Permanent and non-permanent signs of the adjective. Syntactic role



"The Syntactic Role of the Adjective".

Material for the lesson

Russian language in the 6th grade

prepared by Nikolaenko N.N.

teacher MBOU Kirov secondary school No. 5

Kagalnitsky district Rostov region


Fundamental question: what part of the sentence can be an adjective?

Tasks: to form the skills of determining the syntactic role of the adjective.

Work plan .

1. Theoretical data about the adjective as a part of speech:

a) definition;

b) predicate;

c) subject.

2. The degree of popularity of the use of the adjective as a member of the sentence in various areas of use:

a) a work of art;

b) scientific style;

c) oral speech.

3. Conclusion.


adjective can

be on offer

any member of the proposal,

but most often

this is the definition.

The syntactic role of the adjective


Full form

Blue the vastness of the sky is reflected in wide river.

Complex form of the comparative degree

More beautiful The drawing was given to the exhibition.

Superlative form

The most ineresting the story was printed in famous newspaper.

Syntactic role adjective


Full form

His deeds were great .

short form

amazing the fate of this man.

Comparative and Superlative

He was better everyone. She was most beautiful from U.S.

Syntactic role adjective


Full form

Beautiful And resolute took a step forward.

Compound comparative and superlative degrees

More resistant did not give up their positions. kindest of them decided to make donations.

Research results. “The degree of popularity of the use of an adjective as a member of a sentence in various areas of use.


Oral speech - 5 people;

Literary text - an excerpt from the work of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" (description of the steppe);

Scientific text - a paragraph of a biology textbook

Grade 6 "The structure of seeds."

scientific text

100% use of the definition.



can do any

syntactic role,

but most often it is


Public lesson
in Russian in the 3rd grade
Topic: "The role of the adjective in
 To form students' knowledge about the role
adjective in a sentence.
 Improve finding skills
definitions - as a minor member
 Consolidate students' knowledge of the name
adjective; about genres
visual arts.
 Develop spelling vigilance in
students, enrich oral and written
 Cultivate diligence,
independence, to instill interest in

1. Organizational moment. Emotional mood. Motivation.
During the classes.
Guys, listen, what silence!
It started at school.
We won't waste time
And let's get to work right away.
Today in the lesson, I invite you to imagine yourself as artists. people
this profession needs to be sensitive, attentive and very
2. Making notebooks. Recording the number, minutes of calligraphy.
A, a
Phonetic analysis of the word:
3. Vocabulary work: picture dictation.
I show pictures on the board, and you write down vocabulary words.

4. Statement of the problem. Knowledge update.
Today in the lesson an artist will help us, and what kind of artist is this, guess:

The whole world knows our artist.
The artist will paint any object.
Always answers questions such as:
Which? Which? Which? Which?
So, in today's lesson, we will consolidate our knowledge about the name
adjective, and find out what its role is in the sentence.
Let's remember:
What is an adjective?
How can an adjective change?
(by gender, numbers and cases)
How to determine the gender, number or case of an adjective?
5. Formation of new concepts and methods of activity.
Our speech without adjectives would be like a gray painting
paint. Adjectives convey beauty and variety
the surrounding world.
Well, since we are artists, we must know the genres of fine art.
Guess what genre we're talking about now:
Painting depicting fruits, flowers and other
inanimate objects.
(still life)
Before you is a still life. Let's name the features of each item:

Lemon - by color, by shape, by taste (yellow, oval, sour)
Apple - by color, by shape, by taste (red, round, sweet)
Onions - by color, by shape, by taste (green, long, bitter)
In this task, which part of speech helped DEFINE the signs of each
Guess the following genre:
The image in the picture of a man.

I have a friend. She has
long thick wavy hair.
High forehead and snub nose. When she
shy, then the cheeks become crimson.
She is a cheerful and kind girl.
Name the words that describe the characteristics of this person.
What do you think, if the adjective helps us DEFINE
signs of objects in the sentence, then the main or minor member
it is?
Of course, it is a minor member in the sentence. A is called
6. Dynamic pause.
A butterfly has arrived.
Sat on the pointer.
Try to follow her
Run through the eyes.
7. Formation of skills and abilities. Application.
And we have the next genre.
A picture or drawing depicting nature.

Independent work.
Find definitions in the text. Underline them with a wavy line.
It's a clear winter day. In January
the trees are dressed in white coats. Fluffy
snow hung on the branches of the Christmas tree. on rowan
burning scarlet berries. Float across the sky
fluffy clouds. Winter drew a wonderful
Mutual verification. Work in pairs.
8. Monitoring and evaluation of performance.
Work with signal cards.
Green card - the answer is YES
Orange card - the answer is NO
The adjective is a part of speech.
An adjective refers to an object.
An adjective denotes a feature of an object.
The adjective answers the questions WHAT TO DO? WHAT TO DO?
The adjective answers the questions WHAT? WHICH? WHICH? WHICH?
The adjective in the sentence is the main member of the PREDICT.
The adjective is a minor member in the sentence -
9. Reflection.
What are colors in fine art? (warm and cold)
The new year has come. The symbol of this year is the rooster.
Let's paint this rooster yourself. If you have left after our lesson
warm mood, then use stickers of warm colors, and if cold
feelings, then stickers of cold colors.
Thank you for the lesson! You were great!

1). general conversation

What part of a sentence can an adjective be?

Give examples from homework:

a) definition;

b) full adjective and short adjective.

Definition: On the other side, and the spring is not red.

Silly is the bird that dislikes its nest.

2). Independent work on the table

I option

Enter in the table the number of the sentence, where the predicate is expressed in full

adjective (#2).

II option

Enter in the table the number of the sentence, where the predicate is expressed by a short adjective.

Ш option

Enter in the table number one sentence, where the adjective is a definition.

Whoever finishes the fastest, find a sentence that matches the scheme:

. : irapri iraprirapr (№ 7).

3). Key operation check(posted on a magnetic board) -

check themselves.

Raise your hand who made a mistake.

Conclusion about the syntactic role of the adjective.

4). Test on the topic "Adjective name" and check by key(change notebooks). The key is posted on a magnetic board.

I option

I. Find an adjective

1. Tree.

2. Wooden.

3. Wood.

4. Get stiff.

5. Woody..

II. Write off, adding endings, indicate the gender and case of adjectives

about green ... juicy ... grass across a wide ... collective farm ... field

fragrant ... spring ... flowers across a cloudless ... sky

III. Find adjectives with the letter "o" after the hissing and "c" at the end

1. Alien ... th person.

2. Fresh bread.

3. Elder ... brother.

4. Pain .. of the city.

5. Good evaluation.

IV. Find simple adjectives with a sibilant stem, write them down

3. Hot…

4. Good…

1. Round, not a month, yellow, not butter, with a tail, not a mouse.

2. A true friend will be a friend in a century.

3. And lumpy, and puffy, and soft, and brittle, but sweeter than everyone.

4. Toothy, not biting.

5. The house is shaking on a golden pillar.

VI. Find errors in the use of full and short forms of adjectives

1. The puppy was hungry and unhappy.

2. The bridge across the river was narrow and shaky.

3. The dog's eyes were bright red, lively and serious.

4. Their gaze was firm, trusting and penetrating.

I option

I. Find an adjective

2. Forest.

3. Forestry

II Write off, adding endings, indicate the gender and case of adjectives Along a good ... country ... road; to a steep ... rocky ... coast; in a far... siberian... town; high ... the harvest is frosty ... at night.

Sh. Find adjectives with the letter "o" after the hissing at the end

1. Hot spring.

2. Big ... bags.

3. Alien ... notebooks.

4. Clumsy ... th bear cub.

5. Thorny ... th plant.

V. Find short adjectives with a sibilant stem, write them down

3. Brilliant...

4. A lot of clouds...

5. Squeaky...

V. Find sentences with short adjectives

1. Who is neat, he is pleasant to people.

2. Transparent like glass, not stick in the window.

3. Chatter is both red and colorful, but empty.

4. Sir, but not a wolf, long-eared, but not a hare, with hooves, but not a horse.

5. The enemy is lively, but our people are persistent.

Key: I - 2; II-; III - 2.3; IV - 3.5; V - 1,3,4.

III option

I. Find an adjective

2. Sleepy.

4. Sleepy.

5. Dream interpretation.

Subject: Russian language

Subject: The syntactic role of adjectives.

Tasks: contribute to the formation of ideas about the syntactic role of adjectives; to promote the formation of calligraphic skills, spelling literacy, the ability to find a definition in a sentence, the development of logical thinking, speech, attention; contribute to the education of organization, activity, interest in the subject, respect for nature.

Lesson type: non-standard.

Methods: reproductive, visual and illustrative, verbal, partially exploratory, problematic.

Lesson forms: Individual, group, collective.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Message topics, lesson tasks. Motivation:

Grammar, grammar!

Science is very strict.

You are my grammar

I will master a little I "

In what sense did the word "master" be used?

Pick up synonyms for this verb, (I will learn, I will learn, I will study, I will overcome difficulties, I will learn to write correctly)

Do you want to learn this?

If so, I invite all of you and this amazing country of Grammar, in which the King of Syntax, the Queen of Morphology and the Princess of Phonetics rule.

What do you think they will introduce us to today?

Princess Phonetics will provide an opportunity to remember about letters and sounds, Queen Morphology will remind you of parts of a word, parts of speech and the polysemy of words, and King Syntax will introduce us to the syntactic role of adjectives in a sentence. This means that we will learn what role the adjective plays in the sentence.

3. A minute of calligraphy.

Let's start with a minute of clean writing.

Open notebooks, write down the number, class work.

Let's play the game "The letter got lost."B, c, d, l, e, f, h - Describe the letter.

Write the letters, do the cursive exercise.

4. Spelling minute.

Talking streams played along the ravines.

What does played mean? Choose synonyms? (murmured, rang, ran, flowed)

What does talkative mean? (vociferous, cheerful, noisy)

When do you think it could be? (Spring)

Why? (Snow melts, streams run, nature awakens with the advent of spring).

What poems do you know about spring?

spring snow

Settling and melting

Its fragrance is indescribable

and slowly bloom

Fur flowers of our winters.


5. Independent work on options: 1-2 rows.

Option 1: Form related words from the verb "played". Analyze words by composition.

Option 2: Form related words from the adjective "talkative". Sort the words by composition.(Front check).

Individual work on cards: 3rd row (deformed text in envelopes).

Compose sentences from disparate words, insert spellings, indicate parts of speech, cases of nouns. + adj., disassemble by the members of the sentence.

6. Frontal survey. 1-2 rows

What are the parts of a word?

How are the roots of single-root words written?

What is an ending?

What do you need to know to correctly write unstressed noun endings?

What do you need to know to correctly write the ending of adjectives?

What parts of speech do you know?

What part of speech are we learning now?

7. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Modest petitioners".

Listen and answer, why is it called a fairy tale?

Name Adjective: - Dear Nouns, let us into your possessions, we will help you, we will embellish everything so that you can’t take your eyes off!

Noun: - Please, lovely Adjectives. You can use our forms: gender, number and case. Let everything around become even more beautiful!

All: We serve together, we make friends together.

Teacher: So, who is called the Humble Askers in the fairy tale?

* Why?

* How does the adjective change?

* What determines the gender, number, case of adjectives?

Conclusion: What kind, number and case is the noun, what kind, number and case is the adjective.

8. Linguistic task - the game "Pick up the word."

(Indicate the gender, number of the adjective using signal cards)

* Sunny, fun day (m)

* Clear, cold weather (female)

* Gray, gloomy morning (cf.)

* School, spring break (pl.)

* Oral exercise with signal cards in the selection of adjectives for nouns according to illustrative cards.

* Rooks (what?) white-nosed, black, (plural)

* Black grouse - capercaillie (what?) forest, (m.b.)

* Birds of guillemots (what?) Northern, (plural)

* Gopher (what?) steppe, (m.b.)

* Cranes (what?) migratory, (plural)

* Swallows (what?) nimble, sharp-winged, fast, (pl.)

9. Dictionary work on punched cards.Sn-weight, v-rona, n-tukh, s-nitsa, well-retz, s-lovey, v-r-bay.


What is the "extra" word?

Name the words with a checked unstressed vowel, check them?

What is the word that has more letters than sounds? What are the nouns of the first declension? Make sentences using adjectives?

10. Written work.

Collective compilation of sentences from disparate words with a change in the number of adjectives.

Bird, on, flocks, homeland, fly.

Birds, cozy, nests, twist.

Many, destroy, ours, caterpillars, friends, feathered.

Writing sentences with students explaining at the blackboard. Analysis of the members of the proposal.

Conclusion: Adjectives in a sentence are definitions.

11. Reading an excerpt from N. Sladkov's story "Birds".

Selective letter.

Birds are children of the air, conquerors of the air ocean. They riseabove clouds and mountains, fly over seas and deserts.

Birds are the children of the rainbow: their feathers are painted in all conceivable and inconceivable colors. Birds are messengers of joy. Every year they bring spring to us on wings.

Self-examination with student comments.

12. Physical education. The sun is sleeping. The sky sleeps, even the wind does not make noise... Early in the morning the sun rose, sent its rays to you. Suddenly a breeze blew, clouded the sky and shook the trees. The rain pounded on the roofs. Drumming rain on the roofs, the sun is sinking lower and lower. Wag and hid behind the clouds. Not a single ray is visible.

13. Work with the textbook. Page 180. Students reading the rule about definition.

What is an adjective?

What role does the adjective play in the sentence?

What is a definition?

What questions does the definition answer?

How do we write a definition?

Ex. 678. Independent work. Write off. Sort by the members of the sentence: There have been heavy rains. Rapid streams gurgle. Friendly guys run to the ravine.


What is the definition? Ex. 683. Orally.

A sign of an object or phenomenon denotes a definition.

Whose and what? - the answers are simple, just missing a wavy line.

Conclusion: A definition can be a sign of an object and phenomenon.

14. Crossword "Weather".


1. The painted rocker hung across the river. (Rainbow)

2. Without arms, without legs, knocking under the window, asking for a hut. (Wind)

3. There was a lanky, stuck in the ground. (Rain)

4. He dragged the gate warmly to the old man, he does not run himself, and does not order to stand. (Freezing)

2. Vertical:

The horse runs, the earth trembles. (Thunder)

Choose adjectives for the answers?

Make sentences with them.

15. Letter under dictation.

The earth is our home.

Take care of the natural world. What does it mean to protect nature?

Name the phrase adjective with a noun.

Determine gender, number, case.

16. The result of the lesson.

What country did we travel to?

What did Princess Phonetics, Queen Morphology, King Syntax introduce us to? What roleV sentence plays an adjective?

17. Homework. Page 181 ex. 682. Indicate cases of adjectives. Sort by members of the proposal.

A sentence is one of the basic units of syntax. It is a complete thought and can consist of one or more words. From a grammatical point of view, the sentence has members - the main ones (subject and predicate), as well as secondary ones (What is the syntactic role of this or that part of speech in the sentence? We will try to understand this issue below: we will consider only

The syntactic role of the noun

As a rule, it acts as the main member of a sentence or addition. But the peculiarity of this part of speech is that it can become any member of the sentence. In their basic role, nouns can be defined, for example, by adjectives, pronouns, participles, with agreement in categories such as gender, number, and case. A noun can also form syntactic constructions with verbs, adverbs and predicative words.

Syntactic role of adjective

The most common role of an adjective in a sentence is the agreed definition, but it is not the only one. An adjective can also act as a subject or nominal part of a compound predicate. It is typical for adjectives in short form to act only as a predicate.

The syntactic role of the adverb

The usual role of the adverb is the circumstance - the mode of action, time, place, cause, purpose, measure and degree. However, sometimes it can be predicate. There is also a separate group of adverbs that play the role of allied words in a sentence.

The syntactic role of the verb

The verb usually acts as a predicate. The infinitive (if you don't remember - it can also be part of a compound predicate, or be a subject, object, definition, circumstance.

The syntactic role of the participle

The participle has the same grammatical properties as the adjective, therefore, in a sentence it often acts as an agreed definition. However, its relationship with the verb also allows the participle in some cases to be the nominal part of the compound predicate, but this is typical only for short forms. In addition, the participle with dependent words forms the so-called which, being an indivisible construction, can be almost any minor member.

The syntactic role of the gerund

The participle in the sentence is only a circumstance. However, in the composition, it may become another minor member of the proposal, but it is important to remember that the turnover is considered as a whole.

The syntactic role of the pronoun

The role of the pronoun directly depends on which category it belongs to. Since the variety of pronouns gives them wide possibilities, they can act as a subject, predicate, definition and object - depending on the context.

The syntactic role of the numeral

Numerals in a sentence can be both subject and predicate, as well as a definition or adverb of time. As you can see, nothing complicated.

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