomelo fruits

Name of useful substances (nutrients) The amount of substances in 100 grams of the product, depending on the variety and degree of maturity
calories 29–40 kcal
Fats 0–0.05 g
Carbohydrates 8–10 g
Protein compounds 0.5–0.9 g
Alimentary fiber 1 g
Vitamins and vitamin-like compounds:
A (as cryptoxanthin) 10 mg
B1 (thiamine) 0.04–0.07 mg
B2 (riboflavin) 0.03 mg
B3 (PP) (niacin) 0.2–0.25 mg
B6 (pyridoxine) 0.036–0.04 mg
C (ascorbic acid) 60–61 mg
Potassium 211–236 mg
Calcium 4 mg
Magnesium 6 mg
Sodium 1 mg
Phosphorus 17–22 mg
Trace elements:
Iron 0.11 mg
Manganese 0.017 mg
Copper 48 mcg
Zinc 0.08 mg

Despite the lack of a variety of constituent natural substances, the number of available is impressive.

On guard of beauty and health

Solving problems with beauty and digestive organs

It is very important for women to stay beautiful and young for a long time. Problems with the work of the intestinal tract and stomach instantly affect the quality of the skin. Only in those women who do not have problems with self-cleansing of the intestines, and there are no dermatological diseases, the skin is smooth and velvety. The pomelo contains a large amount of fiber, which accelerates the removal of toxins from the body in a natural way. Regular consumption of fruits before meals, even in small quantities, leads to stimulation of secretion, simplifying the process of digestion. Accordingly, women who use pomelo in their diet have no problems with slag removal, the work of the stomach and the beauty of the skin.

Regular consumption of this exotic fruit is a guarantee of beauty and health.

Pomelo will help many women maintain the beauty and health of their hair. Vitamins and minerals contained in the fruit help strengthen hair. They will improve the appearance and shine, promote rapid growth and strengthen the bulbs. The juice of this exotic fruit will help make hair thick and strong.

Source of Vitamin C

Pompelmus is an immune system stimulant. Many generations of folk healers in Asia used the fruit as a source of vitamin C (in fresh fruit it is up to 600% of the daily requirement), which can quickly fight various infections and diseases.

Vitamin C and essential oils:

  • help fight aging and aging of the skin;
  • remove and / or neutralize the action of free radicals, protecting against oncology;
  • prevent the development of a cold;
  • cope with cough, facilitating the course of asthma and bronchitis;
  • improve the activity of leukocytes.

Prevent the risk of developing heart disease

Women often suffer from hypertension and various heart diseases. The use of pomelo fruits in food will help reduce the risk of these diseases due to the high content of potassium. It is this mineral that helps to relax blood vessels and increase blood circulation. Potassium reduces the load on the heart, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. In parallel, special enzymes contained in the pomelo and having a diuretic effect, allow you to relieve swelling and lower blood pressure.

Pomelo and diabetes

Due to the low glycemic index (30), which is a figure for the rate of processing carbohydrates into glucose, the fruits of this exotic fruit are approved for use in diabetes. Freshly squeezed pomelo juice helps to alleviate the course of this disease. But diabetics should not consume more than 100 grams of juice or pulp.

Freshly hand-squeezed pomelo juice is not only tasty, but also very healthy.

Beneficial effect on the whole body

Bioflavonoids contained in the pulp and peel of the fruit help fight pancreatic dysfunction. They prevent the development of cancer cells in the mammary gland and alleviate the condition after chemotherapy or surgery.

Pomelo will help improve your mood

It has been established that pomelo is a natural antidepressant. Thanks to the phytohormones present in fruits, a few slices of fruit can replace a bar of chocolate, which many women love. It is pomelo that has been used since ancient times in the treatment of depression, nervous disorders and insomnia in women.

Useful properties of pomelo: video

Pomelo and traditional medicine

In folk medicine, various parts of the pomelo plant are used, not only the fruits themselves. In progress are:

  • tree leaves;
  • peel;
  • seeds;
  • pulp;

Of course, it is almost impossible to find fresh pompelmus leaves in Russia, but the rest of the dosage forms of the fruit are available to many.

Health Recipes

Home health and beauty recipes using different parts of the fruit:

  1. Regular rinsing of the mouth with freshly squeezed diluted juice will help relieve bleeding gums and delay the appearance of caries. To do this, dilute the juice with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. If you eat 2-4 pomelo slices every day on an empty stomach for breakfast, then within a few days, problems with constipation will be resolved without the use of medicines.
  3. To strengthen the nail plate and level the roller, rubbing the nails with the skin of the fetus is used every day. This procedure is carried out regularly for 1-2 months.
  4. Daily treatment of facial skin twice a day (morning and evening) with pure juice increases elasticity, improves tone, gently cleanses and refreshes. Recommended for permanent use if there are no contraindications.
  5. To remove excess estrogen from the body and to prevent various problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to use dried crusts, which are added to tea when brewing. Add ½ teaspoon of vegetable raw materials to the drink, insist 3 minutes, filter. You can use it with honey.
  6. If you drink 100 to 200 ml of freshly squeezed juice every day at night before going to bed for two weeks, you can cleanse the liver and kidneys of toxins, stabilize sugar, and strengthen the nervous system.
  7. To nourish and moisturize dry facial skin, use a mask based on the pulp of the fetus. To prepare a cosmetic product, mix until smooth: 100 grams of pureed fruit, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of oatmeal. The mixture is applied in an even layer on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and the nasolabial triangle, and kept for 10-20 minutes. The mask is washed off with warm water, and then a nourishing cream is applied. It is advisable to carry out the procedure before going to bed, which will allow the skin to be nourished and rest to the fullest. The frequency of use of such a mask is no more than twice a week.
  8. For oily skin, a mask of pomelo pulp and low-fat kefir is suitable. To do this, 1 slice of fruit is peeled, rubbed with a fork and mixed with kefir, bringing the mixture to a homogeneous thick mass that will not drain from the surface (you can use a blender). With a cotton pad, gently apply the mass on the skin of the face. Leave to dry completely, but no more than 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water. The procedure is repeated no more than twice a week.
  9. You can use a special solution for gargling in the treatment of sore throats. To do this, freshly squeezed juice is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1: 1. Use several times a day after meals.
  10. A decoction of dried crusts is drunk for colds to reduce fever, relieve nasal congestion, and reduce cough syndrome. To do this, 1 tablespoon of raw materials is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and brought to a boil. Infuse for 20 minutes, filter and use 1-3 teaspoons several times a day. You can add a little honey to the broth.

A huge amount of enzymes in pomelo fruits, and its low calorie content contribute to the breakdown of fats. Therefore, this fruit is recommended by nutritionists around the world to combat excess weight. It has been established that even in the absence of special diets and regular consumption of several slices of pomelo every day for breakfast, it will lead to weight loss.

Regular consumption of fruit will help to gradually get rid of extra pounds.

Is citrus possible for pregnant and lactating women

This exotic fruit is useful for women during pregnancy. At this time, a woman should be especially attentive to herself and the health of her unborn child. Natural medicines will help to correct well-being - fruits and vegetables included in the diet of the expectant mother. Pomelo is one of the unique gifts of nature that is able to deal with many problems:

  1. The high content of vitamin C will increase immunity, prevent colds at any stage of pregnancy.
  2. The minerals contained in the fruits will help in the development of the skeletal system and brain in the baby, especially in the 1st trimester.
  3. Enzymes that accelerate the breakdown of fats will prevent a pregnant woman from gaining excess weight.
  4. Changes in hormonal levels can lead to frequent depression. Delicious and healthy fruit pulp will help to cope with this, invigorating and improving mood.
  5. Regular consumption of pulp in food at any time will help get rid of problems with the stool. You can forget about constipation.
  6. Women, especially in the last months of bearing a child, often suffer from thirst. Pomelo juice, even a small amount, will easily quench your thirst and restore the water-mineral balance, reducing the volume of fluid consumed. This will ease the work of the heart of the mother and her baby.
  7. Folic acid, necessary in the first period of pregnancy, available in the fruit, will help to properly form the tissues of the fetus and the mother's placenta.

However, you should not eat pomelo in unlimited quantities. Enough 2-3 peeled slices per day.

If the doctor does not prohibit the use of pomelo fruits during pregnancy: eat them for health!

If a woman "in position" has an allergic reaction to citrus fruits, then the use of pomelo will have to be abandoned.

During breastfeeding, in the first 3 months, you should not risk the health of the baby and eat pomelo, even if the mother does not have obvious allergic effects. The baby at this time goes through a period of adaptation to life. But upon reaching the age of three months, you can enter a small amount (several slices per day 1-2 times a week) of fruit pulp into the menu, observing the health and behavior of the baby.

Before introducing any foods into your diet during pregnancy or lactation, you must always consult your doctor!


However, pomelo is not a safe fruit for everyone. There are a number of contraindications for the use of this exotic fruit. It is forbidden to eat fresh pulp and juice if there are the following diseases:

  • ulcer of the duodenum and stomach during the period of exacerbation;
  • exacerbation of gastroenteritis;
  • gastritis with increased secretion;
  • inflammation of the liver, including hepatitis;
  • different etiology;
  • kidney disease, especially during an exacerbation:
    • nephrase;
    • kidney failure;
    • urolithiasis disease;
  • food allergy to citrus fruits.

Benefit and harm: video

The use of pomelo by women can help avoid some health problems, improve the general condition of the whole body and improve mood. But do not abuse the excessive amount of fruits. After all, there should be a measure in everything. The main thing is not to harm.

This exotic citrus came to European countries as early as the 14th century. His homeland is Malaysia, and he is considered “native” throughout Southeast Asia. Outwardly, it is very similar to a grapefruit - so much so that it is called that in Dutch, but differs from its twin brother in size - about 30 cm in diameter, shape (it can be both round and pear-shaped) and weight - up to 10 kg . The color varies from light green to yellow-pink, and only one side receives a pink color - the one that is turned towards the sun. This exotic guest has taken root on the shelves of our stores for a long time, but its useful and gustatory qualities are worth talking about separately.

Composition of citrus

Pomelo is a storehouse of nutrients, containing almost a minimum of calories.

It consists of:

  • , RR;
  • minerals -, iron, copper, and;
  • cellulose; organic acids; essential oils.

Important!To avoid bitterness, it is necessary to separate the white layer under the peel of the pomelo from the juicy slices of the fruit.

Nutritional value and calories

100 gm of the product contains only 38 kcal or 2.65% of the norm:

  • proteins - 0.8 gm (0.97%);
  • fats - 0 gm (0%);
  • carbohydrates - 9.5 gm (7.5%);
  • fiber - 1 gm (5%);
  • water - 89 gm (3.47%).

What is the use of the product

This is a truly unique natural product that helps not only to gently and comprehensively solve the problems that exist in the human body, but also improve sleep and mood, and remove nervousness. In other words, improve the quality of life.

For men

The advice to treat like with like does not always come in handy. The strong sex can, with symptoms of a hangover, alleviate their condition by not taking another dose of alcohol, but by eating this exotic.
And pomelo is a “relative” of our pumpkin in the sense that it improves sexual function, sexual desire and spermatogenesis. Chinese and Thai women give pomelo to men without hints (as we do), but with the wishes of health and longevity. This usually happens on New Year's Eve. It also has a remarkable effect on men whose occupation requires increased concentration.

For women

The largest fruit from the citrus family is very useful for women. As you know, a healthy intestine is a strong immune system. Pomelo contributes to its timely cleansing. Since health and beauty are very closely related, the normal functioning of the intestines is immediately reflected in the appearance. The skin becomes elastic and velvety, has an even light color, pigment and age spots disappear. Pomelo juice also helps to narrow enlarged pores.

Pomelo is a receptacle of fruit acids that renew the skin. But it is used not only inside, but also as a cosmetic product. Oily or mixed skin is wiped with concentrated juice (T-shaped zone - forehead, chin, wings of the nose), diluted with water - dry. Its juice can be used in the manufacture of masks, added to tonics and scrubs. For those who want to lose a certain amount of kilograms, pomelo is just a godsend. It perfectly satisfies hunger and thirst, but at the same time it is very low in calories and accelerates the breakdown of fats.

Important!Pregnant women are not recommended to get carried away with this exotic fruit, because it belongs to the category of citrus fruits, and this can cause an allergic reaction not only in the mother, but also a tendency to allergies in the unborn child.

In addition, this fruit increases the body's defenses, cleanses it of toxins and nullifies their harm. An additional bonus is a good mood and optimism, which is very important for the well-being and self-esteem of women.

For children

Due to the high content of vitamin C pomelo is the main enemy of colds and flu. If the child is hyperactive, easily excitable, the calcium contained in this citrus will have a beneficial effect on his nervous system.

Schoolchildren often suffer from increased fatigue. This is also caused by heavy workloads at school, rapid growth and development of all vital systems. This citrus fruit is also called upon to support the growing body. And the phosphorus contained in it will help to achieve academic success.
If the rounded cheeks of a child touches only parents, and peers scoff at a fat baby, special enzymes will reduce body weight. It is only important that the fruit is present in the child's diet 2-3 times a week.

It will be a good helper for spring beriberi, insomnia, fever, and even in the treatment of diabetes.

However, care should be taken when introducing this fruit into the baby's menu. It is not recommended to "acquaint" the child with this exotic guest before a year and a half. The first complementary foods should be minimal - just a few drops of juice. And, of course, you need to watch the reaction. If a rash, redness, indigestion appears, you should not continue. Pomelo is also not recommended for children suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or liver.

Important!A child under 3 years old can consume 2-3 slices of fruit per week, for a student the recommended rate is 100 g.

The use of healthy fruit

You can use this pear-like miracle everywhere - for treatment, for beauty, and for pleasure. Let's consider its application in more detail.

Medicinal properties

This fruit helps to cope with many ailments and, no less important, prevents many diseases. Pomelo is effective for:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (excluding peptic ulcer and hyperacidity);
  • diabetes mellitus - reduces blood sugar;
  • oncological diseases - it is able to restrain the formation of cancer cells;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - thanks to potassium, which is part of it, it strengthens the heart muscle, thins the blood, reduces the risk of blood clots, and normalizes blood pressure;
  • fractures and problems with the skeletal system - due to the calcium contained in it;
  • inflammatory diseases of any nature;
  • SARS, influenza, infections transmitted by airborne droplets;
  • cough and asthma;
  • weakened immunity - vitamin C restores and strengthens it;
  • depression and bad mood.


This thick-skinned exotic has a positive effect on almost all body systems:

  • the fruit dulls the feeling of the year, and the complex of vitamins and minerals included in it helps to lose extra pounds. This is facilitated by the low-calorie content of the fetus, and the lipolytic enzyme, which helps to quickly break down fats and proteins;
  • provides the body with folic acid, necessary in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • rich in fiber, it helps to cleanse the body of toxins, having a mild laxative effect.


This face mask is especially effective: a slice of pomelo, a teaspoon of lemon juice and honey, egg yolk, 2-3 drops of burdock oil. Apply the mixture on the face for 10-15 minutes, remove with tonic or water at room temperature. Apply nourishing cream. The mask is suitable for all skin types.
You can use the fruit in the composition of the scrub. Grind the slightly dried fruit pulp, add a few drops of washing gel, a few drops of essential oil (olive, burdock, avocado) and honey. The scrub can be used on both the face and the body. Apply to a steamed face, and remove with cool water.

Did you know?"Sheddock" - this is also called this citrus. His middle name is a tribute to the person who described the pomelo and introduced Europeans to it.


The pulp is used to make desserts, marmalade, dried fruits, jams, candied fruits. Tea is made from the dried and crushed peel. Pomelo gives salads tenderness and lightness, you just need to remove the top film to remove unnecessary bitterness. It can be used in the preparation of fish and meat dishes, spicy sauces.

Fruit salad with pomelo will delight not only the company of adults, but will also decorate the table at a children's birthday party. Need pomelo, orange, pear, half a lemon, 5 kiwi, 2 tbsp. l. honey, a handful of cranberries (cranberries), pomegranate and blueberries. The pomelo fruit needs a large one - it is cut into halves, freed from the pulp. Then all the ingredients are placed in these two makeshift bowls, mixed and poured with liquid honey.

Is it possible to pomelo pregnant and lactating

The diet of the expectant mother should be varied and balanced. Pomelo will add its own zest to it:

  • for those who suffer from hypertension, the fruit will help normalize blood pressure;
  • will increase the resistance of the body, which works for two. And if you happen to catch a viral infection, then it is better to be treated with a pleasant and healthy fruit than with powders and tablets;
  • has a beneficial effect not only on the cardiovascular system, but also strengthens the teeth and bones of not only the mother, but also the unborn baby - due to the high content of calcium;
  • contributes to the full development of the brain of the child;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • enhances the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • better than an orange, quenches thirst;
  • thanks to the aphrodisiac essential oils contained in its peel, it evens out and stabilizes the emotional background. A good mood for pomelo lovers is guaranteed!
What is good for the mother will also benefit the baby - it is difficult to disagree with this statement. However, in the first months of a baby's life, it is better to refrain from exotic and especially citrus fruits. It is better to use those fruits that grow in your area. After six months, you can experiment a little: after eating a slice of pomelo in the morning, observe the reaction of the child. If a rash or redness appears, pomelo should be removed from the diet for now. If there are no negative manifestations, you can continue to enjoy the exotic fruit.

Did you know?With its diuretic properties, pomelo leaves even watermelon far behind.

Harm and contraindications

This wonderful fruit can harm the body. True, such cases can be listed on the fingers - there are few of them:

  • allergy to citrus fruits;
  • hyperacidity and ulcer;
  • problems with the liver, kidneys and intestines;
  • individual intolerance.
However, even if you do not have all of the above, you should not abuse your favorite treat. The daily norm of pomelo for adults is 100 g. Children should be given pomelo with caution: babies under one year old - in the form of juice diluted with boiled water, and after 3 years - 1-2 slices.

Pomelo is a truly wonderful fruit that will benefit both body and soul. It is only necessary to use it correctly, then its few shortcomings will go unnoticed, and the benefits for well-being will be tangible.

Many of us have seen an unusual exotic pomelo fruit on sale and even tried it. But few people know whether the pomelo is a hybrid of other citrus fruits or an independent species, and what it consists of. Let's find out these points.

So, the pomelo tree belongs to the evergreen, it has a spherical crown and a height of up to 15 m. And its fruits are notable for being the largest among citrus fruits. They can reach a weight of 10 kg and be up to 30 cm in diameter.

Origin of pomelo fruit

In China, pomelo was known even before our era. Later it spread throughout Southeast Asia - Malaysia, the islands of Fiji and Tonga. In Europe, the pomelo appeared only in the 14th century, where it was brought by sailors traveling around the globe. By the way, the pomelo has another name - "shaddok". It received this name thanks to the English captain, who transported this healthy and tasty fruit from the Malay Archipelago to the West Indies. The very word "pomelo" comes from the English word "pomelo" ("pumelo", "pummelo"), and it, in turn, from the Dutch "pompelmoes".

Many are interested in the question, what kind of fruit is a pomelo a mixture or hybrid, what is it crossed with. In fact, everything is simple: the pomelo is not a hybrid, it is a completely independent type of citrus fruit, the same as a lemon or an orange, only less popular on our shelves. Therefore, the widespread opinion that pomelo is the “descendant” of grapefruit is fundamentally erroneous. These two fruits are united only by the presence of a white layer between the fibers of the pulp. It should be cleaned to get rid of the bitter taste. In addition, there is another interesting fruit, which is very rare in the world - it is sweetie ("sweetie"), which just consists of pomelo and white grapefruit.

Nowadays, pomelo is grown in and in Taiwan, in southern China and Vietnam, in India, Indonesia and southern Japan. These citruses are also imported from Tahiti and Israel.

Useful properties of pomelo fruit

The pomelo contains vitamins (C, B1, B2, B5, beta-carotene), trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium), essential oils and antioxidants.

There are several main varieties of pomelo. They have a different shape - from spherical to pear-shaped. The color of the peel is also different: the pomelo can be yellowish-pink, greenish-yellow or dark green. As for the taste of the pulp, it can be sweet or sour. Peeling the fruit is simple: just remove the peel, separate the slices with your hands and get rid of the white layer.

Pomelo is consumed both raw and as part of various dishes. Many Chinese and Thai national dishes suggest the use of this fruit. It also has a ritual significance - for example, the Chinese present it to each other on New Year's Eve as a symbol of well-being and prosperity, and the Vietnamese even put it on the festive New Year's altar.

In addition, pomelo in the form of tinctures and ground peel powder is used in Chinese medicine to treat coughs, abdominal pain, swelling, swelling, pressure problems and digestion. Pomelo is considered a dietary product, since the lipids that make up its juice tend to break down fats. Pomelo is also suitable for use by all people, even diabetics. The only exceptions are those who are allergic to citrus fruits. He has no other contraindications.

We continue a series of articles about the benefits and harms of food. Today's topic is the wonderful exotic fruit pamela or pomelo. It is the largest citrus fruit in diameter and one of the richest in nutrients.

Unlike guava And pitahaya, the pomelo fruit is not so tender and is quite easily transported, stored for a long time and unpretentious. It is for these reasons that we have the opportunity to buy it in almost any supermarket and at a reasonable price. This is an indisputable plus of the pamela fruit, because you manage to escape on vacation one, maximum 2 times a year - this is not enough to eat plenty of super-tasty exotic fruits.

Pamela fruit - general information

Pomelo is a type of citrus fruit. They call it differently - pomelo, pamela, pompelmus, sheddok, citrus maxima. Pomelo trees are found mainly in Southeast Asia, as well as in some US states and Israel.

There are 3 types of pomelo:

1. Red. Fruit with red pulp, sour taste, with bitterness. Its shape is oval, the size of a small grapefruit, only a green peel. It was this type of pomelo that was crossed with an orange and received a grapefruit.

2. Pink. The flesh is pink in color, has many seeds, tastes sweet and juicy. It is considered a good anthelmintic agent.

3. White. This pomelo is larger in size, reaches a weight of 1-2 kilograms. Its shape is pear-shaped, and the flesh is white and sweet.

Application. From a sweet pomelo, very tasty candied fruits and marmalade are obtained. In Thailand, pamela is made into jam and canned in many ways. Of course, it is best to eat fresh pomelo, as it is more useful than after processing.

Pomelo - useful properties

Like other types of citrus fruits, pomelo is primarily rich in vitamin C, but it has a clear advantage - a small amount of citric acid is contraindicated for those who have problems with the health of the stomach and digestive system.

In addition to vitamin C, pomelo is rich in B vitamins, beta-carotene and minerals: calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper. Additionally, it is a good source of folic acid, which is useful for pregnant women, as it is a very important and necessary substance, especially in the first months of fetal development.

100 grams of pomelo pulp provides the daily requirement of vitamin C.

Calorie content. This is a very low-calorie product - contains approximately 50 calories per 100 grams.

What else is pamela fruit useful for:

  • It has anti-inflammatory properties, in Thailand it is believed that regular consumption of pomelo provides prevention of inflammatory processes in the urethra, its effectiveness has been especially proven in cases of Escherichia Coli infection;
  • Improves kidney function;
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance and its ability to regenerate cells;
  • Helps strengthen teeth and reduce bleeding gums;
  • It contains a sufficient amount of iron, which contributes to the production of hemoglobin, which means it is a good prevention of anemia. An indisputable plus of the pomelo is that it contains a large amount of vitamin C, which improves the absorption of iron.

We get many minerals from food, but a very, very negligible amount is absorbed, as they are capricious and need special conditions. Calcium, for example, is one of the most needed, but also the most difficult to digest. Only about 20 percent reach the "destination" so to speak, and this figure only decreases with age. That's it. And that is why, such products that provide all the conditions for trace elements are very important.

  • Regulates blood pressure;
  • Prevents the formation of osteoporosis;
  • It improves the functioning of the digestive system, as it contains a lot of useful fiber, which also cleanses and releases toxins.
  • This is an ideal product for losing weight, a lot of benefits and very few calories.
  • Flavonoids, essential oils and antioxidants contained in the pomelo make it a real fighter against the formation of cancer cells. Yes, and strong immunity is important in this fight.
  • Very useful in the treatment of atherosclerosis. Studies have shown a significant improvement in the well-being of patients after just a couple of months of regular consumption of pomelo fruit.
  • Improves the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system.
  • Increases efficiency and concentration.

In general, a useful and fairly affordable fruit for us, why not buy more often and please yourself and your loved ones?

How to eat pomelo, how to choose and store

They eat pomelo in different ways, but the easiest way is to simply peel it, by the way, it is much easier to peel it than an orange or grapefruit, then the slices are separated. Film is removed from them. What remains is a delicious pulp ready to eat.

Pamela should be chosen in which the bark is elastic, without dents and brown spots. The pomelo should not be too soft, this is a sign that it has begun to deteriorate inside. The best fruit is one that is smaller but heavier, which means that the bark is thinner and the flesh is more juicy.

Unpeeled pomelo will keep in the refrigerator for about 2-3 weeks. If you have already peeled the fruit, then you will have to eat it no more than in 2-3 days.

Watch an interesting video on how to choose a pomelo:

Contraindications and harm pamela

Some citrus fruits have such a feature that they disrupt the absorption of various medicines. In particular, this applies to grapefruit and pomelo. So, it is not recommended to use these fruits during the period of treatment for various infections and diseases, and in the presence of chronic diseases, it is better to consult a doctor before introducing any new product into your diet.

It is only in relation to some medicines that absorption decreases, and in relation to others, things are quite the opposite. Pmela increases their effect, which is also bad.

The effect of pamela on the body lasts for three days, so keep this fact in mind and do not eat pamela and grapefruit during treatment.

Bonus. Recipes with pomelo

  • Thai salad with Yum Som O pomelo

One of the most popular, traditional Thai salads. Usually made with shrimp and pomelo or grapefruit.

Ingredients: 200 grams of pomelo pulp, 1 clove of garlic, 1 small onion, some fresh mint leaves, 100 grams of peeled shrimp, salt.

Refueling: 2 tablespoons lime juice, 2 tablespoons fish sauce and a little sugar to taste.

Cooking. Peel the pomelo, divide the pulp into small particles with your hands, fry the onion and garlic in a pan, and do the same with the shrimp. We put the salad on a plate: first pomelo, then onion and garlic, shrimp, sprinkle chopped mint on top and season with a mixture of lime juice and fish sauce.

  • Vietnamese salad with pomelo

Ingredients: 1 medium pomelo, 1 cucumber, 1 small onion, 1 carrot, 50 grams of roasted peanuts, a little fresh mint.

Refueling: 2 tablespoons fish sauce, 1 tablespoon lime juice, 1 tablespoon water, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 minced garlic clove.

Cooking. Separate the pomelo pulp with your hands into small particles, cut the carrots and cucumber into strips, mix all the ingredients and add the dressing. Salad ready.

Pamela fruit (pomelo) is a healthy, affordable, and also low-calorie miracle that deserves much more attention. If you choose the right fruit, then you will be surprised by the sweetness and juiciness of this fruit.

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