Dirty stories with detailed description 18. Dirty stories and short stories


beautiful blonde was sitting next to Borea when I entered the room. Since Borya in appearance (but, unfortunately, not in bed) is not a competitor to me, the first thing I asked him, taking him aside, was he with her and, of course, would he mind ... I was lucky - Borya with he hasn't been to her yet, but he doesn't seem to care, he can wait. I don’t remember how I rejuvenated her, but that same evening we, three couples, lay down in the same room, on different beds. The sleeping quarters were covered with curtains. Vitya was lying with Kenya, Borya with Tanya, I was with the new blonde. The beginning was good - she began to do “miracles” with her tongue, licking me from head to toe. A couple of minutes after we lay down (so that the creaking of beds and different sighs did not hurt the hearing of neighboring couples, music was playing) I made an attempt to "invasion" - first I felt the entrance with my fingers and felt something: I took out someone's full of smelly sperm condom! The excitement vanished. Confused, I raised the condom in front of her nose and asked
- What is this? (and abruptly threw the condom on the floor)
- I don’t know, yesterday I watched the video and fell asleep (and blushed thickly)
I quickly jumped up (I finally realized what I had taken out of there), and dressed, went to the washstand. She got dressed and ran after me. Someone, Borya or Vitya, jokingly shouted - Why are you so fast? I wanted to immediately tell how she stopped me and asked me to be silent and not tell anyone (so I listened to her ... while she was washing, I told everyone everything and asked not to laugh). We went to the washbasin, I washed my hands and led her into the shower. I went into the room, and from a laugh that was hard to contain, she guessed that I had let it slip. No matter what, we slept with her, and in the morning she disappeared.

To Natasha friend arrived. Pretty. I just went to spend the night (usually I slept there with Natasha's neighbor, Tanya, just like that, without full contact) and, seeing my girlfriend lying freely, lay down next to me (without saying hello or name ...). At night, she did not resist for a long time (more precisely, she did not resist at all), and in the morning we finally met - it turned out that her name was Valya, she came to have an abortion. Once an abortion, then an abortion, I said, and as I was leaving I asked Valya to come back when she wants, i.e. when it heals. Strange, it healed up in a couple of days. Apparently I really wanted to. But personally, I was busy, and I lost interest. And my friend, Sasha, immediately agreed. In the morning - everything is in his blood, the whole bed is in blood (and I didn’t tell him that I was with her - why spoil relations and impressions). Long story short, I thought it was a girl. And he was too shy to ask. I told him that she had an abortion two days ago, and probably not the first.

Larisa. I wanted to go to the village to a friend, I was waiting for the bus. She stood beside him and waited. The bus didn't show up, but word by word we went to the hostel... I've never seen such a monster in sex. We did not sleep all night or, on the contrary, slept 7-8 times. In the morning, she said that for the first time she was tired of sex in her life (at 17 years old?). I understand that this is a compliment. During the week spent with her, I finished as many times as in the next 5 years of my life. She told about her life - she began to masturbate at the age of 13, if she doesn’t masturbate at least three times a day, she feels bad, at 15 she was raped by a neighbor, to whom she just went up to drink a cup of coffee, except for sex she is not interested in anything, she never cooked eat, never cleaned. The fact that she does not know how to cook manifested itself immediately - she ruined my scrambled eggs. The mess in her apartment was also surprising - you can only move with long steps, stepping over piles of garbage and unnecessary things ... Once we had a rest visiting Sasha and his girlfriend. Got drunk. Larisa put forward an ultimatum - either I'm leaving or Jeanne (Sasha's friend) will go to the shower with her to make love. Zhanna (a devout girl, a Catholic) was in such a state that she took this news as a joke and we persuaded her to take a shower with Larisa. The girls are gone. After a while, Larisa flies in, out of her mind, to the questions where Zhanna is, she answers that she doesn’t know where this fool is ... she ran away from her, no one knows where ... Larisa falls on the bed and falls asleep. We go to look for Zhanna and find her in one of the corridors of the hostel, all in tears and cowardly, it is not clear why. They listened - Larisa, as soon as they went into the shower (there was a common shower in the hostel, it was lucky that there was no one at the moment when they came in), closed the common shower doors and attacked Zhanna - started tearing her underwear, kissing between her legs, moaning ... and Jeanne, of course, resisted. Here, too, the girls began to knock on the door - why did they close there? Zhanna escaped, opened the door and ran away... Zhanna was calmed down and returned to the room. I went to Larisa, who was sleeping with a show off, and there was “little space” for me - a drunken nymph bit and scratched during sex (it can be seen from anger that Zhanna did not work out) and haunted me all night ...

Young accelerator. A girl of 16 years old came to a mutual friend, her height and weight are higher than usual ... She is pretty, she is studying to be a cook at a school ... We drank together and Borya arranged a separate room for me to spend the night with her. Everything would be fine, but the girl seemed to fall in love and after the first night she wanted a second, third ... But I had to go on a business trip for a few days, so we broke up. In a few days I arrive, she is waiting for me like (as if in love). None of my friends says anything to me, but I, naive, think that everything is in order and spend the night with her as usual ... The next day she leaves home, says that she will arrive soon, but I already feel something is wrong ... Something else came through three days, when the “faucet dripped” and the underpants began to get dirty. I had gonorrhea for the first time, I cured it on my own, consulting with friends. I learned that during the period of my departure, there was a queue for the “supposedly in love accelerator” - Borya, Sasha “Borzoy”, Armenians and others (I don’t know others) Everyone, except Borya, fell ill. They fell ill from one of the people on the waiting list (like from the Armenian, who was also infected by someone and did not recover). She, of course, never came back.

Lily. The masculine character, beautiful, strong, “kept” almost the entire hostel at bay. We drank together a couple of times, but the opportunity to get to know each other better came when she quarreled with her friend - she herself called me to her place. I didn’t have to hint for a long time - if I liked the girl, then I showed activity myself. The marathon, which she demanded for complete satisfaction, I could not stand, so in bed we did not fit each other. Once again, she made peace with her friend (alfonso, a drunkard, was in her care) and we remained good friends. Subsequently, she married my classmate, a roommate in an institute hostel. She had a beautiful friend, I don’t remember her name, but according to her stories, she loved men very much. In absentia, she introduced us a long time ago. One evening, she brings this friend, and I bring my friend (who later married Lila) and we have no choice but to lie in pairs in the same room to the sounds of Dr. Alban (popular music at that time). Yes, men in the life of that friend occupy not the last place ... Not even a few seconds had passed after we lay down, as we had already begun the “jumps” - waiting until the neighboring couple fell asleep, the girlfriend would not have had the patience ... It’s a pity that the case, not brought me together with this friend again - perhaps in a separate room I would be more liberated ...

Nurse. Borya met them on the street, during a city holiday (Kyiv Day). He introduced me to a nurse, my name is Irina. We walked, agreed to meet in a couple of days near the metro. I drove up on a motorcycle (I had Java then). She had just finished her daily duty and really wanted to sleep. With the condition not to pester, I took her to my dorm to rest (sleep). I did not fulfill the condition - the resistance was active and I remember the fact that the resistance activity turned into an active offensive as soon as I touched the clitoris with my finger. Like I pressed a button! After the first contact, she changed her mind just to rest, smoked, told me a story that I was her second (and why do girls tell this? I never ask, but I listen to these revelations from every second - they probably justify not virginity) Then we again fell asleep and broke up. Oddly, she didn't leave an address or phone number... and never showed up again.

Vika. This girl loves to fuck, knows how to fuck, literally her whole life is to fuck! She “made” me in the bathroom, then in bed, then in the country ... We made love under the covers, while she was smoking and talking with friends who came in at the wrong time, through the open door! They didn’t even notice - we thought we were just lying (I pretended to be sleeping) We didn’t agree on the time of the process - she needs a marathon, at least two hours and right away, in the very first episode! In the first series, I can’t even take five minutes, and I’m reluctant to go to the second or third with an already “former” girlfriend.

Youngsters. I was lying in a room with three girls, i.e. I lay with one, the other two lay on adjacent beds. It was about one in the morning. Borya came in and asked me to help unload the car, which allegedly came with some kind of goods and urgently needed to be unloaded ... It turned out that this was just a false excuse to get me out of the hostel - on the street he said that two underage girls were waiting for us at his friend's apartment . With the one that will be with me, no one has yet been (-clean, he checked it himself-, to himself, Borya probably thought then). We went to the apartment, the girls (14 years old) were lying and watching porn videos. I silently lay down with mine (without saying a word - I already had such an experience once), having settled down behind, did my job (under the covers) and fell asleep. In the morning I woke up before everyone else, and after saying goodbye to Borey, he went about his business. I never saw those girls again, but I remember this incident because I caught the gonorrhea again. This time the treatment was more painful - without testing, I recovered on my own, but as it turned out, I simply healed the disease. A few months later, for no apparent reason (I didn’t sleep with anyone at that time without a condom), I started to leak again. He passed the tests, received a prescription and was cured with more potent antibiotics ... Borya was ill with gonorrhea (and not only) chronically, so these diseases did not cling to him ...

Mandavoshki and scabies. Half of the dorms itched, at first it was scabies, then lice began to find ... It's nonsense that mandavoshki are transmitted only sexually - my friend Sasha and I picked them up then for no "apparent reason" - we didn’t sleep with anyone (sometimes it worked out that way, there were no suitable girls), and pubic lice were picked up ... I also transferred scabies to my student hostel, infecting all my neighbors and friends. Everyone was satisfied - firstly, they gained experience, secondly, a two-hour hour before bedtime very much calmed the nerves and distracted from insomnia. They were treated for scabies with sulfuric ointment. From mandavoshki - shaving on the head and kerosene.

Borya. Walking sex, but no brains. A person of Caucasian nationality (like me). Sleeps with everything that moves - with beautiful girls, with ugly girls, with beautiful and ugly boys (blue). From the age of 15 in prison, diagnosed with kleptomania, car theft. At 30 he was released and ended up in Kyiv, to his brother. In the same place, in Kyiv, I accidentally “stumbled upon” this hostel of the Kyiv shoe factory. And pulled me...

Sunday was my daughter's birthday. a lot of people, my wife and I are very tired ... After the guests leave, I stand in the kitchen. My daughter is in my arms. My wife is doing something on the table, standing with her back to me. I was about to say, I don’t remember what, I forgot, to be honest, right away ... I open my mouth and ... my wife turns at that moment and puts a baby bottle of milk into my mouth.
As it turned out later, it was a pure reflex. Milk went to the first
caught open mouth...

Kick, Yesterday I was going home in a hurry, I did not turn off the computer (the sound is not turned off in ICQ). Some kind of infection at 2 am decided to add me to his contact list. I think you know what it sounds like. In short, a security company informed me about this - an acoustic sensor was triggered, which reacts only to the sound of breaking glass. I had to come to work...

About what, let me tell you one mini story that happened when buying rubber products in one stall, most likely in some Tmutarakan alley.
So. To a rather topical question about the expiration date of pr#zerv@tivs, the seller of that stall, and he was of a typically Caucasian appearance, gave an amazingly concise and, from a certain point of view, correct answer:
- Adyn time.

I remembered a story on the topic of the Russian language (translation), maybe someone has not heard ...

At a time when American films were just beginning to appear on
vastness of our large country, when translators translated films from
"clothespin on the nose", saw a wonderful scene ...

Just now.
I'm driving to work, there's a traffic jam ahead. I pull up, I slow down
and ... I fall headlong onto the steering wheel from laughter: the car in front has a number
Oh, and the guy with the number was out of luck!

Yesterday I saw enough German p0pnuhi. The battery broke today. I sit in the water and think - to call a plumber or not ...

The fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" tells about the amazing adventures of the girl Ellie and her friends - the Scarecrow, the Bold Lion and the Tin Woodman - in the Magic Land. For many years, millions of boys and girls have been reading this story with pleasure.

SEXXX HUNTMAN, or Rules for Efficient Sex Hunting Jan Coburn

How long does it take to at least interest a girl (and what will happen next - only you know)? I will answer: "maximum - a day." You think I'm kidding? Read this book. You will say: “Another guide, boring ...” NO! From this book you will learn how to "hunt" effectively, get great pleasure from it and give no less pleasure to girls. Each chapter is a real life story. Read, apply, do not deny yourself what you want ... Successful hunting!

The Wizard of the Emerald City (with illustrations) Aleksandr Volkov

The fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City" tells about the amazing adventures of the girl Ellie and her friends - the Scarecrow, the Bold Lion and the Tin Woodman - in the Magic Country. For many years, millions of boys and girls have been reading this story with pleasure.

Girls in tears Jacqueline Wilson

Publisher's annotation: In the new, already fourth book about Ellie, Magda and Nadine, girlfriends often cry. When you are fourteen years old, there are more than enough reasons for this. Why are girls crying? Yes, they have a million reasons to cry, and each one seems like a disaster! Ellie feels like her amazing romance with Russell is falling apart and her heart is almost broken. Magda has lost her hamster and is tormented by remorse. And Nadine is fed up with the constant boring lectures of her friends about the dangers of dating on the Internet, although it seems to her that her Internet boyfriend ...

Inhabited island (Restored full ... Arkady Strugatsky

This is the final version of the novel, revised by Boris Strugatsky in 1992. In a sense, it is also the original. Abbreviations and corrections made during the first publication have been restored. Well, the following changes are noticeable to the eye: The old version. ----- Canonical version. Fiery Creators ------ Unknown Fathers In the original there were also other names of the heroes, but it will not be possible to restore them. Maxim Kamerer ----- Maxim Rostislavsky Rudolf Sikorsky ----- Pavel Grigorievich Read more about the history of these variants in the afterword.

Christianity and Ergot Denis Absentis

"Not only LSD is a drug. Christianity too, and much more subtle and complex, giving you some kind of blindness." Osho Rajneesh. Mustard seed Is Osho right, and how could the synergy of both have enriched world history? That's what this book is about. The book examines some aspects of world history from a very unexpected angle: how did the constant intake of rye ergot affect the behavior of people and history itself? Pious Christians are recommended to read only with validol under the tongue, and even then it is not known whether you will remain so after reading this book ...

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Iron cross for a sniper. Sniper Assassin... Bruno Sutkus

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Scandalous Weddings (Compilation) Brenda Joyce

Before you - a collection of lovely stories ABOUT LOVE. Stories sensual and romantic, tender - and frankly mischievous. Stories you can't put down! So, wedding. Every woman's dream? Yes. The door to the wonderful world of happiness? Maybe. But how does it open? These are the funniest, most incredible, most SCANDALAL weddings in the history of love fiction. Read - and enjoy!

We are ours, we are new... Konstantin Kalbanov

Annotation: Kleso history did wag. But did it follow a new stitch or is it just a temporary phenomenon and everything will return to normal? Is what has already been done enough or is it just the beginning of the journey? Is there another way, or do all roads lead to only one starting point? Questions, questions... The Rosich cycle is completed, it remains to subtract, make corrections, after which I will transfer it to the publishing house. Many thanks to the readers for their support and help, I would especially like to thank Boris and lesna who advised me, as well as active critics and not only: Askold and ...

Ryu Murakami

Just as in Russian literature there are two Erofeevs and several Tolstoys, so in Japanese literature there are two Murakami who have no relation to each other. Haruki is more popular outside of Japan, but Ryu Murakami is much more radical, a sort of bully from Japanese literature. The novel "69" is the story of a generation that read Kesey, listened to Jimi Hendrix, smoked marijuana and believed that the world could be changed for the better. For this book, Murakami was awarded the Literary Prize. Akutagawa. "A combination of exotic, erotic and amazing writing...

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A story to be continued Ekaterina Beletskaya

This book will NEVER be published. And never become popular. It does not fit into the concept of action-fiction-fantasy. She is different. Very difficult and difficult to understand. I don't know how to talk about my books - because the text will always speak for itself. It is best to read the Romantics before the "History", then the events described here will be more understandable. WARNING! This is hypertext - in order to fully understand, you need to read everything. Chapter 21, for example, can dock with 8. Shl IMHO from the author. I don't know why it's all there...

The history of one city Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin

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Where and what went in the Navy Victor Dygalo

The author, a Russian sailor, rear admiral, who knows the matter to the subtleties, talks about the fleet, its customs, foundations and traditions, about their origins and development. The book is recommended to the widest reader interested in the history of the Motherland. Rear Admiral DYGALO Viktor Ananyevich was born in 1926 in Odessa. He began his service in the Navy in 1942. Participated in the Great Patriotic War on warships of the Black Sea Fleet. Member of the Victory Parade in Moscow. In 1947 he graduated from the Higher Naval School. Frunze and served on the submarines of the Pacific ... Andrey Balabukha

Forget what you were taught in school. Don't trust "professional" historians. Do not take the textbook as the ultimate truth. History has never been an exact science - it is oversaturated with myths. The past is filled with people who are innocently cursed and slandered or, conversely, undeservedly exalted. Prince Svyatopolk was not the Accursed, Tsarevich Dmitry was an impostor, Richard III was a villain, and Alexander Nevsky was not a Saint. The exploits of both Susanin and the "Panfilov heroes" are fictional. Everything was completely different. How? Read the new sensational book by Andrey Balabukha! Nosovskiy…

History of the Ancient World Sergey Nefedov

A popular account of the history of the ancient world. A story told like a novel. A fun read for all history buffs. A book that tells in a fascinating way how the laws of history played with the fate of millions of people and how people comprehended these laws. This book does not require a special preface - it can be read simply as a "history novel". For lovers of history, Sergey Nefedov's book is a real treasure - they can find a lot of new and interesting things here - not only facts, but also a concept that helps to understand history.

Stories about animals and people (collection) Lyudmila Ulitskaya

I’ll tell you a secret: in every adult, that boy or girl is deeply hidden, which they were in childhood. It is sometimes difficult and uninteresting for a child to read adult books, but some adults have not lost the ability to read children's books. But it’s not easy for them either, because a young person from five to ten is much easier to imagine how a cat is talking to a plant on the windowsill, and an old horse is naughty, because she wants everyone to love her. In addition, it is not always clear to an adult that a broken watch can be huge ...

Internet conversation.
1: I'm a loser.
2: Well, what happened to you again?
1: Look, there are 10 people in the group: 9 girls and me. We closed the session, decided to go to nature. Since no one knows how to fry shish kebab, we decided to fry sausages.
I called my brother, asking what and how to fry, along the way explaining why all this, when suddenly a crazy rzhach and hysteria starts on the other end, and after half a minute the phone hangs up.
2: So you went to nature, then?
1: To hell with her, nature, I receive an SMS from my brother in the evening: "You are a fool, girls should be fried, not sausages!"

Tell your friends:

It brought me somehow to some kind of semi-state transport office.
The director is a normal man, himself one of the former drivers. We sit in his office. Here is a call from the governor's garage, asking to send a little man. They have an offsite meeting in a rural area and a crowd of deputies and officials must be brought there. There are enough jeeps, but not enough drivers. Like, someone more experienced came. The director, without delay, communicates loudly with the secretary:
- Lida, send me Timofeech, our sewer.
Secretary, a woman apparently simple:
- Is it the one that carries shit?
- Yes. Tell me, there is a usual job for him, only on a foreign car.

Tell your friends:

Somehow I found on the phone a photo of a friend where his hand seems to be holding x * d.
And so I decided to put x * d in my hand, since Photoshop skills allow).
So I did, at first I sent a photo in a personal, there was no answer, and the devil pulled me to post this photo on his wall, called all my classmates, comments followed and a fucking cloud of likes. but it’s not ashamed because of this, it turns out that his parents look at his page in VK. Well, in general, the parents went to VK on time, they weren’t particularly indignant, they just joked about what kind of Photoshop master he was. The next day at school, I found out about it, was successfully ignored on VK, and received pi * dy from a friend for a week
My arm still hurts
Shame on you gentlemen.

Tell your friends:

It all happened about 5 years ago, I was a small and naive 18-year-old girl. I dated this guy for almost a year. Studied together, at the same faculty. There was everything: both joyful, happy moments, and quarrels, scandals ... But then something happened that made me think very seriously about the future of our relationship.
He often stayed at my house. And he seems to be quite used to it. One night he comes to my house, drunk (he was drinking with friends), falls asleep. I try to move away from him as far as possible so as not to feel this "aroma of fun". He seemed to calm down, fell asleep ... With the thoughts that I would arrange for him tomorrow morning, I did not even suspect that this was not the end of this memorable night. After 15 minutes, he gets up and, as if nothing had happened, sits down on a chair at the computer desk and does his "wet work" right on my computer!
Feeling relieved, he nicely and comfortably triples back into bed. My indignation simply knew no bounds.
In the morning he begged forgiveness from me on his knees. Then this topic was not even raised, so to speak, it was banned. But the sediment remained, plus a bunch of reasons for parting were added. So, six months after this wet story, we broke up. Now it's even funny to remember.

From the author (This story was edited by my beloved Elsa Arman)
Shameful stories (Cycle “Stories not for everyone” 18. plus.) . They are a little sad, to some extent even unscrupulous, however, they were written, apparently, not in my best period. Dear reader, I apologize in advance. With all my heart I do not love, I hate cruelty. Especially the cruelty that is colored by lust. And hypocrisy is also terrible, it hides grave sins under it. A good person is the one about whom you say: what is on his mind, then on his tongue, if he is smart and generous with his heart, then, having experienced everything in the world, you will become a righteous man ... if you do not hate yourself.
Read my friends, here are images, and only they are invented in my life .. Although there are many such things in our life, oh ...

Each of us keeps the abyss within us.
From time to time we peer into it,
again and again shuddering from the pictures,
appearing in all their monstrous nakedness.

Autumn slush and dankness, cold rain outside the window. It seems that the whole world is saturated with despondency and longing. Haze, misty haze, such as happens when autumn plunges the whole world into sleep. I slowly drank hot fragrant tea, sitting in the kitchen at the house of my friends - young spouses who had moved to our wilderness from the city of I. Anna sorted out clean linen, humming something softly under her breath. She was six months pregnant, so she looked like a sort of thing in herself. Oleg was writing something, sitting at the computer and rustling the keyboard. It was September 1998.

Have you checked the bathhouse?” he asked softly as he entered the kitchen. I only nodded in response, being in some kind of sleepy stupefaction, the fatigue of the last days affected. “Then Anna and I will go. I nodded back again. The hosts went to the bathhouse, taking with them a couple of buckets of clean water. I was left to finish the cold tea.

After a while, I threw a raincoat over my shoulders and went out for a smoke. The rain had almost stopped, and it was the same dull autumn time outside, about which it is customary to write poetic lines. There were no stars to be seen in the evening sky, covered with a storm front. I don’t know what prompted me to go along the dilapidated, rickety fence in places, along the old flocks and the pigsty, to where the small window of the bath shone like a bright spot. Now that I have found the strength to recognize in myself this vicious passion for peeping, it is quite easy for me to talk about my act. Earlier, that is, then, on an autumn evening in 1998, I was tormented by feelings of committing sin. A sweet mixture of anticipation of something shameful, forbidden and completely immoral, such as happens in early childhood when you spy on naked adults.

Standing in such a way that the light from the window would not illuminate my figure, shaking from the cold, I began to peer into the slightly smoked glass with shameless greed. Anna had already taken off her bathrobe, under which there was not a single thread. A young elastic body, a slightly rounded belly and a chest that began to fill up, defiantly protruding nipples, the imagination immediately completed those details invisible with the same accuracy that the window glass hid. Curly hair, completely unshaven in the manner of city women, between rounded thighs under her stomach, and beads of sweat that appeared all over her body. As if in reality, I smelled a bath, heat and steamed sweaty bodies. Following her undressed and Oleg. I involuntarily leaned forward to get a better look at his young body, filled with elastic masculine strength. It seemed to me that here, too, I saw beads of sweat flowing between the curly hairs on his chest. The man Oleg turned out to be what he needed - a wide chest covered with curly hair, the muscles are not Hollywood, but precisely those that are, as it were, hidden under a thin layer of fat. In fact, these can be both soft and at the same time hard, like a boulder. Buttocks, hairy elastic, slightly protruding.

At that moment, Oleg raised his eyes and peered out the window, but it was getting dark quickly and I was lucky. I recoiled again, but an unknown vicious force again made me look out the window. Anna was pouring water into huge basins, chirping merrily. I could not hear the words at all, but my helpful imagination simply merged the autumn sounds surrounding me into a cantata dear to my heart. Oleg answered something, slowly lathering his washcloth, and smiled affably. Gently, barely touching, he began to rub his wife's back and buttocks, the soapy washcloth, caressing, descended lower and lower, his movements became more and more uneven, and finally the washcloth slipped in the crease between the legs and buttocks. Hurry and fast, like a pickpocket, she drew soapy paths on Anna's lower back. I was struck by his nature, which turned out to be not too big, but rather thick and resilient. With them, he, as if by chance, touched the hips of Anna, who was leaning on the shelves. White soapy suds lay in smooth patterns on Anna's arched back and flowed in thin streams down to the honeycomb of her buttocks. Oleg continued. His movements were now depicted to me as a kind of magical, bewitching action, more and more attracting me to the window. At some point, all doubts about the unseemliness of my act were simply discarded, and I gave myself over to vice.

I peered greedily out the misted window, praying that they would not notice my lustful look. Anna, like a cat, stretched, obviously enjoying the touch of a soft washcloth, turned to face Oleg and playfully ran her fingertips from the middle of her husband's chest to his hardened and ready to fight member, leaving a soapy trail on the adhered hairs of his chest. My head began to spin, and I closed my eyes for a moment so as not to completely lose my mind. My whole body was suddenly filled with a hot, longed-for thrill. Now I did not take my eyes off Oleg's face.

Sometimes it seems to me that at that moment I could not see all the subtleties of this game. However, it was then that I realized that the imagination inherent in the picker will helpfully complement everything that makes dirty glass inaccessible. Oleg threw back his head and imperiously pressed on his wife's shoulders, showing her the way down. Anna sat down, at the same time pouring water from a bucket on his cock and immediately began to caress him with her tongue. With difficulty I resisted not to fall to the window, for the fear of being exposed, somewhere in the depths of my consciousness sounded the alarm. With just one careless movement, I could completely deprive myself of the pleasure of beholding the love game of young people. Like a hunter stalking game, I hid, forcing myself to move back a little into the shade of the barn. However, this did not stop me from seeing Oleg's hands stroking Anna's wet hair, enthusiastically sucking his penis. Treacherous imagination supplemented the picture with the appearance of thin saliva on the lips of a woman, and even a semblance of a smell that stood out at the same time. I did not notice the cold and the rain that had begun to fall again, my body was seized with a passionate trembling, which made the blood roar in my ears so loudly that this noise drowned out my thoughts. Like an animal, unbridled and wild, I squeezed my swollen penis in my cold palm, which I didn’t know when I managed to pull out of my pants. Apparently, I squeezed the head so hard that I felt pain. This brought me to my senses a little, pulling me out of the clutches of lust. Belated shame mixed with short pleasure when my hand became sticky.

Finally, Anna got up, sliding her chest and stomach over Oleg's chest and turning to the basin, began to lather her head, as if nothing had happened. Oleg stood for some time, resting his hands on the shelves and, as it seemed to me, shuddered with pleasure. Tears of hatred and self-pity ran down my cheeks, and I turned and wandered toward the porch.
Somewhere a dog barked loudly, and I hurried back to the house. This fall, I left for the city And ... to continue my studies ....

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