Good luck wishes to a friend. What do you want before flying on an airplane


The theme of this collection: Wishing a happy journey to your beloved man in your own words. I wish I could see you and hear your voice. After all, I missed you a lot, I was tortured to be without you!

How can there be a blizzard without snow? Can people live without each other?

Love is a wonderful feeling that needs to be cherished.

A huge wealth to write to someone I love you and miss you and to know that someone needs it.

You are my biggest joy! I adore you!

The strongest and most beautiful feeling in the world is love. I love you and want to always be by your side.

You are my attraction and my inspiration. This world doesn't matter without you!

Beloved, I hasten to inform you that my lips, eyes, arms, legs and I, without a trace, have missed you madly!

My lips hurt because I smiled... I just couldn't stop thinking about you!

I want to tell the whole world that I don’t have you dearer, that I miss you, I want to see you soon, my love!

With you in this world there is love and joy. I am happier next to you.

Love a woman with all her nos and that is the way to her many yeses.

Love is a voluntary renunciation of brains.

I love it when we are together, and do not sleep until late at night ... Remember: I wait, I hope, I believe and I miss you very, very much!

I miss you very, very much: in the morning, in the evening and at night. I dream about you, here is a text message for you. It cannot be expressed in words how sad I am when such a distance between us ...

We realize too late that we love those we lose...

Tell me tender words to make my head spin, do not be shy, write, from the bottom of your heart, from the bottom of your heart!

What is not! Somehow not so! Something is missing! I know what! You next to me!

And only the bride's bouquet, which I caught at the wedding, makes me hope...

And I don't need much to be happy, only you are near

I want to warm, I want to hug, kiss, I want love, I want fire, in short, I love you!

You have become dear to me, my cat. I always want to be with you! My love for you is limitless.

I always share with you both chuckles and sadness! I just love you, you can see we are two halves!

I would rather see you and hug you tightly. I miss you my man! I miss you, love.

I don’t hide my feelings, and I don’t keep silent about my love for you! You are the best I know! I want to see you soon!

My love for you is limitless. You can make me the happiest if you just say that you love me.

I can feel you even when you're not around...

Love is a game... Whoever confesses first loses...

I want to kiss you on the lips. I want to have your arms around me. I want to be with you to escape boredom!

You are priceless, precious! My only hero! Dear heart, beloved! My best boyfriend.

0I like you, my job is to warn...

How to find a common language? - Kiss!

I love you because with you I don't have to pretend, I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not.

My dear, I miss you very much, I’ll write a message in a couple of lines as soon as possible so that you remember me!

I swear separation, I count the days ... I love you.

Guys often miss out on what's worth while picking up what's available.

You stole my dream... You are the cutest thief!

Maybe you will see me in a dream!

Life is a game, play nice!)

Do you want to ruin your summer? Fall in love in June

You are like Bounty - a piece of heaven on the planet.

My bunny you are the best! Love you

The most offensive thing is when you talk about feelings, and you are accused of alcoholism ...

The hours go by, and I miss you, I sit and see your image, you are far away, but I so want to see you as soon as possible!

The sun shines brightly, and there is longing in the soul, because near, dear, you are not there, that's all ...

When people like each other, they will definitely keep silent about it.

Let your face light up with a smile, and it’s not in vain that I will say that I miss you very much!

Love is when you write it instead of your name on a misted window...

Of all that is eternal, love has the shortest time...

With the advent of you in my life, I changed all my cosmetics to waterproof.

A lot of us try to play Romeo and Juliet and end up being Dumb and Dumber.

On the sand, leaving no traces - these are not wings ... This is love!

Only with that the girl wants a serious relationship in whom to see the father of her children.

Unbearable, affectionate, beloved, how I miss you! You are my only and dear, I'm going crazy without you!

My dearest, I want to always be with you, and not let go anywhere, love, want and kiss!

I love you very much! I want to be a sunbeam to wake you up for work.

The best moments in life are frozen in my memory and they are all connected with you! I love…

It's dark for me without you in this world. I need only you

Sex ... after all, it's like freckles: someone has it, and someone doesn't ...

Life is beautiful if there is love and understanding in it!

I love you very much! I want my dreams to come true, because in my dreams we are always together!

I love you so much and so passionately that it's just dizzy!

Strange things are happening in my head I constantly think about you ...

Remember and do not forget the following formula: the sum of two beautiful lips equals a kiss!

I want to hug, kiss, please and just be there! smack!

The main essence of love is trust.

Let them say nothing in this world lasts forever, but I do not believe in these words, I will love you endlessly and will never forget!

It's better to never love than to fall in love and lose...

I love you my kitten! I love with all my heart and soul!

A magical land called - you ...

I'm waiting for a call, I'm in constant sadness. Love you.

I wish you a good day, I hug you passionately, I hasten to tell you, you are the best with me!

My heart yearns and misses without you! My dear, I love you and remember!

I miss your look, I feel good when you are near, my most tender and beloved! My best, and outstanding!

Do not be shy about your feelings and desires. There will be no other life for them

Love you. All day long I can look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return!

Let the wind whisper softly to you, you are dearer to me than anyone in the world!

What a pity that you are not around now, you will not warm me with a gentle look!

You are light for me, you are darkness for me, if you are not there, I just go crazy, I will wait for you, just be able to understand that only you are in my heart!

You can fall in love with me But keep in mind that I have no antidote.

I love the music of rain when my heart is lonely ...

It seems to me that the sun no longer warms, and the stars seem to me to shine dimmer; the moonlight has become dull, joyless, and all because you are not around!

You just have to be by my side, I want to hug my beloved boy, I miss you very much, my love! - Wishing a happy journey to a beloved man in your own words.

It has long been believed that wishes on the road - especially from loved ones and dear people - should have come true. Going on a journey, a person risks a lot. He could not return, various troubles could happen to him. In addition, often people went on the road for work, for a better life.

Therefore, wishes on the road had to play the role of a kind of amulet. "Let everything work out", "let your dreams come true and you will achieve your goal" - that was the message.

Bon Voyage!

Kind and good wishes on the road were also mixed with an old prejudice: "in order not to jinx" - that is, to prevent the black forces from seizing us, hindering happiness - one should only brush them aside, but not thank them. Luck is a capricious lady. It was often believed that she could turn her back on someone who relies on her too much. The wish for an easy road was part of the farewell ritual. In addition, it was believed that it was imperative to sit down and only then hit the road. In principle, it had a psychological justification. In the last minutes before parting and parting, the departing person could still think about the purpose of his trip. I could decide on the most important and necessary things in my life.

What wishes can you come up with on the road now?

"Good luck" is one of the most common. It is interesting that - an expression that, in theory, means a positive wish - is now used as an ironic one. So you can speak to someone whose return is undesirable for the speaker. "Green road" or "green light", "so that the spare tire is not useful" - these are wishes for motorists on the road. Similarly, you can use the metaphorical - "neither a nail, nor a rod", that is, so that the tires are intact, and no one stops along the way. outside the window" - for those who go by train. And "so as not to get sick" or "fair wind" is wished to those who sail by sea.

"Good luck getting there" is a universal expression. We still usually ask relatives and friends to call as soon as they arrive at the place. "Good fellow travelers" - an actual wish to someone who travels in a compartment or After all, it is there that we often have to spend more than one day in the company of strangers. Although just there you can hear a lot of interesting stories and even make new friends.

Scheduled landings can be wished to those who set off on a journey by air. "Take care of yourself" and "God bless!" we usually talk to the most beloved and dear people.

When expressing your wishes, you should always remember about your relatives. Many of us know from our own experience how difficult it is to see someone off. The one who goes on the road has new impressions, acquaintances, prospects ahead. Those who stay often experience the pain of returning to an empty house. That is why many, especially impressionable and vulnerable people, do not like to see them off to the platform or to the airport. It hurts too much to watch the train leave, the plane taking off with the person you love. Even if parting is familiar to you, remember that loved ones and relatives are always waiting for you, always hoping for a speedy return. "Happy Journey" is also a request not to forget about those who remained.

When loved ones go on a long journey, our heart does not find a place for excitement. A lot can happen along the way, both good and bad. Realizing this, people have long been trying to find a way to save their friends from harm. For example, saying kind words to a traveler on the road.

Ancient amulets and conspiracies

In Rus', long journeys were not uncommon. So merchants had to travel from one city to another to find the right product. Ordinary peasants often went to fairs in neighboring provinces in order to buy the necessary tools for farming. What can we say about the soldiers who were on campaigns much more often than in their own home!

But the road in those days was much more dangerous. Wild animals, bad weather and robbers could wait for the traveler in what seemed to be the quietest corners. In this regard, the Slavs often looked for the right ways to protect themselves and their loved ones on the road.

Before sending a person on a long journey, he was given a special amulet - a travel guide. It was a charmed piece of fabric wrapped in hemp rope. People believed that as long as the cord was intact, trouble would not touch its owner.

At the same time, there were also wishes for the journey. For example, many said goodbye "tablecloth path." This meant that the traveler was wished a good road, so that he quickly reached his goal. But now this expression has acquired a completely different meaning, and it is no longer worth using it in such cases.

Wishes on the road: sincerity is the basis of everything

Now, few believe in the mystical power of words, because science has greatly pressed folk rituals and beliefs. And yet, seeing off relatives on a long journey, people still strive to say a few kind words to them in parting. Perhaps this is due to those ancient traditions that are rooted in our minds, or maybe it's just an intuitive desire to take care of a loved one. But the fact remains: without a good parting word, even in our time, they are not allowed to go on the road.

But what about goodbye? You should start with the fact that all wishes should come from a pure heart. Only then will they be pleasant to the traveler and will be able to warm him throughout the journey. Yes, and as they say: God hears only a sincere prayer, and therefore empty phrases cannot be useful.

How to choose the right words?

Oddly enough, but in order to wish a good journey, you can use any style and shape. The traveler will be pleased to hear both the ordinary “happy journey” and a small farewell monologue. But it would be better to present wishes on the road to your beloved in the form of poems - this will win his heart and make him smile.

You can also use both a strict style and use humor, but without overacting. In general, everything possible must be done so that the farewell does not evoke sad memories, but gives positive emotions. After all, words are tools that can influence the atmosphere.

Wishes on the road: examples

In conclusion, I would like to give a few simple examples that can clearly show how to see off loved ones on the road. So, simple phrases:

  • Neither a nail nor a wand is a favorite expression of all motorists.
  • Break a leg. An old expression, in which the traveler must answer "to hell."
  • Bon voyage - a simple wish that can show the warmth of a relationship.
  • Roads without potholes, without potholes and without potholes!
  • Favorable wind! Suitable for any farewell, but more common among sailors.

In addition, you can make a more original and warm farewell. For example: "There are different roads in life: some are bright, others are dark. But both of them can lead us to unexpected discoveries. I hope that at the end of your path you will find something new and pleasant for yourself, no matter what the road will fall to you."

Theme of the collection: Wishes on the road to a loved one in your own words. Listen, wait, let's do it like this:

I wish I knew you!

Love you. Waiting for you to say that you need me!

Let it be -35 outside, but I have never been so warm in winter ...

Beloved, I so want to be yours, now, tomorrow, all my life! We are two wings of the same destiny, I love you and I know that I am loved by you!

I love you more and more, I want to see you as soon as possible ... You answer far and rarely, and I still miss you ...

My heart is full of you...

You are light for me, you are darkness for me, if you are not there, I just go crazy. I'll be waiting for you, I'll burn bridges, just be able to understand that only you are in my heart!

Drop everything and rush to me as soon as possible, I missed you so much that I'm ready to tear you apart, don't say anything, just come!

Our feelings are getting stronger, and you are getting closer, I can’t be without you, I won’t be able to!

The person who calls you by your last name most often loves you the most.

We love only once in this life, and then we look for people like him!

Life is beautiful if there is love and understanding in it!

All the days of separation turned out to be hell, but know that I will still wait for you.

Your angelic character, your gentle smile, your passionate kisses just inspire me.

There is something that is so pleasant for me to do - close my eyes and think of you ...

Love is not ICQ or Vkontakte... it is somewhere in the heart...

You are my best reward, I am very glad to love you! My gift to you is my heart, I ask for one thing - do not break it!

The light was turned off in the heart, and there is no comfort in the soul! What happened with me? I answer: I miss you a lot!

After all, you can not fall in love with the ideal.

I've been around for so long, but I just noticed her now...

They say that the swan has a law: the beloved dies, and he dies, folds his wings and falls from a blue height. I wish us the same strong love!

I really miss. It's a banal phrase, a simple fact, but I really miss ... Very much.

When love is gone, what remains is an old teddy bear and a rain of tears...

I love you very much! I miss my beloved so much!

A magical land called - you ...

I kiss you very tightly, I hug you very hard, I gently whisper in your ear: I miss you ...

0I miss... Not for flowers-gifts... Not for calls and messages... but for your lively smile, your habits, for you, my most beloved.

I will rent an apartment not to offer a room, in the center of your heart.

Honey, I'll learn to cook for you, I promise. Without you my life is a waiting room.

I love you very much! I want to be a sunbeam to wake you up for work.

When the mountains converge, when the stones begin to speak, that's when I'll forget you, that's when I stop loving!

Beauty does not decide who we love. Love decides who we consider beautiful.

I'm not selfish at all, I just love you very much!

I can't sleep, I want to look at you! It's good that the distance between us is temporary,

Falling in love is when you say goodbye on the phone longer than you talk ...

Love in me, love in you, you know how much I need you! I always want to be with you, because I love only you!

Why love, why suffer ... what would then lose everything?

I love you! I will never forget you, you are always in my thoughts, because I love you forever!

I love you madly, as I think about you, the world around is blooming! Promise yourself to me, that's my big dream!

I love you very much, quite seriously, seven days a week and around the clock!

The sun does not shine through my window, the birds get wet on the path, tears drip from heaven. Well, send me a text!

I got attached to you and miss you, think about you, and dream, maybe I’m tired of you, I don’t know, but I’m just starting to write poetry ...

I really want to be with you now, so that we become one, very loving family!

Remember me please. I'm not asking you to call, write ... just remember me.

I miss your hands that caress me.

I beg you, don't become my past.

Love is stronger than justice. Sting

How to lose weight by the summer, if the darling brings chocolates :)

I feel so good with you, know that I adore you and always miss you!

I can't get you out of my heart!

Love is chemistry... and I don't understand chemistry.

Love does not live, but survives among jealousy, stupidity and pride.

I don’t hide my feelings, and I don’t keep silent about my love for you! You are the best I know! I want to see you soon!

I want to become a snowflake to melt on your tender cheek. I love you very much!

I crave your attention, because without you there is only suffering!

I love you, miss you, my dear! Take me always with you!

I adore you! Dissolve in your arms and stay there all day long and always fall into them!

Fog in my soul, sadness in my heart, I won't get through to you. That number is busy, network failure, should I walk to you?

I love you boy, I love your eyes, I love your name and you!

In your eyes there is sadness and joy, in your eyes there is a dream and weakness, I cannot live without them, I want to see them, to live with them!

You are my favorite, you are only mine, and I will always be with you! I am very glad to be near and admire your look!

My love for you is limitless. I can only tell you - I love you!

I would give you a heart, but it's already yours!

Without you, I sit in sadness, you are far away and do not call, and I miss you madly!

Why is time taking so long? See you for the longest days of my life! I want to see you, hug and kiss you as soon as possible! I miss…

I want to tell the whole world that I don’t have you dearer, that I miss you, I want to see you soon, my love!

I'm not jokingly going crazy when you're not around! I'm cold and very sad, and without you it's completely unbearable!

I really look forward to when we will be together, I love you!

Love makes us stronger, makes us do the impossible...

Let there be one fuss around.

You are all closer and dearer to my heart and soul. Only with you is it easy for me! Although you are far away, I only think about you, because I love you very much!

It's hard for me to put into words I only need you

Put your hand on my heart. Do you hear? Knock, knock, knock Here lives my love.

I love so much that I almost hate, and my heart beats joyfully as soon as I see you!

I love you very much dear! I love you very much!

I want quite a bit just you by my side. Near both body and soul, because I will be happy only with you.

I love you more than life, I can not live without you! I always want to be with you, I can not stop loving you!

I touch your lips in a dream, I remember your smile. I'll get to you alone, I'll keep our love forever.

You need to love your woman. If you want to raise someone, get a dog.

Now we are not together, unfortunately ... I miss you madly, I meet you only in my dreams! You are the best guy without a doubt! I want to kiss you

Every evening I miss you, the world is not nice to me without you! I don’t notice anyone, you just conquered me! - Wishes on the road to a loved one in your own words.

From time immemorial, there has been a custom to say parting words to a person who is going on a journey. They served as a talisman for the traveler, which averted misfortunes and bad people from him. This is due to the fact that in ancient times people quite often disappeared without a trace. After all, they could be attacked by robbers, wild animals. However, in our civilized age, this custom has not lost its relevance. Let's talk about what they usually say on the road.

Wishes for a person on the road

As a rule, there are no clear instructions on what you can wish a person on the road. The main thing is that the words are sincere and come from the heart. In this case, they will really protect the person and nothing bad will happen to him. The phrase “Happy journey!” is considered a universal wish, so you can safely use it regardless of how far a person is going.

What to say if a person goes to look for work?

As in the old days, a person quite often goes looking for a job, most often this is an interview with a future employer. In this case, the person should say the following words:

  • "Let It Work"
  • "May your dreams come true and you can easily get a job"
  • "May Luck Lead You"

Words for those who go on a long journey

If a person had a long journey ahead, then they wished him not only a happy journey. In the old days, at parting, they said the phrase "Good riddance." This expression meant that the path would be easy and the person would quickly reach his destination. However, these days this phrase is considered ironic and is rarely used for fear of being misunderstood. Instead, you can use more modern expressions, for example, "Happily (successfully) get there."

There is also a custom to sit on the road. It was believed that then the path would be easy and without unpleasant adventures. Modern psychologists explain this rite by the fact that a person is given time to think about his trip and decide whether to go on it. Also in these seconds, the brain determines the main goals of the trip and looks for ways to bring them to life, because it is in a kind of stressful situation, so all processes go faster.

Wishes on the road to motorists and travelers

It is very important for motorists that the road is successful. In this case, they can say the following phrases:

  • "Green Road"
  • "Green light"
  • "So that the spare tire is not useful"
  • "Neither a nail nor a wand"

If a person goes on vacation or on a business trip by train, then you can wish him "Beautiful scenery outside the window." If a steamboat, a yacht or a boat will act as a transport, then in this case it would be appropriate to say: "So that it does not get sick", "Fair wind". As a universal phrase, you can advise "Happily arrive."

For those who travel by air, you can say "Take care of yourself" or "God bless you!". It is not worth thinking about the bad before a person leaves, because thoughts are material and you can thus invite trouble. It is best to draw joyful pictures of meeting a person from a trip in your imagination. In this case, everything will go well. You can also read a cheerful rhyme to a departing person:

  • I wish you before the long road
  • Wake up in the dawn of all forces.
  • To make the trip seem like a raspberry
  • To make the whole world seem nice.

These words will cheer you up, and the traveler will set off on the road with a light heart. You can compose your own poems, a person will be pleased, and he will not forget such a farewell. Now you know what you want on the road, and you can put your knowledge into practice.

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