Festive concert dedicated to Children's Day. Concert dedicated to Children's Day


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Decor: models of roofs with weather vanes of various figures installed on them are placed around the stage.

Characters: Weather vane Starling.

(The call signs of the trumpets sound, turning into a catchy children's melody. A starling flies onto the stage and determines by eye in which direction the wind is blowing. Having determined the direction of the wind, it begins to rotate around its axis. Tired of spinning, it stops and wipes the sweat from its forehead.)

Starling. Finally the wind has died down! You can see from the height of the roof what is happening below and chirp with passers-by about this and that, all the more so because it’s a festive occasion. The wind is warm, gentle, the sun is smiling, all the birds have arrived, which means summer has come today!

(Musical number. Starling appears against the background of cheerful music.)

Starling(looks through a telescope). So, I see a sparrow Petya on a nearby tree ... And there is a dog Rex, as always, chasing pigeons and cats. Oh, who is this? Some unfamiliar boy with a satisfied face. (Waves his "wing" to the viewer.) Hey, boy! What is your name? (Child's answer.)

How how? Anton? Do you like to eat always a loaf? A! You (gives the viewer's real name). Oh, who is next to you? Girl! Another one?! How many of you are here? I have always dreamed of having so many friends! Do you want to befriend me? (Answers, children.) Everything is decided! Coming down from the roof to shake your wing in a friendly way.

I'm a weather vane named Starling

In the definition of the wind is a real specialist!

(Cheerful music sounds, Starling shakes hands with the audience.)

Starling. Why do you have surprised eyes? Don't know what a weather vane is? This is such a figurine on the roof, which, rotating, indicates the direction of the wind. Try yourself in the role of a weather vane. Come up with any figure for yourself, freeze! And start spinning around its axis.

(Music sounds. Children rotate around their axis.)

Starling. A real weather vane can be considered one who rotated to the right. And who did not determine the direction of the wind, do not be discouraged! You just love to go with the wind. Do you want to feel its power? Then get "into the trains" and accelerate to a decent speed!

(Song "Song of Friends")

Starling. Dear friends! Let me introduce you to my comrades from kindergarten (number) - real sailors who know firsthand what a storm and hurricane are. Don't believe? Imagine the sounds of a strong wind, and the sailors will not be afraid to appear here in front of you.

(Dance "Sailor".)

Starling(determining the direction of the wind). I feel that the strong sea wind has changed to a warm and gentle, similar to the hands of my mother. Let his tenderness pamper each of you!

(Song "Mom")

Starling. Living on the roof, I noticed that everything has its own form. For example, a children's sandbox is square, a pool is rectangular, but what shape are houses? (Children's answers.) Well done! They come in different shapes.

Okay, what can you say about traffic signs? Right! They are round, square, and even triangular.

And when the children are spinning in a round dance, what figure do they build? That's right, circle! Let's join hands and form a round dance!

(Dance "Slavic round dance")

Starling. Guys! Do you like to watch passing clouds? (Children's answers.) I just love it. After all, they resemble different funny figures. I caught a few clouds here. Try to guess what they look like. Here is the first cloud figure.

(The melody of the song “Clouds, white-maned horses” sounds in the background. The game “Guess the figure” is taking place. The last figure is in the form of a cat.)

Starling. By the way, I know a funny story about a cat.

(The song "The cat went out for the cat.")

Starling. My friend the wind brings me the sounds of cheerful songs. Do you hear? I hope this song becomes your favorite.

(Song "Horses in apples")


Now guess the riddle!

Who blows so hard on us?

Who is circling dust and sand here?

Who is pampering on the street?

Why is everything upside down?

Of course it's the wind! Even the artists were transferred to his groovy mood.

(Breakdance dance.)

Starling(leaving with a soccer ball). Friends! In honor of the holiday, I suggest you play football. To do this, we will divide into two teams. At my signal, the right half will shout: “Goal!”, And the left half will shout “Miss!”. Shall we practice? Started!

(Football game with gradual acceleration.)

Starling. Well, the game is over with a score of 1:1. To all avid football players, I wish a fair wind in the back for an accurate hit on the goal. To test my advice, I invite an aspiring football team.

(Song "Football")

Starling. How good it is to be the wind! He constantly travels the world, and I have to sit on the same roof all the time. If only I were born not a weather vane, but a child, and not in a simple family, but in a nomadic one. By the way, what people, like the wind, roam the world? (Children's answers.) You guessed it! Meet the big kindergarten gypsy family (number)!

(Gypsy dance.)

Starling. It is generally accepted that the wind is a natural phenomenon. Is it possible for a person to create wind himself without any adaptations? (Children's answers.) Let's do an experiment! Wave your arms vigorously at yourself. Well, how does it blow? That's it! And if you curl your hands into a tube and blow into them, what happens? Little wind! Then you can play with your palms to the music.

(Song "One - palm, two - palm".)

Starling. Migratory birds have repeatedly told me that in different places the wind is somehow special. (Brings a shell to her ear.) Noise! This shell was brought from Spain. The wind lives here. It is as hot and sultry as a Spanish dance.

(Spanish dance.)

Starling. Guys! Do you want me to tell you a secret? The wind is so sleepy! He always wakes up at noon.

(Song "Zorenki more beautiful and dearer than the sun")

Starling. Friends! On the first day of summer, I decided to give you a pleasant surprise. It is in this box. I give you one hint:

There is a balloon here, but it is not empty. What's inside it? (Children's answers.) You guessed it right, it's air. The prize will go to the one who can best depict a balloon.

(Music sounds. The starling chooses five people. They go up to the stage.)

Starling. Introduce yourself! (Introduction to the participants.) I think that real lovers of balloons have gathered here and it will not be difficult for them to portray an inflated balloon. (Participants complete the task.)

And now the deflated balloon. (Participants perform the task.) We will determine the winner with the help of applause.

(Definition of the winner. Rewarding.)

Starling. All the guys were great! For participating in the competition, they receive balloons, and the winner - in addition to a bunch of balloons, a trendy song!

(Musical number.)

Starling. Attention! Attention! Hear the announcement! From today, the wind starts a mischievous game with girly braids and sundresses. Girls, be on the lookout!

(Dance number.)

Starling(blows into a whistle-tongue). How I love the wind! He is not only mischievous, formidable, but also useful. For example, he rotates the millstones of the mill, helps to fly kites into the sky, and also makes beautiful sounds on wind instruments. Every day, when I hear from the windows of neighboring houses: “Doo-doo-doo-doo!”, I get in a good mood. So let there be a holiday in your soul today!

(Song "Doo-doo-doo.")

Starling. There is a sign: if a children's carnival takes place on the first day of summer, the holidays will be bright and memorable. Do you want such holidays? Then make a wish right now, because the carnival is about to start!

(Dance in Latin American style.)

Starling. I chatted with you! The wind is picking up again, so it's time for me to get to work. But see you soon... See you again!

(Musical number.)


1. Spyglass.

2. Seashell.

3. Whistle-tongue.

4. Paper sketchy figures of objects and animals.

5. Soccer ball.

6. Balloon in a box.

Karpova Galina
Scenario of the festive concert for Children's Day "Visiting Masha and the Bear"

Scenario of the festive concert for the Children's Day

"IN visiting Masha and the Bear» .

Children sit on chairs. The curtain opens.

Sounds like a cartoon song "Masha and Bear» . On Bear appears on the scene, dresses up, looks in the mirror, puts on a bow tie, a hat. Masha runs.

Masha: Bear! Bear! (looks at Bear) Oh, how beautiful you are! What are you dressed up like that for?

Bear: Guys on concert invited. I really want to go.

Masha: (Running near Mishka) Which concert? And where to concert? And with whom concert? And when concert? And why concert?

Bear: (grabs head) Stop, Masha. You ask a lot of questions. Now, everything is in order. Concert in kindergarten. Today is the first day of summer, holiday for all children. Therefore, I dressed up and gathered for the guys in guests.

Masha: And what about me? I'm kids too! So this is mine holiday. I also want to concert. Want! Want! I want (Stomps feet! That's it, it's decided! I'm going with you! Now, just dress up (runs backstage and returns with a bow).

Bear: (shakes his head, straightens the bow on Masha) Okay, let's go! What to do with you.

Masha and Bear go to the music from the cartoon "Masha and Bear» . Masha keeps spinning around Bear and interfere with him.

Bear: Well, Masha, we have come! Hi guys! And here we are!

Masha: Here we are! And here you are! Funny, funny, kind and mischievous, smart, beautiful, the happiest!

Bear: We collect greetings, we distribute greetings! We compose greetings, we simply adore them! And hello from us! (throws an imaginary hello). And now you say hello to us (children answer!

Masha: And I love noisy greetings! So let him be so: clap 3 times, stomp 3 times, shout "Catch!" and send our regards!

(Masha and Bear play with the audience in throwing imaginary greetings).

Bear: Well, that's enough, that's enough! It's time concert start.

Masha: What, Mishka, are we already in kindergarten? I never went to kindergarten. Mishka, What is a kindergarten?

Bear: Masha! Kindergarten is a good home for children. In it, children play, study, craft, sing, draw ... (thinking). And let's better the guys themselves will tell you about it in their song. That's what she's called "Kindergarten" And the children of the 5th group will perform it. Who knows this song, sing along with the guys.

(Song "Kindergarten" group 5).

Masha: What a fun song! I even wanted to dance. Mishka, Mishka! Let's Dance!

Bear: Let's! Only I'm not very good (Masha and Bear dance, Masha is very fast, bear - slowly). Stop, Masha! Stop! Turned me around completely. Nothing works for you and me. Let's invite you to children scene 3 groups and ask them to dance "Merry Polka". The guys will dance, and we will learn with you.

(Dance "Merry Polka" group 3).

Bear: The guys danced wonderfully! Let's give them a big clap!

Masha: (runs in, rattles on the pan) Mishka, Mishka! Look what I found! What a fine fellow I am! (Knocks on the pan).

Bear: (plugs ears) Oh oh! Completely stunned! The pan can also be played like a drum, but only skillfully. Children of the 5th and 6th groups already know how to play different instruments, even in the orchestra. Let's listen to them. They will sing a song "We stand well".

Masha: Come on, Mishka, listen! I wonder what the kids are playing?

(Orchestra "We stand well" 5 and 6 groups).

Masha: (runs in with a rooster). Caught! Caught! Bear, look how beautiful my cockerel is!

Bear: (takes away from Rooster wave) Give it back! The cockerel is completely tortured. And we really need him. He gets up before everyone else, wakes everyone up in the morning.

Masha: Okay, okay, Mishka! I won't hurt him anymore.

Bear: Masha, let's ask children 7, 4 and 1 groups to perform a song about our cockerel. It is called "The sun has a friend". Get out guys scene.

(Song "The sun has a friend" 1, 4 and 7 groups).

Masha: Bear, Bear! And what kind of basket is this (takes out a basket with sultans?

Bear: The sun heard a funny song and sent us a gift! This, Masha, is the sun's rays! And I invite the guys to dance "Little Rays". And we will support them with resounding applause.

(Dance "Little Rays" 1, 4 and 7 groups).

Masha: (runs in with an umbrella and plays with it). Mishka, Mishka! It looks like it's starting to rain.

Bear: No, Masha! It seemed to you. Outside, the sun shines brightly.

Masha: It's a pity! And I love the rain so much (gets upset). Rain is fun, it's great!

Bear: Guys, let's give Masha a gift - give her a real rain! How? For good! Repeat everything after me.

The wind got stronger (three palms)

It starts to rain (pointer finger on palm)

The rain is getting stronger (alternating hand claps)

The real downpour starts (Quick clapping)

And now hail and a real storm (stomp feet)

But what is it? The storm subsides (rapid hand clapping)

The rain subsides (alternately clapping hands on the chest)

Rare drops of rain fall to the ground (forefinger tapping on the palm)

Quiet whisper of the wind (rubbing hands)

The sun came out (hands up, fingers outstretched)

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Masha: Thanks guys! Bear! Bear! Look what I saw! Look! Look (points to the rainbow!

Bear: This, Masha, is a rainbow! She appears after the rain. And according to the Komi, a rainbow is Oshkamoshka!

Masha: How? How? Osh-ka-mo-shka….

Bear: Yes, Masha! Oshkamoshka! The children of the 3rd group know a very funny song in which we learn to speak the Komi language. That's what she's called "Oshkamoshka". Let's ask the guys scene!

(song "Oshkamoshka" 3 group)

Masha: (runs out with a hoop) Mishka, Mishka! Look how I can (trying to spin the hoop!

Bear: Oh, Masha, Masha! Hurry up - make people laugh! This needs to be learned. Better look how well the guys with the hoop dance. The hoop is also called the hula hoop! And the dance is called "Hula Hup".

(dance "Hula Hup" 3 group)

Bear: Well, Masha, have you learned?

Masha: Study! Fu, this is so boring! I do not want to study!

Bear: Masha, learning is interesting! And even fun! The guys from the 2nd and 10th groups will sing about this to you. And the song is called "Learning should be fun".

(song "Learning should be fun" 2 and 10 groups)

Masha: What a wonderful song. Let's give them a big clap.

Bear: Yes, Masha, these guys say goodbye to kindergarten.

Masha: Why? What don't they like here?

Bear: No, Masha! I even like it very much. Only in the autumn they will all go to school, to the 1st grade. They are already graduates and say goodbye to kindergarten. And at parting they will perform for us "Farewell Waltz". And we will support them with our applause.

(Dance "Farewell Waltz" 2nd and 10th group)

Bear: So I went to the end of our wonderful concert!

Masha: Mishka, I really don't want to part with the guys. They are so fun and interesting. Let's teach them our fun dance.

Bear: Let's! We invite all the guys to a fun dance. Everyone come out and stand in a big circle.

Masha: Great! Have fun, have fun! Music!

(general dance according to the show to the song from the cartoon "Masha and Bear» )

Masha: Bear, Bear! How I like it here! I have made so many friends here. Let's have them treat.

Bear: Let's. Only what? I only have jam.

Masha: You can use jam. I love him very much, and the guys too.

Bear: Bring Masha a jar, and don't forget the spoon.

(Masha takes out a jar of sweets, bear handing them out to the children with a spoon)

Masha: Bear, Bear! The jam has been distributed! Let's run!

Bear: Where?

Masha: Hooray! Summer has come! We have so much to do with you. Let's run! Bye bye!

Bear: Goodbye, guys! Thank you for the wonderful concert! See you soon!

Masha and bear go away. The curtain closes.

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