Help write an essay on the topic "Reason is an incomparably higher ability, but it is acquired only by victory over passions." on the story "What to do?". Three states of mind according to Gogol


Reason and passions are two opposites that do not exist without each other, because one can give rise to the other. In some cases that require a reasonable decision, you need to drown out your emotions and passions, that is, feelings that interfere with the adoption of such a decision and lead to a reckless choice that is not suitable in a given situation. There are many examples in Russian literature that illustrate this idea. In them literary heroes you have to master your feelings and make right choice so that actions are based only on a reasonable decision, and would not be generated by passions that blind the mind. So in the epic novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", in the episode telling about the farewell to Prince Andrei to the war, readers see the old Count Bolkonsky, who, it would seem, is stingy with words, cold; the farewell of the son and father is restrained, but the reader in every movement, the word of the count feels big love to his son, but he only sees how old Bolkonsky, turning away from everyone, wipes away a tear. In this episode, the author showed how Count Nikolai Andreevich overcomes his feelings when saying goodbye to his son, so as not to show his weakness, because of which he could change his son's mood for further service. The old count conquered his feelings and acted wisely, which, undoubtedly, was the right decision. The second example of the victory of reason over passions can be seen in the work of V. G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matyora". In the life of the characters of grandmother Nastasya and grandfather Yegor, there comes a moment when you have to choose between moving to the city and staying in your native land, Matyora. They choose to move. Their feelings did not allow them to leave Matera, the place where their whole life has passed, where they have "grown their roots". The mind said that one way or another, this native land hides under water, disappears as if it never existed, and they will disappear with it. By choosing to move, they suppressed that strong feeling, stopping them, thereby doing as the mind tells. One more a prime example manifestations of the highest ability of the mind, we see in M. I. Sholokhov in the novel " Quiet Don"on the pages telling about when Grigory Melekhov saves Stepan Astakhov in battle, despite their enmity. Grigory understands that he and Stepan are on the same side of the opposing forces and the battle is not the time to clarify their personal relationship. Thus, saving Stepan Gregory - his victory over his passions, which means the acquisition of reason. Reason - a victory over feelings, which is the highest ability to realize one's behavior, solve a problem without the intervention of unnecessary passions.

Reason does not oppress anyone's heart. He never praises or curses out of covetousness.

Faith inquires, reason discovers.

Reason is the gaze of the soul, by which it itself, without the mediation of the body, contemplates the true.

My mind allowed me to understand the impotence of the mind.

Reason is given to man so that he lives rationally, and not just so that he sees that he lives unreasonably.

Reason and feeling are two forces that equally need each other, they are dead and insignificant, one without the other.

The human mind is limited, but the human mind, that is, the mind of mankind, is unlimited.

Reason is a complex instinct that has not yet had time to form.

The victory of reason can only be a victory of the reasonable.

The human mind must be given not wings, but rather lead and gravity, so that they restrain its every jump and flight.

Our mind is perceptive rather than consistent, and embraces more than it can comprehend.

The mind cannot comprehend the needs of the heart.

The most equitable distribution of reason - no one complains that he was cheated.

The triumph of reason is to live in peace with those who have no reason.

The Persian king drives the sea through the ranks, understanding just as little the absurdity of the act as his enemies the Athenians, who wanted to treat mind and consciousness with hemlock.

Where stupidity is a model, there reason is madness.

Mind is incomparably supreme ability but it is acquired only by victory over the passions.

The sleep of reason breeds monsters.

mind, not organized by idea, is not yet the force that enters life creatively.

The human mind has three keys that open everything: a number, a letter, a note. Know, think, dream. Everything is in this.

The mind is a burning glass that, when ignited, remains cold itself.

A living person, devoid of reason, is more terrible than a dead one.

With all my heart, with all my will, I would like to raise my mind to the very high peak and bow to him.

Genuine reason is always moral, always based on genuine human sensibility.

The greatest shortcoming of human beings is the inability to renounce the rational inventory. But the mind is not capable of considering a person as energy. The mind deals with the tools that create energy. However, he never seriously considers that we are more than tools. We are energy producing organisms. We are bubbles of energy.

What praises are given to prudence! However, it is not able to save us even from the most insignificant vicissitudes of fate.

Everyone complains about their memory, but no one complains about their mind.

Reason, no doubt, belongs exclusively to man; mind means famous beginnings judgments in which the first active causes of the universe are, as it were, imprinted, and which thus agree with all our conclusions with phenomena in nature, where contradictions cannot exist.

Our mind makes its way through a narrow path between the abysses that beckon and call him.

When the heart beats, the mind falls silent.

Prudence enlightens, passion blinds.

Whenever prudence says, "Don't do this, it will be misunderstood," I always go against it.

The last conclusion of the mind is the recognition that there are an infinite number of things that surpass it. He is weak if he does not come to admit it. Where necessary - one should doubt, where necessary - speak with confidence, where necessary - admit one's powerlessness. Those who do not do this do not understand the power of the mind.

The dictates of the mind are much more powerful than the orders of any master: disobedience to the latter makes a person unhappy, disobedience to the former makes a fool.

Nothing contributes so much to the triumph of reason as the calmness of those who serve it.

Reason is the ability to generalize and exchange generalizations.

A man's mind is stronger than his fists.

In an unreasonable age, the mind, set free, is destructive for its owner.

If you want to subordinate everything to yourself, then subordinate yourself to reason.

Reasonable and moral always coincide.

Each creature has organs that indicate its place in the world. For man, this organ is the mind.

If your mind does not show you your place in the world and your destination, then know that it is not the bad structure of the world, not your mind, that is to blame for this, but the false direction that you gave it.

An intelligent fool is better than a foolish sage.

A reasonable person adapts to the world, an unreasonable person adapts the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends only on unreasonable people.

Reason acquires value only when it serves love.

The will of fate is such that rationality is inherent in all creatures.

N.V. Gogol wrote: “Reason is an incomparably higher ability, but it is acquired only by victory over passions.” From this statement it is clear that reason is the moral strength of a person, which helps him avoid mistakes. But reason is acquired only when we gain victory over our passions. Passions prevent a person from thinking, blind him, lead to false steps in life. Only by conquering our passions can we acquire reason.

If you do not defeat your feelings in time, you can come to sad consequences. And when we triumph over any passion, reason and will begin to triumph in us, and we avoid moral errors.

Let's bring literary argument. The hero of the historical novel by N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" Andriy passionately fell in love with a beautiful Polish woman and for the sake of her forgot about everything. Andriy renounces his mother, father, brother, Zaporizhzhya partnership, from the homeland of Ukraine. In order to be close to his beloved, Andriy becomes a traitor, goes over to the side of the enemies. Blinded by passion, wanting to earn the love of the Polish beauty, Andriy does not notice anything around, does not think about anything, cuts his comrades left and right in battle.

Only when he sees a formidable father in front of him, pale Andriy obediently, like a child, dismounts from his horse, dutifully waiting for the inevitable retribution for his betrayal. But even then, before death, his lips whisper the name of a beautiful Polish woman. Gogol writes with regret that a Cossack, who could have become an ornament and flower of the entire Zaporozhye Cossacks, died ingloriously, as a traitor.

Let's bring literary example where the hero, on the contrary, triumphs over his passions. In L.N. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace", Pierre Bezukhov, having learned from anonymous letters about the impermissible relationship of his wife Helen with Dolokhov, whom he did good and brought into his house, experiences destructive feelings of enmity and hatred towards his offenders. At an evening in honor of Prince Bagration, Dolokhov behaves impudently, cheekily, defiantly, provocatively and achieves that Pierre, overwhelmed by passions, challenges his opponent to a duel. But after the duel, in which Bezukhov wounded Dolokhov in the arm. Overcoming his passions, Pierre realizes that he has done evil, that he almost killed a man. he tries to build his life on reasonable grounds, doing good deeds.

We proved that if a person acquires reason, as the highest ability to think, evaluate his actions, then he improves himself. When someone cannot overcome his weaknesses, then he makes mistakes, which can sometimes lead to sad consequences.

Updated: 2017-09-24

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Reason and passions are two opposites that do not exist without each other, because one can give rise to the other. In some cases that require a reasonable decision, you need to drown out your emotions and passions, that is, feelings that interfere with the adoption of such a decision and lead to a reckless choice that is not suitable in a given situation.

There are many examples in Russian literature that illustrate this idea. In them, literary heroes have to master their feelings and make the right choice so that actions are based only on a reasonable decision, and would not be generated by passions that blind the mind.

So in the epic novel by L.

N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”, in the episode telling about the farewell of Prince Andrei to the war, readers see the old Count Bolkonsky, who, it would seem, is stingy with words, cold; the farewell of the son and father is restrained, but the reader in every movement, the word of the count feels great love for his son, and sees only how the old Bolkonsky, turning away from everyone, wipes away a tear.

with his son, so as not to show his weakness, because of which he could change his son's mood for further service. The old count conquered his feelings and acted wisely, which, undoubtedly, was the right decision.

The second example of the victory of reason over passions can be seen in the work of V. G. Rasputin “Farewell to Matera”. In the life of the characters of grandmother Nastasya and grandfather Yegor, there comes a moment when you have to choose between moving to the city and staying in your native land, Matera. They choose to move.

Their feelings did not allow them to leave Matera, the place where their whole life has passed, where they have “grown their roots”. The mind said that one way or another, this native land will hide under water, disappear, as if it had never existed, and they would disappear with it. By choosing to move, they suppressed that strong feeling that stopped them, thereby doing as their mind dictates.

We see another vivid example of the manifestation of the highest ability of the mind in M. I. Sholokhov in the novel “Quiet Flows the Don” on the pages that tell about when Grigory Melekhov saves Stepan Astakhov in battle, despite their enmity. Grigory understands that he and Stepan are on the same side of the opposing forces and the battle is not the time to clarify their personal relationship. Thus, the salvation of Stepan by Gregory is his victory over his passions, which means the acquisition of reason.

Reason is a victory over feelings, which is the highest ability to realize one's behavior, solve a problem without the interference of unnecessary passions and emotions.

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