The last days of the verb. Vera Glagoleva died: The family spoke about the last days of the life of the actress

01:32 a.m. - The mystery of the death of Vera Glagoleva
“What is the secret here? - you shrug your shoulders. “The man bravely fought cancer for several years, and died from it.”
Well, yes, she danced at her daughter’s wedding, went to the shooting, where she worked twelve hours a day, then flew to Switzerland for an examination (for which she was probably preparing - she didn’t eat anything for a day), entered the clinic on her own feet, and after an hour and a half she did not. “No, they don’t die of cancer like that,” timid doubts appeared in the press almost immediately.
A new version followed: “Perhaps the weakened body could not withstand the intense rhythm of life, difficult flight, stress ...”
This is closer to the truth, but still it is not the whole truth.
And the truth is that

Have you ever had an operation? Well, the simplest one - was the appendix removed? .. Then you probably remember that on the evening before the operation, the anesthesiologist came to you and asked in detail what and when you were sick, what pills you take, if you are allergic to different types of anesthesia. This may seem like a trifle to you, but it is actually very important.
It is especially important for a cancer patient - the pills that the patient takes (and Glagoleva has been on them for a long time) potentiate the effect of anesthesia, so the choice of the drug and its dose is a matter of life and death. Yes, probably, in this case, gastroscopy - and this is the first and most important step in examining a patient with stomach cancer - should have been done without anesthesia at all, but this is now practiced only in shabby Russian clinics, but not in Switzerland.
Perhaps the doctor chose the wrong medicine and dose. Perhaps Glagoleva did not name all the medicines (and among them were drugs) that she took. I'm afraid no one will ever know the truth. But the fact remains - Glagoleva died during gastroscopy.
She is not the first, alas. The case is very common - let's say that Yuri Nikulin died this way. I don't want to intrude into the issues of medical secrecy, the financial responsibility of the clinic, the collectively approved family version. It doesn't matter anymore, and it's too late.

Vera Glagoleva was doomed, and she knew it. Another thing is that she expected - as the doctors convinced - that she still had one and a half to two years. She was in a hurry to live and lived tensely: she was finishing one film and was immediately going to start shooting the second, the last one.
I do not know a person who would endure the misfortune that befell her so courageously, steadfastly, with dignity. Only her closest relatives and one friend knew about her diagnosis. She didn’t whine on Facebook (everyone whines to one degree or another), she didn’t collect money for treatment (which almost everyone does), she didn’t cry out for pity, love and compassion - Vera was a very strong person with a heightened self-esteem.

Review her anniversary evening on TV - Malakhov didn’t know anything, classmates, colleagues, friends didn’t know - she held on with all her might, she smiled, joked, thanked some random Meladze, looked at Guzeeva, ready to burst into tears (she knew everything), she encouraged the deaf Zeldin, who would leave before her ... There are several editing options on the network, I looked at the most complete one - then episodes were cut out of it, which, after Vera's death, suddenly acquired a new sound. It's probably right.
May she remain in our memory like this - light, cheerful, young, happy.

A close friend of Vera Glagoleva, producer Natalya Ivanova, admitted in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda that she was shocked by the death of the 61-year-old actress. After all, she went to Germany for a simple medical consultation.

No one knows the details of what happened to Vera in Germany. She left suddenly, - Natalya Ivanova told us. - Kirill Shubsky, her husband, called me and said: "Vera passed away an hour ago." The feeling of loss, shock - words can not convey. Too unexpected for everyone, - said Natalia Ivanova.


According to a friend, Glagoleva went to Germany for a consultation a few days before her death with her family. She had previously consulted there in various clinics.

The last message from Vera came on the eve of her death. In the correspondence of a friend, they discussed working plans related to the new film by Glagoleva-director, the modern social drama Clay Pit. Ahead of the tandem were new shootings: several plans for the "Pit" in Kazakhstan and the beginning of work on a new project, a film about the love of Turgenev and Viardot.

She worked 12 hours a day, everything went according to schedule, minute by minute. Vera is a man of iron will, a fighter with a strong character, especially in matters relating to work. In July, as you know, her youngest daughter Nastya got married to Alexander Ovechkin. Vera was absolutely happy at this wedding. Nothing foreshadowed trouble, - says Natalya Vasilyeva.

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A friend and colleague of actress and director Vera Glagoleva Alexander Nosovsky spoke about the last days of her life. They finished filming the social drama Clay Pit. In September they were supposed to fly to Kazakhstan, shoot the last block there

It was even hard to suspect that this was a disaster! We had a hard shoot, we shot in April in Aleksin, at a local quarry, it was cold and dirty there. A real movie, like in a war in the trenches, in which, no matter what, she worked until the last frame. We rode 16 hours! Faith is a person until the last frame. She fought! Then we returned home. She called me, and we talked all the time about editing, she kept telling me what else needs to be done and filmed. We have three days of filming left. I think we'll get it. Let's make it without her. The picture will be dedicated to her memory, - said Alexander Nosovsky.


In May of this year, information appeared in the media that Vera Glagoleva was seriously ill. As the Mash public wrote, citing a source, Vera Glagoleva has to constantly go to doctors, as well as do regular blood transfusions.

In addition, the media reported that the actress spent about a day in intensive care. After stabilizing her condition, Vera Glagoleva was sent home. Vera Glagoleva herself denied this information.

As soon as I went to the hospital once, everyone immediately began to worry that something had happened to me. But it's okay, so my fans don't have to worry. Now I'm on the set, everything is fine with me, ”Vera Glagoleva commented then.

Vera Glagoleva passed away. The news that everyone today met with the words "impossible to believe." Light and thin - in every sense of the word. I accomplished a lot and wanted to do more. On the air of Channel One, she was now remembered.

Snippets of information that can not fit in the head. She suddenly passed away. In Germany. Vera Glagoleva. Fifty films - and each role is about a woman who looks fragile. But strong inside.

For the role of a desperate photojournalist in 1986, the Soviet Screen recognized her as the best actress of the year. After "Marry the Captain", she again starred in a military film - the film "Snipers". A risky stunt on set could cost a life. In the episode with the downed plane, the pyrotechnics went too far with combustible substances. The fire flew straight at Glagoleva.

“I can’t get up because they’re filming. I'll block the frame! And I get up - everything is scorched - not to redness and blisters, but the fact that my hair is singed, because this explosion still reached me. I lay there and thought, “God! Don't sleep!" - recalled Vera Glagoleva.

She walked to the end without turning back. At the age of 16 she became a master of sports in archery! What is an acting career? Vera stubbornly earned her “tens” by hitting the target. Collection, calmness. They also came in handy on the set of Mosfilm, where Glagoleva got by accident. And she conquered the director Rodion Nakhapetov with her freedom in the frame. Without education, practice, even the experience of a school theater - and immediately the main role!

“For the main role, I was looking for an actress for a long time, there had to be such a girl, a strange, sincere, devoted, good, provincial girl, and I did a lot of tests, I was looking for,” recalls film director, People's Artist of the RSFSR Rodion Nakhapetov.

The creative union of the director and actress grew into a family one. She was not yet 20. He was over 30. Film work went one after another. Their marriage broke up after 12 years. The profession connected them, she also divorced them.

“It is very painful for me to talk about her in the past tense, I will somehow have to come to terms with this. I am very grateful to everyone who expresses their condolences or has expressed," said Rodion Nakhapetov, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Just a year ago, on the anniversary of Vera Glagoleva, we managed to photograph the family circle. She succeeded - because she was reluctant to let journalists into her life. The second happy marriage brought the actress peace and confidence in the future. Turning point: The decision to leave actresses for directors was not easy for her.

"By itself. So I started archery - I liked it. I started acting in films - I liked it. I stopped liking it - I went into directing, ”said the actress, film director, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Vera Glagoleva.

Six films. She received dozens of awards at international and Russian film festivals already as a director. On the set, Glagoleva came out collected, even tough, very demanding of herself and the actors. Daughter Anna starred in the films of her mother and was terribly worried before each episode.

“I was actually very afraid, because she is a very strict, demanding person - a person in life, and the director is even more so. I know that adult artists and the whole group in general were afraid of her. You will never say that this is a woman director. She can present herself like that, what a hoo!”, - recalls the daughter of Vera Glagoleva Anna Nakhapetova.

“I can get pissed off by artists who don’t understand me. This was the very case when they did not understand me. And I came up and said: “Well, you can’t work like that, you can’t work like that, it’s mediocre.” And all sorts of such words, ”said Vera Glagoleva.

The last tape from the director Glagoleva is "Two Women". The love quadrangle based on Turgenev's play was acted out by an international acting team. She came out in 2014. Since then, Glagoleva has been working on new projects.

Literally in May, the shooting of the painting "Clay Pit" was completed. Then there were reports that she was in the hospital. Apparently oncology. But the family denied this information. Glagoleva worked until the last day of her life.

“Faith has played a fantastic role in my life. We worked with her a lot in the cinema and were partners more than once. And I followed her directing career with great tenderness and delight, ”recalls Vera Glagoleva, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Valery Garkalin.

Vera Glagoleva was such a bright and joyful person. A woman without age, a woman who attracted to her.

“Something heavenly, or something, even. In her impetuosity, in her hairstyle, in her eyes there is such a deer or something. Somehow she is so fragile and very tender, ”said Dmitry Kharatyan, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation, about Vera Glagoleva.

For everyone, today's news about the departure of Vera Glagoleva was a blow. Too unexpected. Too far. Too early.

“Very beautiful, talented, diverse. A very strong woman, very strong. Being an actress and then becoming a very high-class director is not so easy. It just doesn’t fit in my head how this could happen,” says screenwriter, film director, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Viktor Merezhko.

Literally in July, Vera Glagoleva married her youngest daughter to hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. She had fun, danced, as if nothing had happened.

And today it is so difficult and so painful for that same daughter Anastasia to say goodbye to her mother:

"Our beloved ... unique and unique ... there are no words and no strength ... you are near, and we feel it ..."

// Photo: Interpress/

This loss came as a shock to many. The actress and director until the last concealed a terrible disease - stomach cancer. Doctors fought for her life for two years, but could not save her. Vera Glagoleva died on August 16, 2017. On the eve of the anniversary, friends told StarHit how she changed their fate.

“I met Vera as a child,” says actress Alena Babenko. - I remember my mother turned on the film “About You”, and she sang there ... She got so excited from the voice that she began to tear her tights. Mommy cursed, and I seemed to be under hypnosis ... Many years later, Vera invited me to star in the film "Ferris Wheel". I didn’t even really look at the script, I thought only about meeting with the idol. During the rehearsals, I was literally imbued with her femininity, which manifested itself in every detail: in gestures, in the manner of communication, in style. She did not part with the phone, it was constantly torn. I remember a strange dialogue: someone called her in a panic - complained about a broken tap. She stepped aside several times, explained to the interlocutor how to fix it. Imagine, she, a graceful blonde, understood such things!

Glagoleva, despite being busy, always found time for her family, which was her support, rear.

“Somehow, at the premiere, Vera presented her dad’s book of poems - she collected them all and published a collection,” Babenko continues. - I really liked the idea. Returning home, she asked her father to write memoirs about life. Then secretly released a book and handed it to him!”

One of the closest friends of the director was Marina Mogilevskaya, they were friends for about 15 years.

“Vera always knew how to be there when it was difficult for someone. For example, thanks to her, my pregnancy has become the most interesting period of my life, - the actress shares with StarHit. - She did not allow me to immerse myself in experiences, because childbirth at the age of 40 is a responsible and risky step. All the time she took her to concerts of Zhvanetsky, then to Spivakov, then to poetry evenings ... When Masha appeared, she loved to give her beautiful things. My daughter still wears these dresses. Once they arranged a photo shoot "Masha in outfits from Vera" and sent it to her. Of course, she appreciated our joke!”

Glagoleva loved not only to give gifts, but also to enlighten her friends, advised books and films. “I miss her a lot,” adds Marina. - I often open the mail. Vera constantly sent interesting articles, and then we could discuss them for hours on the phone. Two days before Verochka died, she received an email with the traditional postscript: “Be sure to look!” There was a link to the film of the young director Eduard Bordukov "The Box". Faith until the last did not lose interest in what is happening around. Her place in my life is now empty, and it is unlikely that someone will take it ... "

The daughters of Vera Glagoleva still have not come to terms with the fact that their mother is no longer alive. Anna Nakhapetova and Nastasya Shubskaya left touching posts dedicated to a relative on their pages on social networks.

Vera Glagoleva hid her illness. No one could believe that the director had oncology, because at the beginning of last summer she had fun at Nastasya's wedding with Alexander Ovechkin. However, despite the efforts of doctors, the star still could not overcome cancer.

Published on 08/17/17 09:20

Vera Glagoleva was sick with stomach cancer, media reported. Her friend spoke about the last months of the star's life. The eldest daughter of the actress knew about the imminent death of her mother.

Vera Glagoleva died in Germany: actress film producer commented on her death

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According to the producer and close friend of Vera Glagoleva Natalya Ivanova, no one knows the details of the situation that happened to the actress in Germany.

“This afternoon, Kirill Shubsky, her husband, called me and said: “Vera passed away an hour ago.” The feeling of loss, shock cannot be expressed in words. Too unexpected for everyone. Vera and I constantly corresponded, because now I am in Spain. She called, wrote not only to me, but intkbbee and all your friends. She is an open person and very friendly. From the category of people who have no enemies, "Ivanova admitted to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

According to her, she received the last message from Vera Glagoleva the day before, and on Wednesday they were supposed to discuss the issues of the new film by phone.

"We finished filming the social drama Clay Pit. In September we were supposed to fly to Kazakhstan to shoot the last block there. And we are already planning the next project, the script for which we have almost written, a film about the love of Turgenev and Polina Viardot. Absolutely working environment " said the producer.

She noted that in June in the city of Aleksin, Tula region, a difficult filming period passed, and Vera Glagoleva felt fine, worked 12 hours a day, and the process went "on schedule, minute by minute."

"Vera is a man of iron will, a fighter with a strong character, especially in matters related to work. In July, as you know, her youngest daughter Nastya got married to Alexander Ovechkin. Vera was at this wedding, absolutely happy. Nothing foreshadowed trouble" , - she said.

Ivanova does not know what caused the exacerbation of the actress's illness and what caused the crisis.

“I know that a few days ago, Vera and her family went to Germany for a consultation. She had previously consulted there in various clinics. But she didn’t like to talk about her sores. She didn’t get sick at all. And suddenly this,” she added.

Vera Glagoleva was ill with stomach cancer: the media found out the details of the illness of the actress

As it became known to the journalists of Moskovsky Komsomolets, Vera Glagoleva could die from stomach cancer. The star passed away shortly after visiting the Black Forest-Baar clinic in the suburbs of Baden-Baden.

The specialization of the medical facility is tumors in the abdominal cavity. The cost of treatment in the clinic depends on the severity of the disease and ranges from 6 to 50 thousand euros.

According to journalists, bureaucratic problems may arise with the delivery of the body of the actress to her homeland.

"First of all, it will be necessary to conduct an autopsy so that doctors confirm the death due to the disease. This document will have to be signed by law enforcement agencies that they have no questions about the death of a citizen, even if from another country," an anonymous representative told reporters. one of the ritual companies in Moscow.

The interlocutor of the publication clarified that "in such a bureaucratic country as Germany" it is necessary to collect a lot of documents to transport the body across the border. Relatives of Vera Glagoleva are now preparing papers. According to the husband of the actress, Kirill Shubsky, the body of his wife will be delivered to Russia on Thursday or Friday. It is also necessary to decide the method of delivery - by plane or by car.

Her eldest daughter knew about the imminent death of Vera Glagoleva - Katya Lel is sure

The day before, Channel One aired a new episode “Let them talk, dedicated to Vera Glagoleva. The guests in the studio discussed the silence of the artist’s family and even the refutation of rumors slipping in the media about the star’s illness.

A friend of the actress, singer Katya Lel, who came to the studio of the project, spoke about the last meeting with Vera, which took place at the recent wedding of Glagoleva's youngest daughter, Anastasia Shubskaya.

As Katya Lel admitted, the eldest daughter of the actress Anna Nakhapetova all the time "cried uncontrollably" at the celebration. According to the singer, the girl knew about the imminent departure from the life of her mother.

Vera Glagoleva herself had fun at the wedding along with the young guests. That evening, the 61-year-old actress "annealed" along with the soloists of "Ivanushki International" Kirill Andreev and Kirill Turichenko.

Vera Glagoleva at her daughter's wedding VIDEO

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