Congratulations on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed One. With the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: pictures, postcards and congratulations


Every year at the end of summer, Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate the last twelfth feast of the church year - the Assumption of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. Two weeks before the holiday, believers observe the Assumption Fast, the strictest after Great Lent, when fast food is banned. On the eve of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, a vigil is held in churches - with sacred rites and the removal of the Shroud of the Mother of God. After the solemn service, the parishioners go home to celebrate the Dormition with their families, at a generously laid table. Since ancient times, many folk signs and rituals have been associated with the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, since the holiday fell at the end of the harvest. Such an “interlacing” of Orthodoxy and paganism still takes place in the minds of people - it’s not for nothing that rituals are performed on this day in order to find out the weather for the coming winter, girls are guessing about the upcoming marriage. In addition, on the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, believers congratulate each other with beautiful verses and prose words, exchange pictures and postcards with the image of the Mother of God. Today we will find out what date the Assumption of the Virgin is celebrated - 2017, the history and traditions of the holiday. What can not be done on the day of the Assumption? Here you will find a list of cases and activities prohibited by the church on this solemn date.

What date is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin -2017?

For every believer, the end of a hot summer is joyful not only with generous harvests, but also with the approach of the bright feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. So, what date is the Assumption of the Virgin celebrated in 2017? The date of the holiday in the Orthodox calendar falls on August 28, but Catholics celebrate the Assumption a little earlier, on the 15th. This difference is due to the difference between the calendars - Gregorian and Julian.

Date of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017 - what date to celebrate?

Many are interested in advance what date to celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017. As in previous years, in 2017 Orthodox Christians are preparing to celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 28. According to church tradition, it is on this day that the end of the earthly life of the Mother of God has been celebrated for many centuries - the word “assumption” in modern translation means “death”. However, in the Christian religion, death implies the onset of Eternal Life, so the Assumption of the Virgin is usually met with joy, not sorrow. Staying with the Lord in heaven, the Mother of God shows tireless care for earthly people, supporting in difficult times - you just need to turn with sincere prayer to the Intercessor and Comforter. Thus, the history of the holiday dates back to the 5th century, during the time of the Byzantine emperor Mauritius, who dated the Assumption of the Virgin to the day of his victory over the Persians. According to Church Tradition, after the death and miraculous Sunday of our Savior, the Mother of God was in the care of the Apostle John the Theologian. Once, during a prayer, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Mother of God with the news that in three days she would leave the earth, appearing before the Lord. And so it happened - on the appointed day, the Mother of God died in Jerusalem, ordering before her death to bury herself next to her parents. In her prayers, the Mother of God asked her Son to take her to Heaven, protecting her from the ordeals that go through the souls of all people - and on the day of the Assumption, Jesus Christ appeared surrounded by angels. Having buried the coffin with the body of the Virgin in the cave of Gethsemane, the apostles blocked the entrance with stones. However, having opened the tomb three days later, they did not find the body of the Mother of God - a miraculous ascension to heaven took place. On the same day, the Mother of God appeared to the apostles and told that, thanks to her Dormition, she would now always be with the faithful.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin - 2017 - congratulations in pictures

Since ancient times in Rus', the feast of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos has been especially loved and revered. On this day, the peasants celebrated the end of the harvest, after which it was time for rest. According to custom, the last spikelets of the new harvest on the Assumption were consecrated in the church - it was believed that next year this would bring a good harvest. The holiday was celebrated on a grand scale, arranging treats in a "pool" and congratulating each other on a joyful event. Today, on the day of the Assumption, it is customary to send beautiful postcards and pictures depicting the Mother of God surrounded by the apostles, the disciples of Jesus, who are present at the miraculous event. In our collection you will find bright pictures with congratulations in verse and prose that you can send to a loved one on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 2017. With the help of such beautiful pictures, you can sincerely congratulate parents, friends and work colleagues on the Assumption Day in 2017.

Festive collection of pictures with congratulations on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin

Beautiful congratulations in verse on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017

The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017 is awaited with impatience and joy by Orthodox all over the world. On this day, believers can ask the Mother of God for help and protection - and their words will be heard. Congratulating your family and friends on the Dormition, do not forget to wish them good health, peace, heavenly protection from all adversities from the bottom of your heart. We have selected beautiful congratulations in verses that every believer will be pleased to hear on this significant day. Such verses can be said at a meeting with relatives, at a festive table, or sent as an SMS to those who are far away on the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin. Share good news and sincere wishes with your loved ones - such a congratulation will give a lot of positive emotions.

A selection of beautiful poems to congratulate on the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin - 2017

I congratulate you on the Assumption,
And on the feast of the Holy Mother of God
I wish you to love God
After all, only he will protect us with you.

And pray to the Mother of God with your soul,
And she will not leave your requests!
Let them avoid troubles
Look for love in any deeds!

Long life, good health
I wish you in honor of this holiday -
Feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary,
Virgin that God gave us all.

I wish for long days
You were surrounded by family and friends
So that peace and tranquility reign in the soul,
It was not necessary to be bored so that one!

I wish you a great holiday,
Congratulations bright.
On the Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
I wish peace to all.

Let love live in the hearts
Joy and patience.
To appreciate every hour
Every moment.

Sincere congratulations in prose on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 2017

In the last days of summer, after the strict Dormition Fast, the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos comes - a special day for all believers. Having received the news of her imminent death from the Archangel Gabriel, the Mother of God expected earthly death with humility and joy, because she was to meet Jesus Christ. Thus, the miraculous ascension of the body of the Mother of God to heaven took place, where her immaculate soul united with our Lord and her Son, the Savior of all mankind. Every believer must remember that death is only the first step into eternal life in heaven, which is possible if one adheres to the commandments of Christ. On the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - 2017, we offer examples of the most sincere congratulations in prose - for relatives, acquaintances and friends. Such touching congratulations can be prepared in advance and sent to a loved one by postcard or in the form of SMS. We are sure that your warm words will surely find a response in the heart of everyone, because on the bright day of the Dormition we have a wonderful opportunity to do good and draw closer to God.

Examples of congratulatory prose for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2017

On the day of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, let me congratulate you, Orthodox people, and sing in temples and churches a prayer song in honor of the mother of Jesus Christ. Celebrate this great day in quiet joy and piety, and the Lord will send his sign to you. His gifts will be spiritual. Receive them with honor and obedience!

On this bright day of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, we congratulate the pious believers and wish them light and good. Remember the Mother of God in your prayers, remember the death of our protector with a warm word and faithful prayer. And she will turn her face to your aspirations. And you will have grace on earth both in your soul and in your heart. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

So the bright holiday has come - the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos - the defender of our land, the people. A caring mother who gave faith to our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Let us remember in prayer the face of her God. May her grace descend on us and grant us patience in our labors. Let the bells ring for the sake of the custom of the fathers, for the sake of the salvation of the sons, and there will be great happiness around!

Folk signs and rituals on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Since ancient times, many signs and rituals have been associated with Assumption Day, carried out in order to get rid of diseases, attract prosperity and good luck to the house. As a rule, on a holiday, according to certain signs, they determined the weather for the coming autumn and the coming winter. We offer to study the most famous signs and rituals on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The list of signs and rituals for the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin:

  • If the weather is warm on Assumption, the Indian summer will be cold. Rain prophesies a dry autumn.
  • The appearance of a rainbow in the sky indicates a warm autumn, and an abundance of cobwebs indicates a frosty and little snowy winter.
  • To get rid of a serious illness on the Assumption, a special rite is performed, for which the patient must defend a prayer service in the temple. Then you need to remove the patient's pectoral cross and dip in holy water. Drops flowing from the cross were considered healing, so sick parts of the body were smeared with such water.
  • Bread consecrated in the church on the feast of the Assumption is endowed with a special healing power - not a single piece of it can be dropped.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin - folk signs for marriage

With the onset of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, the time for engagements and “look around” began - matchmakers were expected in every house with unmarried girls. There was a popular sign that if no one wooed the Dormition, then they would sit in girls all winter.

The most famous signs for the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin - for marriage for girls:

  • The girls went to the forest for the viburnum and arranged competitions - whoever runs the fastest to the bush and picks the berries will get married this year. Arriving home, they decorated the dwelling with red clusters of viburnum, which has long been considered a talisman.
  • On the Assumption, the girls read conspiracies to attract a betrothed, performed love rituals. To do this, you need to go to church, buy two candles and put them in front of the icon of the Virgin Mary. Then you need to ask the Mother of God for a faithful and loving husband - the wish will come true.

What can not be done on the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a joyful and bright day when believers indulge in prayers and rest in the circle of relatives and friends. However, there are a number of activities and activities that are prohibited on the feast of the Assumption. So, what can not be done on the Dormition?

What can not be done on the day of the Assumption of the Virgin:

  • Pick up knives and other piercing and cutting objects - even bread must be broken by hand. Cooking food on this day is also not allowed.
  • Walking barefoot - it was believed that this was a disease. In addition, you should not wear uncomfortable or tight shoes, as this can lead to problems, difficulties and failures in life.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: congratulations in prose

I congratulate you on the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you to pass any test of life with dignity and honor without losing your hope and faith. I wish you to live in peacetime and thank God for all the good and kind sent to you.

May the Holy Virgin Mary be attentive to you and your family on this special day, protect you from troubles, save you from tears! We wish you health and happiness, good thoughts, all the best, and, of course, that peace reign in your soul!

Congratulations on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary! May the face of the Virgin Mary always protect you from evil and hatred, may your thoughts be only kind and bright, may children's laughter always fill your home, and the power of faith help you cope with all difficulties!

Happy Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary! May all the paths to a happy life be open to you on this day. We wish that in difficult times you will be given a sign from above, which will help you find answers to all questions!

4 sms - 229 characters:

On August 28 we celebrate the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. After her death, she reigns eternally in the kingdom of heaven with our God Jesus Christ. Go to church or pray at home. May faith, repentance and love come to your house.

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: congratulations in verse

On the day of the Mother of God of the Assumption

We wish you blessings

As well as joy, luck

And festive mood.

So that the Virgin Mary helps in everything,

To protect from all failures.

I would always look favorably from heaven.

And never let me get sick.

Holy Mother of God Assumption,

We celebrate on August day,

Her son gave us Salvation,

In her honor, we sing prayers!

Her soul soared to God,

With the Son next, remained forever,

She gives help to the suffering,

Always remember, man!

On this day, I wish everyone happiness,

May all days be happy

Let bad weather bypass,

All health, luck, love!

3 sms - 193 characters:

I wish you a great holiday,

Congratulations bright.

On the Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

I wish peace to all.

Let love live in the hearts

Joy and patience.

To appreciate every hour

Every moment.

3 sms - 184 characters:

Virgin Assumption

We are celebrating today.

Accept congratulations

Wishes of happiness and love.

Heaven protect you

The Mother of God keeps.

Let smiles surround

And the soul never hurts.

3 sms - 174 characters:

Holy Mother of God,

Protect everyone from grief

And, forgetting our sins,

Forgive all mistakes.

Here is a wonderful day of Assumption

I want to wish you

Faith, happiness and forgiveness

And protect your family!

3 sms - 179 characters:

Heavenly light shone

The Day of Assumption has come

We praise the Mother of God

In the all-night vigil.

Strict post is already forgotten,

The ceremonial table is set,

To meet the morning

Full conversation!

3 sms - 185 characters:

Church holiday today

Twelfth, spiritual:

Virgin Mary rested

The soul soared into the sky.

Let her look from above

And protects from trouble

Mimo leads misfortune

And send us happiness.

On August 28, all Orthodox churches celebrate one of the big, main holidays - the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary. Assumption is the end of life on earth of the Most Holy Theotokos. The celebration is preceded by a very strict fast.

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin takes its history in the first centuries of Christianity. Already in the IV century in Byzantium it was celebrated everywhere. On the day of the celebration of the Assumption, the harvest was completed. Among the people, the end of the harvest of part of the harvest was accompanied by some rituals. On the strip, people left uncompressed spikelets. Then salt and bread were buried nearby. Interestingly, from that day on, the frogs stopped croaking.

On the day of the Mother of God of the Assumption
We wish you blessings
As well as joy, luck
And festive mood.

So that the Virgin Mary helps in everything,
To protect from all failures.
I would always look favorably from heaven.
And never let me get sick.

With the Assumption of the Virgin
Goodness and prosperity
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

May faith be strong
Hope helps
Love in a hot heart
It burns, does not fade.

Let you Mother of God
Protects from pain
From troubles, insults, despair
Always let him protect.

May the Holy Virgin Mary be attentive to you and your family on this special day, protect you from troubles, save you from tears! We wish you health and happiness, good thoughts, all the best, and of course, that peace reign in your soul!

I wish you a great holiday,
Congratulations bright.
On the Day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
I wish peace to all.

Let love live in the hearts
Joy and patience.
To appreciate every hour
Every moment.

I wish on a holy day
A lot of happiness and warmth in the souls,
Let the world be filled with kindness
May life always be peaceful!

May the Mother of God send you
Only luck, prosperity, health,
And hearts will certainly flood
Only pure and bright love!

August is still laughing golden,
But autumn messengers are already coming.
Dormition of the Holy Mother of God,
The belfry bells are singing.

May the Mother of God keep you from troubles,
Live in peace with God and people,
Let the angel overshadow you with wings
And may your days be long!

Holy Mother of God Assumption,
We celebrate on August day,
Her son gave us Salvation,
In her honor, we sing prayers!

Her soul soared to God,
With the Son next, remained forever,
She gives help to the suffering,
Always remember, man!

On this day, I wish everyone happiness,
May all days be happy
Let bad weather bypass,
All health, luck, love!

Virgin Assumption
Church notes.
On this day I love you
And I wish you well.

Mother of God let
Will close from trouble.
Faith in light, goodness
Let you calm down.

Ask for Mary
For family health.
Set her bright face
You are at the head.

Virgin Assumption
We are celebrating today.
Accept congratulations
Wishes of happiness and love.

Heaven protect you
The Mother of God keeps.
Let smiles surround
And the soul never hurts.

The bells are ringing out
This holiday is about to begin
Virgin spirit descends,
And the soul of people is cleansed!

Let the doubts leave the soul
Discord and unrest
On the lips of a prayer will remain,
And humility will be given to all.

Holy Mother of God,
Protect everyone from grief
And, forgetting our sins,
Forgive all mistakes.

Here is a wonderful day of Assumption
I want to wish you
Faith, happiness and forgiveness
And protect your family!

On August 28, all Orthodox churches celebrate one of the big, main holidays - the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, Our Lady and Ever-Virgin Mary. Assumption is the end of life on earth of the Most Holy Theotokos. The celebration is preceded by a very strict fast.

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin takes its history in the first centuries of Christianity. Already in the IV century in Byzantium it was celebrated everywhere. On the day of the celebration of the Assumption, the harvest was completed. Among the people, the end of the harvest of part of the harvest was accompanied by some rituals. On the strip, people left uncompressed spikelets. Then salt and bread were buried nearby. Interestingly, from that day on, the frogs stopped croaking.

Show congratulations

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Church bells are ringing
Prayer will freeze on our lips.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin -
Will leave fear before death.

She saves us all from troubles,
Before the Almighty belittles,
And a very, very long time Orthodox
Protects from all troubles!


We honor the Most Holy Theotokos,
Today we remember her dormition,
To see her apostles saints
Gathered to show her earthly honors.
We wish all people peace, happiness,
Let bad weather go away
In the soul of peace and warmth,
Good health always!


Greatest church holiday
Day of death of the one who gives life.
And in front of him is a food refuser -
Try to hold on.

Holy Mother of God Assumption,
All her life she carried her cross,
Let's not send into oblivion
After all, there is enough space in our hearts.


I pinch my fingers -
I count my faults.
You need to cleanse yourself, take communion,
Do not remain indifferent!

Assumption of the Virgin
Light, peace, love brings,
And every restless
Find peace in the soul.

Friends, believe in a miracle,
Mary the Blessed
Take a few minutes
Turning to the Virgin with a prayer!


On this day the Holy Mother of God
In silence left our world
To pray to the Lord in heaven
For the sinful world, and for its peace.

We will meet this holiday with tenderness,
Prayer quietly, with a pure soul.
Filled with thanksgiving hearts
For your wondrous, bright image.


With divine glory I gave my soul
In His righteous hands
The Holy Mother of God ascended to heaven -
As a reward for hard torment.

Her path was not easy and difficult,
Not broken by the looks of the guards,
Do not forget to honor her memory on this day -
Save God from the envy of enemies.


The Virgin is chosen by the Heavenly Father,
To give birth to a Son to the world,
In a blessed and wonderful hour,
Maria was able to do everything.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem
And Mary was by his side,
He was in a manger at that time,
The star has already led the wise men.

Oh Mary you are blessed
Will remember the world while standing
You are the mother of Jesus for the universe,
Very soon he will conquer evil!


On the day of the Mother of God of the Assumption
We wish you blessings
And also joy, luck
And festive mood.

So that the Virgin Mary helps in everything,
Saved from failures and problems.
Looked favorably at you from heaven
And never got sick.


With the great feast of the Assumption
Today we send you congratulations!
Today we believe that forgiveness
God bless us all!
Let the faith in the heart flare up
Destroys pain and darkness!
Let the evil enemy dissolve
Seeing our badge!
May the face of the bright Mother of God
Everyone will bow low today!


Holy Mother of God
Looks at us from heaven
After all, everyone has their own time,
And you don't often see miracles.
On the Day of the Assumption of the Mother of God
I want to wish you with all my heart
That you didn't waste your time
Suddenly, what cannot be done,
Don't make strife unintentionally,
May all things be good
After all, Mary asks us desperately,
To have pure faith!


Holy Mother of God Assumption,
We celebrate on August day,
Her son gave us Salvation,
In her honor, we sing prayers!

Her soul soared to God,
With the Son next, remained forever,
She gives help to the suffering,
Always remember, man!

On this day, I wish everyone happiness,
May all days be happy
Let bad weather bypass,
All health, luck, love!


Today is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Sadness about the end of the path of the Representative.
At the same time, the joy of union with the Son
The Most Pure Mother of the Lord, of course, His own.
Often the Most Holy Theotokos to the Holy Sepulcher
She came to the Lord and bowed her knees,
Incense is here She, too, was burning.
We will read the words on the tomb of the Most Pure,
They pierce us with a special meaning.
“Oh wonderful miracle! Source of Life in the grave
It is supposed, and the ladder to Heaven is a coffin ... "
Sadness dissolves into words with joy:
“Blessed One, always rejoice,
The Lord is with you, give peace
I have mercy on you!”
We will read these couple of true lines,
Then we will give this congratulations to each other.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on August 28 according to the new style. This is one of the twelve main holidays of the Russian Orthodox Church, it is preceded by a strict Assumption fast. After the ascension of Christ, the Mother of God remained in the care of the Apostle John, she lived in the house of his parents near the Mount of Olives. The Blessed Virgin served as a consolation to the apostles, together with them she planted Christianity and established the Church with her presence. From the very moment of the burial of the Mother of God, the righteous honored her coffin, a temple was built around it. Holy shrouds were preserved in the temple walls, with which the fragrant body of the Blessed Virgin was twisted. Among the people, the day of the Assumption marks the end of the harvest; according to the old style, this holiday fell on August 15th. Date, we celebrate the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin and Ever-Virgin Mary - August 28.

Feast day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Virgin Mary, our holy Lady,
She ascended to the Lord God,
She parted with earthly life forever.
In the temple today hear the singing,
Everyone pray at your own discretion,
Honor, pray to the Virgin Mary,
To give strength to all of us through God.
The power to love and forgive everyone,
Ignore anger and hatred

Virgin Mary, our Holy Lady.

The Holy Mother of God left on this day,
Found comfort in Christ himself,
Today we pray to her and ask for good,
May the Virgin Mary come to you.
Walk like apostles, today together in the temple,
Come through prayer only to good deeds,
Let's pray for son, daughter, mother, father,
Help Lady Holy Mother of God.

Congratulations on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Great heavenly and earthly Lady,
Virgin Mary Holy Mother of Christ,
From those centuries and now devoted to God.
May the angels of heaven bring us love,
With a heavenly prayer they will save from Satan,
Pray Virgin Mary for health and happiness,
Drive away all troubles, drive away bad weather.

The New Testament brought this message to us,
Let us honor the Mother of God with prayer here,
Let's sing in the sacred temple today,
With a pure soul, we will come to Mary.
We will celebrate the Assumption, and we will celebrate
Congratulate friends and loved ones on the holiday,
Holy Virgin Mary,
You are in our hearts and we love you.

Holy Mother of God,
We don't forget about you
We pray and praise
We often remember in church.
Holy Mother of God,
We only beg for love
And we rely on strength
We conjure by Christ God.
Holy Mother of God,
We wish you all the best, love,
You will help, we know for sure
We expect a miracle of happiness.

Congratulations on the feast of the Assumption,
Take my poem from the heart
And with all my heart respect and respect,
Leave all deprivation behind.
Ask the Mother of God Mary with a prayer,
Do not deceive, do not be angry, try not to sin,
Everything will be fine when God is near,
And to pray, do not look for an excuse.

Today the Orthodox holiday is celebrated
The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is met,
Families, loved ones and even enemies are congratulated,
Saints in honor of Mary visit temples.
Heavenly angels lifted up Mary,
To the father and God betraying her strength,
Rejoice people and rest your soul,
Christians know that she is alive.

28th, in the month of August,
We will gather in honor of the Mother of God,
Feast of the Dormition and Ascension,
To the son Jesus of spiritual zeal.
Sinless, beloved, pure virgin,
Looks at us from the azure sky,
Pray and ask her
To live this holiday in love.

Mothers are asking for children today
Children pray for mothers
You are begging all over the world,
Prayers carry everything to the holy temple.
Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin,
Jesus Christ holy woman in childbirth,
Virgin save us and save
Save your life from evil and evil spirits.

Feast of the Most Holy Theotokos of the Assumption,
Gather for the prayers of the most diverse people,
Let the breath come to you
A clear, bright blessing from heaven.
The path of Mary is not simple and not easy,
I wish you gain strength
May every day be better than the next.
I wish you simple, earthly happiness.

On the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Bitterness, sadness, anger and anger will evaporate,
Each love will be filled with happiness,
Let's go to the temple to meet Mary.
Our intercessor will help through her son,
She brought Jesus Christ
Be the Lady loved by the people,
We pray Jesus only for you.

Congratulations on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
I wish you great happiness people
Hear the ringing from the church belfry,
And we will all wait on the eve of a miracle.
Be happy lovely people
God's favorites, children of Christ,
All pray together to the Virgin Mary,
As the son of a dear father prayed.

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