Recent requests for help. I can’t find a suitable job for a long time: what to do


The situation when a young person who seems to have a profession in demand, cannot find a job for a long time, unfortunately, is not uncommon. At the same time, there is a feeling that, they say, no one understands me and no one needs me. This state of affairs, of course, cannot suit and satisfy: each of us wants to feel needed and significant. Lack of work for a long time undermines faith in their own prospects. It seems that nothing good will happen in life. In addition, it is much harder for a man to experience a situation when he cannot find a job. If a woman has the opportunity to hide behind the upbringing of children, focus on the family and hope for a spouse, then the stronger sex does not have such an advantage. A man wants to feel needed in the profession, only then he is truly happy. This article discusses the feelings of a person who cannot professionally realize himself for a significant time, and suggests ways to solve the problem. What can you do when you are haunted by only failures?

The essence of the problem

It is not always possible to find a job as easily and simply as it seems. Sometimes weeks and months pass and the situation does not change. It seems that you did not graduate from the institute yesterday and have quite acceptable knowledge, but for some reason employers are in no hurry to notice you. Of course, this situation is depressing and makes you suffer. Thoughts begin to appear that, they say, since they don’t take me to the desired position, it means that I am not capable of anything. Do not rush to make hasty conclusions, do not torment yourself in vain. Perhaps you yourself are not very actively looking for a job? In any case, it is necessary to show perseverance and interest. When a person prefers to close himself in his problem, luck also turns away. Often a person who cannot find a job develops depression, but he has no idea how to get out of it. Such a decisive step requires self-confidence and a bold look into the future.


By itself, the document on graduation does not say anything. There are many people who have successfully completed their studies, but have not been able to settle in life. To do this, you need to have a mobile mind and high aspirations, and most importantly, to clearly understand where to move on. Refuse to think that supposedly they are not interested in me. It is important to have a specific goal in front of you, then it will be easier to achieve it. Life often gives us opportunities, but do we use them correctly? Someone runs away as soon as he sees a tempting offer, others consider themselves unworthy to respond to an interesting job advertisement. Some people do not need a diploma at all in order to realize their potential, for this you need to have creative thinking and be always ready to show your best side. How many are capable of it? Hardly. Most of us miss our chances, and this is repeated many times.

The presence of a diploma is not an indicator, but only an opportunity, an additional step towards one's own development. The document cannot serve as a guarantee of success, it would be too simple. Currently, professionals are required who can do something beyond the proposed position, intellectually developed and competent.

Feeling worthless

When you can’t for a long time, the most terrible doubts begin to creep into your head. Rarely does anyone at this moment not give up, their faith in themselves does not break, the desire to continue doing something does not fade away. Often even depression occurs, it seems that luck has completely turned away. Gradually, a feeling of emptiness and uselessness is formed. These feelings are quite natural and natural. Indeed, how can one feel if, for example, I am not invited to work anywhere, although appropriate efforts are being made. Over time, a person begins to doubt that he will succeed at all. But it's easier to tell myself that I'm not good at anything. It is important to continue to act with all your might. If necessary, hit the same point many times, someday you will definitely be lucky. You need to try to overcome the imaginary feeling of worthlessness in yourself. Remember that you are valuable in yourself and as a specialist. No need to give up ahead of time, continue to fight for your place in the sun. There is an opinion: if they are not interested in me, then I do not declare myself loudly enough.

Seeming hopelessness

How to cope with depression and find a way out of a predicament? When a feeling of hopelessness seizes you, all the forces go somewhere, you don’t want to do anything. I must say that the easiest way is to hide from all the problems behind the mask of a loser and then do nothing. This is done not only by weak people, but also by those who, for some reason, are disappointed in themselves. A strong focus on the lack of work makes it difficult to find one. The more we immerse ourselves in experiences, the more disappointed we are in the available prospects. Some people, starting to look for a job and not getting an instant result, immediately become discouraged. They don't want to do anything extra to get noticed. Only action can change our lives for the better. It is worth remembering this when you plan to bring something new into your life. If you argue in such a way that they won’t take me anywhere, you shouldn’t even hope for changes. A lot depends directly on the mood of a person, including success.


This type of activity has already been successfully tested by many people. Perhaps this perspective will suit you. If you have been suffering from the fact that you cannot find a job for a long time, know that there is a way out. To do this, you just need to better assess your capabilities, practice a little and believe in your own prospects. Only he wins in a difficult struggle who is ready to go to the end and take active steps. When a person passively lies on the couch and suffers from his own seeming professional unsuitability, he will never be able to find something to his liking. There is no need to think that they will not accept me, because I do not have the appropriate education or experience. Fate favors the enterprising and the brave.

Freelancing is a great solution for those who want to work from home and value their own independence. Today, there are many areas of activity that you can do while being in a cozy and relaxed atmosphere: design, writing articles, developing websites. Of course, this is not suitable for all people. The work of a freelancer implies perseverance, focus on results, the ability to take responsibility, efforts applied alone. If a person wants to discover new facets and perspectives in himself, then he may well choose freelancing as his main and profitable occupation. You will have to make a significant effort, but they are worth it. This type of employment can be both a temporary solution and a permanent one.

Continuous movement

Activity is the key to success in any business. Be extremely open to new information, then significant changes will soon occur in your life. If you have chosen a certain path for yourself, do not back down. Results will definitely appear, you just need to act and not lose your presence of mind. Anyone who argues that, they say, they are not interested in me, it is unlikely that I will be useful, will not achieve visible changes for the better. Belief in yourself and your own abilities is half the battle. Be ready at some point to accept the challenge of fate and prove to others what you are capable of.

Thus, the problem of finding a job is always relevant. If you still can't find something to your liking, then it's time to put aside doubts and take action.

Question to the psychologist:

Good afternoon. I already have a very deep depression, constant thoughts about the meaning of further existence, suicide. I'm only holding on because of my parents. Repeatedly imagined his funeral, the grief of his parents, sobbed and found the strength to hold on. This situation has been around for about a year, but the prerequisites began to appear two years ago.

Previously, I had a prestigious job in one of the best companies in the capital, respect in the team, recognition, success. Rested in good foreign resorts. I had many admirers. Wherever I went, there was always increased attention from the opposite sex. All this gave rise to a "star fever" in me. I felt like some kind of alpha male who can do anything, a demigod.

But there was one "but". It seemed to many girls that I was not developing and that with my capabilities I could achieve maximum success, become a millionaire, etc. At first I didn't pay attention to this chatter, but every day I was sneered: "You can achieve great things", "Why are you still not a millionaire?", "You need to find a better job", etc. It got to the point where I was embarrassed to show up at work. In short, a few girls praised me so much and turned me on, zombified me so much that I decided to quit my job and start achieving "big success". They barely let me go from work, they said that everything would fall apart without me. This pissed me off even more. So something depended on me! I am needed!

But! When I quit, rested for several months and started looking for a new job, I faced the fact that no one would hire me!! They don’t respond to resumes when I get to interviews - they don’t call back. And it's been about two years now! A year and a half ago, the previous boss persuaded me to return, but freelance. I thought that I would work part-time at the previous place and search. Everything would be fine, but there was very little work there (crisis), and other employers do not need me.

Still, a year and a half ago, my beloved refused to marry me, although she had previously agreed. A year ago, as a result of an unskilled medical intervention, I received an injury due to which my life deteriorated dramatically.

And now I'm sitting at home with poor health, a broken heart and no job. Sometimes they call to the previous place to earn extra money, but this is very little.

Can't understand why other employers can't consider me?

I fell into depression and constant anxiety. Stopped sleeping well. I was told that the way out is to find a job and a girlfriend. But I can't!!! Vicious circle.

I am visited by thoughts that one of the girls jinxed me, caused damage.

Perhaps out of jealousy or envy.

It just doesn't fit in my head, how could everything have collapsed like this?

I want to go to the "grandmother", maybe he will see the evil eye?

Life energy gradually dries up. With each new refusal to work, hands are lowered more and more ...

The psychologist Panina Irina Nikolaevna answers the question.

Hello Sergey.

I empathize with you in your condition. I am glad that the thought of your parents (and I will tell you more, the thought of your unborn children and thoughts of other imperfect plans) supports you and gives you support.

Yes, now everything is not "ice" for you. It could have been much better. However, it could have been much worse. It depends on what you compare it to.

In your time, you were a brilliant young man with a booming career and good fortune.

You say "evil eye"... Eh... as the devilish figures say in some films, "Vanity is the most beloved sin."

Let's reason soberly and even harshly. Like a woman with a man.

You write:

"Can't understand why other employers can't consider me?"

And who reviewed you BEFORE that?

Girls? And who else?

You write that it was the girls who, as if by agreement, predicted a bright future for you in free swimming.

How could they (these dolls) know, actually KNOW what exactly you can handle and what you are capable of? What do you want?

It was THEM who wanted to go to bed (sorry) with a millionaire.

Did any of them offer you a JOINT project?

Any project?

You listened to the flattering speeches of unfamiliar, but trying to please you girls, and went nowhere. From a warm place.

On the other hand, such "pendels of fate" teach the mind-reason very well and add experience. At least understand people, at least understand for the future that it would be necessary to lay straws when you jerk sharply through life.

You, still a very young person, have a real chance to think and draw conclusions. You have powers. Since you are writing here, I understand that it’s hard for you, it’s bad, you can say so, but you sat down in front of the monitor at the “clave” and typed this text. For this you have great respect.

As they say, for one beaten they give two not beaten (yes, it doesn’t hurt to take it) ...

You need to understand exactly what conclusions you can draw from the current situation. And what kind of "lemonade" can you make from the "lemon of fate" that fell out to you.

NOT hiring you?

Create your own jobs. You wanted, it seems, free swimming?

Has your lover abandoned you?

It's good that it happened now. Imagine you would give birth to children with her, and then you would find out that she is not with you out of love ...

Received a health injury. Of course, this is not good. Have you taken up litigation or community service to improve health care? Perhaps there, in this area, "lies" both your career and your money?

Regarding refusals at work .... Yes, with each failure you are more and more .... fade .. And this can become a vicious circle, because you non-verbally broadcast yourself to people (employers), presenting yourself as a loser.

A vicious circle - feel sorry for yourself so that people will tell you later about "how pathetic you are." Only YOU can take care of yourself, others will behave with you as YOU let them.

Finding a girl... in my opinion, this was not your problem in those days when you had a job and money.

Get back on your feet and you will choose among the girls who will fly in again to twitter flattering speeches for you.

This is where you will be (probably) smarter.

Since your parents are support for you, stay with them, remember your childhood, what you were fond of, what you wanted and what you dreamed about. What did they play.

Think about your acquaintances, connections. Who can help you really now with work (with earnings)? How to ask him about it? What to offer in return?

I believe that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. If you so desire.

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If it so happens that for a long time you cannot find a job, you first need to consider your requirements. To do this, it will be useful to write them all down on a piece of paper. Immediately mark those that you consider unshakable. For example, you categorically disagree with moving to another city. So, leave this point and do not return to it. And the schedule? Let's say you're looking for a remote job. But maybe you can still come to the office several days a week? Then it makes a real difference! Don't forget to edit your resume accordingly. Or, say, the expected salary. Think, maybe you will be satisfied with a slightly smaller amount? Lower your wage requirements and it's likely that there will be several companies ready to hire you at once.

Carefully analyze and revise all your wishes and try to soften them.

The best education is self-education

But if the change of requests did not bring any results, you need to pay attention to yourself. Is your position too common to take on a dozen other candidates? Do you not love your profession? Work for you is a daily hard labor and you strive to quickly run away home? Then you definitely should think about changing activities. No, you don't have to get another education for this. You can easily master the profession with the help of special courses, which, as a rule, last no more than two months. Moreover, today on the Internet there are a huge number of different video tutorials and even webinars, which will also not be superfluous for those who decide to learn something new.

If you have always wanted to create websites, but graduated from a culinary college, go to courses for web programmers; dreamed of selling real estate by the sea, but instead you are selling car parts - take public speaking courses for staging a speech and go straight to a real estate agency - to prove that you are the one who will be able to sell; wanted to create elegant bouquets of flowers, and create reports in the accounting department - rather for floristry courses. Do not be afraid to try yourself in something new, find other opportunities, because, as they say, it is better to do and regret than not to do and regret too.

Believe me, everything is really in your hands, and if you cannot find a job in your profession for a long time, then it is quite possible that the whole catch is that this is not your profession, that you are not doing your job and you need to change it sooner.

Keep up with the times

And, of course, do not forget that life changes very quickly. Yesterday we lived one, and today it is completely different. If you can't find a job for a long time, look around and find what is in demand these days. Learn how to write sales texts, promote websites, work with social networks, sign up for your own workshops, start a blog and make money from it, hold a webinar and teach people what you can do yourself ...

These days, there are plenty of opportunities to start working and earning, and all it takes is a little courage and a modicum of patience from you.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Work is something that can bring pleasure, development, money, joy from victories. The other side of the coin can be accumulated anger and disappointment, financial difficulties, discord in relationships. If you are not the lucky one who managed to choose for yourself and find a job that will be to your liking, then you will find useful information in this article. I'll tell you what to do if you can't find a job.

Spare no time

The need to look for a new job can arise for various reasons - personal (do not like the job, desire to change occupation), economic (crisis, layoffs) or interpersonal (or with superiors). Perhaps you just started looking for a job after graduation, and now you can’t find a job in your profession, or you are not hired due to lack of experience.

If you have been unsuccessfully looking for vacancies for a long time, then you should think about changing tactics. First of all, think about the time already spent. How much could you do. And now it is necessary to change our own, reconsider our life values ​​and move in a different direction.

Undoubtedly, demand creates supply. But the offer must be of high quality, interesting and unique. How many unemployed managers, marketers, economists are there now? So many. All because a person does not want to work hard, but wants to get a lot. Understand one simple thing - to get something, you need to work hard.

I am sure that you can achieve great success in your profession or your favorite pastime. But the main problem lies with you. In your, great laziness, it will do anyhow. Stop wasting time on TV shows, parties and get down to business!


Today, the information business is rapidly developing, which involves the sale of knowledge. It is enough to be an expert in some field and create a good product based on your knowledge to sell. Every activity has advantages and disadvantages.

The undoubted advantages will be - a decent profit, the absence of bosses (you work for yourself and determine the mode of operation yourself), the presence of passive income (by creating a product, you will continue to receive profit from it), there is no need to register a business. The minimum investment will be required for the creation of the site and its promotion, for a start - this is the payment of the domain and hosting. In the future, all costs will pay off.

The disadvantage, and for some, the advantage, will be the need to understand the topic well, in addition to creating a product, you will need knowledge in promotion (creating a website, mailing lists, attracting customers, etc.). From the point of view of your development, the infobusiness will become a good friend.

And if you feel sorry for the time to study the features, then you can always outsource certain responsibilities, there are many services freelancing, where different specialists offer their services.

To get up to speed, check out the free resources " how to make money online».

Additional features

If you are interested in a well-paid job on the Internet, then you can easily combine it at first with a completely ordinary job, for example, a sales consultant, office manager, administrator, and so on. After all, making money online is not an instant thing. And in order to support yourself while you're doing concept development and stuff, you need to have a little bit of extra income on the side.

Blogosphere. Many start their activities on the Internet with a blog. In order to do everything right and get a good result, you first need to understand what it is, how a blog works, than to attract readers. Your starting point could be blogging school to the result.

It gives not only a dry theory, but also shows all the subtleties of this type of activity from the practical side. In addition, competent specialists will supervise, guide and chew on all the ambiguities.

Copyright. Another interesting and attractive form of making money on the Internet is copyright. If you have a desire to write, then this is exactly what suits you. I advise you to get started with the work of other copywriters. Here you will surely find a lot of useful information for yourself. Remember that anyone can just write. But to write an interesting and exciting article, only a few. But all of this can be learned.

your videos. You can make money online with your own videos. Whether it's funny videos about pets, serious video courses or your videos from various computer games. One of my friends plays one network game. The whole process is filmed, then cut, writes down funny comments and uploads it to your YouTube channel.

To date, he has more than three thousand subscribers, due to which he receives money from advertising. How to approach this issue more seriously, you can help this book. Remember that it’s easy to shoot a video anyhow, as Uncle Vasya from the next entrance can. There are millions of such videos on the Internet. And only a few really catch the audience.

income for women. By nature, women are given a unique opportunity - to earn with their own hands. Today, girls on the Internet make money on makeup, hairstyles, manicures and pedicures, cooking, a healthy lifestyle, and more.

If you know how to knit, sew, cut, then you can easily turn this hobby into earnings. Do you bake pies and all the relatives constantly praise you? Make it a commercial project. But you can find out how to attract customers in the instagram section, service SocLike works great in this area.

Photo. Perhaps you just love taking pictures of yourself and your friends. But you can benefit from this. Agree, such a complex program as Photoshop is one of the main ones when working with photography. It may not be possible to figure it out on your own. Here You can find video tutorials on mastering Photoshop.

Pull yourself together

The main problem that people face in the matter of earning money is ignorance of what to do, and in the future laziness begins to interfere. Ask yourself some questions.

  • What do I love and can do?
  • What do I want to do in life?
  • What skills am I missing?

Based on the answers to these questions, you can build a plan, following which you will succeed.

Remember that the product you offer must be of high quality and useful. You yourself must want to buy it (read the article, watch the video, make yourself such a hairstyle). Develop your skills and don't stop there.

In order for your brain to easily see opportunities, what to do and how to make money without investment, read the book by Barbara Sher " The job of your dreams. How to make money doing what you love". After it, a bunch of valuable ideas will definitely be born.

Do not be lazy, discard all unnecessary activities that prevent you from doing business. Stop wasting time on empty and useless things. Focus on work. Rest is a useful thing, but it must also be planned. No one is forcing you to turn into. But there is only one principle here. You work - you get results. And nothing else.

I hope you found a lot of interesting and useful things in today's article. If so, be sure to share the link on social networks.
I wish you to find your occupation and achieve incredible success!

Happiness is not about money - a phrase that is relevant only for those who do not have financial problems. Much more often you can hear the no less famous continuation - "and in their number." Without being able to go to work and receive the money necessary to provide at least an average level of quality of life, a person is not able to realize even his most modest needs. Often this ends in prolonged depression and loss of hope that the situation will change.

What to do if you can't find a job for a long time?

Most likely, you have already sent a whole bunch of resumes, went to interviews, managed to be disappointed in yourself and panic. Now it's time to calm down and think things through.

The first thing to do is to rest. Let your brain and nervous system recover from the marathon with sending letters and monitoring employers' offers. If you take a break for a few days, then it will be easier to think and plan for the future.

If you can't find a job for a long time, try to analyze the reasons. If there is a demand in the market for specialists in your profession, you may not have enough experience or qualifications for the employer to make a choice in your favor. In order not to waste time, develop yourself - read more, sign up for advanced training courses, communicate on professional forums (maybe that's where you can find a new job).

Tell your friends that you are looking for a job and what exactly you can do. If they have acquaintances related to your field of activity, ask them to inquire about vacancies.

Breaks in work provide an opportunity to re-evaluate your own life. Do you like what you are doing? If you have long had a desire to change the field of activity, become a specialist in another field, learn something new - it's time to do it. Losing your job can be a good incentive to start your own business.

Why can't you find a job?

Often the problems of applicants begin at the stage of compiling a resume. Considering that there are always more people who want to get a job than there are vacancies, you need to make sure that the employer notices you. Make a resume as fully as possible, revealing all your skills and talents not only in the requested field, but also in nearby ones.

Study the requirements employers have for specialists in your field, and be sure to include them in the questionnaire. A small cover letter will help you stand out, which will show that you do not send letters to all companies in a row, but that you have carefully read the specific vacancy and have an idea of ​​​​what issues you will face, as well as how to solve them.

Even if you have not received an answer, remind about yourself, take an interest in the fate of your letter. The same should be done after passing the interview - as an option, you can find out the reason for the refusal, which will help to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

Send resumes not only to companies that you find on websites or in the newspaper - explore the Internet to find companies where you would like to work and contact them, even if they do not have open vacancies at the moment. If your resume is of interest, then you will be contacted either immediately or when a specialist is needed.

If a contact number is listed in the job posting, before sending your resume, talk to a company representative by phone, tell us about yourself and ask about the opportunity to come for an interview.

Another problem that applicants face is an inadequate assessment of their own skills. Perhaps you value yourself too low and are afraid to send your resume to companies that are able to offer jobs that match your level of knowledge, or you want to get a position for which experience is clearly not enough - in this case, you will have to moderate your ambitions.

A similar mistake when looking for a job is the unwillingness to compromise: if you are looking for a high-paying job close to home, and even with a free schedule, the search can be delayed. You should not require the employer to initially provide you with any benefits - no one knows how well you will cope with your duties, so it is not advisable to expect management to initially make concessions.

It is believed that it is easier to find a job in the summer - managers want to go on vacation and try to close "burning" vacancies as quickly as possible, and applicants, if they have the opportunity to relax, slowly wait for autumn. Therefore, during this period it is better to become more active and put maximum effort into the search.

The most important thing to remember is that sooner or later there is a job for everyone. No need to be afraid to look for your place under the sun, it is better to be patient and confidently move towards the desired result.

Arina, Moscow

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