Traffic Laws. P.8



KNOW: warning signals; types and purpose of signals; (Targets 8.4-8.55)

Rules for signaling light direction indicators and hand;

start of movement, rebuilding; turns right, left and turn; turn left and U-turn on the carriageway with tram tracks; reversing; cases where drivers must give way to vehicles approaching from the right; driving on roads with an acceleration and deceleration lane;

traffic management tools that provide the driver with information about the number of lanes; determination of the number of lanes in the absence of these funds;

the procedure for the movement of vehicles on roads with different widths of the carriageway; the movement of vehicles on roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths;

choice of distance, intervals and speed in various traffic conditions; permissible values ​​of speed for different types of vehicles and transportation conditions;

· overtaking, advancing; obstacle avoidance and oncoming traffic; actions of drivers before overtaking and when overtaking; places where overtaking is prohibited; ahead of vehicles when passing pedestrian crossings;

obstacle avoidance; oncoming traffic on narrow sections of roads; oncoming driving on ups and downs;

priority of route vehicles; crossing tram tracks outside the intersection;

the procedure for driving on a road with a dedicated lane for route vehicles and vehicles used as a passenger taxi;

rules of conduct for drivers in cases where a trolleybus or bus starts moving from a designated stop;

· training ride; requirements for the training, trainee and mechanical vehicle on which training is carried out; roads and places where training driving is prohibited;

additional requirements for the movement of bicycles, mopeds, horse-drawn carts, as well as the passage of animals; the responsibility of drivers for violations of the order of movement and the location of vehicles on the roadway. Solution of situational problems

start of movement, rebuilding; turns right, left and turn; turn left and U-turn at the Roadway, Crossroads.

the movement of vehicles on roadsides, sidewalks and footpaths; choice of distance, intervals in various traffic conditions;

Tasks to pay attention to: 8.10, 8.13, 8.14, 8.21, 8.32, 8.33, 8.35, 8.36 8.38 8.39 8.41-8.43 8.44 8.45 8.47 8.49 8.50 8.51 8.53 8.54


8.1. Before starting a MANEUVER:

start of movement,


turn (reversal)

and stop

the driver is obliged to give signals with turn signal lights relevant direction, and if they are missing or defective- by hand. When performing a maneuver, there should not be a danger to traffic, as well as obstacles to other road users.

· Left turn signal) corresponds to the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards.

· Right turn signal corresponds to the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards.

· Brake signal served with raised left or right hand.

8.2. Signaling direction indicators or by hand should be made early before the start of the maneuver And stop immediately after its completion(hand signaling can be completed immediately before the maneuver is performed). At the same time, the signal should not mislead other road users. (EXAMPLES of filing at intersections)

Giving a signal does not give the driver an advantage and does not relieve him from taking precautionary measures..

8.3. When entering the road from the adjacent territory The driver must give way to vehicles including and bicycles and horse-drawn carts, etc.) and pedestrians moving along it, and when leaving the road- pedestrians and cyclists the path it crosses.

8.4. When rebuilding driver must give way vehicles, moving along without changing direction. At the same time rebuilding passing vehicles, the driver must give way vehicle, on the right.

8.5. Before turning right, left or U-turn the driver is obliged take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the carriageway intended for movement in this direction, except when a turn is made at the entrance to an intersection where a roundabout is organized.( you can leave any lane, but then or in advance take the appropriate extreme position to exit the intersection - my editor.)

If there are tram tracks on the left A) passing direction, b) located on the same level with roadway, turn left and U-turn must be performed from them, unless signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 or markings 1.18 prescribe a different traffic order. This should not interfere with the tram.

8.6. Turn should be carried out in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageways, the vehicle DOES NOT BE ON THE SIDE OF ONCOMING TRAFFIC.

When turning right the vehicle should move as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway.

8.7. If the vehicle, due to its size or for other reasons, cannot perform a turn in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8.5 of the Rules, it is allowed to deviate from them, provided that traffic safety is ensured and if this does not interfere with other vehicles.

8.8. When turning left or making a U-turn outside the intersection road vehicle driver is obliged to give way to oncoming vehicles and trams of the same direction.

If when turning outside the intersection the width of the carriageway is insufficient to perform a maneuver from the extreme left position, it is allowed to be made from the right edge of the carriageway(from the right hand side). In this case, the driver must give way to passing and oncoming vehicles.

8.9. In cases where the trajectories of the movement of vehicles intersect , and (i) the order of travel is not specified by the Rules, the driver must give way to whom the vehicle approaches from the right.

8.10. If there is a deceleration lane a driver intending to turn must change lanes in a timely manner and reduce speed only on it.

If there is an acceleration lane at the entrance to the road the driver must move along it and change lanes to the adjacent lane, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.

8.11. Turning around and Reversing is PROHIBITED:

· ON pedestrian crossings;

in the tunnels

· on and under bridges, overpasses, flyovers;

· ON railway crossings;

in places with visibility of the road in at least one direction less than 100 m;

in the places of stops of fixed-route vehicles.

8.12. Vehicle driving in reverse permitted provided that this maneuver is a) safe and b) does not interfere with other road users. If necessary, the driver must enlist the assistance of other persons.

Reversing prohibited at the crossroads (it is possible at the intersection with the adjacent territory and in places marked with the sign 5.21 "Residential zone" - my red.) and in places where a U-turn is prohibited in accordance with paragraph 8.11 of the Rules.

8.1. Before starting to move, changing lanes, turning (turning) and stopping, the driver is obliged to give signals with light indicators for the direction of the corresponding direction, and if they are absent or faulty, by hand. When performing a maneuver, there should not be a danger to traffic, as well as obstacles to other road users.

The signal of a left turn (reversal) corresponds to the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards. The right turn signal corresponds to the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards. The brake signal is given by the left or right hand raised up.

Clause 8.1 lists five cases of changing the position of the vehicle on the roadway, before which the inclusion of the “turn signal” is mandatory: before starting to move, changing lanes, turning, turning and stopping.

If for some reason the turn signal indicators do not work (faulty) or are absent (for example, on a bicycle), then the signals are given by hand.

The maneuver must not interfere with the movement of other vehicles. Therefore, before starting any maneuver, it is important to know the situation around your car and keep it under control. As for actions before starting to move in various situations, you can read about this in the article of the same name.

8.2. Signaling by direction indicators or by hand should be carried out in advance of the start of the maneuver and stop immediately after its completion (hand signaling can be completed immediately before the maneuver is performed). At the same time, the signal should not mislead other road users.

Giving a signal does not give the driver an advantage and does not relieve him from taking precautionary measures.

Right and left turn signal signals are intended only to inform other road users (drivers and pedestrians) about the upcoming maneuver and do NOT give an advantage in traffic. The turn signal must be turned on in advance, i.e. in advance, but at such a point in time, according to the traffic situation, when it cannot mislead other drivers and pedestrians, in a different way, your intentions should be clear.

For example, you drive up to an intersection where you need to turn left, but before the intersection on the left there is a drive to the courtyard (as an option, to the adjacent territory). It is advisable to turn on the left “turn signal” after you pass the entrance to the courtyard, so that it becomes clear to those driving behind that the left turn will be made further down the road, i.e. at the crossroads.

At the end of the maneuver, the turn signal must be turned off, again, in order not to mislead other road users.

8.3. When entering the road from the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when leaving the road, to pedestrians and cyclists whose path he crosses.

The adjacent territory (according to) is adjacent to the road and does not have a through passage. Entry and exit to the adjacent territory is NOT considered an intersection. Therefore, when entering the adjacent territory from the road or leaving the adjacent territory, it is required to yield to all road users whose path will be crossed.

8.4. When rebuilding, the driver must give way to vehicles moving along the same way without changing direction. When simultaneously rebuilding vehicles moving along the way, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right.

In this paragraph, the traffic rules formulate two rules for rebuilding:

  • if one vehicle and the other moves without rebuilding, then the one who is rebuilding must give way;
  • in case of simultaneous rebuilding, the one with the obstacle on the right gives way.

The rules for changing lanes apply both on roads with markings and on roads without markings. In the articles and questions of priority, as well as the technique of rebuilding are considered in more detail.

8.5. Before turning right, left or U-turn, the driver is obliged to take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the carriageway intended for movement in this direction, except when making a turn at the entrance to an intersection where a roundabout is organized.

Before turning right, you must take the extreme right position on the carriageway of your direction, and in order to turn left or turn around, you must take the extreme left position.

What does it mean to take an extreme position on the carriageway? The extreme right position is when the right is already (the edge of the carriageway), curb, sidewalk, roadside. The extreme left position is when the car is located with its left side to the middle of the road (to the markings, or to the markings indicating left, to the median strip).

The requirement to take exactly the extreme position on the carriageway is not accidental. In addition to cars, two-wheeled vehicles (motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles) have the right to move on the roadway. These participants do not need much space, they can easily squeeze between your car and the edge of the roadway, and their appearance can be very unexpected. One of the options to try to exclude their sudden appearance and thereby avoid accidents due to inattention is this requirement - to take extreme position on the carriageway.

You can enter a roundabout from any lane, but you can only leave such an intersection from the far right lane. Read more about entering and exiting such intersections in the article.

At some intersections, signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 are installed, informing from which lanes and in which direction traffic is allowed. Markup 1.18 performs the same function. In such cases, drivers are required to follow their instructions.

If there are tram tracks on the left side of the same direction, located on the same level with the carriageway, a left turn and a U-turn must be performed from them, unless signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 or a different order of movement is prescribed. This should not interfere with the tram.

If you need to turn left or turn around on the road with tram tracks located on the left at the same level with the carriageway, then you need to change lanes to the tram tracks of the same direction without interfering with the tram and then perform the necessary maneuver. This can be done if there are no signs 5.15.1, 5.15.2 or marking 1.18.

If signs 5.15.1, 5.15.2 or markings 1.18 are installed on the road with tram tracks in front of the intersection, you should turn left or turn around without leaving the tram tracks, having previously given way to trams of both the following and the opposite direction, the movement of which is allowed simultaneously with you.

In order to move off such a road, you first need to change lanes to the deceleration lane, and already slow down on it.

When entering a road with an acceleration lane, you first need to move along it in order to pick up speed, then, giving way to passing vehicles, change lanes to the adjacent lane (to the main road).

For more information about the strip for acceleration and deceleration - in the article of the same name.

8.11. U-turn is prohibited:

  • at pedestrian crossings;
  • in tunnels;
  • on bridges, viaducts, overpasses and under them;
  • at railway crossings;
  • in places where the visibility of the road in at least one direction is less than 100 m;
  • at the stops of route vehicles.

In addition to the places indicated in paragraph 8.11, a U-turn may also be prohibited by road signs and road markings. In some cases, you still need to pay attention to traffic signals (more often with additional sections). Arrows may be applied to the lenses to prohibit turning. These are arrows "straight", "straight and right".

How to safely perform a U-turn is discussed in the articles of the same name: and and in a series of articles.

8.12. The movement of the vehicle in reverse is permitted provided that this maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users. If necessary, the driver must enlist the assistance of other persons.

Reversing is prohibited at intersections and in places where a U-turn is prohibited in accordance with paragraph 8.11 of the Rules.

In addition, reversing is prohibited on motorways (marked with ) and on roads for cars (marked with )

8.1. Before starting to move, rebuilding, turning (turning) and stopping, the driver is obliged to give signals with light indicators for the direction of the corresponding direction, and if they are absent or faulty, by hand. When performing a maneuver, there should not be a danger to traffic, as well as obstacles to other road users.

The signal of a left turn (reversal) corresponds to the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards. The right turn signal corresponds to the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards. The brake signal is given by the left or right hand raised up.

8.2. Signaling by direction indicators or by hand should be carried out in advance of the start of the maneuver and stop immediately after its completion (hand signaling can be completed immediately before the maneuver is performed). At the same time, the signal should not mislead other road users.

Giving a signal does not give the driver an advantage and does not relieve him from taking precautionary measures.

8.3. When entering the road from the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when leaving the road, to pedestrians and cyclists whose path he crosses.

8.4. When rebuilding, the driver must give way to vehicles moving along the same way without changing direction. When simultaneously rebuilding vehicles moving along the way, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right.

8.5. Before turning right, left or U-turn, the driver is obliged to take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the carriageway intended for movement in this direction, except when making a turn at the entrance to an intersection where a roundabout is organized.

If there are tram tracks on the left in the same direction, located on the same level with the carriageway, a left turn and a U-turn must be performed from them, unless signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 or marking 1.18 prescribe a different order of movement. This should not interfere with the tram.

8.6. The turn should be carried out in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageway, the vehicle does not end up on the side of oncoming traffic.

When turning right, the vehicle should move as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway.

8.7. If the vehicle, due to its dimensions or for other reasons, cannot make a turn in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8.5 of the Rules, it is allowed to retreat from them, provided that traffic is safe and if this does not interfere with other vehicles.

8.8. When turning left or making a U-turn outside the intersection, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to oncoming vehicles and a tram of the same direction.

If, when turning outside the intersection, the width of the carriageway is insufficient to perform the maneuver from the extreme left position, it is allowed to perform it from the right edge of the carriageway (from the right shoulder). In this case, the driver must give way to passing and oncoming vehicles.

8.9. In cases where the trajectories of vehicles intersect, and the order of passage is not specified by the Rules, the driver must give way to whom the vehicle is approaching from the right.

8.10. If there is a deceleration lane, the driver who intends to turn must change lanes in a timely manner and slow down only on it.

8. Start of movement, maneuvering

8.1. Before starting to move, rebuilding, turning (turning) and stopping, the driver is obliged to give signals with light indicators for the direction of the corresponding direction, and if they are absent or faulty, by hand. When performing a maneuver, there should not be a danger to traffic, as well as obstacles to other road users.
The signal of a left turn (reversal) corresponds to the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards. The right turn signal corresponds to the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upwards. The brake signal is given by the left or right hand raised up.
8.2. Signaling by direction indicators or by hand should be carried out in advance of the start of the maneuver and stop immediately after its completion (hand signaling can be completed immediately before the maneuver is performed). At the same time, the signal should not mislead other road users.
Giving a signal does not give the driver an advantage and does not relieve him from taking precautionary measures.
8.3. When entering the road from the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when leaving the road, to pedestrians and cyclists whose path he crosses.
8.4. When rebuilding, the driver must give way to vehicles moving along the same way without changing direction. When simultaneously rebuilding vehicles moving along the way, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right.
8.5. Before turning right, left or U-turn, the driver is obliged to take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the carriageway intended for movement in this direction, except when making a turn at the entrance to an intersection where a roundabout is organized.
If there are tram tracks on the left in the same direction, located on the same level with the carriageway, a left turn and a U-turn must be performed from them, unless signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 or marking 1.18 prescribe a different order of movement. This should not interfere with the tram.
8.6. The turn should be carried out in such a way that when leaving the intersection of the carriageway, the vehicle does not end up on the side of oncoming traffic.
When turning right, the vehicle should move as close as possible to the right edge of the carriageway.
8.7. If the vehicle, due to its dimensions or for other reasons, cannot make a turn in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8.5 of the Rules, it is allowed to retreat from them, provided that traffic is safe and if this does not interfere with other vehicles.
8.8. When turning left or making a U-turn outside the intersection, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to oncoming vehicles and a tram of the same direction.
If, when turning outside the intersection, the width of the carriageway is insufficient to perform the maneuver from the extreme left position, it is allowed to perform it from the right edge of the carriageway (from the right shoulder). In this case, the driver must give way to passing and oncoming vehicles.
8.9. In cases where the trajectories of vehicles intersect, and the order of passage is not specified by the Rules, the driver must give way to whom the vehicle is approaching from the right.
8.10. If there is a deceleration lane, the driver who intends to turn must change lanes in a timely manner and slow down only on it.
If there is an acceleration lane at the entrance to the road, the driver must move along it and change lanes to the adjacent lane, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.
8.11. U-turn is prohibited:
at pedestrian crossings;
in tunnels;
on bridges, viaducts, overpasses and under them;
at railway crossings;
in places where the visibility of the road in at least one direction is less than 100 m;
at the stops of route vehicles.
8.12. The movement of the vehicle in reverse is permitted provided that this maneuver is safe and does not interfere with other road users. If necessary, the driver must enlist the assistance of other persons.
Reversing is prohibited at intersections and in places where a U-turn is prohibited in accordance with paragraph 8.11 of the Rules.

Topic 10. Start of movement, maneuvering (SDA, chapter 8). Changes and turns.

Rebuild Rules

One of the main maneuvers is rebuilding. With it, the vehicle changes the occupied lane to the adjacent one. If there is no solid marking line, rebuilding is performed to advance, overtake, bypass, stop, before turning and turning around, or for a more convenient location of the car on the roadway.

When rebuilding, the driver must comply with all the rules of maneuvering. The sequence of actions for rebuilding is as follows:

  • control of the situation behind through the central rear-view mirror;
  • give way to all vehicles driving in the adjacent lane at a higher speed without changing lanes. If we are talking about avoiding an obstacle, when the adjacent lane is occupied, it is necessary to reduce the speed up to a complete stop;
  • the inclusion of appropriate direction indicators;
  • inspection of the adjacent lane through the external rear-view mirror to make sure that there are no overtaking vehicles;
  • rebuilding to the adjacent lane after the final certification that the maneuver will not interfere with other vehicles;
  • turn off turn signals.

The safety of changing lanes to an adjacent lane can be ensured by a slight acceleration. Decreasing speed during a lane change or immediately after it may result in insufficient braking distance for the rear vehicle in the event of a risk of collision. That is why, if there is not enough free space on the adjacent lane, it is not worth rebuilding on it.

It should also be remembered that the adjacent lane is clearly visible in the rear-view mirror only when the vehicle is strictly along the road, and not at an angle to it. Accordingly, the next rebuilding should be started only after full alignment on the strip after the previous maneuver. Rebuilding on a multi-lane road diagonally across two or three lanes can lead to the entry of vehicles, the path of which is crossed by the driver, into the “dead zone”, and hence an accident with all the ensuing consequences.

According to paragraph 8.4. SDA. a driver changing lanes or into an adjacent lane must necessarily give way to those vehicles that are moving straight along them.

The situation when two vehicles moving side by side start changing lanes at the same time - one to the right, the other to the left - is called mutual lane change. Such cars perform the same maneuvers and are in the same conditions. However, there is a rule that establishes the sequence of maneuvering and excludes the threat of a collision.

Rule "interference on the right"

In equal conditions, road users may find themselves not only when changing lanes, but also when crossing equivalent intersections, in a yard, in a parking lot, etc. In any case, one of them will be to the left, and the other to the right. Clause 8.9. The SDA describes the rule in this way. A driver who has an obstacle on the right in the form of another vehicle is obliged to give way to him. That vehicle, on the contrary, is given an advantage in movement. This rule also applies to the simultaneous rebuilding of two vehicles moving along the same way. The most important condition for the application of this installation is the equal rights of the vehicle for further movement. In unequal conditions, when, according to the Rules, one vehicle has an advantage in driving over another, for example, if there are main and secondary roads at the intersection, when entering the road from the adjacent territory, in situations where one vehicle is standing and the other is moving, it is not used .

Making turns

This issue is set out in paragraphs 8.5.-8.7. SDA, the requirements of which are mainly related to multi-lane roads, since if there is only one lane for traffic, all maneuvers are performed from it. On a wider road, the question becomes relevant, from which lane should you move in the right direction in order to prevent collisions with other vehicles. Clause 8.5. The rules say that a U-turn and a left turn must be carried out from such a position that no one on the roadway could be to the left of the driver. The same statement applies to turning right. Accordingly, the left turn and U-turn are performed from the leftmost lane, the right turn - from the leftmost lane. The middle lanes are for driving in the forward direction. The leftmost and rightmost lanes can also be used for driving straight ahead.

The above movement order is in effect by default unless otherwise specified. Deviation from the general rule is allowed in such situations. First of all, if there are signs in front of the intersection 5.15.1. "Lane Directions" , 5.15.2. "Directions of movement along the lane", as well as when drawing marking arrows 1.18. Such signs or markings take into account the shape of a particular intersection, the capacity of roads, and the intensity of traffic flows. They can give drivers instructions that are contrary to the general rule, for example, to allow turning from two or three lanes at the same time, to prohibit movement in a certain direction. However, if U-turns are permitted from the leftmost lane following the left-pointing arrow, U-turns from the middle lanes of the carriageway are always prohibited.

The general rule for making turns does not apply when entering a roundabout. Since the roundabout is always directed counterclockwise, all vehicles entering the circle make a right turn. When it is performed only from the extreme right lane, the remaining lanes located to the left will be free all the time, but a congestion forms before the intersection. Since all vehicles turn in the same direction, entering the circle from multiple passing lanes at the same time does not cause an accident.

However, the concepts of entering and exiting a roundabout are different. When leaving, drivers must follow the general rule, namely, turn right only from the rightmost lane.

Particular attention should be paid to the position of the vehicle after the turn. In clause 8.6. The rules say that drivers must turn in such a way that at the end of the maneuver they do not end up in the oncoming lane.

At the same time, at the intersection of carriageways, it is permissible to move along any trajectory. But getting to the section of the road adjacent to the intersection, the vehicle must keep to the right side of the carriageway. Otherwise, the risk of an accident increases significantly, a collision may occur with those traveling on a cross road towards the intersection. Clause 8.6. also additionally informs that a right turn, started as a general rule from the rightmost lane, must end in the rightmost lane. In a situation where turning is allowed from several lanes, then from the second row you should turn into the second row, from the third - into the third. The lanes are counted from the right edge of the carriageway. Thus, the rightmost lane is the first, located to the left of it is the second, and so on.

When making a left turn, the vehicle can be located in any lane on the driver's side of the roadway. As for the turn, its trajectory depends on the dimensions of the vehicle, the turning radius, as well as the width of the median on roads with two carriageways.

Obviously, the traffic rules describe the procedure for making turns in great detail. However, in real traffic conditions it is often difficult and even impossible to fulfill all the requirements of the Rules. The reason for this may be an obstacle on the way or parked cars in narrow streets. In such cases, clause 8.7. allows you to start a turn in the wrong lane. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • the driver must not interfere with other road users;
  • the safety of the maneuver must be ensured;
  • The vehicle must not be in the oncoming lane.

Use of this rule is allowed only if there is a good reason. In all other situations, it is forbidden to violate the established norms for making turns, even in the absence of obvious harm.

Left turn features

You can turn left not only at the intersection, but also on the section of the road between two adjacent intersections. Before making a maneuver towards the territory adjacent to the road on the left, you should take the extreme left position on your half of the carriageway. Even on a two-lane road with one lane for traffic in the same direction, you need to snuggle up to its left edge, directly to the center line of the marking. Otherwise, the vehicle may try to make a detour on the left, which will inevitably lead to an accident.

Clause 8.8. states that after taking the correct position on the carriageway, it is necessary to give way to all road users whose path will be crossed when entering the adjacent territory, namely:

  • pedestrians following the sidewalk and the roadside;
  • oncoming vehicle;
  • trams moving in the same and opposite directions.

It is also worth remembering that on a two-lane road there is a high probability of overtaking by another driver in the oncoming lane. It is for this reason that even if there is a free oncoming lane, before turning to the left, it is necessary to look into the outside mirror. In the event of an accident, not only the other driver will be guilty, since the safety of the maneuver was not ensured and an obstacle was created to other road users.

Any driver who slows down or stops on the roadway to let oncoming vehicles pass can be the victim of a rear-end collision. That is why you should not turn the steering wheel in advance to turn left. Since after a rear impact, a car with turned wheels will roll out into the oncoming lane with all the ensuing consequences. With the wheels of the car set in the forward direction, it will be thrown forward, where there is no one. The consequences of such an accident are usually minimal.

Acceleration and deceleration lanes

The requirements of the 8th chapter of the SDA are the same for all roads. However, most maneuvers have to be done in the city. The driver needs to change lanes, turn, etc. Moving outside the city, the direction of driving is changed less often. The speed of the traffic flow, on the contrary, is much higher than on city streets. On country roads, the following problem may arise. A driver who wants to turn off and slows down to do this, delays behind him the vehicles that continue to move in the forward direction.

Many roads have special additional braking lanes. They help you avoid delays along the way. The road shortly before the turn widens by one lane - an additional deceleration lane. Clause 8.10. requires drivers who are about to perform a maneuver to change lanes to such a lane without slowing down, and then, being already on it, begin to slow down. The strip is long enough to carry out these actions without haste. Thus, the maneuvering vehicle does not prevent other traffic participants from driving along the remaining lanes without changing speed.

Clause 8.10. also regulates the reverse situation with the acceleration band. After turning and entering the main road, the vehicle, not having time to pick up speed, is not moving fast enough. In order not to be a hindrance to vehicles traveling and overtaking from behind, it is necessary:

  • turn into the acceleration lane from the adjoining road;
  • move along the lane, gradually increasing the speed;
  • assess the situation in the adjacent lane using an external mirror;
  • looking in the mirror, choose in the flow of vehicles traveling in the adjacent lane a gap for “wedging” when changing lanes;
  • calculate the speed of movement so that the selected interval by the end of the acceleration lane is next to your car;
  • by the time of rebuilding, the speed of the vehicle should approximately equal the speed of the main traffic flow;
  • rebuilding should be done without interfering with anyone.

Auxiliary acceleration and deceleration lanes can be equipped at the entrance to parking lots, public transport stops, and turning points on roads with a dividing strip. When driving past such places on the main lanes of the roadway, you must be vigilant and careful.

Traffic Laws:

8.4. When rebuilding, the driver must give way to vehicles moving along the same way without changing direction. When simultaneously rebuilding vehicles moving along the way, the driver must give way to the vehicle on the right.

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Traffic Laws:

8.8. When turning left or making a U-turn outside the intersection, the driver of a trackless vehicle is obliged to give way to oncoming vehicles and a tram of the same direction.

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Traffic Laws:

8.9. In cases where the trajectories of vehicles intersect, and the order of passage is not specified by the Rules, the driver must give way to whom the vehicle is approaching from the right.

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