Everyday life in Rus' in the XIII-XV centuries. Home, clothes, food


This state is the fruit of the feat of the Russian people, who defended their faith and independence, their ideals on the edge of the European world. Researchers note such features in ancient Russian culture as synthetic and openness. The original spiritual world was created as a result of the interaction of the heritage and traditions of the Eastern Slavs with the Byzantine culture, and, consequently, the traditions of antiquity. The time of formation, as well as the first flowering of Old Russian culture, falls on the period from the 10th to the first half of the 13th centuries (that is, in the pre-Mongolian period).


The traditions of ancient paganism have been preserved, primarily in folklore in songs, fairy tales, proverbs, spells, incantations, and riddles. Epics occupied a special place in the historical memory of the Russian people. They were heroic tales of brave defenders from the enemies of their native land. Folk storytellers sing the exploits of Mikula Selyaninovich, Volga, Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and other heroes (there are more than 50 different main characters in the epics).

They turn to them their call to stand up for the fatherland, for the faith. In the epics, interestingly, the motive of defending the country is supplemented by another one - the defense of the Christian faith. The most important event was her baptism.

Writing in Rus'

With the adoption of Christianity, writing began to develop rapidly. Although she was known even earlier. As evidence, we can cite the mention of "features and cuts" dating back to the middle of the first millennium, information about the agreements between Rus' and Byzantium, which were drawn up in Russian, an earthen vessel near Smolensk with a Cyrillic inscription (the alphabet created by Cyril and Methodius, the enlighteners of the Slavs at the turn of the 10th and 11th centuries).

Orthodoxy brought many liturgical books, secular and religious translated literature to Rus'. Handwritten books have come down to us: two "Izbornik" of Prince Svyatoslav, dated 1073 and 1076, "Ostromir Gospel", referring to 1057. They say that in circulation in the 11-13 centuries there were about 130-140 thousand books that had several hundred titles . By the standards of the Middle Ages in Ancient Rus', the level of literacy was quite high. There is also other evidence. These are those discovered by archaeologists in Veliky Novgorod in the middle of the 20th century, as well as inscriptions on handicrafts and walls of cathedrals, the activities of monastic schools, book collections and the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, and others, according to which the culture and life of Ancient Rus' are being studied today.

There was an opinion that the ancient Russian culture belonged to the "mute", that is, it did not have its own original literature. However, this assumption is incorrect. The literature of Ancient Rus' is represented by various genres. These are the lives of the saints, and chronicles, and teachings, and journalism, and travel notes. Let us note here the famous "Tale of Igor's Campaign", which did not belong to any of the genres that existed at that time. Thus, the literature of Ancient Rus' is distinguished by a wealth of trends, styles, and images.

Spinning and weaving

The Old Russian state was distinguished not only by its original culture, but also by its way of life. Life is interesting and original. The inhabitants were engaged in various crafts. Among women, the main occupation was spinning and weaving. The necessary amount of fabric had to be woven by Russian women in order to dress their family, as a rule, a large one, and also to decorate the house with towels and tablecloths. It was no coincidence that the spinning wheel was considered by the peasants as a traditional gift, which was kept with love and passed down from generation to generation.

There was a custom in Rus' to give beloved girls a spinning wheel of their own work. The more skillfully the master carved and painted it, the more elegant it looked, the more honor he had. Russian girls gathered on winter evenings for gatherings, took spinning wheels with them to show off.

Houses in cities

Customs, like life, in ancient Russian cities had a slightly different character than in villages. There were practically no dugouts here (see photo).

The life of Ancient Rus' in the cities reflected various buildings. City dwellers most often erected two-story houses, which consisted of several rooms. The houses of warriors, clergymen, princes, boyars had their own differences. Necessarily, large areas of land were allocated for estates, log cabins were built for servants and artisans, as well as various outbuildings. The life of Ancient Rus' was different for different segments of the population, which reflected the types of dwellings. Boyar and princely mansions were real palaces. These houses were decorated with expensive carpets and fabrics.

The Russian people lived in fairly large cities. They numbered tens of thousands of inhabitants. In villages and villages there could be only a few dozen households. Life was preserved in them longer than in cities.

Houses in the villages

Residential areas, along which various trade routes passed, had a higher standard of living. Peasants lived, as a rule, in small houses. In the south, semi-dugouts were common, the roofs of which were often covered with earth.

In Rus', the northern huts were two-story, high, with small windows (there could be more than five). Sheds, pantries and canopies were attached to the side of the dwelling. They were all usually under the same roof. This type of dwelling was very convenient for the northern harsh winters. Many elements of the houses were decorated with geometric ornaments.

Interior of peasant huts

In Ancient Rus' it was quite simple. The huts in the villages usually did not look rich. The interior of the peasant huts was cleaned rather strictly, but elegantly. In front of the icons in the front corner there was a large table, which was intended for all members of this family. Ancient household items in Rus' also included wide benches that stood along the walls. They were decorated with carved edging. Most often, there were shelves above them, which were intended for storing dishes. Household items of Ancient Rus' included a postavets (northern locker), which was usually supplemented with elegant painting depicting flowers, birds, horses, as well as pictures depicting the seasons allegorically.

The table on holidays was covered with red cloth. Carved and painted utensils were placed on it, as well as lights for the torch. Ancient Rus' was famous for woodworking. They made a variety of utensils. The most beautiful were ancient Russian ladles of various sizes and shapes. Some of them contained several buckets in volume. The ladles intended for drinking were often boat-shaped. Their handles were decorated with horse heads or carved ducks. The ladles were also generously supplemented with carvings and paintings.

Buckets-ducks were called ladles that had the shape of a duck. Turned vessels resembling a ball were called brothers. Beautiful salt shakers, shaped like horses or birds, were carved by wood craftsmen. Beautiful spoons and bowls were also made. Everything related to the life of Ancient Rus' was usually made of wood: cradles for children, mortars, bowls, baskets, furniture. The craftsmen who created the furniture not only thought about convenience, but also about beauty. These things certainly had to please the eye, turn even the hardest work of the peasants into a holiday.

Clothing of various segments of the population

Clothing could also identify different segments of the population. Peasants and artisans, both men and women, wore shirts that were made from homespun cloth. In addition to shirts, men wore pants, and women wore skirts. Ordinary people wore ordinary fur coats in winter.

In form, the clothes of noble people were often similar to peasant clothes, but in quality, of course, they were completely different. Such clothes were created from expensive fabrics. Often cloaks were made of oriental fabrics embroidered with gold. Winter coats were sewn only from valuable furs. Peasants and townspeople also wore different shoes. Only wealthy residents could afford to buy boots or pistons (shoes). The princes also wore boots that were richly decorated with inlays. The peasants could afford to make or purchase only bast shoes, which survived in Russian culture until the 20th century.

Feasts and hunting in Ancient Rus'

The hunting and feasts of the ancient Russian nobility were known to the whole world. During such events, the most important state affairs were often decided. The inhabitants of Ancient Rus' celebrated victories in campaigns nationwide and magnificently. Honey and overseas wine flowed like a river. Servants served huge platters of meat and game. These feasts were necessarily visited by posadniks and elders from all cities, as well as by a huge number of people. It is difficult to imagine the life of the inhabitants of Ancient Rus' without plentiful feasts. The tsar feasted with the boyars and retinue on the high gallery of his palace, and the tables for the people were located in the courtyard.

Falconry, dog and hawk hunting were considered the pastime of the rich. Various games, races, tournaments were built for the common people. The life of Ancient Rus' as an integral part, especially in the north, also included a bathhouse.

Other features of Russian life

Children in the boyar-princely environment were not raised independently. Boys at the age of three were put on a horse, after which they were given to the care and training of a nursery teacher (that is, a teacher). Young princes at the age of 12 went to govern volosts and cities. Wealthy families in the 11th century began to teach both girls and boys to read and write. Kiev market was a favorite place for ordinary and noble people. Here they sold products and products from all over the world, including India and Baghdad. The ancient people of Rus' were very fond of bargaining.

Culture of Rus' in the 10th - 13th centuries. Plan. 1. The main features of ancient Russian culture. 2. Literacy and education. 3. Written culture: A) religious literature; B) historical literature; C) secular works. 4. Architecture and painting. 5. Folklore. 6. Life and everyday life.

What is Latin - cultivation, culture? n Culture - with n n processing. Culture is everything that is created by human society thanks to the physical and mental labor of people, expressed in its way of life, ideology, education and upbringing, in the achievements of science, art, literature, etc. Culture is not only works of art, but also certain ideas , ideas, ideals, stereotypes, everyday habits, spiritual and religious life, language.

Stages in the culture of Ancient Rus': 1. The culture of the Eastern Slavs - the traditions of paganism. 2. The culture of Kievan Rus is a synthesis of the achievements of the Eastern Slavs and the Christian culture of Byzantium. 3. Culture of the fragmentation period - on the basis of the culture of Kievan Rus, cultural and artistic schools were created as local variants of the culture of the ancient Russian people.

Features of ancient Russian culture: n n n Paganism continued to have a profound influence on the consciousness of the people, peasant life, literature, painting, architecture; Rus' took shape as a flat state, the open influence of those peoples who lived on Russian lands in the process of their development; Byzantine ecclesiastical and religious culture was first a subject of development, then a model for imitation.

Education and literacy: n n n The first schools were opened at churches and monasteries. Education was limited to reading, less often to writing and counting. From the 11th century rich families educate children.

The need for writing and its emergence: n Development of private property and trade; n State acts and treaties; n Need for written history; n Appeared from Bulgaria (2nd half of the 9th century Cyril and Methodius) with the adoption of Christianity in the 10th century.

Socio-political literature: n Chronicle - a historical work in which the narration was carried out by year: "The Tale of Bygone Years" by monk Nestor (12th century), (events of 860 -1110); "Sermon on Law and Grace" of the Kyiv Metropolitan Hilarion (11th century) (sermon - a speech of religious and edifying content); Lives of Boris and Gleb (11th century); n Vladimir Monomakh "Instruction for children" . n n

Fiction and secular literature: "The Journey of Abbot Daniel to the Holy Places" (he described his pilgrimage to Jerusalem, 12 c); n "Prayer" by Daniil Zatochnik (12th century); n "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" (1185) (about the campaign of Prince Igor of Novgorod-Seversky against the Polovtsians). n

Churches were built on the model of the cross-domed temple of the Greeks n n Temples of this type were a rectangle, divided by 4 pillars into 9 cells. Cross-shaped cylindrical vaults served as a ceiling, and a dome towered above the center of the temple.

n Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God (Desyatinnaya) in Kiev The stone church of the Assumption of the Mother of God in Kyiv was founded in 989, immediately after the Korsun campaign and the baptism of Grand Duke Vladimir Svyatoslavich the Holy. Construction was completed in 996. The church was decorated with the greatest luxury for that time: marble, jasper, mosaics. Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich decided to donate in her favor a tenth of his income from cities and estates for eternity, as a result of which the church became known as "Tithing". The Kiev Church of the Assumption of the Virgin was destroyed in 1240, during the invasion of Kyiv by Batu Khan. .

The Golden Gates in Vladimir The Golden Gates in Vladimir were erected in 1164 in the western part of the Vladimir fortress, on the main road leading to the city. They served both as a defensive structure and as a solemn entrance. In those days, on the opposite side of the Vladimir fortress, probably equally powerful and front "Silver Gates" towered. In 1469, the Russian architect Vasily Dmitrievich Yermolin renovated the gate church of the "Golden Gates". Later, the temple was rebuilt.

The architecture of the fragmentation period. n n With the collapse of Rus', the flow of national art did not dry up, but broke into many branches. From the 2nd floor. 12th c. most of the temples are single-domed, built from plinths. Plinfa - from the Greek. "plinth" - brick.

Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior on Nereditsa near Novgorod n In 1198, near Novgorod, on the banks of the river Spasovka, a single-domed stone church of the Savior of the Transfiguration on Nereditsa was built. The temple, badly destroyed in 1941-1943 during the Great Patriotic War, has now been restored, but the frescoes of 1199 on its walls have been almost completely lost.

Church of the Protection of the Virgin on the Nerl near Bogolyubov In 1165, near Bogolyubov, on the banks of the Nerl River, a single-domed stone church of the Protection of the Virgin was erected. Grand Duke Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky built this temple after the death of his son in memory of him and to appease his sorrow.

Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir n Built in 1194-1197 under the Grand Duke Vsevolod III Yurievich Big Nest, the single-domed stone Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir has been well preserved to this day.

Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir n Built in 1158-1160 at the behest of the Grand Duke Andrei Yurievich Bogolyubsky Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir has not been preserved in its original form. Currently, the cathedral has five domes. The interior of the temple sparkled with gold, silver and precious stones. It has been compared to the legendary temple of the biblical King Solomon. In 1408, the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by famous Russian masters Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny.

Painting. Fresco. n Fresco is a technique of painting with paints on fresh, damp plaster, which, when dried, forms the thinnest film that makes the fresco durable.

Painting. n Icon - from the Greek. "eikon" image, image. In Orthodoxy and Catholicism, the image of Jesus the Mother of God and the saints, to which a sacred meaning is attributed. n The icon "Our Lady of Vladimir", painted, according to legend, by the Evangelist Luke, was brought to Rus' from Greece and until 1155 was in Kyiv.

Folklore. n n Folklore is a set of customs, rituals, songs and other phenomena of folk life. Songs, legends, epics, proverbs, fairy tales were an integral part of ancient Russian culture.

Life and everyday life. n n The main activities of the Eastern Slavs were agriculture, trade, hunting and beekeeping (collection of wild honey). Honey, wax, furs were considered the most valuable goods. The villages of the Eastern Slavs were usually located along the banks of rivers or lakes. Starting from the 9th century, the trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" was known: along the rivers from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea. The Slavs lived in semi-dugouts or log houses.

Jewelry Art. n n Niello-black or dark gray images applied to metal (gold, silver) by engraving and filling strokes of the so-called. black alloy (silver, copper, etc.). Grain - a type of filigree; small gold, silver or copper balls (from 0.4 mm in diameter), which are soldered onto jewelry, often on a twisted wire ornament. The grain creates a spectacular texture, a play of chiaroscuro.

Jewelry Art. n Filigree - (Italian filigrana, from Latin filum - thread and granum - grain), a type of jewelry technique. n Cloisonne enamel - fill the cells formed by thin metal partitions, soldered to the metal surface with an edge along the lines of the pattern, convey clear contour lines.

Conclusions: n n n Kievan Rus in pre-Mongolian times turned into a country of highly developed culture. The commonality of the Old Russian people begins to take shape, which was expressed in the development of the literary language, in the national self-perception of the unity of the people, in the formation of a common culture. In the era of Kievan Rus, a type of cultural and historical development of the Russian people was set, in which Christianity and paganism were closely intertwined.

Homework: n Messages on the following topics: 1. “Monks of the Kiev Caves Monastery” (Nestor, Anthony, Theodosius) - tell about the known facts of the life of these monks, about their contribution to the religious and cultural life of Rus'. 2. “Russian heroic epic. Its features". (tell about the history of Russian epics, highlight the main differences between epics and fairy tales). 3. “Instruction of the sovereign. Ideas about the sins and virtues of the Russian prince ”(tell about the main, from the point of view of the author, events of his life and about his precepts to his children). 4. "Architecture of Ancient Rus' in the 12th -13th centuries" (tell about the most significant architectural monuments in various principalities, describe their features).

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The culture of the people is inextricably linked with their way of life, everyday life, just as the way of life of the people, determined by the level of development of the country's economy, is closely connected with cultural processes. The people of Ancient Rus' lived both in large cities for their time, numbering tens of thousands of people, and in villages with several dozen households and villages, especially in the north-east of the country, in which two or three households were grouped.

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All the testimonies of contemporaries indicate that Kyiv was a large and rich city. In terms of its scale, many stone buildings, temples, palaces, it competed with other European capitals of that time. The palaces of prominent boyars were located in the old city, and here on the mountain were the houses of wealthy merchants, other prominent citizens, and the clergy. The houses were decorated with carpets, expensive Greek fabrics. From the fortress walls of the city one could see the white-stone churches of the Caves, Vydubitsky and other Kyiv monasteries in the green bushes.

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In palaces, rich boyar mansions, life went on - warriors, servants settled down here, countless servants crowded. From here came the administration of principalities, clans, villages, here they judged and dressed, tributes and taxes were brought here. Feasts were often held in the hallway, in spacious gridirons, where overseas wine and their native honey flowed like a river, servants carried huge dishes with meat and game. Women sat at the table on an equal footing with men. Women generally took an active part in management, farming, and other affairs.

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The favorite pastimes of rich people were falconry, hawk, dog hunting. Races, tournaments, various games were arranged for the common people. An integral part of ancient Russian life, especially in the North, however, as in later times, was a bathhouse. Below, on the banks of the Dnieper, a merry Kiev market was noisy, where, it seems, products and products were sold not only from all over Rus', but from all over the then world, including India and Baghdad.

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A motley multilingual crowd scurried through the streets of the city. Boyars and warriors passed here in expensive silk clothes, in cloaks decorated with fur and gold, in epanches, in beautiful leather boots. The buckles of their cloaks were made of gold and silver. Merchants in fine linen shirts and woolen caftans also appeared, and poorer people scurried around in homespun linen shirts and ports.

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Wealthy women adorned themselves with gold and silver chains, beaded necklaces, which were very fond of in Rus', earrings, and other gold and silver jewelry finished with enamel and niello. But there were decorations and simpler, cheaper, made from inexpensive stones, simple metal - copper, bronze. They were worn with pleasure by poor people. It is known that even then women wore traditional Russian clothes - sundresses; the head was covered with ubrus (shawls).

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His life, full of work, worries, flowed in modest Russian villages and villages, in log huts, in semi-dugouts with stoves-heaters in the corner. There, people stubbornly fought for existence, plowed up new lands, raised cattle, bee-keepers, hunted, defended themselves from "dashing" people, and in the south - from nomads, again and again rebuilt dwellings burned by enemies. Moreover, often plowmen went out into the field armed with spears, clubs, bows and arrows to fight off the Polovtsian patrol. On long winter evenings, by the light of the torches, women spun, men drank intoxicating drinks, honey, remembered the days gone by, composed and sang songs, listened to storytellers and storytellers of epics.

Russian culturex-beginningXIIIcenturies.

Prior to political fragmentation, the culture of Rus' was oriented towards the West, much was prescribed from Byzantium. Culture took shape both within Rus' itself and under the influence of neighboring states. As today, villages and villages developed the most difficult culturally.

The adoption of Christianity had a great influence on the change in the culture of Rus', but paganism did not completely disappear for many years. We remember that even today we celebrate holidays that are inherently pagan.

Type of culture

Main content


Writing, literacy, schools

XI century, translated works are becoming widespread

"Alexandria" - the life of Alexander the Great

"Deed of Devgen" - about the exploits of the warrior Digenis

Izbornik Svyatoslav in 1073 is a collection of folk moralizing arguments.

Baking trays - copies of documents.

Tolmach - translator.

Parchment - processed calf or mutton skin for writing.

Writing - X century

Archaeologist D. V. Avdusin in 1949 found a clay vessel of the 10th century with the inscription "pea" - spice

The find makes it clear that writing in Rus' was already in the tenth century. In the 9th century, the Cyrillic alphabet was compiled - the first Russian alphabet (Cyril and Methodius).

Literacy - 11th century

Schools were opened at churches and monasteries already under Vladimir I and Yaroslav the Wise.

Vladimir Monomakh's sister, Yanka, opened a school for girls from wealthy families at a convent.

Schools were widespread only in cities, but at that time all segments of the population could study in them.

Graffiti inscriptions scratched on the walls of churches. These were reflections on life, complaints and prayers.


End of the 10th century

The first chronicle (from Rurik to St. Vladimir, not preserved)

Chronicle - weather report.

Chronicle - a state affair, appeared immediately after the introduction of Christianity in Rus'. As a rule, clergymen wrote and rewrote chronicles.

The era of Yaroslav the Wise and Sophia in Kyiv

Second chronicle (included the first + some new materials, not preserved)

60-70s XI century - Hilarion

Wrote it under the name of the monk Nikon

90s of the XI century

The next vault appeared during the time of Svyatopolk

XII century (1113) - monk Nestor

The Tale of Bygone Years is the first chronicle that has come down to us, which is why it is considered to be the first in Rus'.

It was an unusual chronicle, it acquired a philosophical and religious coloring and included, in addition to a colorful description of events, the reasoning of the chronicler


tithe church

Built by Greek masters, the first Russian church. wooden

Church of Hagia Sophia in Kyiv

Temple of Hagia Sophia in Novgorod

Church of Hagia Sophia in Polotsk

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Chernihiv

Golden Gate in Kyiv

All buildings have a cross-domed shape, which came to Rus' from Byzantium after baptism, as well as the stone construction itself.

Dormition Cathedral in Vladimir (1160)

White stone palace in Bogolyubovo

Golden Gate in Vladimir

Church of the Intercession on the Nerl (1165, single-dome)

St. George's Cathedral of St. George's Monastery (1119)

Church of the Savior-Nereditsa near Novgorod (1198)

Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir (1197)

St. George's Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky

Church of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa in Chernihiv

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the Euphrosyne Monastery in Polotsk (1159, architect Ioann)

Pagan (wood construction):

1) multi-tiered buildings;

2) the crowning of buildings with turrets and towers;

3) artistic woodcarving;

4) the presence of outbuildings ( stands).

Scheme of a single-dome, single-tier temple.

Christian (stone construction) - cross-domed churches:

1) at the base is a square dissected by 4 pillars;

2) rectangular cells adjacent to the under-dome space form an architectural cross.

Another feature of Russian architecture of that time was the combination of buildings with the natural landscape.

Architecture - architecture.


40s XI century, Hilarion

"A Word on Law and Grace"

The place of Rus' in world history is stated. The first literary author.


The word "About Igor's Campaign" is an unsuccessful campaign of Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians in 1185.

"The Tale of Boris and Gleb"

"The Legend of the Initial Spread of Christianity in Rus'"

Folklore - folklore.

XI century, monk Jacob

"Memory and praise to Vladimir"

It is necessary to understand that the Tale, Walking, Reading, Life are genres of Old Russian literature.

XI century, monk Nestor

"Reading about the life of Boris and Gleb"

XII century, Vladimir Monomakh

"Teaching Children" is a book about what a real prince should be like.

XII century, hegumen Daniel

"Hegumen Daniel's Journey to the Holy Places"

Daniel the Sharpener

"Word" and "Supplication"

XII century, Metropolitan Klimenty Smolyatich

"Message" to the priest Thomas

XII century, Bishop Cyril

"The Parable of the Human Soul"

Early 13th century

Kiev-Pechersk Patericon

The history of the founding of the Kiev Caves Monastery and the first monks


Fresco and mosaic painting

Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv

St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery - mosaic

Fresco - carving on raw plaster.

Mosaic - an image assembled from colored glass pieces.

Icon painting XII-XIII

"Angel of golden hair"

"The Savior Not Made by Hands"

"Assumption of the Virgin"

"Yaroslavl Oranta"

Famous was the icon painter Alympius

K. P. Bryullov (1799-1852)

"The last day of Pompeii"

"The Appearance of the Messiah" - Mother of God


Lutes, harp - instruments

Buffoons, singers, dancers

pagan traditions

Songs, legends, epics, proverbs, sayings

Life of the people.

Jewelry technique for gold and silver was widespread (bracelets, earrings, buckles, tiaras, even dishes were trimmed with precious stones and metals). The woodcarving was beautiful. Feasts with honey and wine at the princes and combatants. Falconry, hawk, dog hunting was considered fun. There were jumps.

The Russians were very fond of the banya.

"Russian lands in XII XIII" - Lesson plan. Reading a textbook, p. 128. Features of the culture of the XII-XIII centuries. Architecture is the science and art of constructing buildings. Painting. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Church of the Savior on Nereditsa. Iconography. Vladimir-Suzdal principality. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod. Dmitrievsky Cathedral. Find out: What kind of knowledge did Russian people have in the XII-XIII centuries?

"Culture of Rus'" - Dmitrovsky Cathedral in Vladimir. Ancient Russian aphorisms. Jewelery: School lecture. Lesson topic: The most important chronicles: Cross-domed style. Novgorod. Songs, legends, epics, proverbs, sayings, fairy tales. Literacy. Having received good, remember, and having done, forget. Painting, sculpture, music. Writing.

"Ladoga fortress" - Ancient masonry. Fresco of the dome and drum of the Church of St. George. Show the importance of Ladoga in the formation of the Russian state from ancient times to the XVIII century. IX century. Interior of the church of St. George. Mound of the Prophetic Oleg. Gate tower. The plan of the Ladoga fortress in 1490. Such a reserve appeared on the Leningrad land for the first time.

"Culture of Rus' 10-15 centuries" - Historical events. Frescoes in St. Sophia Cathedral. Testimony of a Byzantine diplomat. Earrings. openness and synthesis. How Russian culture was born. Life of the people. Chronicle was a matter of state. Monk Nestor. Establishment of writing centers. political difficulties. Principality administration. Architecture.

"Architecture of Ancient Rus'" - Suzdal temple. History of study. The Rusinovs are a wealthy merchant family of the 17th century. Chapel of the Three Saints, 17th century A cube is a complex shape of a coating resembling a tetrahedral onion. Fragment of the veranda. On the coast of the White Sea, the type of a cube-shaped temple was widespread. One of the most common houses-complexes in Zaonezhye, called "purse".

"Culture of Rus' 9-13 centuries" - Literacy, writing, in Rus'. Elegance, a deep humanistic beginning in architecture. Features of Russian culture of the X - early XIII centuries. Artistic woodcarving. You are glorified by many beauties .... Byzantium. Plan. Chronicle and Literature. The crowning of buildings with turrets and towers. Conclusion.

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