The rules of ethics in the organization and the code of ethics as the main set of rules for the ethics of the organization. Ethical behavior is the secret of well-being in any society


Ethical behavior is the secret of well-being in any society

Hello friends, guests and regular readers of my Blog. Have you ever denied yourself something because you feared that the result of your action, or even the action itself, would be judged by others? I decided today to discuss with you the ethical standards of human behavior.

Let's start with the simplest

You can imagine that we all live in a huge hostel, where the rooms are our personal space, and everything else is a common area. In order for life not to turn into a nightmare, going beyond our rooms, we all must comply with certain, both public and unspoken rules - the social norms of society.

Social norms can be divided into:

  1. ethical
  2. Legal
  3. religious
  4. Political
  5. aesthetic

With the development of all mankind, almost each of these norms has changed. The changes practically did not affect only ethical norms, as an unshakable foundation in human relations.

Ethical standards of conduct

Let's see what ethical standards are and what they are. Ethics (from the Greek etos, custom) is a branch of philosophy that studies morality.

It is believed that the first who decided to combine several concepts of human behavior under one word at once was the well-known Aristotle. In his treatises, he proposed the concept of "ethics" as "virtues or virtues that are manifested in human behavior." In his opinion, ethics should help to understand what actions are permissible and what are not.

In a nutshell, today ethical norms are understood as the totality of values ​​accumulated by society and the moral obligations of a person in relation to both these accumulations and to society itself as a whole.

Rules of etiquette, culture of behavior, morality - all these are ethical norms of behavior, which are the regulators of relations. They affect absolutely all interpersonal actions between people: from simple friendly communication to a large set of rules of corporate or professional ethics.

The main secret of well-being in any society is a single rule for all: “Do to others the way you want others to do to you!”

Informally, the norms of behavior are divided into types:

  • Real ones are, in fact, any actions that a person performs;
  • Verbal is a verbal or verbal form of communication.

These two concepts are inseparable from each other. It is unlikely that you will be considered polite if your word, even if it is very cultured, runs counter to uncultured behavior. Imagine a person who greets you, while juicy picking his teeth with a fork. Not very nice, right?

Everyone has their own limits of ethical standards, they depend, first of all, on the people around them, the level of upbringing and education. The standard of cultural human behavior is when ethical norms cease to be rules and become personal norms, inner convictions.

Etiquette as a set of rules

The rules of etiquette also dictate the scope of our behavior. Remember, most recently we talked with you about. Etiquette is nothing more than the very necessary template that regulates our communication with each other.

If you accidentally step on someone's foot, you will apologize, a polite man will open the door in front of a woman, and having received change in the store, we all say "Thank you." The way we follow the norms of behavior, including etiquette, can characterize us as a cultured or uncultured person.

Personal and general

It is interesting that in different countries the ethical standards of behavior are different. For example, in Spain, just entering the elevator, from everyone who is already there you will hear a friendly "Hola". In our country, the unreasonable greeting of complete strangers is not practiced in society. And no one will be offended by you if you, having entered the locker room of the pool, do not start shaking hands with everyone. That is, our traditions of communication are completely different.

This is another principle of dividing ethical norms - personal and group.

"I'm an artist, that's how I see it!"

Personal norms are what I talked about above - our internal framework, conditioned by society, upbringing and education. This is our inner world, self-awareness. Following the personal norms of ethics can be defined as the level of inner dignity. For example, only you decide whether you can throw an ice cream wrapper into the bushes if no one sees you.

group behavior

All mankind, one way or another, is united in groups. From a family or a team at work to a whole state. From birth, a person belongs to a society, and cannot but obey certain rules. Including ethical standards of conduct. Group ethics are the rules of interaction within such a group.

Once in any team, a person is forced to accept the generally accepted rules in this society. Remember the saying - with your charter, you don’t go to someone else’s monastery? This is a reference to group ethics. Moreover, each team, as can be seen from the example above about greetings in Russia and Spain, has its own principles of communication: including linguistic or even moral ones.

You will say: norms, patterns, rules, limits - where is the freedom? We live in a society where the limits of our freedom are strictly limited by the limits of another person's freedom. That's why rules are needed. They are easier to live with.

Moral norms position everything good as an important personal and social component. Correlate light manifestations with the desire of people to maintain unity in interpersonal relationships. All this must be thoroughly understood in order to achieve perfection in the moral plane.

Foundation for building a harmonious society

Moral norms and principles ensure the achievement of harmony and integrity when people start relationships with each other. In addition, there is more scope for creating a favorable environment in one's own soul. If good is assigned a creative role, then evil is destructive. Malicious designs harm interpersonal relationships, they are engaged in the decomposition of the inner world of the individual.

The moral norms of a person are also important because their goal is the integrity of kindness in a person and the limitation of his negative manifestations. It is necessary to realize the fact that the soul needs to maintain a good internal climate, set itself the task of becoming well-behaved.

Moral norms emphasize the duty of every person to abandon sinful behavior both in relation to himself and to those around him. We should make a commitment to society, which, however, will not complicate our life, but, on the contrary, will improve it. The extent to which a person honors moral and ethical standards is controlled by the outside world. There is an adjustment with the help of public opinion. A conscience is manifested from within, which also makes us act in the right way. Yielding to it, each person is aware of his duty.

Free nature of decision-making

Moral norms do not bring material punishments. The person decides whether to follow them or not. After all, the awareness of duty is also an individual matter. To follow the right path with an open mind, you need to ensure that there are no overbearing factors.

People should be aware that they are doing the right thing not because of the possible punishment, but because of the reward that will result in the form of harmony and universal prosperity.

It's about having a personal choice. If some legal and moral norms have already been developed in society, they often dictate such a decision. It is not easy to accept it alone, because things and phenomena have exactly the value that we endow them with. Not everyone is ready to sacrifice personal interests for the sake of what they consider to be right in a general sense.

Protect yourself and those around you

Sometimes egoism reigns in the soul of a personality, which then devours it. The funny feature of this unpleasant phenomenon is that a person expects too much from others and, not getting it, considers himself useless, worthless. That is, the road from narcissism to self-flagellation and suffering on this basis is not so far away.

But everything is very easy - learn to give joy to others, and they will begin to share the benefits with you. By developing moral and ethical standards, society can protect itself from the traps into which it itself will fall.

Different groups of people may have a different set of unspoken rules. Sometimes an individual may find himself caught between two positions from which to choose. For example, a young man received a request for help from his mother and wife at the same time. In order to please everyone, he will have to break, as a result, someone will say in any way that he acted inhumanely and that the word “morality” is apparently unknown to him.

So moral norms are a very subtle matter that needs to be thoroughly understood in order not to get confused. Having some patterns of behavior, it is easier to build your own actions based on them. After all, you need to take responsibility for your actions.

Why are these rules needed?

Moral standards of behavior have the following functions:

  • assessment of one or another parameter in comparison with ideas about good and evil;
  • regulation of behavior in society, the establishment of one or another principle, laws, rules by which people will act;
  • control over how the standards are implemented. This process is based on social condemnation, or its basis is the conscience of the individual;
  • integration, the purpose of which is to maintain the unity of people and the integrity of the intangible space in the human soul;
  • upbringing, during which virtues and the ability to correctly and reasonably make personal choices should be formed.

The definition given to morality and its functions suggests that ethics is strikingly different from other areas of scientific knowledge that are aimed at the real world. In the context of this branch of knowledge, it is said about what must be created, molded from the "clay" of human souls. In many scientific discourses, most of the attention is given to the description of facts. Ethics prescribes norms and evaluates actions.

What are the specifics of moral norms

There are certain differences between them against the background of such phenomena as custom or legal norm. There are frequent cases when morality does not run counter to the law, but, on the contrary, supports and strengthens it.

Theft is not only punishable, but also condemned by society. Sometimes paying a fine is not even as difficult as losing the trust of others forever. There are also cases when law and morality part on their common path. For example, a person can commit the same theft if the lives of relatives are at stake, then the individual believes that the end justifies the means.

Morality and religion: what do they have in common?

When the institution of religion was strong, it also played an important role in the formation of moral foundations. Then they were served under the guise of a higher will sent down to earth. Those who did not fulfill God's command committed sin and were not only condemned, but also considered doomed to eternal torment in hell.

Religion presents morality in the form of commandments and parables. All believers must fulfill them if they claim purity of soul and life in paradise after death. As a rule, in different religious concepts, the commandments are similar. Murder, theft, lies are condemned. Adulterers are considered sinners.

What role does morality play in the life of society and the individual

People subject their actions and the actions of others to evaluation from the point of view of morality. This applies to economics, politics and, of course, the clergy. They select a moral connotation to justify certain decisions made in each of these areas.

It is necessary to adhere to the norms and rules of conduct, to serve the common good of people. There is an objective need for the collective conduct of the life of society. Since people need each other, it is moral norms that ensure their harmonious coexistence. After all, a person cannot exist alone, and his desire to create an honest, kind and truthful world both around him and in his own soul is quite understandable.

Human communication is based on some ethical principles, norms and rules. Without their observance, communication will slide to the satisfaction of one's own needs, which will lead to the destruction of relationships between people.

The task of all ethical norms and rules of conduct is to unite and unite all members of society.

The most important rule of communication with strong people: you can not publicly doubt their infallibility.
Jennifer Egan. Citadel

Every person has a need to communicate with others. Some are more sociable, some are less, but for the main two forms of human interaction - friendship and love - communication is necessary. Any human actions always have some kind of framework, boundaries and rules. What norms and rules govern our communication and determine the culture of speech?

The problem of communication ethics

The ethics of speech communication is determined by the culture of speech. Ethics prescribes to people the rules of moral behavior, etiquette determines the manners of behavior in certain situations and specific formulas of politeness. A person who observes etiquette, but violates the ethical standards of communication, is hypocritical and deceptive. Ethical and highly moral behavior with non-compliance with the rules of etiquette from the outside also looks rather strange and does not inspire confidence.

Thus, the concepts of ethics of speech communication and speech etiquette must be considered together. The basic ethical principles and moral norms of communication are always considered along with specific rules for conducting a conversation: a greeting, a request, a question, gratitude, farewell, etc. And if almost everyone is familiar with speech etiquette (the ways of greeting, gratitude, congratulations, expressing gratitude and sympathy, etc. are familiar to many), then we often forget about ethical principles and norms.

Ethical principles of communication

There is a so-called golden rule of communication, the essence of which is that you should treat others the way you would like others to treat you. This rule can be extended to any situation. Thus, the following basic ethical principles of communication are considered:

  • altruism (willingness to sacrifice something for the sake of another),
    virtue (establishing relationships with others from the standpoint of good and good),
    exactingness (making demands on oneself and others to fulfill a moral duty, responsibility),
    parity (equality between people), etc.

    Thanks to benevolence, sincerity and openness, trust arises between people, without which communication is impossible. The following moral qualities of a person are also manifested in communication: honesty, truthfulness, kindness, respect for others, concern for others, politeness, etc.

    The ethical principles of communication also affect the content of the speech itself. It should be logical, understandable to both parties, polite, meaningful, truthful and expedient. The question of brevity as the sister of talent, everyone decides for himself. To some, a short speech seems unnatural (it depends only on the personal characteristics of a person).

    Types of ethics

    Ethical norms of communication can be conditionally divided into mandatory and recommended. Obligatory ethical norm is observance of the principle "Do no harm". In order not to cause harm to a person through communication, it is important to restrain negative emotions, not to offend another, not to humiliate, not to be rude and not to envy.

    Ethical norms are also determined by the motives of communication:

Communication of civilized people is impossible without ethical principles, norms and rules. Without having or not observing them, people would take care only of their own interests, would not notice anyone and nothing around, thereby losing their relationship with others. Ethical norms and behavioral rules contribute to the cohesion and unification of society.

What it is?

Ethics is a set of rules that determine the degree of adequacy of behavior during any interaction with another person. Ethical norms, in turn, just represent the norms, thanks to which human contacts become pleasant for everyone. Of course, if you don't follow etiquette, you won't go to jail, and you won't have to pay a fine, because the justice system doesn't work. But censure of others can also become a kind of punishment, acting from the moral side.

Work, school, university, shop, public transport, home - in all these places there is an interaction with at least one person or more. In this case, the following methods of communication are usually used:

  • facial expressions;
  • movement;
  • Speaking.

Each of the actions is evaluated by strangers, even if they are not related to what is happening. The main thing is to understand that you cannot purposefully insult, humiliate and be rude to others, as well as cause them pain, especially physical pain.


Ethical norms of communication are conditionally divided into two types: mandatory and recommended. The first moral principle forbids harming people. Contraindicated actions during communication - the creation of negative energy and similar feelings in the interlocutor.

In order not to create prerequisites for conflict, one should restrain negative emotions and understand that Each person has a personal opinion, and legal norms do not prohibit expressing it. This attitude should apply to all people, and especially teenagers who are prone to excessive emotional outbursts in a dispute or quarrel.

  • it is important to remember self-esteem;
  • do not forget about modesty;
  • always treat people with respect and not even mentally restrict any of their rights.

At the same time, communication motives are the determining factor; they can also be divided into several types.

  • Positive: in this case, a person tries to make the interlocutor happier, respect him, show love, understanding, create interest.
  • Neutral: here there is only information transfer of one person to another, for example, during work or other activities.
  • Negative: indignation, anger and other similar feelings - all this is acceptable if you have to face injustice. However, it is important to control oneself so that such motives do not turn into illegal actions.

Even the last point relates to ethics, like the rest, because all of the above is based on the motives of high morality. It is a completely different matter when a person is guided by base motives, wanting to commit deceit, revenge, or deliberately deprive someone of a good mood. This behavior is contrary to ethics, although it may have some exceptions.

Of course, general ethical principles apply to every person, no matter who he is, but the so-called business world has managed to create its own rules of communication, which must also be observed while in the appropriate environment. In fact, they differ only in the presence of a constant formality. These rules sound very accessible.

  • There is no absolute truth even in morality, and it is the highest human judge.
  • If you want to change the world, start with yourself. Praising others, find claims in your direction. Forgiving the misdeeds of others, always punish yourself.
  • It depends only on the person himself how he will be treated.

  • develop special ethical standards;
  • create personal ethics commissions;
  • properly train employees and instill in them respect for ethical standards and for each other.

Thanks to such decisions, a certain therapeutic effect is created for the entire team, helping to create or improve a moral atmosphere, increase loyalty and not forget about morality. The reputation of the firm will also improve.

Basic Rules

The concept of "ethics" and its rules should be known to all self-respecting people. Moreover, the basics of good tone are quite simple - remembering and observing them will not be difficult.

Communication in one's own home with relatives can be of any character acceptable to a particular family, however, when entering society, behavior with other people must comply with generally accepted standards. Many adhere to the statement that there is only one opportunity to make a proper impression on a stranger, and this is remembered with each new acquaintance. In order for everything to go well, it is important not to forget about the implementation of a few simple rules.

  • It doesn't matter if it's in a fun company or at an official event, strangers should first be introduced to each other.
  • Names are a very important detail, so you need to try to remember each one.
  • When a man and a woman meet, the representative of the stronger sex, as a rule, begins to speak first, but there may be an exception if he is a famous person or there is a meeting of a business nature.

  • Seeing a significant age difference, the younger should introduce himself to the older one first.
  • If possible, you should rise when an acquaintance occurs.
  • When the acquaintance has already taken place, the one who is higher in rank or position in society or the older person continues the interaction. A different alignment is possible when an awkward silence occurs.
  • If you had to sit down with strangers at the same table, it is necessary to make an acquaintance with those sitting nearby before the start of the meal.
  • When shaking hands, the gaze should be directed into the eyes of the person opposite.
  • The palm for the handshake is extended in a vertical position with the edge down. This gesture shows that the interlocutors are equal.
  • Gestures are as important a component of communication as words, so you need to follow them.
  • Shaking hands with a glove is not worth it, it is better to take it off even on the street. However, women do not have to do this.
  • After a meeting and greeting, they usually find out how the interlocutor is doing, or how he is doing.
  • The content of the conversation should not touch on topics, the discussion of which will cause discomfort to one of the parties.

  • Opinions, values, and tastes are personal things and should either not be discussed at all, or done with care so as not to hurt anyone's feelings.
  • If you want to show your personality from the best side, you cannot praise yourself, otherwise you will achieve the opposite result, since boasting is not encouraged.
  • The tone of conversation should always remain as polite as possible. The interlocutor, most likely, is not to blame for the problems of personal relationships of another person, and a gloomy look will only repel and upset him.
  • If the place of action is a company of three or more people, then you should not whisper with someone.
  • After the end of the conversation, it is important to say goodbye competently and culturally in order to prevent an unforgivable violation.

Not only adults, but also children, from a conscious age, should know the listed rules that regulate their behavior in the future. To regulate ethics and good manners for your child means to raise him as a worthy person who will be accepted into society. However, you should not only tell the kids how to behave with other people. It is much more important to show this by example, which serves as proof of correct behavior.

Morality and etiquette

These concepts are a whole science of courtesy and politeness. Morality can also be called a code of morality and decency. All this affects the behavior of people, their communication and attitude towards each other. There are many historical examples of the management of a society especially interested in morality.

The established norms included in the concept of etiquette determine the type of a particular person, referring him, for example, to good or evil, depending on how he presents himself in public.

It is senseless to deny the great influence of moral principles on the culture of the whole world, starting from ancient times. Since then, and to this day, informal rules are passed from parents to children. Something remains unchanged for centuries, while the other changes when it completely loses its relevance. This means that for each time there are their own concepts, as well as for each individual people or even a single family.

Discussions about the correctness or errors in personal judgments of people, different in their temperament and upbringing, can be endless, but everyone will find their own arguments in favor of one or another principle or contrary to the objection.

For information on how to behave in society, see the video below.

The ethical norms of service relations are based on universal human values, norms and rules of conduct, but have some peculiarities.
Business ethics in a broad sense is a set of ethical principles and norms that should guide the activities of an organization in the field of management and entrepreneurship.

It includes elements of a different order: an ethical assessment of both the internal and external policies of the organization as a whole; moral principles of members of the organization: professional morality; moral climate in the team; norms of business ethics are ritual external norms of behavior.
The level of moral development of both an individual and an organization as a whole is currently determined by an orientation towards the universal principles of justice, equality of human rights and respect for human dignity that were formed in the 20th century; the principle of benefit is the power of life.
Based on this, the organization is required to solve such social problems: improving the quality of life of employees, protecting the environment; charity. The general basis of professional ethics is the understanding of labor as a moral value, in contrast to the ancient idea of ​​labor as a measure of punishment, a curse.

Labor becomes a moral value if it is perceived not as a source of existence, but as a way of forming human dignity. Individual morality in the professional sphere also implies awareness of professional duty. Achieving success in any profession is associated with the definition of self-restraint, without which the professional realization of the personality is impossible and is expressed in the desire to form in oneself such qualities as discipline, organization, efficiency, accuracy, perseverance. The leaders of the organization are responsible for the realization of the professional capabilities of employees, their career, and therefore - for the social status and ethical standards of behavior.

The moral and business qualities of people for the manager of personnel management are the object of professional activity. They should contribute to the formation of the following qualities in their employees:
professional - professional level of knowledge, skills, abilities, knowledge of foreign languages;
moral and psychological as professional - purposefulness, endurance, honesty, adherence to principles, exactingness;
moral - kindness, humanity, dignity, respect for others, decency, courage, honesty, justice.

The administration needs to know what ethical standards are formed in the team. The work of the organization depends on their quality. The main task is to ensure that employees are perceived not as a labor force, but as a person, with the same rights and dignity, as leaders, and labor relations are formed as a partnership. Labor relations require from a person the tension of the mind, physical and spiritual strength. Many managers do not take into account the state of mind of their employees. In such cases, the employee cannot work for a long time and effectively. All transnational corporations of the world pay great attention to the issues of business ethics, and this is not accidental, since corporate morality makes it possible to strengthen the self-organization and self-discipline of employees.

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