Why change an apartment in a dream. Why dream of being in someone else's apartment


Dreamed of someone else's apartment? In a dream, she warns of imminent changes in her personal life and hints that you are interfering where you shouldn’t. Dream Interpretations will consider all options and find the correct interpretation.

Why dream of someone else's apartment according to Miller's dream book

To see someone else's apartment in a dream means to become a "cuckold". That is, the dreamer has a chance to convict his other half of treason. Perhaps the chosen one or the chosen one is just thinking about betrayal, but it is impossible to prevent it, because the plan is destined to come true.

If the dreamer sits or stands in the hallway of someone else's apartment and waits for her owner to deign to come out to him, then the sleeping person will be humiliated, and possibly insulted. To be in someone else's bedroom means, then, to become a victim of unreasonable jealousy of a loved one.

Why dream of someone else's apartment according to Vanga's dream book

To put up for sale someone else's apartment in a dream means a quick separation from a loved one in reality. And if housing is also located on the upper floors, then a person should think: is he setting the bar too high, and does it make sense to make higher demands on relatives and friends?

A spacious living space, although alien, is dreamed of by those who wish to change their lives for the better. To be in a dream in someone else's apartment, knowing and seeing that the house is very old, means that in reality nothing can be achieved, and all the trouble for some business will be in vain. But an apartment in a new building is a good sign. This promises the dreamer a quick move to a new place of residence or a wedding.

Why dream of someone else's apartment according to Freud's dream book

Being in someone else's home does not bode well: the devotion of a loved one is nothing more than a myth, because he openly cheats on the dreamer. The sleeper will soon find out about such unworthy behavior, and the matter will end in a grandiose scandal, followed by a breakup. Cleaning in someone else's apartment has a similar interpretation.

When a person in a dream freely enters someone else's apartment, it means that he himself is not averse to having fun on the side, moreover, best friends can become objects of desire. What will come of this is clear. Another thing is if the dreamer breaks into someone else's home or breaks open the door. In this case, be raped or become a victim of harassment by a sexual maniac.

Why dream of someone else's apartment according to the Modern Dream Book

If you dream of a rich apartment in which expensive repairs were made and chic furniture installed, then this indicates that the thirst for financial well-being will be quenched, and the dreamer will live much better than now.

A girl who sees herself in a dream in an unfamiliar apartment will soon marry successfully, and a mature woman who sees this will soon get herself a lover. If she is married, then the spouse will definitely find out about this affair, therefore, a trial with a rival is inevitable.

What is the dream of someone else's apartment according to the Esoteric dream book

If a person in a dream violates the inviolability of someone else's home, then in reality he is not doing well: he is overcome by thoughts full of negativity, which can lead to a nervous breakdown. But when the dreamer enters someone else's apartment and sees that thieves have taken over it, it means that competitors will soon appear, and the business will no longer be as successful as before.

A huge unfamiliar apartment is a symbol of great prospects and opportunities. Therefore, if a dreamer is preparing a project in reality, then such a dream portends him to the successful implementation of his plan. A clean, bright and well-groomed apartment is dreamed of by someone who longs for change, and housing without windows and doors speaks of the dreamer's isolation.

Why dream of someone else's apartment according to the Family Dream Book

Making repairs in someone else's apartment means getting some help from outside. Being in an unfamiliar home, which, moreover, is neither clean nor attractive, means future troubles associated with some important issue.

If someone else's apartment is bright, clean and well-groomed, then the dreamer should be promoted up the career ladder. For businessmen, such a vision promises the conclusion of a lucrative contract or a fabulous profit.

To be in an empty apartment in which there is no furniture means to feel inner emptiness and loneliness. If there is a flood in the apartment, then you need to remember what kind of water it is - clean or dirty. When the water is clear, then this is a good dream, meaning success and well-being. But muddy and dirty water is a symbol of possible conflicts and quarrels between loved ones.

What is the dream of someone else's apartment - dream options

  • I dreamed of someone else's apartment, and you are in it - quick changes in life;
  • someone else's apartment with furniture - trouble;
  • why dream of a fire in someone else's apartment - big troubles and serious problems;
  • repairs in someone else's apartment - love feelings will soon fade away;
  • cleaning in someone else's apartment - a family scandal;
  • dirty someone else's apartment - minor but unpleasant problems;
  • a large someone else's apartment - career growth;
  • a woman in someone else's apartment is a rival;
  • a man in a strange apartment is a love affair;
  • someone else's apartment full of things - long-term planning;
  • housing on the ground floor - self-doubt or negative influence from the outside;
  • multi-room someone else's apartment - well-being;
  • own, but not recognized housing - good news;
  • an open door to an unfamiliar apartment - guests.

The apartment seen in a dream means good news or changes. For a more specific interpretation of what the apartment is dreaming of, one should remember the small details that caught the eye, caused surprise or concern, and look into the dream book. It is important to remember the feelings and sensations that the dream caused - the emotional load of the dream will show how good or bad it will affect the future.

A new apartment is dreaming of financial changes that will lead to material independence. Also, according to the dream book, this dream can denote the emergence of new love relationships that promise a lasting relationship. An empty apartment means spiritual emptiness and loneliness, a desire to get away from routine.

According to the dream book, someone else's apartment is a change in life. Whether they are good or bad depends on what kind of emotional load this dream carries. If the room is bright, spacious, and evokes a feeling of calm - a dream means success and good luck in business, a promotion at work, an interesting offer of cooperation, or a new lucrative contract. If the apartments and the atmosphere are gloomy, dark, and the dream causes a feeling of anxiety and anxiety, then this promises difficulties in solving any cases, or a long and tedious solution to the issue you need.

If a girl dreams of someone else's room, the dream book promises an early marriage, a dream in which someone else's apartment is located promises new love experiences for a married woman, which can end in a long love affair.

If you dream of a flood in the apartment, or other cataclysms in your home, the dream book interprets it as the onset of difficult times for the owner of this dream. A dream in which a stranger's apartment was flooded denotes a strained relationship between you and those around you. If there is water in the room, in order to more accurately determine what this dream is about, it is worth remembering the appearance of the liquid: if it is dirty, cloudy, conflicts between households should be expected, clean and clear water - for the success and well-being of the residents of this dwelling.

The dream in which you are making repairs in the apartment means that you are moving in the right direction, and your life is getting better thanks to your own efforts and efforts. A dream in which you have to watch the repair of your apartment, according to the dream book, means that an outsider is engaged in the establishment of small household chores absolutely free of charge. A dream in which repairs are carried out in someone else's apartment means that soon you will support someone in arranging some everyday issues. Renovation of an old apartment suggests that you will receive an interesting offer from your old job, or an old client will offer you a lucrative contract.

Buying an apartment in a dream behind a dream book means a successful investment of finances, promising easy profit. Buying a luxurious room, this dream suggests that your dreams are too far from fulfillment and you should work hard to make them come true.

Why dream of an old apartment. The dream interpretation determines that such a dream speaks of difficulties in fulfilling the set plans.

A dream in which another (unfamiliar) apartment is dreamed - the dream book promises dramatic changes in life. It is important what appearance this room had: if clean, bright and spacious - to successful changes, if dark, a dream with a gloomy and dark room - to bad changes in life.

The dream in which you saw the keys to the apartment means great prospects and opportunities. If you have lost the keys, then the chance will be missed, if you find the keys, you will become the owner of some important information that will help you succeed. A dream in which the keys are made of gold (or other precious material) means that friendship (acquaintance) with an influential person is required to realize the plan. Rusty, broken or dirty keys are defined by the dream book as the appearance of obstacles in the execution of plans.

Moving to an apartment - this dream is interpreted as a stage of significant change, a new chapter in life begins or a change in priorities. Moving to new apartments is an unexpected success, moving to an old room is a difficulty in achieving goals.

Why dream of a big apartment. Such a dream speaks of the prospects and great opportunities that fate is preparing for you. According to the dream book, a dream in which the room is furnished with new and beautiful furniture is a successful resolution of affairs.

The dream book interprets the robbery of an apartment in two positions: firstly, this dream speaks of a person’s internal problems (self-doubt, fear of people and fear of expressing emotions), and secondly, a dream can mean that a person has a hidden resentment towards loved ones and family, which oppresses him. If you dream that your apartment was robbed, then soon you will have several fans ready to offer their hand and heart. Also, a robbed apartment in a dream book means the arrival of unexpected guests whom you are glad to see.

For men, the dream book interprets what a robbed apartment is dreaming of - the appearance of competitors in the business sector. Robbery of someone else's apartment - a dream means that you have negative thoughts and feelings (resentment, envy, anger), which you urgently need to get rid of before it leads to unpleasant consequences. Thieves in the apartment - the dream book translates as your self-doubt, if you act as a thief - a quick resolution of long-standing problems.

Why else dream of an apartment in a dream

A dream where they saw a fire in an apartment means the emergence of new love experiences in life. For the married (married), the appearance of a lover (mistress) is expected, for the unmarried - a new meeting or acquaintance, which most likely will lead to marriage. If you saw a dream in which the fire, enveloping the room, did not touch the walls, then you will resist the temptation. The dream book interprets the burned-out room as “burnt out” feelings, departed love, unnecessary and protracted relationships.

According to the dream book, a former apartment means nostalgia for old relationships or an upcoming meeting with long-forgotten friends. A dream where the former premises are furnished with new and beautiful furniture - expect a promotion, business success, and a lucrative contract. The former dwelling is in ruins - soon your difficulties will be left behind, only a memory will remain of them. If you have a dream that you are still living in your former apartment, you should reconsider your plans for life and change the strategy for their implementation; for a girl, such a dream suggests that you do not need to believe the promises of a young man.

To get an apartment by inheritance - such a dream promises a lot of minor problems and troubles that should be resolved in the near future. To receive a room as a gift, according to the dream book, means an improvement in financial well-being and success in further investments. Get apartments for a promotion (or as a gift from government agencies) - help and intercession from influential people, unexpected financial support.

Why dream of renting an apartment. This dream suggests that changes regarding personal life will soon break out, for girls - the appearance of an interesting young man, for a married woman - the opportunity to start a new love adventure. To rent out a dwelling according to a dream book - to find a new love or hobby.

Cleaning an apartment in a dream means establishing a family hearth; for women, this is a good sign, promising a good attitude towards her husband and children. A dirty apartment promises minor troubles and troubles in the family, clean up the dirt in the room (according to the women's dream book) - get rid of feelings of dissatisfaction and resentment towards the spouse. A dream where you have to clean someone else's home is to assist an intermediary in sorting out the relationship between friends or familiar couples.

The dream book interprets the search for an apartment as a subconscious desire to radically change one's life, and this dream also means a quick change in work or marital status.

The dream in which you are going to sell an apartment means getting rid of old and unnecessary relationships or making a big profit from a profitable investment or transaction. To find out what the dream is about, where the sale of an apartment appears, your own feelings will help: if you part with a heavy heart, the dream book suggests separation from a person who is not indifferent to you, if you feel joy when selling your own premises - to a successful financial investment.

An open door in an apartment dreams of the appearance of uninvited guests, the dream book also interprets this as a moral and spiritual readiness to accept new relationships and love experiences, a desire to start a family, or start your own business. If you see a dream where the door opens on its own - expect unpleasant news, close the door in the room - get rid of the hassle, unnecessary love affairs, partnerships, friendship.

Pigeons in the apartment - to joy, if a dove flew into the room and you are trying to catch it - to fun and family happiness in the house. A dove beating out the window - a dream means good news or an unexpected, but pleasant visit from people you love.

A dream where you are renovating an apartment, behind a dream book, means changing your mind, renewing relationships, getting rid of the past, which is depressing. Home repair means family proceedings, the outcome of which depends on the result of this repair.

If the apartment has changed after the repair - family ties will remain and mutual understanding will reign between the spouses, a dream in which the room has become even more gloomy or is in a state of repair, then most likely your marriage is in danger of disintegration if everything remains as it was after the repair - to reach a compromise between husband and wife. Gluing wallpaper in a home promises significant changes in personal life or relationships.

What is the dream of the apartment in Miller's dream book? An unfamiliar home is a period of change in life, renting out a room is an accumulated problem that cannot be solved on your own. A dream in which you dream of your own housing, which does not look like itself - to the good news. A dream where you can’t get out of your own room in any way - your plans will fail, bad news.

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  • It was a dream that some couple was lying in bed (her husband was beaten), he closes his eyes and asks her to listen, he doesn’t remember about the building or the cafe, and she asks if you need it? He answers you! He closes his eyes and see a house in the city, I say that I see (a house, a high-rise) after I close it and go to another high-rise, and there I already see a roof, they tell me or I, I didn’t understand what I need to do in one move and explains that it’s so closer, before that buy grain, get up and feed, in my opinion, the birds, after that I find myself in a room (apartment) and the old man tells me if you don’t exchange an apartment from the proposed options, then there won’t be another way in life, and I was joyful about to call my mother for money (for purchase) ask and said that she would not be given a mortgage.

Changes, significant changes in fate - this is what someone else's apartment often dreams of. But in the dream books there are also more interesting, useful and detailed comments regarding this vision. The main thing is to remember in the morning all the possible details of the dream.

What does Miller say?

An interesting decoding of what someone else's apartment is dreaming of is offered by psychologist Gustav Miller. He assures that a good, luxurious environment in a dreaming someone else's home promises a sleeping person a sudden enrichment. Perhaps it will be an inheritance or profit from some scam.

Even more remarkable is the fact that in Miller's dream book the same plot prophesies a woman a successful marriage. True, it is important to take into account the fact that if the apartment was furnished modestly, then in reality one cannot count on generous gifts of fate.


Why did you dream that you were in someone else's apartment? To the fact that a loved one is not faithful to you, the dream book sadly states. The same plot is also interpreted as a warning that someone is trying to harm the sleeping person.

But if in a dream you are visiting relatives or friends, then this is a good sign that a promotion is coming in reality.

Did you happen to find the keys to the apartment of an outsider in a night dream? Then in reality you will become aware of important secret information. And if, while sleeping, you also opened the door with this key, then you will be able to correctly dispose of the information received.

It’s bad if the door in night vision was tightly locked. This is a harbinger of conflict, quarrels with friends.

Temporary residence

Did you have to live in someone else's apartment in a dream? Beware, because the dream book prophesies an awkward situation that can adversely affect your reputation.

Starting a new project or getting married - that's what you dream about renting a house. If in a night fantasy you saw that you were sleeping in someone else's apartment, then this is evidence that you cannot cope with such a character trait as envy. True, if you slept with friends and acquaintances in a dream, do not worry, the dream book promises happiness.

In a night dream, woke up in someone else's bedroom? Oh, this is a sign that you will provoke the jealousy of a partner. But the dream that the landlords suddenly wake you up suggests that you will find a good job.

Where are you getting involved

Unceremonious interference in the affairs of other people, which will entail trouble - that's what else someone else's apartment is dreaming of. And if the dreamer discovers that he is in an office center or hotel, then in reality he is clearly embarrassed to show his abilities and capabilities to the full, says the dream book.

Very soon the girl will go down the aisle - that's what she dreamed of someone else's apartment. And for a lady, this dream is a harbinger of a new romance. However, the man will also have a romantic acquaintance in reality, but it will not last long.

Without an invitation

Did you dream that you went into the home of a stranger without an invitation? It's okay, the dream book reassures, just in real life you will join a group of like-minded people, take a place in the team.

In general, visiting someone else's house in a night dream without an invitation is associated with interference in someone else's life. But if you were invited to enter, then this is a signal - someone needs help, the dream book explains.

Humiliation and annoyance - these are the feelings to be experienced by someone who in a dream was not allowed further than the hallway, was not invited to enter.

What are the chances?

The cost, style, appearance, state of the dreaming environment will help you find out in more detail what someone else's apartment is dreaming of. So perfectly furnished, spacious, bright, it can be a prophecy of the sleeper's unprecedented luck. Even one huge, stylishly furnished room, according to the dream book, is a harbinger of the fact that an old cherished dream will soon come true.

Everything changes

Old connections that are burdensome, but you have not yet decided to abandon them - this is what an abandoned someone else's apartment belonging to another character dreams about. But housing in a new building, according to dream books, marks the beginning of a new life stage.

Seeing in a dream someone else's apartment with furniture, you need to be prepared for various surprises, even those that can cause stress, the dream book warns. Why, then, did you see a dwelling without furniture? In addition, it is time to stock up on new knowledge, to master additional skills.

House in disarray

An unplanned spontaneous trip or other leapfrog in the life of a sleeping person - this is what an unfamiliar cluttered apartment may dream of. The same plot may suggest that the dreamer in life will have to solve other people's problems.

If the dreaming someone else's apartment was rich, then there will be a chance to strengthen the financial situation. However, even if a mess reigned in such a dwelling, it is unlikely that in reality it will be possible to increase the state.

But what if the sleeper personally made a mess in someone else's room? Such a phantasmagoria predicts hard times and poverty.

Start cleaning!

In a dream, did you clean in a strange house? Then in reality you will have to solve the problems of strangers. Dream book cleaning is a harbinger of a choice to be made, a serious decision to be made. Cleaning in midnight vision symbolizes freedom from burdensome duties.

But sometimes these same actions are evidence that you are actually under someone's strong influence. Cleaning up in a dream with the help of special tools and devices is a dream of strengthening your financial situation. But acting in a dream with your hands, in reality you can easily get rid of unnecessary personalities, burdensome connections.

Details and Details

The interpretation of sleep may vary depending on what exactly had to be done.

Washed the floor? Unfortunately, upon awakening it will be difficult to avoid conflicts and even scandals. But the dishes are a sign of the upcoming reconciliation with someone. Vacuumed? Then you can easily get rid of everything superfluous. Did you take out the trash? Behind you is a trail of gossip, provoked by the fact that some of your secrets became public. Why did you dream that they wiped the dust? To the fact that long-standing problems will disappear.

We make repairs

The dreamer will spend time, effort and nerves in order to sort out the affairs of others, if someone else's apartment is being dreamed up, where repairs are underway. However, it is not so bad to overhaul in a dream not even your own home, it means that the sleeper will find a new use for his abilities. Did you wallpaper? Then dreams will come true.

There is, however, another interpretation of dreams about repairing someone else's housing: friction and disagreement may arise in the sleeping family.

Other predictions

Dreaming of a flood? If it does not take place in your apartment, then the dream book hints: you are under pressure from some powerful person.

Hello! Help me understand 2 dreams
First dream

I dreamed that I was photographing an apartment for sale, the owners and my lawyer were with me, I know the owners in real life and was very surprised that I didn’t know about this apartment. It was beautiful and very large, at first they just went and looked, discussed the conditions, then I decided to take photos myself, and for some reason in the apartment, suddenly I realized that there were some other people present, but I didn’t see them, I just knew that they are: 3 some young women, they whispered as if they were chasing, laughing, not in a good way, like whispering among themselves, in one room I started taking photos on the phone and they were muddy, you can see everything, but like fog from above small, I turned on the flash, I thought it would be better, so I tried to get a good quality photo. In one of the rooms, where we were still alone without these incomprehensible women, there were a lot of baths, I say, why so many baths?! one narrow incomprehensible, 2 or 3 like a jacuzzi on one side 2 bathrooms, on the other it’s also something like this, and it’s not a bathroom, but it was just like a living room, and clean water flowed into one of the jacuzzis, it was a pleasant feeling, I I say one or 2 bathrooms can be removed and just make the floor normal, lay the tiles, and we went on to look at the apartment, there was a large terrace, also with beautiful, white curtains, made of thin fabric like organza, beautifully gathered in the middle and a slight breeze, here I am I started taking a photo, left the lawyer and the owners, they discussed the price, something else, I had the amount of the commission in my head)) and I took a photo, at that moment these invisible women appeared, whispering and whispering incomprehensibly, I felt their presence constantly, it was not comfortable. And it’s very strange, I also said that I love this area all of a sudden, the area is old enough, there are normal houses with foreigners, but so far there are few, mostly local residents live there and there are places where it’s quite dirty, but a little further away the area is the same, but the part with villas and greenery is good there. Everyone was surprised that I suddenly fell in love with the area)), because it was always not like that, I really can’t stand it. But the part where the villas are, I like. And in a dream, I also named the reasons why I suddenly fell in love with him.

In the second dream, I was with a girl in their family’s apartment, I don’t know people in reality, we stood talking to her, discussing something and she showed the apartment.
A relatively large apartment with 2 bedrooms, it seems to be even 2-storey, bright, but empty, without furniture, maybe they bought it recently or something else, I don’t remember, but for some reason she showed it to me and we discussed exactly the apartment, what to do in it, I didn’t have to wash the floors there much, it was clean, just from dust, I remember the linoleum on the floor, everything is finished, everything is clean, there was only a bed in the bedroom and, in my opinion, a small TV, then I asked the girl something, and she pushed something away like a curtain, just a fabric covering something, and behind it was a whole gallery of windows, from several sides, I apparently asked about the windows, that there weren’t any or few , I don’t know, so she opened a piece of fabric and I saw many windows through which bright sunlight penetrated into the apartment, although the apartment was bright before that. These windows, which she opened from behind the curtain, seemed to be hidden, they did not lead to the street, but were inside the apartment, if you look through them you will see a staircase down to the first floor of the apartment, they served as a railing or something, it is not clear, but it turns out that this staircase was bordered on 2 sides, and the other windows were already on the street, for some reason I looked whether they should be washed or not, they were clean, the glass was clean, and decided that they did not need to be washed. Through all these windows there was sunlight, even through those that do not face the street, what we discussed with her, I don’t remember at all, but some questions about the apartment, apparently.

In a dream, you can get into the most extraordinary places. You may be on another continent, in another country.

Why is the apartment dreaming? How to interpret the dream in which you ended up in someone else's apartment?

What is the dream of the apartment - the main interpretation

We all like to be at home, relax, spend time with family and loved ones. But, they do not always come to us in a dream. Sometimes in a dream we can see completely strangers who have nothing to do with us. We can be in a dream in places we have never been before.

How should we interpret the dream in which we ended up in an unknown apartment? Is it worth worrying about it? It is important to consider such details of sleep:

In which apartment did you find yourself;

How did you get into it?

Are you comfortable in it;

Are you looking for a way out of the apartment, or is it enough for you that you are in it;

Who else is in the apartment;

What emotions and feelings overcome you.

If in a dream you are in an apartment that is filled with lights and light - your life will be filled with completely different colors, you will begin to look at things much easier, stop looking for flaws in yourself and others.

If in a dream the apartment is dark, it is scary and cold to be in it - your feelings for someone will cool down, and you will begin to look for an outlet in another person. You will look for returns in another person, you will try to figure out whether someone needs you at all, or whether what you already have is enough for you.

If in a dream the apartment is abandoned and you feel uncomfortable in it, then there are moments in your life from which you want to run away, from which you just want to hide. But the dream book advises you to always face the truth and not stop there, not worry about the past so that it does not affect your future.

If you dream that someone brought you to an abandoned apartment, although he promised to take you to a new living place, take a closer look at this person. Perhaps he does not tell you a lot, perhaps you will not be able to agree with him on an important matter on which your reputation will depend. Try to find a compromise in this matter and not be disappointed in anyone in advance. It is also important to feel other people so subtly that you can have a heart-to-heart talk with them at any time.

If you dream that someone is knocking on your door and you want to see who it is, and you realize that you are in someone else's apartment - do not delve into someone else's life more than your own, do not put more energy into solving other people's issues. Try to prioritize so that no one is left out. If you rely only on yourself - you will not be able to achieve what you want, if you constantly rely on others - you will not be able to control your life and will be offended that someone has become better than you in some business.

What is the dream of an apartment in which mice are wound up? This is a very bad sign. So all your undertakings and all your desires and efforts will be depreciated. You will not be able to set up your life in such a way that you get the maximum pleasure from it. You will increasingly look for the causes of your difficulties in other people, not realizing that you yourself are to blame for this. Try not to let your enemies tarnish your good name after such a dream. You are a big hindrance to someone, since such problems have begun in your life, since you can’t restore justice and equalize relations with enemies in any way.

If you dream of an apartment in which there are a huge number of cockroaches, take a look at your lifestyle. Perhaps you devote too much time to trifles and do not relate to more complex things. Nothing seriously. If you dream that you are building a house for yourself, but in the end you end up in an apartment, your dreams will be too different from reality. You will come up with something that is so convenient and you will believe in it. We can talk about relationships, we can talk about some important communication, which should bring you pleasure, but you can’t understand what it will lead to.

If you dream that a black cat is walking around your apartment, this is a very positive signal. So in life you can avoid major troubles, because of which your reputation could suffer. Do not look for extreme and guilty. Just accept the fact that everything will work out for you in the best possible way and you will be able to more actively engage in your inner world, you can leave troubles and problems behind.

If you dream that someone is knocking on the door of the apartment, but there are nails on the threshold, they will interfere with you. They will interfere with you in all endeavors and in all decisions. Do not take risks, do not build shaky castles and hopes. It is better to calculate your time so that you have enough of it to achieve your goals. Otherwise, you will have to build castles in the air and dream all the time, and never reach your goal.

Making repairs in the apartment - to new opportunities in life. You yourself strive to change everything and you are absolutely right, perhaps this is your last option for active actions and then you will have to rest for a long time, to be in someone's shadow. To prevent this from happening, change everything for the better now, change yourself in the direction of development, try to justify all the desires and hopes of other people, but do not forget about your own.

Why dream of an apartment according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that you dream of an apartment when you need peace and protection, when you need to be constantly ready for changes to take place in your life soon. If you have a partner, but in a dream you walk around the apartment alone, you will temporarily part with him.

You may want to take a break, you may want to reconsider your attitude to everything that happens in your life and after that already establish such a relationship that suits both of you.

If you dream that someone is trying to get into the apartment, your life is interesting to many. You try to maintain equal relations with many, but you do not always succeed. Try to be more loyal to yourself and to your desires. Try not to provoke negative emotions in other people towards yourself. If you dream that a thief climbed into your apartment and began to destroy everything there, do not succumb to temptations.

You may want to build a new relationship with a person who is not worthy of you. Do not change those relationships that have proven their devotion to temporary infatuation. It won't lead to anything good.

What is the dream of the apartment according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says that the apartment is dreaming as a symbol of the stability of your life and your emotions. Perhaps you have long been looking for opportunities to build a life on the principle that you can do everything yourself. Especially if in a dream you yourself are engaged in repairs in the apartment. Such a dream suggests that you are actually taking on too much and do not think about the consequences of such a decision. You need to consult and listen to competent opinion.

If you dream that the apartment caught fire and someone burned down in it, you really want life changes. You lack positive emotions, you are almost constantly in a state of tension and worries. Try not to get upset anymore. Just let go of the problems and let yourself live.

Why dream of an apartment according to other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that the apartment is dreaming when it is time for you to take care of yourself. You have to put things in order in your thoughts and emotions. Perhaps you yourself do not know what you want from life, but now is the time when it is time for you to figure out the direction of moving forward, otherwise you will gradually roll back in your decisions.

If you dream of an amazing apartment in which there are many unusual things, your everyday life will also surprise you.

You can suddenly win a gift, meet an old acquaintance, meet that person that you have not thought about for a long time, but only constantly remembered when a certain time came.

What is the dream of the apartment according to Aesop's dream book? Aesop's dream book says that the apartment is dreamed of when you want and need security. If in a dream you see how you close the door of an apartment with a huge lock, you will want to be alone for quite some time. But this loneliness will not do you any good. Think about what you are trying to hide from? From what truth? From what truth?

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