Festive concert dedicated to Children's Day. Concert dedicated to Children's Day


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Karpova Galina
Scenario of the festive concert for Children's Day "Visiting Masha and the Bear"

Scenario of the festive concert for the Children's Day

"IN visiting Masha and the Bear» .

Children sit on chairs. The curtain opens.

Sounds like a cartoon song "Masha and Bear» . On Bear appears on the scene, dresses up, looks in the mirror, puts on a bow tie, a hat. Masha runs.

Masha: Bear! Bear! (looks at Bear) Oh, how beautiful you are! What are you dressed up like that for?

Bear: Guys on concert invited. I really want to go.

Masha: (Running near Mishka) Which concert? And where to concert? And with whom concert? And when concert? And why concert?

Bear: (grabs head) Stop, Masha. You ask a lot of questions. Now, everything is in order. Concert in kindergarten. Today is the first day of summer, holiday for all children. Therefore, I dressed up and gathered for the guys in guests.

Masha: And what about me? I'm kids too! So this is mine holiday. I also want to concert. Want! Want! I want (Stomps feet! That's it, it's decided! I'm going with you! Now, just dress up (runs backstage and returns with a bow).

Bear: (shakes his head, straightens the bow on Masha) Okay, let's go! What to do with you.

Masha and Bear go to the music from the cartoon "Masha and Bear» . Masha keeps spinning around Bear and interfere with him.

Bear: Well, Masha, we have come! Hi guys! And here we are!

Masha: Here we are! And here you are! Funny, funny, kind and mischievous, smart, beautiful, the happiest!

Bear: We collect greetings, we distribute greetings! We compose greetings, we simply adore them! And hello from us! (throws an imaginary hello). And now you say hello to us (children answer!

Masha: And I love noisy greetings! So let him be so: clap 3 times, stomp 3 times, shout "Catch!" and send our regards!

(Masha and Bear play with the audience in throwing imaginary greetings).

Bear: Well, that's enough, that's enough! It's time concert start.

Masha: What, Mishka, are we already in kindergarten? I never went to kindergarten. Mishka, What is a kindergarten?

Bear: Masha! Kindergarten is a good home for children. In it, children play, study, craft, sing, draw ... (thinking). And let's better the guys themselves will tell you about it in their song. That's what she's called "Kindergarten" And the children of the 5th group will perform it. Who knows this song, sing along with the guys.

(Song "Kindergarten" group 5).

Masha: What a fun song! I even wanted to dance. Mishka, Mishka! Let's Dance!

Bear: Let's! Only I'm not very good (Masha and Bear dance, Masha is very fast, bear - slowly). Stop, Masha! Stop! Turned me around completely. Nothing works for you and me. Let's invite you to children scene 3 groups and ask them to dance "Merry Polka". The guys will dance, and we will learn with you.

(Dance "Merry Polka" group 3).

Bear: The guys danced wonderfully! Let's give them a big clap!

Masha: (runs in, rattles on the pan) Mishka, Mishka! Look what I found! What a fine fellow I am! (Knocks on the pan).

Bear: (plugs ears) Oh oh! Completely stunned! The pan can also be played like a drum, but only skillfully. Children of the 5th and 6th groups already know how to play different instruments, even in the orchestra. Let's listen to them. They will sing a song "We stand well".

Masha: Come on, Mishka, listen! I wonder what the kids are playing?

(Orchestra "We stand well" 5 and 6 groups).

Masha: (runs in with a rooster). Caught! Caught! Bear, look how beautiful my cockerel is!

Bear: (takes away from Rooster wave) Give it back! The cockerel is completely tortured. And we really need him. He gets up before everyone else, wakes everyone up in the morning.

Masha: Okay, okay, Mishka! I won't hurt him anymore.

Bear: Masha, let's ask children 7, 4 and 1 groups to perform a song about our cockerel. It is called "The sun has a friend". Get out guys scene.

(Song "The sun has a friend" 1, 4 and 7 groups).

Masha: Bear, Bear! And what kind of basket is this (takes out a basket with sultans?

Bear: The sun heard a funny song and sent us a gift! This, Masha, is the sun's rays! And I invite the guys to dance "Little Rays". And we will support them with resounding applause.

(Dance "Little Rays" 1, 4 and 7 groups).

Masha: (runs in with an umbrella and plays with it). Mishka, Mishka! It looks like it's starting to rain.

Bear: No, Masha! It seemed to you. Outside, the sun shines brightly.

Masha: It's a pity! And I love the rain so much (gets upset). Rain is fun, it's great!

Bear: Guys, let's give Masha a gift - give her a real rain! How? For good! Repeat everything after me.

The wind got stronger (three palms)

It starts to rain (pointer finger on palm)

The rain is getting stronger (alternating hand claps)

The real downpour starts (Quick clapping)

And now hail and a real storm (stomp feet)

But what is it? The storm subsides (rapid hand clapping)

The rain subsides (alternately clapping hands on the chest)

Rare drops of rain fall to the ground (forefinger tapping on the palm)

Quiet whisper of the wind (rubbing hands)

The sun came out (hands up, fingers outstretched)

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Masha: Thanks guys! Bear! Bear! Look what I saw! Look! Look (points to the rainbow!

Bear: This, Masha, is a rainbow! She appears after the rain. And according to the Komi, a rainbow is Oshkamoshka!

Masha: How? How? Osh-ka-mo-shka….

Bear: Yes, Masha! Oshkamoshka! The children of the 3rd group know a very funny song in which we learn to speak the Komi language. That's what she's called "Oshkamoshka". Let's ask the guys scene!

(song "Oshkamoshka" 3 group)

Masha: (runs out with a hoop) Mishka, Mishka! Look how I can (trying to spin the hoop!

Bear: Oh, Masha, Masha! Hurry up - make people laugh! This needs to be learned. Better look how well the guys with the hoop dance. The hoop is also called the hula hoop! And the dance is called "Hula Hup".

(dance "Hula Hup" 3 group)

Bear: Well, Masha, have you learned?

Masha: Study! Fu, this is so boring! I do not want to study!

Bear: Masha, learning is interesting! And even fun! The guys from the 2nd and 10th groups will sing about this to you. And the song is called "Learning should be fun".

(song "Learning should be fun" 2 and 10 groups)

Masha: What a wonderful song. Let's give them a big clap.

Bear: Yes, Masha, these guys say goodbye to kindergarten.

Masha: Why? What don't they like here?

Bear: No, Masha! I even like it very much. Only in the autumn they will all go to school, to the 1st grade. They are already graduates and say goodbye to kindergarten. And at parting they will perform for us "Farewell Waltz". And we will support them with our applause.

(Dance "Farewell Waltz" 2nd and 10th group)

Bear: So I went to the end of our wonderful concert!

Masha: Mishka, I really don't want to part with the guys. They are so fun and interesting. Let's teach them our fun dance.

Bear: Let's! We invite all the guys to a fun dance. Everyone come out and stand in a big circle.

Masha: Great! Have fun, have fun! Music!

(general dance according to the show to the song from the cartoon "Masha and Bear» )

Masha: Bear, Bear! How I like it here! I have made so many friends here. Let's have them treat.

Bear: Let's. Only what? I only have jam.

Masha: You can use jam. I love him very much, and the guys too.

Bear: Bring Masha a jar, and don't forget the spoon.

(Masha takes out a jar of sweets, bear handing them out to the children with a spoon)

Masha: Bear, Bear! The jam has been distributed! Let's run!

Bear: Where?

Masha: Hooray! Summer has come! We have so much to do with you. Let's run! Bye bye!

Bear: Goodbye, guys! Thank you for the wonderful concert! See you soon!

Masha and bear go away. The curtain closes.

SCENARIO of the concert program for the CHILDREN'S DAY.

Vedas. Good afternoon dear friends!
Vedas. Congratulations on the International Children's Day!

Vedas. We begin our concert, we begin,

We wish you all health, happiness and joy.

Vedas. Kind spectator do not be shy,

Applaud us boldly.

Have fun with us

Together: And of course smile!

Vedas. As a child, you can touch the very edge of a dream.
You will certainly be able to find your way to it.

Vedas. To the blue stars, children love to fly in colorful dreams ...
Everything comes true in the world, if you only want.
Vedas. We really want all our dreams to come true.
And we invite you to our magical land of childhood, the exemplary choreographic group "Charm" - the Center for Children's Creativity.

(1. In a forest clearing)

Vedas. Let childhood play enough, laugh, jump,
Let him rise in height, let childhood take place!
Bikmukhametova Vlad, children's art school, sings for you.

(2. Song about happiness - DShI)

Ved. We have guys in the city - stars of different sizes and brightness. Some have already revealed themselves and therefore many see and know them.

Vedas. Others are just beginning to open up and, for now, are less noticeable.
Vedas. But all our stars occupy an important place in their constellation collectives.
Meet the Charm team

(3. "Typyr-typyr bierge")

Vedas. Childhood is light and joy, it is songs, it is friendship and dreams.
Childhood is the colors of rainbows, childhood is me and you.

Alsu Yusupova sings, song "Ladybug", Children's Art School, teacher Aliya Azatovna Abramova.

(4. Song "Ladybug")

Vedas. And now for everyone a gift from the folk ensemble "Shayan" of the Palace of Culture named after Sergei Gassar dance composition "Cossack accordion"

(5. "Cossack accordion")

Vedas. Oh, these children's eyes, looking at you, as if into water,
They have either fun, or a tear, or a feeling of freedom.
They will not betray in trouble, and will not fall out of love, will not deceive,
One thing is a pity - they will leave as soon as they get tired of being children.
I invite Camilla Sadykova, soloist of the La-la-fa vocal ensemble, DK im. S. Gassar.
(6. "Matryoshkas")

Vedas. Childhood is a summer wind, a sail of the sky and a crystal ringing of spring.
Childhood means children, children means us!

The choreographic ensemble "Shatlyk" is dancing for you. Children's Art School.

(7. "Hot East")

Vedas 1. What kind of holiday is Children's Day? The main human right is the right to life. Of course, the little man also has this right. That is why in 1989 the UN adopted a special document called the Convention on the Rights of the Child. A convention is an international agreement. In it, the state gives an obligation to respect the rights of every child.

Vedas. And our country also signed this document, which means that it promised the whole world to take care of its young citizens. Our city is proud of the wonderful tradition of celebrating Children's Day. Today we will sing, play and just have fun together!

Vedas. Meet the vocal ensemble "Rainbow" of the Center for Children's Creativity, leader Gulnar Rifgatovna Tukhvatova.

(8. "Witch River")

Vedas. Quite recently, the last bells for graduates sounded in schools and they still have many trials ahead of them, which they will pass with honor and dignity.

Vedas. And our wishes to you Dear graduates!
No matter how life flies - do not regret your days,
Do a good deed for the happiness of people.
Vedas. So that the heart burns, and does not smolder in the dark,
Do a good deed - that's how we live on earth. Good luck!
The group "Charm" - the Center for Children's Creativity is dancing for you.

(9. Following the white cranes)

Vedas. And now Berezkina Yaroslava, Children's Art School will speak before you.

(10. excerpt from the work "Three Fat Men")

Vedas. And again on the stage the Ensemble of Variety Dance "Crystal".

(11. "Gander")

Vedas. Today, on this first summer day, even an old stump will dissolve the leaves for us.
And every blade of grass will give us a flower and the mosquito will not bite anyone.
All because the holiday has come, it has united all the children of the Earth
And the boys from China became brothers, and the girls from Uruguay became sisters.
Let our skin be different in color, but by sight we understand all the children of the planet. Meet the art studio "Dayana" of the Children's Art School, teacher Elena Nikolaevna Lykova.

(12. Song "Spring drops")

Vedas. Veda 2. Children and adults, how do you understand what the holiday "Children's Day" means?Read in turn.
1. This holiday is a reminder to parents of the need to respect the rights of children to life, freedom of opinion and religion, education and recreation, protection from violence and exploitation of child labor.
2. This is the day when charity events are held for disadvantaged children in orphanages, and smiles appear on the faces of children.
3. This is the day when in most countries of the world in parks, schools, on stages, festive events for children are held.
4. This is the day when you can see a lot of dressed up children with smiles on their faces, with balloons in their hands.
5. This is the day when the best children's holidays begin.
6. This is the day when none of the children will be denied the purchase of ice cream and sweets.
Together. "Happy holiday, dear children of the whole Earth!"

For you, the team of the center for children's creativity "Charm", the head of Zinnatullina Guzel Afendiyarovna, is dancing.

(13. "The fragrance of a blooming lily")

Vedas. And now we invite Regina Sabirzyanova with Peppy's Monologue to the stage.

(14. Peppy's monologue)

Vedas. On our Planet, on our Earth, we all live together in a single family
And even though we hardly know each other,
But together we solve our problems.

Vedas.To make every child happy in the world, we will ask adults:

"Help us kids!" You all help us children,
So that "hunger" and "fear" we do not know these words,
Cancel the war in the whole wide world.
What else does the planet need?
When are the kids happy?

Meet the dance ensemble "Shatlyk", leader Fedorova Nadezhda Alexandrovna.

(15. "Lullaby")

“Shine always, shine everywhere, shine and no nails!”
Vedas. What are you talking about?
Vedas. Well, what about the stars!
Vedas. And what about nails?
Vedas. Moreover, the next highlight of our program will be the performance Grigory Galkin, RDK "Youth", meet.

(16. Song "Your eyes")

Vedas. Solovyov Dmitry The Children's Art School will read Musa Jalil's poem "My Dog" to us.

(17. Verse "My dog")

Vedas. The song is performed by the vocal ensemble "Wind" of school No. 2.

(18.Song………….SOSH №2)

Vedas. And again we invite you to the stage to your thunderous applause folk ensemble "Shayan" of the Palace of Culture named after S. Gassar, leader Nakiya Shamilevna Nasifullina.

(19. "Stompers")

Vedas. Every child is an agent! And his life is filled, first of all, with creativity. Many children create beauty with their own hands. And everyone feels like a creator: he invents, invents, fantasizes, composes. Creating his masterpieces, the little creator takes the first steps towards the high rank of Master. And now for you the song "I draw" performed by Pshembaeva Galiya, Children's Art School.

(20. Song "I draw")

Vedas. Graduates of the exemplary choreographic group "Charm" are dancing in front of you.

(21. Dance "Fly feather")

Vedas.Childhood is a golden time and magical dreams.
Childhood is you and me, childhood is me and you!

Veda 2.We will remember more than once that kind planet,
Where sunrises meet with rays of eyes,

Veda 1.Where miracles live, wizards and fairies,
Where the world around is brighter and bird trills are louder. Hovsepyan Siranush sings, DK im. S. Gassara, leader Lira Nilovna Ulko, meet!

(22. Song………… Hovsepyan Siranush)

Vedas.: How sweetly the music rings, and the dance is like a flight, he calls, beckons us around.

We look forward to applause!

On the stage folk ensemble of variety dance "Crystal" S. Gassara, leader Anna Alexandrovna Ryabova.

(23. Dance. "Cossack")

Vedas. Wherever a person is, in whatever mood he is, he sings songs.

Songs help a person both in difficult times and in joyful times.. And again Grigory Galkin sings for you.

(24. Song "Diva")

Vedas.We all dream together about one thing, so that everyone has a family and a home,
So that both we and we are loved and in childhood we all live without worries and grief.
Therefore, we ask all people to protect and value us - children!"

Vedas. For you, a song is performed by the soloists of the vocal ensemble "Rainbow", the Center for Children's Creativity, Meet!

(25. Song "Good Tales")

Vedas. I want to shout to people: be generous with affection,

The way of a man is difficult, it bears little resemblance to a fairy tale.

In a world without affection, know - tears, rains, frosts.

Adults and children, know, - affection is needed, not threats.

Vedas. Strive to discover at least once the star of humanity in everyone.

And if your kindness, your smile helps someone,

That day was not lived in vain, and it means that you do not live in vain.

Dancing for you "Crystal"

(26. Dance "Stylized Tatar")

Veda 1. So our holiday is over.andWe wish you all the very best, dear children and children.

Vedas 2 .Be healthy, grow up soon and make our world beautiful. Live in peace and friendship!

Vedas 1 .Led the concert program Adelina Speranskaya!

Vedas 2. And Nikita Gudovsky! Together. Goodbye, see you again!

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