Commercial Writing Rules. How to write a commercial proposal


Today, there are no introductions and preludes - only a dry squeeze on how to make a commercial proposal (Compromed, KP). We will consider the main approaches and principles with illustrative examples. Also, just below I will provide templates and samples of the structure and text of a commercial offer with links so that you can download and adapt them to your needs. The purpose of this article is to teach you how to develop a CP that, firstly, will be read. And secondly, after reading which, they will respond and agree to the proposed deal. Ready? Then let's get started.

By the way, if it’s more convenient for you to watch the video, or time is short, then I briefly talk about creating a CP in the 18th lesson of the course “Copywriting from scratch in 30 days”, see:

What is a commercial offer

Commercial offer is a marketing tool that is sent to the addressee by regular or e-mail in order to get a response. A response is a transfer of a potential client to the next stage of communication (meeting, presentation or signing a contract). Depending on the type of CP, the particular tasks of the tool, as well as its volume and content, may differ.

Types of commercial offers

There are three types of compreds: cold, hot and public offer. The first two types are used in marketing and sales. The third is in jurisprudence.

1. “Cold” commercial offer

“Cold” commercial offers are sent to an unprepared client (“cold”). Basically, it's spam. As practice shows, people do not particularly like spam, but if they are interested in it, then ... this becomes an exception to the rule. For this type of CP to work, you need a quality target list (list of recipients). The "cleaner" this list, the higher the response. If the target list contains general addresses of the form [email protected], then the efficiency of the compressor is a priori reduced by 80-90%.

Let's take a piquant situation as an example. Suppose the head of the sales department of company N has a plan on fire. Less than two weeks before the report, he's tearing his hair out, unsure of what to do, and receives an email with something like this: "5 Ways to Achieve Your Monthly Sales Target in a Week." Tada-a-am! Here it is, saving the situation! And the person reads the main text, in which, among the methods, the service that we offer is hidden.

But this is only a special case. The main task of a “cold” commercial proposal is to get the recipient to read it to the end. It is worth making a mistake - and the letter flies into the trash.

This is why there are three main discard risks to consider when designing a “cold” BC:

  1. At the receiving stage. Gets attention. This could be a subject line if the quote is sent via email, or a custom envelope with a color or form factor if the delivery channel is physical, etc.
  2. At the opening stage. It manages with an attractive offer (it is also called an “offer”), we will talk about it a little lower.
  3. At the reading stage. Gets by using elements of persuasion and marketing chips. We will also talk about them below.

Please note: the volume of a “cold” commercial offer, as a rule, is 1-2 pages of printed text, no more. This is due to the fact that the recipient is not initially configured to read the CP, and even more so he will not read it if the volume exceeds 10-20 pages.

The main advantage of a “cold” commercial offer is its mass character, however, practice shows that when a CP is personalized, the response to it is an order of magnitude higher.

2. "Hot" commercial offer

Unlike the “cold” counterparts, the “hot” commercial offer is sent to a prepared client (a person who himself requested a quotation or who was previously contacted by the manager).

“Hot” CPs differ from “cold” ones both in volume (which can be 10-15 pages or slides) and in the approach to compilation. More than that, they give a person the information of interest for making a decision (price, availability, conditions, etc.). Recently, “hot” commercial offers, designed as PowerPoint presentations or translated from PowerPoint into PDF format, have been especially popular.

Read more about hot compreds in.

3. Offer

This is a special type of compreds made in the form of a public contract that does not require signing. It is used on the websites of various SaaS services or in online stores. As soon as a person fulfills the terms of the contract (for example, registers on the site), he automatically accepts the terms of the offer.

Quotation offer

Not to be confused with offer. This is completely different. To make a truly powerful commercial offer, you will need a killer offer - the "heart" of your offer (English offer - to offer). This is the point. In other words, a clear statement of what exactly you are offering. In this case, it is desirable to indicate the essence at the very beginning (this especially applies to “cold” CPs).

Please note: the offer is ALWAYS aimed at the benefit for the reader, and not at the goods or services! The easiest way is to make it according to the formula: we offer you (benefit) at the expense (product)

Every day I come across commercial offers whose authors step on the same rake again and again (do not repeat!):

  • We offer office furniture
  • We invite you to attend a seminar
  • We invite you to order website promotion from us
  • We offer you to wash your floors

And so on... This is a gross mistake. Look around: competitors offer the same. But most importantly, there is no benefit for the recipient here. Absolutely none. What will he get from this? What benefits will it get?

At the same time, these sentences can be flipped, made more personal and reader-oriented. For example:

  • I suggest you save up to $5,000 on furnishing your office with chic European furniture.
  • I suggest that you increase your company's turnover by 20-70% thanks to the information you will receive at the seminar.
  • I suggest you attract hundreds of new potential customers at a price of 1.5 rubles per person.
  • I suggest that you reduce the incidence of colds in your employees (and the number of sick days, respectively) through daily wet cleaning.

You got the idea. The main thing is to convey to the recipient the benefits that you offer him, and already goods and services are a way to get this benefit. More about the offer - in.

In its structure, a commercial offer is somewhat reminiscent of a selling text. And this is natural, since the CP is a special case of a commercial text. But there is one element that makes compreds stand out from the mass of other tools. This is an offer. However, let's talk about everything in order.

0. Footer

The footer most often contains a logo (so that the CP is identified with a specific company) and contact details with a mini-call. This is done to save time and space. One has only to look at the top of the document - he already knows what it is about and how to contact you. Very comfortably. The size of the footer, as a rule, does not exceed 2 cm. After all, for a cold A4 compress, every centimeter counts. See how I would put together a sales pitch for, say, my blog. In this case, I'm selling content in exchange for readers' time.

1. Title of commercial offer

Vital element. Especially for a “cold” gearbox. His task is to attract attention and immediately catch the benefit.

Note: when it comes to a “cold” compred, the heading “Commercial offer” is not the best option. If only because it is not informative, takes up space and is no different from dozens of others sent by your competitors. In addition, if a person does not expect letters from you and receives something so abstract, he reflexively makes several clicks: “highlight” and “spam”.

At the same time, for a “hot” commercial offer, such a heading is more than appropriate if the company name is indicated next.

In my practice, headings (not to be confused with the subject of a cover letter!) work best using the 4U formula. I talk about them in detail. In today's sales pitch test case, the title is a combination of a title and a subtitle.

Lead (first paragraph)

The main task of a lead is to arouse interest in what you are saying. Otherwise, people just won't listen to you. Well, or if literally, then read your commercial offer. The lead always talks about what is important to the client. There are four approaches for this:

  1. From a problem (most often)
  2. From the solution (if there is no problem as such)
  3. From objections (if applicable)
  4. Emotions (very rare)

In my sample, I used the "from the problem" approach, take a look. Below I will show a few more samples with different approaches.

3. Offer

I have already talked about creating an offer a little higher. The offer should interest the recipient in the benefit so that he continues reading your commercial offer. Practice shows that if the offer is not interesting to the reader, the CP goes straight to the ballot box (the second wave of ejection).

For an offer, you can use either a general formula with a profit, or the so-called amplifier link:

  • Product + product at a bargain price
  • Product + service
  • Product + gift, etc.

At the end of the offer, I recommend making a graphic anchor (if space permits). It thins out the text mass and adds "air". In addition, it makes your commercial offer easy to scan. See what offer and graphic anchor I made in the sample offer for my blog. In your CP, you can use as an anchor the visualization of the supplied goods or the main directions of services, plus prices (if they are competitive for you).

4. Benefits for the customer

The next block is the benefits blog. In other words, this is a transfer that a person receives when he agrees to your commercial offer. It is important to be able to distinguish benefits from properties and characteristics. I wrote more in .

For example, in a sample CV for my blog readers, I can list the following benefits. Please note that the benefit block has a subtitle that is always directed towards the reader.

5. Handling objections

It is not always possible to insert all objection handlers into a quotation. But even so, the main ones can be closed by simply answering the questions: “Who are you?”, “Why can you be trusted?”, “Who already uses your services?”, “Geography of presence”, etc. Take a look at my sample CP for a blog. I handle the objection by answering the question "Who is the author, and can he be trusted?".

Blocks with social proof or authority triggers are often used as objection handlers. Finally, another powerful persuasion technique in commercial proposals is warranties. At the same time, guarantees can be both expected (12 months for office equipment) and unexpected (if something breaks down, the company repairs it at its own expense, and provides a similar model of equipment for the duration of the repair).

To inspire even more trust, tell us about your company, without unnecessary praises - specifically and to the point. Only facts.

6. Call to action

Another essential attribute of a good commercial offer is an appeal. At the same time, there should be only one call (calling for one specific action): most often it is a call, but there may also be an application on the site or a visit to the sales department. Maximum - to the alternative: call or send Email.

Note: the call should be a strong verb, so the response will be higher.


  • Call me (strong verb)
  • You can call (weak verb, the effect will be lower)

And one more important point. You will be surprised, but sometimes people who develop commercial proposals forget to include contact information in them. It turns out a comical situation: the recipient of the CP wants to order a product or service, but physically cannot do this, because he does not know where to contact him.

In my sample, I put the call in the footer.

7. Postscript

The final, and at the same time one of the most important elements of all “killer” commercial proposals, is a postscript (P.S.). When used correctly, a postscript becomes a very powerful motivating lever. Practice shows that people read postscripts most often (after the captions under the pictures). That is why, if you want to strengthen your commercial offer, then the cherished letters P.S. desirable to adopt.

In addition, a restriction (deadline) can be inserted into the postscript. This point of structure is missed by many. And if in the case of sending a “hot” commercial offer, the manager can call and remind about himself, then in the case of a “cold” commercial proposal, the absence of a restriction can deprive the company of more than half of the responses.

You can limit either in the context of time or in the context of the quantity of goods. For example:

  • There are only 5 fax machines left.
  • The offer is valid only until August 31, from September 1 the price will increase by 2 times.

It is worth mentioning that if you make a restriction, then you must fulfill your promises. And not like you promise to double the price tomorrow, but the next day you don’t do it, but promise the same thing.

Ready sample commercial offer

If we connect all the blocks, we will get such a sample of a commercial offer. He is universal. I adapted it for the sale of various goods and services: from logistics to rolled metal. Somewhere he worked better, somewhere worse. But everywhere he justified himself and paid off. The only thing to remember is the cleanliness of the target list.

Another strength of this sample is that it is easy to scan. A person understands what we offer him in a matter of seconds.

You can download this sample to your Google Drive from this link to adapt it to your task. There you can also save it in RTF, MS Word or PDF formats. The compilation algorithm is slightly lower.

How to write a commercial offer (algorithm)

In order to properly prepare a commercial offer, you need to:

Step 1: Take as a basis the sample from the link above.

Step 2: Replace the logo, call and contacts with your own.

Step 3: develop a heading according to the 4U formula.

Step 4: Describe the client's real "pain" in the first paragraph.

Step 5: Make an offer with a solution for "pain".

Step 6: Make a graphic separator.

Step 7: Describe the additional benefits of your offer.

Step 8: Remove key objections or briefly describe yourself.

Step 9: Make a call to action, write P.S. with a deadline.

Other samples of commercial proposals

According to the above structure, it is possible to compose purely textual compreds. Let's look at sample commercial proposals for the supply of goods and transport services. Despite the fact that they do not have graphic separators, the order of the blocks in them is identical. Notice the "If you already have a supplier" objection handler. This technique is called psychological adjustment and is described in detail in Susan Weinschenk's book Laws of Influence.

a) Sample commercial offer for transport services

The commercial offer plays an important role in the promotion and development of the company.

With a properly drawn up commercial offer, the volume of orders and sales increases, which, accordingly, increases profits.

Varieties of commercial offers

There are two types of them: "cold" and "hot" commercial offer.

  • With a "cold" commercial offer, sending is carried out to an unprepared client. In other words, spam is coming. People most often do not experience much enthusiasm for such a mailing, but the main task of a commercial offer is to interest a potential client and get the letter read to the end. The most important advantage of a "cold" commercial offer is its mass character, large audience coverage. However, in practice, the responses are more responsive from commercial proposals received by a specific, specific person.
  • The second type of commercial offer is "hot", which is sent at the request of the client himself or with whom negotiations have already been conducted. Increasingly popular in recent years is the commercial offer, designed in the form of a presentation.

The structure of the offer

It is desirable for each company to have its own quotation template.

  1. Title. It plays a huge role, especially with a "cold" commercial offer. The title should be catchy, intriguing, attract attention as much as possible and make you want to read the letter in its entirety.
  2. Offer. At this stage, it is necessary to arouse interest in the recipient of the letter with a potential benefit for him so that he continues to read the offer letter.
  3. Belief. Here you need to convince the client that it is this product (service) that he needs, and he must place the order through the company that sent the letter.
  4. Limitation. Many people forget about this point, but it is necessary. On a subconscious level, it makes a person study the product more carefully (with a limited amount of goods in the commercial offer) or immediately navigate the timing (if the commercial offer is valid only for a certain period).
  5. Next comes the call. It should be short, but strong, calling for specific action.
  6. Do not forget about contacts, indicate the most complete data.

Try to indicate in the commercial offer reviews on the work of the company, visual images, photographs.

And remember that a well-written commercial offer is already half the success!

Below is a standard form and a sample proposal template, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

A commercial offer is a presentation of a service (goods) for the purpose of its implementation. Successful provision of services directly depends on a well-written and sent business proposal. Use one of the good examples of this document to create the right commercial proposal that causes an explosion in sales.

Commercial offer: author's creative

The commercial offer (CP) ideally should contribute to the explosion of sales. First of all, a competent author is selected. The finished commercial offer is evaluated by the leading specialists of the company. They leave their comments on the last page of the proposal. Perhaps the author will have to finalize the document, taking into account all the comments of the customer.

Let's list the stages of drawing up a commercial proposal for the provision of services.

  1. Preparatory work (gathering information about the service and potential customers, the choice of the author).
  2. Decor.
  3. Coordination.
  4. Making possible amendments.

The selling commercial offer is made up by employees of the marketing department of the organization. If there is no such department, then the execution of the document will be entrusted to the leading specialist of the company. It is possible that the employee has no experience in compiling sales texts. Do not despair: a creative approach, together with the desire to sell a service, will help you write a decent business letter.

If the situation with a creative approach in the company is at zero, then you are in an advertising company. For money, of course, you will make a wonderful commercial offer. But you will miss the chance to independently launch a project for the implementation of enterprise services.

How to compose

An approximate plan for compiling a CP is as follows.

  1. Introduction. The main idea is why a business letter was sent to the customer.
  2. Main part. Offer the terms of the deal, describe all the benefits of cooperation with you.
  3. application (if applicable). All additional information that explains the content of the proposal is reflected here. A reference in the text of the proposal to the presence of the application is required. The application itself indicates its belonging to a specific commercial offer.

Think about how you can interest the client in your service. Answer the question for yourself: “Why should the customer read this commercial offer?”. Try to cover the situation as a whole, and not one-sidedly.

Information about the service for the customer

  • Briefly indicate information about the selling company itself.
  • Attach an assortment list and prices.
  • Describe the services.
  • List the terms of service.
  • Term of service provision and warranty obligations.
  • Wishes for further cooperation.
  • If possible, attach additional visual material about the service provided.

Making a document without errors

It is worth focusing on GOST R 6.30–97 (relevant in 2017). It lists 29 details that the selling company can use in a commercial offer.

Do not clutter up the text with unnecessary props. This will only tire the potential customer. It is unlikely that he will want to read your proposal to the end.

The correct form of the CP

The choice of form depends on specific situations. In some cases, it may be wiser to first notify the customer orally (by phone or during a business meeting). Personal contact will give you an incomparable advantage in describing the characteristics of your services. Demonstration of videos, visual samples, photos, special editions is welcome. In addition, by the behavior of the customer, you can immediately see how much you are interested in him with your service.

Even if nothing is ordered from you, it will be an invaluable experience for correcting your commercial offer.

The second version of the form is written. Sending method: regular and e-mail, fax. Two forms (written and oral) can be used in parallel and separately. In any case, it is worthwhile to calculate in advance the option of notifying the customer about your service. Collective work in this case will play the role of "brainstorming", which will make it possible to foresee possible scenarios as much as possible.


Approach the issue of the structure of the commercial proposal with the utmost seriousness.

  1. Post useful information about the proposed service.
  2. Interest the customer when reading the information.
  3. Encourage the counterparty to place an order for the service.

Table: how to arrange the structural elements of a sales letter

Structural element nameDescription and layout
Intrigue (some secret)The whole secret is in the title. Intrigue the client - there is a chance to read the letter to the end. Condition - the title should be beneficial to the client.
Example: “Dear Pyotr Petrovich! Already today you can save 40% on payment for communication”.
Approach to the client's problemAttention! The "I-approach" is cancelled. Turn your face to the client's problem. Show how you can handle customer challenges.
Example: “Dear Ivan Nikolaevich! Your profit will increase up to 60% in 15 days of using our service for…”
Solution to the customer's problemApproach to the client - on an equal footing. In no case do not personally belittle your company and do not beg for an order.
Briefly and clearly tell the customer about how you will deal with his problem.
Example: "We will carry out all work on the improvement of the office with responsibility."
Benefits for the customerA very important block in the text. Do not skip it and do not fill in information about your service.
Example: "We are guaranteed to reduce the cost of your coolants."
Your Benefit ArgumentsLots of exciting approaches. Choose the one that suits your topic and your personal benefit.
Example: "In winter - 25% discount", "-50% savings in the first month of use."
Price DescriptionThe customer must clearly understand how the price of the service is formed. Omissions and undeveloped options will play a cruel joke - the customer will not take your company seriously.
Sales secret: in one commercial offer, place a description of one service. In extreme cases, for the benefit of the customer, you can
add a related service or product.
Example: "When ordering two air conditioners - free refueling during the year."
Arguments in favor of your pricesJust a concrete example of the benefit. Mathematical calculations will only work in your favor.
Example: "1 thousand rubles of savings per hour of work."
Contacts + call to actionExample: "Call us and we will answer all your questions." Be sure to provide real contact information (phone, email, fax, etc.). The more contact options, the better.

This is the classic form of sentence block arrangement. They can be interchanged and partially removed from the text. On your part, the main thing is to take the place of the client and understand what the problem is and how to help solve it. Then the question of the correct structure of the text will be removed by itself.

In the course of writing a sales copy for your service, try to mention the benefit to the client at least three times. It would be appropriate to do this in a block about some intrigue in your offer and about the benefit for the client.

How to avoid mistakes when filling out a quotation

So, you sent a commercial offer and expect a flurry of calls to order a service. After a while, you realize that something has gone wrong. Let's take a look at the common mistakes in writing a sales proposal.

Sample commercial proposals for the provision of services

Sample commercial proposal for the provision of computer services.

Sample commercial offer for the rental of special equipment.

Sample commercial proposal for the development of design products.

How to correctly draw up a commercial offer for the provision of cargo transportation services.

Sample commercial proposal for the provision of services for cleaning roofs from snow.

We write to a foreign partner

Let's start by choosing the writing language. If you are fluent in the language of the country of the addressee, then it would be logical to use it. If there are difficulties in writing the text in the native language of the recipient of the letter, then it is better to use English. You will decide for yourself whether you will write a proposal using your company or contact a specialist in high-quality translation. There is one thing - the first impression. Try not to spoil it immediately with a distorted style of presentation. Therefore, it is not worth saving on a commercial offer.

Rules for writing text

Choose a presentation style (for example, business).

Use short and medium length sentences without complex turns.

Proper division into paragraphs will facilitate the visual perception of the text and set a certain rhythm.

The position of the letter text along the left edge of the page.

Letter header. In the upper left corner, the sender's data is indicated, and in the following order: first name, last name, first name, office or apartment, house, street, city, index, country.

Destination. The name, company, with a new line the address of the company is indicated.

Specify the date of departure in the format date/month/year (for European countries) or month/date/year (for the United States). To avoid confusion, you can write the date in a more detailed form: October 10, 2016. Please note that in Russian the date is written with a dot (10/10/2016), while in English the date is written with a slash (10/10/2016).

The manner of addressing a foreign partner. Please note that a comma is placed after the appeal, in no case an exclamation point.

The structure of the main text. The first time you contact me, you need to introduce yourself. Subsequent letters begin with an expression of gratitude.

Specify the purpose for which you are applying.

If an attachment is attached to the letter, please indicate this.

A sample business letter in English is given below.

How to send a quotation

Thinking about how to send a letter is before composing. The following conditions affect the submission option:

  • availability of confidential information. In this case, priority is given to regular mail;
  • the volume of the letter. One - two pages can be sent by regular mail, fax. It is more expedient to send the volume up to 15 sheets by e-mail.

It is better to agree on the sending option with the recipient of the offer. Perhaps some method of obtaining is not available for him. Do everything for the convenience of the customer.

Actions after sending an email

The conditions of modern reality indicate that it is not worth waiting for a call from the customer. The entire initiative to promote the service is up to the seller. Gently and unobtrusively, the client should be led to purchase. The first step - sending a business proposal - is done. Next, we recommend doing this:

  • Check with the client (for example, by phone) whether the commercial offer has been received, whether everything is clear and legible. In the same call, arrange the next call. As a rule, it will take 1-5 days.
    Do not forget about 30 seconds, during which you have to "hook" the client. Therefore, we are talking only on the merits. Good conversation starter: "I can help you increase your sales." This is the universal goal of enterprises. And because there is a chance that the customer will listen to you carefully and ask questions.
  • You call back in 3-5 days and ask what questions the client has after reading the offer. Check if collaboration is possible. If the client does not have any questions, they can be modeled to the seller of the service. For example, ask a question and answer it yourself: “Our customers were interested in what is the benefit of cooperation with our company?”. In a detailed answer to your own question, you will conduct an additional presentation of the service.
  • If the customer is not ready to conclude a deal at the moment, you agree when you can call him back to inform you about new promotions of your company. You can send an additional commercial offer after a while. If offers are sent out via email, then information about your services can be updated systematically (2-3 times a month).

When implementing services, it is worth focusing not only on personal profit. Only mutually beneficial interest will allow your company to reach a decent level of sales. A successful commercial offer works on the principle of a hook from which it is very difficult for the client to break.

One of the elements of modern business is to introduce potential customers to the company's products or services through a commercial offer. Much depends on the correctness of its preparation, this appeal forms the first idea about the company and influences the decision on possible cooperation. Therefore, the business owner must pay close attention to the preparation of a commercial proposal.

Types of commercial offers

Commercial offers in the business environment have become commonplace. They go for a variety of reasons and due to different circumstances. These factors make it possible to single out certain types of proposals, which differ significantly in the principles of their preparation:

  • Cold - sent to a client who may be interested in the proposed product or service. By this principle, the majority of mailings by e-mail and a significant number of targeted mailings - direct mail.
  • Hot - an offer focused on customers who have shown interest in a product or service. For example, during the exhibition they visited the company's stand and asked to send them an offer.
  • Individual - a commercial offer addressed to a specific client. This offer takes into account the specific needs of a particular client. For example, such an offer is sent in response to a request for the possibility of supplying a certain product or providing a certain service.

In practice, an entrepreneur has to deal with each of these types of proposals, regardless of whether he sells his own, in Russia or in another region.

Basic rules for preparing a commercial offer

Any commercial proposal must emphasize the specifics of the goods or services offered and at the same time indicate the characteristics of the company that makes this proposal. But there is a certain set of rules that all entrepreneurs must take into account when compiling a quality commercial proposal. There are five such rules:

  1. a bright headline that should not only hook the reader, but also give him some information.
  2. offer - a direct offer of a product or service. It should be formulated in the first paragraph of the proposal and contain not only information about the product or service, but also emphasize the benefits of acquiring them, as well as their focus on solving a specific customer problem.
  3. objection handling – a good commercial proposal should anticipate possible concerns of customers and answer their possible questions. As additional arguments in favor of the proposal, you can use statistical data and reviews of real customers.
  4. limitation - the offer must be valid for a certain period of time, which excludes the possibility of the client to stretch the process of making a decision on the transaction over time. You can exclude the time limit from individual commercial proposals, but in some cases it can look organic and show its effectiveness there.
  5. a call to a specific action - a commercial offer should not only offer a product or service, but also encourage the client to take an action aimed at the transaction process, for example, call the operator, subscribe, etc.

Compliance with these rules makes it possible to create a selling commercial offer for any business: from to the oil refining complex. But it is always necessary to understand the specifics of your offer and take it into account in the offer for customers.

An example of a commercial offer for the sale of goods

A commercial offer aimed at selling a product must contain information that is sufficient for the consumer to evaluate the benefits of purchasing it. Do not overload the offer with unnecessary information, for example, about the dimensions of the package, the ingredients included in the product, etc.

Experts advise to make a separate offer for each product. You should not include information, for example, about snowmobiles and motor boats in one sentence. The only exceptions are products offered in the range. For example, a juice manufacturer may make one offer for their product, indicating that there are different flavors, packaging, etc.

In the offer of goods, it is necessary to indicate its cost, since the absence of such a benchmark significantly reduces the interest of potential buyers, some of whom are simply too lazy to call and find out the price of the goods.

Of great importance here is the time limit, which encourages the client to quickly make a purchase. The time limit will be well connected with the price, for example, “only until December 1, 2016, we reduce the price of scooters to 2000 rubles.”

If possible, a commercial offer for a product should contain its image - visualization allows you to better understand what is specifically offered and make a purchase decision.

How to make a commercial offer for the supply of goods?

A commercial offer for the supply of goods is characterized by two features: an indication of certain characteristics of a particular product and an emphasis on the advantages of the supplier of this product. For example, "our company supplies Chinese green tea directly from the plantations."

In some cases, the offer may contain more information about the supplier than about the product, this is most typical for large wholesale companies. For example, “our company cooperates with metallurgical plants in Russia, Ukraine, Poland. We offer our customers high-quality rolled metal at an affordable price, we provide free delivery to the regions, etc.”

The offer for the supply of goods should draw the attention of customers to the benefits of cooperation. Experts advise not to include a detailed offer for all commodity items in it, it is enough to indicate some of them that will allow you to “hook” the client. In the offer, you can indicate that a detailed price list can be sent on request. As an option - the price is an addition to the offer.

If the offer for the supply of goods is of an individual nature, then it must necessarily contain all the information necessary for the client, including information about specific goods and their cost.

How to make a commercial offer for the provision of services?

A commercial offer for services is practically no different from an offer for a product. Here it is also necessary to provide information to the potential client about the benefits he receives from the purchase of the service. At the same time, the specifics of the service should be taken into account and emphasized in the proposal. For example, confidentiality is often important for medical services, so the commercial offer can indicate that all clients receiving medical services are guaranteed the protection of their personal data.

In the provision of most services, the professionalism of the performers is of great importance, which should also be noted in the proposal. For example, "for those who have decided, we offer the assistance of an experienced lawyer who will collect all the necessary permits and provide legal support for the business at all its stages."

How to write a construction proposal - sample

A commercial offer for construction work must necessarily indicate a solution to the client's problem, but at the same time emphasize the high quality of the work performed by a particular company. In such a commercial offer, it is effective to use information about finished objects, customer reviews. For example, “our construction company has built more than a hundred objects for various purposes in five years of operation, for example, the Domiki residential complex, the Bankovsky business center and many others.”

In some cases, it makes sense to include photographs of completed objects in the proposal or talk in more detail about the construction technology. For example: “We build structures from arched structures. This technology involves the use of prefabricated structures made in the form of metal arches. Its advantage is the speed of construction, so it will not take much time to expand the warehouse space.”

Commercial proposals for the construction of a particular client are characterized by greater certainty. Such a proposal should contain as much detail as possible about the cost of the work, options for solving specific client issues, about the resources planned for use, and the timing of the work.

An example of a commercial proposal for cooperation

This category of commercial offers is no less widespread than offers to purchase a product or service. Such proposals are aimed at forming partnerships, for example, building an agent or dealer network. With the help of such an offer, information about the sale of a ready-made business can be advertised or communicated.

In the proposal for cooperation, it is necessary to indicate information about the company, it is desirable to make sure that the potential partner has the opportunity to verify its authenticity. For example, indicate the real address of the office, TIN or OGRN of the company.

The essence of the proposal must be stated as detailed as possible so that the partner understands what is being offered. At the same time, it is not necessary to describe in detail the entire scheme of cooperation, the amount of information should be such that those who are truly interested understand the essence of the proposal and continue communication, rather than wasting their time on topics that are obviously uninteresting to them.

It is important to indicate all the benefits for a potential partner from accepting a cooperation proposal. Moreover, it will not be superfluous to explain why the company makes such an offer, and indicate some of its benefits from this cooperation. Such information emphasizes the transparency of relations and is an additional guarantee that partnerships will be built on fair terms. For example, "our company provides a partner, but on the condition that the partner purchases all the necessary raw materials and consumables for work with us in a monthly amount of at least 500,000 rubles."

A commercial proposal for cooperation should focus the addressee on cooperation based on benefits, and this is what should be emphasized throughout the text: from beginning to end.

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Any commercial proposal must be drafted competently and effectively. Every business owner (regardless of size) must have certain skills in preparing effective commercial proposals. Without a good offer, building a successful business is almost impossible. Even in simple communication with customers, it is necessary to be able to convey information to them that will allow them to make a deal. A commercial offer is not only a beautifully designed text on paper, but the whole process of interaction with others. Any conversation with a neighbor on the porch can be the beginning of a deal, in which there will be both the usual paper offers and telephone conversations, so a real entrepreneur must be able to make a commercial offer that is interesting to the client in any setting.

In contact with

Do you send out commercial offers, but customers do not call? Or did the boss set the task of writing a CP, but there are no ideas? Then we study the issue, look at examples and learn how to create the right commercial offer, the result of which is not sent to the customer's wastebasket, but is reflected in the increasing sales figures of your company.

A commercial offer (CO) is an offer of services provided by one company to another organization or to a specific person. The category of services can include consulting, and the sale of a specific product, and training of the organization's personnel, and the creation of a website, and an offer for the supply of building materials.

Interaction with the client is a certain chain of actions that must be completed before he makes a purchase decision and pays the bill.

Companies that sell a certain product create their own websites, hire managers to call customers, send out offers, create and send product catalogs, develop presentations, and participate in exhibitions. Each of these actions performs its functions in the overall sales system, pursues its own goals and must achieve certain results.

The commercial offer in this chain also has its place and performs specific functions:

  • attracting the attention of a potential client to the service provided by the enterprise;
  • formation of interest in the information presented in the document and in the proposed product;
  • stimulate the desire to purchase the product.

By and large, a commercial offer is an information occasion that can be discussed with a client, which means that it is a method of “opening doors” to a potential partner’s company.

Types of commercial offers

CPs sent to customers at different stages of the sale differ in goals and expected results.

It is directed to completely unfamiliar potential buyers with whom the sales manager has had no prior contact.

Its main characteristics:

  • standard text for customers with an emphasis on offering a product or service;
  • short in volume, and, as a rule, created on one sheet;
  • sent in bulk, which resembles spam mailings.

Such an offer will “hook” those customers who have a need for the product even before they receive the letter.

"Warm" KP

Such an offer is sent after a preliminary call to the client. As a rule, the conversation was short. To complete it faster, it was easier for a potential buyer to request a commercial offer than to listen to information about a product that he does not need yet, or simply does not have time to communicate.

As a result, the sales specialist sends a letter to the potential client, referring to the agreements reached over the phone. By and large, this is still the same “cold” client, but the first contact has already taken place with him. Based on the results of sending, it becomes possible to call again and clarify whether he is ready to discuss the information voiced in the proposal. This gearbox is individual, unlike the "cold" version.

If at the time of the second call of the manager the client did not read the letter, then you can specify the date and time of the second call. So the client begins to get used to communication with the manager. If he is at least a little interested in the text of the proposal and arranges communication with the “salesperson”, there is a chance to continue the dialogue.


All clients are different. The needs of each of them are individual: for some, the product itself is important at a low cost, someone wants to receive the product and delivery, and others focus on the quality of the service or product.

At the moment of communication with the client, in the case of properly built communication, the manager receives information about the specifics of his needs. And if this happened, then the sales specialist has every chance to make an individual commercial offer that will hit right on target. In this case, it is restructured, specific accents are placed, since it is clear which target group the potential buyer belongs to.

The same option is sent if the client has initiated a request for a commercial offer to the company. Often in his address, he clarifies what exactly interests him.

Features of the "hot" offer.

  1. It is sent individually to a specific person or employee of the company, and his name is indicated either in the body of the cover letter or in the proposal structure.
  2. It can be more voluminous, placed on two or more sheets or in the form of a presentation.
  3. The discussion organized by the manager after the client has read the proposal is more substantive and constructive.

Here is an example of a PO that can be sent after discussing all the details of cooperation with a partner.

The structure of the offer

A commercial offer is built according to a certain scheme. Each part has its own tasks. Managers who create this document need to think through each of its structural elements.

The offer includes the following sections:

  • title;
  • offer;
  • belief;
  • limitation;
  • call;
  • contacts;
  • P.S.


The first thing a client sees in a commercial offer is the title. It will take no more than 20 seconds for a person to read it and decide whether to send the letter to the trash or read the entire document. If cold offers are sent to customers, then the headline is almost the only chance to interest them.

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