Truth and beauty have always made up. "Condemnation of vulgarity and spiritual callousness in the stories of Anton Chekhov


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“Truth and beauty have always been the main thing in human life…” : philosophical problems of A.P. Chekhov "Student". The meaning of gospel themes and images in the work.

What kind of whiner am I? What kind of pessimist am I?
After all, of my things, my favorite story is “Student” ...
A.P. Chekhov

Target: disclosure of philosophical problems and the meaning of gospel themes and images in the story of A.P. Chekhov "Student".


  • determine the functions of the landscape in the story;
  • consider the character system;
  • reveal the meaning of the gospel story as a philosophical and compositional core of the story;
  • to identify the relevance of the problems of the story "Student".

Students should be able to:

  • perform a textual analysis of a work of a small genre form;
  • reveal the meaning of gospel themes and images in the work;
  • to identify the relevance of the philosophical problems of a work of classical literature.

Equipment: texts of A.P. Chekhov's story "Student", audio recordings of music by Albinoni, V.-A. Mozart (an excerpt from "Requiem"), V. Butusov's song "I dreamed that Christ was risen ...", A. Men's book "Son of Man", printouts with quotes by V.-A. Mozart, Saadi, A.S. Pushkin, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.A. Blok.



Introduction by the teacher.

In the last lesson, we characterized the main features of the prose of A.P. Chekhov, whose work became a kind of final page in the development of Russian classics of the 19th century. You know that he dreamed of writing a novel, but he entered the history of our literature as a master of the small genre. Please remember what is the originality of Chekhov's solution of the moral and philosophical problems that worried his great contemporaries - N.S. Leskova, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy.

(On the pages of Chekhov's works there is no detailed presentation of his philosophical views and lengthy philosophical monologues and dialogues of characters (as, for example, in Tolstoy and Dostoevsky). The philosophical problems of his works seem to "grow" out of everyday realities).

Right! We will meet a similar phenomenon in the story "Student", which we have to study today. The story "Student" was chosen by us for study, not least because Chekhov himself considered it one of the best in his work. This is evidenced by the confession of the writer himself, taken as an epigraph to the lesson.


For the title of the topic of the lesson, lines from the story itself are taken: “Truth and beauty have always been the main thing in human life ...” Philosophical problems of the story by A.P. Chekhov "Student". The meaning of gospel themes and images in the work.

SLIDE 3Now look at slide 3, where there are several pictures and texts at once.CNow I will comment on the content of the slide, and you, based on the topic of the lesson and the content of the slide, formulate the main questions that we have to answer during the lesson.

So the slide shows Firstly, words by A.P. Chekhov, taken by us as an epigraph. According to the memoirs of Ivan Bunin, A.P. Chekhov replied: “What kind of whiner am I? What kind of pessimist am I? Indeed, of my things, my favorite story is “Student” ... ”.

Secondly , you see a photo of the painting "The Denial of the Apostle Peter" by the Danish artist Karl Bloch, who lived in the 19th century and below those words from chapter 26 of the Gospelfrom Matthew, which this picture illustrates:“After a little while, those standing there came up and said to Peter: Surely you are one of them, for your speech also reproves you. Then he began to swear and swear that he did not know This Man. And suddenly a rooster crowed. And Peter remembered the word that Jesus had spoken to him: Before the cock crows, you will deny me three times. And going out, weeping bitterly. These words are also quoted by the hero of the story "Student".

Finally , the most unexpected images and texts - a photo of the album "Wings" (1995) by the group "Nautilus Pompilius" and V. Butusov, as well as the beginning of the song "I dreamed that Christ is risen, And he is alive, like me and you."

So, I repeat: based on the topic of the lesson and the content of the slide, formulate the main questions that we have to answer during the lesson.

Possible student responses.

1) why exactly the story “Student” by A.P. Chekhov called favorite? 2) what philosophical problems did he raise here? 3) what role does the gospel story about the denial of the Apostle Peter play in the disclosure of this problem? 4) finally, how does the story “Student”, written at the end of the 19th century, relate to us living in the 21st century? what is its relevance?

Thank you!

SLIDE 4. So, the purpose of our lesson- starting from the particular - from specific everyday situations depicted by A.P. Chekhov in the story "Student" - to determine its main philosophical issues, revealing the meaning of the gospel story about the denial of the Apostle Peter in the structure of the work.

Making sense

Let us turn to the text of the story, which opens with a description of the landscape : “The weather at first was good, quiet. The thrushes were crying, and something living in the swamps nearby hummed plaintively, just blowing into an empty bottle. He held out one woodcock, and a shot was fired at him in the spring air bouncy and fun. But when it grew dark in the forest, a cold piercing wind blew inopportunely from the east, everything was silent. Ice needles stretched through the puddles, and it became uncomfortable, deaf and unsociable in the forest.. It smelled like winter."

What is the nature of this landscape, on what principle is it built?

(The landscape that opens the story is internally contrasting, its description is based on the collision of two principles, two elements).

What forcescollide, fight?

(Good and evil, cold and heat, light and darkness collide. The fragile harmony of a quiet spring evening is violated by the intervention of the forces of evil, which temporarily gain victory).

What day does the story take place?(The action takes place on Good Friday, the eve of Easter).

What is significant about this day? SLIDE 5.

(In the life of Orthodox believers, this is the only day of its kind in terms of its degree of tragedy - the day when e gave and before A torment, they crucified the Savior - Jesus Christ. The peculiarity of divine services in the temple on this day, filled with special sorrow for the crucified Savior, is such that Christians should spend most of the time in the temple - only there and only in this way, praying and grieving with the whole parish, the whole Orthodox world, can one overcome evil and death, gaining exceptional strength on this terrible day).

Who is the main character of the story Ivan by origin, lifestyle, upbringing and education? SLIDE 6, 7

(The main character of the story is Ivan Velikopolsky, a student of the Theological Academy, the son of a deacon, i.e. he belongs to the clergy, is closely connected with the foundations of church life and should be perfectly aware of the essence of the events of Good Friday ...)

And what? How does he behave on this day and how can one regard his act? SLIDE 6, 7

“Ivan Velikopolsky, a student of the Theological Academy, the son of a deacon, returning home from a draft, walked all the time along the path along the flood meadow. His fingers stiffened, and his face flared up from the wind.

(Ivan returns home not from the church, but from the forest, not from the cathedral service and prayer (in which he is simply obliged to participate), but from the hunt ... By his act - going hunting - he renounces both Christ and his Christian brothers ).

What is Ivan's state of mind and how can it be motivated?

"He thought that this the sudden onset of cold violated the order and harmony in everything, that nature itself is terrifying, and therefore the evening darkness thickened faster than necessary. All around it was deserted and somehow especially gloomy.. Only in the widow's gardens near the river did the fire glow; far away around and where there was a village, about four miles away, everything was completely buried in the cold evening mist..

(It is hard for him, sad, uncomfortable, he is depressed and seized with a gloomy mood, because, apparently, the voice of conscience haunts him ... He feels that he acted immorally ...)


Let's read what the hero is thinking about? What is the essence of these thoughts? Note that his thoughts move from the particular (everyday) to the general (global, eternal):“The student remembered that when he left home, his mother, sitting on the floor in the hallway, barefoot, was cleaning the samovar, and his father was lying on the stove and coughing; On the occasion of Good Friday, nothing was cooked at home, and I was agonizingly hungry. And now, shrugging from the cold, the student thought that exactly the same wind blew under Rurik, and under Ivan the Terrible, and under Peter, and that under them there was exactly the same severe poverty, hunger, the same leaky thatched roofs, ignorance, melancholy, the same desert all around, darkness, a feeling of oppression - all these horrors were, are and will be, and because another thousand years pass, life will not get better. And he didn't want to go home. SLIDE 9

(The student reflects on the loneliness and defenselessness of a person in the face of darkness and cold, and the hero is convinced that evil is ineradicable, eternal, omnipresent. There is no justice and goodness in the world - this discovery literally chills his heart. Ivan's thoughts surprisingly resemble the thoughts of another student - Rodion Raskolnikov).

However, in the ocean of cold haze, the light of a fire glimmered. This fire is visible from afar.SLIDE 10

A. Fet "A fire blazes in the forest with a bright sun ... "At one of the lessons devoted to the poetry of A.A. Fet, we analyzed his poem “A bonfire blazes with the bright sun in the forest ...” and talked about how significant and multifaceted images of a bonfire, a burning candle, and light in the window are in literature. The fire should warm and enlighten the soul of a tired and confused person... Will a miracle happen? Let's go to the fire together with Ivan and look into the faces of women.


By what principle do the portrait characteristics of the widow Vasilisa and her daughter Lukerya correlate? " The gardens were called widow's because they were kept by two widows, a mother and a daughter. The fire burned hot, crackling, illuminating the plowed land far around. The widow Vasilisa, a tall, plump old woman in a man's sheepskin coat, stood beside her and gazed thoughtfully at the fire; her daughter Lukerya, small, pockmarked, with a silly face, sat on the ground and washed the cauldron and spoons ... Vasilisa, an experienced woman who once served with the masters as mothers, and then as nannies, expressed herself delicately, and did not leave her face all the time soft, sedate smile; her daughter Lukerya, a village woman, downtrodden by her husband, only squinted at the student and was silent, and her expression was strange, like that of a deaf-mute. .

(In describing the appearance of two women, the author uses the same principle of contrast, but behind the external opposition there is a deep inner unity of these images, due to some common spiritual basis: both women are Orthodox believers and literally understand Ivan, who remembered the Apostle Peter, literally from a half-word).

What gospel story and in connection with what did Ivan remember?

SLIDE 11Renunciation of the Apostle Peter

“In the same way, on a cold night, the Apostle Peter warmed himself by the fire,” said the student, stretching out his hands to the fire. So it was cold back then. Oh, what a terrible night it was, grandmother! Extremely dull, long night!”

(He remembered the story of the denial of the Apostle Peter, apparently because, consciously or unconsciously, he identifies himself with Peter. This story corresponds to his state of mind and behavior).

He looked around at the darkness, shook his head convulsively and asked:

- Probably, was on twelve gospels?

“I was,” Vasilisa answered.

– If you remember, during the Last Supper, Peter said to Jesus: “With you I am ready both for prison and for death.” And the Lord answered him: “I tell you, Peter, today the nooses, that is, the rooster, will not sing, how will you deny three times that you do not know me.” After the supper, Jesus mortally yearned in the garden and prayed, but poor Peter was weary of soul, weakened, his eyelids became heavy, and he could not overcome sleep in any way. Slept. Then, you heard, Judas kissed Jesus that same night and handed him over to his torturers. They led him bound to the high priest and beat him, and Peter, exhausted, tormented by longing and anxiety, you know, not getting enough sleep, foreseeing that something terrible was about to happen on earth, followed ... He passionately, without memory, loved Jesus , and now I saw from a distance how they beat him ... "


The student asks about the 12 Gospels, and the women understand perfectly what is being said. On Good Thursday - on the eve of Good Friday - 12 passages selected from 4 Gospels are read, which tell about the last hours of the Savior's earthly life. Let us turn to the pages of the book of the priest Alexander Men "The Son of Man" and read an excerpt from the 16th chapter "Night in Gethsemane". Here we are told about the prayer of the Savior in the Garden of Gethsemane, where He liked to retire for prayer. The Lord prayed fervently on the eve of his sufferings on the cross.

Let's listen to reading passages about these events. . Annex 1 .

SLIDES 14-21

SLIDE 21 Kiss Judas. Ilya Glazunov.

Let us return to the text of Chekhov's Student, to the episode in which Peter's abdication is spoken of. Beloved student renounces the teacher three times, whom he loves "passionately, without memory ..."

SLIDE 22 Renunciation of the Apostle Peter

“They came to the high priest,” he continued, “they began to interrogate Jesus, and meanwhile the workers lit a fire in the courtyard, because it was cold, and warmed themselves. With them, Peter stood by the fire and also warmed himself, as I am now. One woman, seeing him, said: “And this one was with Jesus,” that is, that he, they say, should be taken to interrogation. And all the workers that were near the fire must have looked at him suspiciously and sternly, because he was embarrassed and said: "I don't know him." A little later, again, someone recognized him as one of the disciples of Jesus and said: "You are one of them." But he again denied. And for the third time someone turned to him: “Isn’t it you that I saw with him in the garden today?” He recanted for the third time. And after this time, the rooster immediately crowed, and Peter, looking at Jesus from a distance, remembered the words that he had said to him at the supper ... He remembered, woke up, went out of the courtyard and wept bitterly and bitterly. The gospel says: "And he went out, weeping bitterly." I imagine: a quiet, quiet, dark, dark garden, and muffled sobs are barely heard in the silence ... The student sighed and thought.

What is the reaction of women to the retelling of an episode well known to them?

“Continuing to smile, Vasilisa suddenly sobbed, tears, large, abundant, flowed down her cheeks, and she shielded her face from the fire with her sleeve, as if ashamed of her tears, and Lukerya, looking motionlessly at the student, blushed, and her expression became heavy. , tense, like a person who is holding back severe pain. (Vasilisa is crying, and Lukerya's face is contorted in pain).

How does Ivan and the women feel about Peter?

(Events that occurred 19 centuries ago are perceived by them as today. This is not a Christian myth or legend, as it is fashionable to say now. Peter for believers, true Christians is by no means a fictional character, but a real person - a living, sinful, worthy of compassion. This is the same neighbor whom Jesus commanded to love. Chekhov's heroines live in complete harmony with the teachings of Christ. Vasilisa cries with Peter, as if sympathizing with his fate, sympathizing with his grief, sharing his moral torment and repentance).


Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy - M.M. dunaev- spoke about the heroes of Chekhov's story: “Women listening to a student undoubtedly experience what is being told in their souls, and thus empathize with his mental anguish. And the student realized that through this experience, an invisible unity of souls in Christ is accomplished, which only can resist sin and despondency... The experience of the betrayal of the Apostle Peter as one's own helps the student to purify his soul - and to understand life in a different way. SLIDE 24(quotes by I.N. Sukhikh and G.M. Fridlender).

Let's turn to the text and find confirmation of the words professors M. M. Dunaeva:

“Now the student was thinking about Vasilisa: if she cried, then everything that happened that terrible night with Peter had something to do with her ...

He looked back. A lone fire quietly blinked in the darkness, and no one could be seen near it anymore. The student again thought that if Vasilisa began to cry, and her daughter became embarrassed, then, obviously, what he had just told about, what happened nineteen centuries ago, had to do with the present - with both women and, probably, with this deserted village, to himself, to all people. If the old woman began to cry, it was not because he knew how to tell a touching story, but because Peter was close to her, and because she was interested with all her being in what was happening in Peter's soul.

SLIDE 25 Album gr. "Nautilus Pompilius" "WINGS" (1995)

101 years after the appearance of Chekhov's "Student", the group "Nautilus Pompilius" released the album "Wings" (1995), which included the song "I dreamed that Christ was risen ..." Let's listen to a song based on Ilya Kormiltsev's verses and think about how the experiences of its hero are similar to those of Chekhov's heroes? Annex 2 .

While the song is playing, SLIDES 26-29

Song message sounds“I dreamed that Christ was risen…”. Annex 2.

Thank you for message! I hope everyone felt the inner similarity between the experiences of Chekhov's student and the hero of the song, V. Butusov. However, there is undoubtedly a significant difference, especially regarding the finale of these two works.

SLIDE 30What is the mood of the finale of the story?

“And when he crossed the river on a ferry and then, climbing the mountain, looked at his native village and to the west, where a cold crimson dawn shone in a narrow strip, he thought that the truth and beauty that guided human life there, in the garden and in the courtyard of the high priest, have continued uninterruptedly to this day and, apparently, have always been the main thing in human life and in general on earth; and a feeling of youth, health, strength - he was only 22 years old - and an inexpressibly sweet expectation of happiness, unknown, mysterious happiness took possession of him little by little, and life seemed to him delightful, wonderful and full of lofty meaning.

How and why did Ivan's mood change? What truth did he discover for himself?


Let's read:“And joy suddenly stirred in his soul, and he even stopped for a minute to take a breath. The past, he thought, was connected with the present by an uninterrupted chain of events that flowed one from the other. And it seemed to him that he had just seen both ends of this chain: he touched one end, as the other trembled.

(Communication with ordinary Russian women, sparks of their spiritual warmth, faith and understanding warmed the soul of a student who realized that he was not alone. The world, which seemed to him “orphan” and “deserted” (like Butusov’s hero), suddenly found harmony, a feeling appeared He was suddenly struck by another important and wise thought that everything in life is connected, nothing disappears without a trace, everything has its own deep meaning, and this connection of times is based on faith, goodness and love, capable of conquering death and evil).

SLIDES 32-33


At this stage of the lesson, the final word of the teacher sounds, generalization and systematization of observations and knowledge obtained during the discussion of the story and viewing an excerpt from the documentary “Apostle Peter”, assessment of these observations and knowledge, understanding and assimilation of the information received. The result should be the completion of each student's "double diaries" . SLIDES 35-36

Final word from the teacher.

SLIDE 34. I will quote a literary criticGeorgy MikhailovichFriedlander:“The story told by Chekhov's hero is a story about a village man like them, a simple fisherman ... Just like a Chekhov student and his listeners, the gospel Peter was well aware of the cold, homelessness, material deprivation, he warmed himself by a simple fire along with others the poor. … in the moment of an unexpected test, Peter could not cope with fear for himself and his life, he was frightened - and this forced him to renounce his Teacher. But a man of great weakness, Peter, according to the testimony of the Gospel, became a man of great strength, he overcame fear and courageously preached the word of the Teacher. I will add to these words that the Apostle Peter after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ began to courageously preach the Christian faith, despite the persecution of the persecutors and enemies of Christianity. Subsequently, he was crucified, like Christ.


So, at the end of the story, the hero moves to his native village, home; from the void of renunciation and loneliness to your fellow men, from darkness and cold to dawn. The light of dawn symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in the life of a young student of the Theological Academy: the triumph of light over darkness, faith over unbelief and despondency, eternal memory over indifference and unconsciousness.Campfire lightin the widow's gardens" warmed and enlightened his soul.

SLIDES 37-38.

Summing up, let us emphasize once again what philosophical problems Chekhov addressed here? What is his story "Student" about - this amazing pearl of philosophical prose of the 19th century?

(This story is about life and the search for its meaning, about good and evil, about human strength and weakness, about betrayal and repentance, about time (about the connection of the present with the past), about the fate of Christianity, about Russia, about us ...)

And all this on several pages. It was the Gospel episode about the Apostle Peter, which forms the core of The Student, that helped Chekhov solve a whole range of philosophical problems.

I think we managed to understand why Chekhov called this story his favorite, I hope you also fell in love with this work. That's what Russian classics mean! From it rays diverge in all directions - to the past, present, future.

Filling out double diaries. Annex 3 .

And now look at the slide and printouts: you have been offered a selection of quotes from prominent representatives of world culture. Using the "Double diary" technique, reveal the meaning of these quotes and express your opinion, which one and why can be taken as an epigraph to our lesson on the story "Student"?


  1. Zvinyatskovsky V.Ya. I start with Chekhov // Russian language and literature in secondary schools. 1990. No. 1. S. 6-12.
  2. Sukhikh V.N. Human life: Chekhov's version // Chekhov A.P. Stories from the life of my friends. - St. Petersburg, 1994.
  3. Fridlender G.M. Poetics of Russian realism. - L., 1971. S. 135-137.
  4. Kharitonova O.N. Philosophical problem of A.P. Chekhov "Student" at the lesson of literature in the 10th grade // Literature at school. 1993. No. 6. S.51-54.

What is beauty? And what is truth? According to the definition given by the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegova, “beauty is a combination of qualities that bring pleasure to the eye, ear; everything is beautiful, beautiful ”(one of the meanings). And the truth (all according to the same source) is "what corresponds to reality, the truth." Is truth always beautiful and beauty always true? It seems to me that L.N. Tolstoy answers this question in his novel "War and Peace", in which he shows two vivid images: Natasha Rostova and Helen Kuragina.

First with all my feelings

By deeds, by life, he proves that the truth is beautiful, and the second confirms the idea that external beauty without internal harmony is false.

L.N. Tolstoy describes in detail the portrait of a thirteen-year-old girl: “black-eyed with a big mouth, ugly, but alive, with her open childish shoulders that jumped out of her corsage from a quick run”; it emphasizes the subtlety of her bare arms. The little countess laughs loudly and loudly, she is not at all worried about the opinions of others. This "ugly duckling" makes you admire yourself, because everything in her is sincere, devoid of pretense.

Helen is a completely different matter - the daughter of Prince Vasily

Kuragina is a brilliant Petersburg beauty. Speaking about her, the author often uses epithets: "majestic", "radiant", "calm", "beautiful", "marble". Her black eyes, full shoulders, beautiful hands, magnificent figure make others admire, and "she seemed to be ashamed of her undoubted and too strong and victorious acting beauty." She shines all over like diamonds on her neck. Helen cannot imagine herself without a secular society, she adheres to the principle: "influence in the world is a capital that needs to be protected so that it does not disappear."

Natasha radiates inner warmth, which is ready to warm others at any moment. She gives everyone "hot rays of love." The state of mind of the heroine L.N. Tolstoy conveys through the description of her eyes. They are “curious”, “radiant”, “radiant”, “mocking”, “affectionate” with Natasha. We do not know anything about the expression of the eyes of the "marble" beauty Helen.

Rostova intuitively guesses people, she is "most gifted with the ability to feel the shades of intonations, looks and facial expressions," she has an extraordinary voice that can touch everyone. Being engaged in dancing, she is one of the best students, who is characterized by extraordinary grace. Helen is cold and indifferent to others. She perfectly knows the art of keeping herself, she is distinguished by "the calm ability to be silently - worthy in the world."

The fates of the heroines are different. Natasha will go through many trials: a meeting with Andrei, an insult inflicted by the old prince, an infatuation with Anatole Kuragin, the death of Bolkonsky. She will experience true love only for Pierre, with whom she has complete mutual understanding.

At the end of the novel, we are no longer the former frivolous girl, but a caring wife and mother of four children. Her features "had an expression of calm softness and clarity." In Natasha, "one strong, beautiful and prolific female" was visible. In society, those who saw her were dissatisfied, but Rostova was happy.

The fate of Helen, in my opinion, was tragic. Having married Pierre Bezukhov, she turned their family life into a nightmare. She hates her husband, humiliates him, hurts him. Once Helen "laughed contemptuously and said that she was not a fool to wish to have children." Her limited mind, rudeness, vulgarity, depravity are revealed.

After the break with Pierre, she will receive most of his fortune, will live either in St. Petersburg or abroad, where she will be honored with the admiration of Napoleon. Behind her, “the reputation of a charming and intelligent woman” will be established: “to be accepted in the salon of Countess Bezukhova was considered a diploma of the mind,” despite the fact that the hostess speaks vulgarity and stupidity, everyone admires Elena Vasilievna Bezukhova. Her life is empty and meaningless, and her sudden death is only surprising.

Thus, Natasha personifies true beauty, that is, truthful, and Helen - false, artificial. The greatness of the "marble" beauty turns out to be only a cold shine, while Natasha's spiritual beauty makes people around her happy. I believe that truth must be beautiful, and beauty must be true, and then human life will be filled with harmony and meaning.

An important place in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is occupied by the image of Tatyana Larina - Pushkin's "sweet ideal". It was in her face that the poet embodied the best feminine qualities that he noticed in life. It seems to me that the image of Tatyana embodies the ideal of truthfulness and spiritual beauty.

For Pushkin, it is very important that the heroine is “Russian in soul”. What makes her so, and what traits of her character are close to Pushkin? What Russian person does not love nature and the Russian beauty winter! The poet emphasizes the closeness of the heroine to nature in her portrait:

Dika, sad, silent,

Like a forest doe, timid ...

Tatyana likes to meet the sunrise, wander through the forests, enjoy the silence and harmony of nature, relax in her bosom. It is no coincidence that the heroine does not want to leave the estate and contrasts the "hateful life" of high society in St. Petersburg with her native, close to the heart, rural areas, vast expanses.

Pushkin endows Tatyana with a purely Russian name, unconventional for noble heroines, with which "the memory of antiquity is inseparable." After all, the heroine is the embodiment of a national character. It is closely connected with folk life by spiritual ties.

Tatyana's best personality traits are rooted in popular soil. Brought up by a simple peasant woman, just like Pushkin himself, Tatiana took from Filipyevna all the wisdom of the people, comprehended the concepts of good and evil, duty. Knowledge of folklore, fairy tales, rituals, folk traditions, "cute traditions of the common people's antiquity", Russian dreams is proof of this.

Pushkin is always happy to emphasize Tatyana's individuality, her difference from empty girls. The feelings of the heroine are full of sincerity and purity. She knows neither mannered affectation, nor sly coquetry, nor sentimental sensitivity - all that was characteristic of most of her peers. She fell in love with Onegin "not jokingly", seriously, for life. Her naively pure, touching and sincere writing breathes deep feeling, it is full of sublime simplicity. The quivering words of her declaration of love for Yevgeny are so similar to the confessions of Pushkin himself!

And, finally, Pushkin admires the natural mind of his heroine. Tatyana's intellectual development helps her in St. Petersburg to understand and internally reject the "hateful life of tinsel", to preserve her
good moral character. And the world sees in her strong-willed nature, realizes her superiority. But, although Tatyana hides her feelings under the guise of a secular lady, Pushkin still sees her suffering. Tatiana wants to run to the village, but she can't. The heroine is not able to change the man she married. Whoever he was, she would never hurt him. This once again proves her spiritual superiority over others, her loyalty, devotion to her husband.

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin created a new literary type, which has no analogues in Russian literature.

According to Belinsky, "he was the first to poetically reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman."

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“... Truth and beauty ... have always been the main thing in human life and in general on earth ...” (A.P. Chekhov) (based on Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin)

“... Truth and beauty ... have always been the main thing in human life and in general on earth ...” (A. P. Chekhov)

An important place in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is occupied by the image of Tatyana Larina - Pushkin's "sweet ideal". It was in her face that the poet embodied the best feminine qualities that he noticed in life.

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin paints a picture of the life of different groups of the noble society of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century, their way of life and customs, the life of peasants.

The main theme of the novel is an advanced personality and its relation to the noble society. This theme is revealed by Pushkin in the images of Onegin, Lensky, Tatyana - representatives of the progressive noble intelligentsia.

The image of Tatyana Larina in the novel is all the more significant because it expresses the lofty ideals of Pushkin. Starting from chapter III, Tatyana, along with Onegin, becomes the main character in the novel.

The very name of Tatyana, not consecrated by the literary tradition, perceived as common people, is associated with "remembrance of antiquity or girlhood." Pushkin draws the image of Tatyana with great warmth, embodying in her the best features of a Russian woman. Pushkin in his novel wanted to show an ordinary Russian girl. Pushkin emphasizes the absence of extraordinary, out of the ordinary traits in Tatyana. But the heroine is surprisingly poetic and attractive at the same time.

Tatyana is brought up in a manor estate in the Larin family, faithful to the "habits of dear old times." Tatyana's character is formed under the influence of a nanny, the prototype of which was the poet's nanny Arina Rodionovna. Tatyana grew up as a lonely, unkind girl. She did not like to play with her friends, she was immersed in her feelings and experiences. She tried early to understand the world around her, but the elders did not find answers to her questions. And then she turned to books that she believed undividedly:

She liked novels early,

They replaced everything

She fell in love with deceptions

Both Richardson and Rousseau.

The surrounding life did little to satisfy her demanding soul. In books, she saw interesting people whom she dreamed of seeing and meeting in life. Communicating with the yard girls and listening to the stories of the nanny, Tatyana gets acquainted with folk poetry, imbued with love. Proximity to the people, to nature develops in Tatyana her moral qualities: spiritual simplicity, sincerity, artlessness. Tatyana is smart, original, original. By nature, she is gifted:

Rebellious imagination.

Mind and will alive,

And wayward head

And with a fiery and tender heart.

With her mind, the originality of her nature, she stands out among the landlord environment and secular society, she understands the vulgarity, idleness, emptiness of the life of human society. She dreams of a man who would bring high content into her life, who would be like the heroes of her favorite novels. Onegin seemed to her like that - a secular young man who came from St. Petersburg, smart and noble. Tatyana, with all sincerity and simplicity, falls in love with Onegin: “... everything is full of him; everything to the sweet virgin incessantly with magical power repeats about him. She decides to write a love letter to Onegin. His abrupt refusal is a complete surprise for the girl. Tatyana ceases to understand Onegin and his actions:

To the depths of your soul

She's imbued: can't

No way to understand him...

Tatyana is in a hopeless position: she cannot stop loving Onegin and at the same time is convinced that he is not worthy of her love.

Onegin did not understand the full strength of her feelings, did not guess her nature, since he valued “freedom and peace” above all, was single and selfish. Love brings Tatiana nothing but suffering. But its moral rules are firm and constant. In St. Petersburg, she becomes a princess, gains universal respect and admiration in the "high society". During this time, she changes a lot. “The indifferent princess, impregnable tower of the luxurious, regal Neva,” Pushkin draws it in the last chapter. But still, she's adorable. Obviously, this charm was not in her external beauty, but in her spiritual nobility, simplicity, intelligence, richness of spiritual content. But even in the "high society" she is lonely. And here she does not find what her soul aspires to. She expresses her attitude to life in the words addressed to Onegin, who returned to the capital after wandering around Russia:

... Now I'm glad to give

All this rags of masquerade

All this brilliance, and noise, and fumes

For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,

For our poor home...

In the scene of Tatyana's last meeting with Onegin, her spiritual qualities are revealed even more deeply: moral impeccability, fidelity to duty, determination, truthfulness. She rejects Onegin's love, remembering that the basis of feelings for her is selfishness, selfishness.

Tatyana Larina opens a gallery of beautiful images of a Russian woman, morally impeccable, looking for deep meaning in life. Such are Olga Ilyinskaya in Oblomov, the heroines of Turgenev's novels, the wives of the Decembrists, sung in many poems.

The stories of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov allow the reader to evaluate the life position of the author himself. The author's attitude is manifested through the image of the characters. Chekhov states: "" Truth and beauty ... apparently, have always been the main thing in human life and in general on Earth." "In order to more accurately understand the meaning of this statement, let's turn to the images of two heroes: Ivan Velikopolsky from the story" " Student"" and Ionych Startsev from the story ""Ionych"".

The protagonist of the story "Student" is Ivan Velikopolsky, a student of the Theological Academy, the son of a deacon.

Returning home late in the evening, everything seems deserted and gloomy to him: "" Returning home from a thrust, he walked all the time along a flood meadow along the path ... It was deserted and somehow especially gloomy. "" The student misses the service in the church, although such behavior unacceptable for a minister of a theological seminary. Ivan is in no hurry to return home, and he doesn’t want to, and his whole life appears before him as something gloomy and negative. Thus, the spiritual disharmony of the hero is felt. But by the end of the work, the thoughts, feelings, mood and behavior of the student change radically to the exact opposite. Ivan's spiritual transformation took place under the influence of two women. The student, having met them at the fire, talks about Peter's denial. And it is the reactions of the two widows, their sincere response to Ivan's words that awaken in him feelings of beauty and the present, turn everything in his soul. However, despite similar reactions, the girls - Vasilisa and Lukerya - are outwardly presented by the author in a rather contrasting way. Thus, A.P. Chekhov shows us that behind the external opposition of the heroines is their inner, spiritual unity. Thus, the girls helped the main character to feel the connection of times: ""The past, he thought, is connected with the present by an uninterrupted chain of events."" They illuminated the darkness of his soul. Ivan, having understood the "high meaning" of being, finds harmony. The truth of Jesus Christ and the beauty of this truth ""have always been the main thing in human life and in general on Earth." The beauty and harmony of the world is due to the continuation of the gospel events from century to century. Realizing the truth and beauty, Ivan's life now seemed ""delightful, wonderful and full of high meaning."

The protagonist of the story "Ionych" is Dmitry Ionych Startsev, a young doctor, the son of a deacon. He, like Ivan Velikopolsky, belongs to the clergy. This work is the opposite of the story "Student"; here A.P. Chekhov shows the spiritual degradation of man. at the beginning of the story, the young doctor finds himself in "" the provincial city of S." "He is full of strength and energy, passionate about his work, that even on holidays he sometimes does not have free time. The hero finds himself in an environment of ordinary people who irritate him, and he feels lonely. But soon all the life that was once in him disappeared, and the passion for hoarding and prosperity remained. Ionych lost his own name and human personality. Previously, the townsfolk felt something alien in him, but now they call him in a friendly way simply "" Ionych "". Unable to resist the environment, he puts up with it and changes his interests and ideas about human and moral values: from the desire to serve and help people, a willing desire appeared to play cards in the evenings and then count money at home; and interest in people grew into complete indifference to everything. Ionych's whole life is a fall down the ladder of morality, and he himself is to blame for this. Any lack of interests, life principles and beliefs leads to the complete devastation of a person and his further empty and meaningless existence. Having changed his idea of ​​values, Ionych no longer notices that everything that surrounds him is false, and the loss of a spiritual beginning and a waste of time is wrong. Thus, A.P. Chekhov shows us that the main character did not realize the truth and lost his beauty, that is, his human appearance and human qualities. With this story, the author urges us not to betray eternal ideals and not to lose the human element in ourselves, and he also shows that without truth and beauty, a person will face complete devastation, spiritual decline and degradation of the individual.

Thus, we can conclude that truth and beauty are very important in human life. In the case of their awareness and preservation, a person will find harmony, both internally and between themselves and the outside world, which will lead to happiness, peace and joy. Otherwise, longing, darkness of the soul, useless existence, empty life, loss of interests and moral values ​​await a person, which will eventually lead to the loss of the human principle.

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