Proverbs about greed and avarice. Proverbs about greed and avarice Chinese proverbs about greed


Russian proverbs*****

Russian proverbs*****

Greed pushes to meanness.

Kazakh proverb*****

Russian proverbs

Miser pays twice.

Russian proverbs*****

The greedy eye will only be satisfied with damp earth.

Russian proverbs*****

Russian proverbs*****

Greed for peace is a fierce enemy.

Russian proverbs*****

If you are in the boat of greed, your companion will be poverty.

Arabic proverb*****

Greed does not take into account the feasibility of the burden.

Kazakh proverb*****

Greed is blind.

Russian proverbs*****

The poorer, the more generous, the richer, the stingier.

Russian proverbs*****

Greed is of no use.

Arabic proverb*****

They cry, and hide the chests in the ground.

Russian proverbs*****

Money to a miser is like hay to a dog: he does not eat himself and does not give to others.

Russian proverbs*****

Greed gives rise to hearing loss: he hears, but does not give a look.

Kazakh proverb*****

The miser hides his own from himself.

Kazakh proverb*****

Even in the middle of winter you can't ask him for snow.

Russian proverbs*****

Where they pour, there they spill.

Russian proverbs*****

Clever greed is not a hindrance.

Russian proverbs*****

He who trembles over gold dies of hunger.

Kazakh proverb*****

Who overcomes his greed, he is strong.

Russian proverbs*****

A miserly soul is cheaper than a penny.

Russian proverbs*****

To shame the stingy, give him yourself.

Kazakh proverb*****

There is nowhere to put money, and there is nothing to buy a wallet for.

Russian proverbs*****

The greed of the beasts makes them a victim of snares and nets.

Tajik proverbs*****

Russian proverbs*****

Bad thoughts - from avarice.

Arabic proverb*****

Spare water - and do not cook porridge.

Russian proverbs*****

It's a pity to shake hands with each other.

Kazakh proverb*****

Not the greedy one who has little, but the one who wants more.

Russian proverbs*****

He looks into the grave, and trembles over the piggy bank.

Russian proverbs*****

As you lend, so they lend to you.

Arabic proverb*****

The greedy does not give himself peace.

Russian proverbs*****

The dog lies in the hay, does not eat itself and does not give to the cattle.

Russian proverbs*****

Everything is not enough for the insatiable.

Russian proverbs*****

Greed is not stupidity.

Russian proverbs*****

The greedy belly eats up to the ear.

Russian proverbs*****

The more fat the snake grows, the more it shakes with greed.

Kazakh proverb*****

Owns the city, and is dying of hunger.

Russian proverbs*****

Russian proverbs*****

Greedy like a wolf, but cowardly like a hare.

Russian proverbs*****

If you give a horse, give a bridle as well.

Arabic proverb*****

Thrift is not stinginess.

Russian proverbs*****

Be able not only to take, but also to give.

Russian proverbs*****

Russian proverbs*****

Miserly, like bees: they collect honey, but they themselves die.

Russian proverbs


There is no profit in envy. Don't roll your eyes. There is no use or joy in dashing and envy. You can't stock up on trash in a failed pit. In the wrong hands, a piece of bread for a carpet (a piece for a chunk). In the hands of others, the slice (pie) is great; but when we get it, it will seem small. In the hands of others, a nail the size of an elbow. You can’t overeat all the good, you can’t distort all the liars. You can’t overeat all the sweets, you can’t stand all the good. You can’t overeat all the sweets, you can’t stand the outfits.


Where the eyes are thrown, it's a pity to leave. Where there is happiness, there is envy. Don't feed your eyes. Eyes (Eyes) are envious, hands are raked. The eyes are the enemy of man. The eye is the first enemy. Eyes are given to the destruction of man (whatever they see, everyone would have captured). The eyes flickered. Eyes are holes, and hands are rakes. Our grief is buckwheat porridge; I don't want to eat, but it's a pity to leave. It is bitter to eat, but it is a pity to leave. Lord, Lord! They overslept their part: they roll up to people, roll away from us. Lord, Lord! Kill the one to death who lives better than ours (or: who has a lot of money and a good wife).


God grant a lot, but you want more. Give your soul freedom (plenty), you will want more. Give your soul freedom, it will want more. Give with a fingernail, ask for an elbow. Give, gossip, shetz, and your bread is yours. God gave a lot, but you want more. Chasing two birds with one stone - you won't catch a single one. Plenty of money, and even more. Got like a wolf to the sheepfold. Dorval that a cow to a bard. He rolled like a pig to a trough. They knock each other out of each other's hands. The soul does not accept, but the eyes are asking more and more. Uncle glance as if salting a fish.


There are many, but I want more.


You will regret the wort when the mash is sour. They wish hotly, but they press their hands. Rust eats iron, and the envious one dies of envy.


If you chase two hares, you won't catch one. Chased a small one - lost a big one. If you chase the small, you will lose the big. If you chase someone else, you will lose yours. They take envy that they don't give us. Envious eyes poked with a stake. Envious eyes know no shame. The envious eye sees widely (far). Envious for someone else's happiness dries up (wasting away). The envious pop lives for two centuries. The envious will not spare his two eyes. Envy was born before us. You won’t take anything with envy (you won’t do it). Looks like a dog into a jug. I drove into the rear sight, but put on a great cart - and not from a place. Tackle my mare! - What about yourself? - Hunk in hand. - Well, put in a hat! - Do not climb. I wanted cakes from a cat, a pancake from a dog. Bells of tambourines are just around the corner, and they will come to us - like a basket. The evil one cries with envy, and the good one with joy (out of pity). Sinister people jump, bondage teaches, but other people's bread does not let you sleep. The goiter is full, and the eyes are hungry (yes, the eyes are hollow).


Seeking (Desiring) someone else's, you will lose your own. Look for someone else's, but he will weep for his own.


If I had a belly of seven sheepskins, one would eat everything. Like a gutless chicken, everyone is hungry. As I became full, so I learned shame. When you are full, then know shame. Which cow died, she was kind to milk. He who desires much sees little. Whoever wants someone else's will soon lose his own (lose his own).


Dashing eyes shame (and children) numb. Dashing bees are smoked; dashing eyes shame does not take. If you want more, you will lose the last. The spoon is narrow, it drags two pieces, spread it wider, pulls out four. The spoon is narrow, it carries three pieces: you need to spread it so that it can carry six. It is better to be envious of others than to be in trouble yourself. It is better to live in envy than in pity. People will drink as they wipe with a handkerchief; and he will drink, as he burns it with fire. People live like al color bloom; and our head withers like grass. Human Semyon, like an onion is green; and our Semyon is littered with mud.


Much to wish - no good to be seen. To grab a lot is to lose yours. Many, many, and still so many. If you want a lot, you will lose the last. You will learn a lot, you yourself will be without bread.


On our (or: On your) pit you will not get enough trash (about the family). You can't get enough wood for a fire. The oven is a pit. You can't save on a tailor's butt. You won’t mow down on the army of hay (you won’t get enough). On a good flower and a bee flies. Whatever the world dies, it dies. On someone else's good and eyes flare up. Look at someone else's stomach and dry. There is nothing to puff your eyes at someone else's pile. You can’t get enough meat for a dog. Unleash the impudent, he. wants more. For a long time the dog pancake (only take a sip). Nazar licked everything. Call him brother, and he wants to be big (senior). Natolok in a bag that he didn’t drag from the place. The dog of the river does not bark, so all night long he stands above the river and barks. God did not give a hundred rubles, and fifty is not money. It is not good to have fun about the destruction of human. Do not get to anyone; don't get me or you. Do not worry about someone else's, take care of your own! Not selfish, but envious. Envy comes from self-interest, and self-interest from envy. Do not slurp dough on a mosquito: he drinks and slurps. The eye of sight will not be sated (Will not be filled), but the heart of desire. Not two cloudberries in a spoon. Do not rejoice in someone else's timelessness, you yourself are under God. Do not spread the mustache on someone else's piece! Not so much can (need) as much as you want. He is not so much embarrassed by his own loss as by someone else's gain. It’s not that shameful (annoying) that the cart has piled on a lot, but it’s shameful that he himself is sitting (said the wife, on whose advice the husband sold the horse and bought a necklace, and then carried firewood on his wife). It’s not an insult that the wine is expensive, but an insult that the kisser is getting richer. Do not point to someone else's offspring (laying bread) with a pitchfork (or: to someone else's yard). An unrighteous creation (acquisition) is dust. There is no abyss against envious eyes. The beggar, and full and hungry, all sings with one voice.


I was glad that the dog pancake. You can’t fish around him (no profit). He takes everything under his paw. You can't grab everything in one paw. Turned yellow with envy. From annoyance broke out (blushed). He burps oil, looking at the cow track. The uncle groaned, looking at other people's money (wealth). Our eyes are holes, our hands are rakes.


The leech would have drunk more, but the belly would have grown luscious. A spit is five rubles, and a hundred is not money. Two mushrooms per spoon (and the third stuck to the stem). Two scoops per spoon. On the monastery carpet, he is throwing on the cheek. Sweets and saliva flow. Three whips at a time. Do not look in other people's pockets, watch your own! Chased after the crumbs, but was left without a chunk. Chased a slice, but lost the carpet. He chased after the ax handle, and drowned the ax (with an ax he began to catch a log on the water). The bean envied the uncultivated. I envied the bald bald man (mangy). Ass, that sheaf, that stack - all the same (everything is nice). The mare appropriated a belt whip. Let the woman go to heaven, and she leads the cow with her.


Wake me up, mom, tomorrow early! - What is it? - Yes, here's a slice of bread to finish: now I can’t. Scatter with ared, but don't get stingy.


From the soul, rushing, but it won’t get out. I'll go naked myself, and let you go around the world. He ate himself, but his eyes are not full. I'm full, my eyes are hungry. He loses his good, but wants someone else's. I'll take myself out, and I'll get you. No matter how much you pout, you tick, but, apparently, fall off. As much as you can, as much as you want. You can do a lot, you want twice. No matter how much a dog lacks, it can never be full. The laughter of envious people is not a bad thing. From all over the world you can’t collect flowers. Take over the whole world. The dog even in the sea locks, but not everything will drink. The dog lies in the hay, does not eat itself and does not give to the cattle. The dog is enough, but there is no satiety. Gathered, as hungry for jelly. I came with my spoon. The neighbor does not let him sleep: he lives well. Thank you for those (o) m, and even for that. Fedyushka was given money, and he asks for Altyn. Stands up to his neck in water, and asks for a drink. You can't fill a beggar's bag (still asks). The wolf ate the mare and choked on the firewood. I can’t eat, but it’s a pity to leave. If I die, I'll take it with me. It's bad to eat, and it's a pity to quit. A well-fed wolf is more meek than an insatiable man. There are no empty eyes in the world.


It's good where we're not. You were called to dinner, and you came to eat. You are on the nail, and he is on the whole elbow. You, belly, even burst, but do not stay good! If you rake it hard, you won't carry it home. It was hard to bear - and did not inform home.


The rich rich man has a lot of beer-honey, but with a stone it would be in the water. He who does not have a voice, he is willing to sing. People have fools - any kind; and our fools - there they are! People have even shilo shaves, and our knives are also numb. He has poppy eyes. You can't get good at the eyes of the priests. To take from a beggar - it smells like a bag.


A good wife, but envious. Good fish on someone else's dish. Though burst the abdomen, but do not stay good! Even if your belly bursts, don't stay good. Though perspicacious, yes gluttonous: satiety does not live.


What you don’t see (you don’t know), that’s what you delusional. What you don’t hear, you don’t think about (and don’t grieve). What you don't have, you want. What you want is what you ask for. What you envy, you work for. The more you have, the more you need. Whatever got into his claws was gone. Whatever gets under the paw, then it will rake. Someone else's insult (trouble, nudity) is not alive. Alien fools are a sight to behold, and our fools are who knows what! Sick of someone else's health. Looking at people, dries. Looking for someone else, I lost my own (the inscription on the skull of Svyatoslav). To take someone else's is to lose one's own. You will not be fed up with someone else's misfortune. Chur alone: ​​do not give to anyone.


You can't feed this gravel with a tire and a horseshoe.


I finished all of them, and he rolled one. There are many dishes, if the belly is not a pity (yes, the belly is a pity).

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He looks into the coffin, and saves money.

He looks into the grave, and trembles over the penny.

If you die, you won't take anything with you.

Whatever fell into the hands of the miser was lost.

The miser closes tightly, but rarely treats.

A miserly soul is cheaper than a penny.

God will reduce the stinginess of man to the age.

Fraer's greed ruined

Neither myself nor people

Envious eyes, raking hands

Greed does not lead to good

Greed leads to poverty

Who is hungry for money, he does not sleep at night

Stingy (greedy) pays twice

Here's to you, God, what's worthless to us.

Collect with one hand, distribute with the other!

The hand of the giver does not fail.

A good master is the master of money, and a bad one is a servant.

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This article presents Russian folk proverbs and sayings about greed, avarice, generosity.

Russian folk proverbs and sayings about greed, avarice, generosity

  • They fed herrings, but did not give them to drink.
  • Thrift falls into avarice, and generosity into waste.
  • You have kvass on the street, but you come into the house and you will not find water.
  • Greed deprives the last mind.
  • He called guests, but bought bones.
  • The lazy one walks three times, and the miser pays three times.
  • You are welcome to our hut to slurp noodles, and after I crumble the beef.
  • You can't borrow fire.
  • From cheap fish - cheap fish soup.
  • Who is a fist by birth, cannot straighten into a palm.
  • Who is stingy and greedy, he is not good in friendship.
  • You can't squeeze out of miserly water.
  • Is the forest not enough for you in the forest?
  • Greed is like a river: the farther, the wider.
  • You can't grab everything in one paw.
  • Plenty of money, and even more.
  • The cat eats fat, and shouts: not enough!
  • Greed is the beginning of every grief.
  • Greed is blind.
  • Greed and importance are a hindrance to the head.
  • The wretched beggar gave his last penny, and he himself left the rich and so. (about the generosity of the poor and the stinginess of the rich)
  • He trembles over a penny.
  • The bootleg is cut from a flea.
  • Money to a miser is like hay to a dog.
  • A miserly soul is cheaper than a penny.
  • Thrift is not stinginess.

These were Russian folk proverbs and sayings about greed and stinginess (proverbs about greed and generosity).

A greedy soul - without a bottom tub.

Greed is the sister of wealth.

A sheep does not grow a fleece for itself, but a miser saves money.

Greed is a fierce enemy of peace.

Avarice did not come from poverty, but from wealth.

The greedy does not give himself peace.

The knife is blunt, and the owner is stingy.

Better to be stingy than to squander.

The hunter should not be greedy.

Wealth does not reduce greed.

Thrift is not stinginess.

Not the stupid one who is stingy with words, but the stupid one who is actually stupid.

Who is stingy and greedy, that in friendship is not good.

A smart man is the master of money, a miser is a servant.

Greedy people have long arms.

Not need, but abundance breeds greed.

Hair, teeth, ears age - only greed does not age.

Thrift falls into avarice, and generosity into extravagance.

A stupid and greedy person does no good to himself or to people.

When greed enters a door, happiness exits another.

Know that the greed of the beasts makes them a victim of snares and snares.

A skinny horse is a stingy owner.

A person becomes greedy from the day he begins to get rich.

A stupid person is bad, but a stupid and greedy person is twice as bad.

You can’t beg for ice from a miser even at baptism.

From greedy and lazy goodness you will not wait and you will not end up with grief.

There is no glory in wealth and prosperity, but greed is the cause of many troubles.

A miserly life wears a thin dress.

The wretched man needs much, and the stingy man needs everything.

You can’t fill a bottomless barrel with water, you can’t feed a greedy belly with food.

Conquer anger with gentleness, evil with goodness, greed with generosity, lies with truth.

Proverbs about stinginess and greed - Proverbs and sayings

He looks into the coffin, and saves money.

He looks into the grave, and trembles over the penny.

If you die, you won't take anything with you.

Whatever fell into the hands of the miser was lost.

A miserly soul is cheaper than a penny.

God will reduce the stinginess of man to the age.

Fraer's greed ruined

Neither myself nor people

Envious eyes, raking hands

Greed does not lead to good

Greed leads to poverty

Who is hungry for money, he does not sleep at night

Stingy (greedy) pays twice

Here's to you, God, what's worthless to us.

Collect with one hand, distribute with the other!

The hand of the giver does not fail.

A good master is the master of money, and a bad one is a servant.

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Proverbs and sayings about envy, proverbs and sayings about greed


You can't fill a bottomless tub with water. They take the envy of other people's belongings. Eat a pancake, and mark two. The greedy man's Adam's apple twitched.


There is no profit in envy. Don't roll your eyes. There is no use or joy in dashing and envy. You can't stock up on trash in a failed pit. In the wrong hands, a piece of bread for a carpet (a piece for a chunk). In the hands of others, the slice (pie) is great; but when we get it, it will seem small. In the hands of others, a nail the size of an elbow. You can’t overeat all the good, you can’t distort all the liars. You can’t overeat all the sweets, you can’t stand all the good. You can’t overeat all the sweets, you can’t stand the outfits.


Where the eyes are thrown, it's a pity to leave. Where there is happiness, there is envy. Don't feed your eyes. Eyes (Eyes) are envious, hands are raked. The eyes are the enemy of man. The eye is the first enemy. Eyes are given to the destruction of man (whatever they see, everyone would have captured). The eyes flickered. Eyes are holes, and hands are rakes. Our grief is buckwheat porridge; I don't want to eat, but it's a pity to leave. It is bitter to eat, but it is a pity to leave. Lord, Lord! They overslept their part: they roll up to people, roll away from us. Lord, Lord! Kill the one to death who lives better than ours (or: who has a lot of money and a good wife).


God grant a lot, but you want more. Give your soul freedom (plenty), you will want more. Give your soul freedom, it will want more. Give with a fingernail, ask for an elbow. Give, gossip, shetz, and your bread is yours. God gave a lot, but you want more. Chasing two birds with one stone - you won't catch a single one. Plenty of money, and even more. Got like a wolf to the sheepfold. Dorval that a cow to a bard. He rolled like a pig to a trough. They knock each other out of each other's hands. The soul does not accept, but the eyes are asking more and more. Uncle glance as if salting a fish.


There are many, but I want more.


You will regret the wort when the mash is sour. They wish hotly, but they press their hands. Rust eats iron, and the envious one dies of envy.


If you chase two hares, you won't catch one. Chased a small one - lost a big one. If you chase the small, you will lose the big. If you chase someone else, you will lose yours. They take envy that they don't give us. Envious eyes poked with a stake. Envious eyes know no shame. The envious eye sees widely (far). Envious for someone else's happiness dries up (wasting away). The envious pop lives for two centuries. The envious will not spare his two eyes. Envy was born before us. You won’t take anything with envy (you won’t do it). Looks like a dog into a jug. I drove into the rear sight, but put on a great cart - and not from a place. Tackle my mare! - What about yourself? - Hunk in hand. - Well, put in a hat! - Do not climb. I wanted cakes from a cat, a pancake from a dog. Bells of tambourines are just around the corner, and they will come to us - like a basket. The evil one cries with envy, and the good one with joy (out of pity). Sinister people jump, bondage teaches, but other people's bread does not let you sleep. The goiter is full, and the eyes are hungry (yes, the eyes are hollow).


Seeking (Desiring) someone else's, you will lose your own. Look for someone else's, but he will weep for his own.


If I had a belly of seven sheepskins, one would eat everything. Like a gutless chicken, everyone is hungry. As I became full, so I learned shame. When you are full, then know shame. Which cow died, she was kind to milk. He who desires much sees little. Whoever wants someone else's will soon lose his own (lose his own).


Dashing eyes shame (and children) numb. Dashing bees are smoked; dashing eyes shame does not take. If you want more, you will lose the last. The spoon is narrow, it drags two pieces, spread it wider, pulls out four. The spoon is narrow, it carries three pieces: you need to spread it so that it can carry six. It is better to be envious of others than to be in trouble yourself. It is better to live in envy than in pity. People will drink as they wipe with a handkerchief; and he will drink, as he burns it with fire. People live like al color bloom; and our head withers like grass. Human Semyon, like an onion is green; and our Semyon is littered with mud.


Much to wish - no good to be seen. To grab a lot is to lose yours. Many, many, and still so many. If you want a lot, you will lose the last. You will learn a lot, you yourself will be without bread.


On our (or: On your) pit you will not get enough trash (about the family). You can't get enough wood for a fire. The oven is a pit. You can't save on a tailor's butt. You won’t mow down on the army of hay (you won’t get enough). On a good flower and a bee flies. Whatever the world dies, it dies. On someone else's good and eyes flare up. Look at someone else's stomach and dry. There is nothing to puff your eyes at someone else's pile. You can’t get enough meat for a dog. Unleash the impudent, he. wants more. For a long time the dog pancake (only take a sip). Nazar licked everything. Call him brother, and he wants to be big (senior). Natolok in a bag that he didn’t drag from the place. The dog of the river does not bark, so all night long he stands above the river and barks. God did not give a hundred rubles, and fifty is not money. It is not good to have fun about the destruction of human. Do not get to anyone; don't get me or you. Do not worry about someone else's, take care of your own! Not selfish, but envious. Envy comes from self-interest, and self-interest from envy. Do not slurp dough on a mosquito: he drinks and slurps. The eye of sight will not be sated (Will not be filled), but the heart of desire. Not two cloudberries in a spoon. Do not rejoice in someone else's timelessness, you yourself are under God. Do not spread the mustache on someone else's piece! Not so much can (need) as much as you want. He is not so much embarrassed by his own loss as by someone else's gain. It’s not that shameful (annoying) that the cart has piled on a lot, but it’s shameful that he himself is sitting (said the wife, on whose advice the husband sold the horse and bought a necklace, and then carried firewood on his wife). It’s not an insult that the wine is expensive, but an insult that the kisser is getting richer. Do not point to someone else's offspring (laying bread) with a pitchfork (or: to someone else's yard). An unrighteous creation (acquisition) is dust. There is no abyss against envious eyes. The beggar, and full and hungry, all sings with one voice.


I was glad that the dog pancake. You can’t fish around him (no profit). He takes everything under his paw. You can't grab everything in one paw. Turned yellow with envy. From annoyance broke out (blushed). He burps oil, looking at the cow track. The uncle groaned, looking at other people's money (wealth). Our eyes are holes, our hands are rakes.


The leech would have drunk more, but the belly would have grown luscious. A spit is five rubles, and a hundred is not money. Two mushrooms per spoon (and the third stuck to the stem). Two scoops per spoon. On the monastery carpet, he is throwing on the cheek. Sweets and saliva flow. Three whips at a time. Do not look in other people's pockets, watch your own! Chased after the crumbs, but was left without a chunk. Chased a slice, but lost the carpet. He chased after the ax handle, and drowned the ax (with an ax he began to catch a log on the water). The bean envied the uncultivated. I envied the bald bald man (mangy). Ass, that sheaf, that stack - all the same (everything is nice). The mare appropriated a belt whip. Let the woman go to heaven, and she leads the cow with her.


Wake me up, mom, tomorrow early! - What is it? - Yes, here's a slice of bread to finish: now I can’t. Scatter with ared, but don't get stingy.


From the soul, rushing, but it won’t get out. I'll go naked myself, and let you go around the world. He ate himself, but his eyes are not full. I'm full, my eyes are hungry. He loses his good, but wants someone else's. I'll take myself out, and I'll get you. No matter how much you pout, you tick, but, apparently, fall off. As much as you can, as much as you want. You can do a lot, you want twice. No matter how much a dog lacks, it can never be full. The laughter of envious people is not a bad thing. From all over the world you can’t collect flowers. Take over the whole world. The dog even in the sea locks, but not everything will drink. The dog is enough, but there is no satiety. Gathered, as hungry for jelly. I came with my spoon. The neighbor does not let him sleep: he lives well. Thank you for those (o) m, and even for that. Fedyushka was given money, and he asks for Altyn. Stands up to his neck in water, and asks for a drink. You can't fill a beggar's bag (still asks). The wolf ate the mare and choked on the firewood. I can’t eat, but it’s a pity to leave. If I die, I'll take it with me. It's bad to eat, and it's a pity to quit. A well-fed wolf is more meek than an insatiable man. There are no empty eyes in the world.


It's good where we're not. You were called to dinner, and you came to eat. You are on the nail, and he is on the whole elbow. You, belly, even burst, but do not stay good! If you rake it hard, you won't carry it home. It was hard to bear - and did not inform home.


The rich rich man has a lot of beer-honey, but with a stone it would be in the water. He who does not have a voice, he is willing to sing. People have fools - any kind; and our fools - there they are! People have even shilo shaves, and our knives are also numb. He has poppy eyes. You can't get good at the eyes of the priests. To take from a beggar - it smells like a bag.


A good wife, but envious. Good fish on someone else's dish. Though burst the abdomen, but do not stay good! Even if your belly bursts, don't stay good. Though perspicacious, yes gluttonous: satiety does not live.


What you don’t see (you don’t know), that’s what you delusional. What you don’t hear, you don’t think about (and don’t grieve). What you don't have, you want. What you want is what you ask for. What you envy, you work for. The more you have, the more you need. Whatever got into his claws was gone. Whatever gets under the paw, then it will rake. Someone else's insult (trouble, nudity) is not alive. Alien fools are a sight to behold, and our fools are who knows what! Sick of someone else's health. Looking at people, dries. Looking for someone else, I lost my own (the inscription on the skull of Svyatoslav). To take someone else's is to lose one's own. You will not be fed up with someone else's misfortune. Chur alone: ​​do not give to anyone.


You can't feed this gravel with a tire and a horseshoe.


I finished all of them, and he rolled one. There are many dishes, if the belly is not a pity (yes, the belly is a pity).

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  • folk proverbs about women
  • fabulous proverbs and sayings
  • Proverbs about laws
  • folk signs why lips itch
  • proverb about love

Greed deprives the last mind.

Russian proverbs*****

Greed is the beginning of every grief.

Russian proverbs*****

Greed pushes to meanness.

Kazakh proverb*****

Russian proverbs

Miser pays twice.

Russian proverbs*****

The greedy eye will only be satisfied with damp earth.

Russian proverbs*****

Russian proverbs*****

Greed for peace is a fierce enemy.

Russian proverbs*****

If you are in the boat of greed, your companion will be poverty.

Arabic proverb*****

Greed does not take into account the feasibility of the burden.

Kazakh proverb*****

Greed is blind.

Russian proverbs*****

The poorer, the more generous, the richer, the stingier.

Russian proverbs*****

Greed is of no use.

Arabic proverb*****

They cry, and hide the chests in the ground.

Russian proverbs*****

Money to a miser is like hay to a dog: he does not eat himself and does not give to others.

Russian proverbs*****

Greed gives rise to hearing loss: he hears, but does not give a look.

Kazakh proverb*****

The miser hides his own from himself.

Kazakh proverb*****

Even in the middle of winter you can't ask him for snow.

Russian proverbs*****

Where they pour, there they spill.

Russian proverbs*****

Clever greed is not a hindrance.

Russian proverbs*****

He who trembles over gold dies of hunger.

Kazakh proverb*****

Who overcomes his greed, he is strong.

Russian proverbs*****

A miserly soul is cheaper than a penny.

Russian proverbs*****

To shame the stingy, give him yourself.

Kazakh proverb*****

There is nowhere to put money, and there is nothing to buy a wallet for.

Russian proverbs*****

The greed of the beasts makes them a victim of snares and nets.

Tajik proverbs*****

Russian proverbs*****

Bad thoughts - from avarice.

Arabic proverb*****

Spare water - and do not cook porridge.

Russian proverbs*****

It's a pity to shake hands with each other.

Kazakh proverb*****

Not the greedy one who has little, but the one who wants more.

Russian proverbs*****

He looks into the grave, and trembles over the piggy bank.

Russian proverbs*****

As you lend, so they lend to you.

Arabic proverb*****

The greedy does not give himself peace.

Russian proverbs*****

The dog lies in the hay, does not eat itself and does not give to the cattle.

Russian proverbs*****

Everything is not enough for the insatiable.

Russian proverbs*****

Greed is not stupidity.

Russian proverbs*****

The greedy belly eats up to the ear.

Russian proverbs*****

The more fat the snake grows, the more it shakes with greed.

Kazakh proverb*****

Owns the city, and is dying of hunger.

Russian proverbs*****

Russian proverbs*****

Greedy like a wolf, but cowardly like a hare.

Russian proverbs*****

If you give a horse, give a bridle as well.

Arabic proverb*****

Thrift is not stinginess.

Russian proverbs*****

Be able not only to take, but also to give.

Russian proverbs*****

Russian proverbs*****

Miserly, like bees: they collect honey, but they themselves die.

Russian proverbs

This article presents Russian folk proverbs and sayings about greed, avarice, generosity.

Russian folk proverbs and sayings about greed, avarice, generosity

  • They fed herrings, but did not give them to drink.
  • Thrift falls into avarice, and generosity into waste.
  • You have kvass on the street, but you come into the house and you will not find water.
  • Greed deprives the last mind.
  • He called guests, but bought bones.
  • You are welcome to our hut to slurp noodles, and after I crumble the beef.
  • You can't borrow fire.
  • From cheap fish - cheap fish soup.
  • Who is a fist by birth, cannot straighten into a palm.
  • Who is stingy and greedy, he is not good in friendship.
  • You can't squeeze out of miserly water.
  • Is the forest not enough for you in the forest?
  • Greed is like a river: the farther, the wider.
  • You can't grab everything in one paw.
  • Plenty of money, and even more.
  • The cat eats fat, and shouts: not enough!
  • Greed is the beginning of every grief.
  • Greed is blind.
  • Greed and importance are a hindrance to the head.
  • The wretched beggar gave his last penny, and he himself left the rich and so. (about the generosity of the poor and the stinginess of the rich)
  • He trembles over a penny.
  • The bootleg is cut from a flea.
  • Money to a miser is like hay to a dog.
  • A miserly soul is cheaper than a penny.
  • Thrift is not stinginess.

These were Russian folk proverbs and sayings about greed and stinginess (proverbs about greed and generosity).

Proverb about greed for children

“Mine!” the child shouts, and the mother replies guiltily: “Well, he’s still small.” And she's wrong. Generosity and the ability to share are laid from childhood. A proverb about greed, said in time during an educational conversation, can give a greater result than a long notation.

Greed is a vice

Why are apt expressions so effective? The proverb about greed is folk wisdom, which, with its form of blank verse, will quickly reach the understanding of a little person.

  • Strong and strong, who has overcome greed.
  • Greedy like a bear, but cowardly like a rabbit.
  • He took and carried more, but did not inform the house.
  • The miser hid far away, but it is not easy to eat.
  • Avarice blinds the eye.
  • Spare lard - do not cook soup.
  • Whatever falls into the hands of the mercenary is lost forever.
  • Rather, take milk from a goat.
  • I can't eat, so at least I'll take it with me.

Tales - hints

Proverbs about greed for children with characters from their favorite fairy tales will be understood by a child of any age. The Russian fairy tale has not only an entertaining function, but also brings up the ability to think and make the right decisions.

  • The greedy wolf left his tail in the hole.
  • The cunning fox, but was greedy and lost the chicken.
  • You will chase after seven goats, you will not eat a single one.
  • If you want a lot, you will be left with nothing.
  • I wanted cakes from the cat, and gingerbread from the dog.
  • Do not drink the dog of the river, that's howling all night.
  • Let the fox into the house, she will kick you out too.
  • Call him brother, and he will want to become the elder.
  • Do not be sorry, cockerel, bean seed, otherwise you will choke.
  • You can't cook porridge from an ax.
  • The blacksmith took pity on the nail, and the king lost the war.

Generosity is dignity

The proverb about greed and generosity, through a vivid figurative comparison, will help the child make the right choice between stinginess and a good deed.

  • Who is the master of things, and who is the servant.
  • Or pity the oats or the horse.
  • Regretted today, tomorrow you will not take it.
  • Take one apple, give two.
  • Do not be sorry for the guest, suddenly, God has come.
  • Collect from the field today, distribute in the field tomorrow.
  • The generous does not know poverty.
  • The good and the generous have chickens that lay three eggs each.
  • Do not take envy, we have our belongings.
  • A well-fed bear is quieter than a hungry person.
  • A swallow will sit on a generous hand.
  • God gives to the good, the devil takes away from the miserly.
  • Pity empty words, but do not skimp on good deeds.
  • On generous land, even thistles will bloom with roses.
  • The whole world is related to the generous.

Greed is funny

Proverbs about greed and stupidity are an apt comparison of two shortcomings. It is difficult for a child to immediately understand why it is necessary to share his toys, and only another drawback, which simultaneously ridicules a mean attitude, can help to understand a difficult situation.

  • Even if your belly is torn, I won’t give back the good.
  • You can’t overeat all the sweets, you can’t stand all the clothes.
  • Eyes are bottomless pits, hands are raking a rake.
  • The little will saturate, the big will swell.
  • He will drown himself, but will not give water.
  • They cry, cry, and hide the gingerbread.
  • I scored good, I can’t sleep, I’m afraid of thieves.
  • Lishku sorry - lost everything.
  • Greed does not give itself rest.
  • A wise man guards honor, but a fool guards good.
  • The stingy treat is salted with tears.
  • The belly is cracking, and the hands are taken.
  • Greed swept away, but does not know peace.
  • Do not feel sorry for the woman fat, cabbage soup will be richer.
  • Big head, but thoughts can not be seen.
  • You can't buy good character and you can't accumulate it.
  • He sings sweetly and thinks wickedly.
  • He took pity on the horse, but wore out his legs.
  • Greedy and stupid - a friend of a pig.
  • Avarice cries, kindness jumps for joy.

Proverbs and sayings about greed, stinginess, cunning are devoted to shortcomings that are eradicated from childhood. But you need to cultivate generosity wisely, so as not to grow up a simple-hole bungler.

  • A penny is small, but I cut my head.
  • A dewdrop to a dewdrop, here is a tub of water.
  • Save the bread for dinner, and save a penny for trouble.
  • A smart master is a master of his good, a stupid one is a servant.
  • What to eat a little, you do not need to throw it out the window.
  • Generosity falls into wastefulness, and thrift into greed.
  • Wealth is not gold, but thrift and reason.

Greed is an intense desire to get something and an unwillingness to part with one's possessions. Is it a vice or a virtue? Within reasonable limits, even a poisonous substance can become a drug. It is the same with stinginess: the main thing is to explain to the child that he lives in a society where it is customary to share, and self-interest is a disadvantage that must be overcome.

The proverb about greed reveals the child's conflict with the outside world. A hidden or pronounced lack of character can mean inner anxiety and fear. To understand the degree of danger, you need to analyze each situation in which the child showed a negative emotion.

Proverbs and sayings about stinginess

  • The miser loses more.
  • Miserly is spent twice.
  • A miser has a lot, but wants even more.
  • A miserly rich man is poorer than a beggar.
  • Miserly, that a bottomless tub - nothing to fill.
  • The more you have, the more you need.
  • The poorer, the more generous, and the richer, the stingier.
  • A miser is like a dog in the hay: he himself does not eat and does not give to others.
  • The miser closes tightly, but rarely treats.
  • Be stingy on the hryvnia - lost the ruble.
  • A miser has more money, more grief.
  • The stingy die, and the children open the chests.
  • The miser will hang himself, but will not give a penny.
  • A miser does not save for himself: if he dies, he will not take anything with him.
  • The most miserable poverty is avarice.
  • Whatever fell into the hands of the miser was lost.
  • You can't eat around it.
  • The poor need much, and the stingy need everything.
  • You can't tell a rich man from a beggar.
  • The stingy ones are like bees: they collect honey, but they themselves die.
  • A miserly soul is cheaper than a penny.
  • You sow miserly, reap miserly.
  • Oh, my kralechka, I would give you a gingerbread, but there is no broken one.
  • The pocket is fat, but everyone says no money.
  • Greed is not stupidity.
  • The stingy closer friend has no money.
  • That's why he's rich because he's stingy.
  • Greed and stinginess do not lead to good.
  • Across the sea, a heifer is a half, and transportation is expensive.
  • Do not be stingy when the price is life.
  • Miser pays twice.
  • Cheekbone and in a dream counts money.
  • Stingy and stingy for himself.
  • A mean bootleg is cut from a flea.
  • The stingy saves, and the devil sews money.
  • Avaricious on someone else's penny dries.
  • The lazy one walks three times, and the miser pays three times.
  • Stingy is not stupid.
  • Stupid - not stupid.
  • The stingy rich man lives poorer than the poor.
  • The stingy one looks, how not to give to another, and the greedy one looks, how to take away from others.
  • The stingy man said to the greedy: stinginess is not stupidity, but the same prey.
  • The stingy man said to the greedy: stinginess is not stupidity, take care of yourself.
  • The stingy one saves up for a tory one.
  • A miser promises in a bowl, but gives in a spoon.
  • You can't squeeze out of miserly water.
  • His teeth froze from avarice.
  • You can't thresh grain from a miser.
  • You can’t beg for ice from a miser even at Epiphany.
  • You can’t beg from a mean crust.
  • The stingy man has a lot of beer, mead, but it's time for him to go completely into the water.
  • One need oppresses the wretched, two need oppresses the stingy.
  • In the middle of winter you can't ask him for snow.
  • Luxurious and stingy measures of contentment do not know.
  • From the skinned man pulls.
  • The dog lies in the hay, does not eat itself and does not give to the cattle.
  • The bag is tight, but the little man is stingy.
  • His penny will burn a beggar's hand.
  • Who is stingy and greedy, he is not good in friendship.
  • Go to the stingy to visit - carry a supply with you.
  • Not everyone who is stingy will get rich.
  • Do not take even a loaf for nothing from a stingy rich man.
  • From avarice, blood from the teeth.
  • With stinginess and greed, you will live a century without joy.
  • A wet hand is torovat, and a dry one is stingy.
  • He loves a bird to sing, but not to eat.

“Mine!” the child shouts, and the mother replies guiltily: “Well, he’s still small.” And she's wrong. Generosity and the ability to share are laid from childhood. A proverb about greed, said in time during an educational conversation, can give a greater result than a long notation.

Greed is a vice

Why are apt expressions so effective? A proverb about greed is one that, with its form of white verse, will quickly reach the understanding of a little person.

  • Strong and strong, who has overcome greed.
  • Greedy like a bear, but cowardly like a rabbit.
  • He took and carried more, but did not inform the house.
  • The miser hid far away, but it is not easy to eat.
  • Avarice blinds the eye.
  • Spare lard - do not cook soup.
  • Whatever falls into the hands of the mercenary is lost forever.
  • Rather, take milk from a goat.
  • I can't eat, so at least I'll take it with me.

Tales - hints

Proverbs about greed for children with characters from their favorite fairy tales will be understood by a child of any age. The Russian fairy tale has not only an entertaining function, but also brings up the ability to think and make the right decisions.

  • The greedy wolf left his tail in the hole.
  • The cunning fox, but was greedy and lost the chicken.
  • You will chase after seven goats, you will not eat a single one.
  • If you want a lot, you will be left with nothing.
  • I wanted cakes from the cat, and gingerbread from the dog.
  • Do not drink the dog of the river, that's howling all night.
  • Let the fox into the house, she will kick you out too.
  • Call him brother, and he will want to become the elder.
  • Do not be sorry, cockerel, bean seed, otherwise you will choke.
  • You can't cook porridge from an ax.
  • The blacksmith took pity on the nail, and the king lost the war.

Generosity is dignity

The proverb about greed and generosity, through a vivid figurative comparison, will help the child make the right choice between stinginess and a good deed.

  • Who is the master of things, and who is the servant.
  • Or pity the oats or the horse.
  • Regretted today, tomorrow you will not take it.
  • Take one apple, give two.
  • Do not be sorry for the guest, suddenly, God has come.
  • Collect from the field today, distribute in the field tomorrow.
  • The generous does not know poverty.
  • The good and the generous have chickens that lay three eggs each.
  • Do not take envy, we have our belongings.
  • A well-fed bear is quieter than a hungry person.
  • A swallow will sit on a generous hand.
  • God gives to the good, the devil takes away from the miserly.
  • Pity empty words, but do not skimp on good deeds.
  • On generous land, even thistles will bloom with roses.
  • The whole world is related to the generous.

Greed is funny

Proverbs about greed and stupidity are an apt comparison of two shortcomings. It is difficult for a child to immediately understand why it is necessary to share his toys, and only another drawback, which simultaneously ridicules a mean attitude, can help to understand a difficult situation.

  • Even if your belly is torn, I won’t give back the good.
  • You can’t overeat all the sweets, you can’t stand all the clothes.
  • Eyes are bottomless pits, hands are raking a rake.
  • The little will saturate, the big will swell.
  • He will drown himself, but will not give water.
  • They cry, cry, and hide the gingerbread.
  • I scored good, I can’t sleep, I’m afraid of thieves.
  • Lishku sorry - lost everything.
  • Greed does not give itself rest.
  • A wise man guards honor, but a fool guards good.
  • The stingy treat is salted with tears.
  • The belly is cracking, and the hands are taken.
  • Greed swept away, but does not know peace.
  • Do not feel sorry for the woman fat, cabbage soup will be richer.
  • no thoughts to be seen.
  • You can't buy good character and you can't accumulate it.
  • He sings sweetly and thinks wickedly.
  • He took pity on the horse, but wore out his legs.
  • Greedy and stupid - a friend of a pig.
  • Avarice cries, kindness jumps for joy.

Reasonable Thrift

Proverbs and sayings about greed, stinginess, cunning are devoted to shortcomings that are eradicated from childhood. But you need to cultivate generosity wisely, so as not to grow up a simple-hole bungler.

  • A penny is small, but I cut my head.
  • A dewdrop to a dewdrop, here is a tub of water.
  • Save the bread for dinner, and save a penny for trouble.
  • A smart master is a master of his good, a stupid one is a servant.
  • What to eat a little, you do not need to throw it out the window.
  • Generosity falls into wastefulness, and thrift into greed.
  • Wealth is not gold, but thrift and reason.

Greed is a keen desire to get something and an unwillingness to part with one's possessions. or dignity? Within reasonable limits, even a poisonous substance can become a drug. It is the same with stinginess: the main thing is to explain to the child that he lives in a society where it is customary to share, and self-interest is a disadvantage that must be overcome.

The proverb about greed reveals the child's conflict with the outside world. A hidden or pronounced lack of character can mean inner anxiety and fear. To understand the degree of danger, you need to analyze each situation in which the child showed a negative emotion.

Read Russian folk proverbs, as well as sayings, proverbs of other peoples of the world about stinginess and generosity for children with explanations.

It is useful for children at any age to tell sayings, proverbs to study folk wisdom and culture of behavior. Such expressions, paired with images with the main characters of famous folk tales, will be understandable to kids and school-age children.

After all, the information is presented in an entertaining way, and also brings up the right thinking through the discussion of what has been said. One of the most important themes in proverbs and sayings is generosity. In Russian short sayings, this quality has always been glorified, and greed and stinginess have been criticized.

Proverbs and sayings about generosity and greed, stinginess for preschool children, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Sayings about greed, stinginess have short but well-aimed statements. It is difficult for children to understand why their favorite toys should sometimes be allowed to play with others. After all, not everyone is accustomed to share their property from an early age. Kids should be explained that playing together is much more interesting than alone.

And sayings, proverbs carry the essence and understanding of this. If the child himself is not greedy, then other children will share their toys or sweets with him.

  • What is poorer is more generous- It's about the soul. Wealth is not only in money, in the first place are the spiritual qualities of a person. Sometimes the poor are ready to give their last for the sake of saving their neighbor, but the rich will not give even a penny.
  • Do not be generous with words, be generous with military deeds- do not promise much, especially what you are unable to fulfill. It is better to be more silent and do good deeds.
  • It's better to save your own than live someone else's- You can’t spend more than you can earn, otherwise you will have to pay off all your debts.
  • The dog lies in the hay, does not eat itself and does not give to the cattle- Greedy people may not use the thing at all, and not give it to another. Even if it would be very useful to others.
  • Do good and throw it in the river- if a person decides to do good, then there is no need to ask for a payment for him later. These things are done free of charge.
  • He will drown himself, but will not give water- in this saying they mention people who are very greedy. They have everything, but they do not agree to lend even some trifle to another.
  • The miser closes tightly, but rarely treats- there are such greedy people that they even keep their family on bread and water.
  • Cry-cry, and hide the gingerbread- the proverb says about people that they tell everyone how hard life is for them, but they themselves have plenty of everything.
  • You can’t overeat all the sweets, you can’t stand all the clothes- it is enough to be content with little, there is no need to be greedy.
  • The whole world is kindred to the generous- good attitude towards kind and not greedy people everywhere.

The best proverbs and sayings about generosity and greed, stinginess for children of primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

In any culture, stinginess has always been ridiculed and condemned. Sharing should be taught to children from an early age. Otherwise, this defect can remain with the child for life.

Many parents try to properly educate their kids and even scold them for being greedy in the presence of others. You can't do this. Do not bring the child to hysterics, explain everything to him in stages using examples or with the help of oral folk art - study sayings, proverbs. But do not call the baby a greedy person and do not shame him in front of other children.

Examples of proverbs, sayings:

  • Pity empty words, but do not skimp on good deeds- do not make promises, rather silently help those in need.
  • The giving hand will not hurt, the receiving hand will not wither is an expression of blessing for good deeds (charity).
  • They entrusted the goat to guard the cabbage- a saying about thieves who, at least someone else's trifle, will bring it to their house.
  • What is in the oven - all swords on the table- teaching how to properly welcome guests.
  • One need oppresses the wretched, two miserly (squalor and stinginess)- any greedy person is worse than a miserable one. He has petty judgments, and he lives for a penny, not even allowing himself anything.
  • Greed pushes to meanness- stingy people, as a rule, are also mean, often discussing others and being jealous.
  • Greed is blind- except for profit, the greedy sees nothing and does not live to the fullest, he denies himself everything.
  • A little satiates, a big one swells- people who have been helped once, out of habit, can again demand help, realizing that it is not necessary to earn a living for themselves. After all, it will be given for free. However, the giver gets fed up and doesn't help anymore.
  • Greedy and stupid - a friend of a pig- if a person has two qualities at once - greed and stupidity, then no one will want to communicate with him at all.
  • Two mice fought over bai garbage- we are talking about greedy petty people who are given small handouts. For the sake of this, they are even ready to quarrel, to do meanness to each other - just to please the giver.
  • A well-fed bear is quieter than a hungry man- if a person constantly lacks something, then he behaves aggressively, demanding the impossible from others.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about generosity and greed, stinginess for children: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Try with your child to discuss the actions of greedy cartoon characters or fairy tales. At the same time - never put the interests of your kids lower than the interests of other people's children. Act gently, do not bring up a spineless person. Let the kid try to make the right decision himself. After all, even you are not ready to lend to some enemies, so the baby has the right to choose with whom to share his toys, and with whom it is not necessary.

  • The fur coat lies, and he trembles- the saying refers to a stingy, overly economical person who saves on everything.
  • Miserly as bees: they collect honey, and then they themselves die- there are people who do not allow themselves anything superfluous all their lives and others too, but put the money in a piggy bank.
  • I can’t eat, but it’s a pity to leave- often such people are full because of their greed. They will not leave the table until they have eaten everything that is poured to them.
  • There is no more generous promise It's about those who talk a lot but do nothing.
  • Here's to you, God, what is worthless to us- most often the expression is used when they give all sorts of things that no one needs.
  • Neither myself nor din, nor the other will not give- a statement about petty greedy people who themselves do not use a profitable offer, and dissuade others.
  • If you are in the boat of greed, your companion will be poverty- when a person is stingy, then he does not have any spiritual communication, and he lives not interestingly.

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children about generosity and greed, avarice: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

If your baby has a heightened sense of ownership, then do not scold him. Such an upbringing will only bring bad consequences. Perhaps he lacks your attention, show more interest in the affairs of the child. Praise him for good deeds. Try to prevent conflicts in advance - do not take his favorite toy on walks so that he does not have to share it with other children.

  • Give to everyone - there will be a lot is a greedy person's excuse not to share or borrow anything.
  • On a generous hand and the falcon sits down Everyone respects non-greedy people.
  • Plenty of money, and even more- this saying mentions people to whom no matter how much you give it will still not be enough.
  • All the generosity of bai is on the tongue- we are talking about high-ranking persons who promise a lot, but do nothing.
  • Rather beg for milk from a chicken- so the people speak of the stingy, who never, to anyone, give or borrow anything.
  • You can't hold two watermelons in one hand- we are talking about the greedy who are ready to take everything, even if they are not able to take it all away.

Proverbs and sayings about generosity and greed, stinginess with drawings for children: photo

Do not confuse stinginess, greed and wastefulness. When the baby does not follow his toys at all, he distributes them to everyone, and does not even take them from the street after the game. Therefore, the property of children must be respected. Explain how to behave in a given situation. When you take some of your child's things yourself, ask permission first. And when you use it, give thanks. If the kid thinks that he needs this thing at the moment, he has the right to refuse, and you show patience and respect his decision.

Examples of proverbs about greed, generosity:

  • There is a reserve, but not about you
  • More precious than silver and gold is the soul that is rich in generosity
  • Not the greedy one who has little, but the one who wants more
  • Called guests, but bought bones
  • Greed of the last mind deprives
  • Greed pushes to meanness
  • There are many, but I want more
  • You can't rake everything in one paw

Miserable Scrooge McDuck
Tale of the greedy old woman - "Porridge from an ax"

Parents can feel irritable when kids ask a lot of questions, want to learn something new. This is especially true after a hard day at work. Try not to allow yourself this. After all, children learn the world thanks to your help. Give them more time, read fairy tales, sayings, proverbs.

Video: Sayings about greed

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