Festive program for 12. Free film screenings for the Day of Russia


In 2018, on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of Russia on June 12, a large number of various events will be organized in the center of Moscow. Also, festive programs are planned in all major parks of the capital. For the duration of the holiday, Tverskaya Street will be made pedestrian.

From June 11, the center of Moscow will be blocked. On Tverskaya Street, preparations will begin for the Day of Russia. Stages will be installed there, and the street will be prepared for several festivals at once.

The festival has prepared an extensive and rich program for Muscovites and guests. On June 11 and 12, the main street of the capital - Tverskaya - will become pedestrian. It will unfold a large-scale festival program. “Moscow through the prism of epochs. The city that always hears the time, lives it in its rhythms and opens towards the future.”

The festival venues will be located on Tverskaya Street (from Kozitsky Lane to Manezhnaya Square), as well as on Mokhovaya and Okhotny Ryad streets. They will be devoted to 7 cultural epochs of the 20th and 21st centuries: "The Time of the Classics" (1900s), "The Formation of a New State" (1920s), "The Country of Victorious Socialism and the Post-War Years" (1930s - 1940s) , Thaw (1950s - 1960s), Time for Changes (1970s - 1980s), "Time of New Russia" (1990s - early 21st century) and "Modernity" (2010s).

At each of the venues, a cultural program awaits guests - performances, concerts, dance master classes - in the spirit of the corresponding historical period.

According to the established tradition, Muscovites and guests will be able to have an interesting time at the festival venues, become a spectator and participant in unusual street performances, concerts, and dance flash mobs. At master classes, experienced teachers will teach you the basics of the most popular dances of different periods: classical waltz and tango, rock and roll, modern hip-hop.

The program of the festival “Day of Russia. Moscow time" 2018

Up to 120 artists will perform simultaneously at each of the 7 venues. 56 musical groups of the evening program will delight Muscovites and guests of the festival every day. For fans of sports entertainment, 20 sports zones will be organized and 230 experienced instructors will work with children and adults.

7 FIFA football e-zones will be opened at the festival venues. Everyone will be able to play football on large screens. Fans of the FIFA video game will not only be able to watch the matches, but also play on their own on the Sony PlayStation. Images will be displayed on a huge screen.

In the festival "Day of Russia. Moscow Time” will be attended by the Kremlin Riding School. In the Equestrian Traditions of Russia program, guests will be able to see demonstration performances in historical full dress, take part in interactive programs and master classes. The riders of the team perfectly master various types of traditional weapons, perform the most difficult tricks on horseback, masterfully demonstrating tricks.

Of course, the festival will not do without treats. The capital's restaurateurs will offer guests more than 50 types of dishes and drinks from different eras: culinary classics of the 20th century, the post-revolutionary era, gourmet dishes of the thaw period, favorite dishes of the Soviet period, and, of course, modern fusion cuisine.

What will be offered at the festival “Day of Russia. Moscow time"

At seven venues dedicated to different cultural eras, eight restaurants will present a special menu.

The Time of the Classics site is dedicated to the beginning of the 20th century. Here you can try pancakes with veal, buckwheat and duck, red pancakes with jam or sour cream.

The Era of the Russian avant-garde of the 1920s will be recreated at the “Formation of a New State” site. Guests will be offered a "Revolutionary Hot Dog" with stew and cabbage salad, a cheesecake with bourgeois cheeses (the author's version of the "Four Cheese" pizza) and open pies with lamb or ground beef cooked in a wood-fired oven.

On the site “The country of victorious socialism and the post-war years” (1930–1940s), it will be possible to buy belyashi, sausages, popsicles and lemonade from the dining room No. 57 of GUM.

Visitors to the Thaw site will be able to try the Moscow cutlet in a freshly baked bun or the Pyatiletka cutlet (in confiture from chopped beets and onions, with the addition of arugula, citrus yogurt and wasabi sauce). Grilled sandwich "Thaw", baguette "Glavmyas" and a signature dish - cutlet with cheese will be prepared here.

The gastronomic theme of the Time of Changes venue (1970–1980s) will be oriental cuisine popular in the USSR and such Georgian dishes as ajapsandal, chakhokhbili, dolma and khinkali.

The Time of New Russia venue (1990s and the beginning of the 21st century) will present street food - pancakes with various fillings: red caviar, mushrooms and cheese, stewed chicken breast and sweet toppings.

At the Sovremennost site, they will be treated to Black Mamba burgers, French fries, toast with melon and crab, brioches with mascarpone and berries, as well as cherry gazpacho.

Excursions for the Day of Russia in Moscow

For the Day of Russia, the capital has prepared a series of 27 free tours dedicated to the history and life of Moscow, as well as its famous residents. Walking tours are organized as part of the Day of Russia festival. Moscow time". You can get to them 10, 11 and 12 June.

On excursions, they will show places associated with the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, tell which metropolitan church the poetess Anna Akhmatova most often went to, and also what Napoleon Bonaparte wanted, but could not, take from Moscow to Paris during the Patriotic War of 1812.

Each walk will last from one and a half to two hours, they will be led by guides of the city project “Walking around Moscow”. Those wishing to participate must register on the project website. One group can include up to 60 people.

All excursions will follow the original routes. Participants of walking tours around the capital will be guided along Myasnitskaya Street, Pokrovka, Maroseyka and Varvarka. They will be shown Zamoskvorechye and the most picturesque places in the city center. Tourists will visit all seven hills of Moscow (Borovitsky, Sretensky, Tversky, Trekhgorny, Tagansky, Lefortovsky and Sparrow Hills).

Several excursions will be dedicated to the writers and poets of the capital. So, June 10th it will be possible to learn about Anna Akhmatova's Moscow. There are many places in the city connected with the life and work of the poetess. Tourists will be shown the estate of the merchants Kumanins on Bolshaya Ordynka Street. Akhmatova lived in this house for 28 years, from 1938 to 1966. One of the main stops is the Sorrowful Church on Bolshaya Ordynka, where the poetess often came. Akhmatova even had a wearable icon of the Mother of God from this temple, donated by her first husband Nikolai Gumilyov.

In the evening June 11 there will be a walking tour dedicated to the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. It will begin with a demonstration of the mansion of the architect Fyodor Shekhtel on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street. Mayakovsky was friends with the children of the architect Leo and Vera and often visited this house. In the same place, the poet prepared for publication his first collection of poems "I". In addition, the townspeople will be shown the Nirnsee House in Bolshoy Gnezdikovskiy Lane - a meeting place for many famous poets and writers of the Silver Age. Kamergersky Lane, where the Tenth Muse artistic cafe worked in the 1920s, will become part of the excursion route.

And on 12 June A tour marathon is planned, which will last about four hours. It will include several excursion routes. The walk will start on Chistoprudny Boulevard and end in Zaryadye Park. Participants will stop at Pokrovka Street, where the Assumption Church used to be. According to legend, during the Patriotic War of 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte wanted to dismantle it and move it to France, as he considered that the temple was not inferior in beauty to Notre Dame Cathedral. There is also a legend that the French emperor planned to take out the Pokrovsky Cathedral in parts, but, realizing that this was impossible, he unsuccessfully tried to destroy it. The Assumption Church was also not damaged during the occupation by the French troops, but it has not been possible to save it to this day. The temple was destroyed in 1936.

Schedule of educational walks around the city

June 10, Sunday:

11:00 - "High mountains of the Khludov merchants." Meeting point - at the site in front of the metro station "Kurskaya" (Koltsevaya);

12:00 - “Kolomenskoye. From the Terrible to the Quietest. Meeting point - at the metro station "Kolomenskaya", exit to the museum-reserve;

12:00 - "Novodevichy necropolis: yesterday and today." Meeting place - on the territory of the necropolis, at the grave of Boris Yeltsin;

13:00 - "Satire of Moscow". Meeting point - at the metro station "Kropotkinskaya", exit to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior;

14:00 - “My Silver Age. Akhmatova. Meeting place - Bolshaya Ordynka street, house 17;

15:00 - "Steps of time: from Gogol to the Romanovs". Meeting point - at the monument to Gogol in the courtyard of the Gogol House (Nikitsky Boulevard, building 7a);

16:00 - "Vagankovsky necropolis: an open-air museum." Meeting place - at the grave of Alexander Abdulov;

19:00 - "On the Krivokolenny path for the Orlov diamond." The meeting point is at Myasnitskiye Vorota Square, next to the Chistye Prudy metro station.

June 11, Monday:

10:00 - "Along the pea paths." Meeting point - in the underground lobby of the metro station "Kurskaya";

12:00 - "Furious Meyerhold". Meeting point - Theater Square, at the columns of the Bolshoi Theatre;

12:00 - Novodevichy necropolis: yesterday and today. Continuation". The meeting place is at the grave of Boris Yeltsin;

12:00 - "Ah, Arbat, my Arbat ..." (part one). Meeting point - at the exit from the metro station "Smolenskaya";

12:00 - "Forty magpies of the merchant Zamoskvorechye". Meeting point - on the square at the exit from the metro station "Novokuznetskaya";

13:00 - "Loft-style cheese houses". Meeting point - in the underground lobby of the metro station "Kurskaya";

13:00 - "Secrets and legends of the Simonov Monastery". The meeting point is near the exit from the Avtozavodskaya metro station, the last car from the center;

13:00 - "The legendary mayor Alekseev" (with a tour of GUM). The meeting point is in front of the gates of the Alexander Garden;

14:00 - “My Silver Age. Yesenin. Meeting point - at the monument to Sergei Yesenin on Tverskoy Boulevard;

15:00 - "Ah, Arbat, my Arbat ..." (part two). Meeting point - at the exit from the Arbatskaya metro station;

15:00 - "Myasnitskaya - behind the scenes of old Moscow." Meeting point - at the exit from the Krasnye Vorota metro station;

16:00 - "Place under the pines." Meeting point - in the center of the hall of the metro station "Chkalovskaya";

16:00 - “My Silver Age. Chaliapin. Meeting point - Theater Square, at the columns of the Bolshoi Theatre;

16:00 - "Vvedensky necropolis: from Lefort to the present day." The meeting point is the northern entrance to the cemetery from the side of Hospital Val Street;

16:30 - "Ogorodnaya Sloboda: from the city of Zemlyanoy to the city of Bely". Meeting point - at the Krasnye Vorota metro station, exit to Myasnitskaya street;

18:00 - “My Silver Age. Mayakovsky. Meeting place - Triumphalnaya Square, near the monument to Vladimir Mayakovsky;

18:00 - "Arbat: untrodden paths". Meeting point - Novy Arbat street, house 17.

June 12, Tuesday:

19:00 - "On the Gostiny Gorka to Vorontsov Pole". Meeting point - in the center of the hall of the metro station "Chkalovskaya";

14:00 - "The best stories of the best city on Earth." The meeting point is in the center of the Chkalovskaya metro station hall.

Russia Day is a public holiday celebrated annually on June 12. In 1990, on this day, the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was signed.

In honor of the holiday on June 11 and 12, the capital will host the festival “Day of Russia. Moscow time". Tverskaya Street will become its main platform. During the holiday it will be made pedestrian. There will be opened seven thematic zones. Each of them will be devoted to different periods in the history of Russia (starting from the 20th century).

Russia Day 2018 in Moscow parks

Events in Sokolniki Park

Interesting! Guests will be able to get acquainted and communicate with the android robot from VDNKh, which was created in honor of Pushkin. The robot looks like the best Russian poet. In addition, the robot will read hundreds of poems, excerpts from famous poems, Pushkin's novels.

There will also be DJ sets, a street music festival with the participation of famous Russian groups. There will also be DJ sets, a street music festival with the participation of famous Russian groups.

Program in Fili Park

A trip to Fili Park will appeal to active guests. The following events are planned:

  • games for football players dedicated to the upcoming sporting event;
  • competitions related to sports games and overcoming all sorts of obstacles;
  • active and interesting dances;
  • the launch of luminous balls, which will become a kind of gesture to show faith in the strength of the country and its great future.

In Fili Park, you can watch a documentary film that will be of interest to all guests.

Day of Russia on Red Square

On June 12, 2018, a festive concert will take place on Red Square. The event will be massive and will take place in the evening. The best artists will perform for several hours.

To attend a festive concert, you need to distribute nationalist posts about Russia with a hashtag on social networks or get a special ticket.

On June 12, in honor of one of the main public holidays in our country - the Day of Russia - all Moscow parks will organize a cultural program. The general program of all Moscow parks for June 12 can be viewed in the presentation

Izmailovsky Park, Perovsky Park and Sokolniki will become the centers of festive festivities in the Eastern District.

In Izmailovsky and Perovsky parks, guests are welcome from 12:00.

Izmailovsky Park of Culture and Leisure

In Izmailovsky Park, music lovers will be able to sing karaoke, listen to the performance of the Family Brass Orchestra and Anastasia Perminova, and Dj-sets will be held for fans of dance music. Film fans will be shown films in the summer cinema on the Solnechnaya stage.

Sports fans will be able to watch Workout demonstrations, get fitness coaching, play tennis, basketball, volleyball and table tennis.

It is always better to come to the park with the whole family. For the younger generation and inquisitive adults, there will be master classes in face painting, decoupage, jewelry assembly; primitive sewing, wood painting, soap making and mehendi.

15:00-16:00 - guests of the park will be able to hear the beautiful sounds of the saxophone in the musical gazebo.

16:00-19:00 - A checkers tournament will be held in the chess and checkers pavilion, after which the musicians of the Classy Jazz jazz ensemble will perform.

During the day, along the Alley of the Great Circle, animators will distribute Tricolors.

The end of the festive program in the park is 22:00.

Perovsky Park of Culture and Leisure

Perovsky Park will also offer its guests to feel like real artists and sing famous songs about the Motherland in karaoke.

On the dance floor there will be dance master classes on retro dances from real professionals. And at 15:00 a disco starts - the best Moscow DJs will play for the guests of the park, everyone will be able to take part in master classes of various modern dance styles.

At 13:00, the table tennis tournament will begin, which will last until 19:00, the winners will receive memorable prizes. A football tournament will also be held at the same time - to participate, you only need to assemble a team.

During the day, the Workout site will host demonstration performances, master classes, and Workout mini-tournaments.

Creative workshops, master classes:

Face painting. We draw the flag of the Russian Federation.

Art gallery. Colored easels will be set up in the clearing in front of the dance floor. Young guests of the holiday will be able to demonstrate their artistic talents and draw a picture dedicated to our Motherland. Colored ribbons will be stretched between the easels, where each artist will be able to put his masterpiece on display.

Scrapbooking. Everyone, under the guidance of an experienced craftsman, will be able to create their own postcard in the scrapbooking style on the theme of Russia Day.

Recall that in Sokolniki Park on this day, in addition to events dedicated to the Day of Russia, will be held dedicated to the Year of Literature in Russia.

In the evening, in all summer cinemas of the parks, a free one will be held.

The program of celebrations in honor of the Day of Russia, which was prepared by the cultural institutions of the district (the Izmailovo Museum-Reserve, the Kuskovo estate, the Moscow Drama Theater on Perovskaya), can be viewed.

June 12, Tuesday, Russians are waiting for a big holiday with three days off - Day of Russia - 2018. And everyone is waiting for a lot of bright cultural programs, incendiary events and stunning fireworks.

And so, we recall that the Day of Russia was officially established in 1992, when the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic declared independence and its sovereignty.

This is one of the most key holidays in the Russian calendar, which falls as many as three days off. In 2018, as in other years Russia Day celebrated on Tuesday, June 12. On this day, Russians congratulate each other.

Holidays in June

In Rostrud reported that in June the days off will be as follows: Saturday, June 9 is postponed to Monday, June 11. Thus, it turns out that in June, Russians are waiting for three days off in a row at once - Sunday June 10, Monday June 11 and Tuesday June 12.

It should be noted that from June 4 to 9 will be working days. In Rostrud, they justified the transfer of the day off from Saturday to Monday, they justified it not by the desire to break the weekend.

Russia Day 2018 in Moscow

In the capital of the Russian Federation, in honor of the grandiose celebration, a number of streets will be blocked for road transport. Motorists will need to plan their route around Tverskaya Street on June 11 and 12 in advance. The street itself will be divided into various themed areas for vacationers. The movement of cars on Tverskaya will resume at night on June 13.

A festive concert dedicated to the Day of Russia will take place on Red Square, the event will begin at 17:00 Moscow time. Alas, not everyone will be able to get to the square, since the entrance will be by invitation cards only.

  • Hearings of Pushkin's poems will be held in Kuzminki Park, and visitors to the Hermitage Garden will drink tea from a huge two-meter brass samovar. At 21:00 in the Hermitage Garden they will show the film “After You” with Sergei Bezrukov in the title role.
  • A lot of interesting events will be held in Sokolniki Park.
  • At VDNKh, an android robot made in honor of Pushkin will be waiting for you to chat. He even looks like the most famous Russian poet. The robot will read you poems, as well as excerpts from famous poems, Pushkin's novels.

In the evening, everyone will be treated to a performance by famous DJs, a street music festival with the participation of famous Russian bands.

  • It will be interesting for active guests and residents of the capital to have a rest in Fili Park. Football tournaments dedicated to the upcoming sporting event World Cup 2018. You will find a lot of competitions related to sports games and overcoming all sorts of obstacles, dancing. And in the evening there will be a launch of luminous balls.

And in the park "Fili" will show documentaries that will not leave anyone indifferent.


And for dessert at 10:00 pm, everyone is waiting for a grandiose festive fireworks display that will illuminate the sky of Moscow and other cities with hundreds of colorful lights and last at least five minutes.

The Moscow authorities have clarified that the fireworks in honor of the Day of Russia will take place only at one site. According to the plan, Muscovites will be able to see the enchanting spectacle on Red Square, as well as from other places. Fireworks will be fired from the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge.

Schedule of events in Moscow:

  • 11:00 - "High mountains of the Khludov merchants." Meeting point - at the site in front of the metro station "Kurskaya" (Koltsevaya);
  • 12:00 - “Kolomenskoye. From the Terrible to the Quietest. Meeting point - at the metro station "Kolomenskaya", exit to the museum-reserve;
  • 12:00 - "Novodevichy necropolis: yesterday and today." Meeting place - on the territory of the necropolis, at the grave of Boris Yeltsin;
  • 13:00 - "Satire of Moscow". Meeting point - at the metro station "Kropotkinskaya", exit to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior;
  • 14:00 - “My Silver Age. Akhmatova. Meeting place - Bolshaya Ordynka street, house 17;
  • 15:00 - "Steps of time: from Gogol to the Romanovs". Meeting point - at the monument to Gogol in the courtyard of the Gogol House (Nikitsky Boulevard, building 7a);
  • 16:00 - "Vagankovsky necropolis: an open-air museum." Meeting place - at the grave of Alexander Abdulov;
  • 19:00 - "On the Krivokolenny path for the Orlov diamond." The meeting point is at Myasnitskiye Vorota Square, next to the Chistye Prudy metro station.
  • 10:00 - "Along the pea paths." Meeting point - in the underground lobby of the metro station "Kurskaya";
  • 12:00 - "Furious Meyerhold". Meeting point - Theater Square, at the columns of the Bolshoi Theatre;
  • 12:00 - Novodevichy necropolis: yesterday and today. Continuation". The meeting place is at the grave of Boris Yeltsin;
  • 12:00 - "Ah, Arbat, my Arbat ..." (part one). Meeting point - at the exit from the metro station "Smolenskaya";
  • 12:00 - "Forty magpies of the merchant Zamoskvorechye". Meeting point - on the square at the exit from the metro station "Novokuznetskaya";
  • 13:00 - "Loft-style cheese houses". Meeting point - in the underground lobby of the metro station "Kurskaya";
  • 13:00 - "Secrets and legends of the Simonov Monastery". The meeting point is near the exit from the Avtozavodskaya metro station, the last car from the center;
  • 13:00 - "The legendary mayor Alekseev" (with a tour of GUM). The meeting point is in front of the gates of the Alexander Garden;
  • 14:00 - “My Silver Age. Yesenin. Meeting point - at the monument to Sergei Yesenin on Tverskoy Boulevard;
  • 15:00 - "Ah, Arbat, my Arbat ..." (part two). Meeting point - at the exit from the Arbatskaya metro station;
  • 15:00 - "Myasnitskaya - behind the scenes of old Moscow." Meeting point - at the exit from the Krasnye Vorota metro station;
  • 16:00 - "Place under the pines." Meeting point - in the center of the hall of the metro station "Chkalovskaya";
  • 16:00 - “My Silver Age. Chaliapin. Meeting point - Theater Square, at the columns of the Bolshoi Theatre;
  • 16:00 - "Vvedensky necropolis: from Lefort to the present day." The meeting point is the northern entrance to the cemetery from the side of Hospital Val Street;
  • 16:30 - "Ogorodnaya Sloboda: from the city of Zemlyanoy to the city of Bely". Meeting point - at the Krasnye Vorota metro station, exit to Myasnitskaya street;
  • 18:00 - “My Silver Age. Mayakovsky. Meeting place - Triumphalnaya Square, near the monument to Vladimir Mayakovsky;
  • 18:00 - "Arbat: untrodden paths". Meeting point - Novy Arbat street, house 17.
  • 19:00 - "On the Gostiny Gorka to Vorontsov Pole". Meeting point - in the center of the hall of the metro station "Chkalovskaya";
  • 14:00 - "The best stories of the best city on Earth." The meeting point is in the center of the Chkalovskaya metro station hall.

On June 12, 2017, the country will traditionally celebrate the Day of Russia. In honor of this holiday, a wide entertainment program has been prepared in Moscow.

From June 10 to June 12, 2017, Muscovites and guests of the capital will be able to watch domestic films for free in 12 cinemas in the capital, listen to lectures by historians in the fresh air, attend various master classes and enjoy the performance of Russian pop stars. Sports events will also take place on these days.

Each park in Moscow has prepared its own program for the holiday. A literary festival will be held in Sokolniki, and on June 12, concerts and DJ sets will be held on the Fountain Square of the park, followed by the Ours in the City street music festival.

In the Bauman Garden on the Day of Russia there will be a festival of new drama "Theatre. New Forms". Visitors to the Hermitage Garden will attend a tea party with a giant two-meter brass samovar. Lectures on Russian state symbols will be given in Krasnaya Presnya Park. There will also be master classes in aircraft modeling and kite design. -classes on creating a flag, and an open-air disco will be held in the park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow.

In the Museon Arts Park in the evening from 21.00 to 22.00 there will be a concert by the young composer Ilya Beshevli, accompanied by the Imperialis chamber orchestra. A concert of creative teams and performers of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Central Concert Orchestra of the Russian Police will take place in Victory Park. Stas Piekha, the Reflex group, 5 "sta Family and Ruslan Alekhno will also perform there. In honor of the holiday, a guard of honor will be held at the Eternal Flame.

On the big screen you can watch films by Alexander Sokurov, Alexei German Jr., Alexei Popogrebsky, Nikolai Ekk. The film "Faust" directed by Alexander Sokurov will be screened at the "Zvezda" cinema. Films by Alexei German Jr. will be shown at the Fakel cinema. The free film program also includes films made during the Soviet era, which took part in various film festivals.

During the holidays, Muscovites and guests of the city will be able to listen to a cycle of performances "Military Bands in the Parks" under the auspices of the Spasskaya Tower festival.

For a long weekend, the Kremlin Riding School will present an updated program "Equestrian Traditions of Russia" and will hold a parade performance and master classes in horseback riding.

The VDNKh exhibition complex has also prepared its program. with immersive video content. The park will also teach you how to dance Zumba, Latin American dances, belly dancing and break dancing.

Luzhniki will host a festive race on June 11. The sports festival will end with a massive flash mob.

What events dedicated to the Day of Russia will be held in Moscow on June 12, 2018 - read in the material Pravda-TV.

Day of Russia in Moscow 2018: program of events

Russia Day June 12, 2018

June 12, 2018 is the Day of Russia - a public holiday and an official day off. This day symbolizes the freedom and unity of the nation. It is celebrated by the citizens of our country, and among the people the holiday is often called the Independence Day of Russia.

In honor of the Day of Russia, festive events are held in all settlements of the country, mass celebrations, fairs, workshops and exhibitions are organized, and in the evening concerts and fireworks are held.

Traditionally, Moscow becomes the main venue for celebrations in honor of June 12. This year, on June 11 and 12, Tverskaya Street will become a pedestrian street. Traffic on it will be resumed on the night of June 13.

“We are doing the festival “Day of Russia. Moscow Time" on the eve of a serious, important event not only for Moscow, but for the whole country as a whole - the World Cup, which starts on June 14. Of course, a huge number of guests, tourists from all over the world will come to Moscow, and we would like to acquaint all the guests of the championship with the traditions that exist in our country and in the capital,” said Alexei Nemeryuk, head of the Moscow Department of Trade and Services.

Day of Russia in Moscow 2018: Red Square

The main square of the country in honor of the Day of Russia on June 12, 2018 hosts a festive concert, which will begin at 17:00. Access to the event will be by invitation only. About 30,000 people are expected to attend the concert.

Day of Russia in Moscow 2018: program of events

For Russia Day, 19 parks have prepared a special program for their guests.

In Sokolniki, visitors will be able to communicate with Pushkin the robot.

Concerts and DJ sets will be held on Fontannaya Square on the Day of Russia from 13:00 to 21:00, and at 16:00 on Festivalnaya Square the street music festival Ours in the City will start.

A tea party from a giant samovar is being organized in the Hermitage Garden as part of the 1st All-Russian Festival of Russian Feast and Hospitality Samovarfest.

The Hermitage Garden will also host a free screening of the Russian film After You (2016). Start at 21:00.

In Tagansky Park, the Day of Russia in the park will begin with the distribution of a thousand ribbons of flowers of the Russian tricolor. Also on this day, a group will perform on the stage of the park with a program composed of musical hits of the 1920s-1930s. In the evening there will be a free screening of the Russian comedy melodrama Without Borders (2015).

The Bauman Garden will hold a theater festival, and the Kuzminki Park will hold a robot assembly competition

In the park "Krasnaya Presnya" it will be possible to listen to lectures in the fresh air. Guard of honor will be held in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill.

A lecture hall will be organized in Izmailovsky Park.

Balloons will be launched in Fili Park, and a mass bike ride will be held in Sadovniki Park.

From 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm, a concert by the young composer Ilya Beshevli, accompanied by the Imperialis chamber orchestra, will take place on the wooden terrace of the Muzeon Park of Arts.

Northern Tushino will host creative master classes in folk crafts and orienteering competitions.

Family relay races, creative master classes and a concert await visitors to Lianozovsky Park.

Sports competitions and a power extreme tournament will be held in Goncharovsky Park, and visitors to Perovsky Park will also be entertained with music concerts all day. In the evening, visitors will have a quiz and a screening of the film "Wedding in Malinovka".

Vorontsovsky Park will host a photo exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society "Peoples of Russia".

In the Lilac Garden from 15:00 to 17:00, stilt walkers are expected to perform, an informative lecture and a master class on creating a flag, and an open-air disco will be held in the park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow.

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