Educational quiz game “Music box. Music Box Games Spot the Difference Music Box


MBUDO "Monastyrschinskaya Children's Art School"

for students in grades 1-2.

Teacher of theoretical disciplines Korbukova

Irina Anatolievna


Quiz game "Music box"

for students in grades 1-3.

The music box quiz game is played in the form of a question and answer game. There are 2 teams of 10 students each who study listening to music and musical literature at the Children's School of Art.
The event is held in the presence of spectators. To conduct a quiz, you need audio recordings of popular musical works, a laptop, students are invited to perform during musical breaks between rounds of the quiz.Target: Expansion of students' knowledge in the field of musical culture by means of gaming technologies.

1. Creation of conditions for the development of musical creative abilities.
2. Increasing motivation for learning, development of curiosity.
3. Creation of conditions for collective creativity.
Props: casket.

Game progress. Leading:
Hello guys. I am glad to see you at the musical educational program "Music Box". Tell me, what do you see in my hands now?
The children answer.
Casket, casket for all sorts of different things.
It is not a box, much less a chest.
Casket, casket today we need.
So, friends, the attention game begins.
Guys, the music box has prepared a lot of interesting tasks and surprises for us. Let's play? So attention, I open the box and take out the first task.
The presenter takes out a piece of paper with the image "?" 1. The contest Musical riddles is announced.
You will take it in your hands
You will stretch, then you will squeeze!
loud, elegant,
Russian, two-row.
Will play, just touch,
What is her name?

Three strings, plays loudly
That tool is a "cocked hat".
Quickly find out
What is this?

It's easy to go hiking with me,
Fun on the road with me
And I'm a screamer, and I'm a brawler,
I am sonorous, round...
I stand on three legs
Legs in black boots.
White teeth, pedal.
What is my name? ...
As if the girl sang
And the room seemed to light up.
The melody glides so flexibly.
Everything is quiet: playing ...
And what are these miracles? We hear voices in the forest
The guys sit by the fire, sing and look at her.
To make it suddenly sound, pluck the string for a start.
And there are seven or six strings, we cannot count its merits.
It is easy to sing to everyone under it, tell me, what is its name?

Well done guys, they did a great job. Let's see what else the box has prepared for us.The presenter takes out a sheet with the image of a button accordion from the box. 2.Musical instruments.

Guys, do you know that all musical instruments have voices. Let's listen to them.

So question. What instrument sounds.? Instruments sound: accordion, balalaika, drum, piano, violin, guitar. Participants guess the instruments.

Well done guys, you did a great job. Let's see what else the box has prepared for us.
The host takes a note out of the box.
What is the name of this item?
Children answer: note.
Guys, what are the notes for?
3. The next competition is called “Guess the melody”.
Now the works will be performed, and you must name them correctly.
1. Mozart Symphony No. 40,1h
2. Mozart "Little Night Serenade", 1 hour
3. Beethoven Symphony No. 5.1h
4. Boccherini Minuet
5. Tchaikovsky's Dance of the Little Swans
6. Schubert Music moment, F minor
7. Bach Joke

We thank all participants and continue the game.
4. "Musical pause".
Our box is full of surprises. Let's see what awaits us.
The presenter takes out a musical pause from the box.
We have already seen this sign. Guys what is it called. That's right, it's a musical break. Now it's time for a musical break.

Music pause. "Polish song" is performed by a student of the 1st grade of the piano department Antonenkova Polina and a teacher. Korbukova I.A.

Again, the box is calling us, what awaits us this time.The presenter opens the box and takes out a question mark ..

5. Competition "Musical Signs".

Guess what these musical signs are.
The host takes turns showing musical signs: a bass clef, a pause, two combined notes, a sharp, a flat. Bass clef. This key is used by instruments with a low sound: cello, bassoon and others. Vocal music for men is also written in the bass key.
Pause - a break in the sound of music, indicated by a special sign expressing the duration of this break.
Note - designation of the sound of a musical work.
Sharp is a sign that raises a note by a semitone.
Flat - a sign that lowers a note by a semitone.

6. Competition "Find the "extra" word"

Leading. Words are written on the board, find the odd one.

1. Violin, trumpet, guitar, balalaika. (Pipe)

2. Bow, strings, conductor's baton, keys. (Strings, since the rest of the items are made of wood).

Well done guys, you did a great job. Let's see what else the box has prepared for us.

The presenter takes out a musical puzzle card from the box.

7. Competition "To the best connoisseur of music"

Host: And now in 10 minutes you need to come up with as many words as possible in which there is at least one note. Whoever comes up with the most words wins.

8.. "Surprise" Something our box got bored. Maybe there is another surprise there? The host takes out candy from the box. That's a surprise, I think the guys have earned it. They solved all the riddles, the box and I was pleased.Host distributes candy .
Our musical game has come to an end. Goodbye, see you again.

How to increase interest in knowledge in our age? How to instill in children the desire to know more and more? These questions, undoubtedly, excite every teacher. It is gratifying that interesting programs for the development of the mind began to appear on television, but they are not enough. That is why I think that it is necessary, using various forms, to play erudite. I would like to see our students smart and witty guys. Let them show their talent and their knowledge in the field of music.

“Her Majesty Game!” - respectfully says an outstanding Russian teacher, a talented developer of the theory of game pedagogy, Professor Stal Anatolyevich Shmak, characterizing it as a “perpetual motion machine” of creativity, a source of self-knowledge, self-expression, saw in the game a kind of “field of miracles”, on which the methodology for the effective organization of children's leisure and education.

This is not the first time the musical game has been held in our school. It can be carried out during the school subject decade, at the end of the topic of the semester or year. In this article, I offer an example of a musical game “ Antique box” on the theme “ Music around” for 7th grade students.

Goals and objectives:

  • Expand ideas about musical instruments, songs, composers;
  • encourage students to independently acquire knowledge in the field of music; help to show their own erudition and ingenuity, as well as creative abilities;
  • to promote the formation of the spiritual culture of schoolchildren, the upbringing of the communicative qualities of the individual;
  • formation of leadership qualities, organizational skills, mastering the roles of a presenter, assistant, jury member, etc.;

Plan - lesson summary

Lesson topic Lesson-game “Music box”.
Methodical goal

Demonstration of non-traditional methods of summarizing the material for the school course of the subject "Music".

educational goals

Systematize, consolidate and test students' knowledge of the school music course.

Development goals

To consolidate the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the educational game "Music Box".

Give students the opportunity to show their creativity in the game.

Arouse interest in the subject and show the inextricable connection between music and literature.

educational goals - Learn to think creatively and logically.

To expand the area of ​​knowledge of students in the subject.

To promote the unity of students through fair play, to instill respect for the opponent.

Lesson type Repetitive-generalizing.
Teaching methods

Story, independent work, quiz game, “Field of Miracles”, loto, “musical guess”, “Brain Ring”.

Lesson organization forms Individual, group.
Assimilation levels II, III
Interdisciplinary communication Mathematics, history, geography, literature.

ASSIGNMENT: If you were a composer, what musical means would you use to compose music based on Khlebnikov's verses.

Read a poem by Velimir Khlebnikov.

If you were a composer, what intonations would you use in your music? Why?

What symbolism do you guess in the text, what musical form would you choose, why?

Describe in more detail the intonation development of your musical image, dramaturgy, explain the instrumentation, etc.

Which artistic and life associations do you have while reading this poem?

Clouds floated and sobbed
Above the high distances,
Clouds of the canopy were thrown
Over sad distances.
Clouds of the canopy dropped
Over the sad distances far ...
Clouds floated and sobbed
Above high distances.

Positions for assessment

  • Analysis, Reasoning, Argumentation 2 points
  • Structural design (sense of the whole) Compositional skills. Variety of detailed development 2 points
  • author's reading, originality, metaphorical utterance (text to text) 4 points

Each characteristic is marked on a two-point system: 0, 1, 2

The absolute number of points for this indicator : 12.

Standard - REFERENCE:

When I read this poem, I feel sadness. It's like a lullaby and a bit like a prayer. The words are like bright tears flowing down, enveloping. I was interested in the word clouds. I had not heard this before and the question arose: “Why didn’t Khlebnikov write clouds, but clouds?” It reminded me; coastline, goddesses, princesses, nuns. I recalled the images of Princess Olga, Yaroslavna, her weeping in the opera Prince Igor.

When I peered into the poem, into its construction, I saw that it was mirrored and resembled a circle. It's like a guardian around the earth, woven from the prayers of the great saints, they mourn our sinful earth and try to protect it from destruction.

If I were a composer, I would use lullaby intonations, a monotonous melody, a string group of a symphony orchestra, a female choir, but not with these words, but with a prayer, or maybe vocalization. The form is either one-part or rondo, it can also be three-part, but it is imperative that the music “round off” and melt into space. And if I had drawn, then in cloudy silhouettes I would have entered the icons and the face of my grandmother, because she was a saint.


1. Organizational stage.

Teacher: Hello guys! Sit down. I see that you are in a good mood, everyone is ready for the lesson and we can start our lesson. Today, for us, it is not quite ordinary. The fact is that today we have the opportunity to dream and make our dreams come true.

Each of you, probably, dreamed of becoming a member of some popular television game. So today your dreams become reality. In the lesson, each of you will become a participant in several programs at once. All that is required of you is that you be attentive.

So, welcome to the Music Box game!

Since this game takes place as part of the “Music” lesson, I think you guessed that you and I will need everything related to music, all the baggage of knowledge and skills that you acquired in the “Music” lessons.

2. Rules of the game.

Actors: presenter, team of "experts", team of "viewers". The teacher acts as a leader, selects a team of "experts" (5-6 people), the rest of the students act as "viewers", participate in the game and comment on the questions. Students who have independently prepared questions included in the game also take places among the “viewers”.

Host's opening remarks: Once one of the outstanding guitarists of the last century compared musical instruments with islands in the ocean of music. He considered the guitar his island. I will be happy if our today's meeting will help you not only to navigate well in this sea and islands, but also to find your island in the ocean of sounds.

And now I will ask the team of connoisseurs to take their places at the gaming table.

(Music background))

Moderator: Dear experts, I remind you that 12 envelopes with questions from our “viewers” ​​are laid out on the playing field. For one correct answer, the team receives 1 point. The score goes up to 6 points. Choose a team captain.

So let's start the game!

(Musical intro, which will continue to sound before each tour. The team captain spins the top and selects one of the envelopes).

First tour.

Question and answer song. Presented musical questions. The main thing is that the answer should also be from the song.

  1. Where did the circus go?
  2. When will spring come?
  3. Where does the Motherland begin?
  4. When will we leave the schoolyard?
  5. Where was it? When it was?

Second round.

Question: What musical instrument was made by a family of Italian craftsmen named Stradivari?

Answer: Violin.

Third round.

“Figures” - a task to animate the form.

2 figurines imitating people are offered. One - with a raised head, the second - with a lowered.

The figurines are placed facing each other.

Question: What happens to them?

  • No explanation – 0 points
  • Statement: one looks up, the other looks down. – 1 point
  • The minimum reading of the poses of the figures as human relationships: offended by one another, quarreled -2 ​​points.

Fourth round.

Find out the song by the description.

According to the proposed description, the team, filling out their card, answers with answers numbered 1, 2, etc.

1 “If long, long, long….”

2 "Little country".

3 “Now I am Cheburashka…”

4 “The boy wants to go to Tambov…”

5 “There was a birch in the field…”

6 “And I will enter the water…”

Fifth round.

Sixth round.

“Brave Tailors”

On the material of an English song translated by two authors Chukovsky and Marshak + 2 musical fragments (marching and song, arpeggiated forms of movement) + 3 graphic drawings-symbols:

Task: Answer, what music and what picture corresponds to each of the poems? (one picture is missing here)

Seventh round.

Host: Attention! Bring in the black box! (The “black box” is brought in to the music. It contains the following items: a comb, tissue paper, a tin can, a few peas, 2 pot lids, 2 wooden spoons). Dear connoisseurs, you need to build home-made musical instruments within 1 minute and demonstrate the sound of an “orchestra”.

Answer: connoisseurs demonstrate the sound of an "orchestra" - spoons, rattles, cymbals, harmonica.

Eighth round.

Ninth round.

Host: In one minute, you need to enter in the frames the names of the musical instruments played by the heroes of books and fairy tales.

Answer: Orpheus played the cithara, Lel played the flute, Bayan and Sadko played the harp, Sherlock Holmes played

Tenth round.

The task is to test empathy, the mechanism for turning on aesthetic perception, revitalizing the form through emotional and figurative meaning.

1. Cubes - to animate an abstract form, giving it a character by analogy with a person. The task is carried out in the form of a game with substitutions:

“There is one large cube, and a small one is towards it. What each of them said. Talk for them. What can they talk about?

Evaluation: the ability to take into account the peculiarities of the shape of the cubes, (long - oblong cylindrical oars - part of the gate, etc.)

  • The ability to animate, speak in appropriate voices. - 1 point.
  • The proximity of substitution and animation to the form of the stimulus - 1 point.
  • A holistic set of qualities - 2 points.

Game educational program "Music box"

Target: Expansion of students' knowledge in the field of musical culture by means of gaming technologies.

1. Creation of conditions for the development of musical creative abilities.
2. Increasing motivation for learning, development of curiosity.
3. Creation of conditions for collective creativity.
Props: box, drawn notes, musical pause, button accordion, question mark, ball.

Game progress.

Against the backdrop of cheerful music, the host enters the stage with a box in his hands.
Hello guys. I am glad to see you at the musical educational program "Music Box". Tell me, what do you see in my hands now?
The children answer.
Casket, casket for all sorts of different things.
It is not a box, much less a chest.
There must be something important in the box,
No wonder the grandmother hides the box and grumbles.
Or maybe the gnomes live there a long time ago,
Or maybe there are carpenters and cut a window to us,
What if a magic castle is there and dancing by candlelight,
And gentlemen with ladies shoes knock.
Or maybe a musician is sitting in a box,
And he looks at the magical world through a crack.
He dragged a piano, a button accordion and a saxophone there,
And he composes music and writes notes.
Casket, casket today we need.
So, friends, the attention game begins.
Guys, the music box has prepared a lot of interesting tasks and surprises for us. Let's play? So attention, I open the box and take out the first task. The host pulls out a question mark.
1. The contest Musical riddles is announced.
You will take it in your hands
You will stretch, then you will squeeze!
loud, elegant,
Russian, two-row.
Will play, just touch,
What is her name?

Three strings, plays loudly
That tool is a "cocked hat".
Quickly find out
What is this?

It's easy to go hiking with me,
Fun on the road with me
And I'm a screamer, and I'm a brawler,
I am sonorous, round...

I stand on three legs
Legs in black boots.
White teeth, pedal.
What is my name? ...

As if the girl sang
And the room seemed to light up.
The melody glides so flexibly.
Everything is quiet: playing ...

And what are these miracles? We hear voices in the forest
The guys sit by the fire, sing and look at her.
To make it suddenly sound, pluck the string for a start.
And there are seven or six strings, we cannot count its merits.
It is easy to sing to everyone under it, tell me, what is its name?
Well done guys, they did a great job. Let's see what else the box has prepared for us. The presenter takes out a sheet with the image of a button accordion from the box.
2.Musical instruments.
Guys, do you know that all musical instruments have voices. Let's listen to them.
The presenter gives to listen to the sounds of different musical instruments, calls them in turn.
In the second task, you must guess the voices of musical instruments. So question. What instrument sounds?
Instruments sound: accordion, balalaika, drum, piano, violin, guitar. Participants guess the instruments.
Well done guys, you did a great job. Let's see what else the box has prepared for us.
The host takes a note out of the box.
What is the name of this item?
Children answer: note.
Guys, what are the notes for?
3. The next competition is called “Guess the melody”.
Now songs from different cartoons and movies will be heard, and you must name them correctly.
1. "Grandma hedgehogs", from the cartoon "Flying Ship";
2. Cartoon "Lost and Found";
3. Feature film "Three Musketeers";
4. Cartoon "Return of the Prodigal Parrot";
5. Cartoon "Masha and the Bear";
6. Cartoon "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin snakes";
7. Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers cartoon.
And again, you have successfully completed the task, well done. Let's take another look at our music box.
The presenter takes out a drawn ball from the box.
4. Musical ball.
The kids sat up, the game came to visit us.
Stand in a circle, guys, hold hands together.
We'll jump a little and clap our hands,
Let's sit on the path, jump on the leg.
Let's shake the neighbor's hand tightly and start playing as soon as possible.
The next game is called Musical Ball. To cheerful music, you pass the ball in a circle. When the music stops, the one who had the ball in his hands goes to the middle of the circle and is waiting for a task that awaits all the losers at the end of the song.
Students guess the tasks of the presenter.
1. What is this musical sign?
(Treble clef)
2. What is the name of the dance that will now sound?
3. Sing two lines of your favorite song.
4. Dance the lady.
5. Name Russian composers.
6. Name the notes in order.

5. Game "Hat".
Again, the box is calling us, what awaits us this time. The presenter opens the box and takes out a hat.
Our hat is not simple, our hat is daring.
Whoever wears it at least once, that hour will know the neighbor's thoughts.
And the one who guesses what these musical signs will put on, whoever guesses first will put on a hat.
The host takes turns showing musical signs: a bass clef, a pause, two combined notes, a sharp, a flat. If the children do not guess the musical signs, the presenter gives an explanation.
Bass clef. This key is used by instruments with a low sound: cello, bassoon and others. Vocal music for men is also written in the bass key.
Pause- a break in the sound of music, indicated by a special sign expressing the duration of this break.
Note- designation of the sound of a musical work.
Sharp is a sign that raises a note by a semitone.
Flat- a sign that lowers a note by a semitone.
The host puts a hat on the winner.
I ask the rest to line up in one line. And I ask the winner to put a hat on any player at will. Now we will know the thoughts of our players.
When the winner puts on his hat, cuts from different pieces of music sound on the players.
We thank all participants and continue the game.

6. Game "Musical pause".
Our box is full of surprises. Let's see what awaits us. The presenter takes out a musical pause from the box.
We have already seen this sign. Guys what is it called. That's right, it's a musical break. Now it's time for a musical break. I invite you to play and dance. Listen carefully to the song and complete the task. Sounds of musical games:
1. Clap, clap, clap.
2. Game for attention.
3. I have one aunt.
Again, the game is coming to us, get into a round dance.
Divide into two circles
Hold hands together.
We walk in a circle to the music, sing a song together.
The first circle from me goes to the left, the circle farthest from me hurries to the right.
As soon as the music stops, the circle farthest from me crouches.
The inner circle does not yawn, but touches the distant with his hand.
Who did not have time to sit down, leaves the game, stands on the sidelines, does not interfere.
The game is played 2 times.
And now the inner circle crouches from me, and the far one stains it.
The game is played 2 times.
Well, the last time we play, we spot the far circle.
Sounds of the song "Chunga-changa"

7. "Surprise" Something our box got bored. Maybe there is another surprise there? The host takes out candy from the box. That's a surprise, I think the guys have earned it. They solved all the riddles, the box and I was pleased. Host distributes candy
It cheers us all up
Music is always good.
We look forward to meeting her.
We need music like air.
Our musical game has come to an end. Goodbye, see you again.

Description of the flash game

Music Box

Music Box of Life 1

The music box opens and fills the room with wonderful music. All this happens in the colorful online game "Music Box". This is a small hidden object puzzle game full of colorful, pleasant and kind illustrations. The main character of the game is a girl who was given a music box. We will observe her history and the history of the box from this game. You need to find differences between the two halves of the image.

In each level, the player will have to find 4 distinctive elements. Click on them and get game points for it. For each click on the wrong places, your points are minus. Tasks are not limited in time, which means that you can play at a relaxed pace, without much haste. In total, there are 15 bright levels in the free online game "Music Box". With each subsequent, the complexity increases, so you have to be more careful and observant twice. Games in this genre are great for adults and children, as well as for leisure.

Natalia Zhideleva
Educational quiz game "Music Box"

Creative educational game - quiz

« Music Box»

The song sounds "Hymn music»

presenter: Hello dear fans music!

We have an unusual day today

We are glad, we are glad to welcome you!

Children gathered for a smart game

It's time for us to start.

Slide « musical family»

In our exciting and educational quiz« Music Box» most musical and creative families. They will reveal their wonderful talents and abilities.

Based on the results of the game, the winners will be determined in the following nominations:

The most erudite

The most artistic

The most singing

Most Creative

The most original family.

Let's get acquainted with our members.

(commands under music takes up space)

It's time познакомиться closer to our members. Now each of the teams will introduce themselves to the audience and the jury.

Greetings from the participating teams

Thank you! Applause to our participants.

Video - video "Where are wizards found?"

What miracles are happening here… Guys, do you believe in miracles?

What about you adults? Would you like to become real wizards? What qualities should wizards have?

Children's answers

(they must be smart, kind, brave, dexterous)

I think you all deserve to become real wizards and I want to invite you to "School of good wizards".

The bell is ringing.

Video - roller "A Lesson in Good Magic"

Sounds magical music. A genie appears from behind the jug.

Oh, most venerable of the most venerable, parents!

Oh, smartest of the smartest, children!

I am Genie, I can fulfill your every wish. I am a famous magician and sorcerer, I can revive objects and even tame animals.

Don't believe? Then look...

Trick with magic pipe and snake

Sending you a gift, oh my most musical, these unusual cards and the image of your favorite musical heroes.

With the help of fantasy, you can revive any of these vivid images! I wish you new meetings and extraordinary discoveries!

Leading. Guys, look what a gift the Genie made us, it is on your tables. Look at the cards and get ready for the first task. (turn cards face up).

Each team will have to determine by ear musical work and name it. After listening musical passage, you must pick up the card that matches the character and hero music. All teams can take part in the competition, but only one team will be given the right to answer.

(each team determines one piece of music)

Video "The Lesson of Vasilisa the Wise"

Hello, good fellows and red girls!

Bow to you from me - Vasilisa - wise. In our Far Far Away Kingdom full - full of miracles and curiosities different: and the stove is self-propelled, and the tablecloth is a self-assembly, and the harp is samogudy. Yes, and in my chest there are also a lot of fairy-tale gizmos. I decided to please and amuse you. Accept this chest as a gift. Only now it will be revealed to those who show their ingenuity. Read good fairy tales to your mind - gain your mind! Good health to all!

Leading. I wonder what is stored inside this fabulous chest? (I take off the cover). To open it, we need to show our ingenuity and answer the questions of Vasilisa the Wise. Choose the correct one from the three possible answers. You are ready?

1. How many times did the boastful Kolobok manage to sing his song in a Russian folk tale?


Four times,

Three times.

2. What instrument played papa carlo in a fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio"?

On a violin,

On guitar,

On the hurdy-gurdy

3. Which animal is in "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" sang a Russian folk song "In the garden, in the garden"?

4. On which Emelya played a musical instrument to make the Princess laugh - Nesmeyana?

On the button accordion

On the harp

On the balalaika

5. What is the name of the fairy tale in which the ensemble of animals - musicians gave concerts in different cities?

Parisian musicians

Bremen musicians

Viennese musicians

Leading. Well done! You gave the correct answers to all the questions of Vasilisa the Wise. This means you can open the chest and show those fabulous things that are stored in it.

game task "From what fairy tale subject"

(music in the background)

In turn, representatives from each team will pull out a thing by touch and determine from which fairy tale it is.

(players draw Puss in Boots hat, Pinocchio's Key, Swineherd's Pot, Sleeping Beauty's spindle, Princess Frog's arrow)

I propose to relax, but not to be bored, but to try your hand at designing fabulous buildings.

Building from a large lego - designer

Video "Fairytale Painting Lesson"

Hello to you all, my family,

Both small and big!

I am the sorceress Spring!

Zelenooka, cheerful,

fairy and beauty

I brought nature

Something that everyone will like

Greens - leaves,

You are warm

Colors to make everything bloom!

Friends! I love to draw and I want to give you a picturesque gift - this wonderful mosaic. From it you can add images of famous paintings by the great Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov. And when you fold the mosaic, do not forget to correctly name these wonderful paintings.

I wish you success and sunny mood!

Leading. Guys, do you want to make a Spring Fairy mosaic?

Representatives from each team draw out an envelope. While it sounds music, you need to fold the image of one of the fabulous paintings (children fold pictures from puzzles "Three heroes", "Alyonushka", "Sleeping Princess").

Video - roller

Lesson "Secrets for Cinderella"

Hello, friends! You recognized me? I am the Page from the fairy tale of Charles Perrault "Cinderella", helper of the good fairy.

I'm not a magician yet, but I'm just learning. But friendship helps us to perform real miracles. Our dear Cinderella really wants to go to the royal ball, but she worries that she knows so little about dancing. Help her learn all the secrets of the dance art. You can read questions from Cinderella on this fan. (shows)

Thank you for your help, friends! (makes a curtsey)

Leading. Guys! Are you willing to help Cinderella? Then listen (fan opens) You have to choose one correct answer out of three possible answers. A question for the Kindergarten team...

1. With the movements of which dance can you rub the floor to a shine?


2. Which dance is the most ancient mass dance?

round dance

3. Which composer wrote music for ballets"Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcracker"?



4. What kind of dance has a name consonant with one of the insects?




5. Name the fruit dance of all sailors




6. Which of these words is not a dance?

gypsy girl

7. A very simple well-known and beloved dance "little quacking birds"

Dance of little ducks

Dance of the Little Goslings

Dance of the little swans

8. What item does not belong to a ballerina?


Video - video "Merry Orchestra Lesson"

Sounds like Mozart music, the maestro conducts.

Hello young gentlemen musicians and dear parents!

I am the master of wonderful sounds and enchanting melodies - the Great Maestro and conductor Amadeus! And here is my magic conductor's baton. I know that you love and know how play musical instruments. I want to give you this wand as a gift. Show Your Skills Together play in the orchestra and feel the character and rhythm music.

I want you to be real musicians and make people happy with their work. Good luck and inspiration!

Leading. Maestro Amadeus gave us this conductor's baton. In the next competition, each player will become musician. And his team is an orchestra. Representatives of each team draw the name of that musical genre, under which you will need play instruments.

And now you have to choose musical instruments. So, we will listen to a polka, a march, a song, a dance, a waltz.

Contest "Jolly Orchestra"

The leader rings the bell. So the last lesson at the School of Good Wizards came to an end. you learned here much: bring objects to life and create pictures, understand folk wisdom and language music. Who do you think is the greatest wizard in the world?

The kindest and most affectionate, this wizard is always with us, and he will raise our mood and fulfill our desires ...

(children answer)

Our mothers are the most important good wizards. And they are also the most talented. Now we can verify this.

Contest "Homework"

Summing up the results of the competition, awarding the best family teams

Leading. summed up, game over

Families will remember everything, I think she

WITH music is easier for us to live, grief is not a problem with her

May she always accompany us in life!

Song "Hymn music»

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