The right feng shui home. Getting rid of unnecessary things


The ancient Chinese Feng Shui technique claims that the correct arrangement of objects in the house can influence our lives, attracting only positive events into it. If you are striving to improve your financial situation, to fill family relationships with harmony, then it is important to adhere to the basic rules of this teaching.

By following the advice of Feng Shui, you will be able to create a favorable atmosphere in the house, feel a constant surge of strength and vitality.

Getting rid of unnecessary things

According to Feng Shui, before filling the house with positive energy, you need to get rid of the negative. To do this, it is enough to review household items that you have not used in everyday life for a long time. By getting rid of unnecessary rubbish, you clear the way for new energy that will bring good luck and prosperity.

feng shui living room

Cleanliness in the house

Your relationships and mutual understanding between family members depend on the cleanliness and atmosphere in the house. Regularly arrange general cleaning, clearing the most hard-to-reach places in the house from saws and dirt. It is believed that this is where all negative energy accumulates.

Protection from negativity

To protect your home from negativity, you need to hang a mirror in front of the front door. It is desirable that this object be round or octagonal in shape. According to Feng Shui, mirror reflection can prevent the spread of negative energy from the guest who has entered.

Octagonal feng shui mirror

Expanding the space of rooms

Bulky furniture not only visually reduces the apartment, but according to the rules of Feng Shui, it has a bad effect on family well-being and the success of all family members. When furnishing rooms, make sure that one or two walls remain uncluttered with wardrobes, cabinets and other pieces of furniture.

Vintage and Antiques

Feng Shui warns fans of vintage furniture and other antiques that these things can bring negative energy from previous owners. Therefore, before filling the apartment with such items, ask the antique shop about their history.

Front door rule

There is a belief in Feng Shui that financial success enters the house through the front door. In order not to feel a lack of money, it is necessary that this door be made of wood. But if a metal one is already installed, then any wooden accessories must be hung in the middle.

Feng Shui Importance of Front Doors

Lighting in the house

An important aspect to bring good luck to the house is lighting. If you have large windows, then you do not need to cover them with curtains or blinds during the day. Let the rays of light penetrate your home and fill the room with positive energy. In the evening, you need to take care of artificial lighting. Lamps should hang not only in living rooms, but on the outside of the front door.

Sunny rest room


Feng Shui pays great attention to the room where you sleep. In the bedroom, the bed should be headboard against the wall. Avoid the option of locating a bed near a window, as the space that opens up in front of you deprives you of confidence in difficult situations. In addition, feng shui rules strictly prohibit buying a bed that is not new. A sleeping place should have an exclusively single owner.

The perfect feng shui bedroom

Window arrangement

It is believed that if the window is located immediately opposite the door, then positive energy does not linger in your home. To remedy this situation, Feng Shui advises to put indoor plants on the windowsill. It is advisable to give preference to large-leaved flowers, for example, ficus or fat woman. Such a simple way will allow you to keep good energy in the house.

Feng Shui home flora

Dinner Zone

In the kitchen or in the living room, where you often set the table when you receive guests, a mirror should hang. According to Feng Shui, a mirror can double positive energy. Mirroring will double not only the wealth on your table, but also finances.

Dining area with mirror


So that there are no omissions and disagreements in the family, it is forbidden to store broken dishes in the house. If it so happened that your cup fell and broke, then you need to get rid of it. No matter how dear this item is to you, but cracks in the dishes are projected onto family relationships.

household items

Feng Shui says that there should be no non-working and broken items in the house. So that incidents do not occur in your life, and success and luck become constant companions, you need to monitor the serviceability of all the items that the apartment is filled with. If the light bulb burns out, replace it with a new one, and urgently repair the faulty clock.

Distribution of rooms among family members

Feng Shui rules say that the largest room in the house should belong to the main breadwinner in the family. Thanks to this distribution, a balance is created in mutual understanding between all family members.


Feng Shui regulations pay great attention to the plants that are in your home. If the plant is healthy and with large leaves, then it will help strengthen your well-being. Noticing that the flowers began to fade for no particular reason, you need to urgently pay attention to your health. In this way, plants indicate the internal ailments of the owner of the apartment. It is also important to refrain from flowers of the cactus family. Thorns and sharp leaves will prevent your career and spiritual growth from stopping.


Feng Shui rules state that only photos of the people who live there should be placed in the rooms. It is not recommended to post photos of distant relatives. To create a favorable environment in family relationships, it is necessary to place romantic and memorable photographs of a couple in love in the bedroom.

Smells in the apartment

According to Feng Shui, the apartment should smell of freshness and essential oils. This aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on the entire body, energizes and positive for the whole day. Diffusing lavender, lemongrass, mint, or rosemary scents is also helpful.

feng shui aroma lamp

Relationships in the family

Feng Shui pays attention not only to additional paraphernalia that can normalize family relationships. With the help of simple rules that prohibit scandals, quarrels, raising your voice, you can achieve harmony and peace.

Changes in the house

It is believed that by deciding to radically change the situation in the house, you can bring new events into your destiny. This is exactly what feng shui adherents are worried about, since innovations can be both good and bad. Therefore, you need to refrain from sudden changes. Everything should be smooth and measured so that positive energy can adapt.

Attracting money

The northern part of the apartment is the section responsible for luck in career and finances. Therefore, it is in this zone that it is necessary to place an aquarium with small goldfish. In addition, a turtle will also become a favorable inhabitant of the aquarium. In Feng Shui, this is the most powerful sign, symbolizing good luck and luck.

Pendants "Wind Music Feng Shui"

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We build a house according to Feng Shui. 99 examples of harmonious arrangement of your home, or "so that you live like this"

Winds come from the sky, waters touch the ground, wind-waters (in Chinese Feng Shui) constantly accompany people, their dwellings and graves. From the strength, direction and speed of the wind, as well as from the height, speed, length, width, depth of the flow of water, the joys and sorrows, happiness and misfortunes of a person can depend. In Chinese geomancy, wind corresponds to heaven and water to earth.

The importance of wind (air) and water for human life is well known, it is also known that they are both necessary and can bring misfortune with their destructive effect. Winds and waters are natural phenomena, and people should strive to return to nature. Feng Shui can help with this, providing health and longevity, life satisfaction, family harmony, improving mental abilities, raising the material standard of living, transforming a negative situation into a positive one. Geomancy methods cannot yet be replaced by any methods of modern science and technology, however, if you master this science of the past and future, you can understand how to build good relations with the earth and atmosphere, how to reduce friction between man and earth and avoid some undesirable natural cataclysms. The Chinese culture of geomancy, which is part of Chinese culture, has played a significant role in the development of the latter and can be of great benefit to those who master it.

Geomancy of dwellings

Purpose of this article- to teach the reader to determine the useful and harmful at a glance. Only general principles are given here, more details are described in other publications. However, whatever is written in books and whatever others tell you, everything must be checked by your own experience.

  1. In no case should a dwelling be built on the crest of a mountain or at the entrance or exit of a mountain gorge, since in this case not only there will be no luck caused by the geographical factor, but on the contrary, it is easy to get various diseases.
  2. A dwelling cannot be built at a T-shaped intersection, as well as at the intersection of streets. That is, there should not be a street in front of the house that goes directly to it, otherwise there are countless troubles - first of all, these are strong winds and fires. If you're not lucky, then the street directly directed to the house can lead to the fact that the house will collapse, and people will die. The hidden influence is also largely negative: it can lead to injury, loss in business.
  3. A dwelling cannot be built at the end of a dead end. Not only because in the event of a fire it will be difficult for the neighbors to evacuate, but also because conflicts, litigation often arise in such a house, and you can also lose your fortune and get injured.
  4. If a big road runs from the west of the dwelling, this is a great happiness (but only if the house does not face the west). The benefits of this location are:
    1. You can keep the privacy of the family. That is, people's personal lives will not be subjected to external aggression, no one will interfere from the outside, since there are very few extraneous doors and windows on both sides of the house, and it is not easy for noise from the street to penetrate into the house (for example, a blank wall goes to the west, and from the south and north garden).
    2. It is possible to use the space inside the house efficiently, since apart from the side facing the road to the west, other directions have little effect on the courtyard and rooms in the house.
  5. Right in front of the entrance there should not be large trees, because they not only prevent the arrival of positive (yang) energy (yang qi) into the house, but also negative (yin, yin qi) is removed with difficulty. In addition, there is a threat of a lightning strike, and falling leaves are easily brought into the house.
  6. In no case should there be a dry tree in front of the entrance, especially a large one standing or lying on the ground. This is especially harmful for the elderly, and also leads to impoverishment. It is best to uproot the roots.
  7. A large tree in the northwest of the house brings great happiness. (Northwest according to the scheme of the subsequent sky (houtian) refers to the pure-yang trigram qian-creativity). Tree seeds can protect the residents of the house, bring joy to everyone. If a tree is cut down, then there will be neither children nor grandchildren.
  8. A single dwelling should not be higher than others, otherwise insecurity in the means is expected. In addition, there is the danger of fires, floods, disasters coming from heaven. When the house is open in all directions, it is impossible to isolate, the residents have a hidden anxiety, as if the sun is burning on all sides, from which they cannot hide. Yang is in excess, yin is deficient, and yin-yang disharmony leads to disease.
  9. A dwelling for children cannot be built in the yard of the parents' house. This restriction applies to families formed by children. Otherwise families and children, and parents will wither. However, this requirement, for the most part, applies to all sons except the eldest. (Daughters, according to Chinese custom, leave their parents' house).
  10. When there is a pregnant woman in the house, you can neither build a house nor do repairs. Even minor repairs should be avoided at all costs, especially replacing tiles or bricks. This can lead to miscarriage or relocation from home.
  11. When the base of a dwelling (i.e. a walled courtyard or house in plan) is low in front and high in back, it is a sign of great happiness, and the opposite situation is unhappy.
  12. If there is a notch in the base of a dwelling in the northwest, then although this does not harm valuable qi, it still leads to a decrease in sons (the qian-creativity trigram, as it were, has damage, and daughters were not valued in old China). It is also very unfavorable for the respiratory organs.
  13. If there is a notch in the base of the dwelling in the southeast, this is, first of all, unfavorable for the birth of sons and the rearing of daughters, but, in the end, does not harm enrichment.
  14. If there is a notch in the base of the dwelling in the southwest, then this is bad for the stomach and intestines, but in social terms (career, salary), on the contrary, it is useful.
  15. If there is a notch in the base of the dwelling in the northeast, then although this does not bring big troubles, it can adversely affect the digestive system.
  16. If the base of the dwelling or the room in the plan is long on the right and short on the left, then the sons born either become orphans or poor.
  17. If the base of the dwelling or the shape of the room is wide in front and narrow in the back, forming an inverted staircase in appearance, then after living here it is difficult to save money, the number of people also decreases.
  18. If the base of the dwelling or room, on the contrary, is narrow in front, and wide in the back, forming, as it were, a staircase, then after living here you will not only get rich, but also thunder.
  19. If the base of the dwelling or the shape of the room forms a triangle, then the front point with the rear extension is called the "inverted brush". After living here, both people and wealth suffer losses. It is especially easy for misfortunes brought by women, or misfortunes threaten women themselves. When the point is at the back and the front is wide, it is called "Mars drags its tail." This is very bad: suicides, incurable diseases are possible.
  20. If the base of the dwelling or the room on the left is long and on the right is short (look from the front door), then after living here the whole family will suffer.
  21. If there are recesses in all 4 corners of the base of the dwelling or the shape of the room, then you cannot live here at all.
  22. If the base of the dwelling or the shape of the room is a rectangle stretched from north to south, this is a great happiness, the residents will be rich and noble, have many children and grandchildren, and live in joy.
  23. If it is a rectangle stretched from east to west, this is unfavorable, especially bad on the north and south sides.
  24. If the base of the dwelling or the shape of the room both from the north and from the south has recesses (in the plan - like the letter "H"), then during the period of residence, litigation may constantly arise here, and people will often get sick.
  25. If these recesses are in the east and west, then everything is calm here, but it is necessary that life should go on as usual.
  26. If the excavation is only from the west, this is considered a great misfortune, one cannot live here in any case.
  27. If the base of the dwelling or the shape of the room has a notch only from the south, then there is a strong tendency to wealth, but there are constant disputes and scandals in the family, there is no peace.
  28. If the excavation is only from the north, then this is considered a great misfortune, the constant threat of fires.
  29. If the base of the dwelling or the room has the shape of a square, then living here is a great happiness, wealth and prosperity await the whole family.
  30. If there is a swimming pool in the shape of a semicircle in front of the dwelling, with the oval side directed outward, then there is a hidden opportunity to dishonestly acquire wealth.
  31. If the base of the dwelling or the shape of the room is round in front, square in the back, then after living there will be both wealth and nobility.
  32. If there is an empty space to the south of the dwelling, this is attributed to great happiness, living here calms the heart.
  33. You cannot plant large trees in the courtyard of your residential house, otherwise it will be a disaster.
  34. Between the houses (especially when the base is horseshoe-shaped or the yard is square), in no case should you plant trees or concrete the yard, otherwise - misfortune.
  35. The courtyard of the dwelling cannot be paved with measured bricks or stone slabs, otherwise you will attract negative (Yin) energy, the fate of the family will weaken.
  36. If a stream flows into the yard, this is a big problem.
  37. The wall surrounding the house should not be too high (as some build to protect themselves from thieves), otherwise the residents will be "like hunted animals" and will come to need.
  38. The surrounding wall should not be placed too close to the house: closer than 60 cm.
  39. When few people live in a big house, this is bad: fate will lead the family to impoverishment.
  40. When the house is small, and there are many people living, this is happiness: glory and wealth are in the fate of the family.
  41. When the house faces south, this is usually not bad.
  42. A dwelling where the longitudinal depth is greater than the transverse width hints at long luck (look from the front door).
  43. A U-shaped house, where the "crossbar" is too thin and long, threatens with asthma.
  44. The number of rooms in the house affects the joys and sorrows. One room - happiness, 2 - no harm, 3 - trouble, 4 - also trouble, 5-7 - happiness, 8 - trouble, 9 - happiness (the kitchen, bathroom, etc. are also taken into account).
  45. When the first living room or living room is in the center of all rooms, this is a great happiness.
  46. When the room in the dwelling is mostly 8 square meters, this is a big problem. If there is a room of such an area in the center of the dwelling, then the children and grandchildren will become unbridled, lazy, which will lead to the loss of property. If such a room is not in the center, but in another place, then there will still be a tendency for the family to gradually wither away.
  47. If there is unused space in the center of the dwelling, this is a big problem. If in the center there is a patio (in Chinese - "heavenly well"), a kitchen or a toilet, then they are also classified as unlucky placements, this should be avoided as much as possible. It is best to place the bedroom in the center.
  48. The master bedroom in the center of the home is a great happiness.
  49. If the main entrance and the back door of the dwelling are on the same straight line, then this is very good for the dwelling.
  50. If the family lives near the store, then when the store is located to the northeast or southwest of the dwelling, then this is very bad. These two premises attract negative (yin) energy, the trading position will certainly weaken, financial resources will gradually dissipate.
  51. In a separate dwelling it is impossible not to have a back door, otherwise it is impossible to live there for a long time, since it will harm mainly spouses.
  52. If a separate dwelling is directed to the south, the living room is located on the western side, and the front garden is on the eastern side, then this is great happiness.
  53. When the bedroom and the main entrance are on the same line, this is a great happiness.
  54. When the bedroom is next to the kitchen, this is a big problem. When a stove or oven is placed next to the bedroom, it is not useful, first of all, for children.
  55. In the bedroom, you should not put a closet with clothes that have served their time, otherwise it's a big disaster.
  56. The location of the kitchen or stove in the east or southeast is a great happiness.
  57. In the southwestern part of the dwelling, the kitchen cannot be located.
  58. A bedroom for the elderly should be arranged in the southeastern part of the dwelling.
  59. The room of ordinary life (rest room, celebrations) should not be placed in the southwest side.
  60. It is also not good to place a bathroom in the southwest side of the dwelling, and even worse in the northeast.
  61. If the toilet is in the center of the dwelling, then the tenants, especially the owner, easily get sick.
  62. If the toilet in the toilet is facing north, this is a big problem that is difficult to measure.
  63. If the toilet and the main entrance to the dwelling are directed in the same direction, there will be a hidden effect on the residents, contributing to tumor diseases.
  64. If conditions permit, in the west of the main premises (not including annexes and auxiliary premises), separately from the places adjacent to the main premises, a living room is created, in the interval - a connecting corridor. This is a great happiness.
  65. If the stairs are exactly in the center of the dwelling, this is a big problem.
  66. If the windows of the inside of the dwelling open to the east, this is best.
  67. However, this leads to irregular periods in women, which is bad.
  68. If in the house where they live in the western part, the windows can be opened to the south, then joys increase, and sorrows decrease.
  69. When a family living near a shop creates a niche for sacred cult objects, this niche should not go outside, i.e. it must be created in a place invisible to passers-by.
  70. In a dwelling with a small number of rooms, a cult niche can be placed on a wall cabinet.
  71. When an eaves or sun visor is "penetrated with wood" (i.e. the tree is just opposite) it is a great misfortune.
  72. When a living room is made in a building hanging over the first floor (above the arch), this is a great misfortune.
  73. When there is a pillar in the room, on all four sides of which there are doors, this is a great misfortune, leading to illnesses in the home.
  74. If the main pillar in the room is visible from the outside, impolite children are possible in the family. This should be avoided.
  75. If the main beam in the roof of the dwelling does not penetrate the room in a straight line, especially in a one-story house, then it will dominate the big troubles in the house.
  76. When building a house, the pillars should be larger than the beams. The column for the upper beam is chosen on a happy day and mounted on the same day. If you don’t finish it in one day, then on the first happy day they put up pillars, and on the next happy day they put the top beam on them. Otherwise - a great misfortune.
  77. If the floor in the room and the floor outside it are at different heights, then the floor in the room must be higher, otherwise diseases, fires, conflicts and contradictions can easily arise. The most suitable floor height is no more than 45 cm.
  78. If the dwelling on the front side has E-shaped protrusions, then there is a tendency to fires and the dispersion of wealth. This should be avoided.
  79. If the dwelling, looking in profile, has a ledge, i.e. the ridge run in the middle is high, and low at the edges, this is a misfortune: it leads to a waste of wealth, will cause orphanhood.
  80. When the ground under the dwelling is soft, it is a big trouble: the merchant will not be able to live, the ordinary person will live, but will become sick.
  81. A house built over a former well is unfortunate: visual and auditory glamours may arise, so the old well must be buried.
  82. Before building a house on land where there were thickets of grasses and trees, it is necessary to uproot their roots, otherwise the roots of misfortunes will remain, and misfortunes will follow one after another, and for those living in such a house, events will be delayed, sorrows and difficulties will run continuously.
  83. Building a house from the back to the facade is a great happiness, and developing from the facade inward is unfavorable.
  84. In a residential building, during the time of residence, one should not engage in partial repairs: for example, remodel the kitchen or living room, otherwise family affairs will slow down, children-grandchildren will not follow generation after generation, and in the end, it is possible that the family will stop.
  85. If the dwelling, which was originally a bridal chamber, is later considered insufficient and a third floor is adjusted, this is referred to as a great disaster.
  86. If two houses are combined into one by connecting cornices, this is a big disaster: not only does the family degrade, the economy falls into decay, but often cracks appear in health and in the name (fame). The cornices are connected, and the previously separating pillars can break, which aggravates the disaster and can even lead to death.
  87. If the dwelling is poorly built and the wind penetrates through the cracks, it is a big trouble: sick people will appear among the household, households often see strange and bad dreams. Slots are often found in door and window openings or in the joints of wall blocks, this should be taken carefully.
  88. If too many decorative items are hung on the walls in order to give a luxurious look to a home or for decoration, this is a big trouble. If outwardly it is beautiful, and the goal is purity, then this is happiness.
  89. If during construction wood material is used upside down, this is a misfortune. When the butt of a tree is directed up and the top down, misfortune awaits the household. This does not apply to modern reinforced concrete houses, however, door frames, windows are often made of wood, so the above must be taken into account, especially when inserts and joints are used to save material.
  90. In one-story houses, the tiles on the roof should not swing. If storms and thunderstorms or a person climbing onto the roof breaks the tiles, they must be repaired immediately, otherwise, unfortunately, the household will get sick.
  91. The door frame or door posts should not be bent, otherwise diseases will easily occur.
  92. A large front door to a small dwelling is a misfortune.
  93. When the house has a yard, and the sewer system is located in the southwest - a big trouble, misfortune even if there is no yard. (The southwest in the scheme of the subsequent sky, i.e., relating to the earth, and not to the sky, corresponds to the pure Yin trigram kun-fulfillment. It would seem that it corresponds to the removal of waste, but in the Feng Shui system, harmony also occurs in the case of the opposite ).
  94. Bedding in the bedroom (wadded blankets, pillows, bedspreads, etc.) the drier the better. If the bed is very high, then although it is inconvenient to get in and out, it is still better than too low, since the humid air is very heavy.
  95. The battery (especially for lovers of Western flavor) should not be placed in the middle part of the ridge run, otherwise misfortunes will fall upon the owner. Fireplace - all the more impossible. But if we design submersible furnace equipment for steam heating, there are no problems.
  96. If the dwelling has windows or doors to the south, you need to have a cornice or a visor, otherwise conflicts and misfortunes will often arise among the home, feelings between spouses will easily change.
  97. If the house has a personal garage, in front of the garage you need to have a wide area - then happiness, and if it is narrow, squeezing the soul - trouble.
  98. If the main entrance to the dwelling is exactly opposite the corner of the neighboring house - a big trouble (angles directed at something are always harmful).

Each person should have his own home: a place that provides shelter, warmth and comfort, as well as the opportunity to restore strength lost during the day. A properly arranged house charges a person with positive energy, which he needs to continue his life. Where does it come from in the house, and is the energy positive in all houses?

Unfortunately, such a blissful picture is not observed in every home. The inhabitants of some dwellings often complain of poor health and chronic fatigue, not even suspecting that the cause of this condition is not a disease, but an extremely unfavorable energy situation in the house.

A catastrophic shortage of positive energy, as a rule, is observed in cluttered, poorly lit, unkempt rooms.

How to correct the situation, fill your house with beneficial energy, make it a source of vitality and the basis for a prosperous and happy life for all who live in it? The ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui will help to correct the situation.

The area in which the house is located is of no small importance, since it can affect both the physical and mental health of a person. So, what kind of area is considered suitable for the location of a residential building in terms of Feng Shui?

  1. Near the site on which the house is located, there should not be busy highways, swamps or places for storing garbage (in other words, garbage dumps).
  2. The site should be planned in such a way that a sufficiently large open space remains in front of the house, and residential buildings, mountains, a dense beautiful forest or park are located behind it. This is consistent with the subconscious desire of every person to have a securely protected rear. It is desirable that all of the listed objects are located on a small natural elevation.

    There should be no slopes or cliffs on the back of the house.

  3. Feng Shui experts say that any plants (even poisonous ones) are a source of life-giving qi energy. Therefore, a plot planted with pears, cherries, plums and apple trees is a very favorable place for the location of the house.
  4. The presence of a reservoir (river, lake, sea or pond) is a very important factor in terms of Feng Shui. No less important is its location on the site, since it should flow in front of the residential building itself, and not behind it.

    The best source of life-giving and pure qi energy can be a calmly flowing river with a winding bank line and clear water.

  5. The personal plot should be spacious and not cluttered with a large number of outbuildings that block the path of life-giving energy.

By building a house with our own hands, we get the opportunity to build it for ourselves, taking into account our own characteristics and preferences.

Starting construction from scratch, you can create a building that meets all the wishes of the Feng Shui practice, so that the life of the people who settled in it will be full of harmony and prosperity.

  • If you are just planning to build a house on an already acquired site, take a closer look at it: having found a place with more juicy and bright grass (which indicates the close occurrence of groundwater), position the building in such a way that this place is right in front of the entrance to the dwelling. Thanks to this arrangement, the flow of positive energy will go directly into it. The site can be planted with shrubs that do not have sharp thorns.

The fashionable tendency to build a garage into the structure of the house, and even more so to enter through it into the living quarters, should be avoided, since as a result the negative energy accumulated in the garage penetrates into the rooms.

  • Building a house according to Feng Shui also rejects another popular tradition of arranging a pool in a basement located under a residential building. This should not be done in any case, because after a while too high humidity will appear in the house, which will immediately affect the health of the people living in it. It is better to build a pool outside the walls of a residential building. It is possible to build a bath under the house, you should not just place it under the bedroom or living room.

  • The practice of Feng Shui, dating back over five millennia, recommends building houses from environmentally friendly and natural materials: wood and stone. Ideally, materials produced in the same area in which the house is being built can be considered the most suitable for construction, since this factor is a source of additional natural energy that is beneficial both for the building itself and for the health of the people living in it.

The use of reinforced concrete and a large amount of metal in the construction of a house is highly undesirable, since the inhabitants of such a dwelling will be constantly surrounded by electric fields, which is unsafe for health.

The driveway to the house should be winding, you can not lay it straight to the threshold: on its way you can place a miniature reservoir, a fountain or several small flower beds.

A house built taking into account all the requirements of Feng Shui will allow a person to merge very harmoniously with the environment, which cannot but affect his spiritual comfort and well-being, and this, in turn, inevitably entails personal well-being and career success.

To learn more about feng shui bathroom, video:

  • The living room is the front room, in which not only all family members gather, but also many guests, so it should be quite spacious and bright. The size of the living room should make it possible to divide this room into several zones (by the fireplace, in front of the TV, before going out to the balcony), in which your guests and family members will comfortably accommodate, without interfering with each other and without interfering with the circulation of the life-giving qi energy.

feng shui at home for money

The wealth zone (according to the Bagua grid) is located in the southeastern sector of the house. You can activate it in the following ways:

1. Attract water energy and water symbolism.

  • A very effective way to attract wealth to the house is an aquarium in which goldfish swim. According to the requirements of Feng Shui, it is desirable that there be at least nine of them, and one of the fish must necessarily be black (this fish is destined to take on the negative energy present in the house).
  • The wealth zone is often activated with artificial fountains that fill the room with a pleasant murmur.
  • To attract the energy of wealth, photographs or pictures depicting beautiful reservoirs (lakes, rivers, seas), waterfalls or fountains are quite suitable.
  • The owners of the house, who want to get rich, can use water charged in a special way to activate the energy of wealth. To do this, during the period of the new moon, a jar of clean water is left on the window. Charged water is used by all family members during washing and for spraying the wallet.

2. Since the element of the wealth sector is a tree, it should be used to activate the corresponding energy. It does not matter at all which trees are used for this: living or artificial.

  • You can put a pot with a money tree in the wealth zone by hanging several coins from its branches.
  • Instead of a living plant, you can place souvenir trees made with your own hands from salt dough, beads, beads or golden wire in the wealth zone. To more effectively attract wealth, their branches are hung with coins and paper bills folded like pounds.

3. In the practice of Feng Shui, there are a huge number of talismans used to attract wealth to the house.

  • The most demanded symbol is the figurine of Hotei - a cheerful fat man depicted with a bag of gold coins and money in his hands.

  • The second most popular talisman placed in the wealth zone is a toad holding a gold coin in its mouth. She can bring prosperity to the house only if she is placed so that she looks into the room, and not at the window or door. It is believed that in this case, wealth can "jump" out of the house.
  • The wealth zone is inconceivable without another traditional talisman: a bunch of Chinese coins fastened with a red ribbon. It is often lowered into a fountain or aquarium with fish, carried in a purse, or placed under a pot with a money tree.

Feng Shui at home to attract your soulmate

Attracting a soulmate is a task that the zone of love and marriage, located in the southwestern sector of the house, can cope with. By tradition, the love zone is decorated in brown, yellow and beige colors. Despite the fact that the ruling element of this zone is the Earth, it is possible to activate the action of this sector with the help of the element of Fire, which gave birth to the Earth.

  • While activating the love zone, it is necessary to use bright objects of red, pink and orange colors that have pointed outlines. You can use pictures with the image of a flame or the sun.
  • To designate a love zone, it is not at all necessary to paint it red: you can limit yourself to adding a few bright objects, change the color of the bedspread, curtains, or simply use traditional Chinese lanterns.
  • In the love zone, it is necessary to periodically light two red candles: this will enhance positive energy.

In the love sector, metal objects are unacceptable. When choosing talismans, it is better to give preference to crystal or stone figurines.

  • The love zone must be decorated with paired items and traditional Chinese talismans. The most popular of them are paired figures of mandarin ducks, elephants and swans, which in reality have earned a reputation as reliable partners that create strong married couples.
  • In the zone of love and marriage, there should be neither indoor plants nor pictures of trees, since the element of Fire is destructive for them.

Look Feng Shui Love Talismans video tutorial:

  • Those family members who want to get married as soon as possible should place a postcard with the image of two wedding rings in the love zone, not forgetting to put a joint photo in it.
  • For those who have not yet met their chosen one, it is recommended to place heart-shaped objects in the love sector.
  • Sometimes getting love into your life is as simple as getting rid of old love letters or mementos.

feng shui house number

The practice of Feng Shui has always attached great importance to the role of numbers in human life. The house number can have a great influence on the fate of the people living in it. Since it is not in our power to change the numbering of houses, we can only calculate the number under the vibration of which the inhabitants of this or that house are. Knowing this is necessary in order to neutralize the negative impact of vibration in the event of an unfavorable scenario.

To determine the number of a house in Feng Shui, you just need to add up all the numbers in its address. If the house number has a letter, it is necessary, having learned its serial number in the alphabet, to add it to the house number. Adding all the numbers one by one, we get a single-digit number, which will emit a certain vibration. Information about the meaning of each number can be found on the Internet.

Feng Shui flowers for home

According to Feng Shui experts, flowers in the house can improve the energy of any home, if you choose them correctly and take care of them accordingly.

Healthy and well-groomed flowers are a source of positive energy. Especially beneficial is the influence of plants that bloom profusely or bear fruit.

Useful plants feng shui home:
  1. A kind of indicator of the energy atmosphere in the house is tradescantia, the leaves of which begin to turn yellow and fall off if too much negative energy has accumulated in the dwelling.
  2. A very useful plant is geranium, which has a strong energy and distributes essential oils throughout the house, which have a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the human body.
  3. An active absorber of negative energy is fern.
  4. A true plant-peacemaker can be considered ficus, which is able to reconcile family members, neutralizing their anger and aggression.
auspicious flowers for home:
  1. myrtle tree fill the house with the energy of love and well-being, and also strengthen relationships within the family.
  2. fat girl, planted with your own hands, will bring prosperity to the house and strengthen financial prosperity.
  3. Bamboo - an excellent absorber and converter of negative energy. It is believed that by passing through the hollow bamboo trunk, negative energy becomes positive. But where to put bamboo according to Feng Shui so that it attracts good luck and wealth? Feng Shui experts say that in order to attract good luck, indoor bamboo should be placed in the southeastern part of the room, while it must be carefully looked after, watered on time and do not forget to communicate with it and tell it about all your desires. In order for a useful plant to strengthen its properties and attract wealth to itself, you need to put a three-toed frog next to it.
  4. Lemon Tree: being planted in a children's room, it fills the air with a mass of useful phytoncides, and also helps babies grow inquisitive and active.

Feng Shui experts say that all colors are capable of radiating one of five types of energy:

  • Water energy.
  • Earth energy.
  • Tree energy.
  • metal energy.
  • Fire energy.

Since each type of energy is responsible for a very specific area of ​​human life, with the help of flowers in the interior of a house, you can solve many problems that periodically arise in a particular area of ​​life. To operate with this Feng Shui tool when choosing the color palette for your home, you need to get acquainted with the meaning of each color:

  1. Black activates mystical, unknown forces and symbolizes the inner world, which is in a state of hibernation. A large amount of this color may indicate depression.
  2. Green means abundance, prosperity, development, indicates balance and inner harmony, as well as the presence of untapped resources.
  3. Red- the color of passion, excitement, vitality, strong will. The use of this color promotes an influx of physical strength and can stimulate the appetite.
  4. Yellow stimulates the development of intelligence and the desire to achieve success in scientific activities, promotes the ability to establish contacts with people.
  5. Blue color- the color of inspiration, inner peace, contentment and self-control.
  6. White is the color of modesty, humility and purity. The use of this color can promote spiritual growth and balance.

With the help of paintings, posters and posters, you can significantly improve the energy of your home, since they not only affect the emotional state and well-being of people in the room, but also form a certain atmosphere in it.

  • For the bedroom, dreary landscapes, paintings depicting water or predatory animals are completely unsuitable. Here it is better to use paintings made in bright and rich colors of warm colors.
  • When planning a move, an important trip, or dreaming of moving up the career ladder, you need to activate the perspective zone with the help of road-themed paintings.
  • When dreaming about your own house or apartment, place an image of your dream house or a couple of interior photos in the perspective zone.
  • To activate your office, you can use a sunny cityscape with a well-developed perspective and a high clear sky.

Attracting good luck as a kind of positive energy that can bring success, health and prosperity to each family member is quite within the power of Feng Shui practice.

Remember a few simple rules:

  • Make the entrance to the house inviting, freeing the threshold from a mass of unnecessary items: this will clear the way for the flow of good luck energy.
  • Before entering the house, there should not be a lone tree or pillar that can cut the flow of positive energy in two and provoke the emergence of negative energy.
  • The doors to the toilet and bathroom, as well as the toilet lid, should be kept closed so that the energy of good luck does not leave your home.
  • When planning the placement of the dwelling, it should be ensured that the sharp corners of neighboring buildings do not go out onto it. When arranging furniture indoors, make sure that sharp corners are not directed towards your workplace or your bed.
  • Figurines of one elephant or several must be located at the front door. With their trunk, they attract good luck to the house, bring happiness and protect the household. They also attract monetary success to the family if they stand on the window. The figurine of an elephant is able to bring good luck not only to adults, but also to children, if it stands on the table in the children's room, turning its powerful trunk towards them. Thus, the elephant will improve the performance of your child.


Building a house in accordance with the recommendations of Feng Shui begins with choosing the right site. Any person feels comfortable if there is a lot of open space in front of him, and he is protected by something behind. Therefore, the site for the future home must be chosen so that it is open low, and behind it - high, with a forest, mountains or houses. It is also desirable that a clean river flow in front of the house. It is extremely bad if there are landfills near your future home and. The site itself should be large enough and of the correct shape - square or rectangular.

You have chosen a good site - this is already 50% success! Now start your house project. Feng Shui masters recommend that you build your houses only from natural materials associated with the area where you live. In this case, the energy of this place will flow to your house without encountering obstacles. It is not advisable to use metal and reinforced concrete - they create electromagnetic fields that adversely affect the health of the tenant. The facade of the house should look harmonious, the roof should not be in one direction. From above, the house must be of the correct shape - rectangular, square, only small ledges are allowed.

As for the internal layout of the house, the Feng Shui teaching recommends placing it in the back of the house, away from it, so that there is no waste of money. The second floor must be built full-fledged, and not in the form of an attic - it has a bad effect on health. It is also bad for well-being if there is a toilet under your bedroom. Doors inside the house should not be opposite each other. The stove and fireplace are best placed on the south or east side of the room. Neither a pool nor a pool should be built under the house. You can make a bathhouse under the house, but not under the bedroom or.

Before entering the house there should not be any corners, pillars and trees. It is better if you build a house in such a way that there is a positive energy zone at the entrance. It can be recognized by its more colorful and lush vegetation. The Feng Shui teaching says that any plant is good, so it is good if there are many lush, beautiful plants near your house. Pear, plum, are considered the best. Shrubs are better to choose without thorns.

Do not try to fill the entire space of your site and the new home with things. Do not be afraid of empty space, and then you will never experience financial difficulties. Do not block the house with a fence, so you block the path of positive energy. Lay the path to the house between the flower beds and artificial reservoirs - let it be winding.

Quite often recently the question arises when, finally, we will have good roads. Is it really so difficult at least once to build a normal strong road, which would not be repaired every year. How pleasant it must be to drive a car with a breeze, not being afraid to run into a huge hole, and then give the car for repair. Maybe you just need to follow all the rules when building roads. How are roads actually built? Of course, the construction of the road is a rather laborious and complex process. At first glance, it all seems so simple. In order to build road, you need to do the following:


Conduct a study of the soil on which the road will run, this is necessary in order to avoid sinkholes or subsidence of the soil after the road has already been laid. Next, carry out the development of the soil (a special recess is made in the soil, the soil is compacted and compacted) using special ones, in rare cases this is done manually.

Lay a gasket from a new material - geotextile, this is necessary so that the crushed stone that the trucks will bring does not fall into the ground, as it will not stand under the weight of a loaded car. Then lay the dump slag and lay a granite shield on it, this is necessary for coupling all layers with the base.

Lay a layer of crushed stone, but not just in bulk, but using a special technology, first a larger crushed stone, then a larger crushed stone, which rolls and seeps into the gap between the large crushed stone, while clogging the voids. After the foundation of the future road becomes more dense, stable and resilient.

Lay asphalt on top of all these layers, which is also laid in several layers, it depends on the type of road and the load on the canvas. Naturally, each road has its own type of asphalt, it can be coarse-grained, dense, porous, fine-grained.

Compact the asphalt with the help of special machines; under pressure, the asphalt adheres more firmly to all the previous layers of our road. Its base, or, in other words, the foundation, plays an important role in the road. If the foundation is strong, reliable and durable, then the road itself will serve us for more than one year. However, to apply and introduce new developments and technologies into roads, and then, perhaps, we will achieve a solution to road problems.

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Fenya is a type of jargon, originally invented in Rus' by wandering merchants who wanted to hide their conversations from strangers. Currently, it is used by persons serving their sentences in "places not so remote". Fenya has become an element that distinguishes those who are somehow involved in the criminal environment, people outside the law. Being such an interesting element of the language, Fenya attracts many people with its etymology and simply inaccessibility to a simple layman. So how do you learn how to express yourself correctly?


Write down the main words that you would like to say on the hair dryer. These can be ordinary words used in life. For most of them, there is a replacement in the hair dryer. So just collect your basic vocabulary and write down these phrases on paper. It is better to let these phrases be few at first, over time you will increase their number. This will make it much easier for you to memorize phrases in a hair dryer.

Download or buy a dictionary of thieves jargon, slang or, of course, give a damn about it. As you can see, there are many names (and self-names) for the same concept, so prepare in advance for painstaking work similar to learning a foreign language, with the only difference being that you don’t have to study writing and pronunciation.

Take the list of common used phrases you compiled in step 1. Find the equivalent for each word of each phrase in the dictionary. Then combine these words into a single phrase. For example, the most common phrase for the so-called. foreigners (and a person who is in prison for the first time is nothing more than a foreigner there), is the phrase "do you speak jargon?". The translation is very simple - “do you use a hair dryer?”. In the same way, translate each phrase and say it out loud for better memorization. This will lay the groundwork for exploring the bullshit in your mind. Examples of phrases: “push empty” - “say meaningless things”; “the suit fell like that” - “it happened so”; “To drive in tanks” - “to lie, diverting attention from the essence.”

Study fenya systematically, because, as mentioned earlier, jargon is a foreign language. Review what you have learned every day and try to make monologues. And, of course, try to communicate with the carrier - for example, with a former criminal element. Surely he will give you a lot of valuable tips on learning Fenya, just be careful and do not try to pass for your own, it can be dangerous.


  • hair dryer phrases

When building a house in a wetland or in places where the groundwater level is high, certain difficulties always arise. Of particular importance in creating a strong long-term structure is the careful preparation of the site and the choice of the correct type of foundation.


Conduct a soil survey at the site of the proposed construction of the house. It is advisable to involve professional experts in this, who will carefully study the characteristics of the soil, determine the level of groundwater and make a qualified opinion on the fundamental possibility of building a capital structure.

If the result of the examination is positive, select the type of foundation on which the house will be built. The most common type for wetlands is a solid slab-monolithic foundation with waterproofing. It is advisable to cast the slab directly on the construction site in order to do without lifting equipment.

When drawing up a construction plan, keep in mind that you will have to sacrifice the basement level of the house, which is so necessary in the household. All types of foundations that can be erected on a swampy movable must, first of all, withstand the onslaught of water coming from below. Such foundation structures are conventionally referred to as "floating".

Before pouring the foundation, remove the top layer of soil, open a small pit 110-130 cm deep and fill the recess with a layer of crushed granite (about 70 cm), and fill in a layer of coarse sand (about 30 cm) on top. It is advisable to choose for construction the very beginning of the summer season, after the groundwater has drained.

After backfilling the sand, spray it repeatedly with water from a hose to compact it as much as possible. After watering, compact the sand embankment using a vibrating board.

To drain groundwater in different areas of the construction site, dig a closed drainage system from trenches inclined to one side. The depth of the trench should be 1.5-2.5 m. Fill the bottom of the recess with rubble, and then lay drainage pipes in the trenches, having previously made holes in them to collect water. To protect pipes from clogging, it is advisable to wrap them with natural coconut fiber or special geofabric.

In the places where the trenches converge, install drainage wells in the form of plastic tanks dug into the ground. Water will drain through the pipes and accumulate in such a well, from where it will periodically have to be pumped out of the site with a submersible pump.

After the preparation, install the formwork in place of the future foundation, and then lay asbestos-cement sheets and reinforcement on the bottom. Pour the solution prepared in a concrete mixer into the formwork until the thickness of the slab reaches 25-30 cm.

After the foundation has solidified, proceed to the construction of the basement of the house, which is preferable to be made of rubble, overlaying the slab with large cobblestones around the entire perimeter of the structure. Fasten the stones with masonry mortar. The base should rise above ground level by half a meter. Leave an air vent on each of the four sides of the plinth.

Now proceed to the basic work of building the walls of the house, making the roof and finishing. At the same time, the construction technology will practically not differ in any way from building a house on ordinary solid ground.

Taoist practitioners say that corridors are important conductors of energy, so these rooms must be furnished according to the rules of Feng Shui. The room should be bright enough, not cluttered.

When guests enter the house, they should immediately understand the location, knowing where to go next. The clearer this is for them, the more positive the charge of Chi energy will be.

If you follow all the rules of Feng Shui, but at the same time fill the room with numerous unnecessary things, then these same rules will not work. A free room is more useful than rubbish that you use at most a couple of times a year. Children's toys, canes, shoes - do not keep it all in sight, hide them from your eyes in a roomy cabinet.

The corridor should be bright and spacious, then the Qi energy will freely pass into the home. You can visually expand a small cramped room with the right lighting and mirrors.

The mirror in the corridor, according to Feng Shui, should not be placed opposite the main entrance to the home, otherwise all positive energy will leave your home. Even on the surface of the mirror there should be no breaks, cracks, different images that "cut" a person, as if causing crushing of his personal energy.

The color of the corridor in Feng Shui is of great importance. You can choose a color according to the compass: white is suitable for the west, green for the east, blue or blue for, and scarlet for the south. If you do not want to use these shades, then use rich and bright colors when decorating the hallway, which can slow down the movement of Qi.

Another important point: what will a person see when entering the house? If in your case this is a wall, then hang a beautiful picture on it that evokes pleasant emotions. And if this is an interior door to another room, then it is desirable that it be framed with frosted glass.

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What is Feng Shui

I would like to immediately moderate the ardor of skeptics who consider this direction to be charlatanism. Feng Shui is not a set of signs and superstitions, but an ancient Chinese teaching, representing a symbiosis of science and art. Its name literally translates as "wind and water". The study is aimed at the practical application of knowledge of the laws of interaction between the unmanifested energies of the Earth and the Universe in order to ensure the formation of a positive environment for health, good luck and prosperity.

We live in an energy space and perceive the world only through the five senses. By the method of research using special equipment, scientists manage to expand the range of the perceived world, but most of it is still beyond the limits of human capabilities for perception. Meanwhile, everything in the surrounding world occurs according to certain laws of distribution and movement of the energy flows of the Universe.

Feng Shui originated in China over 3,000 years ago and has since been developed and passed down from generation to generation. Today, many ancient knowledge is confirmed in such areas of science as the study of terrestrial magnetism, astrophysics and psychology. According to the logic of the ancient sages, a successful favorable action can take place at the right time, in the right place, provided that the energy flows are coordinated.

Feng Shui for the arrangement of the restaurant

Since Feng Shui is a system of knowledge, for its correct practical application, it is necessary to attract a specialist who owns this knowledge. It has a lot of features built on the symbolism and understanding of the interaction of five types of energies - earth, water, wood, fire and metal. It is best to involve a specialist at the zero stage of design, starting with the choice of a place for building a building, in order to develop a project, taking into account the recommendations, and then a concept and the interior of all premises. But in the case of altering an existing premises, or to eliminate a negative impact and replace it with a positive one, specialist advice can also play a significant role.

There are such unique restaurants that are remembered for a lifetime, no matter where in the world they are located. When you enter such a space, you get the feeling that you are in a real flow of love, the environment and the smallest details are so pleasantly perceived. You may even get the feeling that everything around you seems to have been created for you, that you have returned home - to an atmosphere of love, comfort and enjoyment of life. It is this atmosphere created in the restaurant that attracts the largest number of visitors.

Southwest. Earth element. Love zone. A plant with round leaves and yellow flowers is simply necessary here; it is categorically undesirable to keep cacti, palm trees, and aloe here. Fatties are perfect.

West, element - metal. Zone and everything we create. This is the place for white flowers. You can put it here if this is not a bedroom. According to Feng Shui, gardenia, fuchsia, white orchid, etc. are also suitable.

Northwest, assistant zone. Also a suitable place for white. The peculiarity of this zone is that there should be single pillar-shaped objects here. From plants, trees can be arranged here in an unbranched trunk, for example, palm, aloe or bamboo.

North. Career zone, element - water. The colors of this section are blue and black. responsibly, you can place plants with blue and black flowers. For example, .

Northeast. Earth element. Zone of education, training. The flowers here should be yellow. You can also place dieffenbachia in the northeast, because. It is believed that it stimulates brain activity.

East- family zone. Green color, element - wood. On the eastern section of the apartment, in accordance with Feng Shui, you can place eucalyptus or ficus.

Southeast- This is a zone of money, wealth. The main color of this sector is green. Element - according to various sources - water or wood. Plants with round, fleshy leaves that look like coins should be placed here. The "money tree", a fruiting orange, is ideal. Cyclamens, begonias and violets are also suitable for the southeast.

When choosing plants for your home, be guided by your intuition, the main thing is that you like them. An unloved flower, even if it is located in a favorable place, will not be beneficial, rather, on the contrary. And wherever the plants are, it must be healthy and well-groomed, dust-free and without dried leaves.

Chapter 3

In China, according to the established tradition, they built small private houses in which individual families lived, and only in the last century, under the influence of European and American culture, high-rise buildings began to appear here. Along with this, there are separate city and country houses located in the picturesque corners of the country, built taking into account the Feng Shui of the area.

The population of China is still paying great attention to the integration of housing into the natural environment in the construction of private houses, as it has been since time immemorial. Now, not only the Chinese, but also residents of many other countries, apply the doctrine of the correct layout of the dwelling and the space around it, which has proven its relevance in practice.

Feng Shui principles in the construction of houses and cities

The principles of feng shui in China began to be used in the construction of houses and cities for several hundred years BC. e. The Chinese associated the well-being of the population with the correct location of individual houses in the city, which in terms of plan was a square divided into smaller squares, resembling a chessboard. This layout was designed to provide a normal water supply, fire safety, as well as potential opportunities for economic and cultural development and for population growth.

And at present, the planning of building complexes in China is carried out taking into account the theory of maintaining a balance between yang and yin. Houses on the street are divided into even, which are yin, and odd, representing yang. When planning and erecting walls that surround individual houses and cities, their dimensions are clearly verified. The length and width of the walls are related to each other like yin and yang.

City streets should only have a west-east or north-south direction. Some of them are yin, others are yang. The streets and houses themselves are connected with these two beginnings, and the streets are related to yang, houses to yin.

A feature of ancient Chinese cities is the presence of one or more rows of high walls erected around them. In addition, the areas adjacent to each house had to be fenced off with walls erected to protect against the penetration of evil spirits and enemies.

But, building walls, the Chinese, nevertheless, always feel the unity of man and nature. This makes them bow before nature itself, its phenomena, as well as various creatures that are perceived as part of it. According to the traditional views of the Chinese population, everything that a person sees around (hills, mountains, sky, plants and rivers) is alive and spiritual, has the power of life. Therefore, all this requires serious study before making any changes to the unity, so that, for example, the construction of a house or other structure can harmoniously fit in and naturally coexist with nature. This is especially evident in the construction of country houses.

Site selection

Starting to build a house, followers of the Feng Shui teachings take into account the complex relationships in which there are various elements, Earth and Sky, hexagrams, yin and yang, as well as stars and many other elements and symbols of the universe. The luoban compass helps to analyze the constantly changing ratio of elements and the action of forces in a particular area, to determine the correct location of it, as well as the favorable layout of the building.

The most significant in this regard are several categories of landscape. There are 5 of them - shan and shui, sha, xue and zhai.

"Shan" can be translated as "mountain". In the Feng Shui tradition, the shan is the Mountain Dragon. Mountains and hills represent the arteries and veins of the Dragon, through which the blood of the Dragon, or beneficial qi, flows.

The presence of a mountain on a site can have a very significant impact on the fate of a person living there. Shan is an important feature of the area that can have both a negative and a positive impact. A geomancer - a specialist who can determine whether building a house in a given area will be favorable - can determine the amount of qi located in the veins and arteries of the Dragon. The higher its concentration in the circulatory system, the more suitable this place for building a house. The geomancer can conduct an analysis that allows him to conclude at what points energy is accumulated, where it is felt lacking and where it is dissipated.

Mountains are considered to belong to the yang. They guide and hold qi, and also protect the area from the harmful effects of sha. One of the best places to build a house is the southern slope of the mountain, smoothly turning into a plain. A mountain that has a too steep, steep slope behind the house will create bad feng shui because the qi will drain too quickly from the top and leave the area where the building is located.

On a flat landscape, shrubs and trees can play a protective role. In this case, they should be located behind the house, slightly higher than it. Strong, healthy (preferably evergreen) trees are well suited for this, which will attract good luck and yang to the house.

The presence of a tree growing behind the house can be extremely important for the balance of yang and yin in the feng shui area. Sometimes its value can become more important than the whole forest.

"Shui" - Water Dragon - means "streams of water". These are streams and rivers, ponds and lakes, which can be located on the site where the house is being built, or nearby.

It is believed that too strong, turbulent flow of water makes the feng shui of the area unfavorable for building a house. But even stagnant or slowly flowing water can negatively affect the fate of people living on the shores of such reservoirs, due to the accumulation of sha in such a place.

Where two rivers meet, there is a concentration of beneficial qi. If a branch goes away from the riverbed, then in this landscape there is a partial loss of positive energy.

According to Feng Shui, a steep bank, as well as a slightly pointed bend in the river, is an unfortunate place for a residential building. Due to the fact that the straight lines of the outlines of the buildings do not combine with the bizarre winding lines of the riverbed, they do not contribute to the advancement of qi and become a source of sha.

There are many options for locating a house on the banks of rivers with different channel configurations. Some of them are favorable, others are unfavorable for construction (Fig. 19 and 20).

Rice. 19. Schemes of a favorable location of the house relative to water flows (the house is marked with a circle, the lines surrounding it are water flows): a - the site of heirs, prosperity and glory; b - a plot of a happy fate; c - plot of heirs and wealth; d - plot of heirs, fame and fortune; e - a site of prosperity and prosperity; e - plot of heirs and wealth; g - a plot of great prosperity and heirs; h - plot of heirs and prosperity; i - plot of heirs; k - site of glory; l - a plot of greatness; m - plot of heirs, fame and fortune

Rice. 20. Schemes of the unfavorable location of the house relative to water flows

A place where the bend of the river is oriented to the north is not suitable from the point of view of Feng Shui for building a house, because such a location brings ruin. Children in this family will be forced to steal and rob.

The family will also be in poverty, whose house is located near a steep bend in the water stream, directed to the northeast. Men will have no means of subsistence, women will have no offspring.

If the house is located on a bend directed to the east, such a position should lead to poverty for the next generations, who will lose their homes.

The disfavor of the emperor (in the modern version - leadership) due to disobedience to his will brings its owners the location of the house on a bend directed to the southeast.

In the event that a winding sleeve directs the water flow from the north to the west, and then to the west, the children are in danger. But turning the sleeve in the northwestern, northeastern, southwestern, southeastern directions will bring prosperity to the people who settled in this area.

The area where the branch of the river turns from east to west, from west to south, from south to east, from north to west, is considered a good place for a settlement and guarantees wealth and happiness to the descendants of those living here.

The concept of “sha” in feng shui includes banks and land that have an unusual shape, as well as man-made or natural formations from mud and sand.

The word "zhai" used in Feng Shui is used to designate a piece of land selected for construction. It can also refer to the buildings themselves (burial, house or some other building).

The term "xue", that is, the lair of the Dragon, is used to designate the most favorable area for building a house. "Xue" also means a protected area, which, for example, has shelter from the winds on three sides.

Various elevations can act as protection for the house: trees, mountains or hills located in the west, east and north, as well as a winding river flowing from the south side of the house, in front of its facade. Such a place can be considered ideal for building a house (Fig. 21).

Rice. 21. Ideal landscape template for building a house

This template allows you to conduct an analysis of the area, which is necessary when choosing a site for the construction of a residential building.

To make the right choice when buying a country house or choosing a site for construction, you must first find the xue, i.e. the Dragon point - the most favorable possible location of the building, with the highest degree of qi concentration.

If there are hills and the sea in a suitable area, then the house should be positioned so that the facade faces the sea and is located slightly lower than the opposite part of the house, which is protected by the hills.

If a river flows near the site of the proposed building, then it is necessary to most organically fit the house into the natural landscape, taking into account its feng shui. In this case, the maximum use of qi will lead to the strengthening of the energy potential of the house.

In a house built on a place where there used to be a dump of household waste, a swamp, burials were carried out or a fire occurred, sha exerts its destructive influence, while beneficial qi does not visit such places.

Plot shape

Square plots of land are most preferable for buildings; it is no coincidence that most of the cities, shrines and temples of China were built on such plots. The square is a symbolic figure, it denotes spirituality, which makes it the most favorable for building a house (Fig. 22 a).

Rice. 22. Schemes of favorable and unfavorable sites for building houses: a - a plot of a square favorable shape; b - a plot of a rectangular favorable shape; c - trapezoidal (favorable shape) area; d - a platform in the shape of a triangle (unfavorable shape); e - a section of a t-shaped (unfavorable) shape

Under the construction, you can use a rectangular plot, because it is also favorable. This is especially true for rectangles whose axis is located from south to north (Fig. 22 b).

A trapezoidal plot with a narrower side located in front of the house, and a wide one behind, will have a strong positive impact on the life of the people who settled here, because honor and prosperity will come to them, relating to all areas of their lives. This will happen due to the fact that here there will be a concentration of positive energy that contributes to the prosperity of the whole family (Fig. 22 c).

Building a house on a triangular-shaped site cannot be considered successful, because such a site is not only inconvenient to use, but will also cause household illnesses, especially if its facade looks at one of the peaks. An even worse prognosis is made by feng shui for people living in a house facing the top of the triangle with its back side. In this case, they should be afraid of the appearance of a fatal disease, as well as death (Fig. 22 d).

For those who have a similar site, you can try to correct the adverse effects of a triangular shape. To do this, according to the recommendations of Feng Shui, you can buy some land in the neighborhood or, conversely, sell a small part of your own in order to change the shape to a favorable one. One should strive to smooth out the sharp peaks of the triangular area in order to improve the feng shui of the area.

A site that has a cruciform, t-shaped and irregular shape is considered unfavorable (Fig. 22 e).

The land on the right side of the house, called the "White Tiger", should be somewhat lower than the plot on the left side, which is called the "Azure Dragon".

building a house

In order for a private house to comply with all Feng Shui recommendations and fit well into the environment, it is necessary to conduct an analysis at all stages of construction. This approach will avoid wasted time and money. The role of landscape design in creating a livable environment cannot be underestimated.

A very important factor shaping feng shui at home is its appearance. All parts of the structure should look balanced, harmonious. In this case, the family living here will want to spend more time in this pleasant place, in an atmosphere of calm, comfort and harmony, all its members will strive here after finishing work and study.

Not only the external impression of the house should be favorable. No less important factors involved in the formation of Feng Shui at home are:

– internal layout;

- shape, color, texture of finishing materials and materials of interior items;

- ventilation;

– lighting;

– plumbing;

- interior design,

- furniture.

When starting to design a future home, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the proportions and dimensions of the building are balanced in any of the ways described above. At the same time, the compositional solution of the structure can be both symmetrical and asymmetric.

The symmetrical arrangement of parts of the house is characterized by a balance of all design elements, as well as yang and yin relative to the axis of symmetry.

By choosing an asymmetric solution, it is also possible to construct a building that evokes a sense of balance. This can be achieved if all elements of the building, forms, volumes, used textures and colors, which are related to yang and yin, are in balance and complement each other.

We must not forget that the external forms of the house are directly related to the internal structure and must be in harmony with them.

There are two ways to plan and develop a project. The choice of any of them determines the level of professionalism of the architects who carry out the project, and depends on the wishes of the future owners.

In the first method, you need to think over and decide what premises and living rooms are needed in order for all family members to feel comfortable (this should include a living room, dining room, bedroom, office, etc.). Focusing on this list, you can take the next step and move on to determining the composition of the components of the structure and searching for the general form of the building.

To carry out planning, furniture design, organize spatial elements correctly, you need to rely on some special knowledge (about the proportionality of the interior components and their correlation with the proportions and sizes of the human body, etc.) and Feng Shui recommendations that help regulate the ratio of building elements. Such tasks are called upon to solve a special science - ergonomics, which should be resorted to.

In the second method, one should proceed from the external characteristics of the building, planning the internal arrangement of the components.

This method involves efforts to create the most harmonious form that causes a sense of satisfaction for all family members who want to settle in the house. A strict balance should be achieved between the form of the building and the surrounding nature.

An essential role in the design is played by the "concept of openness". It provides a balanced combination of open and built-up spaces, which allows you to achieve a visible internal and external unity of the building structure.

The shape of the building has a symbolic meaning and, in accordance with the interpretation of Feng Shui, can be regarded as favorable or, on the contrary, unfavorable.

Schemes illustrating different options for the shape of buildings built with symmetry in mind are shown in Figure 23. According to Feng Shui, they are classified as favorable forms. All forms have their symbolic meaning.

Rice. 23. Schemes of options for favorable outlines of buildings

The shape of the Earth includes a square shape, which is very favorable for living in the building of such a configuration of a person of Earth, Metal or Fire. The house in this case can become a fortress if it is low and has a flat roof. Stress and evil spirits will not disturb the family living here. Yang and yin are in balance here.

In the design of the house, the forms of the Earth are used in the design of ceilings, window and doorways, those forms that belong to the elements friendly to the Earth, while trying not to upset the state of balance between yin and yang. Such an approach will not create an imbalance of the elements and their conflict, but will strengthen the qualities of the Earth, introducing useful new ones.

Such a house may have a pointed or rounded roof. During construction, it is appropriate to use arches, round or jagged decorative elements, masonry patterns, forged parts, carved decorations.

The house, the shape of which is associated with a circle, is considered very favorable for a family to live in it. According to Feng Shui, the circle is a symbol of the sky and the Metal element, while the ring symbolizes heavenly favors.

Some inconvenience in such an unusual structure is created by concave internal walls; the internal space is more difficult to organize. But the predominance of the favorable element (Metal) can be achieved even by refusing to build a dwelling with rounded walls, by building a roof in the form of a dome or arch, you can resort to building a curved roof. Such a house is especially suitable for people of the Earth, Metal and Water, who will feel comfort and harmony in it.

Since the round shape belongs to yang, this predominance can be balanced by adding elements of a wavy, square and longitudinally elongated rectangular shape, restoring the balance between the two principles.

The building, the design of which is based on the principle of a rectangle and a figure elongated along an axis, located horizontally, belongs to the element of Water. Family members living in such a country house are given such qualities of Water as perseverance, wisdom, purposefulness, love of travel, and the ability to communicate. Only representatives of Fire feel restless and uncomfortable in such a house.

This type of house is dominated by yin, so from a feng shui point of view, balance should be restored with a design that incorporates wood and metal symbols, such as a domed or flat roof, as well as oval, round, or rectangular elements. Feng Shui advises to use mirror, glass surfaces less.

If elements of an elongated rectangular shape are used, then they should be located vertically.

From a feng shui point of view, the bagua (octagon) shape is ideal for a home. It gives residents a powerful charge of positive energy, leads to the achievement of well-being and power, and is able to protect against the effects of sha.

The exterior design of the house can be balanced by using a variety of combinations of favorable shapes, such as square and circle. Sometimes for harmonization, forms are used that have outlines similar to hieroglyphs that have a favorable meaning.

An example in this case is a building similar in shape to the outlines of the character "ji", meaning "luck", or with the character "wang", which can be translated as "king". Such a house has good Feng Shui.

Houses that have some other shape (triangle, arc, semicircle, etc.) are unfavorable for living in them from the point of view of Feng Shui. Figure 24 illustrates the unfavorable, albeit balanced, outlines of houses. They also have a symbolic meaning. It should be borne in mind that life in such buildings may not be successful, it may turn out to be unsafe.

Rice. 24. Schemes of options for the unfavorable shape of houses: a - a triangle; b - "butterfly"; c - arc; g - cross

A family living in a house with a triangular shape will not be able to succeed in financial matters, in love, and also in career advancement.

Feng Shui masters will never recommend living in a building whose shape resembles the indefinite outline of a butterfly. Such a house is unsuitable for habitation, because in this case, those who settled in it will be pursued by serious illnesses and even death. It is no coincidence that a fragile butterfly lives for a very short time.

The inhabitants of a house that has the shape of an arc or a semicircle should also not expect anything good, because a dwelling of this shape has an unfavorable prognosis from the point of view of feng shui. These figures symbolize incompleteness.

Living in a cruciform house brings hunger, poverty, and barrenness. Life's difficulties continue endlessly, taking away all strength, depriving us of hope for positive changes.

The most important transitional element to the interior in the design of the house is the main entrance.

Particular attention should be paid to such a layout of the house, in which the front door opens directly onto the stairs leading up or down, which, as mentioned above, is considered unacceptable. The presence of a staircase in front of the front door of the house is allowed if it is directed at a right angle to it. With such a layout, there is no sha, which causes the acceleration of the movement of qi along the straight line indicated by the direction of the stairs.

Above the bottom step of the stairs leading up, Feng Shui recommends placing a crystal that inhibits qi. The stairs going down, as a rule, are directed to the office premises, the door to which is best kept closed at all times.

A house with a multi-level layout is less favorable in terms of feng shui, especially when it comes to the layout of the floors of the house. If all the floors are on the same level, the circulation of qi is more evenly carried out in the house, which is a factor in the beneficial effect of the house on its residents.

In Feng Shui, there is a belief that if the entrance to the house is at least a few steps higher than the rest of the premises, then there is a danger of losing the social status of the family or demotion of its members. If the floors in the living room are higher than in the kitchen or dining room, the beneficial qi will leave the house when the guests leave.

Speaking about the proportionality of the height of the premises of the house, it is advisable to raise the issue of the number of doors and windows. Feng Shui recommends not to allow more than three doors in series (one after the other), and there should be no more than three windows for each door in the house.

The number "3" carries the symbolism of growth, in addition, the number of windows and doors exceeding three contributes to the formation of sha, associated with the acceleration of the circulation of the flow of qi. As you know, the slow movement of qi has a beneficial effect on people's health.

In rooms with accelerated qi circulation, it is difficult to concentrate and concentrate, fatigue increases and, as a result, irritability, sleep does not bring proper rest. For the same reason, the impact of all straight lines of roads, corridors and objects that are considered sources of sha in feng shui is unfavorable. But their presence in the house is often necessary and therefore requires close attention.

A very serious defect or disadvantage of the premises can be considered such a layout of the house, in which the so-called combined entrance is allowed. In other words, the entrance to the house is through the kitchen, dining room or living room, which, in addition to its main purpose, also becomes a hallway.

In such cases, a small part - the entrance hall itself - should be fenced off from the entrance room with the help of screens or furniture (for example, a closet). A large ornamental plant can turn out to be very useful, it will help by its presence in the room to recreate the insufficient and necessary isolation of the space, making the room multifunctional.

Opposite the front door, it is unacceptable to have a toilet or a bedroom; a toilet, a stove or a fireplace in the living room should not be visible from the hallway, but it’s not bad at all if the door of the master’s office is visible. The owner of the bedroom, which is located next to the main entrance and is visible from the hallway, will constantly feel tired, but if an office is located in the same place, then the energy of the main entrance will always help to maintain activity and enterprise, to maintain high efficiency.

Water in Feng Shui is symbolically associated with money, and the front door symbolizes a career, so the owners of a house in which the front door is located opposite the toilet room will always experience an acute shortage of money. It turns out that the wealth and prosperity of the family is simply washed down the drain.

It is especially bad if, with such a layout, the door to the toilet remains open and is directed at an acute angle with respect to the front door. It is enough to close the door and place a bagua mirror above it so that the adverse effects of sha symbolically cease to exist.

The feng shui of the house largely depends on how well the internal space of the building is organized (except for the action of other components).

There are several rules that feng shui masters advise to follow in order to create a favorable indoor living environment in the house.

1. The front door should be located according to the horoscope compiled and analyzed by a specialist, or according to the trigram of the owner of the house.

2. You should always take into account all the factors that affect the feng shui of the house, such as the direction of the wind, possible objects that serve as the source of sha. If the choice is rather complicated, then it is necessary to determine those conditions that can cause the least harm to the harmony of the surrounding space and family well-being. In such a situation, a compromise has to be found. It can be illustrated with the following example. The trigram of the owner of a country house belongs to the western group, but in this direction there is a wasteland, which is the source of sha, so the door must be designed in another place, characterized as permissible, although not belonging to the category of favorable.

3. Proper placement of windows helps to retain qi, not let it out of the home, so they must fit a certain size and be in the right direction. You should also try to ensure good ventilation of the rooms with the help of windows.

It is not recommended to allow dust and direct sunlight to enter the house through windows, as well as too hot or too cold air. But nevertheless, in the interior space of the house there should be sufficient, but not too bright natural lighting, which can create a visual effect of enlarging the room and change the characteristics of the color inherent in the interior of this room.

All of the above external influences can destroy the balance between yin and yang created inside the premises, in this regard, when building a country house, you need to be especially attentive to the quality of the selected window blocks and to carry out the installation work flawlessly.

4. Improper placement of stairs can have a strong harmful effect on the feng shui of a home. These important objects should not be:

- place in the central part of the house;

- design opposite the main entrance;

- use stairs in the form of a spiral (they are very dangerous for the health and life of residents, they greatly violate Feng Shui at home).

The best location for a staircase is if it is behind the front door, which, when open, will mask it. This will allow the positive qi energy to spread freely throughout the house.

The dimensions of the stairs, as well as the dimensions of each of its elements, should be carefully verified (it is advisable to use the indicators of the geomancer's ruler for this) so that the dimensions are proportional, consistent with the principles of harmonic balance of yin and yang.

5. Just like the stairs, the kitchen should not be located opposite the main entrance, in addition, it should not be placed in the northern part of the house.

6. By determining the negative and positive directions in the building for each member of the family according to the principle of bagua influence, you can choose a good place for the bathroom and toilet. It should be borne in mind that the most inappropriate direction chosen for the placement of the toilet is northeast.

7. Feng Shui masters are not advised to place a garage in the annex or in the basement of the house, because the movement of cars can become a source of poor health for residents of a country house. Often the garage in the house is the cause of feelings of insecurity, concern.

8. Corridors (as well as stairs) should be made spacious, well lit. If these important elements of the building are darkened and narrow, then the flow of positive qi energy will hardly move through the house.

Feng Shui offers a simple criterion for determining the optimal width of the corridor. If in it two oncoming people can disperse without touching each other, then such dimensions can be considered normal.

When planning a house, one should not design straight and long corridors, in the walls of which there are a large number of doors on both sides - they become a source of sha.

9. If the doors are located on different sides of the hallway or corridor, you should take into account the fact that they are not exactly one opposite the other. If this condition is not met, then the households living in these rooms will be doomed to constant conflicts among themselves.

How can one explain such close attention of feng shui to how the front door is located and how it is decorated? The fact is that in China, traditionally, the door of the dwelling is compared with the mouth.

As the food necessary for the continuation of life enters the human body through the mouth, so through the door of the house, the beneficial energy of qi nourishes the house and its inhabitants. With this, Feng Shui connects well-being in all areas of life for the whole family living in a properly planned and built home.

The front (main or central) entrance of the house is the door that is used most often in the house. Over time, the front entrance may cease to be such if residents begin to use another door more often, through which you can also get into the house. Regardless of its direction and external arrangement, it unwittingly becomes the main entrance of the house. In any case, the front door should be clearly visible from the street so that it can be easily found.

If obstacles appear on the way of qi in the form of improperly arranged front doors and approaches to it, then instead of nourishing qi, sha will get inside - the destructive energy of death and disharmony. In this case, the family will be haunted by illness and failure. Therefore, Feng Shui pays serious attention to the proper organization of the entrance and its design. For the sake of meeting with qi, it is worth trying to make the house from the side of the main entrance look hospitable, welcoming and prosperous, bringing joy to everyone who enters it and, above all, to the inhabitants of the house themselves.

It must be well protected from bad weather: rain, direct scorching sunlight, wind constantly blowing in one direction, so that waiting for a meeting with the house is not overshadowed by bad weather while searching for keys or being forced to wait until the door is opened. These qualities of housing symbolize the degree of hospitality of the house, which is also associated with a tradition common in the East: to open the front door inward, not outward. According to feng shui belief, the doors of the house that open outward prevent the penetration of qi into it.

The main entrance in many country houses opens onto a porch with several steps. Feng Shui approves of a layout that ensures the safety and security of the tenants and their fairly high social status.

In accordance with the rules of Feng Shui, the door should be placed at the location of qi. In this case, all the positive energy concentrated in this place enters the dwelling.

Traditional in Feng Shui is the location of the front entrance on the front wall of the house, which, as a rule, has a southern or eastern direction. Then every morning the exit from the gates of the house will be accompanied by a small holiday - a meeting with the sun and its friendly rays, as if blessing the righteous works.

The western or northern entrance in relation to the south and east looks dull and overcast, daily turning the morning going to work into a bleak harsh necessity.

The front door should be slightly larger than any other door in the house. Everything possible should be done so that the beneficial qi, entering the house through the main entrance, lingers longer in all rooms, not in a hurry to leave the dwelling through another door. Therefore, it is recommended to hide the second exit from qi.

The main entrance should be spacious, bright, decorated with living plants. But it is necessary that the dimensions of the front door correspond to the proportions of all elements of the house. It is believed that if the door is too large, qi can slip back into the street. The consequences of this are financial problems, bankruptcy, need, however, as well as if the front door is too small for the house. In addition, the presence of an insufficiently wide door negatively affects the health of the household, making them nervous or apathetic.

The ideal location is considered to be the location of the front door, in which it is shifted slightly to the left along the facade of the building (when viewed from the inside). As mentioned above, the Green Dragon lives on the left side of the house, and under his auspices, beneficial qi feels better in the house. Of course, it is desirable to place the door in the center of the facade, and not on the right side of the house (at the White Tiger).

We must not forget that the interior of the house is only part of the unity, which includes at least the appearance of the house, the adjacent plot, the location of neighboring houses. Therefore, it is recommended to use the information in Table 10, which indicates favorable and unfavorable directions for the placement of structural elements and interior spaces, only after assessing all the components. If necessary, you can make adjustments.

Home and ways to correct an unfavorable situation

If for some reason mistakes were made during the construction of the house, as a result of which its feng shui became unfavorable, everything possible should be done to correct the situation.

Of course, it is best to choose and buy a new house that satisfies in all respects both the personal wishes of the future owner and the requirements of Feng Shui, but, as a rule, this is not so easy to do in practice. In the purchased house, shortcomings and defects can be found.

Often the solution is to start new construction on a suitable site. If, nevertheless, the purchase of a private house took place, then you should not move into the newly acquired house until it has been evaluated (as well as the adjacent plot) from the point of view of Feng Shui and all the shortcomings and defects have been eliminated ( cracks, flooded basement, sagging corners). All flaws (ravines, washouts, etc.) should also be identified on the site.

All shortcomings can upset the balance of yang and yin, and, as a result, bring misfortune and illness to the family.

According to Feng Shui, if the house is damaged and the defects are on any side of it, then this can have the following negative consequences:

- if the damage is on the east side of the house, this can lead to misfortune and illness of the son;

- on the western side - the health of the youngest of the relatives in the house may deteriorate;

- a defect on the north side leads to a deterioration in the health of all household members, as well as an accident with the youngest son;

- damage on the south side - the manifestation of diseases of the daughter-in-law or daughter is possible;

- in the northeast - you can expect some indisposition of the youngest child in the family or grandson;

- a defect on the southeast side entails accidents that occur with female representatives in the family;

- in the northwest - the appearance of various lung diseases, hypertension in the head of the family or an older man;

- lesions on the southwestern side lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of the eldest woman of the family.

In each of these cases, carefully carried out repairs will be able to correct the situation.

It is best if the front entrance of the house you are buying is oriented to a flat area or it turned out to be on a slight elevation. These options should be preferred.

Otherwise (located in a lowland, on top of a high hill), more effort will be required to carry out the correction, which may lead to unnecessary construction costs.

Sometimes, when buying a house suitable for a family, the owner is forced to admit that the front door is not positioned correctly. In order to find out this, you need to orient yourself: stand in the central part of the house and determine the north direction with the help of a compass. Then it will become clear in which direction the front door is, and then the personal trigram will help determine which group (western or eastern) the owner of the house belongs to. If it is an eastern group, then the front door should face north, northeast, south, or southeast; if western - the main door should be oriented to the southwest, northwest, west or northeast. If a discrepancy is found, you still have to go to cut through the front door according to the trigram, in a new place. The situation can be easily corrected if you practically stop using the main entrance, entering the building through a correctly oriented spare one.

If all ancillary buildings are grouped in one place, then, despite the laboriousness of this enterprise, they should be moved, distributing evenly over the territory of the site. In this case, beneficial energy flows freely from one building to another.

Sometimes problems arise when changing the composition of a family living in a self-built house, and then you have to resort to correcting the feng shui of the house in accordance with the horoscope of the new owner. These changes should also affect the organization of the site around the home.

You should not build a house with large glazed planes, huge windows, transparent roofs, etc. Due to the creation of the greenhouse effect, an imbalance of yin and yang occurs, and the qi flow may deviate. When correcting such errors, the best remedy is a major overhaul with a decrease in the total area of ​​​​glazed surfaces. But you can also build retractable shutters that will allow you to regulate the flow of light and heat entering the house.

Since the house should be well combined with neighboring buildings according to the principle of yin and yang in height, then, if necessary, one more floor should be added or the shape of the roof should be changed, striving for a good ratio of the size of the house relative to other buildings on the site (Fig. 25). Ideally, the front door should look out onto level ground, and it may overlook houses that are not sources of sha.

Rice. 25. The correct location of the house on the site

If the path leading from the front door to the street has a steep slope, excavation should be carried out if possible to reduce the slope. The fact is that a slight bias is quite acceptable, since, unlike a steep one, it does not symbolically take away happiness from home, but, on the contrary, makes it easier for the owners to succeed outside the home.

Any paths or roads (including a car) leading to the house become part of the entrance to it. They should not be narrower from the side of the street than near the house, as this limits access to the house of qi. If this nevertheless happened, the situation can be easily corrected by additionally illuminating the path in a narrow place with the help of lanterns or other lighting fixtures.

If in a given area there are no hills, mountains, water streams, i.e., conductors of qi, their function is performed by the road. If there are direct access roads to the house, it is necessary to change their direction so that the road wanders slightly, twists or turns to the side at a right angle just before entering the house. Then the balance will not be disturbed, and the road will not become a conduit for the sha. A low fence or hedge growing in front of the house will also neutralize the manifestations of sha when the road layout is unsuccessful and it is impossible to make changes.

The end of another house opposite the main entrance, or a wasteland, has a negative impact (Fig. 26 a).

Rice. 26. Unfortunate location of the front door: a - opposite the end of another building; b - in front of a house with a pointed and steep roof; c - a flagpole on a straight line directed to the center of the main entrance; g - the corner of the building opposite the entrance to the house; d - dilapidated building opposite; e - a flower bed or a pond of a triangular shape opposite; g - the location of roads, a reservoir in the form of the hieroglyph "fire"

The means of correction will be a device in front of the porch door with several steps, which improves the living conditions of households, their safety.

If a lone tree grows at the entrance - the source of sha, then two lanterns on poles, which should be installed on both sides of the front door, together with the tree, can form a triangle, the top of which is directed away from the house, which will correct the situation.

The cone-shaped roof, as well as the protrusion of the pediment of the house opposite, send "poisoned arrows" to the main entrance of the house (Fig. 26 b). The flagpole in front of the entrance serves as an obstacle to qi (Fig. 26c). The corner of the neighboring house, located in front of the entrance (Fig. 26 d), ruins, an abandoned unfinished building opposite (Fig. 26 e), a flower bed or a pond in the form of a triangle (Fig. 26 f), as well as the location of reservoirs, roads in the form the hieroglyph "fire" (Fig. 26 g) - all these are examples of the unfavorable location of the house relative to surrounding objects. If such a layout has already been carried out, all possible measures should be taken to ensure the unhindered movement of qi into the house.

In Feng Shui, the universal corrective tool, as mentioned above, is a mirror. It helps to repel or weaken the harmful sha. A concave bagua mirror can be hung above the main entrance. Flat or convex mirrors are best not to use, because they can direct the negative sha towards the neighbors' house. This can bring harm not only to neighbors, but also to those who are the cause.

Knowing in advance about the dangers that such situations carry, they can be avoided during the planning and construction of the building. When buying a house, all these important details should be paid attention to and avoid making a purchase if it turns out to be very difficult to make the necessary correction.

Site design

A garden and a vegetable garden located at a country house can play a different role in the life of the owners. For some, a garden plot is a place of peaceful work and rest, as well as a place where you can calmly indulge in the contemplation of nature, do your hobby, for example, grow flowers.

For others, a practical approach is more important: how much food they receive from their acres in order, for example, to provide their families with high-quality organic vegetables and fruits. Some view the space around their home as a nuisance to business because they have to spend their time maintaining the property in a decent way, but having achieved this, they get satisfaction.

Some do not pay attention to what and in what condition is around their house.

The only thing that can unite all these positions that determine the significance of the site is that all owners of this corner of nature have a sense of freedom on their personal territory.

Sometimes people are limited by the lack of money and time, the numerous needs of the family, and sometimes by the state of health, which leaves much to be desired, but the necessary charge of vivacity and good mood can be obtained while being in your suburban area, if it is equipped according to the recommendations of Feng Shui, i. e. in harmony with the laws of nature. The contemplation of nature often makes up for the lack or lack of spiritual communication, provides a happy opportunity to take a break from the bustle of city life.

No matter how the owners of the site feel about it, the realization that the organization of the space of the garden and vegetable garden (along with other factors) can have a strong impact on the lives of them and their families, will allow you to look at the opportunities that open up in a different way.

The fact that being in the bosom of nature, the perception of a variety of shapes and colors, sounds and smells plays a healing role, refreshes the senses, gives rise to positive emotions, leads to the idea that while staying on the site, a person literally receives a boost of energy, which he then uses in various areas of life.

Therefore, when family members go out into the garden that welcomes them, you need to treat it as not just real estate, indicating the prosperity of the family, but as another opportunity to fill your own life with favorable natural energy. The recommendations of the Feng Shui masters help to do this with the greatest efficiency.

Having decided to equip a suburban garden plot, it is first of all important to understand that everything that a person brings to perfection can become a source of qi. By landscaping a garden plot, its owner becomes not only a wealthy person, but also creates harmony and well-being in his life and the life of his own family.

In order to rationally use the land and preserve the harmony of yin and yang, it is necessary to decide in advance how much space the garden and garden will take, where the flower garden will be located, what place the pond, recreation area, gazebo will take, how best to arrange outbuildings. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the features of this landscape, the relief of the soil.

Therefore, having studied the relief, if necessary, measures should be taken to correct it. For example, if the site has a slope, then from the point of view of Feng Shui, it requires land work to strengthen the slopes - the construction of terraces with retaining walls. It is possible that such a design will be able to suggest an interesting solution for the site, which will give it a unique look. For example, a beautifully curved wall can accommodate a recreation area - a bench and a small pond.

A Chinese garden, planned according to the principles of Feng Shui, necessarily contains the symbols of Water, Earth, Metal, Wood and Fire - all five elements.

Very often, gardens in China include ponds with smooth streams of water, which embody wealth. Their unhurried movement around the site is a conductor of beneficial qi. Near a pond (belongs to yin), in order to maintain a balance of yin and yang, it is recommended to plant plants with tall stems (belong to yang), such as sedge or cattail.

A small square or rectangular pond can harmonize the feng shui of the site. This character of the outlines has a symbolic meaning, because it resembles the character "kou" - the mouth, which the Chinese associate with offspring.

If fish or turtles swim in the pond, lotuses grow, such a pond symbolizes success and unity. Fish, according to classical feng shui, increase the wealth and well-being of the family. Preference can be given to Japanese carps, i.e. goldfish, although other ornamental fish species play a positive role in solving this problem. Depending on the area of ​​​​life that needs improvement, you should choose the color of the fish, which also has a symbolic meaning.

Not all climatic zones allow you to breed golden carp in an open-air pond throughout the year. In such a case, keeping the fish should be seasonal. In winter, they can be placed in the house, in large aquariums.

If you arrange an island in a pond, and put a gazebo on it for relaxation, then it will balance the yin element (water) and the yang element (earth). It is not recommended to plant a tree on the island, because in this situation it can symbolize imprisonment or misfortune.

Hills and mountains are the Earth, and the Chinese revere them, considering them the source of life, because water flows down the slopes from the mountains to the fields, and without it it is useless to wait for a good harvest. Stones represent hills and mountains and, according to feng shui, are yang. They need to be supplemented with a yin element, which can serve as a pond.

When paving garden paths, it is better to use not curly tiles, but natural stone or its high-quality imitation of stone chips and concrete. Such a coating is perfect for decorating a site, representing one of the elements in it - the element of the Earth.

The element of Wood is represented by plants, which, depending on the species, shape and size, can refer to both yang and yin elements. Growth, strength and progress are symbolized by tall trees. They must grow in a large area so that the balance of yin and yang is not disturbed, because in a small area with tall specimens it is difficult to ensure the correct ratio of horizontal and vertical surfaces.

The pointed roofs of the outbuildings, orange and red flowers, pyramid-shaped arbors and artificial lighting represent the element of Fire.

The lighting of the site should ideally be evenly distributed throughout the site. Light sources can be located in several tiers (high lanterns on long poles, luminaires on low poles, lighting at ground level). Using the lanterns of the upper tier, you can correct the unsuccessful shape of the site.

Metal can be represented in a garden area if various metal objects or structures (lattices, metal furniture) are placed here. It is also symbolized by the present objects of white, golden and silver colors, round objects. For example, it can be products made of aluminum, copper, silver and other materials, goldfish, white flowers, etc.

According to classical feng shui, there are general rules for the location of plots, indicated in table 12.

Thus, the creation of a well-maintained and harmonious site is facilitated by the elements, the influence and interaction of which must be taken into account. This also applies to the sphere of interpersonal relationships.

If spouses or close relatives belong to the elements that are adjacent to each other in the cycle of destruction, a third element should be called to help, capable of binding them in the cycle of generation. It should be emphasized in the garden.

An example is the following situation. The element of one of the spouses is Metal, and the other is Wood, the presence of the reconciling element of Water in this case should be strengthened, it will significantly improve the compatibility of Wood with Metal.

Of course, in almost any garden, the element of the Tree predominates. Nevertheless, the owner and members of his family should try to bring to the site and objects that symbolize the elements of their birth, as well as the elements that precede them in the cycle of generation. For example, if the element is Metal, one should resort to using objects of both the elements of Metal and the Earth.

All family members can receive the necessary support, and the mutual influence of the elements at the same time merges in a harmonious combination. This can be achieved by taking into account the influence of bagua directions and zones. Thanks to this, each family member in the garden can have his own zone, his own corner, where he can relax without disturbing the rest of the family.

Considering the influence of bagua directions and zones in a country garden, it is necessary to remember the most important principle of feng shui: each cell of the magic square corresponds to various areas of a person’s life, therefore, by activating some bagua directions or zones, you can attract their positive influence into your own life.

Looking at the bagua diagram, you can see that in the corner, to the left of the diagonal entrance to the garden, is the wealth zone. To activate it, you need to plant flowers that symbolize the element of birth of each of the household members, as well as the element that precedes it in the cycle of generation. In addition, golden or yellow flowers (for example, golden balls or daffodils) can be planted on the site, which symbolize money.

Since Metal is also directly related to money, any metal objects (equipment or garden furniture) are appropriate here. A good solution - containers designed for water. Her reserve creates a symbolic pond in the garden. In this case, he acts as a reliable guarantor of the material well-being of the whole family.

To activate the glory zone, it is recommended to plant tall plants and flowers with long stems. In this place, in the flower garden, it is most appropriate to put a comfortable chair. Resting in it, you can afford to think about your own plans, dream, imagining success in your own enterprises.

The marriage zone is the most suitable place for planting roses. They are appropriate in any part of the garden, but planted in the marriage zone, they will protect marital relations.

So that this magnificent symbol can always provide an opportunity to admire its beauty, the owners of the site must protect the rose from aphids. This is easy to do if, when planting a plant, put a peeled clove of garlic under the root into the soil. The smell of garlic, which the rose absorbs, repels not only aphids, but also other pests.

A large bench installed in the marriage zone will come in handy. It is good to sit on it together, inhaling the scent of flowers. It should be remembered that it is necessary to use the entire surface of the bench, and not one of its edges, at least from time to time changing to another place.

The family zone in the garden is symbolically connected with the family. This implies both an impact on intra-family relationships and the health of family members. It is recommended to take care of this corner of the garden with special care. Here one should strictly observe the symbolism of the colors of the household, especially those in need. To support them, you need to enter a color corresponding to their element of birth, as well as the previous element in the cycle of generation.

If tensions develop in the family, according to the recommendations of Feng Shui, you can plant a flower garden with plants in this area, which symbolize the element of birth of each inhabitant of a country house.

According to the Feng Shui tradition, the center of the plot should be occupied by the center of luck. It is recommended to place an object here that can become the compositional center of the entire garden. It can be a gazebo, a fountain, a large stone, a bath or a bird feeder, a flower garden in which purple flowers grow.

This decision of the center of the garden creates an atmosphere conducive to immersion in the sphere of the spiritual aspect of being, because this part of the garden symbolizes not only luck, but also spirituality.

The children's section of the garden allows you to give free rein to your imagination. It is good if this zone becomes bright, saturated in color and attractive in all respects, but the condition must be observed so that the arrangement of this place does not constrain and does not interfere with the free games of children. It is necessary to arrange everything in such a way that the kids would like to walk here, and for older children this corner would become so attractive that it would be difficult to find a better place to play.

If problems arise in communication with a child that relate to psychological compatibility, it is recommended to activate the children's zone by introducing the color of the elements of his birth. This can also be achieved by activating the color of the precursor element in the generation cycle.

The activation of the children's zone is also desirable in the case when the family wants to have children who are not yet in it.

In order to attract a beneficial flow of qi to the career zone, you can resort to several methods of activating it.

If you have a very successful career, you can plant a variety of bright and spectacular plants and flowers here. Since this zone is located near the entrance to the garden, the flower garden will play the role of a business card.

If there is a desire to increase social status, it is necessary to take measures and enter into the career zone the color of the element of birth and the element preceding it in the cycle of generation. Such actions can give the strength necessary to move up the career ladder and achieve success.

In China, they are sure that the teacher appears when the student is ready to meet him. By activating the teacher's zone, decorating it with bright flowers, the owner of the garden thus, as it were, declares that he is ready to acquire wise mentors, to perceive new knowledge.

By activating the travel zone by planting plants that resemble the places you would like to visit, you can count on the trip to be successful.

When choosing a style in which a personal plot can be decorated, one should take into account one's own tastes, preferences, material capabilities and some other factors. You need to know that the style of garden design should be the same as the style of the house, or that this combination should be harmonious.

If the country house is a large building related to the style of Louis XIV, a strict, solemn formal or regular garden style is chosen, in the arrangement of which symmetry can be traced. In such a garden, for example, a small log house, the style of which can be described as rustic, is completely out of place. In other words, the style of the garden should be determined by the style and shape of the house built or purchased.

Some of the most common garden design techniques in accordance with various styles can be cited as examples of decorating a personal plot in order to indicate their characteristic features.

As already noted, the regular style requires symmetry: one side of the garden, as in a mirror image, must exactly repeat the other. Geometric order reigns here: flowerbeds, paths, ridges are given a strict geometric shape, crowns of trees and shrubs, as well as lawns are neatly trimmed.

In regular gardens, a combination of contrasting colors is used, which, together with symmetrical forms, creates a kind of harmony. Such a creation always speaks of the high skill of the designer and gardener, because not only to create, but also to maintain a personal garden plot in perfect condition (which is a prerequisite) requires a lot of work and skill. This style of garden speaks of a clear nature-transforming human influence, unlike many more natural styles that bring the image of the garden closer to the natural environment.

The cottage style garden has the nostalgic atmosphere of the gardens of the past, once owned by the older generations, but the modern design is distinguished by great decorativeness, carefully considered carelessness and natural composition. Rest in such a sunny garden relieves fatigue and stress, invigorates, relieves nervous tension, helps restore mental and physical health.

A special place is occupied by the Japanese Zen garden. Its construction requires the ability to skillfully combine the elements of yin and yang in such a way that each of them sets one up for reflection on spiritual issues, on issues of the universe, and is conducive to relaxation. Also, such a garden in Japan is visited to indulge in the contemplation of natural forms and enjoy the harmony of nature. The main requirement, according to which the space of the Zen garden is organized, is to ensure that a person in it feels like a part of an indivisible and limitless Universe.

The main elements of such a garden are pebbles, stones, sand, so it can also be called a "rock garden". Creating compositions from these stingy materials, different in shape and color, designers manage to create the most unexpected effects. At first glance, the stones are casually scattered on a certain leveled surface of white pebbles. However, this randomness of their location is apparent: each of these elements occupies a strictly verified and found place, which is determined for it by an experienced designer in accordance with the strict laws of harmony.

As for the presence of plants in the Japanese garden, they are given a certain place, not allowed to grow, so that they do not distract the attention of the contemplator from the compositional center - the stone garden. Usually these are shrubs and trees of dwarf species.

Water in the form of a small reservoir brings variety to the landscape. In such a garden, imperceptible streams and mini-waterfalls can flow, hidden in the grass and between stones, with their murmur helping to relax and enter a meditative, contemplative state.

The simple and democratic style of "cottage" is currently widely used. Despite the presence of certain features of a strict geometric style (clear designation of recreation areas, paths and flower beds using geometric shapes), it is characterized by the free growth of shrubs, flower plants and herbs, which creates a feeling of naturalness.

In accordance with the principles of not only beauty, but also benefits, many plants are grown here. Among them are ornamental plantings - flowers and trees, as well as fruit and berry and vegetable crops. The neighborhood of various representatives of the flora is unexpected: spicy and medicinal herbs can be planted under apple and pear trees, flowers can decorate beds of cabbage and carrots, coniferous trees get along with groups of broad-leaved species, etc.

The plot, decorated according to the Mediterranean style, gives rise to associations with Spain, Italy, hot countries, where in the shade of a cozy garden you can hide from the rays of the southern sun. The secret to the charm of the "Italian garden" lies in the artful combination of sunny open spaces, bright green spaces and shady areas where awnings, verandas, gazebos and awnings are located. The fertile shade from hedges and trees emphasizes the picturesque groups of plants of different shapes, contrasting colors and different heights.

A garden designed in this style involves the use of lush, bright low carnations, lilies and roses, ornamental varieties of sunflowers and other flowers to create a higher tier. Next to these flowering plants, trees with dark green leaves (orange, lemon and bay) look great, as well as climbing specimens (grapes, actinidia, etc.).

One of the characteristic elements of this style can be considered light, almost white ceramic tiles of terraces, paths, ceramic containers for flowers.

In the courtyards inherent in the "Italian garden", trees and flowers are not planted in open ground, but are grown in decorative containers, baskets, pots and flowerpots, which makes it possible to easily change their location.

The most commonly used containers are made from natural materials such as clay. Pottery, including ceramic vases, is often hand-painted using combinations of white and blue.

Ampelous plants are often planted in hanging baskets in the natural color of the wood. In this case, both pottery and baskets use the same color (brown).

Among the various site design solutions, one can find gardens designed in the “monastic courtyard” style. Such a garden is a secluded place for entertainment and relaxation, which is separated from the surrounding space by a hedge or low stone walls.

The traditional backyard garden has a square or rectangular shape, but nowadays any other form that is favorable according to feng shui is used.

A site hidden from prying eyes can be decorated at the request of its owner. For example, in front of the house they place a platform paved with stone, through the masonry of which grass breaks through, and next to it there is a magnificent flower garden, admiring the harmony of colors.

Usually, unpretentious plant species that grow well in the area are chosen to decorate the “monastery courtyard”. Coniferous trees, hellebore, various types of ornamental grasses that tolerate winter cold are very popular.

However, for the design of the garden plot, it is quite possible to use portable containers, wooden and stone tubs, hanging planters on chains, in which pots with tropical and subtropical plants are installed (lianas, ferns, citrus fruits and other indoor plants that are brought into the room when cold weather sets in). of the year).

As materials for decorating the courtyard and garden furniture, it is preferable to use wood, metal, stone.

The design of the garden plot can be to create a mixed style, in which elements of several garden styles meet. The appearance of such plots changes over time in accordance with the change in mood and taste of their owners. Such a garden looks original and at the same time attractive due to the fact that it reflects the individuality of the owner, his hobbies.

Arranging the garden according to your own style, you must strive to maintain the harmony of the whole and individual components of the house and garden.

Typical disadvantages in the design of a mixed garden include disorderly planting, excessive passion for decorative elements, poor plant care, lack of alternation of zones with different levels of vegetation height (yang and yin) on the site. All these errors lead to disruption of the qi flow circulation.

In garden design, there are many techniques that allow you to enrich the backyard with expressive elements, build an interesting and varied composition with the help of plants and garden objects, which use a variety of plant forms.

An artificially created part of the alpine landscape - rockeries - can become such a zone-forming element. It is a rocky elevation from which streams of water flow and fall. In the design of rockeries, ground cover and low alpine plants are used. Such an object can turn into a compositional center of a mixed garden.

It is especially easy to create rockeries if there is a natural hillock or slope on the plot of land that can serve as a good basis for construction. Usually, in the absence of a natural elevation, such an artificial hill is built of stones, trying to achieve the maximum effect of imitation of a natural landscape area (with cracks between stones, relief breaks, and plots of land with planted alpine plants).

On the slope, you can dig in a flower girl made of driftwood, a piece of log or a tub. Even between the stones, you can plant medium-sized plants (for example, grasses), after filling the crevices with earth mixed with clay, small pebbles.

You can limit yourself to several stones of different sizes, and plant a dwarf maple or other stunted tree next to it, which can cast a small shadow on the rockery.

If part of the garden is occupied by a pond, then to create a balance of yin and yang, several stones can be laid out on its shore. It is better to give preference not to smooth boulders, but to shapeless boulders that have a natural color.

Around them, it is good to plant ground cover plants or break a lawn. Creeping arnica, anemone, stonecrop, periwinkle, mountain hare cabbage, etc. can serve as a soft green carpet.

To cover the soil, undersized species can be planted: alpine bellflower, saxifrage, cinquefoil and spring gentian.

When arranging a zone near a reservoir, one or two bushes of tall plants can be placed near the stones, for example, Erica shrub or spur - perennials.

The building can decorate a geranium houseplant planted for the summer. For successful growth, it should provide a transparent shade, as well as good drainage. In order for the plant not to exceed 20 cm in height, the top of the geranium must be cut off, due to which a branched squat specimen will form.

At the base of the stones, it is appropriate to plant a Japanese primrose blooming in spring. This is a moisture-loving plant, so the proximity to a reservoir, a mountain stream is good for him. Between the stones, the saxifrage feels good. The cascade of its rosettes will serve as a decorative cover for the stones.

One of the corners of the garden can be dedicated to the so-called herb garden. Such a hobby has become quite popular due to the fact that such a site always has an unusual appearance, a diverse species composition. There are many fragrant herbs, various colors that can attract beneficial qi to the area. They just generate positive energy.

Such herb gardens, being a source of aesthetic pleasure born from their contemplation, at the same time serve as suppliers of medicinal, spice and aromatic plants. Here beauty and usefulness merge together.

To design a herb garden, they most often resort to the use of carpet beds, under which a different area can be allocated. They are combinations of several plant species or only one species. A particularly expressive decorative effect is achieved when selecting and planting species and varieties of herbs that have a contrasting color and texture. In this case, the flower bed turns into a decorative panel with a complex or simple (optional) ornament - the result of creative efforts and manifestation of the taste of the owner of the garden plot. Not only flowering plants can be part of carpet beds, but also the usual parsley, dill, basil, mint, lettuce, garlic and onions.

An additional picturesque effect can be obtained if this original carpet is placed on a hillock or slope.

The herb garden can take on a more casual form, with individual clumps placed randomly in areas of the allotted area where they look most natural, such as in a small clearing among fruit trees, or next to a rock arrangement by a pond, adjacent to a group of taller plants, or shrubs. In the latter case, we can talk about the design in the traditional spirit of the Chinese garden.

The choice of plants for a herb garden is determined by the tastes and needs of its owners. Some will want to grow herbs to be able to use them to decorate, flavor cooked dishes and as a means of giving favorite foods a variety of flavors. In this case, you can recommend growing thyme, parsley, rosemary, basil and coriander.

Only medicinal plants can grow in the herb garden. Among them may be such medicinal plants as chicory, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort, celandine, mint, oregano, valerian, tansy, motherwort, hawthorn, barberry, etc.

As a rule, medicinal plants are unpretentious. They do not require any effort to grow, however, they are able to give the garden a special flavor due to their modest beauty.

Sometimes amateur gardeners on their own site make up entire collections of herbs typical of a particular area, region or country. For example, with the help of several groups of plants, you can recreate the unusual atmosphere of Provence, the south of France, on your backyard. The symbol of this province is fragrant lavender. This brightly flowering plant forms a real carpet of bright blue flowers in the summer. The grass goes well with cornflowers, roses, browallia and limonium. Thyme fits perfectly into this composition. As you know, thyme has a bright aroma, it is able to give a delicious taste to a variety of meat dishes.

Following the recommendations of Feng Shui, you should place the herbs on the site in such a way that there is no rivalry between them for a place in the sun. Landings should be in harmony in height, size of the occupied area, color, texture.

Climbing plants should be provided with support - a fence, a gazebo wall, a trellis, and high plants should be planted closer to the edge of the site, grouped into small arrays. In any case, you need to strive for the composition to acquire balance and harmony, then undersized grasses will not be drowned out by taller representatives of the flora.

It should be borne in mind that the needs in growing conditions for plants are different. Moisture-loving species should be planted in wet places (near a stream, a reservoir, in a lowland), while photophilous species should be planted where there is more light and heat. Plants may have different requirements for soil acidity. For example, ferns, blackberries grow well in slightly acidic soil, while most garden plants prefer neutral soils.

Composing a successful composition of herbs in a garden plot is not as difficult as it might seem, this task is available to every gardener who has experience in growing various crops. However, it will not be superfluous to consult with experts in this field on issues of interest.

Having brought the seedlings to the site, it can be laid out in the place allotted to it before planting. If the arrangement of plants does not evoke a sense of balance and harmony, it is recommended to find a better composition by moving and arranging them in a different, more appropriate order. This should be done until the sight of the herb garden is satisfying. Of course, this requires some imagination to imagine what the plantings will look like after a while, when they grow.

If you wish, you can create a so-called secret garden inside your backyard - a place of solitude where you can enjoy silence, loneliness or pleasant company, indulge in dreams or meditate. Such a place can maximally correspond to one of the main tasks of Feng Shui - to create an environment that contributes to the most complete unity with nature. Therefore, the Chinese tradition of having such a secluded corner in the garden, not accessible to strong winds, noise and prying eyes, has been maintained for centuries.

A secret garden is arranged in the depths of the site, away from home. This may be a gazebo, covered with greenery of climbing plants, built on an island of a reservoir or on its shore. It, as a rule, makes it possible to contemplate the most beautiful view. Perhaps the object of contemplation will be the water of the pond and the lotus opening its petals or the swaying stems of sedge or cattail.

The interior design of the secret garden does not have to fully correspond to the stylistic decision of the entire site; its own environment can reign here, which most fully meets the purpose of this secluded place. A plot decorated in any style allows you to create a secluded place that naturally blends into the landscape.

For example, it can be a grotto hidden behind trees, immersed in greenery, from which a wonderful view of a river or lake can open. In a garden of strict English style, it is a labyrinth of trimmed greens of an impenetrable hedge. Here, in the very center, you can place a bench that allows you to sit in silence and watch the clouds floating across the blue sky.

As a rule, a secret garden is isolated from the rest of the space with a low fence or hedge of plants, decorated according to the influence of the bagua and the wishes of the owner.

The Secret Garden has several benefits. It provides an opportunity to recuperate, escape from everyday worries, relieve stress by observing the various manifestations of nature. In addition, thanks to the protection of this place from the action of cold winds and drafts, a microclimate is formed here, which allows growing the most capricious heat-loving exotic plants.

The owner of such a cozy corner can experiment, trying out lighting options, growing various plants, using suitable garden furniture, changing the ratio of water and earth, shades of smells and colors related to yin and yang to create a unique effect of the play of shadow and light.

A harmoniously arranged, attractive secret garden can become a place where the presence of beneficial qi is always felt.

To create a hedge of living plants - one of the most durable, reliable and beautiful fences for a secluded corner - it will take a lot of time (several years), but still worth the wait, because such a shelter protects better than others from noise, dust, cold wind and heat.

In the first year of the life of green spaces, you will have to resort to the construction of a picket fence, poles or trellises.

The material for the fence can serve as seedlings of some shrubs and trees:

- to create an external fence - a prickly plant (wild rose, hawthorn);

- to create an internal fence - low-growing, flowering and decorative leafy species (roses, magnolia, holly mahonia), creepers (clematis, cultivated grapes).

Depending on the climatic zone, the nature of the soil for the hedge, you can grow wisteria, laurel, buxus, rosemary. If desired, these shrubs can be cut, giving the fence the desired shape. Fragrant hedges of roses, jasmine, lilac and other flowering shrubs look great. Coniferous trees can also be used for this purpose: juniper, fir, etc.

There are many options and ways to arrange a garden plot. Each of them has its own advantages. In any case, a sense of proportion, taste, a clear understanding of the needs of all family members, and advice and wise rules that Feng Shui offers help in organizing the space near a private house.

Creating the appearance of a garden, one should not forget that it is primarily a means and an opportunity to realize the involvement of a person with the harmony of nature. Having learned to listen to it, everyone can not only learn its laws, but also learn how to build their lives in harmonious cooperation with nature.

Location of green spaces around the house

We have already mentioned the role that plants can play in creating a favorable Feng Shui on the site. However, plants can also decorate a house that does not have a territory for a garden. In this case, they can be placed at the facade on both sides of the porch or by the road.

So, if you plant flowers on both sides of the path leading to the house, they will attract an additional amount of qi energy to the entrance to the dwelling. Care must be taken to care for them, because withered flowers, stunted flower beds, withered leaves, the presence of weeds can repel qi, indicating that potential opportunities may be missed.

From the point of view of Feng Shui, trees growing near the house are important. Depending on the place where they were planted in relation to the building, they have a beneficial or negative effect on it, promote or hinder the penetration of qi through the front door. If the plantings are too close to the house, they become an obstacle to positive energy, on the contrary, the vegetation located next to the house, but slightly retreating from it, begins to perform a protective function.

Plants planted on both sides of the porch can be a wonderful decoration - shrubs and flower beds that turn the front entrance into a small garden, and the porch of the house into a balcony above the garden, a blessed place for a happy holiday. Special care should be taken in this area. Living shrubs or trees in front of the main entrance save the situation even if it is located below the level of the terrain. This design of the entrance is very effective, especially if the lighting is insufficient.

Bad feng shui creates a dead withered tree that is in front of the front door of the house (Fig. 27 a). A tree is also considered unfavorable, the crown shape of which resembles the Latin letter “V” (Fig. 27 b).

Rice. 27. Influence of trees on feng shui in front of the main entrance: a - a dead tree disrupts the movement of qi; b - a tree with two trunks creates bad feng shui; c - a lone tree in front of the main entrance gives a negative effect; d, e - trees protect the house from northern winds and evil spirits, create good feng shui

To turn the situation from negative to positive, you can plant several more trees next to a lonely tree (Fig. 27 c) (Fig. 27 d). Better if they are evergreen. If the trees are weak and sick due to insufficient care, they can no longer be a source of yang and good luck.

A tree or a group of trees growing behind the house provides protection (Fig. 27 e). Large tall specimens are usually grown on the site on the north side, where there is enough space. They symbolize strength and progress. But it is necessary to ensure that these trees do not violate the ratio of horizontal and vertical masses, yin and yang. Such trees should not grow too close to the walls, so as not to interfere with the entry of qi into the house.

In some cases, a group of trees can be used as a living screen that helps hide an unpleasant view, such as a wasteland or a cemetery. The feng shui of the site and the estate will become much better.

Being engaged in planting different species of trees and shrubs, one should not forget about creating the necessary microclimate of the site. If green plantings form a dense wall along the perimeter of the site, then the circulation of qi can be disturbed, it will turn into sha. In this area, air will stagnate, and humidity will increase. Therefore, it is best to place green spaces on the north side of the plot in a continuous strip along the fence, which provides good feng shui.

In order to get a high hedge (from 1.5 m and above), use sea buckthorn, hawthorn, wild rose, lilac, barberry. For a hedge of medium height (1–1.5 m), raspberries, honeysuckle, lilacs, viburnum, and yellow acacia are planted. For low hedges (up to 1 m) use the Japanese euonymus, magnolia, meadowsweet, wild rose, privet.

Before planting, the soil is dug up in advance, the rhizomes of weeds are removed, fertilizers are applied, loosened, and seedlings of 2–3 years of age are planted in 1–3 rows. Plants are staggered (with multi-row planting) with a distance between rows of 40–70 cm, between plants - 30–50 cm.

Care consists in timely watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil and correcting the shape of the haircut (in spring and summer, at the end of June). Form a hedge in such a way that its base remains wider than the top. In this case, the middle part becomes continuous, without gaps.

Hedges that protect against noise, dust and wind, usually consisting of fast-growing species, need to be cut more often than fences that enclose patios.

Hawthorn is a particularly convenient plant material for creating a trellis fence, because its branches, intertwined, can easily grow together with each other. To speed up this process and make the hedge thick and impassable, in places where the branches touch, the bark is carefully cut off and wrapped with plastic tape, pressing the cuts tightly against each other. Later (at the end of summer) it is necessary to remove the harness.

Vertical gardening is carried out using:

- shrub vines (hydrangeas, ivy);

- climbing and climbing plants (wisteria, hops, honeysuckle, lemongrass, Amur grapes, actinidia, etc.).

On moist soil, these plants, growing, will be able to take away excess moisture from the base of arbors, foundations of fences. They help regulate soil moisture and temperature, create a favorable microclimate on the site. In a dry area where there is a lack of moisture, it is recommended to regularly water the vines abundantly.

When choosing plants for green spaces, one should prefer those shrubs and trees, vegetable plants and berries, as well as herbs and flowers that grow well or are zoned in a given climatic zone. In this case, they will not get sick, will not become a cause for concern, but will please the owners of the garden with high decorativeness, health and excellent growth and abundant flowering.

The local flora also has the advantage that it has a closer internal connection with the given environment and the person also living in this area. The habitual appearance of plants is more in tune with the spiritual processes of the garden dweller, since the symbolism of local flowers and herbs is more understandable and acceptable to him, it is part of the culture and worldview of the owner of the suburban area.

When growing a whimsical plant brought from another climatic zone, you should definitely ask the seller where this specimen was previously grown, whether it has gone through a period of adaptation to the local climate, what conditions must be provided for its successful development.

Modern methods and technologies of garden design allow the owners of plots with a high degree of confidence to count on success in the art that has been very popular lately. There is no shortage of specialized literature on horticulture and landscape design, with which you can take up the cultivation of those plants whose presence in the garden is especially desirable.

Another important issue that classical Feng Shui draws attention to should be raised. It concerns the compatibility of flower and vegetable plants in the compositions of plantings in beds and flower beds. When choosing one or another plant for planting in the garden, next to others, one should rely on very significant criteria - its belonging to the beginning of yin or yang, as well as to one of the five elements, which are determined due to the different colors of flowers, leaves and shapes of plants.

It is known that orchid, chrysanthemum, willow, acacia, peach, bamboo, cherry, maple, peony, etc. can be attributed to the masculine principle (yang). Grapes, banana, pear, etc. serve as sources of female energy (yin).

Although all plants, without exception, belong to the Wood element, yellow flowers add Earth to the balance of the elements, blue ones - Water, red ones - Fire, white ones - Metal.

Based on this, the proximity of plants with blue and white flowers can be considered favorable. It is good to plant yellow ones next to the red ones. The yellow and blue color of flowers planted in the same flower bed is a destructive combination of Earth and Water, so it is recommended to give it a harmonizing round shape related to the elements of Metal (Table 13).

The organization of the Chinese garden requires that plants be planted in it in strict accordance with the recommendations of Feng Shui. For example, it should be remembered that in China, trees, shrubs and flowers, in addition to the generally accepted, also have a symbolic meaning (Table 14). Such information in practice helps to find a favorable neighborhood of plants and avoid dangerous and disharmonious, which could become a source of sha.

When creating a Chinese garden, you should follow the rules of feng shui regarding the planting site of certain types of plants. For example, peach should be planted exclusively in the patio, and willows - only in the area in front of the house.

The Chinese, to some extent, allow bamboo to grow in the backyard, despite the fact that this plant in this area can be called a weed. The fact is that in this case a green grove means patronage and protection.

Pine, like other representatives of coniferous trees, Feng Shui also recommends planting behind the house. The exceptions are spruce and thuja. They should not be located close to home. And the yew growing behind the house protects against such troubles as envy, gossip, hostility and aggressiveness from acquaintances and neighbors.

When equipping a garden, one should strive to ensure that only those representatives of the flora grow in it that correspond to the elements of its owner, as well as members of his family. Plants that play the role of a companion and are intended for a certain person in accordance with the Chinese horoscope should also be added here. In this case, from the point of view of Feng Shui, the garden can be called ideal.

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