Popular signs symbols. Esoteric symbols and signs


Mystical and occult symbols are what arouse interest in many with an admixture of fear. They can be depicted on various decorations, clothing items, walls and other items.

The attitude towards occult symbols in different religious denominations is ambiguous. In many religions, occult symbols are considered something negative and forbidden. Thus, Christianity presupposes the exclusion of these signs, since a true Christian must honor God, praising and exalting him.

Occultism is the name of the teachings that recognize the existence of so-called hidden powers in man. Translated from Latin, this term means "secret", "hidden". This doctrine of the hidden connections of phenomena, man and the cosmos had a certain influence on experimental methods in science. The familiar term "esotericism" has a similar meaning, these two concepts are interconnected.

Under the occult it is customary to understand the study of everything hidden, implicit. This is magic, extrasensory perception, astrology, numerology, spiritualism, dreams.

Often these teachings have a religious connotation. Many of those who study the occult associate themselves with Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, or Hinduism. As a rule, the term "occult" is applied to those phenomena and methods that religion cannot explain and does not imply. Thus, the famous Kabbalah is considered an occult teaching.

Occultism involves the study of the internal nature of things, phenomena, when compared with science, which studies external characteristics. Arthur Schopenhauer called this trend the word "will". Because science is not able to look deeper than the relationship between several objects and things, explaining the inner nature.

Alchemy, considered the forerunner of traditional chemistry, is also an occult practice. And this practice was devoted to the works of such famous scientists as Isaac Newton, Roger Bacon.

Some religious currents and systems define the occult as anything paranormal and supernatural. This is something that cannot be achieved by turning to God, but only with the help of Satan.

For many, the term "occultism" evokes negative thoughts. However, not many people understand that certain practices and rituals of various religions can be called nothing other than occult. Although in nature this term is used quite rarely.

Occult symbols and signs

Kabbalistic Tetragram

The symbol of the Kabbalistic Tetragram is two equilateral triangles superimposed on each other.

It is a great seal of Freemasonry, revealing the meaning of the number 666.

The Heartgram symbol is a regular triangle. Its top is directed upwards and is the beginning of the second triangle. The lower part of the triangle represents the two roundnesses of the heart, and the lower corner represents its completion.

It is a mixture of love and hate, life and death.

Church of Satan

The sign of the Church of Satan is depicted as a six-pointed cross, at the foot of which is an inverted figure eight, a symbol of infinity.

This sign is almost always an involvement in Satanism.

The symbol of the Cross of Confusion is depicted as a four-pointed cross, the vertical line of which ends with a circle open to a quarter.

This sign was first used by the Romans, who wanted to challenge the truth of the Christian faith.

The familiar symbol of the Swastika dates back to ancient times, when it symbolized the god of fire. The priests of this deity greeted the sunrise by raising their right hand, thereby expressing reverence and respect.

In China, this symbol is a sign of virtue.

The pentagram in the form of a five-pointed star is considered one of the strongest images in magic and is used by sorcerers for various ceremonies.

It is also used by Kabbalists, for whom this sign has the designation of power.

Lightning Sign

The Lightning sign is depicted as the letter "S", which it looks like, is considered the designation of Satan.

Sometimes this symbol is depicted on a five-pointed star.

This four-pointed cross in an inverted position denotes hatred of Christ.

The magical number 23 is considered occult and denotes the secret society of the illuminators.
666 or FFF.

The connection between these numbers and letters is that this letter of the English alphabet comes under the sixth number. Considered to be the number of the Antichrist.

This ancient Chinese symbol is considered the definition of unity, polarity.

Tao means in Chinese philosophy eternal action or the principle of creation.

The Neuron Cross symbol is also called the peace symbol. Represents an inverted and broken cross of Christ, enclosed in a circle.

Denotes contempt for Christianity.

This symbol symbolizes the negation of all laws. Depicted as the letter "A", enclosed in a circle.

This symbol is also a sign of sacrifice and the observer.

The magic symbol Ankh is a four-pointed cross, the top of which is presented in the form of an elongated oval.

Ankh symbolizes fertility, lust, the union of a man and a woman.

Depicted as a circle with a dot in the center.

A circle with a dot in the center is used in Buddhism and Hinduism, representing male power.

The index finger and little finger, raised up and separated from the rest of the fingers, are considered the victory of the devil over good.

Magic signs and their meaning

As you can see, occult symbols are represented by a wide variety of signs. Each of them has its own meaning and definition. If you choose a symbol for yourself, then you first need to find out about its meaning.

After all, it often happens that a person uses jewelry with occult signs, the designation of which he does not know. This can cause some problems and contradictions in life.

The long path of development of psychic and magical practices has led to the accumulation of a huge symbolic baggage, elements of which surround us in modern life.

Many occult images remain incomprehensible to people, although they originate from the usual religious practices, and at the same time, each of us associates the words "symbols", "signs", "esotericism". The fish, for example, is a designation of Jesus and at the same time is often used as a phallic symbol - there are many such conflicting examples of the use of symbols.

general characteristics

To begin with, it should be noted that the subject of esoteric symbols is incredibly extensive and extends much further than novice psychics or magicians think. For the most part, mysterious signs also imply various religious and pagan attributes. It is conditionally possible to divide all the well-known and popular symbols of witchcraft into several categories:

Antique signs

Many of these symbols found on the artifacts of ancient civilizations originate from the rock art of primitive man. Here, images of animate and inanimate objects are equally found.

Some signs of this type have references to the legends and myths of ancient peoples, so among them there are many pictures not only of deities, but also of monsters, fabulous animals.

Pagan images

This includes various attributes from the rites of worship of unofficial deities and natural phenomena. Symbols in shamanic rituals, fetishes, signs from Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism in a sense belong to this group. WITH

The most famous pagan drawings are Slavic signs, symbols of the ancient Celts and Vikings.

Occult symbols

In such signs, supporters of the supernatural sought to encrypt literal hidden knowledge about gaining the power of the Cosmos. First of all, esoteric symbols mean just such images associated with astrology, alchemy, numerology, experimental science, extrasensory perception.

Kabbalistic signs

Mystical symbols, which originate from Jewish traditions, make up a fairly large group and have already managed to migrate to satanic rituals.

A special place is given to the pentagram in this category, because about a dozen different signs were created on its basis.

TAO (Yin and Yang)

This metaphorical representation of the Chinese energies of Yin and Yang initially helped to denote differences in the magical picture of the world and holistic views. Today, the idea of ​​opposites is taking on a more spiritual meaning, as Tao is used to convey the polarity of the feminine and masculine essence, as well as the uniqueness of all natural phenomena.

The bifurcation of reality has long interested ancient esotericists and philosophers. Duality is encoded in every life being and action, because all the primary elements of the Cosmos and the elements simultaneously differ and complement each other in order to recreate the integrity of the world.

In the symbol, a black tint denotes Yin - a passive female energy, and white Yang - a male dominant principle. It is important to understand that the arcuate separation of the poles is not accidental, because they flow into each other, circle without stopping, and this hints at the perpetual motion of life.

Cross Neuron

A circle with a branched line is sometimes called a chicken foot or pacific. It is believed that the origins of the symbol are in India, where the meaning of the sign is associated with the letter "Y" as an expression of the sacred sounds Om and Aum. Hindus and Buddhists perceive the image as a metaphor for the relationship of Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. The symbol says that the crushing, protective and creative beginnings are born together, because even with the syllable Om you can start both a prayer and a spell.

The cross of Neuron is also found in the runic and Celtic practices of Europe. Then the sign was identified with the image of a man raising his hands to the sky, but if the symbol was turned over, it turned out to be a metaphor for the world of the dead.

In the Middle Ages, even Muslim banners were decorated with this version of the cross. Later, in the XX century. the sign of pacifism has already appeared, i.e. the cross of Neuron became identified with the fighters for peace.

A version has appeared that the symbol is an expression of the letters N and D, i.e. alludes to nuclear disarmament, and also resembles a fist breaking a weapon, or even a rose.

The modern symbol of all the hippies on the planet is an old sign that is far from a peaceful perception of life. If you look closely, the sign of pacifism is actually a cross where Christ was crucified, only it was turned over and broken. In this way, in ancient times, they denoted a negative attitude towards the Christian religion.

The name itself - the cross of Neuron - refers to the use of the sign during the persecution of believers. Today's Satanists use the cross for their sexual rituals and black mass, and they also decorate the devil's altar with it. There is also a rite of acceptance of new members, when this very symbol is hung around the neck - a sign of reconciliation with Satan.

Trident Symbol — Trident symbol

Secret signs of esotericism sometimes look like ordinary everyday objects that do not lead us to think about the high. This occult sign, for example, in various designs resembles an ordinary trident, originating from the mythology of Greece, Rome, and India. Refers the symbol to the great power over the water element.

The word itself is borrowed from the Latin alphabet, where it means "three teeth". We can say that in different senses there is a sign in every ancient culture. So, he was considered an attribute of Zeus (Jupiter), identifying three prongs with lightning strikes, and an element of power of Poseidon (Neptune).

Christians considered the symbol at first as the personification of the Trinity, but later the perception of the sign became more negative: believers perceive the Trident as a symbol of Satan. In India, the picture is a reflection of the three aspects of Shiva, and is also associated with fire.

Mystical tantric yoga also uses this sign. Finally, for Buddhists, the trident is a reflection of the Buddha and a victory over the three main poisons: laziness, passion and anger.

Zodiac - Zodiac

The most popular image of all zodiac signs on one symbol. Often used in magical practice, but more often exploited by astrologers. The zodiac circle is divided into 12 sectors, each of which is dedicated to a specific astrological symbol.

The very idea of ​​division into parts goes back to the idea of ​​segmentation of the celestial circle. It is customary to consider the circle from the point of the vernal equinox, and then all the signs are located along the trajectory of the Sun.

There is also a variant of the circle, in which there are 13 symbols, including Ophiuchus.

The signs of the zodiac themselves, enclosed in a circle, got their names from the constellations that the star crosses. But there is also an opinion that the names are associated with the exploits of Hercules.


The symbol is a cross with a loop, and it contains great faith in the possibilities of the human soul after the death of the body. The hieroglyph, on the basis of which the drawing is made, denotes reincarnation and fertility. Even in the Christian tradition, the sign reflects the eternal life of Jesus, but the drawing can also be interpreted as a metaphor for the rising sun and the unity of opposites. The Ankh also hides the key to secret knowledge that grants the infinity of the spirit.

The loop itself expresses the appearance of the sun above the horizon, and the vertical line - its first rays. There is an opinion that the first part of the sign reflects the feminine, i.e. is a symbol of fertility, and the second personifies the phallus and the masculine principle. Together, these parts merge into a cross as an image of the constant renewal of life and the change of its stages.

The ancient expression of constant life energy used to be applied to dishes, sculptures and church walls. The second name of the sign is the Coptic cross. Initially, the Ankh appeared in the Egyptian tradition, where it was perceived as a symbol of the god Ra and a talisman for prolonging life.

It was imperative to draw a symbol next to the dead so that they continued their existence in the afterlife. Often, the Ankh was considered a sign of sexual emancipation, since the god Ra was worshiped through orgies.

A new wave of popularity for the sign was brought by the description of Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy. She pointed out that the symbol affirms the trinity of life, covenant and oath. Previously, with the image of the Ankhs, rulers and divine entities were most often encountered, who could transmit the sign to the pharaoh. Such a gift meant an acquittal on Judgment Day, i.e. immortal life. Today, in addition to mummies and pyramids, Ankh can be found on divination cards.

BINDU - Point in a circle

First of all, the image is included in the main esoteric signs of the religious and spiritual movements of the East. Bindu denotes the center through which the energy exchange between man and the cosmos is carried out, it is also the place of expression of the power of the chakras.

Subsequently, a circle with a dot in the middle appeared in occult, witchcraft, Masonic practices to express the completeness and perfection of something. This is the personification of a closed cycle and the implementation of all planned plans for life.

By itself, the Bindu point is a symbol of the emergence of any force, the source of human individuality and the beginning of the first duality. On the one hand, this is a reflection of the universal emptiness, on the other - perfect fullness.


This symbol has perhaps the largest number of names. This is the star (seal) of Solomon, Isis, Pythagoras, and also just a five-pointed star inscribed in a circle. The sign represents the idea of ​​a spirit that looks through a separate end into the sky (in the case of an inverted symbol, into the underworld), as well as the idea of ​​human life in nature. The four corners of the pentagram also reflect all the elements.

Thus, each individual balances between the divine world and the realm of nature. Many people also see a silhouette in the picture, if we consider the 4 corners of the star as limbs, and the top as a head. As for the circle, it is a protective layer for a person, a reflection of mystical knowledge.

The origins of the pentagram lie in ancient Mesopotamia. Then it was the royal seal. Then the sign migrated to paganism, early Christian practices. For example, there was an identification with the goddess Kori. The Pythagoreans viewed the picture as the personification of perfect proportions. The Celts associated the pentagram with the underground goddess Morgan.

In Christianity, the sign first personified the Star of Bethlehem, the wounds of Jesus after the crucifixion, as well as truth and mysticism in a general sense. Solomon, like Emperor Constantine, used the pentagram to protect himself from demons. And already medieval knights saw in the sign a reflection of their virtues: courage, bravery, generosity, etc.

Gradually, the attitude towards the pentagram began to change over the course of history. This was due to the activities of the Inquisition, who made the sign their own, as well as the participation of the Templars in demonic rites with this symbol. Today, the symbol is used by sorcerers and Satanists. So, lovers of Kabbalah consider the pentagram as a sign of the power and victory of Reason. In the occult tradition, the star itself without a circle symbolizes conflict and battle. Each vertex has its own value. This is a reflection of the basic feelings of a person, the surrounding worlds and elements.

An inverted pentagram in a circle has become associated in new pagan trends with secret knowledge and the entrance to the astral world. Hence the frequent use of the symbol in the work of energy healers and psychics. It should be noted that the Masons also turned to the sign in order to reflect the process of human rebirth. The correct pentagram is a good sign, but the inverted pentagram is the opposite in everything. The current Freemasons love the combination of the symbol with the monogram G. With all this, in the Christian tradition of our days there is no specific interpretation of the sign in a negative context.

Baphomet or goat's head

The basic symbol from the teachings of Satanists, which is in fact an inverted pentagram. The sign depicts a goat's head in a circle, so supporters of occult knowledge treat it with extreme respect. Sometimes the necessary words are entered into the pointed corners of the pentagram or into the circle during the rites or runes are drawn.

In general, Baphomet is considered an astral being and the wife of the devil. The Templars worshiped such an idol in the Middle Ages, but the Inquisition stopped such rites. A little later, the seal of Baphomet appeared on Tarot cards as a sign of the devil. Then the "Church of Satan" appeared and the popularization of the symbol began. Sometimes there is a study of the symbol as a mockery of the Passover Lamb.

Interestingly, each tail of the symbol (or each part of the goat) has its own meaning. A pair of corners in the upper part are horns, i.e. a hint at the duality of the Cosmos and the connection of evil with good. The only end in the lower half points to the underworld and personifies the rejection of the Christian faith. Circles near the goat's head are necessary to enhance the power of Satan and protect against other demons. In most rites, all participants in the ritual are required to stand inside the circle. By the way, Baphomet is a sign of the Masonic order.

Kabbalistic tetragram

In fact, this is the same star of Solomon, enclosed in a circle or supplemented by the number of the devil, usually upside down. Sometimes it is called a hexagram.

The sign was used by Freemasons, Theosophists, Spiritualists. Satan is depicted on the symbol, but the image is encrypted through a triangle with equal sides and a top at the bottom. The tetragram speaks of the devil's opposition to God and helps to summon spirits.

A symbol from the Kabbalistic teachings was chosen by the Masonic Society to mark dedicated students who have moved to a different level of the pyramid. Hence, the sign got a more general and very symbolic semantic load - a blessing on the difficult path of mastering secret knowledge. The symbol can also be found on tarot cards.

Eye of Horus

An indirect expression of the all-seeing eye of the universe through the drawing of an eye with a line in the form of a spiral. On the symbol, in addition to the pupil, a falling tear is sometimes depicted, which reflects suffering for those people who are beyond the influence of magical or divine power.

Also in Egypt, there has been a talisman since ancient times, where the eye of Horus has upper limbs. At the same time, there is a papyrus wand or a bow of life in the palms. In general, this symbol can be used to protect against troubles and attract good luck.

Historically, the Eye of Horus was an emblem for the Egyptian god of the sky, who in this way expressed his power and the unity of the universe. If the right pupil is depicted, then the sun and the active principle are personified, and if the left one is the moon and passivity.

It is the left Eye of Horus that is an excellent amulet from evil spirits and diseases. The reason for this is the legend of how Set tore out the eye of the god, but he grew up in battle again after the victory of Horus. In general, this symbol reflects the gain of wisdom in the face of darkness and the escape from suffering with pain.

There is an opinion that the Eye of Horus allows dead souls to contact the world, i.e. it is a window to other light and provides for reincarnation. In current occult practices, there is also the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe connection of the symbol with Lucifer, who is closely watching each of us.

All-seeing eye

One of the most popular magic pictures, which gained fame thanks to American paper bills. Since ancient times, sorcerers have used the sign in their divination, and then the symbol was chosen as the main Illuminati. The all-seeing eye is, in a sense, the pupil of Lucifer. But today, the understanding of the sign as the personification of world domination and order in relation to financial flows is more common.

For the first time, the image of an eye in a triangle (and then in a pyramid) could be encountered in the 17th century, when the so-called radiant delta began to be used as a designation of the Creator-architect. In each Masonic rite, this symbol was placed on the east side, identifying the sign with the enlightenment of the student.

In the future, the All-Seeing Eye also became associated with the Christian Trinity and fire. Sometimes in the pictures you can find a version with a halo of light around the eye and rays down.

An open eye in a general sense reflects the victory of good over evil, draws a person's attention to truth, wisdom, and conscience. In the Masonic symbol, the rational principle of the structure of the Universe is encrypted, and in a magical context, also the ability to inner vision. In general, the All-Seeing Eye is very closely related to the religious Eye of God - a sign of spiritual vision in Buddhism, Hinduism and even Islam. The talisman, made in the form of such an eye, removes evil.


If you are interested in esoteric signs and symbols and their meaning, then you can’t ignore the most controversial visual attribute in history. Such an ancient occult symbol refers in its essence to the deity of the sun and flame - Agni.

Hindu and Celtic priests of yore saluted the rising sun with a wave of their right hand. In China, the sign is called the Heart of the Buddha or Wang Tzu. The image is an equal cross with vertices intertwined at an angle. Curved ends refer to different parts of the world, four winds and seasons. The very word "Swastika" used to have a positive meaning and was used as a synonym for "amulet".

If the symbol is directed to the right with its ends, then it directly refers to paganism and bestows fertility, happiness. But if the sign is twisted to the left, then there is a connection with black magic and the destructive Indian goddess Kali. The swastika is also called the footprint of the Buddha and can be found in various scriptures. A similar symbol can be found among the American tribes, the Jewish people, the ancient Slavs.

As for the Nazi swastika, it was borrowed from the Masonic societies of Germany from the 1910s and 20s. Since then, the symbol has become the leading emblem of the National Socialist movement of Hitler's party. The sign was depicted in a snow-white circle on a red canvas, conveying the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bstruggle and social action. Initially, it was supposed to use a swastika turned to the left, but Hitler changed the direction of the symbol, thereby expressing a real spiritual protest.

Pentacle of Solomon

This magical symbol is a powerful talisman for attracting financial well-being and protection from disasters and mistakes.

The central rhombus, around which there is a circle, refers to the possibilities of power on Earth, and the circle inside the rhombus refers to the ideal of God.

Also inside are 7 points - a reference to the help of the main celestial bodies. The pentacle is most often made in the form of a metal or clay pendant used at home and at work.

Infinity sign

Contrary to conventional thinking, this is not just a mathematical figure, but also a magical symbol. In such a sign, the ideas of the constancy of being and the impossibility of comprehending the Universe are encrypted. The symbol shows that a person always strives for ideals and perfection.

For the first time, this sign can be found in the Tibetan tradition, only infinity was expressed by a snake holding its tail. This is a reference to the legend of Ouroboros, identified with the cycle of life and death.

Very often, the symbol can be found on love amulets as a sign of fidelity and unity of partners. At the heart of the semantic load of the sign is the desire to abandon boundaries and restrictions.

Surprisingly, in the Kabbalistic, Masonic, magical and Christian traditions, symbols, signs, and esotericism are closely intertwined. A fish, a cross, a star, a powerful eye in everyday life do not seem to us occult omens today, but over the long history of the development of secret knowledge, society has had to regularly change its mind about various attributes of religious or witchcraft practices.

That is why it is quite difficult these days to make an unambiguous description of a particular symbol. In most cases, the true meaning of any image is determined by the specific use case.

Symbols are the most international and timeless language. We see them every day and roughly know what they mean. However, symbols in the course of their thousand-year history could change their meaning to the opposite.

Yin Yang

Appearance time: According to the well-known Russian orientalist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexei Maslov, the yin-yang symbolism was probably borrowed by the Taoists from Buddhists in the 1st-3rd centuries: “they were attracted by Buddhist drawn symbols - and Taoism had its own“ mandala ”: the famous black and white“ fish "yin and yang".

Where used: The concept of yin-yang is the key to Taoism and Confucianism, the doctrine of yin-yang is one of the foundations of traditional Chinese medicine.

Values: In the Book of Changes, yang and yin were used to express light and dark, hard and soft. In the process of development of Chinese philosophy, yang and yin increasingly symbolized the interaction of extreme opposites: light and dark, day and night, sun and moon, sky and earth, heat and cold, positive and negative, even and odd, and so on.

Initially, "yin" meant "northern, shady", and "yang" - "southern, sunny slope of the mountain." Later, "yin" was perceived as negative, cold, dark and feminine, and "yang" as positive, bright, warm and masculine.

Being the main (fundamental) model of everything that exists, the concept of yin-yang reveals two provisions that explain the nature of Tao. First, everything is constantly changing. Secondly, opposites complement each other (there can be no black without white, and vice versa). The purpose of human existence, therefore, is the balance and harmony of opposites. There can be no "final victory" because there is nothing final, there is no end as such

Magen David

Appearance time: It is authentically known that the hexagram was widely used in the Bronze Age (end of IV-beginning of III millennium BC) on a vast territory: from India to the Middle East.

Where used: In ancient India, the hexagram was called Anahata or Anahata-chakra. The six-pointed star was known in the ancient Near and Middle East. In the Islamic tradition, in Mecca, the main Muslim shrine - the Kaaba - is traditionally covered with a silk coverlet, which depicts hexagonal stars.
They began to associate the six-pointed star with Jewry only in the Middle Ages, and in medieval Arabic books the hexagram is found much more often than in Jewish mystical works, and for the first time images of the hexagram appear in Jewish sacred books in Muslim countries, only in the XIII century reaching Germany. The six-pointed star is found on the flags of the Muslim states of Karaman and Kandara.

There is an assumption that the hexagram was a family symbol of the family of David al-Roi, who lived in Iran, one of the contenders for the role of Mashiach. This is sometimes used to explain the origin of the accepted name of the hexagram: Magen David, or "David's shield".

The Rothschild family, having received a title of nobility, included Magen David in their family coat of arms. Heinrich Heine put a hexagram instead of a signature under his newspaper articles. Subsequently, it was adopted as a symbol of the Zionist movement.

Values: In India, the Anahata hexagram symbolized the attic chakra, the intersection of the male (Shiva) and female (Shakti) principles. In the Middle and Near East, the hexagram was a symbol of the goddess Astarte. The six-pointed star is included in the symbolism of Kabbalah: two triangles superimposed on each other are considered as a visual symbol of the Sefirot.

In the twenties of the twentieth century, Franz Rosenzweig interpreted Magen David as a symbolic expression of his philosophical ideas about the meaning of Judaism and the relationship between God, man and the universe.

The connection of the six-pointed star with the Jews was finally established as a result of Nazi policy in Germany. Yellow Magen David has become a symbol of the Holocaust.


Appearance time: The exact time of appearance of the caduceus is unknown. Obviously, this is a very ancient symbol. It is also found on the monuments of Ancient India and Ancient Egypt, Phoenicia and Sumer, Ancient Greece, Iran, Rome and even Mesoamerica.

Where used: Caduceus - and today one of the most common symbols in heraldry. In the form of a caduceus, there was a rod of heralds among the Greeks and Romans (the rod of Hermes). When they were sent to the enemy camp, the caduceus was a guarantee of their immunity.

In the occult, the caduceus is considered a symbol of the key that opens the limit between darkness and light, good and evil, life and death.

Since the 19th century, the image of the caduceus has often been used in a number of countries (for example, in the USA) as a symbol of medicine, which is the result of a common mistake due to its resemblance to the staff of Asclepius.

The image of the caduceus as an attribute of the god of commerce is traditionally used in the symbols of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in a number of countries around the world, including Russia.
Before the revolution and in several periods after it, crossed caduceuses were used as a customs emblem.

Today, the caduceus, crossed with a torch, is included in the emblem of the Federal Customs Service and is one of the heraldic symbols of arbitration courts, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation and the State Tax Service of Ukraine. Since September 2007, the caduceus has been used in the emblem of the Russian Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
In heraldry, the caduceus was used in the historical emblems of the following cities of the Russian Empire: Balta, Verkhneudinsk, Yeniseisk, Irbit, Nezhin, Taganrog, Telshev, Tiflis, Ulan-Ude, Feodosia, Kharkov, Berdichev, Talny.

Meaning: The stem of the caduceus is symbolically associated with the tree of life, the axis of the world, and the snakes are associated with the cyclical rebirth of Nature, with the restoration of the universal Order when it is violated.

The snakes on the caduceus indicate a hidden dynamic in what is outwardly stable, they symbolize two multidirectional flows (up and down), the connection of heaven and earth, God and man (the wings on the caduceus also indicate the connection of heaven and earth, spiritual and material) - everything that is born on earth comes from heaven and, after going through the path of trials and suffering, gains life experience, must rise to heaven.

It is said about Mercury that with his staff - which has since been considered a symbol of peace, harmony - he separated two fighting snakes. Fighting snakes are a mess, chaos, they need to be divided, that is, to distinguish, see opposites and unite, overcome them. Then, having united, they will balance the Axis of the world, and around it from Chaos the Cosmos, harmony will be created. Truth is one, and in order to arrive at it, one must follow the straight road, which is symbolized by the axis of the caduceus.

Caduceus in the Vedic tradition is also interpreted as a symbol of Serpent Fire, or Kundalini. Wrapping around the central axis, the snakes are connected at seven points, they are associated with the chakras. Kundalini, Serpent Fire, sleeps in the base chakra, and when it wakes up as a result of evolution, it ascends along the spine along three paths: the central one, Shushumna, and two side ones, which form two intersecting spirals - Pingala (this is the right, masculine and active, spiral) and Ide (left, female and passive).


Appearance time: It is not known for certain, but researchers suggest that even during the life of the apostles, that is, in the 1st century. This symbol has been found in Christian tombs since the 3rd century AD.

Where used: The most famous use of the symbol is on the labarum, the state banner of imperial Rome. The symbol was first introduced by Emperor Constantine the Great after he saw the sign of the cross in the sky on the eve of the Battle of the Milvian Bridge (312).

The labarum of Constantine had a chrysm at the end of the shaft, and on the very cloth there was an inscription: lat. Hoc vince The first mention of the labarum is found in Lactantius (d. c. 320).

Values: Chrism is a monogram of the name of Christ, which consists of two initial Greek letters of the name (Greek ΧΡΙΣΤΌΣ) - Χ (chi) and Ρ (ro), crossed with each other. The Greek letters α and ω are often placed along the edges of the monogram. They go back to the text of the Apocalypse: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, says the Lord, who is and was and is to come, the Almighty."

A number of later researchers saw in the letters P and X, enclosed in a circle, the ancient pagan symbol of the Sun. For this reason, Protestants, as a rule, do not recognize the labarum as an original Christian symbol.

Appearance time: The symbol itself appeared during the formation of the syllabic alphabet of the Devanagari script (“divine city letter”), that is, in the VIII-XII centuries.

Where used: "Om" as a symbol denoting the sacred sound "Om" is used in Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Shaivism, Vishnuism, yogic practices. Currently, "Om" has already become part of pop culture, it is applied as a print on clothes, tattoos are made. "Om" is featured on George Harrison's albums, the mantra "Om" is used in the chorus of The Beatles' "Across the Universe" and in the soundtrack to the film "The Matrix" in Juno Reactor's "Navras"

Values: In the Hindu and Vedic tradition, "Om" is a sacred sound, the original mantra, the "word of power." Often interpreted as a symbol of the divine triad of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
In Hinduism, "Om" symbolizes the three sacred texts of the Vedas: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, in itself is a sacred mantra from the very beginning, symbolizing Brahman. Its three components (A, U, M) traditionally symbolize Creation, Maintenance and Destruction - the categories of the cosmogony of the Vedas and Hinduism.

In Buddhism, the three sounds of the word "Om" can represent the Body, Speech and Mind of the Buddha, the Three Bodies of the Buddha (Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, Nirmanakaya) and the three jewels (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha). However, the buddhologist Yevgeny Torchinov noted that the syllable "Om" and similar syllables ("hum", "ah", "hri", "e-ma-ho") "do not have any dictionary meaning" and pointed out that these syllables, unlike from other syllables of mantras represent "sacred untranslatability" in the Mahayana tradition.


Time and place of origin: Images of the acronym ΙΧΘΥΣ (from the Greek. Jesus Christ the Son of God the Savior) or the fish symbolizing it first appear in the Roman catacombs in the 2nd century. The widespread use of this symbol is evidenced by the mention of it by Tertullian at the beginning of the 3rd century: “We are small fish, led by our ikhthus, we are born in the water and can only be saved by being in the water.”

Where used: The acronym Ichthys began to be used by the first Christians, since the images of Christ were unacceptable due to persecution.

Values: The symbolism of the fish was associated in the New Testament with the preaching of the apostles, some of whom were fishermen. Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew called his disciples "fishers of men", and the Kingdom of Heaven likened "a net thrown into the sea and capturing fish of every kind." Ichthys was also associated with Alpha from the words of Jesus Christ: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."

At the end of the 20th century, ichthys became a popular symbol among Protestants in different countries, and opponents of creationism began to parody this sign by sticking a fish sign with the word "Darwin" and small legs on their cars.

Chalice of Hygiea

Time and place of origin: Ancient Greece. III-I millennium BC

Where used: Hygeia in Greek mythology was the goddess of health, the daughter or wife of the god of healing Asclepius. From her name came the word "hygiene". Often she was depicted as a young woman feeding a snake from a phial bowl. In Greek mythology, the snake was also a symbol of the goddess Athena, who was often depicted as Hygea and vice versa.

Values: In ancient Greece, Hygiea personified the principle of a just war for health as light and harmony on all planes. And if Asclepius began to act when the order was violated, then Hygieia maintained the order-law that reigns initially.

The snake in ancient traditions symbolized death and immortality, good and evil. They were personified by her forked tongue, and the poisonousness of her bites, along with the healing effect of the poison, and the ability to hypnotize small animals and birds.

The snake was depicted on the first-aid kit of a Roman military doctor. In the Middle Ages, the combination of images of a snake and a bowl on the emblem was used by pharmacists in the Italian city of Padua, and only later this private pharmaceutical symbol turned into a generally accepted medical sign.

A bowl with a snake in our time is considered a symbol of medicine and pharmacy. However, in the history of medicine in different countries, a snake wrapped around a staff was more often considered the emblem of healing. This image was adopted in the middle of the WHO at the UN at the First World Assembly in Geneva in 1948. Then the international health emblem was approved, in the center of which is placed a staff entwined with a snake.

Rose of Wind

Date of occurrence: The first mention is in 1300 AD, but scientists are sure that the symbol is older.
Where used: Initially, the wind rose was used by the sailors of the Northern Hemisphere.
Meaning: The wind rose is a vector symbol invented in the Middle Ages to help sailors. The wind rose or compass rose also symbolizes the four cardinal directions along with intermediate directions. Thus, she shares the symbolic meaning of the circle, the center, the cross and the rays of the sun wheel. In the XVIII - XX centuries, sailors stuffed tattoos depicting a wind rose as a talisman. They believed that such a talisman would help them return home. Nowadays, the wind rose is perceived as a symbol of a guiding star.

Wheel with 8 spokes

Date of occurrence: about 2000 BC
Where used: Egypt, Middle East, Asia.
Meaning: The wheel is a symbol of the sun, a symbol of cosmic energy. In almost all pagan cults, the wheel was an attribute of the solar gods, it symbolized the life cycle, constant rebirth and renewal.
In modern Hinduism, the wheel means endless perfect completion. In Buddhism, the wheel symbolizes the eightfold path of salvation, the cosmos, the wheel of samsara, the symmetry and perfection of dharma, the dynamics of peaceful change, time and destiny.
There is also the concept of "wheel of fortune", which means a series of ups and downs, the unpredictability of fate. In Germany in the Middle Ages, an 8-spoke wheel was associated with Ahtwen, a magical rune spell. At the time of Dante, the Wheel of Fortune was depicted with 8 spokes of opposite sides of human life, periodically repeating: poverty-wealth, war-peace, obscurity-glory, patience-passion. The Wheel of Fortune is included in the Major Arcana of the Tarot, often with an ascending and falling figure, like the wheel described by Boethius. The Wheel of Fortune tarot card continues to depict these figures.


Date of occurrence: the first images of the ouroboros date back to 4200 BC, but historians believe that the symbol itself arose much earlier.
Where used: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Mesoamerica, Scandinavia, India, China.
Meaning: Ouroboros is a serpent devouring its own tail, a symbol of eternity and infinity, as well as the cyclical nature of life, the alternation of life and death. This is how the ouroboros was perceived in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece.

In Christianity, the symbol changed its meaning, since in the Old Testament the snake symbolized evil. Thus, the ancient Jews established an equal sign between the ouroboros and the serpent from the Bible. In Gnosticism, the ouroboros personifies both good and evil at the same time.

Hammer and sickle

Date of occurrence: in the state heraldry - 1918.
Where used: USSR and various communist parties of the world
Meaning: The hammer has been a craft emblem since the Middle Ages. In the second half of the 19th century, the hammer became a symbol of the European proletariat. In Russian heraldry, the sickle meant harvest and harvest, and was often used in the coats of arms of various cities. But since 1918, these two signs have been combined into one, acquiring a new meaning. The hammer and sickle became a symbol of the ruling working class, the union of workers and peasants.

The moment of the creation of the symbol was described by Sergey Gerasimov, the author of the famous painting “Mother of the Partisan”, as follows: “Yevgeny Kamzolkin, standing next to me, thoughtfully said: - What if we try such symbolism? - At the same time, he began to walk on the canvas. - This is how to depict a sickle - it will be the peasantry, and inside the hammer - it will be the working class.

On the same day, the sickle and hammer were sent from Zamoskvorechye to the Moscow City Council, and all other sketches were rejected there: a hammer with an anvil, a plow with a sword, a scythe with a wrench. Further, this symbol was transferred to the state emblem of the Soviet Union, and the name of the artist was forgotten for many years. They remembered him only in the post-war period. Evgeny Kamzolkin lived a quiet life in Pushkino and did not claim royalties for such a quoted symbol.


Date of occurrence: in heraldry, the lily has been used since 496 AD.
Where used: European countries, especially France.
Meaning: According to legend, the king of the Franks Clovis was given a golden lily by an angel after he converted to Christianity. But lilies became an object of reverence much earlier. The Egyptians considered them a symbol of purity and innocence. In Germany, they believed that the lily symbolizes the afterlife and the atonement of sins. In Europe, before the Renaissance, the lily was a sign of mercy, justice and compassion. She was considered a royal flower. Today, the lily is a well-established sign in heraldry.
Recent research has shown that the fleur-de-lis, in its classic form, is actually a stylized image of the iris.


Date of occurrence: approximately 3500 BC
Where used: crescent crescent was an attribute of almost all lunar deities. It was distributed in Egypt, Greece, Sumer, India, Byzantium. After the conquest of Constantinople by the Muslims, the crescent became strongly associated with Islam.
Meaning: In many religions, the crescent moon symbolizes constant rebirth and immortality. Christians revered the crescent as a sign of the Virgin Mary, and in Western Asia they believed that the crescent of the moon is a sign of cosmic forces. In Hinduism, the crescent was considered a symbol of mind control, and in Islam - divine patronage, growth and rebirth. The crescent with a star meant heaven.

double headed eagle

Date of occurrence: 4000-3000 BC
Where used: Sumer, Hittite kingdom, Eurasia.
Meaning: In Sumer, the double-headed eagle had religious significance. He was a solar symbol - one of the images of the sun. Approximately from the XIII century BC. e. the double-headed eagle was used by various countries and principalities as a coat of arms. The double-headed eagle was minted on the coins of the Golden Horde; in Byzantium, it was a symbol of the Palaiologos dynasty, which ruled from 1261 to 1453. The double-headed eagle was depicted on the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire. To this day, this symbol is the central image of the emblems of many countries, including Russia.


Date of occurrence: the first images date back to 3500 BC.
Where used: Since the ancient Sumerians, this sign has been used by almost every civilization
Meaning: The five-pointed star is considered a sign of protection. The Babylonians used it as a talisman against thieves, the Jews associated the five-pointed star with the five wounds on the body of Christ, and the magicians of medieval Europe knew the pentacle as the "seal of King Solomon." The star is still actively used both in religion and in the symbolism of different countries.


Date of occurrence: The first images date back to 8000 BC.
Where used: In Eastern Europe, Western Siberia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, pre-Columbian America. Extremely rare among the Egyptians. Among the ancient monuments of Phoenicia, Arabia, Syria, Assyria, Babylon, Sumer, Australia, Oceania, the swastika was not found.
Meaning: The word "swastika" can be translated from Sanskrit as a greeting and a wish of good luck. The swastika, as a symbol, has a great many meanings, but the most ancient of them are movement, life, the Sun, light, well-being.
Due to the fact that the swastika was used in Nazi Germany, this symbol began to be firmly associated with Nazism, despite the original symbol of the sign.

All-seeing eye

Date of occurrence: 1510-1515 AD, but in pagan religions, a symbol similar to the all-seeing eye appeared much earlier.

Where used: Europe, Asia, Oceania, Ancient Egypt.
Meaning: The all-seeing eye is the sign of the all-seeing and all-knowing god who watches over mankind. In ancient Egypt, the analogue of the All-Seeing Eye was Wadjet (the eye of Horus or the eye of Ra), which symbolized various aspects of the divine structure of the world. The all-seeing eye, inscribed in a triangle, was a symbol of Freemasonry. Freemasons revered the number three as a symbol of the trinity, and the eye, located in the center of the triangle, symbolized the hidden truth.


Date of occurrence: approximately 4000 BC

Where used: Egypt, Babylon, India, Syria, Persia, Egypt, North and South America. After the birth of Christianity, the cross spread throughout the world.

Meaning: In ancient Egypt, the cross was considered a divine sign and symbolized life. In Assyria, a cross enclosed in a ring was a symbol of the sun god. The inhabitants of South America believed that the cross drives away evil spirits.

From the 4th century, the cross was adopted by Christians, and its meaning has changed somewhat. In the modern world, the cross is associated with death and resurrection, as well as with salvation and eternal life.


The combination "A in a circle" was used as early as the 16th century by European alchemists under the influence of Kabbalistic magic as the first letters of the words: "Alpha and Omega", the beginning and the end.

In the modern tradition, it was first used in the Spanish section of the 1st International as a designation for the catchphrase of the famous anarchist J. Proudhon "Anarchy is the mother of order" in capital letters "l'anarchie" and "l'ordre".


The famous symbol was developed in 1958 in Britain at the height of the movement against nuclear war as a combination of the symbols of the semaphore alphabet "N" and "D" (the first letters of the phrase "nuclear disarmament" - nuclear disarmament). Later it began to be used as a symbol of universal reconciliation and the unity of mankind.

Card suits

In the classic (and most modern) French deck, the symbols of the suits were four signs - hearts, spades, diamonds, clubs, in the form in which they received mass use.

The oldest European deck - Italian-Spanish, which passed directly from the Arabs, depicted coins instead of tambourines, instead of a spade - a sword, instead of a red heart - a cup, and instead of a clover - a club.

Signs of suits came to the modern look by gradual euphemization. Thus, tambourines denoted money as metal rattles (before, tambourines were rhombic in shape), clover was previously an acorn, the shape of a spade resembled leaves, which was reflected in the German deck, and the goblet underwent a complex evolution from the image of a rose to a heart. Each suit symbolized the feudal estates: the merchants, the peasantry, the knights and the clergy, respectively.

16. Anchor

Appearance time: the first centuries of our era.

Where used: Everyone knows the symbol of the anchor as a marine emblem. However, in the first centuries of the new era, the anchor was closely associated with Christianity. For the early Christians, who saw in it the hidden form of the cross, the anchor personified the hope of salvation with caution, security and strength.

In Christian iconography, the anchor, as an emblem of security, is the main attribute of St. Nicholas of Myra - the patron saint of sailors. Another meaning should be attributed to the anchor of the semi-legendary Pope Clement (88?-97?). According to church tradition, during the period of persecution of Christians, the pagans hung an anchor around the Pope's neck and drowned him in the sea. However, the sea waves soon parted, exposing the temple of God at the bottom. In this mythical underwater temple, the body of the holy champion of the faith was allegedly discovered.
Values: There are several anchor values. The anchor is a sacred object to which sacrifices were made, because it was often the only salvation for sailors. On the coins of Greece, Syria, Carthage, Phoenicia and Rome, the anchor was more often than others depicted as a symbol of hope.

In the art of ancient Rome, the anchor symbolized the joy of returning home after a long journey. On the graves of the 1st century, the image of an anchor was associated with the image of the church as a ship that carries souls across the stormy sea of ​​life.

The apostle Paul in his letter to the Hebrews compared hope to a safe and strong anchor. The Greek word "ankura" (anchor) was associated with the Latin expression "en kurio", that is, "in the Lord.
In the fine arts of the Renaissance, the anchor also means an attribute of hope. The allegorical emblem, which depicts a dolphin with an anchor, was especially popular in Renaissance painting. The dolphin symbolized speed, and the anchor - restraint. At the bottom of the emblem was the inscription: "Hurry up slowly"

Olympic rings

Appearance time: The Olympic emblem was first introduced in 1920 at the 8th Summer Olympic Games in Antwerp.
Where is used: One of the most recognizable symbols in the world consists of five rings, the uniqueness of the emblem lies in the simplicity of execution. The rings are arranged in a W-shaped order, the colors are arranged in a strict order: blue, black, red, yellow and green.
What were the meanings: There are several theories about the origin and interpretation of the emblem of the Olympic Games. The first and main version says that the Olympic rings symbolically depict the unity of the five continents, which was invented by Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1913.

Until 1951, there was a belief that each color corresponded to a separate continent. Europe was designated in blue, Africa in black, America in red, Asia in yellow, green in Australia, but in 1951 they decided to move away from this distribution of colors in order to move away from racial discrimination.

Another version says that the idea of ​​five multi-colored rings is taken from Carl Jung. During the period of fascination with Chinese philosophy, he connected the circle (a symbol of greatness and vitality) with five colors, reflecting the types of energies (water, wood, fire, earth and metal).

In 1912, the psychologist introduced a new image of the Olympic competitions, because in his opinion, each participant in the Olympic Games had to master each of the five sports - swimming (water - blue), fencing (fire - red), cross-country running (land - yellow), equestrian (wood - green) and shooting (metal - black)
The emblem of the five rings hides a deep meaning that reveals the essence of the sport. It contains the idea of ​​popularizing the Olympic movement, the equality of each participating country, fair treatment of the athlete, healthy competition.

Compasses and Square

Appearance time: Henry Wilson Coyle, in The Masonic Encyclopedia, states that the Compass and Square in weave appeared on the seal of the Aberdeen lodge in 1762.
Where is used: Using a compass and a square, you can draw a circle inscribed in a square, and this is a reference to the seventh problem of Euclid, squaring the circle. But you should not assume that the Compasses and the Square necessarily refer you to a mathematical problem, rather they symbolize a person’s desire to achieve harmony between spiritual and physical nature.
Values: In this emblem, the Compasses depicts the vault of heaven, and the Square - the Earth. The sky is symbolically connected with the place where the Great Builder of the Universe draws his plan, and the Earth is the place where man does his work. The compass, combined with the Square, is one of the most common symbols of Freemasonry.

Values: The name "dollar" has more than just meaning. Its name contains the word ... "Joachimstaler", a 17th-century coin that was minted in the Czech city of Joachimsthal. For convenience, the name of the currency was shortened to "thaler". In Denmark, due to the peculiarities of the language, the name of the coin was pronounced as “daler”, and in the UK it was transformed from the more familiar “dollar” to us.

If everything is clear with the name, then the origin of the $ icon is still a mystery. The following version is considered the most similar to the truth: the Spanish abbreviation "P" s, which once denoted the currency of Spain, the peso. The letter P presumably left a vertical line, this allowed to increase the speed of writing, and the letter S remained unchanged. There is also a conspiracy version, along which two lines are the Pillars of Hercules.

Mars and Venus

Appearance time: The well-known sign of Mars ♂ and Venus ♀, borrowed from astrology, was introduced by the botanist Carl Linnaeus in 1751 to indicate the sex of plants. Since then, these two characters are called gender.
Where is used: The symbol of Venus ♀ denotes the feminine and is used to denote a woman, a female. Accordingly, the symbol of Mars ♂ personifies the masculine principle.
What values A: The first symbols of Mars and Venus appeared in antiquity. The female sign of Venus is depicted as a circle with a cross pointing down. It is called the "Mirror of Venus", this sign symbolizes femininity, beauty and love. The male sign of Mars is depicted as a circle with an arrow pointing up and to the right. Mars means the power of the god of war, this symbol is also called the “shield and spear of Mars.” The combined symbols of Venus and Mars mean heterosexuality, love between members of different sexes.

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These symbols have survived dozens of generations, and people have endowed them with power and meaning for centuries. Sometimes, over time, the meaning of symbols changes - it becomes overgrown with associations and distorted beyond recognition. And perhaps this
a beautiful pendant on your pendant carries an unexpected sacred meaning.

website looked into the history of the most famous symbols.

The first images of the symbol date back to 8000 BC.

The swastika is a symbol of happiness, creation and abundance. In India, it symbolizes the sun and the beginning. Among the American Indians, it was the emblem of the sun god. In China, the swastika is the hieroglyph for the sun. In Buddhism, it is considered a symbol of perfection.

Since 1900, in English-speaking countries, the swastika has been popular on postcards as a "cross of happiness" consisting of "4 L": Light, Love, Life and Luck.

In the 1920s, the Nazis made her their symbol. In the 1940s, due to the analogy with Nazism, the image of the swastika was banned in many countries.

The symbol was born in 4000-3000 BC. For the first time, the double-headed eagle of Gandaberund is mentioned in the ancient legends of Hinduism. The warrior god Vishnu became a double-headed eagle, showing fantastic strength. Gandaberunda was a symbol of the principles of dharma - a set of norms for maintaining cosmic order.

In Buddhism, the double-headed eagle personified the power of the Buddha, in the Muslim world it was a symbol of the supreme power of the Sultan. In Sumer it was the image of the sun.

Gandaberunda was present on the coats of arms of many principalities and countries. He was depicted on
coins of the Golden Horde, it was on the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire.
In Rus', the eagle appeared with the marriage of Ivan III to the niece of the Byzantine emperor Sophia Paleolog in 1472. It was the symbol of the Palaiologos dynasty. The double-headed eagle, depicted on the weapon, was considered a talisman and a talisman, bringing success in battle.

The symbol has existed since 3500 BC. Found in Egypt, Greece, India, Byzantium and Sumer. The crescent symbolizes rebirth and immortality.

Christians revered as a sign of the Virgin Mary, in Asia - as a sign of cosmic forces. In Hinduism, it represents mind control.

The crescent was the symbol of the Sassanid Empire in Persia and was placed on crowns. In 651, after the conquest by the Arabs, the crescent became a symbol of power in Western Asia. After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, the crescent moon finally became associated with Islam.

Early five-pointed stars date back to 3500 BC.

The pentagram was considered a talisman against evil and dark forces. Merchants of the Ancient
Babylon depicted a star on the door to protect the goods from theft and damage. Pythagoras considered it mathematical perfection, since the pentagram is fraught with the golden ratio. The stars were a symbol of intellectual omnipotence.

In early Christianity, the symbol of Jesus Christ was an inverted pentagram. But at the suggestion of Eliphas Levi, the inverted five-pointed star became the symbol of Satan.

A symbol that has a certain meaning today did not necessarily have the same meaning in the past. Many symbols have existed for centuries, and their meaning has changed under the influence of all sorts of events. Others simply vanished into obscurity until they were returned with a completely different meaning. In this article, I will tell you about those popular symbols that have partially lost their meaning today. Star of David

The Star of David is the most identifiable symbol of Judaism. However, unlike elements such as the menorah or the shofar, the star is not truly Jewish. Before becoming a Jewish symbol, it featured in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. At the same time, Hinduism used the star for the longest time. For Hindus, it represents the anahata, the fourth main chakra, the energy point of the body. It is not known whether these symbols share a common origin or were conceived independently by different people. This is a simple hexagram - a figure where equilateral triangles are connected into a six-pointed star with a hexagon in the middle. Even though the use of the Star of David by the Jewish people dates back centuries, it was not officially accepted as a symbol until 1897. In general, symbolism is ubiquitous in our lives, and it essentially simplifies our lives. The transfer of information using symbols rather than text is faster. This applies to all kinds of signs in the world around us: at work, on the street, in entertainment. Each game has its own symbols, knowing the address of the page, you can go to the site and see for yourself. Minecraft logos and symbols are recognizable all over the world. The game has become incredibly popular due to its unique graphic style and the freedom of action provided to the players. Ichthys
Most people recognize ichthys by another name. The "Jesus fish" is a common and rather strong Christian symbol. You can often see her in the form of bumper stickers, which is quite correct in terms of history. During the times when Christians were persecuted by the Romans, they often used ichthys as a secret symbol to identify each other. Supposedly, when two strangers met for the first time, one of them drew the first arc of the symbol. The other person, being a Christian, knew to draw the second one. However, various pagan cultures have been using the symbol since before Christianity even existed. It had many different meanings, most associated with abundance. The symbol belonged to the "Great Mother", and according to some, symbolized her womb. For Christianity, ichthys actually disappeared from common use, but then became popular again thanks to parodies such as the “Darwin fish” that has legs. Cross of Saint Peter
The cross of St. Peter, or the inverted cross, is probably the most powerful anti-Christian symbol in the world. However, he was previously one of the most powerful pro-Christian symbols in the world. When Peter was executed, he felt that he was not worthy to die like Jesus Christ. He asked to be tortured upside down. After that, the inverted cross became a symbol of humility. You can still find the upside down cross on various churches, and this does not mean at all that the people there worship Satan. The inverted cross has only recently come into use as an anti-Christian symbol. The symbol has been featured in horror films such as The Exorcist and Rosemary's Baby, and has also been used in the punk and heavy metal movement, where it stands for anti-authoritarianism. Symbol Skull and Bones
This symbol has two known meanings that most of us know today. First, the modern meaning: poison. The symbol is placed on chemicals and other harmful substances. So people know not to drink it. Another symbol is historical and refers to pirates. The Jolly Roger, the flag of the pirates, is usually depicted with a skull and crossbones on it. And this is despite the fact that most pirates actually had their own personal version of the symbol. However, the Spanish had previously used the symbol to mark cemeteries. Today you can still find old churches with skull and crossbones on them. In fact, the pirates adopted the skull and bones precisely because of their association with cemeteries. barber pole
The traditional design of the barber pole is a spiral of red and white stripes. The red stripe symbolizes blood. Throughout history, barbers have done much more than cut hair and shave. Many were also surgeons, and their number one procedure was bloodletting. People thought they could free themselves from disease by bleeding, and this technique was very crude and not sterile at the time. Barbers soaked up the blood with clean bandages or towels. Later, they often hung these bandages outside for publicity. If it was windy outside, then the bandages wrapped around the counter, and this symbol appeared from here. "OK" symbol
For many, the aforementioned gesture symbol means “okay”, or “I'm fine”, or “I agree”. However, you should avoid using this gesture abroad because it is not viewed as favorably in some countries. In most countries, the symbol will mean nothing at all, but in some European countries, the gesture is offensive. Thus, it can be hinted there that the person to whom it is directed is “zero”. Things are even worse in several Mediterranean and South American countries, where it is a symbol of the anus. Regardless, the gesture does have an ancient positive connotation. This mudra is a ritual gesture in Buddhism and Hinduism. The sign symbolizes learning and many Buddhist exhibits depict the Buddha with this gesture. Goat gesture
Nowadays, the goat, or devil's horns, is the main gesture at any heavy metal concert. And so it has been for many decades. Ronnie James Dio popularized the use of the goat in his concerts. You will be surprised to know that such a gesture dates back centuries and is not at all satanic. This is actually a superstitious gesture, originally called the “corn”. Ronnie learned the true meaning of the symbol from his grandmother. Like the Ok symbol, the horns of the devil represent an ancient mudra - a gesture that warded off evil. But in some countries it has a vulgar meaning. If you go to the Baltic countries and send a goat to someone, then you convey your not entirely flattering attitude to the addressee. Caduceus
The caduceus is often used by health organizations or medical professionals. He is depicted as a staff with wings and two snakes wrapped around him. However, every time you see a caduceus, you are looking for an error. The staff of Hermes is confused in medical contexts with the rod of Asclepius, without wings and with just one coiled snake. Asclepius was the ancient Greek god of medicine and healing, so it makes sense to use his symbol for health care. A symbol of peace
Most of us strongly associate this symbol with the counterculture and hippie movement of the 1960s. Unlike the other symbols on this list, the peace symbol is not of ancient origin. Gerald Holtom created it for a single purpose, now forgotten. He wanted to convey the message of British nuclear disarmament to the world. According to Holtom himself, the drawing represents the man himself in despair, frightened by the nuclear race and the threat of the collapse of the world. Later, he stylized the symbol using several lines and drew a circle around it. For decades, the symbol remained popular because Holtom never copyrighted it. The symbol became a special way of symbolizing freedom, and eventually it came to mean the world. There have been attempts to link the symbol to older and darker origins such as satanic broken crosses or Nazi signs, but all similarities here are actually coincidental.

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