Congratulations on the premiere of the performance in prose. Acting signs and superstitions

To avoid superstition is superstition. Francis Bacon
Actors of the theater, cinema and directors truly do not hold superstitions. In a creative environment, superstitions and signs of actors grow like mushrooms after rain, and, oddly enough, play an important role in organizing filming and theater performances. Signs are taken so seriously that they are taken into account in everything: from the selection of costumes and scenery to the distribution of roles and the choice of the day of the premiere. It is not uncommon for an actor to turn down a role due to superstition. Under the contract system in Russia, actors even negotiated lists of roles that were unacceptable for performance. It will be useful for students of theater studios, young professionals and everyone whose activities are related to the stage or film set to find out the most common folk signs of actors for happiness. It is known that artists are nervous people: for a simple whistle in the theater or an attempt to gnaw seeds, they can be thrown out the door and forbidden to even approach the building. Terrible prospect for a first day at work, isn't it? But one should pay tribute to the concern of the ministers of art, many of the signs of the actors really come true. And about performances and films with a black reputation, such as Macbeth, Viy and The Master and Margarita, there are legends even among people far from theater and cinema.

Signs in the dressing room and at the rehearsal

The theater begins with a hanger, and it is born in the make-up room or simply in the dressing room. This is a place with a special atmosphere: there the actor leaves all his fears and worries before going on the big stage. Such a place simply could not help but be overgrown with superstitions, every step here must be thought out and weighed. By the way, this very step into the dressing room should be done exclusively with the left foot! Even acting signs and superstitions say that the dressing room of the leading artist has mystical power, and if you sit alone in it for some time, you can attract good luck and fame.

In no case, under any circumstances, do not look into the dressing room mirror over the shoulder of the actor. This sign is one of the most terrible: it is believed that a great misfortune will happen to an actor who has been looked over his shoulder.

It's bad luck to scatter makeup on the dressing table. This is one of the reasons for the neatness and exemplary order in the theater premises.

It is undesirable to glue any kind of pictures on the door of the dressing room

Neither in the dressing room, nor at rehearsals, you can not drop the text of the play or script. But if it so happened that he did fall, you can’t just pick up the sheet from the floor. Before that, you must definitely sit on it. In the water, in the mud, in the snow - this is the problem of a negligent actor. This ritual is strictly observed by artists of all ages.

If someone brought soap into the dressing room, it will stay there forever. Taking out soap is a bad sign. According to another version, it is not allowed to give your soap to colleagues.

The number 13 terrifies artists. It is unlikely that you will find a theater where there is a dressing room under this number.

Shakespeare's Macbeth is the most notorious work in the history of theater. A lot of mystical incidents and tragic events around the world are associated with it. Therefore, in Russian theaters it is strictly forbidden to sing songs from "Macbeth", and in American theaters - to pronounce the word "Macbeth" without a good reason. Disrespect for this word, according to the Americans, is fraught with the closure of the theater.

Superstitions on stage and set

Stage energy is an incomprehensible thing for those who have never stood on a big stage. The very atmosphere there is electrified to such an extent that every detail becomes vital and may well make the difference between a brilliant performance and a complete failure. The very image and spirit of the theater is thoroughly saturated with superstitions and is inconceivable without them. There are thousands of actors' tales about completely implausible events, some of which actually took place during famous theatrical performances or on the set of films. For centuries, stories about actors, whose tragic fates repeat the roles played one to one, do not subside and fascinate listeners, and not all of these stories are fiction. You should not strictly judge artists for their weakness for superstitions and signs. Such is the specificity of their activity that one cannot do without mysticism and mystery in it.
  1. Going on stage is a special ritual. Each actor has his own. Here you can find such an assortment of various prejudices that listing them would take an entire article. Most often, the actor prefers to go on stage from the side from which he came out on the day of his first success, and adheres to this tradition until the end of his career.
  2. On filming there is a tradition reminiscent of the custom of breaking a bottle of champagne on the hull of a ship leaving for its maiden voyage. Only they hit not a bottle, but a plate, and not about a vessel, but about a camera tripod. The plate, of course, must break, otherwise fate does not bode well for the film at the box office. Fragments with the names of the members of the film crew are dismantled as a keepsake.
  3. Perhaps the greatest number of superstitions is associated with death on stage or in a film. And this is not surprising, since many actors, having died on stage, soon died for real. A whole arsenal of various ritual techniques helps to resist this destructive effect of the role. If an actor lies down in a coffin in a performance, he should put a bottle of vodka under his head, and after the performance present it to his friends, who will drink to his health. And in the cinema, it is enough to show the tongue to the camera without interrupting the filming, for which you have to negotiate separately with the operator.

The world, as you know, is a theater, and the people in it are Shakespeares, that is, the actors, directors and playwrights of their lives. Every new day we have a premiere and, at the same time, a rehearsal of the next day, the next premiere. Being a person is already a creative profession, which has its own geniuses and mediocrity, its own favorites of fortune and those who have been in disgrace for a long time and firmly. But even for a professional actor, it is not easy every time to go backstage to the stage, to step from one world to another. (Therefore, by the way, the actors, whose, for the most part, are superstitious). And we, "in the world", have to move from one world to another every morning when we wake up.

In the light of the foregoing, it is interesting to know with the help of what signs and rituals those for whom the theater is not only a life, but a profession, call for good luck and avoid troubles. Or vice versa.

Let's start with the rehearsal. In no case should the actor drop the text with the role during the rehearsal. If this all happened, you should immediately sit down on a piece of paper with text and remember seven bald friends. Otherwise, the role will definitely be taken away, which is a shame for any self-respecting actor.

If during a rehearsal or on the set someone gnaws seeds or whistles, most likely the film or performance will fail. Bad omens that indicate that the role will fail also include feather jewelry and fresh flowers in the hands or as decorations.

There is no dressing room at number 13 in any theater. It is believed that a wide variety of troubles will follow this number. The same unfortunate actors call the yellow color and the cross-eyed girl in the corps de ballet.

It is desirable to enter the dressing room from the left foot.

It is strictly forbidden to look over the shoulder of an actor when he is putting on make-up: in this way, you can take away not only good luck, but also health from him. Also, don't give your soap to anyone. Luck goes with him.

Spilled makeup on the dressing table is a bad omen, so the actors need to carefully monitor all their jars and boxes.

Any pictures on the doors of the dressing room are considered a bad omen.

But a cat on stage can be both a good and a bad omen. If he walks across the stage at a rehearsal, it's bad luck. If the same cat walks across the stage during the performance, then the premiere will be a success.

In no case should the fee for a performance or filming be spent before the premiere of the performance or film takes place. Otherwise, failure is possible.

Directors argue that no one, except the director himself, should sit on the director's chair. If this prohibition is violated, some kind of misfortune will surely happen. As proof of the validity of this sign, various terrible stories are cited, they even say that one actress sat on the director's chair at a daytime rehearsal and was raped in the evening.

At rehearsals or filming of comedies, it is undesirable for actors to laugh. There is an opinion that the more fun the actors are at the rehearsal, the more boring the audience in the hall will be. Leonid Gaidai was a particularly fierce supporter of this sign, and he already knew the secrets of making a real comedy.

No matter how the last run went, in order for the premiere to be successful, everyone should say together: “The run went badly!”. For the success of the premiere, the actors do not need to say the last phrase of their role at the dress rehearsal.

When playing in the plays of Gogol and Bulgakov, one must be careful - it is believed that the texts of the authors are surrounded by mysticism. It is also dangerous to play Ivan the Terrible, Don Juan, Ophelia and almost all the roles from Macbeth.

Among children's performances, "Robin Hood" and "Children in the Forest" are considered unlucky. But, "" - brings good luck.

Entering the stage should only be from the "happy" backstage. The "lucky" side is the side you were leaving on when you had your first success. At the same time, according to the old Mkhatov sign, it is necessary to step with the right foot and just before the exit - spit over the left shoulder. Then the performance will be successful and none of the artists will forget the text.

It is considered a bad sign, especially in opera and operetta theaters, if the heel accidentally falls into a gap on the stage. This means that something is holding the actor back and not letting him go to the public.

If during the performance the actor finds a nail on the stage, this is a good sign. The nail should be picked up and secretly hammered somewhere behind the scenes. Then the further career of the actor will be successful.

Dying on the screen and stage is a very bad omen, and the worst thing is to lie down on the set in a coffin. Very often the actors, having played this scene, really died soon, moreover, the circumstances of their real death repeated those in which they died in the cinema. But there is a way out!

Actors believe that in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to agree with the director and cameraman so that after the command “Stop! Taken!” they didn't turn off the camera right away. If the “dead” actor has time to look into the lens, smile and show his tongue, everything will be fine with him.

To be sure, before shooting, when you need to lie in a coffin, you need to put a bottle of vodka under your head. After the scene is fully filmed, this bottle is given to friends and colleagues to drink to the health of the actor who played his own death. In this case, all troubles and misfortunes will be taken over by vodka. The actor himself also needs to be present in the company, but you can’t drink from this bottle. From the other - it is possible.

Of course, not all of these signs can be adapted to the theater of ordinary life, but after all, Holy Scripture does not give direct advice on how to live correctly. Therefore, you need to think and turn on the imagination.

Having met, for example, a cat on the street, you should immediately start the premiere, even if this day was planned only as a rehearsal for something wonderful tomorrow.

Feeling that you are losing yourself, you need to immediately pull yourself together, literally sit on yourself, as an actor sits on the text of the role, even in dirt and discomfort, until no one else sits on you.

Before you sit in someone else's chair, you should think about the fact that maybe this is the director's chair?

World Theater Day is an international professional holiday for all theater workers celebrated all over the world annually on March 27. Established in 1961 on the initiative of the delegates of the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute under UNESCO.

Theater Day is a professional holiday for theater workers: actors, theater directors, producers, lighting technicians, sound engineers, set builders, and even ticket attendants and cloakroom attendants. Theater Day is not only a holiday for professionals, it is also our holiday - a holiday for millions of caring spectators.

I want to congratulate you on the day of the theater. Let you always be surrounded by a magical spirit, soaring beauty and creativity. More of the latest productions, always accompanying muse and inspiration. Let the applause never cease, let the delight of the audience be your great reward. Good luck in your work and stormy applause.

I congratulate all those who have become forever the servant of the theater, stage and interesting roles. I wish that each performance would have an unprecedented sensation, break an avalanche of applause and forever crash into the hearts of grateful spectators. Let your excellent, talented and selfless work always bring with it recognition, applause and a desire to visit the theater again and again. We wish you a vigilant muse, inexhaustible inspiration and a talented game. Happy theater day!

Please accept our congratulations on World Theater Day! I wish you brilliant premieres, memorable and vivid roles, loud applause, enthusiastic applause! Let the audience be crazy about you, often calls for an encore and gives a sea of ​​​​flowers!

My dear actors, theater staff and spectators! Congratulations on World Theater Day! And if life is a game, and we are all actors in it, then I wish everyone to choose in life the role that he likes and play it flawlessly and brilliantly. Be happy and healthy, love theater and art!

Congratulations on the theater day! Let any acting roles succeed, life roles will be positive, with a happy ending. I wish you premieres and full houses, awards and applause, the love of the audience and the pleasure of work!

Congratulations to fans and true connoisseurs of theatrical art on the spring holiday, the day when World Theater Day is celebrated. May your soul always be receptive to beauty, may the theatrical stage surprise you and excite your imagination, touching the strings of your soul, plunging you into the world of the wonderful and unusual.

Let the theatrical art only flourish every day! I wish all the theater workers a lot of inspiration, interesting work, new achievements and excellent salaries! May you always be accompanied by success and good mood!

Happy World Theater Day! More new productions, interesting works, new discoveries, development in all directions, happiness, new horizons!

Congratulations on World Theater Day and with all my heart I wish you wonderful performances, vivid emotions, life with real feelings and happy events, playing with interesting roles and amazing ideas. May going to the theater always give a lot of impressions from pleasant spectacles, may theatrical creativity inspire us and fill us with bright love.

I congratulate you on the World Theater Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you a cheerful, bright, amazing theatrical life, a happy, joyful, favorable fate, which day by day will give you good meetings and loud applause of success.

World Theater Day is an international professional holiday for all theater workers, celebrated around the world every year on March 27. This international day is traditionally held under a single motto: "Theater as a means of mutual understanding and strengthening of peace between peoples."

Despite the fact that World Theater Day does not have an official state status in Russia, officials of the highest echelons of power in the Russian Federation do not skimp on congratulations on the Theater Day and compliments addressed to the workers of the theaters of the country. In some regions, authorities reward theater workers with certificates of honor, cash prizes, thanks and valuable gifts.

For theater lovers Theater Day is also a real holiday, because all kinds of festive events in the "temples of culture", various theater festivals are timed to this day, and some theaters try to present the premieres of new performances by the holiday day.

Congratulations on World Theater Day poetry and prose for the professional holiday for theater workers - directors, costume designers, actors.

Congratulations on Theater Day in verse, with beautiful wishes for all the best in the family and success in the service, will be excellent parting words in the rhyme of poems for the professional holiday of theater workers. Congratulations on Theater Day in prose, with sincere wishes of all the best in the service, will be a wonderful speech delivered in your own words on the professional holiday of theater workers.

Who at least once was not amazed
Theatrical art?
The theater is beautiful, it is wonderful,
Great, just unique.
The hall stood up unanimously,
Filled with delight
And every spectator risked
Punch off your palms.
Every performance is like a lesson
And that means a lot.
We give this congratulations
Both theater and theatergoers!

We sincerely congratulate you on World Theater Day! The theater enriches our life with new colors, gives a miracle of conscious empathy, brings up aesthetic taste. Thanks to you, the true spiritual principle is preserved in society, the ideals of goodness and justice are brought up, and cultural values ​​are multiplied. You carefully preserve the centuries-old traditions of the Russian stage, offering a new modern interpretation of the classics. Thank you for the unique atmosphere, for your talent, skill, individual creative style and hard work. We express our love and gratitude to you. We wish you new bright premieres, successful productions, interesting tours, demanding critics, the constant interest of the audience, full houses and enthusiastic applause! I wish you good health, happiness, creative creative energy, inspiration, to reach new heights in your favorite and necessary business.

Magic theater atmosphere
Captivates with extraordinary beauty,
And of all the arts, perhaps only this
It makes us think about pleasant things.
Happy International Theater Day,
We want to wish you inspiration
We personify you only with beauty ...
We are to admire. Well, you - shine!

On this wonderful and joyful World Theater Day, we would like to wish you that the audience will always inspire you to new ideas and pay for your creativity with a standing ovation! However, in addition to work, any person has a private life that can affect a career. We wish you all the best on your personal front as well. Happy holiday!

“The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors”,
Shakespeare said, and he was undoubtedly right;
Your curtain will not close soon:
I haven't played my best roles yet,
You go to recognition step by step!
I sincerely wish you now
Benefits, successes and full houses!
Happy World Theater Day!

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on World Theater Day and wish you a happy life! After all, in fact, the theater reflects everything that happens to us in life! So let you have as many successful productions as possible in your life, and there will be no failures at all!

SMS congratulations on Theater Day

World Theater Day! Class!
Well, just creative ecstasy!
I wish you a beautiful day
To keep you in the mood!

thrilling scene,
Mysterious plot...
Beckoning, no doubt
Performance and ballet!
World Theater Day
Today marks the world!
Always be pleasant
Our theatre. You are an idol!

Good mood in the morning,
Theater Day, thank you!
I turn on my brain, I take the phone,
I am writing SMS, congratulations!

On Theater Day, a world holiday,
I want to wish from the bottom of my heart
To have different heroes
Equally good
So that every performance the viewer
I was in a hurry to watch from the beginning.
Create, play, create
To hear "Bravo" from the audience!

Use the proposed audio congratulations service to organize a small, but at the same time a truly pleasant surprise for your dear and close people.

Congratulations on the Motorist's Day on the phone you can listen to and send to the recipient on a mobile or smartphone as a musical or voice greeting. You can order and send congratulations on the Motorist's Day to your phone either immediately or by specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard.

Just imagine how unusual such a variant of congratulations will turn out to be and how vivid emotions it can cause in a person. In addition, choosing a unique and cool greeting is actually really easy, so the surprise will not be burdensome for you.

Cool congratulations on Theater Day

Theater is a huge world of mysteries,
Culture royal crown.
And Happy World Theater Day
I hasten to congratulate you at last.

I wish you inspiration
Aspirations, joy, love,
And also eternal luck.
So that all awards find you.

May the legendary spirit of the theater
Protects you from adversity
Warms your soul with passion
Success will bring faith.

Actors, directors, actresses
Today we call you for an encore!
Artists, prompters, directors,
Dancers, musicians and understudies,
Workers invisible behind the scenes
And costume designers with their priceless stitch.
To you - admiring words and glances,
We are glad to congratulate everyone on the Day of the Theater!

Although they say that life is a theater,
And we are actors on the stage!
Theater is life guys
And created his true genius!

You brilliant actors
We congratulate you on Theater Day!
Let there be no graters between you,
You are our thoughts psychiatrists!

We wish you, geniuses of art,
Wealth of the earth, material,
And surrender forever to feelings
Big ... And the same premium!

As early as January 23, 1933, in his letter to the cloakroom attendants of the Moscow Art Theater, the great Russian theater director and acting teacher Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky wrote: “... the performance begins from the moment you enter the theater building. You are the first to meet the incoming spectators ... ". This quote, over time, transformed into a catchphrase: "The theater begins with a hanger," which implies the following: there are no secondary roles and professions in theatrical art.

That's why World Theater Day is a professional holiday for all theater workers: actors, theater directors, producers, lighting technicians, sound technicians, scenery fitters, and even ushers and cloakroom attendants. But not only... Theater Day is a celebration of millions of spectators.

Cool congratulations for the artist

Talent comes into the world in order to help people in the knowledge of reality, and not just to remind them that everything happens in life. Dear meter! Please accept our congratulations on your anniversary and the most sincere wishes of good luck and kindness. Your creative path is a vivid example of devotion to your profession and national culture. You have successfully realized yourself on the stages of the leading domestic theaters, revealing your multifaceted acting talent. Thanks to their skill, temperamental play and charm, they earned the love of moviegoers. Be happy!

Official congratulations to the entertainer

Stage for you is a world where you can make many people happy. Your calling is to touch souls and change them. On this joyful day, we wish you that all your ideas come true and bring you success. Let nothing interfere with you - neither envy, nor flattery, nor illness. Be happy - both in the profession and in your personal life!

Happy birthday people's artist

Our beloved and unforgettable ((). You are an actor with stage charm. Your unique creative style, bright personality, ability to find capacious means of expression have made you a beloved, truly folk artist. Creative success to you.

Congratulations in verse to the artist

And the audience doesn't know much.
They are not destined to learn about pain,
They expect delight from you
And to give it to them is your craft.
You are so good at hiding behind a mask
Your illnesses, feelings and dreams,
That studying them is simply useless,
Only you can reveal them to us.
Please open your soul
We love you from the heart, dearly,
We want to know you on this day better,
After all, this is your triumph and triumph.

Congratulations to the artist in prose

Congratulations to the artist in prose

Your amazing talent helps viewers take a fresh look at life and themselves. Thank you for that. Today I want to wish you good luck, patience and happiness from the bottom of my heart. Let the love of the audience warm you every day.

Congratulations to the artist in prose

Your amazing talent helps viewers take a fresh look at life and themselves. Thank you for that. Today I want to wish you good luck, patience and happiness from the bottom of my heart. Let the love of the audience warm you every day.

Congratulations to the entertainer

Congratulations to the pop artist with folk wisdom

“Laugh and I will tell you who you are. I want to tell the truth in jest. "One ounce of good mood is worth a whole ton of melancholy" - English folk wisdom. Laughter is the sun: it drives the winter from the human face. Happiness enters the gate of the laughing one. - It's all about you, the great entertainer. Thanks to your generous, multifaceted talent, inexhaustible energy and amazing charm, the domestic cinema began to sparkle with new colors, and the performing arts were enriched with bright, interesting works. Fans of the theater and cinema pay tribute to your inherent talent, the ability to rally creatively gifted, dedicated people around you. We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you excellent health, major victories and crowded halls.

Congratulations in verse to the stage artist

The stage artist is a miracle,
Everyone wants to see him
They seem to come from nowhere
To see the show.
So show them, let them know
In the heroes of masks and myself.
Do you miss applause?
So here they are - all for you!

Cool congratulations to the entertainer

Stage for you is a world where you can make many people happy. Your calling is to touch souls and change them. On this joyful day, we wish you that all your ideas come true and bring you success. Let nothing interfere with you - neither envy, nor flattery, nor illness. Be happy - both in the profession and in your personal life!

Official congratulations to the artist

Dear ..., your talent does not fade over the years. You continue to amaze and delight us, opening up new facets in creativity. On this day, I really want to wish you health and many years of life, because you really want to be witnesses to your triumph, and it will definitely be in the future.

Bold congratulations to the artist

Dear ..., your talent does not fade over the years. You continue to amaze and delight us, opening up new facets in creativity. On this day, I really want to wish you health and many years of life, because you really want to be witnesses to your triumph, and it will definitely be in the future.

Congratulations in prose to the stage artist

On this beautiful and joyful day, we want to wish you ... that the audience always inspire you with new ideas and pay for your work with a standing ovation! However, in addition to work, any person has a private life that can affect a career. We wish you all the best on your personal front as well.

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