Hurry people make you laugh to make a story. Hurry - make people laugh - Polish folk tale


Topic: Composition on the proverb "Hurry - you make people laugh"

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment, message of the topic and objectives of the lesson

You will learn the topic of today's lesson by deciphering the words.



Who read the words? What are these words? (Proverbs and sayings)

Lesson topic: "Proverbs and sayings." Let's write an essay on the proverb "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."

II. Linguistic stage

1. Emotional speech warm-up

Read the proverb "If you hurry, you will make people laugh" with an interrogative, exclamatory intonation.

2. Work on proverbs

- Read the proverbs.

You can't put on a scarf without effort.

You can’t pull a fish out of the pond for every mouth.

What did you notice? (parts of two proverbs mixed up)

How did you understand the meaning of the proverbs? (Without labor, you can’t even pull a fish out of a pond. - you need to make an effort in any work. You can’t put a scarf on every mouth. - a proverb about gossip)

Replace sentences with proverbs.

    Learn all your life. ( Live and learn.)

    Save time. ( Business time - fun - hour.)

    Do not chat. (Keep your mouth shut.)

    Keep your word. (Do not give a word, be strong, but give it - hold on.)

(The lexical meaning of the word "fun" is revealed. Fun is fun, entertainment.)

3. Spelling minute

"Collect a proverb"

    In a bag, hide, no, awl. (Murder will out)

    In, one, not, field, warrior. (One in the field is not a warrior.)

    Work, grind, patience, and that's all. (Patience and work will grind everything.)

Find spellings in verbs. (Do not hide, grind)

4. A fun minute. Proverb dramatization.

Each row of students shows a pre-prepared pantomime on the theme of a proverb or saying. the rest of the students guess it.

    Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

    You can't even pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty. .

    If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.

III.Literary stage

1. Work on deformed sentences

Guys, proverbs have scattered, help collect them.

    Famously the century will not be forgotten, but the good is remembered. (It is famously remembered, but the good of the century will not be forgotten.)

    It’s hard for someone who remembers evil. (It’s hard for someone who remembers evil.)

    You can't resist good against bad. (Can't resist good against bad.)

2. Restore the offer

Add proverbs.

    Remember good, but evil ... (forget)

    Old good and in a dream ... (good).

    An affectionate word that ... (spring day)

    The world is not without ... (good people).

3. Work on the deformed plan

Guys, Dunno made a daily routine, check if he did everything right.


1. Go to school.

2. Wash your face.

3. Make exercises.

4. Visit a drawing circle.

5. Have breakfast.

6. Go to bed.

7. Do your homework.

How should the points of the plan be arranged? (2,3,5,1,4,7,6)

4. Dealing with warped text

Read the text. Is everything in it right? Fix it if needed?

1. When writing appeared, notes were written down. 2. Oral creativity of the people is very developed. 3. The people noticed and remembered everything they saw. 4. So the wisdom of the people has come down to us in proverbs. 5. It developed before the advent of centuries, even before the advent of writing

5. Language game

Guess the beginning of the proverb.

    Patience and a little effort).

    The work of the master ... (fears).

    With wolves ... (to live - like a wolf howl).

    The apple never falls far from the tree).

    Learning is light and ignorance is darkness).

6. An essay on the proverb "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."

When are we in a hurry? Is it always necessary to hurry? When a person does something quickly, he always makes people laugh, because everything turns out ugly and funny for him. And so people sow over his deeds.

Speech task: write a story about a funny situation that a person who did everything in a hurry could find himself in.

7. Checking the performance of the speech task.

For example, a person is in a hurry to go to school and wrote ugly, and everyone laughs. Or dressed quickly and looks sloppy. Everyone is happy to see him.

If a person is in a hurry, he can put on a sweater, tights back to front. If he does his homework very quickly, he will make many mistakes. So they came up with: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."

IV. Lesson summary

Auntie Turtle decided to bake pies. Enough - no yeast.
- Wake up, Cherepakhovich, you have enough sleep! Run to the godmother Zaychikha, ask for some yeast.
Cherepakhovich grumbled something while awake, opened his sleepy eyes and asked discontentedly:
- What do you want?
- Run, I say, to the godmother Zaychiha for yeast ...
- I haven't run anywhere. I can go, - Cherepakhovich muttered.
He sat down, thought, scratched his lower back and, groaning, cautiously climbed off the stove.
- You should live longer, my tortoise's grief! said Aunt Turtle.
- Why such a hurry? No wonder they say: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."
While he got down, while he put his feet in felt boots, while he put on his zipun and put on a hat on his head, the week did not happen.
- And what are you trampling about! Went sooner, time does not wait.
- Yes, I put the sash somewhere, I can’t find it in any way.
- I knew it! exclaimed Aunt Turtle, and together with Cherepakhovich began to look for the loss.
And the turtle fuss is known: while they were looking for, another week passed. Cherepakhovich turned up his collar, brought his foot over the threshold, followed by another ... Things went smoothly.
- Look, do not hesitate, because she invited guests to pies!
- I know I know...
- Did you take the vessel?
- Eh, it's completely out of my mind ... Give it here, reluctance to return.
- If the Hare were here, he would quickly turn around! And you keep treading water like a bear at the apiary, - said Aunt Turtle, holding out a vessel for yeast.
- Just think, what a wonder - Hare! Jump-sniff - that's all the prowess. And I am, after all, a wealthy owner: wherever I go, everywhere has its own roof over my head. This must be understood!
Adjusting the dish in his bosom to make it more comfortable, Cherepakhovich pulled his cap over his very eyes and went to Zaichikha.
He left, and Aunt Turtle rejoices: the guests will eat plenty of tasty, fried pies, with cabbage, onions and mushrooms! And got busy making the filling.
It was completely dark, it would be time for Cherepakhovich to come back, but he was not there. So the invited guests did not have to taste the turtle pies. So the day has passed, another has come - there is no yeast, no Cherepakhovich. A year passed, another and a third. Cherepakhovich perished like an ax in an ice-hole.
"And where did he disappear? If only she sent far away, otherwise it was within easy reach ..." Aunt Turtle thought.
Another four years have passed.
"Come on," Aunt Turtle thinks, "I'll run to the outskirts and have a look." She threw on a scarf, moved towards the door - lo and behold, Cherepakhovich was walking along the street, in a hurry, in a hurry, carrying yeast in an earthenware vessel, pressing it tightly to her chest - she wouldn’t drop it.
- Finally! Aunt Turtle rejoiced.
Not even an hour passed, Cherepakhovich turned into his yard, went to the door, and stopped at the threshold to rest.
Catching his breath, he began to climb over the threshold. He dragged one leg safely, but caught on with a torn felt boot and stretched to his full height. The head is in the hut, and the legs are outside the door. The vessel shattered to smithereens, yeast flowed through the hut.
- Oh, you runner! Carried for seven years, did not inform the hut! Just wasted time!
"Yes-ah-ah..." muttered Cherepakhovich. - I told you - do not rush, it will get worse. And so it happened! It is not in vain that they say: "Hurry - you will make people laugh."

"Hurry - you'll make people laugh!"
There lived a boy named Igor. He was in a hurry all the time. At school, he solved examples quickly and incorrectly: 2 + 2 he got 5. And at the Russian language lesson, he wrote: "I have the most beautiful momo." All the guys laughed for a long time, and then they came up with a proverb: "Hurry up - you will make people laugh!" /Arkhishina Julia/

"Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!"
There lived a boy. One day he went to the store, and there they asked him: "Why don't you go out with your friends?" “Money is dearer to me than friends,” the boy replied.
One day he went swimming and started to drown. The children came running and rescued him. And then he realized that friends are more valuable than money. /Markeeva Katya/

"Speak little, listen a lot, and smart - even more"
Once upon a time there lived a double. In the classroom, he talked all the time. And the teacher gave him a deuce. He came home, and his mother said: "Show the diary! I'll give you a chocolate bar." Mom saw a deuce and said: "You'll get a chocolate bar when you fix the deuce." And he went to fix the deuce. And now he will no longer receive deuces ... / Azmanova Vika /

"Smart without money is rich"
Once upon a time there was a stupid boy, and he had a smart brother. The stupid one wanted to become a billionaire. He asked his brother what should be done for this? Smart replied:
- If I knew how to become a billionaire, I would tell you.
"I'll get my way anyway," said the stupid one. He asked his teacher a question.
- Graduate from school, college, serve in the army. You need to study well. In the meantime, go to the blackboard. What is 60 times 5?
- Two!
- So get 2!
And my mother said:
- You need to learn the multiplication table. Here's your brother got an A plus.
- You just need to be an excellent student, and there, you see, you will become a billionaire! / Serebryansky Dima /

"Not for a beard, for the mind favor"
Once upon a time there were two sisters: the eldest is beautiful, but stupid. The youngest read a lot and took care of the house.
Once they went to visit their uncle, and on the way they were captured by robbers.
- Let me go, - the eldest cried, - look: what a beautiful dress, shoes, handbag I have!
- Leave with your beauty, - the robbers got angry, - guess our three riddles - then we will let you go.
The younger sister guessed all the riddles, and the robbers let them go. "Not by the beard, they favor the mind" / Stepanova Alina /

"Don't rely, grandfather, on someone else's dinner"
One boy was punished for deuces - his mother did not cook dinner for him. He asked for a visit to a friend and dined there.
- Where have you been? Mom asked.
- Away!
- If you want me to forgive you, sit down and think.
The boy thought and went to work on his mistakes. "In order to have good grades, you must work well" / Misha Kondrashov /

There lived a man. He decided to build a new house. And I was too lazy to clear the snow. When the snow melted, his new house collapsed. "Without labor, you can’t even take a fish out of the pond" / Bushuev Daniil /

"You can't even take a fish out of the pond without work"
One man was asked to paint a window brown. He was too lazy to go for brown paint. He painted the window black. People came and said: "How ugly it turned out!" The man felt ashamed, he bought a good paint and corrected his mistake. /Osipova Sophia/

Auntie Turtle decided to bake pies. Enough - no yeast.

“Wake up, Cherepakhovich, you have enough sleep!” Run to the godmother Zaychikha, ask for some yeast.

Cherepakhovich grumbled something while awake, opened his sleepy eyes and asked discontentedly:

- What do you want?

- Run, I say, to the godmother Zaychiha for yeast ...

“I haven’t run anywhere. I can go now,” muttered Cherepakhovich.

He sat down, thought, scratched his lower back and, groaning, cautiously climbed off the stove.

- You should live longer, my tortoise's grief! said Aunt Turtle.

- Why such a hurry? No wonder they say: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."

While he got down, while he put his feet in felt boots, while he put on his zipun and put on a hat on his head, the week did not happen.

- And what are you trampling about! Went sooner, time does not wait.

- Yes, I put the sash somewhere, I can’t find it in any way.

- I knew it! exclaimed Aunt Turtle, and together with Cherepakhovich began to look for the loss.

And the turtle fuss is known: while they were looking for, another week passed. Cherepakhovich turned up his collar, brought his foot over the threshold, followed by another ... Things went smoothly.

- Look, do not hesitate, because you invited guests to pies!

- I know I know…

- Did you take the vessel?

- Eh, it’s completely out of my mind ... Give it here, reluctance to return.

- If the Hare were here, he would quickly turn around! And you keep treading water like a bear at the apiary,” said Aunt Turtle, holding out a vessel for yeast.

- Just think, what a wonder - Hare! Jump-sniff - that's all the prowess. And I am, after all, a wealthy owner: wherever I go, everywhere has its own roof over my head. This must be understood!

Adjusting the dish in his bosom to make it more comfortable, Cherepakhovich pulled his cap over his very eyes and went to Zaichikha.

He left, and Aunt Turtle rejoices: the guests will eat plenty of tasty, fried pies, with cabbage, onions and mushrooms! And got busy making the filling.

It was completely dark, it would be time for Cherepakhovich to come back, but he was not there. So the invited guests did not have to taste the turtle pies. So a day has passed, another has come - there is no yeast, no Cherepakhovich. A year passed, another and a third. Cherepakhovich perished like an ax in an ice-hole.

“Where did he disappear to? I wish I could send it far, otherwise it’s at hand ... ” Aunt Turtle thought.

Another four years have passed.

“Come on,” Aunt Turtle thinks, “I’ll run to the outskirts and have a look.” She threw on a scarf, moved towards the door - look, Cherepakhovich was walking down the street, hurrying, hurrying, carrying yeast in an earthenware vessel, pressing it tightly to her chest - she wouldn’t drop it.

- Finally! Aunt Turtle rejoiced.

Not even an hour passed, Cherepakhovich turned into his yard, went to the door, and stopped at the threshold to rest.

Catching his breath, he began to climb over the threshold. He dragged one leg safely, but caught on with a torn felt boot and stretched to his full height. The head is in the hut, and the legs are outside the door. The vessel shattered to smithereens, yeast flowed through the hut.

- Oh, you runner! Carried for seven years, did not inform the hut! Just wasted time!

“Yes-ah-ah…” grumbled Cherepakhovich. - I told you - do not rush, it will get worse. And so it happened! It is not in vain that they say: "If you hurry, you will make people laugh."

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