Proverbs about beauty in the Chuvash language. Chuvash proverbs and sayings


The Chuvash people are small, but dear. It gives birth to excellent scientists and philosophers, artists and architects, as well as jacks of all trades. The few are rich in national folklore and give their culture to the whole world. In addition to the exact sciences and the humanities, songs and dances, painting and literature, the Chuvash excelled in the comic, poetic and proverbial genres.

These people are akin to Russians and even have the same surnames: Ivanov, Petrov, Vasiliev, Matveev, Saveliev, Danilov, Antipin and many others. Although their language is different and their speech is different in pronunciation, and their character is more peaceful, the Chuvash inhabitants are fluent in the Slavic dialect and compose sayings excellently. Their proverbs are just as witty, satirical and truthful.

In the Chuvash language, parables flow lightly

By parables, of course, we mean proverbs in the Chuvash language. They speak as easily and melodiously as ditties in Russian couplets. Naturally, you do not need to memorize the speech itself. It is enough to listen to the indigenous women, how they sing beautifully.

Chuvash girls generally have the gift to decorate any holiday with amazing melodies and dances. It is at Bashkir events that funny Chuvash proverbs sound most often and delight the audience.

Kanter akrem shetmar - He planted hemp, but did not rise.

Sohalani çavnashkal - Apparently, so well-groomed wretchedly.

M. n Kollyanas: m. n Makras - What should I cry, what should I grieve.

Hayeon teley çavnashkat? - Apparently, my fate is far away?

Ulyohöttem ç\ll. tu çine - I would climb a high mountain.

Zyru çyrayöttem shur chul çine - And he created an inscription on a white stone.

Hamyeong alyoran kilsess. n - And if it were in my will.

Zyrayottem puzema yrleha - He left his happy share.

Yalse now naçç te yalpa .: feast. n te yalpa since - The villagers live in the whole village, we would also live in the whole village.

A peculiar symbolic dialect gives mystery to the rare Russian Chuvash tribe. This is another branch that has its roots in distant history and flourished in the modern age. It has grown into a beautiful civilization with its customs and customs. Listening to the work of this people, one can say: in the Chuvash language, parables flow lightly.

And the Russian spirit smells

Let's try to pick up Russian expressions for Chuvash proverbs and compare them.

Let's read a few Chuvash tongue twisters:

  • While trouble prancing in the troika, happiness stomps on foot.
  • There are people smarter than the smart and stronger than the strong.
  • The rook said: "Let it be black, but its own child."
  • In the bushes where the wolves huddle, the goat does not live.
  • What matters is the man's work, not his title.
  • Good glory walks on foot, and bad glory flies in the wind.
  • An old man will never be young, but every young man will grow old.
  • The mother is deaf while the child is silent.
  • You won't be young twice.
  • Take your daughter and look at your mother.
  • Even a shabby blanket cannot be sewn without a thread.
  • There is no bread without bran.
  • You can't get inside a person.
  • A crooked nail will also serve the household.
  • They don’t pour water into the well, they don’t carry firewood into the forest.
  • The paper will not turn back into birch bark.
  • The old woman died from the cold while the berries were ripening in the forest.

Let's pick up Russian proverbs according to the meaning:

  • Where trouble walks freely, happiness sits quietly there.
  • There were, are and will be heroes in Rus'.
  • Every pig knows his pig.
  • Sheep - in the yards, goats - in the mountains, and wolves - in the valleys.
  • If you cannot go to your goal, then crawl towards it.
  • You don’t turn over every word, just as you don’t keep up with the wind in the field.
  • You will be happy if you win, and wise if you lose.
  • The mother does not understand if the child does not cry.
  • Day and night - day away.
  • From young to old, we only live once.
  • You can't run away from tomorrow, you can't catch up with yesterday.
  • Every tailor sews his cut.
  • Water will be so, if water is boiled.
  • What a tree, such apples on it.
  • Who is going - he will not get up, and who is standing - he will not go.
  • Who - much in what, he trumpets in that.
  • Braga according to the woman, beer according to the father, and the groom - according to the girl.
  • Time yes it is time - gold is more expensive.

It is immediately clear that national sayings and aphorisms are practically indistinguishable in meaning and construction. This means that the culture of the two republics interacts with each other, and people are very close in character and traditions. Chuvash proverbs, although they look a little unusual, are correctly composed, interesting, intelligent and easy to understand.

In the land of nobility and novelty

Proverbs are small sentences in which sages and poets, docents and ordinary people invest one or another interpretation of life, fate, love, death, joy ...

Each proverb belongs to a separate philosophical category. Sometimes reading these pieces of text is enchanting and deprives of reality, taking you to the land of mental nobility. Returning from there, you begin to see the real world with different eyes. Chuvash proverbs touch the soul with novelty, and the study of the folklore of a rare nation completely absorbs.

Where there are Chuvash proverbs, there is a piece of our culture

Sometimes the question arises - where can one hear such unusual lines, captivating with wise narrations and an abundance of interpretations? Proverbs of the Chuvash people can be found in the city's libraries and reading rooms. They are easy to memorize on the Internet at a computer or in the Play Store for tablets and smartphones with the Android operating system, as well as in the App Store for mac OS.

There are many audiobooks and individual recordings on music sites in mp3 and wav formats. It is even better to go to the Chuvash Republic. It won't take much time. It adjoins from the south to the borders of Mordovia and the Ulyanovsk region, and in the east and west - to Tatarstan and A having visited such holidays as Sĕren or Kalăm, and having spent time in the midst of games and songs, jokes and dances, fairy tales and proverbs of the spring celebration, not a single person will leave Chuvashia indifferent.

Chuvash- Turkic people, one of the indigenous peoples of the Volga and Kama regions, which was part of the Kazan Khanate before joining Moscow Rus', but nevertheless maintaining sufficient isolation. The total number of Chuvash is about 1.5 million people. The Chuvash language belongs to the Bulgar group of the Turkic branch of the Altaic family of languages. Related peoples of the Chuvash: Bulgars, Savirs, Khazars. Currently, most of the believing Chuvash are Orthodox, before joining the Russian state in 1551, they were pagans.

The Chuvash people have many proverbs and sayings about friendship and work, about the Motherland and the beauty of their native land, about family and raising children. Below you can find the most famous and commonly used Chuvash proverbs.


B A close friend is better than another relative.

The elbow is close, but you can't turn it to bite.

If you see an old man, take off your hat.

The brave are needed on the way, the heroes are needed on the battlefield.

Twisted washcloth - rope, untwisted - rubbish.

Children are the beauty of the earth.

Don't cross the old man.

For a fool, every day is a holiday.

Good fame is more valuable than wealth.

Don't follow the rascal.

At home, she could not cook stew, but in the village she cooked porridge.

If dressed up, and the stump will be beautiful, like a matchmaker.

For wild geese and jay gathered.

When there is room at the door, do not sit on the front benches.

Who has not seen the fish, and the ear is good.

The people rejoice and the song rejoices; people are sad, and the song is sad.

The ant is small, but it digs the mountainside.

Mother is the goddess of the family.

Between two shafts it is impossible to harness two horses.

It is good to thresh rye with five of us, and there are pies - together.

Few hands at work, many hands at the table.

A reliable friend has no price.

Do not take a bad person as your companion.

Don't follow the rascal.

Not every time a fish gets into the net.

Uncut grass is not hay.

A clumsily barking dog leads a wolf to the village.

The thread breaks in a thin place.

“School students: for the lesson they asked “Read the Chuvash proverbs and select Russian proverbs that are suitable in meaning (analogues)”? Answer «

Custom is stronger than law.

One will spit - it will dry up, the people will spit - it will turn out to be a lake.

The first wife is cast iron, the second is clay, the third is glass.

The first son is glass, the second son is clay, the third is cast iron.

The pie in the wrong hands seems big.

The stallion shows what the horse will be like.

A field with eyes, a forest with ears.

Let the three-year-old help his father, the three-year-old help his mother. ( the Chuvash taught their children to work early; it is noteworthy that the Russians spoke of the Chuvashs like this: "they have a child - with one foot in the cradle, the other - plowing in the field")

The child is the household deity.

A frisky stallion on arable land is tamed.

Do not praise yourself, let people praise you.

Do not bring your custom into someone else's house.

Seventy-seven will help one rather than one seventy-seven.

The weak together are strength, the strong alone are weakness.

Blind chicken and husks seem like wheat.

Neighbors are dearer than distant relatives.

Friends have the same songs, friends have the same customs.

The Mari have cranberries from under the snow, the Chuvashs have beer from under the snow.

The Chuvash has cheese, the Tatar has sour milk.

If you see an old man, take off your hat.

If you want to live long - be healthy, if you want to be healthy - take care of your wife.

The brave man laid down his head, the fugitive laid a trail.

A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

What is - together, what is not - in half.

It takes intelligence to run a household.

Chuvash kisses twice: in the cradle and in the coffin. ( the proverb characterizes the national trait - the Chuvash are very restrained in expressing feelings)

Contents of the page: folk Chuvash proverbs and sayings.


The first written mention of the Chuvash people dates back to the 16th century. Among scientists, disputes about the origin of this people do not subside. However, most researchers agree that the Chuvash are descendants of the culture of the Volga Bulgaria. And the ancestors of the Chuvash are the tribes of the Volga Finns, who in the 7th-8th centuries. mixed with the Turkic tribes. Interestingly, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the ancestors of the Chuvash were part of the Kazakh Khanate, without losing some independence at the same time.

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The wisdom of the older generation for the benefit of the young

Here is one of the Chuvash proverbs that will be useful to the younger generation: "". Young people often consider themselves to be independent and experienced enough to make decisions about their lives. And this is completely natural - after all, everyone wants to go their own way. However, do not forget that life is full of difficulties and unpredictable situations. And often only a senior mentor can help in overcoming them. The Chuvash, like many other peoples, knew this wisdom well. And so they instruct the young through a useful proverb. Only the older and more experienced can teach the young how to avoid certain difficulties. After all, an elderly person has already encountered these difficulties, but a youth has not yet.

Envy is the worst vice

Chuvash proverbs reflect the most diverse aspects of human life. “Alien food seems tastier,” says the folk wisdom of the Chuvash. This truth is true for representatives of any nationality. After all, regardless of nationality, people have the same weaknesses. And one of those vices is envy. When it seems to a person that other people are doing better than him, this indicates an inability to be grateful for what is already there. An envious person will never be happy - after all, in any situation there are people who are richer, more comfortable, more talented than he is. Therefore, you need to develop your ability to appreciate life and the benefits that it gives.

Lazy is always poor

Another Chuvash proverb shares the well-known wisdom: "A lazy person's wallet is empty." Indeed, those people who do not make efforts to improve their well-being will always experience a shortage of money. When a person is not lazy, tries to solve his financial difficulties, sooner or later he will embark on the path of abundance. The lazy person will have to be content with the meager property that he has. Therefore, people who do not seek to overcome their laziness may face the most terrible consequences of their inaction, up to complete ruin. From this point of view, this Chuvash proverb will be very useful to everyone.

External beauty is fleeting

“Beauty for a while, kindness forever,” says another folk wisdom. Human goodness comes and goes. And no matter how progressive the modern beauty industry becomes, no one has yet managed to escape old age, which is also reminiscent of this Chuvash proverb in Russian. So far, people have not unraveled the main secret of aging. maybe it's for the best. After all, in this way a person has the opportunity to develop his best spiritual qualities, to appreciate the inner, spiritual beauty. Those for whom the source of joy is only their own plausibility make a deliberately losing bet. Outer beauty will disappear sooner or later. And kindness and other noble spiritual qualities will remain with a person forever.

Folk observations of personality changes

Chuvash proverbs and sayings often reflect reality in very capacious and clear statements. “The meek became formidable,” says the folk wisdom of the Chuvash. This saying reflects a frequent situation when at first a humble and modest person, for some reason, shows a completely different side of his character. This proverb has a hint of contempt for such a transformation of personality. After all, when a modest person becomes impudent, this does not mean that he has become better and has risen to a new stage of spiritual development. Rather, one who can curb his impudence and become formidable is worthy of respect.

Nature cannot be changed

“You can’t make a dog a fox,” says another proverb of the Chuvash people. This wisdom will also be true for all peoples, because it says that the nature of a living being is unchanging. With the help of images, this proverb teaches that a person cannot become different, completely change his character. At the very least, it is extremely difficult to do so. And if a person initially has some kind of personal quality, then it is almost impossible to change. This psychological truth was well known to the Chuvash people, which was the reason for the emergence of this proverb.

Proverb about the internal motives of a person

Another Chuvash wisdom says: "You can't fit inside a person." This means that it is impossible to calculate in advance how the other will act. His motives are unknown to anyone but himself. Sometimes it can seem that there are warm and open relationships between people. Even in this case, a person does not fully open his soul to another, and the closest friendship presupposes the presence of his own interests, values, and motives. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate the actions of another. After all, a person himself can do something that will be unexpected for him.

Trouble after trouble

You can't sew without a thread and a shabby blanket

There is no bread without bran

Without the advice of the elders, things will not work

Birch bark will not become paper

In the bush where the wolves are found, the goat does not live

They don’t carry firewood into the forest, they don’t pour water into the well

In the forest, the berries ripened, and the old woman died from the cold

Among the people there are stronger than the strong, smarter than the smart

In one year the quail grows fat, in another year - dergach

In the household and a crooked nail will come in handy

You can't get inside a person.

The crow says: "My chicks are white"

Every young man will grow old, but an old man will never be young.

The elm bends while it's young

Where there is laughter, there are tears

Looking at the mother, take the daughter

A rotten linden stands for a hundred years

They say that work will remain for three days even after death.

You won't be young twice

The case is argued when there are many workers

Firewood is burning - smoke is coming

The soul of the parents is in the children, and the heart of the children is in the bears

His grandmother and my aunt were gathering bones in the same clearing.

If you feed an orphan heifer, your lips will be covered in oil, but if you raise an orphan boy, your face will be covered in blood.

If you say "honey", "honey", it will not be sweet in your mouth

If one gives a hand, the other will not meet him with a club

Stock is the best

And the starling sometimes whistles like a nightingale

He who walks a detour found happiness, he who goes straight to need ran into

You can't make a feather bed out of one feather

He who has children worries, but the childless mourns

Another word is sharper than a knife

How will the priests live if a hundred people in the parish do not die in one year?

Alien food tastes better

Word equals gold

You can't build a cage with prayer

The rook says: “Though black, still your child”

Without the advice of the elders, things will not work

After sorrow comes joy

What is the face, such is the soul

A wife without a husband is like a mare without a bridle

What is the bread, such is the case

If it breaks through forty teeth, it will spread to forty villages

Tongue without bones

Native is sweet, someone else's bitter

An animal that has not experienced the cold of winter cannot appreciate the warmth of the summer sun.

And the stump will be beautiful, like a matchmaker, if you dress him up

Old elm comes with a hollow

Trouble rides a troika, but happiness walks

Trouble after trouble

Without knowing the words, don't speak

Bad fame flies in the wind, but good fame goes on foot

The truth saves from death

The child does not cry - the mother does not hear


Everyone praises the truth, but no one believes lies

Alien food tastes better

Word equals gold

You can't build a cage with prayer

Cattle with cattle and man with man are not the same

Too picky will get the bastards

What is said to the daughter, let the daughter-in-law hear

The rook says: “Though black, still your child”

Elm seeds fall at his butt

Without the advice of the elders, things will not work

After sorrow comes joy

What is the face, such is the soul

A wife without a husband is like a mare without a bridle

What is the bread, such is the case

A person who has experienced hunger and satiety

Yogurt will not become milk, a woman will not become a girl

If it breaks through forty teeth, it will spread to forty villages

Tongue without bones

If you don't speak, there won't be words; if you don't carpentry, there won't be chips.

Native is sweet, someone else's bitter

An animal that has not experienced the cold of winter cannot appreciate the warmth of the summer sun.

You can't fool an old man with words

His tongue is sharp, but the words are stupid

And the stump will be beautiful, like a matchmaker, if you dress him up

Old elm comes with a hollow

Trouble rides a troika, but happiness walks

Defeated the cat but was defeated by the mouse

Before you build a building, prepare the roof

What they said in the old days is true

A child who does not cry is not given a breast.

Look at the groom's father, give your daughter

Trouble after trouble

Without knowing the words, don't speak

Who lay in the shade, hoping for God, was left without a single piece of bread

Bad fame flies in the wind, but good fame goes on foot

The truth saves from death

A small herd - what a short lasso

The child does not cry - the mother does not hear

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  • Read Chuvash proverbs and sayings. Collection #1
  • The best: Chuvash proverbs and sayings. Collection #1

The first written mention of the Chuvash people dates back to the 16th century. Among scientists, disputes about the origin of this people do not subside. However, most researchers agree that the Chuvash are descendants of the culture of the Volga Bulgaria. And the ancestors of the Chuvash are the tribes of the Volga Finns, who in the 7th-8th centuries. mixed with the Turkic tribes. Interestingly, during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the ancestors of the Chuvash were part of the Kazakh Khanate, without losing some independence at the same time.

The wisdom of the older generation for the benefit of the young

Here is one of the Chuvash proverbs that will be useful to the younger generation: "Things will not work without the advice of the old people." Young people often consider themselves to be independent and experienced enough to make decisions about their lives. And this is completely natural - after all, everyone wants to go their own way. However, do not forget that life is full of difficulties and unpredictable situations. And often only a senior mentor can help in overcoming them. The Chuvash, like many other peoples, knew this wisdom well. And so they instruct the young through a useful proverb. Only the older and more experienced can teach the young how to avoid certain difficulties. After all, an elderly person has already encountered these difficulties, but a youth has not yet.

Envy is the worst vice

Chuvash proverbs reflect the most diverse aspects of human life. “Alien food seems tastier,” says Chuvash folk wisdom. This truth is true for representatives of any nationality. After all, regardless of nationality, people have the same weaknesses. And one of those vices is envy. When it seems to a person that other people are doing better than him, this indicates an inability to be grateful for what is already there. An envious person will never be happy - after all, in any situation there are people who are richer, more comfortable, more talented than he is. Therefore, you need to develop your ability to appreciate life and the benefits that it gives.

Lazy is always poor

Another Chuvash proverb shares the well-known wisdom: "A lazy person's wallet is empty." Indeed, those people who do not make efforts to improve their well-being will always experience a shortage of money. When a person is not lazy, tries to solve his financial difficulties, sooner or later he will embark on the path of abundance. The lazy person will have to be content with the meager property that he has. Therefore, people who do not seek to overcome their laziness may face the most terrible consequences of their inaction, up to complete ruin. From this point of view, this Chuvash proverb will be very useful to everyone.

External beauty is fleeting

“Beauty for a while, kindness forever,” says another folk wisdom. Human goodness comes and goes. And no matter how progressive the modern beauty industry becomes, no one has yet managed to escape old age, which is also reminiscent of this Chuvash proverb in Russian. So far, people have not unraveled the main secret of aging. maybe it's for the best. After all, in this way a person has the opportunity to develop his best spiritual qualities, to appreciate the inner, spiritual beauty. Those for whom the source of joy is only their own plausibility make a deliberately losing bet. Outer beauty will disappear sooner or later. And kindness and other noble spiritual qualities will remain with a person forever.

Folk observations of personality changes

Chuvash proverbs and sayings often reflect reality in very capacious and clear statements. “The meek became formidable,” says the folk wisdom of the Chuvash. This saying reflects a frequent situation when at first a humble and modest person, for some reason, shows a completely different side of his character. This proverb has a hint of contempt for such a transformation of personality. After all, when a modest person becomes impudent, this does not mean that he has become better and has risen to a new stage of spiritual development. Rather, one who can curb his impudence and become formidable is worthy of respect.

Nature cannot be changed

“You can’t make a dog a fox,” says another proverb of the Chuvash people. This wisdom will also be true for all peoples, because it says that the nature of a living being is unchanging. With the help of images, this proverb teaches that a person cannot become different, completely change his character. At the very least, it is extremely difficult to do so. And if a person initially has some kind of personal quality, then it is almost impossible to change. This psychological truth was well known to the Chuvash people, which was the reason for the emergence of this proverb.

Proverb about the internal motives of a person

Another Chuvash wisdom says: "You can't fit inside a person." This means that it is impossible to calculate in advance how the other will act. His motives are unknown to anyone but himself. Sometimes it can seem that there are warm and open relationships between people. Even in this case, a person does not fully open his soul to another, and the closest friendship presupposes the presence of his own interests, values, and motives. Therefore, it is impossible to calculate the actions of another. After all, a person himself can do something that will be unexpected for him.

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