Repetition of the mother teaching will be appropriate when. repetition mother learning


There are such golden words - "repetition is the mother of learning." And it is not just words. Our memory is arranged in such a way that if we repeat the material many times, then it is better absorbed and stored in memory longer. And if necessary, it can be quickly retrieved from memory, in other words, remembered.

It's good when a person learns. He acquires new knowledge, becomes smarter, more interesting for the interlocutor. All paths are open to him in life. If you want - study further, if you want - work, and your work will be exciting.

A literate person and life is much more interesting than a person with a meager store of knowledge. Learning well, with pleasure, with enthusiasm is very important, only in this case the material is well absorbed and stored in memory for a long time. But sometimes things get forgotten. How to ensure that knowledge is fixed, not lost from our memory?

Consider an example. The student needs to memorize the poem. When memorized, it automatically repeats the same lines several times. And in the morning, mom or dad is asked to retell the poem again. It was remembered.

How did it happen? The poem is learned by repeated repetition of poetic lines. But this happens with all information, not only with poetry.

All people, children and even adults, take exams. Imagine that in an exam you need to answer on a topic. Have you ever read it, once, well, maybe twice. Something was remembered, but this is clearly not enough for a good answer. And if the material has been learned, understood, repeated several times, then at the right time it will be pulled out of the corresponding “cells” of memory.

Repetition of previously learned material is the best way to remember something.

Repetition is the mother of learning. It is not for nothing that this proverb “settled” in the realm of Russian folk proverbs. Folk wisdom has been tested for centuries, and you should not "reinvent the wheel".

Outside the twenty-first century. Now valuable people are literate, with a large store of knowledge, owning a huge amount of information. Such people are successful, their life is in full swing. Information is our everything. And it needs to be remembered.

Learned and forgotten. What's interesting about this? Information transited through our brain, and did not linger in it. If we need it, we won't be able to use it.

Memory needs to be trained. Repetition trains memory. After repeated repetitions, the memorized is placed in such memory cells that store information for a long time, the so-called long-term memory.

Repeat, because repetition is the mother of learning!

39 chose

When using well-known catchphrases in our speech, for example, from literary classics or popular films, we often do not even finish them. Firstly, most often we see from the face of the interlocutor that we read the same books and watched the same films, and it is clear to us that we understood each other. Secondly, many phrases are so recognizable by everyone that the second half of them have not been spoken for a long time. But another generation will come and think that all wisdom is only in this short phrase, not knowing about its understatement, losing its original meaning! This happened with many Russian sayings and proverbs. We pronounce them, thinking that we understand their meaning from the cradle, but ... Apparently, our ancestors also did not bother to finish speaking them, leaving us only their first halves as a legacy ...

Russian proverbs and sayings are centuries-old folk wisdom, sharply honed, sometimes even evil. It turns out that not all of them carry the grain that our ancestors put into them - either it is smaller or of a different grade. And all because of the lost ending!

Sometimes the meaning of such a truncated proverb is not only lost, but completely incomprehensible. And the Russian people did not throw words in vain! You just need to find and return these lost grains of wisdom and understand all the charm and sharpness of folk thought!

Let's try to look for the original meaning by returning the endings to the proverbs. Let's start with proverbs that have lost only part of their meaning: everything seems to be correct, but something is missing, something is left unsaid.

Hunger is not an aunt, won't bring a pie.

Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf, get up early and start your own.

Take it out, put it down; give birth, give.

Small spool but precious; the stump is great, but rotten.

Young people scold - amuse themselves, and the old people scold - rage.

Everything is clear with these proverbs - there is only some reticence in them, and the returned part enhances the meaning of folk wisdom. It is more difficult with those proverbs and sayings, the meaning of which, with the loss of their second part, has completely changed!

How often we heard from adults in childhood: "In a healthy body healthy mind!"? It seems that the meaning is beyond doubt, and we repeat the same thing to our children, for example, forcing them to do morning exercises. But it originally sounded like this: "A healthy mind in a healthy body is rare." That's how he wrote Decimus Junius Juvenal, Roman satirist, in his Satires. This is what it means to take words out of context, which is abused by many in our time. The meaning, it turns out, was invested completely different!

Drunken sea knee-deep- it is clear that in a state of intoxication a person does not care, but in reality? Drunken sea knee-deep, and the puddle is up to your ears.

Mind chamber! This means he is a very intelligent person, and his opinion is worth listening to. And if you return the ending? mind chamber, yes the key is lost!

Repetition is the mother of learning! Well, what else could it mean? And you ask Ovid, these are his words: "Repetition is the mother of learning and the refuge of donkeys (comfort of fools)."

The meaning of many proverbs without their lost part is generally unclear! Why would it say: Lucky, as a drowned man". But if you restore the entire text, then everything will fall into place:

Lucky like sabbath drowned man - You don't have to heat the bath! So luck is only on the side of those who drowned on Saturday - they don’t have to heat the bathhouse, saving on the household!

The hen pecks at the grain - that is, each deed is done little by little , but return the ending and everything will appear in a different light . The hen pecks at the seed , and the whole yard in the litter!

As soon as a new boss appears at work and starts innovation, someone will definitely say: "The new broom sweeps in a new way!". But the whole point is in the second half: "A new broom sweeps in a new way, but when it breaks, it lies under the bench.

When, for example, previously unfamiliar like-minded people meet, passionate about one thing or people of the same profession, they say : "Birds of a feather flock together". And in fact it was: "Birds of a feather flock together, that's why it bypasses it." After all, where one is already catching fish, the second has nothing to do!

Great is our language and wisdom of the people. Directly miracles in the sieve, and only! More precisely: Miracles in the sieve: There are a lot of holes, but there is nowhere to jump out.

1. Appetite comes with eating, and greed is at the time of appetite.

2. Grandmother wondered, said in two whether rain, or snow, whether it will be, or not.

3. Poverty is not a vice, but misfortune.

4. A healthy mind in a healthy body - rare luck.

5. The family has its black sheep, and because of the freak, everything is not to please.

6. Lucky as sabbath drowned man - no need to heat the bath.

7. A raven will not peck out a crow's eye, and peck out, but not pull out.

8. Everyone seeks the truth, not everyone does it.

9. Where it is thin, it breaks there, where it is thick, there it is layered.

10. It was smooth on paper, Yes, they forgot about the ravines, and walk along them.

11. Goal like a falcon, and sharp as an ax.

12. Hunger is not an aunt, won't bring a pie.

13. Hunchbacked grave will fix, and the stubborn - a club.

14. The lip is not a fool, the tongue is not a shovel: know what is bitter, what is sweet.

15. Two pair of boots, yes both left.

16. Two thirds are waiting, and seven do not wait for one.

17. Girlish shame - to the threshold, overstepped and forgot.

18. The work of the master is afraid, and another craftsman.

19. Road spoon to dinner, and there at least under the bench.

20. The law is not written for fools, if written - then not read, if read - then not understood, if understood - then not so.

21. We live, we chew bread, and sometimes we add salt.

22. For a beaten man they give two unbeaten, Yes, it doesn't hurt, they take.

23. You chase two hares - not one wild boar you won't catch.

24. Overseas fun, but someone else's, and we have grief, but our own.

25. Hare legs are worn, the teeth feed the wolf, the tail protects the fox.

26. AND business time, And fun hour.

27. And the blind horse carries, if a sighted person sits on a cart.

28. A mosquito will not knock down a horse, until the bear helps.

29. Whoever remembers the old - that eye out, and whoever forgets - both.

30. The hen pecks grain by grain, and the whole yard is in the litter.

31. Dashing trouble is the beginning, and the end is near.

32. Dashing trouble initiative - there is a hole, there will be a hole.

33. Young people scold - amuse themselves, and the old people scold - rage.

34. They carry water on the (offended) angry, and the good ones themselves ride.

35. Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf, get up early and start your own.

36. Not all cat carnival, there will be a post.

37. The woodpecker does not grieve that he cannot sing, and so the whole forest hears it.

38. Neither fish nor meat, neither caftan nor cassock.

39. A new broom sweeps in a new way, but when it breaks, it lies under the bench.

40. One in the field is not a warrior, and the traveler.

41. Horses die from work, and people are getting stronger.

42. Horses don't roar from oats but they do not look for good from good.

43. Stick, double-edged, hitting here and there.

44. Repetition is the mother of learning, consolation of fools.

45. Repetition is the mother of learning and a haven for the lazy.

46. ​​Water does not flow under a lying stone, and under the rolling - does not have time.

47. The drunken sea is knee-deep, and the puddle is up to your ears.

48. Dust in a column, smoke in a yoke, but the hut is not heated, not swept.

49. Work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest, because it, accursed, must be done.

50. Grow big, but don't be a noodle, stretch a mile, but don't be simple.

51. The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar, therefore bypasses.

52. Hand washes hand, yes they both itch.

53. Get along with a bee - get a honey, contact with a beetle - you will find yourself in manure.

54. Your eye is a diamond, and the alien is glass.

55. Seven troubles - one answer, the eighth trouble - absolutely nowhere.

56. A bold bullet is afraid, and he will find a coward in the bushes.

57. Dog in the manger lies, she does not eat and does not give to cattle.

58. The dog was eaten, choked on their tail.

59. Old age is not joy, sit down - do not get up, run - do not stop.

60. The old horse will not spoil the furrow, and it won't plow deep.

62. Fear has large eyes, yes they don't see anything.

63. Hit on one cheek - turn the other, but don't let yourself get hit.

64. Mind chamber, yes the key is lost.

65. Bread on the table - and the table is the throne, but not a piece of bread - and the table is a board.

66. Trouble is full of mouth, and nothing to eat.

67. Miracles in a sieve - a lot of holes, but nowhere to jump out.

68. Shito-covered, and the knot is here.

69. My tongue is my enemy, before the mind speaks.

If you ask many of you about what methods of memorization you use, most will answer without hesitation: we repeat many times in a row until we remember it. And they will add an unfinished and familiar phrase: “Repetition is the mother of learning!” And in the full version, by the way, the medieval commandment of the teacher sounded like this: "Repetition is the mother of learning and the refuge of donkeys."


Why, on the one hand, repetition is recognized as an effective way of remembering, and on the other hand, not? It turns out that “repetition of repetition is different”.

Meaningful, methodically And gradually ongoing repetition(“cumulative repetition” or “accumulation system”, which we will discuss in more detail later) is undoubtedly an effective way of remembering (“the mother of learning”). Such repetition has a number of advantages: 1) long poems, speeches, etc. are easily remembered; 2) they are remembered for a long time; 3) they are just as quickly remembered at will; 4) the ability to remember any information grows; 5) the ability to recall any information improves. This memorization method has been known since ancient times, when writing was still unknown. In those days, knowledge was transmitted orally from one generation to another, from father to son, from teacher to student. The students were able to repeat huge texts without changing or missing a single word. Philosophical, religious writings, and even laws have been transmitted in this way for many centuries without being written down. With the invention of the printing press, when it became obvious that a thousand copies of the same book could be printed, and therefore the possibility of losing it was lessened, the need for oral transmission of the teachings itself was eliminated, and with it the ancient art of repetition.

Today, using the ancient method of memorization when studying school subjects, students use only the “repetitive” part of the method and ignore its “cumulative” part, i.e. methodical and progressive. Such mechanical memorization is called contemptuously "cramming", thus "donkey's refuge".

As a rule, they “cram” what they do not understand, or what is not interesting. Many people know for themselves how much time and effort this thankless task takes and how quickly the information learned in this way is forgotten. Cramming has always caused and will cause protest in a person and in his memory. This was especially accurately described by K.S. Stanislavsky in his diaries. “... I never knew how to cram; backbreaking work given to memory ... Even to this day, my heart aches when I remember the painful nights spent cramming grammar or the Greek and Latin text of poets: twelve o'clock at night, the candle is burning down, you are struggling with drowsiness, painfully straining your attention, sitting over a long list of unrelated words to memorize in a set order.


But memory does not accept anything else, like a sponge overflowing with moisture. And I still need to memorize a few pages. If not, then there is a scream ahead, a bad score, maybe a punishment, but, most importantly, horror in front of the teacher with his humiliating attitude towards a person!”

Experiencing such negative emotions and feelings, students memorize something for only one day, and then, without repetition, the material is quickly forgotten. Therefore, before the exams, they are forced to memorize almost everything again. The low productivity of “cramming” was established in the experiments of G. Ebbinghaus (1885), who showed that to memorize 36 meaningless syllables, an average of 55 repetitions are required, while to memorize a poetic text of 36-40 words - 6-7 repetitions . One of the first domestic psychologists, the role of understanding in memorization was studied by N.A. Rybnikov (1923). His experiments showed that meaningful memorization is 22 times more successful than mechanical memorization. The advantage of memorization based on understanding is found in all aspects of the memorization process: in its completeness, speed, accuracy and strength. And if, along with comprehension, the student also practices regular repetition, then the material will be completely preserved in memory.

Another interesting fact is that jagged material is stored in memory as a separate “piece”. Who hasn’t had such a case when the teacher asked questions on the “conscientiously learned text”, and you could not answer them? I think this situation is familiar to many. This happens because the text was memorized in its entirety and, accordingly, was remembered only in its entirety, as they say “from A to Z”, with all punctuation marks. There are many examples that prove this fact. For example, Leiden could recite an entire Act of Parliament from beginning to end without missing a word, but was unable to start from an arbitrarily designated place without first reading the previous one.

(Attention! Experiment! Ask a friend to tell the alphabet in reverse: from Z to A. Most likely, neither you nor your friend will be able to do this. Why? ...)

Finally, remember your helpless state in front of the teacher, when a word suddenly “dropped out of memory”, and in order to remember the text, you need to start over or wait for a saving hint from the class ...

Remembering and realizing all the “charms” of rote memorization or cramming, I think many will abandon it once and for all. But what can and should be replaced by cramming and how to develop memory, we will discuss in more detail in the following chapters of the book.

Repetition is the mother of learning. There lived - there was one boy. His name was Vanya. He loved to read books, but did not like to reread them. And then one day the teacher asked everyone to read Mark Twain's book "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer". But Vanya had already read it and did not want to reread it. The next day, the teacher asked the whole class, "Have you read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer?" All answered "Yes". After that there was a control work on The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Everyone wrote perfectly well, except for Vanya. He got a two. And after this incident, Vanya realized that "Repetition is the mother of learning"!

Compositions » Essay » Write a short story using one of the proverbs. - the root of the doctrine is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. - repetition is the mother of learning. - ...

"Magic Bird" - Soviet cartoon based on a Russian folk tale.

Natalya from Ozersk is famous not only for her beauty, but also for needlework. And only those who can compare with her in skill will present a curiosity, lead a beauty down the aisle.

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Folk wisdom.

Collection of proverbs and sayings

When using well-known catchphrases in our speech, for example, from literary classics or popular films, we often do not even finish them. Firstly, most often we see from the face of the interlocutor that we read the same books and watched the same films, and it is clear to us that we understood each other. Secondly, many phrases are so recognizable by everyone that the second half of them have not been spoken for a long time. But another generation will come and think that all wisdom is only in this short phrase, not knowing about its understatement, losing its original meaning! This happened with many Russian sayings and proverbs. We pronounce them, thinking that their meaning is clear to us from the cradle, but ... Apparently, our ancestors also did not bother to finish speaking them, leaving us only their first halves as a legacy ... Russian proverbs and sayings are centuries-old folk wisdom, sharply honed, sometimes even evil. Sometimes the meaning of such a truncated proverb is not only lost, but completely incomprehensible. And the Russian people did not throw words in vain! You just need to find and return these lost grains of wisdom and understand all the charm and sharpness of folk thought!
Let's try to look for the original meaning by returning the endings to the proverbs.

The morning is wiser than the evening, husband's wife away. Hunger is not an aunt, won't bring a pie. Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf, get up early and start your own. Small spool but precious; the stump is great, but rotten. Young people scold - amuse themselves, and the old people scold - rage. Drunken sea knee-deep- it is clear that in a state of intoxication a person does not care, but in reality? Drunken sea knee-deep, and the puddle is up to your ears.

Mind chamber! This means he is a very intelligent person, and his opinion is worth listening to. And if you return the ending?

mind chamber, yes the key is lost!

Repetition is the mother of learning! Well, what else could it mean? And you ask Ovid, these are his words:

"Repetition is the mother of learning and the refuge of donkeys (comfort of fools)."

The meaning of many proverbs without their lost part is generally unclear! Why would it say:

Lucky, as a drowned man". But if you restore the entire text, then everything will fall into place:

Lucky like sabbath drowned man - You don't have to heat the bath!

So luck is only on the side of those who drowned on Saturday - they don’t have to heat the bathhouse, saving on the household!

The hen pecks at the grain - that is, each deed is done little by little

but return the ending and everything will appear in a different light

. The hen pecks at the seed , and the whole yard in the litter!

As soon as a new boss appears at work and starts innovation, someone will definitely say:

"The new broom sweeps in a new way!". But the whole point is in the second half:

“A new broom sweeps in a new way, but when it breaks, it lies under the bench.

When, for example, previously unfamiliar like-minded people meet, passionate about one thing or people of the same profession, they say

: "Birds of a feather flock together". And in fact it was:

"Birds of a feather flock together, that's why he bypasses it."

After all, where one is already catching fish, the second has nothing to do!

Great is our language and wisdom of the people. Directly

miracles in the sieve, and only! More precisely:

Miracles in the sieve: There are a lot of holes, but there is nowhere to jump out.

AA casket just opened
Perhaps yes, somehow they will not bring to good
Amenem, the devil can not be overcome
Appetite comes with eating
Artel (general) pot boils thicker

(While) a woman is flying from the stove, seventy-seven thoughts will change her mind

A woman with a cart is easier for a mare
Grandmother said in two more (guessed) (either rain or snow, either it will or not)
Babi cities do not last long
Bath is not a nanny, but at least someone will please
Big (native) brother
Trouble (never) comes (does not go) alone
Trouble in the countryside, since the quinoa is on the table
Marry the poor and the night is short
Poor Kuzenka and poor song
Poverty is not a vice
Troubles torment, (yes) they teach the mind
Without money in the city - his own enemy
Nameless (and) sheep ram
Without a queen, bees are lost babies
They married me without me
You won't die without death
Salt-free table crooked
Without salt, without bread, a thin conversation
Without a stumble, and the horse will not run
You won't wear out your face without shame
Without a trinity, a house is not built (a hut does not become without four corners)
Without labor you can’t take out (and) a fish from a pond
An orphan house without a master
The abyss calls the abyss
Beat the magpie and the crow, you will achieve the white swan
Take care (dress again, a) honor from a young age
Berezhenogo (and) God saves
Broken dishes live for two centuries
The nearest penny is more expensive than the distant ruble
The near straw is better than the far senets
Near the king - near death
Close (close) elbow, but do not bite
God is merciful
God (Lord) will not give out, the pig will eat it
God (Lord, Christ) endured and commanded us
God yes city, hell yes village
God gave, God took
God will give a day, give food
God will give, (and) give out the window
The god of the fool, tumble down, feeds
God nourished, no one saw (and whoever saw, he did not offend)
God is not without mercy (Cossack is not without happiness)
God loves work
God marks the rogue (rogue)
God is God, yes (and) don't be bad yourself
Wealth creates intelligence
God does not give a horn to a vigorous cow
To a big ship - a big (and) voyage
A beard with a pomelo, and a belly is naked
Beard - grass, you can mow
Hard words break no bones
Brother for brother is not the defendant
There will be a holiday on our (on my, on your) street
Whether the wife is even a goat (spit), if only the golden horns
Paper endures everything
There was a horse, but he rode
There was a husband, but he overate pears
If there was a neck, (a) there would be a collar
If there were money in your pocket, there would be an aunt in the auction
There would be bones, and the meat will grow (will)
It would be a swamp, but there will be devils (there will be)
It would be a trough, but there will be pigs (they will)
Be a good fellow do not reproach (not reproach)
The reality is that the resin, and the fiction that the water
Be a bull on a string

(Though) sees the eye (eye), but the tooth is numb

In April, the earth dies (hurry to plow and sow)
In a thief, in the sea, and in a fool, in fresh milk
In the city (in Moscow) they call thickly, but thinly eat
Away the will of the master
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better
In the rain they don’t cover the hut, but they don’t drip into the bucket themselves
In the hanged man's house they don't talk about rope
In a healthy body healthy mind
Into the ashes, yes at the right time
Shoot at a stone - only lose arrows
There is no truth at the feet
Elderberry in the garden, and uncle in Kyiv
In one feather and a bird will not be born
In the undergrowth and pomelo - big
There are two wills in the field: whose stronger one will take
In the field and beetle meat
In an empty barrel I call more
Every family has its black sheep
To live in orphanage - (only) shed tears
In the dark and rotten shines
In crowded but not mad
In a still pool (swamp) devils are found
In the hands of others, the chunk is great
They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter
We see a knot in someone else's eye, but we don't notice a log in our own (and)
The devil puts a spoonful of honey in someone else's wife (put)
Live a century, learn a century (and you will die a fool)
The sea is swaying with the wind, the people are saying
I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not hefty
The dog sees milk, but the snout is short
Visible bird in flight
Own, Thaddeus, my (his) Malanya
The wolf's feet are being fed
To be afraid of wolves (wolf) - do not go into the forest
Free will (saved paradise)
A thief stole a club from a thief
A raven will not peck out a crow's eye
Here is (you) God, (a) here (and) the threshold
Here's to you, grandmother, and St. George's Day
Time is money
All (we) people, all (we) people
Everything is one, that bread, that chaff
We all walk under God
All is well that ends well
All sisters on earrings
Everything has its time
Every (every) sandpiper in (on) his swamp is great
Every Jeremey understand yourself
There is nothing like leather
Everyone seeks the truth, but not everyone creates it
Every pine makes noise to its forest
Everyone (everyone) well done on his own model
Everyone goes crazy in their own way
Every vegetable has its time
You can't jump above your head
Ears (eyes) do not grow above the forehead

Where someone was born "was useful there (suitable)

Where there is honey, there are flies
Where ours did not disappear
Where they drink, there they pour
Where it is thin, there it breaks
Eyes are afraid (fear), but hands do
The voice of the people is the voice of God
A deaf priest does not serve two masses (two masses)
Oppression (arcs) - does not soar, breaks - does not grieve
They say (that) chickens are milked
Naked oh, and behind the naked God
Hunger is not an aunt (the pie will not slip)
Hungry chicken (everything) millet dreams
Need for inventions is cunning
The mountain gave birth to a mouse
The mountain does not converge with the mountain, but the person will converge with the person.
Humpbacked (one) grave will fix
The guest (s) stays for a short (little) time, but sees a lot
It's a sin to steal, but you can't escape
Sin and trouble on whom does not live
Thunder rumbles not from a cloud, but from a dunghill
Thunder will not strike, the man will not cross himself
Goose pig is not a friend

(Summer) day feeds the year

Far a sandpiper to Peter's day
Far (long) wires - extra tears
They do not look at a given horse's teeth
Two bears do not live in the same den (do not get along)
There can be no two deaths (and one cannot be avoided)
Things are going, the office writes
Things are like soot
Do not do business, but do not run away from business
Do you try things, but do you gossip from work?
The case of the master is afraid
It's not a bear (not a wolf), it won't go into the forest (it won't run away)
Business before pleasure
Day and night - (and) day away
Money (money) loves an account. Money account loves
Money is a thing
Hold your pocket wider)
For a friend (for a dear friend) (and) seven miles is not a village
For a sweet friend and an earring (earring) from an ear
God is high, the king is far away
Will live before the wedding
Good glory lies, and the bad one runs
Good Savva good and glory
To the prover (informer, closer) the first whip
Debt good turn deserves another
Houses and walls help
Home thought is not good for the road
The road (is rich) alms in poverty (in time of poverty)
Expensive testicle to the great (to the bright, to Christ's) day (holiday)
Friendship is friendship, and service is service
Friendly - not heavy, but apart - at least drop it
A friend in need is a friend indeed
The fool is sleeping, and happiness is in her head (sitting)
Fool (fools) to teach that the dead to heal
For fools (fool) the law is not written
Fools (fool) and beaten at the altar
Fools are not yelled at, they are not sown, but they themselves are born. Fools do not sow, do not reap, they themselves will be born
A bad (unlucky) head does not give rest to the legs
Bad examples are contagious
There is no smoke without fire. No smoke without fire

(Though) there is nothing, yes (but, so) live happily

You go for a day, take bread for a week
Eat, yes, yours, and you stand next to me
Erema, Erema, would you sit at home, sharpen your spindles
Eat mushroom pie and (yeah) keep your mouth shut

The king favors, but the kennel does not favor

Wait and catch up - no worse
Marry - change
The female mind is better than any thoughts
Alive (man) afraid of death
Alive (living) soul kalachik wants
We live, (yes) we chew bread
Life to live (to survive) is not a field to go

For (one) beaten (scientist) two unbeaten (unscientists) they give (and even then they don’t take)

I don’t take on the taste, but it’s hot (hot) and it will be wet
Chasing two hares, you won't catch either
Across the sea, a heifer is a half, but a ruble is transported (transported)
You can't keep up with your (for his, for her) tongue (and) barefoot
Don't chase the poke
For what I bought, for that I sell
Curl (curl) grief with a rope
The law that the drawbar: where you turned (you turn), it went there
Worked (hardened) (like) forty Jacob (one thing about everyone)
A crow flew into the tall (boyar) mansions
The stock of the pocket (bag) does not rub (does not tear)
The request does not fit into the pocket
Make a fool pray to God, he'll break his forehead (break)
Knows (feels) the cat whose meat has been eaten
Know your cricket pole. Every cricket know your hearth
Know the edge, don't fall
Gold glitters in the mud

And the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe

And the goat does not blaspheme himself, for nothing that stinks
And the mountain is steep, but forgetful (and dashing trouble, but redundant). Steep hill, but forgetful
And a stumble lives on the goodness of a horse (it happens)
And the old woman is a failure
And our (my) penny (money) is not a chip
It is not worth it. The game is worth the candle
You can't take the words out of the song
Look for the wind in the field. Catch the wind in the field

If I knew where to fall, (so) I would spread straws

To each his own
Hold a government goat (at least) by the tail - you can sew a fur coat (find)
No matter how (how much) you feed the wolf, (a) he looks into the forest (looks)
No matter how you fight a bull, you can’t get all the milk from him
Like a dog in the manger (lies): (and) does not eat itself and does not give to others
What is in the cradle (in the cradle), such is in the grave (in the grave)
What is the pop, such is the arrival
What are themselves, such are the sleigh
A drop (and) a stone hollows (grinds). Water (and) stone wears away
You can’t spoil porridge (porridge) with butter
The wedge is knocked out by the wedge (knocked out)
The claw is stuck - the whole bird is abyss
Ear from the ear (from the ear) - do not hear (and) the voice (voice)
The end is the (everything) crown
Finished the job, walk boldly
The horse (and) about four legs, yes (and that one) stumbles
A horse is recognized in grief, and a friend in trouble
A penny saves a ruble
Which (what) finger you bite, everything (one) (everyone, everyone) hurts
Toys for a cat, tears for a mouse
The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning. The bird is red with a feather, and the man with his mind
The hut is not cut by shouting (the matter is not argued)
Who (what) is neither pop, that (that) and dad
Who is not sinful to God, the king is not to blame
Who has not been to the sea, he (to his fill) did not pray to God
Who is much literate, he will not be lost
Whoever took the stick is the corporal
Whoever is happy for the holiday is drunk to the light (to the light)
Who dared ate two
Whoever remembers the old (remembers), that eye is out
Where the needle goes, there goes the thread
Where a horse with a hoof, there is a cancer with a claw
Wherever you throw, everything is a wedge. No matter how you throw it, (a) everything is a wedge. Wherever you throw, everywhere is a wedge
Strike while the iron is hot
A chicken pecks grain by grain, but it happens to be full

The little man got along with the shuttle, but he brought it to the earwig.

Affectionate calf (calf, calf) two queens (two queens) sucks
You can't break through a wall (wall, wall) with your forehead
Lay down - curled up, got up - shook himself
Easier (Easier) on corners
They don't beat the recumbent
They cut the forest - the chips fly
Summer is a store, winter is a priberiha (podberiha)
Either (or) chest in crosses, or (or) head in bushes
Either in the stirrup with your foot, or in the stump with your head
Either eat the fish or run aground
Dashing trouble is the beginning (initiatives). Dashing trouble start
Spoon in the ointment in a barrel of honey
Feeds with a spoon, pricks eyes with a stalk
Better a small fish than a big cockroach
It is better to see once than hear a hundred (ten) times
Better late than never
Love do not love, but look more often
You love to ride, love to carry sleds. Love to ride, love to carry sleds
Love is blind
Love is not a potato (you won’t throw it out (outside) the window)
People are lies and so are we

(And) Moscow was not immediately (not suddenly) built

The spool is small, but expensive (Fedora is great, but a fool)
Small (small) bird, yes nail voster (sharp)
Small doggy to old age puppy
Mother rye feeds everyone completely, and wheat is optional
Meli, Emelya, your week
With a dead body, at least prop up the fence
Aimed at a crow, but hit a cow
Mix business with idleness, you will live a century with fun. Interfere with idleness, you won't go crazy
Lovely scold - only amuse
You will know a lot (everything), you will soon grow old (you will grow old)
Young, was not in Saxony
Well done against (among, on) sheep, and against (on) well done (and) the sheep itself
Young - green (ordered to walk)
Silent means consent
Moscow from a penny candle (candle) burned down (lit up)
Moscow does not believe in tears
My hut (hut) on the edge (I) (I don't know anything)
The husband does not dung with a cart what the wife does with a pot. What the husband does not dung with a cart, the wife applies with a pot
Husband and (yes) wife are one Satan
A husband loves a healthy wife, and a brother loves a rich sister.
The man, although gray, yes (a) his mind is not a devil (not a wolf) ate

There is no master for sin

All the bumps fall on poor Makar
On lack of fish and cancer fish
Trust in God, but don't make a mistake yourself
On the belly (something) silk, and in the belly (something) click
The thief's hat is on fire
Enough simplicity for every (every) wise man
For every sneeze (for every sneeze) you will not be greeted
On the catcher and the beast runs
On the world (on people, with people) and death is red
No, no judgment
In one place (and) the stone is overgrown with moss
Go hunting - feed the dogs
On the dishes, on the chair: you sit and get up
They carry water on angry people
On you, God, that we are not good
That's why the pike in the sea, so that (so) the crucian does not doze
You can’t throw a scarf on someone else’s (for every) mouth. You can't sew buttons on someone else's mouth
Do not open your mouth (mouth) on someone else's loaf (but get up early and start your own)
Above us is not caplet
The tit has made glory, but the sea has not lit. The tit boasted of igniting the sea
Called a mushroom (mushroom), climb into the back
You won't be forced to be nice. Darling can't be a force
Started for health, and brought (finished) for peace
Our upper room does not argue with God
Our regiment has arrived. Arrived in our regiment
Found a scythe on a stone
Do not spit in the well (in the well), it will come in handy to drink water
Gods don't burn pots
Don't be afraid of the court, (a) be afraid of the judge
There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped
There was not a penny, yes (and) suddenly Altyn
There was no sadness (so (yeah)) the devils pumped up
Money can not buy happiness
They didn’t order to execute, they told me to say a word (to say)
Not everything is Shrove Tuesday for a cat (there is also a great post). Shrovetide departed (passed) to the cat (great post has come)
Not all that glitters is gold
Not every (not every) bast in a line
Don't say gop until you jump over (jump over)
Without giving a word, be strong, but after giving it, hold on. Having given the word, hold on, and not having given it, be strong
God did not give the pig horns (horn), but it would be
Not to fat, to be alive
Man will not live by bread alone. Man will not live (will be) on bread alone
You don't know where you will find, where you will lose
The woman did not know grief, the woman bought a pig. The woman had no trouble, she bought a pig
Don't have (don't keep) a hundred rubles, (a) have (keep) a hundred friends
The hut is not red with corners, but red with pies
Don't buy a yard, (a) buy a neighbor
Do not like - do not listen, but do not interfere with lying
It is not the place that makes the man, but the man the place
Not my (not yours, not ours, not yours) cart, not for me (not for you, not for us, not for you) and carry it
Don't cheat, don't sell. Do not lie, (and) do not sell
Not the first snow on the head
Not good for good, but good for good
Without looking at the holy calendar, yes (and) boom in the (big) bell (in the bells)
Not caught, not a thief
Don't be born beautiful (beautiful), but be born happy (happy)
Do not dig another hole (holes), you yourself will fall into it
Wrong foot, godfather, went to dance
Without asking (not knowing) the ford, do not poke your head into the water
Do not promise a crane in the sky, (a) give a titmouse in your hands
The devil is not as scary as he is painted
Do not praise beer in wort, and rye - in winter
Do not boast, going (going) to the army (but boast, going (going) with the rati)
I don't want to go through the gate, dismantle the fence
Undersalted on the table, and oversalted on the back
An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar. At the wrong time (at the wrong time) the guest is worse than the Tatar
There is no bad without good
The new broom sweeps clean
The nose will be pulled out - the tail will get stuck (tied)
The night cuckoo will cuckle the day (day)
Need is jumping, need is dancing (crying)
Need will teach kalachi to eat

Burnt in milk, blowing on water

The game is worth the candle
Alone in the field is not a warrior (not a warrior)
One for all and all for one
One head is not poor, but (and) poor, so alone
One swallow does not make spring
One with a bipod, (a) seven with a spoon
One and porridge is undeniable. One and the porridge will perish
An eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth
Good is not sought from good
You can’t protect yourself from a household (from your) thief
You can't escape fate
Don't give up the bag and the prison (don't give up)
From the labors of the righteous you can’t make (don’t make) stone chambers
From the devil with a cross, from a pig with a pestle, but from a dashing person nothing
Called back - (yes) and down with the bell tower
Sheep's tears will be shed (respond) to the wolf (tears)
Hunting more than bondage
The hunt is mortal, yes (a) the fate is bitter.
Error is not false

(Everything) will be ground, there will be flour

Either (or)) pan or (or) gone

The pans are fighting, and the serfs (the claps, the lads) crack their forelocks
Steam doesn't break bones
The first (glass (cup)) with a stake, the second with a falcon, the third (and then) with small birds
First pancake (always) lumpy
While there is life there is hope
Foot horse is not a friend
You can’t break a butt with a whip
Stretch your legs along the clothes
By dress (by clothes) they meet, by mind they see off
According to Senka (and) a hat (according to Yerema, a cap (caftan))
A guilty head (and) the sword does not cut
Under a lying (under a lying) stone (and) water does not flow
Put it farther, take it closer
Serve the thief and flour. For thief and flour
The wolf took pity on the mare, left the tail and mane
Wait and see
As long as the sun rises, the dew of the eyes (eyes) will
Will fall in love (like) Satan more (better) than a clear falcon
Trying is not torture (not a joke) (and demand is not a problem)
After the wedding, every (every) thousand
The proverb will never break (forever).
Proverb not without reason (not by) is said
Hurry - make people laugh
You can regale, captivate sin
The truth does not burn in (on) fire and does not sink in water
The truth pricks the eyes
Before the father (before the father) do not poke your head into the noose (do not climb)
Habit is second nature (nature)
Trouble has come, open (dissolve, open) the gate
They don’t talk about old (about one) yeast twice
Simplicity is worse than theft
Against the heat (against the heat) and the stone will crack
Needs must when the devil drives. It's hard against the gossip prati
Burnt child dreads the fire
A drunkard will oversleep, but a fool never
Drunk and the sea knee-deep (knee-deep)

And I would be glad to heaven, but sins are not allowed
The early bird cleans the sock (cleanses), and the late bird pierces the eyes (eyes)
You won't die before (before) death
Risk is a noble cause
Chop the tree by yourself
Hand washes hand (and both are white)
The Russian man is strong in hindsight. The man is strong in hindsight
The fish is looking for where it is deeper, (and) man - where is better
Fish from the head rots (stinks)
Birds of a feather flock together. The fisherman sees the fisherman far in the reach
Fish and grouse - lose your money

Live with wolves - howl like a wolf

Out of sight, out of mind
With whom you will lead, from that you will type
With a dashing (with a lousy) dog, at least a tuft of wool. From a black sheep even a tuft of wool
Don't drink water from your face. Do not drink water from your face
With a sweet paradise and in a hut
With the world on a string - naked shirt (shirt)
Two skins (two skins) are not pulled from one ox
Do not fight the strong, (a) do not sue the rich
With a cloth snout (yes) do not poke your head in a row

From someone else's horse in the middle of the mud

The slave beats herself, if (if, what) uncleanly reaps
Light (peace) is not without good people. There are good people in the world
The world is not a wedge converged. The earth did not converge like a wedge
Our people - we will count (they will count)
Their dogs squabble, do not pester someone else's. Two dogs squabble (fight), the third do not pester
Your eye is a diamond and someone else's glass
Your reluctant friend (brother)
Own shirt (shirt) closer to the body
You don't know your own
Holy place will not be empty
Gray hair in the beard (in the head), (a) demon (hell) in the rib
Seven do not wait for one
Seven troubles - one answer
Try on seven times (measure), cut once
Strength breaks straw
The spoken word is silver, (and) the unspoken is golden
No sooner said than done
The fairy tale is a fold, but the song is true
Soon the fairy tale is told, yes (a) the deed is not done soon
Greed is not stupidity
Glorious (bells) tambourines behind the mountains (and they will come to us like a basket)
Tears of sorrow will not help
The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out (release) - you won’t catch
The earth is full of rumors
I heard a ringing, but you don’t know (don’t know) where it is
The brave slurp peas, but the timid (timid) and (empty) cabbage soup (radishes) cannot be seen
Having taken off your head, do not cry for your hair
The dog barks, the wind carries
Dog dog(s) death
Nightingales are not fed with fables
Magpie on the tail brought
After the summer (yes) in the forest for raspberries (do not go)
You can't fool an old sparrow on chaff (you can't fool)
The old grows old (gets old), (a) the young grows. The old grows old, (and) the young grows
Old age is not joy (not red days)
an old friend is better than two new ones
The old horse (old mare) will not spoil the furrow (does not spoil)
Endure, fall in love
Terrible dream, God bless
A short-haired girl will not braid her braids
Shame is not smoke, eyes will not eat (does not eat)
Betrothed (and) a horse (on a horse) you can’t go around
Dry spoon rips the mouth
The well-fed does not understand the hungry
Let's sit side by side and talk okay

There (everywhere) it's good where we are not

Be patient, Cossack, you will be ataman (ataman)
The same cabbage soup, but pour it thinner
The quieter you go, the further you'll get
Interpret the sick with the assistant doctor
He drowned - he promised an ax, but when they pulled it out - it was a pity for the ax handle (became)
You're on the mountain, (a) damn the leg
Tyap-blunder (tyap yes blunder) - (yes) and the ship

(And) the walls have (have) ears. Walls have ears

The woman's hair is long, yes (a) the mind is short
The rich (rich) calves, (and) the poor (poor) guys
Seven nannies have a child without an eye (without an eye)
Fear has big eyes
An agreement is more expensive (better) than money
They rolled (left, stole) a sivka (cloak) steep hills
Julitta rides, (yes) someday will be
Mind is good, (a) two is better (of that)
Clever (good) speeches are pleasant and listen
The drowning man (and) grabs at straws
The morning is wiser than the evening
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness

Fedot, but not the one

And I want and prick and my mother (mother) does not order
Praise the rye in a haystack, and the master in a coffin
Pretty (good) little by little (little by little)
Radish crap ain't sweeter
A bad peace is better than a good quarrel
Thin (bad, weedy) grass out of the field. Thin (bad) grass out of the field

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched

And through the gold tears flow (flow)

Drinking tea is not chopping wood
Man proposes, God disposes
What are rich (rich), so happy (happy)
Whatever the child amuses, if only she does not cry
What the hell is not joking (while god sleeps)
What to be, that (that) cannot be avoided
What is in the oven, everything is on the table swords
What an honor (what an honor is ours), if there is nothing to eat. Great honor if there is nothing to eat
What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax
Whatever the city, then the iorov (what (s) the village, then the custom)
What goes around comes around
What fell from the cart (from the cart) is gone
Whatever hurts, he talks about it. Whoever hurts, he talks about it
What is on the mind of a sober person is on the tongue of a drunk
Alien soul - darkness. Alien soul - dark forest
I’ll scour someone else’s misfortune with my hands, but I won’t apply it to my mind
Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent

You can’t hide an awl (awl) in a bag

You can't heat the sea with an awl

Chey pot and big one

Shchi and porridge are our food. Shchi and porridge - our mother

This is (still) written on the water with a pitchfork

These are still flowers, and berries are ahead
This number won't work

I am not me, (and) the horse is not mine (and I am not a driver)

An apple (apple) does not fall far from the apple tree (from the apple tree)
Tongue without bones
Language will bring to Kyiv
My tongue is my enemy (before the mind speaks)
Teach your grandmother to suck eggs - Repetition is the mother of learning: The meaning of the proverb, meaning

Write direct and mother figurative sense. Repetition is the mother of learning 4. Friends are known in trouble.


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Answers What does the second part of the proverb sound like?
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This memorization method has been known since ancient times, when writing was still unknown.

In those days, knowledge was transmitted orally from one generation to another, from father to son, from teacher to student. The students were able to repeat huge texts without changing or missing a single word.

Philosophical, religious writings, and even laws have been transmitted in this way for many centuries without being written down. With the invention of the printing press, when it became evident that a thousand copies of the same book could be printed, and therefore the possibility of losing it was lessened, the need for oral transmission of the teachings was of itself eliminated, and with it the ancient art of repetition.

[email protected]: How does the second part of the proverb sound: Repetition, the mother of learning

Many people know for themselves how much time and effort this thankless task takes and how quickly the information learned in this way is forgotten. Cramming has always caused and will cause protest in a person and in his memory. This was especially well described by K.

Stanislavsky in his diaries. And I still need to memorize a few pages.

Repetition is the mother of learning? Why words lose their meaning

If not, then there is a scream ahead, a bad score, maybe a punishment, but, most importantly, horror in front of the teacher with his humiliating attitude towards a person! Therefore, before the exams, they are forced to memorize almost everything again. Ebbinghaus, who showed that it takes an average of 55 repetitions to memorize 36 meaningless syllables, while repetitions are required to memorize a poetic text from words. Learning is a process, akin to building a new brick building. This is where folk wisdom comes in handy.

Repetition is the mother of learning -

Brick walls are stable and durable, provided that each subsequent brick is laid firmly and correctly laid out the previous one. So it is in education.

No wonder well-learned knowledge is called strong. Sometimes, most often schoolchildren, the proverb is understood too literally, one-sidedly. Repetition is a diverse process, it can be carried out in different ways and methods. It is important to compose them, not to stop at just one.

Only 4 comments.

03/10/2018 Valeria: CHAPTER 1. Repetition is the mother of learning If you ask many of you about what methods of memorization you use, most will answer without hesitation.

01/30/2018 Samuel: Repetition is the mother of learning and a refuge for lazy people. From Latin: Repetitio est mater studiorum An old Latin proverb.

02/12/2018 Liliana: Proverb: Repetition is the mother of learning. Interpretation of meaning, meaning: The Teaching gives us knowledge and skills, opens up new ways and opportunities.

02/16/2018 Juvenaly: Repetition is the mother of learning. Repetitio est mater studiorum. His Mishneh Torah code ("Repetition of the Teaching") is one of the Read More Buy for rub.

01/25/2018 durerikenn: Repetition is the mother of learning. It is not for nothing that this proverb “settled” in the realm of Russian folk proverbs. Repeat, because repetition is the mother of learning!

01/30/2018 meufihosdaa: A tartan Latin expression, very loved and respected by teachers - &Repetitio est mater studiorum& ("Repetition is the mother of learning").

  • 10.12.2016
  • Literature

The meaning of the proverb Repetition is the mother of learning

  • Repetition of previously learned is the best teacher, the best way to remember something.
  • I think like this: Repetition is the mother of learning, which means that without repeating certain knowledge, excellent learning will not work. without repetition, it will be VERY difficult to study and the like. I think so.
  1. Mother and daughter did not see each other for 21 years (did not see her daughter from 4 years old) mother gave birth at 23 years old the question is how old is the mother
  2. Write proverbs about literacy that exist
  3. Explain the meaning of the proverb: Take care of your dear land, like your beloved mother
  4. Write the missing letters Write in brackets the test words we call our homeland () our country () because we were born here () and everything here is happy for us () like a mother, fed () The homeland fed us with its bread, watered us with its waters Like a mother, she protects and protects us
  5. Three guys, among whom was 14-year-old Igor, stole a video recorder from the mathematics room of their school. The boys were prosecuted. at the age of 18. So you can’t prosecute him.” Is Igor’s mother right?

ATP in advance!

Option 1: Repetition is the mother of learning, why do they say so?

Because the most important thing in teaching is repetition, because if you learned, for example, a verse once and did not repeat it, then it is highly likely that you will forget it while you go to school, for example, and if you repeat it, or at least read it, it’s somehow calmer in your soul: don’t worry and 100% you won't forget

One more task:

Algebra: Help find the value of expression. 2x^2 - 4xy^2 + 3xy- 6y^3 if x=1//4 (one fourth) y=1//6

Option 1:
2x²-4xy²+3xy-6y³ x=1/4 y=1/6
(x-2y²)*(2x+3y)=(1/4-2*1/36)*(2*1/4+3*1/6)=(1/4-1/18)*(1 /2+1/2)=1/4-1/18=

One more task:

Mathematics: Job attached. first please decision by action

Option 1:
4)0.012 * 350=4.2
this is the first pack I need to run, I didn’t write further sorry

Other items

WITH a tartan Latin expression, very loved and respected by teachers - "Repetitio est mater studiorum" ("Repetition is the mother of learning"). A foldable and unpretentious proverb succinctly explains one of the principles of the learning process. And yet, why does this phrase sound exactly like that? It would be more logical: "Repetition is the mother of memorization."

Learning is a process, akin to building a new brick building. So that knowledge does not accumulate in a “formless heap”, they need to be systematized. This is where folk wisdom comes in handy. Brick walls are stable and durable, provided that each subsequent brick is laid firmly and correctly laid out the previous one. So it is in education. No wonder well-learned knowledge is called strong.

Sometimes, most often schoolchildren, the proverb is understood too literally, one-sidedly. Repetition is a diverse process, it can be carried out in different ways and methods. It is important to compose them, not to stop at just one.
Active repetition is very productive, when a person himself, without any help, recalls what he has learned. For example, retelling helps remember a story better than repeated reading.

Repetition of the past, by "mixing" it with new knowledge, trains memory, facilitates the learning process, teaches you to build logical connections, to think. The ability to briefly and concisely reproduce the essence of the learned material is a true indicator of knowledge.
Although sometimes you should not neglect the cramming.

Learning by heart is often the only way to remember a large number of terms, foreign words, or any other unsystematic information.

To repeat the past is an indispensable condition for high-quality memorization, without which learning is impossible. “Knowledge that is not replenished daily decreases every day” - French proverb.

Proverbs and sayings about the Teaching (Study)

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On this page: the meaning (interpretation) of the proverb "Repetition is the mother of learning."

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