Rules for writing adjectives together and through a hyphen. Spelling compound adjectives


Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen or together.

A hyphen is used if a compound adjective: 1) denotes shades of colors:yellow-blue, bright red; 2) is formed from compound nouns that are written with a hyphen: southwestern (southwest), Tien Shan (Tien Shan); 3) formed by adding equal words, between which you can insert a union And: bitter-salty (bitter and salty), meat and dairy (meat and dairy), Russian-English (Russian and English).

Complex adjectives are written together, which are formed on the basis of the phrase: railway - railway, athletics - athletics.

Yellow-blue (color). Southwestern (southwest). Alma-Ata (Alma-Ata). Bitter-salty (bitter and salty). Railway (railway).

Applying this rule, reason like this: (carriage) repair- this is a compound word, it is formed from a combination of words in which one is subordinate to another (wagon repair). This means that this word must be written together: car repair. (convex)concave- this is a compound word, it is formed from the bases of words that are independent of each other convex And concave, between them you can insert a union And. This means that this word must be written with a hyphen: convex-concave.

330 . Write down complex adjectives in two columns: in the first column, write down those that are formed from a combination of words subordinate to one another; in the second - those that are formed from two words independent of each other. Underline the connecting vowels.

Magazine and newspaper, socio-political, pulp and paper, chess and checkers (competitions), ancient Russian .. cue, ru. agricultural, Western European, iron foundry, science fiction, copper smelting, socially useful.


public benefit

331 . Continuously or through a hyphen? Indicate the conditions for choosing the continuous and hyphenated spelling of complex adjectives (see the sample in the box). What class do these adjectives belong to?

(Agricultural) economic, (physical) mathematical, (Russian) English, (steel) foundry, (medium) age-old, (hard) fusible, (greenish) gray, (ten) storey, (steam locomotive) repair, (south) eastern, (yellow) red, (three) meter, (garden) garden, (rail) rolling, (north) western, (forty) kilometers, (ancient) Russian, (factory) factory, (cotton) paper, (two) room, (cast iron) foundry.

332 . What compound adjectives can be formed from these words? Write them down, denoting the conditions for choosing the hyphenated spelling of complex adjectives.

Yellow green; White blue; Red White; light, purple; dark, blue; pale, blue; bright, pink; dark chestnut.

333 . Write compound adjectives formed from these words.

Sample: pale, pink, face - pale pink, pale-faced, pink-faced.

Dark, brown, hair; black, white, eyebrow; blue, green, eye; red, blue, nose; white, pink, marshmallow.

334 . I. Write in one column complex adjectives that are written together, and in the other - adjectives that are written with a hyphen.

(Light) blue, (purple) red, (dark) chestnut, (water) wire, (agricultural), (silver) white, (blue) green, (steam) running, (heat) transport, (helicopter) flying, (ice) stake.

II. In word combinations, replace the underlined words with adjectives. Write the adjectives together with the nouns.

Sample: Factory for ship repair- Shipyard.

Paper, sensitive to light; case first stage; building twelve floors; polygon with equal sides; collected works in five volumes; fruit and berry culture; factory for casting iron; woman with gray hair; man with broad shoulders; requirements sanitary and hygienic; production writing paper; young woman at seventeen.

335 . Read and title the text. Write off with missing commas. Indicate the conditions for choosing the studied spelling.

336 . Read two excerpts from N. V. Gogol's story "Taras Bul6a". What type of text do you think these sentences are drawn from? Write off with missing commas. Underline the adjectives that depict the color of the steppe and the sky in the morning and evening. Explain the meaning of unfamiliar words.

1. So ..tse looked ..nulo for a long time in the cleared sky and the steppe was doused with its life-giving (warmly) creative light. The steppe, the farther, the more beautiful it became. The entire surface of the earth was pr..dvalyala (green) golden on which mi (l, ll) ions of different colors splashed.

2. In the evening, the whole steppe completely changed .. was. All its motley space was covered .. with the last bright reflection of the so .. and gradually it .. grew dark, so that it was clear how the shadow ran across it, and it became (dark) green; every flower rose thicker, every grass emitted ambergris and the whole steppe smoked with good .. stink. Across the sky, (from the blue) dark, as if wide stripes of roses .. gold were smeared with a Spanish brush. occasionally white tufts of light .. cues and others .. transparent areas .. ka.

Spelling of case endings of adjectives can be checked raising the question Which?, since the endings of the interrogative word and the endings of adjectives are the same. The exception is the nominative singular masculine, where under stress the ending is written -Ouch(young Ouch man, field Ouch flower) and without accent spelled th or -th(old th warrior, son uy handkerchief).

In the feminine, in the nominative singular, it is written -and I or -ya: new and I syn ya sweater (which jacket?), but in the middle gender it is written th or -her: new oh syn her coat (which coat?).

In the plural of all three genders, the ending is written th or -s: new s syn ie scarves, dresses, sweaters (which?).

In the masculine and neuter gender, in the instrumental singular, the ending is written th or -them(answers a question what?), and in the prepositional - -ohm or -eat(answers a question what?): admired the new th syn them suit (dress), talked about new ohm syn eat suit (dress).

In the feminine, in the accusative singular, the ending is written th or -yuyu(answers a question what?), and in the creative - -Ouch or -to her (-oy or -her) (answers the question Which? what?): bought new wow syn yuyu jacket, admiring new Ouch (-oy) syn to her (-her) jacket.

After the sizzling in the endings of adjectives under stress spelled oh no accent spelled e, For example: alien O ho, big O go, alien O mu, big O mu; red e ho, more e go, red e mu, more eat at(cf. with nouns).

After adjectives hissing in names under stress suffix is ​​written -ov-(grosz ov oh, hedgehog ov oh, brocade ov th, canvas ov th), and without accent- suffix -ev-(plush ev ouch, key h ev ah water).

    Note. Should be remembered spelling the word dash yov th(cf. cheaper).

In short adjectives under stress after hissing spelled O: the food is hot O (O ending), funny O n (O fluent in suffix).

In adjectives on -th, -ya, -e(fox, fox, fox) in all forms, except nominative and accusative singular masculine (fox), before the end spelled b: fox b him, fox b him, fox b And etc.

Diminutive adjectives are formed with the suffix -enk-: syn enk uh, thick enk uy; after g, k, x possible and -onk-, And -enk-: lay down onc uy And lay down enk uh, wide onc uy And wide enk uh, be quiet onc uy And quiet enk uy.

In suffix -en-, -yan-, forming adjectives from nouns, one is written n: leather en oh, sand en th, silver yang th, except for three words: trees yann th, tin yann oh, glass yann th.

In adjectives formed with the suffix -n- from nouns with a base on n, written two n: kame nn oh, with nn th, length nn th.

    Note. From such adjectives must be distinguished adjectives with one n: Yu n oh, swi n Ouch etc. (they Dont Have suffix -n-).

In suffix -in-, which forms adjectives from nouns with the meaning of belonging or property, one is written n: goose in ouch, sparrow in oh, donkey in th.

    Note. One n spelled in a noun gost in and I, which used to be an adjective: living room.

In suffix -he N- forming adjectives from foreign words, written two n: division he N oh, revolutionary he N th, constitution he N th.

In suffix -enn-, forming adjectives from nouns, two n: productions enn th, celebrations enn oh, kindred enn oh, straw enn ouch, cranberry enn th.

    Note 1 . Adjective wind en th spelled with one n. Adjectives with prefixes formed from the word wind , are written with two n: without wind enn th, behind wind enn th, under wind enn th and so on. should be distinguished adjectives wind en th(with suffix -en-) And wind yang Ouch(with suffix -yan-). Suffix -en- written in adjectives with the meaning "with the wind": wind en and I weather (weather with wind), wind en oh summer (summer with wind), as well as used in a figurative sense: wind en and I young woman, wind en oh behavior. These adjectives have a short form: the weather is windy, the girl is windy. Suffix -yan- used in adjectives with the meaning "driven by the wind": wind yang and I mill, wind yang Ouch engine. These adjectives do not have a short form. With suffix -yan- The name of the disease is also written: wind yang oh smallpox(chickenpox).

    Note 2 . In the first stem of complex adjectives, two are written n, if it is formed from an adjective with two n: wave nn o-tractor station(car station nn th and tractor), vago nn o-locomotive park(vago park nn th and locomotive). But if the first stem is formed from a noun on n, then one is written in it n: wave n construction plant(factory for the construction of machines), vago n repair plant(wagon repair plant).

    Note 3 . Nouns in -Nick--nitsa And -awn formed from adjectives with two n, are also written with two n: morning nn uh-morning nn ik; society nn th-society nn ir society nn itz-society nn awn; revolutionary nn th-revolutionary nn awn; production nn st-production nn ik; tse nn yy-tse nn awn, and educated from adjectives with one n are also written with one n: hemp n th - hemp n ik, sand n th - sandy n ik, yu n y - y n awn.

    Note 4 . With two n nouns are also written with suffixes -Nick-nitsa from nouns with stem on n: be friends n a - be friends nn ik-friend nn itza, mosh n a - moshe nn ik-moshe nn itza.

Full adjectives with two n, save them in short form: tse nn th thing - thing nn A.

Before suffix -sk- letter b spelled after l(village - village b sk ii) and in adjectives formed from the names of the months on n, r: december b sk uy, november b sk oy, jun b sk oy, july b sk uy(exception: word January sk uy).

In other cases, after n And R before suffix -sk- letter b not written: horse - ko n sk oy, hero - rich R sk uy.

To distinguish between suffixes -To- And -sk-, must be remembered that with suffix -To- qualitative adjectives are formed, which have a short form(bottom To iy - low, knots To ij - narrow), but with a suffix -sk-- relative adjectives without a short form(Frenchman sk y, kyrgyz sk y, Circassian sk ii).

    Note. From nouns with stem to k, h And c relative adjectives are formed with a suffix -To- , and sounds To And h are replaced by sound c: kaza To- kaza c To uy, tka h-tka c To oh no c-neme c To uy. But in some, mostly bookish, formations, sounds To And h do not change and use the suffix -sk-: uzbe To-Uzbe To sk oy, coals h- coals h sk yy, also pfal c-pfal c sk uy.

Adjectives in -yny short form ending in -en: calmly nyy-calmly en, no nyy-no en , except worthy nyy- worthy in .

    Note. short form communion honored from the verb honor written as a general rule: honored en .

are written capitalized adjectives, formed from proper names with suffixes -ov-, -ev-, -in-, -yn-(Dal ev dictionary, Ivan ov about childhood, Liz in a doll, bug in puppies, etc.) with the exception of phraseological combinations used in a figurative sense, in which Lost connection with own name(Adam ov oh apple, bazed ov a disease, sissy f ov labor, prokr y bed, etc.).

are written lowercase adjectives, formed from people's own names if the adjective contains a suffix -sk- (T urgenev sk ie "Notes of a hunter", P ushkin sk iy style, l ermontov sk th prose, etc.).

    Note. Capitalized adjectives are written with a suffix -sk-, If they are part of the names that have meanings "name, memory", For example: L homonos sk ie reading, L enin sk and I premium.

  • 1. Compound adjectives are written together, formed from compound nouns written together, for example: reinforced concrete structure(cf. reinforced concrete), locomotive depot, cycling, forest-steppe zone.
  • 2. Complex adjectives are written together, formed from combinations of words, subordinate to one another in their meaning or according to the method of agreement (agricultural, cf. Agriculture), or by way of control (engineering, cf. machine building) or by connection method (deeply respected, cf. deeply respect) For example: national economic plan(National economy), right-bank plain(right bank), compound sentence(difficult in composition) train(Railway), average daily temperature(average per day), woodworking shop(wood trim).
  • 3. Many complex adjectives are written together, used as scientific and technical terms or expressions in the book language. For some of them, the first part is formed by the words high, low, deep, shallow, light, heavy, wide, narrow, many, little, fast, sharp, flat, thin, cool, large, strong , weakly-, above-, below- etc., which do not act as an independent member of the proposal (for example, highly educated). The rearrangement of parts within such words leads to the destruction of their terminological character; compare: badly wounded soldier - seriously wounded soldier. Often the presence of explanatory words indicates that we have a free phrase (adverb and adjective or participle), and not a terminological compound word, for example: a soldier seriously wounded by a shell fragment, cf. Also: little explored islands - hitherto little explored islands. Word order also plays a role: a participle with an adverb (participial turnover) is usually found after the noun being defined; compare: perishable foods - foods that spoil quickly in the summer. Attention is drawn to the fact that in compound words one stress is placed (sometimes with an additional side stress on the first part), and in phrases - two independent stresses; compare: fast growing ornamental shrubs - rapidly growing young cadres.

There is no doubt about the spelling of complex adjectives, one of the parts of which is not used as an independent word, for example: generally understood(the first part is not used on its own), narrow-chested(the second part does not exist in the language as an independent word). In such words, elements are often used as the first part upper, lower, ancient, general, middle, early, late etc., for example: Low Saxon, Old High German, vernacular, vernacular, Central Asian and etc.

Among the conjointly spelled complex adjectives, the following are often found: evergreen, exploration, wild-growing, Indochinese, equestrian, large-panel, easily mobile, slightly wounded, easily soluble, little explored, machine repair, diversified, undersigned, low-paid, double-edged, severely scarce, primitive communal, fruit and vegetable, potent, freshly cut, difficult to pass, difficult to dissolve, seriously wounded, highly specialized , bakery, cotton, Church Slavonic, widely available, widely represented, South Caucasian, egg-gathering.

4. Complex adjectives are written with a hyphen, formed from complex nouns with hyphens, for example: social democratic party, vice-presidential post, southwest wind, northeast direction.

Note. In the presence of a prefix, such adjectives are written together, for example: anti-social democratic speeches.

  • 5. Complex adjectives are written with a hyphen, formed from a combination of a first name and a surname or two surnames, for example: Walter-Scottian style, Jules-Verne novels, Boyle-Mariottian law.
  • 6. Complex adjectives are written with a hyphen, formed from two or more bases denoting equal concepts; between the parts of a compound adjective in their initial form, you can insert a coordinating union And or But, For example: commercial and industrial capital(cf. commercial and industrial capital), interest-free winning loan(cf. interest-free, But winning loan).

The first part of a compound adjective of this type can be either a noun or an adjective; compare: acceptance point(reception and delivery), spring-summer season(spring and summer) cargo handling(loading and unloading), chess and checkers competitions, English-Japanese relations, Russian-German-French dictionary.

7. Many complex adjectives are written with a hyphen, parts of which indicate heterogeneous features, for example:

Military-medical Academy(cf. Military Medical Academy), comparative historical method(cf. comparative historical method), voluntary sports societies(cf. voluntary sports societies).

Adjectives of this type often begin with a stem mass- (.mass-physical culture); popular (folk-democratic, folk-poetic, but adjective economic formed from a subordinating combination national economy), scientific and (research, popular science and so on.); educational (educational and methodical, educational and industrial and so on.).

Note. Some compound adjectives, parts of which indicate heterogeneous features, are written together, for example: ancient Greek(culture), Modern Greek(cf. new Greek language), Old Russian writing, Old Russian rituals, Old Slavonic books.

8. Complex adjectives are written with a hyphen, denoting quality with an additional connotation, for example: bitter salty water(i.e. salty with a bitter aftertaste), good-natured sly smile(i.e. cunning with a touch of good nature).

Especially many such adjectives are found in the language of fiction, for example: anxious and sad eyes, cold - indifferent look, courageously stern look.

  • 9. Complex adjectives denoting shades of colors are written with a hyphen, for example: dark blue, bright red, black-brown(But: silver fox- fox), blue-black.
  • 10. Many complex adjectives of a terminological nature are written with a hyphen (cf. and. 3), regardless of the type of education (expressing equal concepts, denoting heterogeneous features, indicating quality with an additional connotation), for example: atomic-molecular, bourgeois-democratic, meat and dairy, physical culture and sports, electronic computing(technique).

Complex adjectives are also written through a hyphen, in which the stem of the first part, formed from words of foreign origin, ends in -iko, For example: dialectics - materialistic, historical-archival, critical-bibliographic etc. (they should not be confused with words with the first stem great-, which are written together, for example: great, great and so on.).

Often the stems act as the first part of a compound adjective. vertically, horizontally, transversely, longitudinally etc., for example: vertical milling, horizontal milling, cross-horizontal etc.

Note. The so-called hanging hyphen (see § 40) is also used with complex adjectives, for example: potato and cotton harvesters, twelve and thirteen-year-olds, ancient and modern Greek.

11. Compound adjectives are written with a hyphen from capital letters in constituent parts, which are part of geographical or administrative names and begin with a stem east, west, north (north-), south (south-), For example: East European Plain, West Korea Bay, North German Plain, South Australian Basin(see also § 21, i. 4).

However, in the common sense, these adjectives are written together with a lowercase letter; compare: The Siberian lowland - the North Siberian taiga, the South Ural railway - the South Ural vegetation.

  • 12. Complex adjectives are written with a hyphen, formed from a combination of an adjective with a noun, but with a rearrangement of these elements, for example: literary work(cf. work of fiction).
  • 13. Complex adjectives that are written together or with a hyphen (see earlier) should be distinguished from phrases consisting of adverbs in -o(-e) and adjective or participle and written separately.

For example, comparing combinations industrial and transport departments And industrialized countries, we note in the first of them the presence of a complex adjective industrial and transport, and in the second - the presence of the phrase industrialized with the meaning: in what respect developed?

Adverb for -O in the phrases under consideration, it can also indicate the degree of the attribute expressed by the adjective or participle, for example: moderately warm climate, the shortest possible time.

Most often, the first element of a phrase is an adverb. absolutely, diametrically, vitally, truly, maximally, unchangingly, truly, consistently, directly, sharply, strictly, moderately, purely, clearly and etc.

For example: absolutely clear conclusion, vitally important decision, as close as possible dates, invariably friendly meetings, consistently peaceful policy, directly proportional values, purely French pronunciation, clearly unsuccessful comparison, unusually bright colors, artistically significant detail, impeccably honest young man, dazzling white snow, emphasized contrast comparison, surprisingly lively eyes, imperturbably calm tone, strictly logical evidence, a fundamentally new proposal, festively elegant costume, economically useful activity, primordially Russian word, world famous musician(But: world-historical significance), sharply continental climate and etc.

Adverbs for -ski in combination with an adjective, they characterize a feature by assimilation and are written separately, for example: childlike eyes, fanatically devoted person, encyclopedically educated scientist, theoretically important question, practically valuable discovery and etc.

  • compound adjectives formed from compound nouns written together, for example: chronicle (chronicle), local history (local history);
  • compound adjectives formed from such combinations of words in which one word is subordinate in meaning to another (connected in a way of agreement, control or adjunction), for example: widescreen (wide screen), iron foundry (iron casting), precocious (which will sing soon).


  1. Compound adjectives, the first part of which is formed from adverbs, should be distinguished from ordinary phrases consisting of an adverb and an adjective (or participle), written APART, For example: diametrically opposite, purely Russian, Badly hidden, distinctly expressed. In the sentence, the first part of the combinations acts as a separate member of the sentence (answers questions How? in what degree? how?).

    As the first part of such phrases are adverbs absolutely ( absolutely calm), impeccably ( impeccably honest), vital ( vital necessary), originally ( primordially Russian), true ( true revolutionary), authentic ( truly scientific), straight ( directly opposite), sharply ( sharp negative), fatal ( deadly poisonous, deadly pale), strictly ( strictly logical) and others

    APART phrases are written that include adverbs in -ski , For example: historically important.

  2. A number of compound adjectives, the first part of which is formed from adverbs, is written ONE. Such adjectives are bookish in nature and are often terms, denoting a single, integral concept, for example: highly ideological(play), highly qualified(specialist), the above(example), easily soluble(material), insignificant(fact), promising(experiment), following(review), visually impaired(Human), hard to reach(climb). If dependent words are used with such adjectives, then the adverb and adjective are usually written separately (that is, they become a phrase). Compare: promising student(= very talented, promising) — student, very promising but not fulfilling its obligations; hard to reach (= almost inaccessible) vertexhard to reach even for experienced climbers.

Write with a hyphen:

  • compound adjectives formed from names, for example: northeastern (northeast), Orekhovo-Zuevsky (Orekhovo-Zuyevo);
  • compound adjectives formed from combinations of words that are equal in meaning, independent of each other (related by the way of composition), for example: interest-free deposits(interest-free, but winning), scientific and technical progress(scientific and technical), spinning and weaving factory(spinning and weaving), blue-white-red flag(blue, white and red) (in these cases, a union can be inserted between the words from which the compound adjective is formed And or But );
  • compound adjectives denoting shades of colors, for example: bright blue, silver grey, lemon yellow, dark brown, yellow red;
  • compound adjectives, the first part of which is formed from foreign words and ends in -iko , For example: chemical-technological, physical-mathematical, mechanical-mathematical(But: great Russian, high society).


  1. with a hyphen complex adjectives denoting quality are written with an additional connotation, for example: bitter-salty(salty and bitter) respectfully polite(polite and respectful).
  2. with a hyphen a number of complex adjectives are written, parts of which denote heterogeneous features, for example: military revolutionary Committee(military revolutionary), mass-political Job(mass political), popular science magazine(scientific popular). It should be borne in mind that among complex adjectives there are many traditional spellings, for example: world-historical(But: well-known), national liberation(But: economic). Therefore, if in doubt about spelling, you should refer to the spelling dictionary.

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A significant part of Russian orthography is occupied by the rules of hyphenated, separate and continuous spelling of word forms. Compound adjectives, spelling examples of which will be given in the article, illustrate the spelling rules of the Russian language.

Compound word - what is it?

In the lexical arsenal of the Russian language there are simple words consisting of one root, one stem ( blue, young, red, autumn j). If a word consists of several bases or parts of bases, then it is considered complex. Compound adjectives, examples of which are given in the tables below, consist of two roots.

Compound word: ways of education

They are formed in three main ways: addition, fusion, abbreviation.

Compound words: ways of education
WayDescriptionCompound nouns and compound adjectives: examples
AdditionMorphological, in which a compound word is formed by merging stems with a vowel (the connecting vowel O follows hard consonants, the vowel E follows soft ones).woolly, carnivorous, bloody, long-range
UnionLexico-syntactic method: a whole combination of words without connecting vowels merges into a complex one.two-story (of two floors), forty-day (of forty days), crazy (crazy)
AbbreviationConditional phonetic method: a compound word (noun) is formed from combinations of words, but, unlike fusion, only parts of the bases are connected: syllables, letters.department store, salary, KAMAZ, NATO, USE

Compound adjectives: continuous spelling

The spelling of complex adjectives is subject to a number of spelling rules, illustrated by complex examples of which are given in the tables below.

At the same time, complex adjectives can be written with a hyphen and together or be part of a phrase, where the adjective is not part of a compound word.

Spelling compound adjectives
ruleCompound adjectives: examples
1 In the formation of a complex from a complex which is written together.oil pipeline - oil pipeline, steamship - steamboat
2 When forming a complex adjective from a subordinating combination of words, including from the phrases "noun + adjective", naming geographical objects.mountain skiing - mountain skiing, natural science - natural sciences, average daily - average per day; Lysogorsky - Yagodnopoliansky - Yagodnaya Polyana
3 If the adjective designates a scientific term or is a special word.squamoptera, viviparous, mammals, milk cannery, bakery, exploration
4 If the first part of the compound word is: high, above, deep, thick, cool, large, light, little, small, many, low, below, sharp, flat, strong, weak, thick , thin, difficult, heavy, narrow, wide. If there are explanatory words for such elements, then the spelling is separate.little studied (but: little studied by students), difficult to remove (but: difficult to remove from the body), widely known (widely known abroad)
5 general, upper, middle, lower, ancient, early, late. common, Central Russian, Lower Volga, Old English, Early Ripe, Late Scythian

Compound adjectives: hyphenated

Many are written semi-continuously. The rules for hyphenation and compound adjectives (examples) are given in the table below.

ruleComplex adjectives with a hyphen: examples
Through a hyphen
1 When forming a compound adjective from a compound noun, which is written with a hyphen.northwestern - northwest, social democratic - social democracy, Issyk-Kul - Issyk-Kul (but: Zaissyk-Kul, as there is a prefix)
2 If the adjective is formed from two proper names, for example, from two surnames or a given name and a surname. The exception is eastern surnames.Pushkin-Gogol, Leo-Tolstoy, Jules-Vernovsky (but: Dzhekichanskaya, Ho Chi Minh)
3 If the adjective is formed by merging several equal words (you can put a union between them And or But). convex-concave, apple-plum, Russian-Chinese, expressive-emotional
4 If the adjective is formed by merging several equal, but heterogeneous words.official business, electronic computing, comparative historical
5 If the first part of the compound word is military, national, mass, educational, scientific. military legal, people's liberation, mass sports, educational and methodological, scientific and technical
6 If the adjective reflects a shade of color.grey-green, yellow-blue, deep black
7 Compound adjectives-toponyms.West Korean, North Ossetian, South Ural

The phrase "adverb + adjective"

Compound words - adjectives, examples of which are given above, can be difficult to distinguish from similar phrases.

So, moral and ethical is an adjective and morally insleepy- a phrase where you can ask a question to an adverb: " In what respect?"

Spelling compound adjectives: examples from the literature

Compound adjectives are widely used in works of fiction.

They allow you to accurately describe the object, highlight it from the environment; they bring uniqueness to the text. For example, in the stories of I. A. Bunin, there are many individual epithets - complex adjectives: smoky-purple distance, cloudy-milky fog, matte-pale foliage, gray-winged eagles, impudently beautiful woman, light golden maples, thin broad-shouldered doctor, metallic-voiced screams and others.

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