The last Chinese warning is where the expression came from. What does the phrase "the last Chinese warning" mean?


You have the last Chinese warning!

Surely many more than once in their lives have heard such a catchphrase as " latest Chinese warning“, which is sometimes used in a comic form, but sometimes quite strictly. As a rule, this catchphrase is used in cases where the interlocutor has already been repeatedly warned about something, but he has repeatedly neglected these prohibitions, which is why the “last Chinese warning” demonstrates a certain limit, followed by completely different actions. At the same time, not many people know about where and at what time this phrase

And what do we owe it to?

In order to track history"Chinese warning" we should return to the middle of the last century, during the post-war redistribution of the world, when the communist and Western models of development confronted each other. In those days, there was a tense struggle for influence in the third world countries and, in particular, for the countries of Asia. The episodes of these events were the Korean and Vietnam Wars, but they began with the victorious march of Marxism across the territory of mainland China. The remnants of the opponents of the communists, the so-called "Kuomintang" under the command of Marshal Chiang Kai-shek, were forced to evacuate to the island of Taiwan, and declare their own separate state, which to this day does not recognize the PRC. The Kuomintang regime at that time was provided with all kinds of support by the United States, and it was expressed not only in providing financial assistance, but also military. In particular, the US Air Force carried out reconnaissance flights over the territory of the strait separating Taiwan and the mainland, while doing this with absolute impunity, since communist China at that time did not have sufficient air defense systems. For each such flight, the Communist Chinese Foreign Ministry reacted in the form of "a warning that it no longer intends to tolerate such incidents." In the early 60s, when the US Air Force stopped flying, experts estimated that there were about 9 thousand of them, and the Chinese side reacted to each of them in the form of a “warning”.

Last Chinese warning. Last thing. And very Chinese. The meaning itself is intuitive even for those who do not use this phraseological unit in their speech. It means some kind of warning, on which everyone put the bolt. That is something like:

- Marina, as your husband, I warn you for the last time - do not shave my legs with a razor !!! And not that...

“Yeah, yeah, the last Chinese warning?”

Let's figure out where the legs grow from this last warning. Yes, and certainly Chinese.

This expression is already sixty years old. It appeared in those days when Mao Zedong came to power in China in the 1950s, and the former ruler of China, Chiang Kai-shek, tried, in spite of Mao, to organize a new government in Taiwan.

The United States defiantly and fundamentally did not recognize the power of Mao, but Chiang Kai-shek supported with all his Pendos forces. And they liked to provoke China with all sorts of different actions - such as flying over sovereign territory or swimming in territorial waters.

Naturally, the Great Mao did not like this at all. But, unfortunately, China was then still extremely weak to respond in such a way that it would not seem small. So the only thing left for the Chinese was to send official notes of protest, on which the Yusovites put a bolt with all their capitalist hatred.

Such notes of protest - the latest Chinese warnings - have accumulated over time a lot, they say, about nine thousand. And each said at the end - if you do not stop - we will take drastic measures. Of course it was funny. Some kind of backward China is trying to threaten an exclusive nation. The Western press enthusiastically picked up this story, developing it to the point of absurdity.

Domestic wits did not stand aside either. Just imagine, almost every day, from the radio speakers (I remind the younger generation, there was no Internet then), the strict and solemn voice of Levitan rushed at you: “The Chinese government, in connection with the violation of territorial waters, expressed a strong protest and a final warning to the US government.” Every day! Naturally, on the eleventh time it already caused laughter, and on the hundredteenth time - Homeric laughter.

Latest Chinese Warning
The "first serious warning" was issued by the PRC government on September 7, 1958, when Beijing protested to the United States against the escort (protection) of Taiwan's maritime transport by the US Navy. By the mid 1960s. there were already more than 400 such "serious warnings", and they were perceived by everyone only ironically, since China was unable to really interfere with cooperation between the United States and Taiwan.
Allegorically: about all kinds of threats that cannot be executed.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .


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Surely you have heard, and maybe even yourself more than once made the last Chinese warning to someone. The meaning of a phraseological unit is intuitively understandable to many, but the history of this expression is also very interesting. Our article will cover all the details.

China in the midst of conflict

A short digression into the history of the Middle Kingdom will help us understand the meaning of the idiom "the last Chinese warning." This country with a unique culture and beautiful nature, populated by talented and hardworking people, has attracted foreigners from time immemorial. But not all of them rushed to the Far East to admire the ancient architecture and taste unusual national dishes.

After China was discovered by European sailors, it became a real "tidbit". The Old World immediately and categorically labeled the new lands as a "second-class power." The colonialists rushed to the Celestial Empire, trying to snatch a bigger piece.

Wars, devastation, the destruction of cultural monuments, the extermination of the local population - all this was done by newcomers from the West with virtually impunity. As a result, China was torn into many colonies. The situation was further aggravated by the Xinhai Revolution of 1911. It was followed by a civil war. China has practically fallen apart. Centralized state power was completely lost.

Sheet music of Mao Zedong

This continued until the Great Mao came to power. His unshakable authority and iron will made it possible to revive and re-create at least some semblance of a state in the long-suffering Celestial Empire. However, at the initial stage, while the defense of independence was still in full swing, China actually could not yet give a serious rebuff to any of its opponents.

It was from this moment that the history of the latest Chinese warnings began. Where this expression came from is not known for certain. Unfortunately, history is silent about the first of the latest warnings. But it is known for sure that this happened during the reign of Mao. Trying to maintain the authority of the power in the international arena, the official Chinese authorities began to send diplomatic notes of protest to their opponents. It is worth noting that the authors were well aware of the hopelessness of these documents, but they simply could not do anything else.

And what was left for the authorities of a fragile country to do, except to warn an obviously much stronger enemy? By the way, here you can draw a couple of analogies. A card cheat in such a situation would say “bluff”, and a representative of some youth subculture of the early 21st century would use the expression “take on a show off”. Such comparisons and the selection of synonymous expressions help to better understand the meaning of the statement about the last Chinese warning. As you can see, his main idea is to permanently intimidate the opponent in the absence of real prospects for influence.

Taiwan conflict

At the very beginning of the 1950s, Chiang Kai-shek came to power in Taiwan. Its representatives even took their place in the UN Security Council (only in the 70s, delegates from the DPRK were invited instead). America recognized his powers and during the conflict of 1954-1958 between Taiwan and China was on his side. The disputed islands became the subject of strife. At that time, under the leadership of Chiang Kai-shek, Taiwan tried to build its own model of communism. Oddly enough, the United States provided this country with comprehensive support, including military.

During the armed confrontation, the air and water space of China was repeatedly violated by American reconnaissance aircraft. The authorities of the Celestial Empire were endlessly outraged by such intrusions. In response to the flagrant impudence, China, through the UN, began sending those very “last warnings” to the American side. Each of them was carefully drawn up according to all the rules, including, among other things, the assignment of a serial number. Experts assure that more than nine thousand such warnings have accumulated during the conflict! Moreover, each time the Chinese side assured that this time things were more serious than ever, and tough responses would follow the warning. However, the matter never went beyond shooting down drones.

States reaction

The United States frankly ignored the messages of the Chinese, and the world press covered all the details of the confrontation, not forgetting to mention the next “last Chinese warning”. The meaning of phraseologism eventually acquired an ironic connotation. Journalists scoffed at the next official appeal of the Chinese, full of threats and assurances of the seriousness of the situation, even publishing its three- or four-digit number.

328 latest warnings

Apparently, the confrontation with the Americans and the complete fiasco with notes of protest could not convince China of the futility of such a practice. It didn't take long for history to repeat itself! This time, the opponent of the authorities of the Celestial Empire was the Soviet Union. The cause of the conflict was Damansky Island, which was claimed by both powers.

China bombarded the Soviet Foreign Ministry with warnings. There were exactly 328 of them. It is worth recognizing that by that time everyone was already pretty tired of the expression “the last Chinese warning”. The meaning of the phraseological unit made it possible to use it quite widely, and it became so popular that it eventually became boring. Press coverage of the Damansky Island conflict revived waning interest. The most advanced and politically literate Soviet working people, on occasion, jokingly began to give each other not just the last, but the last 328th Chinese warning.

How things have changed

The meaning and history of phraseological units is, of course, an interesting topic. But it is worth mentioning how things stand with Chinese national security today. Will it ever occur to someone to threaten the Celestial Empire, counting on the meaningless latest Chinese warnings? The meaning of phraseologism refers to the history of this country, but in no way characterizes the current state of affairs.

It is one of the three strongest in the world. The number of personnel exceeds 2.3 million people. China does not show aggression towards its neighbors, but is ready to protect its own interests and, in the event of territorial claims, is unlikely to limit itself to sending out diplomatic papers.

After the discovery of China by Europeans for many European powers, it became a "tasty morsel", which they began to share with virtually impunity. All European countries that began the colonization of China considered it a "second-class power." Therefore, they unleashed wars without a twinge of conscience, ruthlessly destroyed the indigenous population, poisoned it with opium and seized territories, which led to the actual transformation of China into a semi-colony of several European powers. After the Xinhai Revolution of 1911 and the civil war that followed, China completely fell apart, losing several dozens of centralized state power.

This continued until the Great Mao came to power in China, whose iron will allowed him to revive and create at least something resembling a state in his long-suffering country. But at the initial stage of the formation of an independent Chinese power, China was not yet able to give a serious rebuff to its opponents. It was from that moment that the official Chinese authorities, trying to maintain state authority and prestige, began to send diplomatic notes to their enemies with final warnings, perfectly aware of their hopelessness.

Taiwan conflict

It is believed that the largest number of "last Chinese warnings" were issued during the Taiwan conflict of 1954-1958. The conflict between China on the one hand and Taiwan and the United States on the other arose over the disputed islands. The United States, while not recognizing the Chinese communist government, actively helped and protected Taiwan, which was building its own type of communism. During the conflict, Chinese airspace was constantly violated by American reconnaissance drones.

The Chinese authorities, outraged by such shamelessness, sent endless diplomatic warnings to the Americans through the UN, of which, according to some reports, there were about 9,000. The United States did not respond to all the Chinese warnings to “take action” and continued to send their drones. Some of the reconnaissance aircraft were shot down by the Chinese, but they did not dare to take more serious steps. At that time, the world media wrote a lot about "the latest Chinese warnings", which made this expression a household word and widely known.

Conflict near Damansky Island

In 1969, another conflict took place, this time between China and the USSR near Damansky Island, which also caused a flood of "last Chinese warnings" with which the Chinese government bombarded the USSR Foreign Ministry. This time, there were far fewer warnings, only 328, as always, they did not have any serious consequences for the USSR. After this conflict, politically literate citizens of the Soviet Union began to use the phrase "328th last Chinese warning" in their everyday speech.

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