Dirty believable stories. Another funny but vulgar story from the life of an inhabitant


beautiful blonde was sitting next to Borea when I entered the room. Since Borya in appearance (but, unfortunately, not in bed) is not a competitor to me, the first thing I asked him, taking him aside, was he with her and, of course, would he mind ... I was lucky - Borya with he hasn't been to her yet, but he doesn't seem to care, he can wait. I don’t remember how I rejuvenated her, but that same evening we, three couples, lay down in the same room, on different beds. The sleeping quarters were covered with curtains. Vitya was lying with Kenya, Borya with Tanya, I was with the new blonde. The beginning was good - she began to do “miracles” with her tongue, licking me from head to toe. A couple of minutes after we lay down (so that the creaking of beds and different sighs did not hurt the hearing of neighboring couples, music was playing) I made an attempt to "invasion" - first I felt the entrance with my fingers and felt something: I took out someone's full of smelly sperm condom! The excitement vanished. Confused, I raised the condom in front of her nose and asked
- What is this? (and abruptly threw the condom on the floor)
- I don’t know, yesterday I watched the video and fell asleep (and blushed thickly)
I quickly jumped up (I finally realized what I had taken out of there), and dressed, went to the washstand. She got dressed and ran after me. Someone, Borya or Vitya, jokingly shouted - Why are you so fast? I wanted to immediately tell how she stopped me and asked me to be silent and not tell anyone (so I listened to her ... while she was washing, I told everyone everything and asked not to laugh). We went to the washbasin, I washed my hands and led her into the shower. I went into the room, and from a laugh that was hard to contain, she guessed that I had let it slip. No matter what, we slept with her, and in the morning she disappeared.

To Natasha friend arrived. Pretty. I just went to spend the night (usually I slept there with Natasha's neighbor, Tanya, just like that, without full contact) and, seeing my girlfriend lying freely, lay down next to me (without saying hello or name ...). At night, she did not resist for a long time (more precisely, she did not resist at all), and in the morning we finally met - it turned out that her name was Valya, she came to have an abortion. Once an abortion, then an abortion, I said, and as I was leaving I asked Valya to come back when she wants, i.e. when it heals. Strange, it healed up in a couple of days. Apparently I really wanted to. But personally, I was busy, and I lost interest. And my friend, Sasha, immediately agreed. In the morning - everything is in his blood, the whole bed is in blood (and I didn’t tell him that I was with her - why spoil relations and impressions). Long story short, I thought it was a girl. And he was too shy to ask. I told him that she had an abortion two days ago, and probably not the first.

Larisa. I wanted to go to the village to a friend, I was waiting for the bus. She stood beside him and waited. The bus didn't show up, but word by word we went to the hostel... I've never seen such a monster in sex. We did not sleep all night or, on the contrary, slept 7-8 times. In the morning, she said that for the first time she was tired of sex in her life (at 17 years old?). I understand that this is a compliment. During the week spent with her, I finished as many times as in the next 5 years of my life. She told about her life - she began to masturbate at the age of 13, if she doesn’t masturbate at least three times a day, she feels bad, at 15 she was raped by a neighbor, to whom she just went up to drink a cup of coffee, except for sex she is not interested in anything, she never cooked eat, never cleaned. The fact that she does not know how to cook manifested itself immediately - she ruined my scrambled eggs. The mess in her apartment was also surprising - you can only move with long steps, stepping over piles of garbage and unnecessary things ... Once we had a rest visiting Sasha and his girlfriend. Got drunk. Larisa put forward an ultimatum - either I'm leaving or Jeanne (Sasha's friend) will go to the shower with her to make love. Zhanna (a devout girl, a Catholic) was in such a state that she took this news as a joke and we persuaded her to take a shower with Larisa. The girls are gone. After a while, Larisa flies in, out of her mind, to the questions where Zhanna is, she answers that she doesn’t know where this fool is ... she ran away from her, no one knows where ... Larisa falls on the bed and falls asleep. We go to look for Zhanna and find her in one of the corridors of the hostel, all in tears and cowardly, it is not clear why. They listened - Larisa, as soon as they went into the shower (there was a common shower in the hostel, it was lucky that there was no one at the moment when they came in), closed the common shower doors and attacked Zhanna - started tearing her underwear, kissing between her legs, moaning ... and Jeanne, of course, resisted. Here, too, the girls began to knock on the door - why did they close there? Zhanna escaped, opened the door and ran away... Zhanna was calmed down and returned to the room. I went to Larisa, who was sleeping with a show off, and there was “little space” for me - a drunken nymph bit and scratched during sex (it can be seen from anger that Zhanna did not work out) and haunted me all night ...

Young accelerator. A girl of 16 years old came to a mutual friend, her height and weight are higher than usual ... She is pretty, she is studying to be a cook at a school ... We drank together and Borya arranged a separate room for me to spend the night with her. Everything would be fine, but the girl seemed to fall in love and after the first night she wanted a second, third ... But I had to go on a business trip for a few days, so we broke up. In a few days I arrive, she is waiting for me like (as if in love). None of my friends says anything to me, but I, naive, think that everything is in order and spend the night with her as usual ... The next day she leaves home, says that she will arrive soon, but I already feel something is wrong ... Something else came through three days, when the “faucet dripped” and the underpants began to get dirty. I had gonorrhea for the first time, I cured it on my own, consulting with friends. I learned that during the period of my departure, there was a queue for the “supposedly in love accelerator” - Borya, Sasha “Borzoy”, Armenians and others (I don’t know others) Everyone, except Borya, fell ill. They fell ill from one of the people on the waiting list (like from the Armenian, who was also infected by someone and did not recover). She, of course, never came back.

Lily. The masculine character, beautiful, strong, “kept” almost the entire hostel at bay. We drank together a couple of times, but the opportunity to get to know each other better came when she quarreled with her friend - she herself called me to her place. I didn’t have to hint for a long time - if I liked the girl, then I showed activity myself. The marathon, which she demanded for complete satisfaction, I could not stand, so in bed we did not fit each other. Once again, she made peace with her friend (alfonso, a drunkard, was in her care) and we remained good friends. Subsequently, she married my classmate, a roommate in an institute hostel. She had a beautiful friend, I don’t remember her name, but according to her stories, she loved men very much. In absentia, she introduced us a long time ago. One evening, she brings this friend, and I bring my friend (who later married Lila) and we have no choice but to lie in pairs in the same room to the sounds of Dr. Alban (popular music at that time). Yes, men in the life of that friend occupy not the last place ... Not even a few seconds had passed after we lay down, as we had already begun the “jumps” - waiting until the neighboring couple fell asleep, the girlfriend would not have had the patience ... It’s a pity that the case, not brought me together with this friend again - perhaps in a separate room I would be more liberated ...

Nurse. Borya met them on the street, during a city holiday (Kyiv Day). He introduced me to a nurse, my name is Irina. We walked, agreed to meet in a couple of days near the metro. I drove up on a motorcycle (I had Java then). She had just finished her daily duty and really wanted to sleep. With the condition not to pester, I took her to my dorm to rest (sleep). I did not fulfill the condition - the resistance was active and I remember the fact that the resistance activity turned into an active offensive as soon as I touched the clitoris with my finger. Like I pressed a button! After the first contact, she changed her mind just to rest, smoked, told me a story that I was her second (and why do girls tell this? I never ask, but I listen to these revelations from every second - they probably justify not virginity) Then we again fell asleep and broke up. Oddly, she didn't leave an address or phone number... and never showed up again.

Vika. This girl loves to fuck, knows how to fuck, literally her whole life is to fuck! She “made” me in the bathroom, then in bed, then in the country ... We made love under the covers, while she was smoking and talking with friends who came in at the wrong time, through the open door! They didn’t even notice - we thought we were just lying (I pretended to be sleeping) We didn’t agree on the time of the process - she needs a marathon, at least two hours and right away, in the very first episode! In the first series, I can’t even take five minutes, and I’m reluctant to go to the second or third with an already “former” girlfriend.

Youngsters. I was lying in a room with three girls, i.e. I lay with one, the other two lay on adjacent beds. It was about one in the morning. Borya came in and asked me to help unload the car, which allegedly came with some kind of goods and urgently needed to be unloaded ... It turned out that this was just a false excuse to get me out of the hostel - on the street he said that two underage girls were waiting for us at his friend's apartment . With the one that will be with me, no one has yet been (-clean, he checked it himself-, to himself, Borya probably thought then). We went to the apartment, the girls (14 years old) were lying and watching porn videos. I silently lay down with mine (without saying a word - I already had such an experience once), having settled down behind, did my job (under the covers) and fell asleep. In the morning I woke up before everyone else, and after saying goodbye to Borey, he went about his business. I never saw those girls again, but I remember this incident because I caught the gonorrhea again. This time the treatment was more painful - without testing, I recovered on my own, but as it turned out, I simply healed the disease. A few months later, for no apparent reason (I didn’t sleep with anyone at that time without a condom), I started to leak again. He passed the tests, received a prescription and was cured with more potent antibiotics ... Borya was ill with gonorrhea (and not only) chronically, so these diseases did not cling to him ...

Mandavoshki and scabies. Half of the dorms itched, at first it was scabies, then lice began to find ... It's nonsense that mandavoshki are transmitted only sexually - my friend Sasha and I picked them up then for no "apparent reason" - we didn’t sleep with anyone (sometimes it worked out that way, there were no suitable girls), and pubic lice were picked up ... I also transferred scabies to my student hostel, infecting all my neighbors and friends. Everyone was satisfied - firstly, they gained experience, secondly, a two-hour hour before bedtime very much calmed the nerves and distracted from insomnia. They were treated for scabies with sulfuric ointment. From mandavoshki - shaving on the head and kerosene.

Borya. Walking sex, but no brains. A person of Caucasian nationality (like me). Sleeps with everything that moves - with beautiful girls, with ugly girls, with beautiful and ugly boys (blue). From the age of 15 in prison, diagnosed with kleptomania, car theft. At 30 he was released and ended up in Kyiv, to his brother. In the same place, in Kyiv, I accidentally “stumbled upon” this hostel of the Kyiv shoe factory. And pulled me...

A new fairy tale about Pinocchio.

Italiano Pepperoni - very tasty pasta!
Eat olives, eat pasta, with hot Tabasco sauce!
So the fairy tale began, about a boy with a long nose. The one that turned from a log into an oligarch.

Once upon a time, there was an old organ-grinder... He did not acquire anything at all... Only an old hurdy-gurdy, gathering dust in his corner.
The peasant lived in a closet, the kennels are a bit larger, from the conveniences - only a toilet, and even that one is two hundred meters away.
There was only one friend - Giuseppe, he worked as a carpenter, A couple of times usually, a month - the rest of the time he sour.
And the organ-grinder gathered here, to visit his friend, Before that, he came in, for a bottle of strong Grappa.
"Hello Blue Nose Giuseppe!" (it was driving), "What have you bungled new? Or are you just drinking again?" -
"Nothing, my friend Carlo, I did not do for a week. Only I got an old log in the garbage hemorrhoids got through me, so it hurts even to fart! And I just sit and drink - that's such entertainment!"
"Nothing, my friend, Giuseppe, what to do - it's old age ... We'll drink a glass - we'll feel better right away."
The bottle was empty all of a sudden... All about everything - about fifteen minutes... These two sick Old Farts, but they thump like students...
As usual, after drinking, they needed to fight, what kind of booze without a fight? When are two best friends?
A hook in the jaw, investing from the shoulder - this is the old organ grinder hitting ... Here with a log, hitting the forehead from a turn - already Giuseppe!
Enough so, having fun, everyone was satisfied - "You know what, take a log! It may still come in handy."
Taking a log under the armpit of Carlo, he was going to go home, but the log, dodging, poked him in the eye out of anger!
It's good that he missed - he could have been left without an eye! "What the fuck chock you slipped me today?
Or do you want to do it again, get fucked again?!" - "What are you, Carlo! As possible! You see, the log itself !!!"
"Hey, fools! Stop sour! - then the log told them - It would be better to do business in order to earn money!"
Looking at each other, Carlo was the first to say the word - "You know what, my friend Giuseppe - we need to put an end to drinking."
And without saying a word, silently he stomped home, On the way, thinking - "What kind of strange log?"
With grief Grappa wound up, five hundred more grams from the bottling, He pinned home at night, deafeningly hiccuping.
Early in the morning, he woke up, "Hey moron, stop sleeping!" - This is a strange log, a sonorous voice gave.
"Enough sleep - take a planer! Let's make Pinocchio!" With a loud fart, old Carlo fell off the bed with a thud.
"Probably you can't drink any more - So the "Squirrel" is coming..."
Having sobered up at that moment, he decided to ask a question: “What kind of wonderful little animal is it now taking out my brains?”
"I'm an ordinary young boy, just a little bewitched, an evil witch drug addict ... I turned into a log ... But it's real to save me - you just need to take a planer! But the only "Hat" - I will remain wooden!"
Old Carlo took the planer, assessing with a dull look that the log is better in the furnace - at least it will be so warm.
In that second, having guessed, Starper's nasty thoughts, That log, but with a run - struck a blow in the balls!
And the organ-grinder, seeing the stars all in the sky, With a quiet cry, spread out on the floor, in the middle of the closet...
"So what? - the log said - Repeat one more time? Or maybe we'll get busy, we'll have a wonderful transformation?"
"No, thank you ... - said Carlo - I'm already much better! Very quickly and clearly, you explain the essence to me ..."
Taking a planer, firmly in his hands, he began to plan a log ... A wonderful miracle happened! - Pinocchio appeared!
With a long nose, like a heron, so that you can f*ck candy, he closed his eyes and said - "Beloved dad!"
Old Carlo shed a tear - he dreamed of being a dad all his life! It’s just a pity that by nature, he was a congenital impotent ...
So the boy appeared in the life of an old swindler who had been spinning a barrel organ all his life and had never worked ...
Men began to live together, Papa Carlo became happy! Every evening Pinocchio brought a glass of Grappa.
And Carlo once said - "You need to learn to read and write, otherwise, Pinocchio - you will remain a log."
And in the morning, pop * dachil old grunt at a flea market, To get hold of books for the Aspen Boy ...
Papa Carlo sold the jacket... "God be with her, with this old jacket, but now I can make Pinocchio smart!"
With this joyful thought, he was going to go home, On the way, not forgetting to drink Grappa from the tavern.
"Hello wooden boy! My beloved Pinocchio! I brought a book as a gift so that you become an oligarch!
""All about raider seizures"" - this is such a gift for you, maybe you will become great, like Uncle Carabas!..."
"Oh, thank you, dear dad! How happy I will be now!" and hugging old fart Carlo, he farted very softly.
"Tomorrow you f*cking to school! Stop playing tricks at home! Go to bed and tomorrow morning, I'll sew clothes for you!"
I glued a paper jacket, concocted a cap from a sock ... "Very creative and almost modern ..."
Early in the morning, Pinocchio from Papa Carlo's closet, He went out to the seashore and leaned into worldly life ...
The path lay, of course, to school (initially it was supposed to), but for some reason, on the way, I met a wandering booth.
Performances were given there (and not only for children) ... Music played loudly, groans of passion were heard!
"What a miracle - an institution! - the kid thought to himself - there is a school, it was and will be, but this is the first time!"
There, on the poster, Malvina, frankly in blue thongs, invited all the boys, and not only to laugh ...
Quickly exchanging the book for a ticket to the "Valley of Passion", Pinocchio plunged into the world of sin and pleasure...
Three prostitutes undertook at once to "credit" the boy, and he finished, unable to restrain himself - eight times in three minutes!
And as a reward for bliss, what brings back to life, Pinocchio did famously
im magical cunnilingus!
Those prostitutes were shocked - Pinocchio is just a Guru! If only he wants - everything will be given to him for free!
The wooden one, having been blown away by such magical miracles, Sadly thought "Why, this circus has not met before!..."
Then he enters the arena, a man with evil eyes, That is the owner of porn studios, bearded Karabase!
Announces a super competition "Who cracks a nut hu*m - he will receive three hundred Euros! For an attempt - only a hundred!"
Pinocchio, inspired, decided to try his luck, Once - a blow! The nut is split! His penis is just like new!
Because Papa Carlo, in life, did everything in good faith! Even a pussy for a boy he planed with a knife for two days!
Carabase is simply in shock! "I got three hundred Euros! We need to lure this boy to the circus to me as soon as possible ..."
Immediately after the performance, he called him to himself, offered him a job - to be an actor in porn studios.
"No problem! - said the boy - There are only a couple of conditions - we take Papa Carlo from the closet, damn it, smelly ..."
Karabas, having heard about it, put his fist in his mouth and, having given a thousand Euros, let the boy go home ...
And saying goodbye - "Let him extend the lease, Certainly forty years, I'll buy his closet!"
Pinocchio was surprised (for nothing, that there are sawdust in the brains) “What the hell is Uncle Carabas, that smelly hut?
It can be seen that things are not clean here, there is a secret, most likely ... "Running home skipping, he returned the book to the Lombard.
On the way, getting hungry, he decided to eat in a tavern, Two people sat down with him there - a tattered cat with a stinking fox ...
Seeing that there is money in Pinocchio's wallet, the Cat said that he was an investor in the field of nanotechnology!
They say that he knows the place - there is one secret training ground, it is possible to get there only overnight
Three hundred percent!
Pinocchio, opening his mouth, ordered the cat as soon as possible, Show that magical meadow where the miracle will be!
Having drunk stronger Chianti, a wooden blockhead, Three left the tavern, with the thought of earning an ambulance ...
And having decided to speed things up (not to mess around with the garbage heap), Pinocchio was given a terrible dose of Clonidine to drink.
For nothing that is wooden - I put the Euro in my mouth - It just didn’t work out that way, to get hold of the investment!
And hanging on a birch, down with the brains of Pinocchio, The scoundrels fell asleep to continue again in the morning.
At the same time, in the dense forest, Malvina went for a walk, and the boy saw that his ears were hanging to the ground.
Immediately calling Artemon (she walked with him together) - They removed the boy from the tree - he was pretty battered ...
The eye is hit, and the jacket is in tatters... - the cat did his best, But the wooden prankster - he doesn't give up so easily!
Putting him on the ground, at once Malvina revived the Wooden Boy with a miraculous blowjob!
And falling in love with Pinocchio (or rather - in his birdie) - "Let's live together and act in porn films!"
And the depraved Malvina, after these proposals, Had a very passionate, wooden hero.
"Well, no! - said the boy - Big things are waiting for me ... I need to unravel the mystery of what is in Papa Carlo's closet!"
And having come to his senses a little, he went home, limping ... "Well, in our old closet, what does Karabas need so much?..."
He came home in the morning, his eye was blackened and he was limping, "What happened to you, son?" cried Carlo in grief!
And the boy, having told everything that happened to him yesterday, even then did not understand what kind of secret was revealed to them ...
Carlo remembered the Tortila that he saved from Duremar, and the story about the key that unlocked the door!
The puzzle came together in no time! "Damn, son, we're rich!" - shouted the old organ grinder, and pissed with happiness.
"It's only a small matter, you need to take the magic key!" - The one that old Tortila kept in the depths of the pond.
"Don't worry, Papa Carlo! There will be our magic key. Now I know exactly what is important for women in life!"
Despite the fact that very early, having quickly drunk a cup of coffee, Wooden with a quick step, went into the thicket of the forest ...

Pinocchio went out to the pond, he began to call the turtle ... Tortila suddenly appeared from the stinking swamp ...
The tortoise looked at the young Pinocchio with a clouded sad look, from a drink after schnapps...
"Come on, scarecrow in a case, bring me a key from the bottom! And let's live faster, they are waiting for me at the party!"
The tortoise went nuts from Pinocchio's requests... "Why don't you fart in your ear? Fucking rotten..."
And burping with fumes, saying in a raspy voice - "I'm ready to give the key, only for Duremar's eggs ..."
"Good," said the boy, poking his wooden nose at the heaps of dung and cow's that were lying everywhere...
"I'll bring you Coke, from the Hirudotherapist... Because fuck, I want to touch the Key..."
The cunning boy Buratini ran at a run, jumping, announcing the whole neighborhood with the sound of a wooden pussy.
And Tortila, sinking into the depths of the swamp mud, sadly plunged into thoughts that she was often tormented ...
- Here is a boy, very young, he catches leeches with a net ... He takes them to the pharmacy in order to earn money.
And that boy, the prankster, looks at the girl's buttocks, sticking his eye to the hole that was in the wall of the toilet.
After these exercises, he often masturbated, in the reeds of the swamp thicket, so that everything would remain a secret ...
But one day he turned up, he had a turtle shell - this is a drunken Tortila, she was in a coma.
Firmly pulling his head in seventeen centimeters, so that the hole turned out, like a vagina, damn it, it looks like.
"That's the thing!" the young boy Duremare was surprised - "We need to test that hole, maybe it will be even better!"
Inspired by this thought, he mastered this business! So that drunken Tortila went nuts instantly!
Having sobered up with a drink, almost choking on sperm, biting a boy on the penis - the turtle got a bonus!
The boy is young, Duremare is crazy from orgasm, at that moment he yelled - "In inserts, this gadget!"
So the boy made friends with a miraculous device and hid it in the pond, tying it with twine to a stick...
The young boy Duremare enjoyed every day, everything was almost perfect! Just not for turtles...
The tortoise, having quickly given up alcoholism, took daily spermicin masks.
It did her good - she began to look younger. Without being cunning, let's be honest - for about forty years!
But one day, Papa Carlo, he was going to fish, The old bastard leaned against the pond, believing that he could ...
“We need to bung up a fishing rod ... This stick will do!” And the turtle begged - "Anything but sex!"
Papa Carlo was surprised how useful this shell is? And I heard a story about the magical Golden Key!
Having seized one moment (Papa Carlo was distracted here) - A turtle fucked into the pond, like a torpedo on a marine fleet!
Papa Carlo is crazy, from a magical story, Sadly, he trudged home, having already forgotten about the fish.
Here is such a reason, the anger of the terrible Turtle, At the boy from the orphanage, who caught leeches with a net.
But back to our fairy tale - it will be interesting further, because Pinocchio is so simple, he does not give up!

Pinocchio, pretending to be a gnarled piece of wood, quietly hid in the toilet - he was waiting for the Hirudotherapist!
And having waited for Duremar, he took out a penknife - "Nothing, it will do just that - Pinocchio thought at once.
“Very rusty, but usable and also very sharp! – because Papa Carlo is the best dad in the world!”
Duremar sat down to poop, over the point, the "Hole" system And instantly and silently - The eggs -Pinocchio became !!!
Duremar, uttering a very loud and terrible cry, quickly fell into a hole and disappeared forever in poop!
Pinocchio, with a light heart, anticipating his wealth, ran back to the pond to see the turtle.

"Hello grandmother Tortila! I brought you testicles! Not from a hen and chicken, but from Uncle Duremar!
It will never happen again, he will catch leeches in the pond! Come on, hurry up and drag me a key out of gold!"
The tortoise shed a tear, how many years she was tormented by the tortoise's Thirst for revenge, the pervert Duremar!
"Good" - she said - "You, I see - a nice boy! How many times have you already tried, terrible uncle Carabase -
Duremar guarded for eight years in a stinking toilet, But he did not achieve success - only a beard in shit!
"And from here in more detail, tell me Tortila, What comes out - Karabase has been looking for a key here for eight years?"
"Yes, wooden boy, Karabase is just crazy! He said that this key is the key to untold wealth..."
"Everything is clear - he thought - Key, closet, everything worked out ..." - "Here, hold the key as soon as possible! Nice boy Pinocchio!"

Here they stand in the closet, Papa Carlo with Pinocchio, And the hearth with a cauldron in front of them, painted on canvas ...
Pinocchio, with a long nose, he is like a bunch of dung, He quickly pierces the canvas, and under it is a piece of iron!
Having torn off the canvas, they saw the door from the secret safe, What was secretly walled up, in this old closet.
"Papa Carlo, we are rich! - Pinocchio shouted in a voice - And the cattle Karabase, the beard will be sniffed!"
The key in the keyhole, quietly clicking turned, Their eyes opened the secret - what was the great itself!
In the safe was a controlling stake, shares of the old theater, which is great in Italy, was built a very long time ago!
And in addition, diamonds, four hundred grams, no less, the most fabulous cut and flowers of magical beauty ...

There was a very loud knock... "Open up, you scoundrels!" - then the owner of porn studios, he broke the door, trying to open it.
This is a drunken Tortila, she blabbed to Karabas, they say the key has already been received, by a peppy guy - Pinocchio!
Because he managed to execute the judgment on Duremar, for the desecrated youth, and for the sekes of Sado-Mazo ...
"That's it ... - thought Karabase - not to see La Scala anymore - After all, control over that theater has been seized by Pinocchio!"
In the meantime, hastily, Papa Carlo and Pinocchio, Down went down the rope, behind the window that hung ...
And they ran to the forest, their friends were ready there, to kill the strong, evil uncle Karabas!
Harlequin held a slingshot, he owned it filigree - From the eggs of a dozen, rotten, hit the target - twelve!
And Pierrot - the poet was a noble, he composed poetry perfectly, so he knew how to crumble obscenities - it was very insulting to everyone!
As for Malvina, she was a good judge of sex, But having fallen in love with Pinocchio, she immediately quit porn ...
Artemon (he was a dog) He was on the ass of Karabas, He tore his trousers to shreds, so that you could see the eggs!
Karabas lies defeated, in a dirty puddle near the forest, Without pants and no money, Pinocchio got everything!
Because Pinocchio - Bungled additional issue, And in the hands of Karabas only remained - two pricks!
And Malvina and Pinocchio gave birth to children here - Wooden men and with noses like herons.

Musicians from all over the world, carrying suitcases of money, Papa Carlo and Pinocchio, to sing in a wonderful theater!
Oh, I forgot about Papa Carlo - with the "Grey Nose" he is in the theater - they announce performances, but after that they sour together!
Here is a fairy tale! About the log and not only! It is very important that in life, everyone finds the same key!

Not far from us is a French supermarket "Cora" (Cora, stress on the last syllable).
We occasionally (no more than 3-4 times a year) go there for the freshest (without fools) seafood in the assortment, which you will not find in KaDeWe, and excellent pastries.
Well, you know - such long loaves, baguette are called.
In addition to baguettes, there are many delicious things and not that expensive. In general, a feast of the belly.
The wife hung in the fish, but I relocated to the bakery. And there is a queue. Small, but impressive - 10 - 12 people. They are waiting for the notorious baguettes. They are taken out in several pieces - straight from the oven, and now there is a production pause.
The Western European queue is not like the Soviet one: no one puffs in the back of the head, everyone stands intelligently, and keeps a private distance.
As part of the queue, the French an masse, four figures clearly stood out - two Russians (Russo tourists as a type are recognizable everywhere) and two invaders "sons of the desert" in characteristic attire - nightgowns to toe, towels on their heads and beards with shovels.
Loudly, without embarrassment, the damned infidels are discussing in their poetic dialect, you don’t understand what. By the way, handsome men are also standing, it is also interesting - separately from the queue, so as not to accidentally offend.
And here are the baguettes - exactly 12 pieces! Each is packed in a narrow paper bag (for hygienic reasons). For half of the queue (someone takes 2, someone 3) should, in theory, be enough.
But it was not there. The "Sons of the Deserts", continuing their lengthy - none other than theological - dispute, reload all 12 baguettes into their cart with regal spontaneity and, smiling gently at each other, majestically set off towards the cash registers.
As you know, any injustice immediately rises across the throat to the Russian character.
- Fuck myself. What the fuck is this?! - the first Russian is rather loudly surprised.
- Oh% ate finally, bl *, - agrees the second.
The French, with their mouths open, are watching the unfolding spectacle: both Russians (I don’t even know who they are, they look like oilmen on vacation, and as soon as they found themselves in this provincial French town ?!), interrupting a meaningful dialogue, rush to cut across the sweet couple.
The "sons of the desert" slow down and look at the Russians in bewilderment.
Silently and sternly frowning, the Russians take out 10 baguettes from the enemy cart (2 are left - justice, know ours!) and ... return to the queue!
You should have seen, my sirs and madams, the faces of these bearded men. Gloom and fog - "Hell and Israel!". They were not just scared - although the Russians did not touch them with a finger - they were naturally blown away.
Too bad it wasn't possible to capture this picture.
Having dumped the baguettes back into the tray, the Russians, once again exchanging glances and shrugging their shoulders, take 1 (adyn) pieces for themselves and head to the cashiers.
And then the French begin to applaud and whistle. Joyful exclamations, interjections - continuous vive la Russie.
I think these French people understood in their own skin how different one occupation can be from another.
Maybe tell the others?

Business was on celebration in one office on March, 8th. The people are celebrating, congratulating the girls - everything is fine. But... The young manager Max decides to attract the attention of the people, begins to tell: - You know, in our city recently one girl was hacked to death with an ax, cut to pieces ... - and everything is in detail. The girls are trying to reason with him: - Max, after all, today is a holiday, again, we are sitting at the table. And you are - and in colors. He: - And what? Girls: - Well, March 8 after all... Would you like to talk about love... Max: - Oh, of course! - and joyfully declares: - she was also raped there!

I will make a reservation right away - we will talk about WOMEN'S butts. Although men come across very worthy specimens, they do not have such a significant impact on the fate of their owner.
Resting on the sea, you can best observe all the diversity, originality and diversity of women's buttocks. Immediately discard the immature butts of girls of pre-Juliet age, and respected priests of gray-haired ladies. The rest easily fit into the following classification.

Type one - BUTT - BACK (affectionately admiring - ass)
Such a bottom is always well developed and has a convex shape of double footballs, united by the elastic of the bottoms into a single aesthetic masterpiece. The butt always has a good connection with the front and often enjoys its pleasures.
Any color is possible - from freckled German pallor to chocolate-Brazilian luxury.
The ass invariably attracts the attention of the opposite sex and, due to its own self-sufficiency, can lead a life separate from the hostess. Regardless of the appearance and mood of its owner, such a priest is always playful, cheerful and ready for contacts. When walking, she sways invitingly, but not with a sluggish cellulite wave, but with an energetic, elastic, alluring tremor. Even women turn around on such specimens, sighing enviously, and men are simply stormy from the desire to pinch and squeeze this wonderful creation of mother nature.
The owners of such priests are almost always happy in marriage, in girlhood they often have several lovers, which does not prevent them from becoming ideal wives and mothers over time. They are indifferent to a career, but if fate forces them, then their path to success is swift and they are able to achieve dizzying growth, sweeping away everyone and everything in their path.
This ass gives its mistress a long, cheerful life, delighting her with her youthful forms until the last hour.

The second type of pop is FLAT BUTT.
In fact, this is not a priest, but a part of the back, suddenly, without warning, split into two rickety limbs. As a rule, such priests are represented by very dystrophic persons, but there is also a wide version of flat priests, which, however, does not in any way correct the dullness of this type.
No matter how intricate the design idea is, panties on a flat buttocks always have a bandaged look and are not able to decorate the mummified hip joint of the hostess. for skinny thighs.
The color scheme of pop flats is poor and has only two shades - a frightening blue pallor or an unhealthy turd color of burnt cutlets.
The only decoration of these pops can be either powerful mother-of-pearl pimples in the case of a pale color or crackle of small wrinkles in the brown version.
The owners of such pop have a tendency to female tantrums, rarely laugh, almost never swim in the sea. Despite their unhealthy thinness, they lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle and are most often found in feeding places, where for a long time and sluggishly, they crumple a leaf of lettuce with anemic lips, which their flat ass will spit out into the whiteness of the toilet after a couple of hours.
Keeping their teenage underdevelopment all their lives, such priests are often proud of themselves and sometimes cause envy among their full-bodied competitors, which is completely in vain, because men's glances bounce off flat bottoms faster than a tennis ball when they hit a racket.
Such butts can rarely boast of a successful marriage, they often have a married lover with whom they have a long-term debilitating romance for both.
But on the career ladder, such asses climb very energetically, acquiring even greater angularity in leadership chairs. If nature, in a set for such an underdeveloped ass, gave two crooked endless legs with forty-three shoe sizes, then they have a chance to break through to the podium and join the crowd of fantastically paid skeletal models.

Type the third - BUTT LOOSY, BUTTOCK.
The most undesirable version of the female priests, an extremely unfortunate type of natural selection. It is intended exclusively for the act of defecation (not to be confused with defloration).
Having no aesthetic value, it is given to the hostess as a burden to the already existing extra pounds. The only possible color is baby pink.
A large population of loose priests is typical of the Russian outback, and although, due to their natural tendency to self-sacrifice, they are able to decorate the life of any man, they are almost never appreciated by them.
A loose booty is never in demand from the opposite sex. The owner of such priests is extremely rarely successful in marriage, although marriage itself is quite possible. But, following the path of intellectual and spiritual development, the mistress of such a priest can reach such significant heights that the very theme of this story simply falls out of the sphere of her natural interests.

The most common type of pop. With a complete absence of shyness, such priests often only designate panties with a thread of tango, a seagull that has flown beyond the horizon of the back. Often it is they who adorn themselves with a variety of tattoos from a lace check fluttering over cute bulges to touching butterflies and roses, or an angry panther treacherously crawling out from behind the bikini drawstrings. Tattoos on such buttocks can tell a lot more about the hostess herself.
These asses are loved, kissed, and even poems and songs are dedicated to scars and moles on them.
Ordinary buttocks are so diverse in shape and color that I will only emphasize their main advantage - a tendency to nepotism. No matter how they play tricks in their youth, old age always meets them in the circle of numerous and loving relatives. Such priests do not tolerate loneliness and by the age of twenty they are often accompanied by male family underpants and a couple of diapers. As an option, they can choose a partner for a long time, exchanging the best for an even more worthy one.
In communication, they are easy, they simply domesticate, or they can easily take the path of career growth, depending on the ambitions and desires of the partner.

In the afterword, I want to say: “Different priests are important, different priests are needed!”
Without female buttocks, asses, buns, buttocks, long loaves, asses and buttocks, without this amazingly beautiful female food, men's swimming through life would become painful and meaningless.

One day, best friends Clara and Rosa woke up with a great hangover.
- Eh, and managed to swell like that! Rose exclaimed in her heart.
- Don't yell! The head is cracking! Clara said and winced.
- Don't yell? Do you know that it's already eleven o'clock, and we're totally late for work? Now the owners of the messenger will send, or even worse - they themselves will come! Fired, fired, how to drink to give!
- And what do you suggest? With such an exhaust to work? Get fired sooner! Or maybe let's say that today is a great holiday and we started preparing for it since yesterday?
- What is this holiday in the middle of the working week? There are no such holidays! And the date today is stupid - the eighth of March!
- Personally, I like the number. In addition, the figure eight, like a woman, has a waist in the middle.
- A couple more of these pulls - with beer, schnapps and sausages, and our waists cried!
They were silent for a while, and Clara asked hopefully:
- Rose! Girlfriend! Why don't you go to the beer store? Disappear, so with the music!
At this time, the sound of a carriage approaching was heard from the street. Clara made her way to the window and looked out into the street:
- In! scribbled! Karl and Friedrich showed up! Complete ambush!
Both, without saying a word, rushed to the mirror, and bossy footsteps were already heard on the stairs. There was a knock on the door once, then twice, and Rosa went to open it.
- Hello, girls! – in one voice greeted the entered men.
Why isn't it at work?
- Yes, we were going to. I really wanted to look better today, because of the holiday! Rosa began to get out.
- What kind of holiday?
- How? You do not know? Today is Women's Day!
- How is the bath? Friedrich was surprised.
- International! - Clara blurted out to give the imaginary holiday significance.
- Both on! Karl exclaimed, slapping his knees. And today is my holiday! My book is going to be published! The publisher praised very much, said - a capital book! And the advance paid off - be healthy! So in connection with this, and in honor of the Women's Day, I raise your salary by five marks!
-Hooray!!! Rosa and Clara shouted in unison.
Suddenly Friedrich asked:
- Girls, what does it smell like in your room?
-A-ah-ah…. And it was we who removed the varnish and poured acetone - Rose was found.
- Acetone?
- Well, yes! And realizing that the smell does not quite match, she clarified:
- Klara, razzyava, spilled acetone on stewed cabbage ...
- Well, if cabbage, then yes.
- Listen, Friedrich, - Karl ordered. - Here's the money for you - go to the tavern for beer! Get more sausages and...
- Schnapps! Rosa sighed softly.
- And schnapps! Today we walk! Yes, take more, so as not to run twice. And one more thing, - Karl took Friedrich to the door:
- Buy a flower there, or something.
- What are the flowers on the eighth of March? Winter is in the yard. The heating season is not over yet.
- Well, then garbage some plush, but not expensive.

When Karl and Friedrich approached the tavern to improve their health, Friedrich smiled:
- Well done girls! After all, the ninth of March is also a holiday!
In only two days we will be covered with bristles ... And the barber fights so much - there will not be left for beer! Let's grow a beard, shall we?

The aunt said:
Somehow this autumn she was returning home in the evening, the weather was chilly, dirty lewdness under her feet. He notices a young mother with a four-year-old child slowly walking ahead. The mother, judging by her abrupt gait and proudly raised head, is angry about something, and the child trudges a few paces behind her and roars. Looking sadly at this scene, my compassionate aunt catches up with a couple and, leveling with the kid, hears him muttering through tears:

In the rest home, one plain-looking man pestered a luxurious lady for a long time for an intimate relationship. She only mocked him, they say, with your talents ... Then the peasant argued with her that he would be able to fuck her twenty times in a row. The only condition is that everything must take place in complete darkness and after each time he must go to wash. The stake was a car, and the woman agreed. Night fell, and the man set to work... Once, a second, a third... after the seventeenth time, the woman could not stand it and prayed:
- All! I lost! I can't take it anymore, turn on the light!
The light came on, and she saw in front of her a completely unfamiliar hefty man.
- Who are you!? she screamed. - What are you doing here? Where's the little, cuddly one?
- And, this, probably, is that massovik-entertainer? So he sells tickets at the entrance ... We were sitting at a lecture somehow, and one girl came in a knitted
sweater, which, with a very large approximation, looked like
on the dress. Well, of course, the male half is not up to
lecturer ... This continues for almost the entire
couples until this girl is loud-loud (and not fake)
shouts to the whole audience:
- Oh, I forgot to wear a skirt!
This is where the hysteria starts. Lecturer (he's also a man)
I had to stop the couple 15 minutes before the end (of the couple) ...

My friend Andrei has been filming in the series for half a year, but yesterday and today he disrupted the filming for people. Got sick. The doctor said that for another three or four days there could be no question of any filming.
Well, wait, they're not going anywhere.
Andrei, although a couple of years younger than me, has recently begun to actively go gray and worry a lot about this, as a result - a pronounced midlife crisis, and the crisis must somehow be dealt with.
Andrey's way of fighting is simple: the more women he "spuds" per unit of time, the stronger his aging male bunker will be.
Andryukha went into all serious trouble: today one, tomorrow another, plus yesterday's one, plus acquaintance with the fourth - a potential day after tomorrow ...
He himself is already sausage from this loading and unloading logistics, but what to do? "Gray in a beard - do not say that it is not hefty."
Fortunately, at least many people recognize him, otherwise he looks like a maniac - a computer scientist who lives with his mother and cooks stew out of people ... (if only he didn’t read this ...)
“But even D'Artagnan has a hole in it ...”
Yesterday, our Andrey ran to visit one languid forty-year-old beauty: condoms in her hands, and expensive champagne in the pocket of her trousers (maybe vice versa, I personally don’t know how it happens, I’m married ...) Light frost, mood pre-start, and at the entrance are two cool girls - 18 years old, but one of those who already have a huge gap with tenth graders ...
Andrei turned on the face in which he could be more easily recognized and recognized.
He met, especially with Alla, treated him to cigarettes, gave him a lighter,
wrote down Allin's phone and entered the entrance, it's a pity that an hour and a half is not rubber, otherwise he would have chatted with the girls.
On that day, Andrei had an ideal husband, that is, the husband of that sultry woman, was ideal for Andrei, because he worked as a bus driver, which reaches Rostov.
Well, isn't it ideal?
I rang the doorbell, opened it, a sultry beauty, and Andrei from the threshold theatrically wailed:
- My God, what a beauty, I missed you so much, forgive the asshole, I couldn’t do it yesterday !!!
Everything happened suddenly. Suddenly, a bass sounded from the bath:
- What the hell!!!? Who is that!!!?
Suddenly, some basins rattled and the bathroom door opened. The bass growl became much closer to the corridor and louder.
Andrei did not wait for their eyes to meet like a cowboy with a sheriff, but rushed down the stairs.
The husband in one towel, also rushed in pursuit, his backlog from the leader was shrinking and there were no more than two spans.
Andrey understood that if the husband breaks out of the entrance to the operational space, then there is no escape from him.
It was necessary for the bunny to confuse the trail and outwit the fox.
Andrey jumped out of the door to the street, stumbled upon Alla who gasped and quickly spoke: Alla, help me out, it's a matter of life and death!
With these words, he hugged her and began to kiss her passionately ... Just like
D'Artagnan beauty Kat.
At the same moment, Cardinal's guard jumped out of the iron doors of the entrance.
- husband, but without a towel.
Andrei continued to kiss the girl, he knew that the naked bus driver did not have time to see him during the chase.
It only remained to say as calmly as possible: “If you are for a peasant, then he ran for the house ...”
But suddenly Alla pushed off from Andrey and the last thing my friend heard before turning off the light in the body were the words of the girl:
- Dad, I see this guy for the first time in my life!!!

There was trouble with the jaw, it was removed from the hinges, and the nose got it, but it would seem - just one blow.
It’s good that dad was naked, froze and dragged his daughter into the porch, without fully figuring out what was what, otherwise the second blow would have been implied there no worse than the first ...
Well, thank God, everything worked out, so another three or four days and you can
shoot further.

She was trembling with excitement, her face was tense, swollen,
lust, a bitten lip and drops of sweat testified to passion,
boiling somewhere under the clothes. She clasped him with both arms, strong
fingers groped for that, the only position. He lay softly in her palms,
arching and trembling. She caught the right moment and started moving
speeding up and adjusting to his rhythm, but not letting him slip out of
hands, controlling and confidently directing his intentions. With every moment
approaching climax, her face became more and more determined: "Yes, yes,
Well, one more time, one more time..." And at that one, right moment, she managed to
cope with it - with a confident movement, directing it to the intended
his place. He, engulfed by strong arms, securely fixed himself and,
Yielding elastically, he took over her soaring, arching body. Both
for a fraction of a moment froze at the highest point of the trajectory of their joint
flight. And she, having used it, having received everything she could take, let go
him, still tense, not completely finished his movement, but
no longer needed, useless, become a burden. And feeling your
freedom, he straightened up, giving himself to her without a trace, humbly accepted
loneliness that suddenly fell on him, and fell, slowly, but
She, still under his influence, continued to move, but already
relaxing, throwing off the monstrous tension of foreplay and just
ended with him intercourse. In this state, her body took a bed, and
everything in it spoke of the greatest pleasure from what had happened.
The women's pole vault record was broken.


Already traditional: Advice for all squeamish, scrupulous, etc.: it is better to pass by, because the story is funny, but vulgar.

Yesterday I shit right in the center of the city. And this one is not funny, a healthy man put on full pants. And it was like this, I was walking down the street, not touching anyone, and then I wanted to fart. He farted, and when he farted, even then he realized that he farted his own.
I flock and shit right in my pants, and there's nothing I can do about it. Gamno climbs on its own, without even asking me for permission for this process. Ass blunt opened and gamno climbs. Moreover, the ass opened so wide that I got the impression that she, without my consent, was participating in some kind of competition
I shit on my estimates, seriously. I stand, already sweating, the very center of the city, to the house as if to Moscow on my knees. I stand, and I myself try to find a way out in my head, something must be done. Waddling on foot for about three hours, and this is with full panties of the gomna, this thought was immediately cut off. Patom, I figured out the frost on the street, let me think I’ll sit down on a bench, it’ll freeze, and then I’ll go to the subway, and so I’ll get to the house in dashes. I sat down on a bench and sit, it's warm in my ass. And then the thought, if gogno in shorts freezes, the skiff will also pass away to the eggs. I even felt sick at the thought. Got up. People bypass me, it’s clear that they understood what I was thinking. And I stand and I can’t figure out how. Then a brilliant idea came to me. I’ll go into the entrance now, get into the elevator, take off my panties there, wipe my ass with them and go home quickly.
So, I go to the entrance, I call the elevator. I’m standing, but it’s already starting to cool down, the sensations, frankly, are not great. At the entrance I realized one more thing, it really stinks from me like unwashed cattle, and it stinks strongly. The elevator arrived, I go in, I press the button for the fourteenth floor, and with the second hand I unbutton my pants, well, so that there would be enough time until the elevator arrives. The doors began to close and then a cute female creature flies into the elevator. Styts pizdyts.
- Oh, you are on the 14th floor, and I am on the 13th, - she sang
- Well, I'll ride with you, then I'll go down to the floor. Of course we'll drive, I already pressed the button, I thought, buttoning my pants.
The elevator went, and everything was already in my head, there was noise in my head, my back was sweating, and the gogno had already completely cooled down.
And I think that it started to stink in the elevator very strongly, because this creature looked at me somehow strangely. And I got frostbitten, like I didn’t have to shit in the elevator and that’s it.
And fucking ******, where that floor on the 10th elevator made us a big curtsey, said goodbye to us, and the lights went out. I almost screwed up again. The elevator is stuck.
- Oh, is the elevator stuck? the girl asked.
- I understand that yes, - I'm pretending to be an intellectual. And I myself think what to do, with my gomno and with my dirty ass. And something needs to be done.
And then this Khivrya, presses some button, and starts talking to someone, giving the address of the house and asking for help. I imagined that fitters would come right now, they would start to take us out of here, asking for help, it stinks so badly, I wanted to shit even more. It's dark in the elevator, gouge out your eyes. And then I realized that while it was dark in the elevator, I had to quickly take off my pants, then take off my shorts and put them in a quiet corner. And when the light is turned on, she will see something out of habit.
I unbutton my pants, rustling things so that even the most scared.
"What are you doing?" She asked, swallowing hard.
- Yes, I'm getting comfortable, it's a long time to wait, - and I'm lowering my pants
"What's that smell?" she asked, frightened. I almost blurted out that it was me who shit on the street and that I stink of gogno sho p-ts, but I give out something else:
- Yes, the bastards are shitting in elevators, I can’t breathe, - and I myself have already completely taken off my pants, I’m standing in the elevator in crap underpants. I thought that right now they would turn on the light, the girl would really give up on what she saw. But there is nothing else to do, I keep working.
The girl began to swallow saliva very loudly, the same crap is visible from fright.
And I rustle things.
I myself think to myself how to contrive and quietly take off my panties. And then the wives imagined what the stink would be.
“Man, you won’t hurt me, I beg you, don’t touch me,” the girl whined in her voice.
- What are you, out of my mind, I'm the father of two children, I'm going to a friend on an important issue, how could you think such a thing about me? Damn, it smells like shit when you piss in your pants. It stinks not like in the toilet, it stinks so that the flies lose consciousness on the approach, then they turn around in the intensive care unit for another week. The girl, the same felt something was wrong, began to whine quietly in the corner.
“Come on, I won’t touch you,” I say. And he has already peeled off his underpants from his ass, and I think how to take them off my feet so as not to get smeared in gogna?
The girl went to my mazgam in general, stupidly sits whining and what she is lamenting, probably reading some thread of prayer. And I have already lowered my panties.
- A man .. yyyyy, Anna roars, - I ask you not to kill, - and then such a stupid whining.
- Yes, I need you in FIG, I say, - you have problems up to your throat, you surrendered to me.
I lowered my underpants a little lower than my knees, and I really understand that I’m full of pipets, my legs are in a gogne, my ass is in a gogne and the stink, my eyes are already watering.
The girl completely fucked up on my smell.
- You, you ... ... she mumbles
- Yes, what are you, stay calm for yourself, you don’t give a shit who she is, I can see I entered, that stinks.
The girl, to my mind, settled on the floor of the elevator. I think I almost lose consciousness from my own smell.
But on the other hand, I understand that it is impossible to delay, either now or never.
In short, I bent down, took off my panties from one leg. On the floor, she blurted out, according to my estimates, it was goblin from shorts. The girl in the corner is just mooing like a cow.
I recovered and took off my panties from the second leg. I already felt better, half the work done. I stand with a shorts in my hand and think in which corner this Khivra is roaring, well, so as not to throw a shorts on her head, and so as not to fall on her own pants. He listened, yeah, he’s sitting on the opposite side, which means you need to aim at the opposite corner.
And then a full p-c crept up imperceptibly. The lights turned on and the elevator moved.
When my eyes got used to it, I realized that something was wrong with the girl. Her eyes are like fifteen-inch monitors, her mouth is open, her hands hang like whips, she does everything with her mouth like a fish, in short, I think everything, the tower was blown away by fright. And then I understood. Painting in the elevator. I stand naked from the waist down, all suko in a gammon, in my hands panties with a gammon and look at the girl. Ana was shorter than another five seconds with her mouth padela and stupidly fell to the floor. Everything, I think, is dead, I still got enough blindness in the elevator.
I decided not to waste time, wiped my ass and legs in my underpants. I put on my pants and stand like an honest citizen waiting for my floor. There is a girl on the floor, probably dead, in her hands panties with a gomne, I don’t know what I was holding them for.
When the elevator arrived, the girl had not yet come to life, and was lying on the floor. I thought it would be wrong to leave her in the elevator in this state, so I pulled her to the floor. Palazhiel neatly put his underpants under his head and ran out of this house.
I can’t understand the current one, why the fuck was she so scared?
After all, when it stinks in the elevator, it means that someone has fucked up, but if it smelled like a dick, this one can be scared here, yes, they will, although I don’t see anything terrible here either.
And besides, I smeared your fur coat a little with gammon, wiped my leg off it

I have a friend, a retired colonel.
And he tells funny stories at times.
I'm not the author. For what I bought, for that I told.
This terrible story happened last year. It was a beautiful day, and we celebrated the next birthday of our friend and, as usual with good people, got drunk in zyuzyu. And, of course, who, where was in what position, remained there. :*)
The hero of the occasion himself was lying on an armchair in a state of blissfully contemplating the ceiling, with his legs slightly apart (sorry).
In the morning, after a partial awakening of some of the participants in yesterday's feast, one of our acquaintances wandered around the kitchen in search of something so ... cool and liquid. :)
And found. Almost.
In the refrigerator, somehow not very cold, I must tell you, and not very liquid CHICKEN was preserved.
There was nothing else there, and a thirsty friend decided to give another gift to the hero of the occasion and at the same time for the next holiday on April 1. :)
After some manipulations with the chicken, it turned out to be: 1 - the temperature of the human body and the same color with a bluish tint. 2 - without a body. That is one head.
After these operations, he quietly entered the room with the hero of the occasion, ti-i-i-iho unbuttoned his fly (lieutenant, how dare you?!?) and a-a-carefully placed this head so that it, kh-kh , replaced, so to speak, to him his manhood.
It should be noted that the neck of this head looked almost perfect right up to the very head, in general, the view turned out amazing - futuristic!
Satisfied with his joke, the comrade left to continue looking for something. Cold.
Some time passed, part of the people already laughed at our friend's joke and peacefully drank mineral water with him in the kitchen.
And then there was just an INHUMAN shriek! Choking on mineral water, the people briskly ran into the room where the hero of the occasion was sleeping.
And now the oil painting: just ... EATING hero of the occasion, continuing to lie in the same position, only with his head looking THERE, and the whole crowd at the door is watching the local BLACK cat eat ... well, in general, sitting on knees of his master. And the head itself is no longer visible ...
Imagine the feelings of a person after a heavy drinking bout, who DOES NOT FEEL how he is chewing the most expensive .... :)))
It was in the winter of 1994 or 1995, I don't remember exactly.
My friend from the new Russians of the middle hand sent his wife and children to Greece for a couple of months, but he, of course, broke away from the soul, began to take women home, did not disdain and tangles, in general, he didn’t spend time sickly.
Well, he was protected, of course, one misfortune of the prezery, without hesitation, he threw it out the window.
In short, the wife returned and so in April, when the snow melted, she planted flowers under the window and found a cemetery of condoms.
I must say that they lived on the third floor of a five-story building, the first two were occupied by his own office, and elderly couples lived on the 4th and 5th.
The saving thought came suddenly - he squinted at the homeless from the attic, who, of course, were not in sight there due to his own efforts.
In general, he had to hire homeless people - a homeless person and a homeless woman. Behind Bukhalovo, they climbed into the attic every day and threw condoms from there, and so for a whole month.
Well, as a result, the wife shavala, although a bum with a condom, you yourself understand this, approximately like a nun in a brothel.
Somehow our whole company gathered about the arrival of one of the guys from abroad. business trips. I must say in advance that he was abroad for the first time and brought several sex toys as a souvenir, which he demonstrated to us. One of these toys was an artificial penis, well, very reminiscent of a real one.
Well, then, as expected, everyone got drunk to death. And at night, when our ranks began to line up, we decided to play a trick on the business trip. And looking around, they found the same member, orphanedly thrown on the table. The guys unzipped their travel fly and put this work of art in there. Ten minutes later, our friend woke up and went to the toilet, and a minute later there was a heart-rending scream.
Further from the words of the victim. He went into the toilet, unzipped his fly, took out the device and began to relieve himself, but the catch is that nothing flows from there, but something warm runs down his legs ?! Well, he decided to shake his friend a little and he ended up in his hand. And at that moment, his drunken consciousness painted a heartbreaking picture: as if he had torn off his dignity, and the warm thing that runs down his legs is blood! This is where he screamed. Well, we all ended up rushing to help, but when we saw a friend with a dick in his hand and wet pants, with a look of horror on his face, we just fell to the floor from laughter.
Yes, to the honor of our friend, it must be said that he was not offended by us. I was very glad that I didn’t tear anything off and everything was intact. Here is such a story.
The beginning of the story is, in fact, traditional: we DRINK. Slowly they sipped the daily holiday norm until the weakest in spirit began to butt the table in a fit of irresistible drowsiness. The rest famously dealt with the remnants of booze and snacks, cleared the table and began to arrange bainki. A friend who fell asleep prematurely was "rewarded" with the fact that instead of a bed he got a table - cleared of dishes, swill and food (well, maybe not completely cleaned :-). The poor fellow was laid on it.
The rest dispersed to their rooms, and the feast subsided, as expected, until the morning. But it wasn’t there: in the middle of the night, a terrible scream wakes us up from the bed, in which there was so much horror, hopelessness and (most importantly) decibels that no one managed to make a peacefully sleeping look. Well, having opened the slits of our eyes and with someone's mother we stomp on the source of a nightmare, turn on the light ... And we see our Kostya, who is sitting in the center of the table, curled up in a ball and obviously trying to occupy the smallest possible area on the table. His complexion did not look alive even against the background of a snow-white (almost) tablecloth.
Looking at such an elf, few people, the stump is clear, will believe that it was he who yelled SO much a minute ago that he raised five, if not dead, but drunk to an almost half-dead state of people in the middle of the night. Well, anyway, such a rampage requires an explanation, so we were not too lazy to ask Kostya in detail.
And Kostya, it turns out, froze at night (which is not surprising, after all, they blurted him out like a dead man on the table, but somehow they didn’t think to cover him with a blanket). Freezing, he began to gradually become aware of himself in time and space and realized that he was lying in absolute darkness on a hard cold FLOOR (how could he know about the table!). Konstantin fumbled on the FLOOR with his hand to move somewhere warmer ... and gropes for FAILURE.
Quickly making sure that the failure surrounds him on all sides and his hand cannot reach the bottom, the night climber began to understand that he was alone on this patch of firmament, and of all the tools he had only a fork. He decided to sacrifice the fork in order to find out how high he was above the surrounding area. The fork thrown down CLUTCHED TO THE TABLECLOTH... And after 7 seconds Kostya heard a soft sound of falling 8-
It was then that a cry was heard that woke us up.
I don’t remember where it happened (some small provincial town), but I vouch for its authenticity. So, two friends, having drunk properly in good company, returned home late in the evening. And their path lay past the city park. And now they wanted to ride on the carousel. No sooner said than done. We went into the park, found a carousel (you know, where the chairs are suspended on chains), found the lever that starts this carousel and began to argue who was the first. They argued and argued, finally, one of them came up with a brilliant idea: "Come on, he says, let's tie a rope to this lever, sit on the carousel, pull the rope and go." To their misfortune, they found the rope... What happened next, probably, many have already imagined.
In the morning, a carousel driver who came to work took them off, completely exhausted and without shoes (they tried to hit this very lever on the fly). They also screamed, but no one heard them in the dead of night......

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