Holiday month of Ramadan. Muslim holy month of Ramadan


The holy month of Ramadan in 2017 ends with Muslims on June 26, believers are preparing to celebrate one of the most important holidays of the Muslim calendar - Eid al-Fitr. Sputnik talks about how Eid al-Fitr will take place and what traditions Ramadan has in 2017.

Eid al-Adha: date and new mosque

Uraza Bairam is a "mobile" holiday, it always falls on the last day of Ramadan, this year it is the evening of June 26, it will last three more days. On Eid al-Fitr, which is considered the holiday of breaking the fast, holiday prayers are read in mosques.

This year, Belarusian Muslims will meet Eid al-Fitr in the new cathedral mosque, which has been under construction for 10 years and was opened in November 2016 with the participation of the Presidents of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, as well as the heads of major confessions in Belarus. In addition, the opening ceremony was attended by the Ambassador of the Holy See to Belarus, the Apostolic Nuncio.

Fasting during the month of Ramadan

Fasting during the lunar month of Ramadan is one of the 5 pillars of Islam. Devout Muslims must observe all five sacred pillars.

1st pillar: faith in the prophetic mission of Muhammad (shahada);

2nd: five daily prayers (namaz);

3rd: fasting during the month of Ramadan (uraza);

4th: obligatory religious tax (zakat);

5th: pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj).

Ramadan Do's and Don'ts

For the holy fasting month of Ramadan, there are a number of strict requirements that Muslims must adhere to. In accordance with them, from dawn to sunset, you can not drink, eat, smoke, intimacy is prohibited. In addition, a Muslim should not use foul language and should not allow impure thoughts.

When the sun sets, believers break their fast, relatives, friends, neighbors are present at the evening table. As Muslims say, it is necessary to arrange a treat at the appointed time in order to receive the forgiveness of sins.

At night in the month of Ramadan, you need to drink a lot of water, tea, coffee is allowed. Muslims try to eat healthy food - dates, dried apricots, other dried fruits, chicken meat, fish, rice, vegetables.

In Islam, as in other religions, for some categories of believers there are indulgences during fasting for the month of Ramadan and on the holiday of Eid al-Fitr - these are sick, traveling, old people, pregnant and lactating women, as well as warriors.

Traditions of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr

During the holy fast of Ramadan, Islam is characterized by the distribution of donations - voluntary and obligatory. Sadaka is a voluntary donation, zakat is an obligatory alms. According to Muslim customs, there is a lower limit for zakat, there is no upper limit, it all depends on the well-being and breadth of the soul of the believer.

Different Muslim countries have their own amount of zakat - it can be equal, for example, to two kilograms of raisins, three kilograms of dried apricots and a kilogram of dates. In a number of Islamic republics of the former USSR, the minimum amount of zakat is about one dollar.

In the month of Ramadan, the minimum zakat in Belarus is about five dollars. Whether or not to give a donation for Eid al-Fitr is up to you.

The main night of Ramadan: the night of power

The most important during Ramadan is the 27th night, this year it falls on the night of June 21-22. In Islam, it is called the "night of power", it is believed that on this night Allah decides the fate of people.

Ramadan (among the Turkic peoples - Uraza) according to the synodic calendar, falls on the 9th lunar month, its beginning shifts annually by about 10 days. Believing Muslims show exceptional stamina and devotion to Allah, maintaining fasting, despite the heat.

Ancient Origins of Ramadan

The first mention of a Muslim holiday dates back to 610, this is a mandatory fast, strictly forbidding drinking, eating, smoking in the daytime. It is prescribed to get up before sunrise, read a prayer - the morning azan, take ablutions and food, eat and drink a second time only after dark, after the evening azan.

Every day, Muslims must repeat the intention (niyat): "I am going to fast Ramadan in the name of Allah." Collective prayers are performed even at night.

Ramadan 2017 is spent in prayers, studying the Koran, refusing temptations. It is believed that only a person with pure thoughts overcomes the test, a Muslim who allows himself at least a small indulgence from harsh prohibitions is considered not to have passed the fast.

The holy month is accompanied by an in-depth study of the Koran, the distribution of obligatory and voluntary alms. The souls of believers during this period are cleansed, which has a beneficial effect on later life.

Strict Prohibitions and Permitted Actions for Ramadan

There is a list of restrictions and permissions prescribed for observance for the month of Ramadan 2017, they are compiled for the sole purpose of explaining the rules to believers in order to avoid their unintentional violation. So, during daylight hours it is forbidden:

  • not pronouncing intention - niyata;
  • conscious acceptance of drink, food;
  • smoking;
  • sexual intercourse, masturbation;
  • swallowing sputum.

Do not break the post:

  • injections, blood donation;
  • bathing (without water entering the mouth);
  • kisses;
  • swallowing saliva;
  • involuntary vomiting;
  • teeth cleaning;
  • failure to perform prayers.

Persons eligible for exemption from the fast of Ramadan

Muslim canons strictly regulate deviations from the rules. Ramadan 2017, the beginning of fasting should be meaningful, the believer should be fully aware of the upcoming difficult period. Strict rules are not enforced by children, pregnant and nursing mothers, the sick, the elderly and travelers, they are encouraged to feed the poor and give alms.

Ramadan 2017 - beginning and end

Every year Muslims fast on a different date. It depends on the phase of the moon what date Ramadan 2017 will begin, according to the Islamic calendar - in May, on the 27th, and its end on June 25th. The most responsible are the final 10 days, this is the time of especially fervent prayers. Following the example of the Prophet Muhammad, Muslims retire for 10 days in the mosque, waiting for the night of Laylatul-Qadr (predestination), read the Koran and pray to Allah for the forgiveness of sins.

With the advent of the new month of Shawal, when Ramadan ends, Eid al-Fitr () is celebrated. This is one of the main holidays of Islam, it is met with the solemn prayer of Eid-namaz, which takes place in an open square with a large number of people. All those present congratulate each other, thank Allah for allowing him to pass the test, regret the end of the fast, generously distribute alms in cash or dry food, accompanying donations with the words “Eid Mubarak” (Blessed holiday). People worship Islam, a religion based on moderation, kindness, fortitude. The fun continues with family and friends at a generous table.

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It is common knowledge among Muslims that fasting in the month of Ramadan is a great observance and duty of the believers. Allah Almighty endowed this month with special honor. And the definition of the beginning of the month of Ramadan is one of the important religious rituals, which must be paid due attention.

The beginning of the lunar month according to the Muslim calendar is determined solely by observing the new moon, therefore, it is impossible to know in advance the onset of the month, and the calculations are used only approximately for preliminary preparation. The lunar month has 29 or 30 days.

The method of determining the beginning of the month of Ramadan was taught by the Prophet Muhammad himself, which is still used by Muslims all over the world to this day.

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

«صُومُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ وَأَفْطِرُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ فَإِنْ غُمَّ عَلَيْكُمْ فَأَكْمِلُوا عِدَّةَ شَعْبَانَ ثَلاثِينَ يَوْماً»

رَوَاهُ البُخَارِي وَمُسْلِم وَغَيْرُهُمَا

This means: “Fast when you see the young month (Ramadan), and if you could not see it, then calculate the end of the month of Shaban on the 30th day, and stop it (Fasting) when you see the young month of Shawwal.”

You can find out whether a new month has begun in the evening after sunset on the 29th of the current month by observing the new moon: if a young moon has appeared in the sky, this means that a new calendar month has come, and if it has not appeared, then the next day will be the 30th day of the current month. And, since there is no 31st day in the lunar calendar, accordingly, the 30th will be the last day of the month. In all lunar calendars compiled for the whole year, the dates of the beginning of the months and Muslim holidays are indicated approximately. It will not be right to rely solely on calendars.

From the time of the Prophet, peace be upon him, and to this day, Muslims follow this rule, passing on knowledge to each other. Everyone who has lived in Muslim countries and seen the traditions and customs of Muslims knows how to correctly determine the beginning and end of the month. For example, the way Muslims gather in open places where it is more convenient to make nightly observations. After the Muslims see the new moon, they shoot cannons or make a big fire on the top of the mountain, thereby announcing the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan or the onset of the feast of breaking the fast.

These beautiful customs have deep roots that go back to the time when the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, lived, spreading knowledge throughout the earth.

Moreover, the scientists of four madhhabs spoke about this, who confirmed that the determination of the first day of the month of Ramadan is made by observing the new moon after sunset on the 29th day of the month of Shaban. And they are not taken as a basis, and are not the basis for this, the calculations of astronomers and astrologers.

Imam An-Nawawi said in his book Al-Majmoo':

وَمَنْ قَالَ بِحِسَابِ الْمَنَازِلِ فَقَوْلُهُ مَرْدُودٌ بِقَوْلِهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم فِي الصَّحِيحَيْنِ

This means: "He who relies on calculation in determining the position of the moon, then his calculations are rejected and not taken into account . As the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

إنَّا أُمَّةٌ أُمِّيَّةٌ لاَ نَحْسِبُ وَلاَ نَكْتُبُ، الشَّهْرُ هَكَذَا وَهَكَذَا، صُومُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ وَأَفْطِرُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ، فَإِنْ غُمَّ عَلَيْكُمْفَأَكْمِلُوا عِدَّةَ شَعْبَانَ ثَلاثِين يَوْماً

This means: “We are a people who do not live by calculations and calculations, assumptions and conjectures. We don't write or count. A month can be both such (that is, 29 days) and such (that is, 30 days). Start fasting when you see the new moon (Ramadan) and end your Fast when you see the new moon (Shawwala). And if the sky was closed, then add the 30th day to the month of Shaban.

This Hadith was transmitted by Imams Al-Bukhariy, Muslim and others.

Anyone who has seen the new month of Ramadan must fast. The one who did not see it himself, but learned about it from a reliable Muslim, is obliged to observe the Fast of Ramadan. Abu-Dawud said that the son of ‘Umar (II Caliph), may Allah bless them, told the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, that he saw the young month of Ramadan, after which the Prophet himself observed the Fast and ordered other believers to observe it.

If the beginning of the Fast in any locality is confirmed, then all residents of the given locality, as well as neighboring ones located in the same time zone, must observe it (i.e. the sun rises and sets at the same time in their territories) , according to the mazhab of Imam Ash-Shafi'y. According to the mazhab of Imam Abu Hanifa, fasting is required for all believers located anywhere in the world who have learned about the beginning of the month of Ramadan, regardless of distance. According to this opinion, the inhabitants of the east are obliged to observe the Fast of Ramadan, even if they were informed about its beginning by the inhabitants of the west, and vice versa.

Allah has prescribed for us the observance of His Laws handed down to the last Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, after which there will be no new law of God until the Day of Judgment. And these Laws are suitable for all ages, times and epochs, they do not become obsolete until the very End of the World. And with the help of Allah, we will steadfastly observe the teachings of the last Prophet, peace be upon him. Therefore, we remind you that it is unacceptable to distort the Shari'ah and make any changes to it, and the one who does this under the pretext of civilization and technological progress, as if saying that there is a flaw in the Laws of God and he came to correct it, or as if someone after the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, receives the Revelation, which in both cases is absurd and fundamentally contrary to the teachings of Islam.
The true followers of the Prophet, peace be upon him, know, believe and acknowledge that he is truthful in everything that he erects and that he conveys from Allah, and do not ignore what he taught. At the same time, we should know that Islam is not against all-round development and scientific progress, but only prohibits distortions of Shari'ah.

Therefore, according to the above, whether a new month has begun can be found out on the evening after sunset on the 29th of the current month by observing the new moon. On the website of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Crimea - the Tauride Muftiate, Muslims observed that the 1st day of the month of Shaban (the month preceding the month of Ramadan) corresponds to April 28, 2017, respectively On the 29th of the month of Shaban corresponds to May 26, 2017, there will be an observation of the new moon of the month of Ramadan. If Muslims see the young month by observation in the evening, then the 1st day of the month of Ramadan 2017 is May 27, 2017, and if they do not see it, then the 1st day of the month of Ramadan 2017 is May 28, 2017.

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Evidence for the Existence of God

Praise be to Allah, who created us with intelligence. Islamic theologians have said that the mind is a tool that helps to distinguish between useful and harmful, enabling us to recognize good and evil, and, of course, all this on the basis of knowledge obtained in accordance with Shariah. After all, relying on the knowledge of Sharia, we can judge what is good for us and what is harmful. Indeed, Allah in the name of God in Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" is pronounced like ه in Arabic The Almighty commanded us to use the gifted mind, so we should not neglect this blessing, but should use it for our own benefit.

Observing the surrounding world, reflecting on how it appeared and works, a person is able to come to the realization that:

- undoubtedly, there is a Creator who created this whole world,

— and the Creator of this world is not like His creations.

We are convinced without a doubt that the existence of the Universe is proof of the existence of its Creator. After all, our mind does not perceive the existence of an action without an agent, just as it cannot be written without a writer or a building without a builder. Moreover, our mind cannot recognize the existence of this entire world without its Creator.

One has only to look around, and numerous creatures of our Lord will appear before our eyes. All surrounding objects, air, sun, sky, clouds, the grandiose space of the Universe, as well as our actions, thoughts, feelings, and even time itself, are all creations of Allah. There is great benefit in contemplating how amazing the world around you is. How delightful is the change of day and night, how the moon moves, how beautiful the vault of heaven and stars, how the sun rises at sunrise, sets at sunset, how the winds rage ... And despite the fact that we admire the structure of this universe, the harmony of alternating events, the beauty of nature and in the many blessings that we can receive, we do not in any way ascribe divinity to any or any of these creatures.

Some people mistakenly attribute divinity to nature and falsely claim that nature created something by giving existence after non-existence. In fact, nature has no will, no choice, no knowledge, respectively, it cannot create and determine the possibility of its existence or non-existence for every being. In Russian, as you know, the word "nature" has two most commonly used meanings. One of them is “the world around us”, the other is “the qualities inherent in objects”.

For example, the nature of fire is burning, burning, heat, light, etc. The nature of water is fluidity, a liquid state. The nature of ice is cold, hardness, brittleness. And it is obvious that the qualities of this or that body do not exist before the appearance of the body itself, to which this quality is inherent. For example, the coldness and brittleness of ice exist from the moment of the appearance of ice, and without ice there is no fragility and other qualities inherent in it. Nature exists from the moment when something to which it is inherent appears. The nature of fire exists from the moment of the appearance of fire, just as the nature of water exists from the moment of the appearance of water itself. It cannot be the Creator for what appeared to be something that once did not exist at all!

If we are talking about nature as an environment around us, then it should be understood that it also has its own qualities, and is part of this world. And a part of this world is not capable of being a creator for the whole world. Obviously, nature is not the Creator of the universe.

Likewise, common sense rejects the false belief that this world supposedly created itself. After all, it is absurd for something to be both creator and created at the same time. Those. based on this false judgment, the universe should have already existed in order to give life to something, but at the same time did not exist in order to be created and appeared, and this is contrary to common sense.

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said the meaning: "Allah was Eternal, and there was nothing but Him",

those. there was no light, no darkness, no water, no air, no earth, no heaven, no Al-Kursiyyah, no Al-'Arsh, no people, no Jinn, no Angels, no time, no place, no up, down, and other directions... There was absolutely nothing created, but Allah was Eternal without beginning. And if He were not Eternal without beginning, He would be created, and created cannot be God. Allah existed forever before the creation of the universe and there was no such thing as "in the universe" or "outside the universe" in relation to Him. Indeed, Allah is the Creator of an image, a place, directions, and He has no image, no location, no direction.

Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic, peace and blessings be upon him, said signifying: "The Lord cannot be comprehended by reason." And also Ibn ‘Abbas, the cousin of the Prophet, said the meaning: “Meditate on the creatures of Allah and refrain from thinking about His Essence.” That is, knowledge about Allah is not achieved through imagination, ideas and illusions. While careful observation and thoughtful study of the created allows you to learn about the Power and Greatness of their Creator, to conclude that the Creator is above all the qualities created and is not like His creations.

In order to know about Allah and believe in Him, one should not try to imagine Him, because the imaginary needs the One Who created this image and appearance for it. The Creator of everything is Allah, and He is not imaginable by the mind. Thoughts, images, reflections - all this is created. All the images and imaginations that arise in the heart of a person, whether he saw them or not, are created.

It is impossible to reach in the imagination of the One Who does not have an image, form or appearance. As Imam ‘Ali said, meaning: “He who created the image, Himself does not have it.” And also it is said in the Koran meaning: "God cannot be reached in illusions." We need to follow the Sharia and not illusions, as the Sharia confirms that Allah is not comprehended by the imagination, because He is not created and He does not have an image.

It is also said in the Quran this word must be read in Arabic as - الْقُـرْآن meaning: "There is nothing like Him." And the great scholar, known as Zun-Nun Al-Misriy, said the signifier: "Whatever you imagine, Allah is not like it." In other words, Allah is unlike anything we can imagine. Because everything we imagine is created. We, created, once non-existent, need to recognize our weakness in that it is impossible to comprehend by imagination the Essence of the One Who is not created and does not have the beginning of His existence. And in following this path for a person there is salvation from falling into mistakes, in which those who left the mind and blindly followed the imagination “drowned”.

Allah commanded us to think about His creations so that we know that the Creator is not like them. Also, reflections on the created are necessary because they strengthen faith in the existence of Allah, His Omnipotence and Omniscience. Allah has given us great blessings in this world. Indeed, Allah is the Almighty Creator of everything, and there are no limits to His Omnipotence. Indeed, Allah is not a body (not an object) and not the quality of bodies, He has no boundaries. No one can resist Him, and there is no equal or like Him.

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Facts about the benefits of reading:

  • Reading is a habit of successful people. It develops thinking, imagination, and involves those thought processes that do not occur in other activities. Researchers say that being well-read is also associated with financial well-being - nowadays, most wealthy people regularly read, gain knowledge and develop, while the rest of the population prefers watching TV and various videos on the Internet to reading.
  • Just before the End of the World, people will wallow in unbelief and sins. By that time, not a single Muslim will remain on earth.

    Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced as ح in Arabic said meaning:

    “The End of the World will not come as long as there are those on earth who say: “Allah, Allah in the name of God in Arabic "Allah", the letter "x" is pronounced like ه in Arabic

    Explaining these words, the scientists said that the End of the World will not come as long as there are those on earth who mention Allah and worship Him. In another transmission of the hadith, instead of the words “Allah, Allah!”, It says: “La ilaha illallah there is no creator but God!».

    Speaking about the signs of the End of the World, the Prophet Muhammad listed them and said: “And then the worst of people will remain. And men will copulate with women [in the presence of other people] just as donkeys do. It is they who will overtake the End of the World.

    The Prophet also said: "And [only] those in whom there is no good will remain, and they will return to the religion of their ancestors [- paganism]."

    ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn Al-‘As said that the End of the World will not come until the worst of creatures remain [on earth] - they are [even] worse than people [of the times] of jahiliyya! Whatever they ask the Creator, it does not come true.

    In another hadith, the signifier is said: “Then the worst of people will remain on earth, who will strive for evil as quickly as a bird flies, and their customs will be like those of wild animals [- they will oppress and enmity with each other]. They do not recognize good and do not forbid evil. And Satan [in some form] will appear [to them] and say to them: “Will you obey me?” And they will say to him: “What will you order us?” And he orders them to worship idols. And they [submit to him] in this and receive a rizq and a pleasant life, and then the Horn will sound and everyone who hears will stretch their neck and bow their head [listening]. The first person to hear this sound will be the man who was repairing, by coating with clay, the tank from which his camels drink. This sound will strike him and all other people to death.

    When the angel Israfil blows the Horn, the hearts of people will burst from this piercing sound. Then people will die, and genies, and animals. And angels will die some scholars said that the guardian angels of Paradise, hell and the angels who hold Arsh, as well as houris, servants of Paradise (wildan) and hellish snakes and scorpions will not die and the last of them to die is the angel of death ‘Azrael.

    The end of the world will come unexpectedly. At that moment, people will not suspect that the end of life in this world has come.

    Imam Al-Bukhariy narrated from Abu Hurayrah the hadith of the Prophet meaning:

    “And the End of the World will come [so unexpectedly that] two (the seller and the buyer) will unfold the fabric and will not have time to make a deal or fold the fabric. And the one who milked the camel's milk will not have time to drink it, and the person who smears the reservoir with clay will not have time to drink from it [his cattle], and the one who brought a piece of food to his mouth will not have time to eat it.

    Said in the Holy Quran this word must be read in Arabic as - الْقُـرْآن(Sura 47 "Muh ammad", verse 18) meaning:

    “Are they really expecting something other than the End of the World, which will overtake them suddenly?! After all, his signs have already come true! But why do they need a reminder of it when it is already here?!”

    Perhaps we or our children will witness the big Signs of the End of the World. But whenever it comes, we must diligently prepare for the Day of Judgment, for the end of our own lives will come sooner.

Among all Muslim holidays, Bayram is one of the most important.

Its other name, common among believers, is Eid al-Fitr. It is celebrated for three whole days in a month, in Arabic it is called Shawwal, timed to coincide with the end of the fast of Ramadan. That is why it is also called Ramadan Bairam. We will talk more about this holiday below.

Establishment of a holiday

According to Islamic traditions, the holiday of Ramadan Bayram was established by the founder of Islam himself - the prophet Muhammad. It happened in 624. Since then, the ummah, that is, the worldwide community of believers, celebrates this day every year, as required by their religion.

The image of the celebration

In Christianity, during Easter, believers greet each other with the words "Christ is risen!". A similar exclamation on Ramadan Bairam among Muslims is the phrase in Arabic "Eid Mubarak!". It translates as follows: "Blessed holiday!". The days of celebration in most traditionally Muslim countries are considered holidays at the state level, which means that at this time almost everyone has days off and no one works. The day begins with a ritual bath. Then a visit to the mosque is obligatory, in which a public prayer is held with the reading of a special text - Eid-namaz. This is a special prayer in Arabic dedicated to this holiday, and therefore it is read only once a year.

Features of Eid Prayer

This ceremony begins at dawn and continues until lunchtime. At its core, it is a form of prayer. It is best to do it in a mosque together with other believers, but if circumstances prevent this, then prayer can be performed at home alone, but also no later than the lunch azan. In addition to prayer on this day, you need to give zakat - obligatory alms, which is one of the pillars of Islam. Moreover, this should be done before the holiday prayer begins. Ramadan Bayram should be celebrated by all Muslims, these days it is not supposed to mourn, and therefore alms-zakat are most often given to the poor so that they can buy new clothes and eat well.

What do they do on holidays

Like any celebration, Bayram is a holiday on which tables are laid and refreshments are put. Believers go to visit each other and invite them to their place to share a friendly meal. It is also very important to visit your parents and other relatives. If this cannot be done personally, then at least it is required to send a postcard, or somehow convey your congratulations. Ramadan Bayram also requires that all the sick, the lonely and the poor are not forgotten. Therefore, religion prescribes paying attention to such people and participating in their lives with a gift, a visit and a treat. Children, as a rule, also receive gifts from their parents and spend time in games and fun. Also, deceased relatives are not forgotten in Bayram. The holiday assumes that believers will visit the graves of their dead and perform funeral prayers for them. As for the enemies, the traditions of this day require a person to reconcile with everyone with whom he was in a quarrel, and make peace.

There is also a special tradition to pray on the night before the holiday. According to Islamic traditions, prayers offered at night on the eve of the Bayram holiday have a special power - the ear of Allah is especially attentive to them, and if a person pronounces them sincerely, then they are credited to a person. The only thing is that it is recommended not to abuse the vigils on the festive night, so as not to oversleep the most important prayer in the mosque in the morning.

The meaning of the holiday

In general, in Islam there are only two dates for Muslim holidays, the significance of which is so great. In addition to Bayram described above, this is Eid-ul-Adha - the day dedicated to the completion of the pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca to the Kaaba. Bayram, as mentioned above, is the result of the Ramadan fast, in which every believer is prescribed to abstain from food, drink, entertainment and intimacy until sunset. This is done in order to temper willpower, free up time for spiritual exercises, do good deeds, pacify desires and extinguish your passions. Both Hajj and fasting are efforts on oneself, undertaken in order to advance along the path offered by Islam. It is the completion of successful spiritual work that is celebrated on these great holidays. At the same time, existing moral norms require Muslims to maintain in themselves the level of perfection that was achieved during these pious exercises. That is, the end of the holy fast of Ramadan does not mean that now you can return to all your old sins and bad habits. Quite the opposite, leaving once, they must be left forever, and thus the time of fasting becomes a time of inner transformation. This is necessary to arouse the pleasure of Allah and his approval.

What is Ramadan holiday?

The Muslim calendar, which is based on the lunar year, usually has a few holidays that are of great importance to all Muslims. However, such a holiday as Ramadan is given special preference.

Ramadan, also known as Ramadan, is the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar. Ramadan is considered a month of strict fasting. According to Muslim custom, the first spiritual revelation was delivered to the Prophet Muhammad through the Messenger Jibril in this month. All this happened in 610, when Muhammad was in the cave of Hira, which is located not far from Mecca, where he quite often retired for religious services. This and subsequent revelations, which were sent to the prophet, constituted the sacred book of Islam, referred to as the Koran.

Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the main obligations for all Muslims. It is prescribed in order to increase the awareness and appreciation of the Muslims' own actions and the exact execution of the orders of Allah. During the whole day it is strictly forbidden: to eat, drink, indulge in various amusements and taste pleasures. Muslims devote daytime to prayers, reading the Koran, charity, work, as well as religious thoughts and deeds. In addition to the standard 5 prayers, every day, with the advent of night, an additional prayer-prayer is also read, which is referred to as tarawih. As a rule, taraweeh is read after the fifth prayer. In the last decade of the month of Ramadan, a more active righteous life is led, including the commemoration of the night when the Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation. In this month, you can drink and eat food only after sunset and until the time when it rises. Only children, sick people, and even soldiers who take part in hostilities are exempt from fasting, but still, an unfulfilled fast must necessarily be compensated at other times. According to the statement of the mullah, during Ramadan, Allah bestows a reward on the pious for every mercy done by him.

The end of the fast and the holiday of Ramadan is the second most important among all Muslim holidays - Eid al-Fitr, which is considered the holiday of breaking the fast. It begins to be celebrated with the arrival of sunset on the last day of Ramadan and is celebrated on the 1st and 2nd of the coming month of Shawwal after Ramadan. At this time, all Muslims should think about the spiritual values ​​that they acquired during the celebration of Ramadan. Muslims consider this holiday a day of salvation, forgiveness, reward and reconciliation.

The celebration of the holiday begins with a special prayer in the mosque. After the end of the prayer, the Islamic priest asks Allah for acceptance of fasting and forgiveness. After all this, the believers, pulling the tasbih rosary, the whole crowd begin to read dhikr - these are the words of the ritual remembrance of Allah. Dhikr is carried out according to a special formula and in a certain way, out loud or to oneself, accompanying all this with certain body movements.

After prayer, a festive table is laid in the mosque and alms are distributed to the poor. Saadaka is charged from each adult on the day the fast ends during Ramadan. It is collected only from wealthy Muslims. It is listed as a voluntary donation.

In almost all Muslim countries, on the days of Eid al-Fitra, it is supposed to visit the graves of deceased relatives. On the second day of Eid al-Fitra, the fast of the month of Shawwal begins, which lasts 6 days.

The month of Ramadan 2017: the essence of fasting, schedule, calendar, what is prohibited in Ramadan

The month of Ramadan 2017 (Muslim fasting) begins on the evening of May 25 with the onset of the evening after the moon is visible in the sky, and these data are still, according to preliminary calculations.

As for the exact date of the beginning of the month of Ramadan, depending on the countries of the world, it can begin 1 day ahead or later, according to the decision of the highest religious ranks. As the month of Ramadan approaches, the exact date of the beginning of the fast will be determined by the leaders of the religious clergy of each country in Islamic countries, individually.

The beginning of fasting in 2017 within the holy month of Ramadan is considered from the morning of May 26 and it lasts 30 days (± 1 day) depending on the lunar calendar in various countries of the world according to the decision of the ulame councils.

Essence of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is the month of cleansing from sins and fasting in this month is considered one of the 5 pillars in the Islamic religion. The month of Ramadan (Ramadan) begins after the end of the month of Shaaban and after Ramadan the month of Shawal begins. It was in the month of Ramadan that the holy book “Quran” was sent down to the peoples of the world, in which it is clearly written about this month that righteous Muslims need certain days in the month of Ramadan to categorically refrain from prohibited acts (gunas) and in the daytime refuse to eat and drink.

Month of Ramadan 2017

In fact, this month is also called "Ramadan" by many nations. It is the ninth in the Muslim calendar. If you use the Gregorian calendar, then every year the beginning of the month will change. This holiday is the most important and most revered for all Muslims. This holiday month falls on May 26 this year. The holiday month ends on June 25th. This year Ramadan is 30 days long.

Each new month in the Islamic lunar calendar begins immediately after the new moon. It is worth considering that the lunar calendar tends to be shorter than the Gregorian, for this reason the shift in the start date of fasting occurs by about 11 days in relation to the modern calendar. It is also worth remembering that in countries with a Muslim population, the beginning of Ramadan is determined using astronomical calculation, and in all others due to direct observation of the moon. You can also use the authoritative statements of famous Muslims, which can determine the beginning of the holiday. For this reason, the definition of the beginning of the fast differs depending on the location of the state in which the faithful live.

Features of Ramadan

Contemporaries attribute this holiday to the list of obligatory for all Muslims. This month marks the fasting, which is also called saum. He is one of the pillars of modern Islam. Throughout the month, devout Muslims are forbidden to eat during the daytime. Also, they are not allowed to drink, smoke and make love throughout the holiday, the purpose of which is to atone for all their sins. In other words, fasting is a test for willpower, after which the spirit of a person will be able to triumph over his carnal desires. The faithful can focus their attention on the inner world. This will reveal or destroy sinful inclinations, as well as repent of the sins already committed. A person gets a chance to overcome his own pride and face the will of the Creator. The duration of this post usually ranges from 29-30 days, which is explained by the peculiarities of the lunar calendar. Fasting begins at dawn, and ends only at sunset or the evening azan.

Intention to Fast Ramadan

Before embarking on a fast, the faithful need to pronounce their intentions, the form of which will be something like this: “I want to fast Ramadan today, for the sake of Allah.” Muslims must 30 minutes before dawn to cope with the morning meal and start breaking the fast. This meal is called suhoor, and breaking the fast is iftar. You should break your fast with water, milk or dates, as well as other products. Every day after the completion of the evening prayer, the faithful perform a collective tarawih prayer, which includes from 8 to 20 rak'ahs. The final stage of the month is associated with the onset of the night of al-Qadr. On the first day of Shawwal, timed to coincide with the end of Ramadan, they break the fast. At this moment, Muslims perform an early morning holiday prayer. Also, the obligatory alms must be paid by the faithful, which is called zakat al-fitr. This festival is the second most important for the Muslim community around the world.

Giving up needs to strengthen the human spirit

Thanks to the complete rejection of the most basic human needs during hot days, it allows the faithful to prove how strong their faith is. During this period, Muslims try to cope with their passions and instincts. In addition to external cleanliness, it is also necessary to maintain internal cleanliness during this period of time. This means that a Muslim must be free from various thoughts that can defile a person. The fast of the faithful, who could not achieve the purity of his thoughts and actions, cannot be considered completed, since "Allah does not need to refrain from eating and drinking the one who did not leave a lie." Muslims are of the opinion that the spiritual and physical fasting of Ramadan can significantly improve the state of a person's spirit.

Ramadan and Quran

Fasting is valid only for a certain number of days. If a person is sick or wandering, he can reschedule the fast for another time. Those who can fast while doing deeds should atone for their deed by giving charity to the poor. If someone did a good deed out of personal convictions, then this will be credited to him. It was during this month that the faithful received the Koran. This book is a true guide for man. Those of the Muslims whom this month finds must fast. And here is an excerpt from the Koran, which directly speaks of Ramadan and its impact on Muslims - “Allah wishes you relief and does not wish you hardship. He wants you to complete a certain number of days and praise Allah for having guided you to a straight path. Perhaps you will be grateful."

At this time, Muslims need to perform their prayers with maximum responsibility than at other times. The month should be devoted to the study of the Qur'an and the performance of good deeds. Muslims must also give voluntary (sadaqah) and obligatory (zakat) alms. Many Muslims who, for various reasons, do not pray, usually begin to observe this rule of Islam again during this period. For this reason, the faithful are so enthusiastically awaiting the arrival of Ramadan.

What is forbidden in Ramadan?

During the fast, it is forbidden to perform several actions. It is worth considering that it is in the light period of the day that they are considered a violation of the fast. This is about:

Unspoken desire to fast;
Intentional eating and drinking;
Sexual contacts (it doesn't matter if there was an ejaculation or not), masturbation and ejaculation caused by stimulation;
Rectal and vaginal use of drugs;
Swallowing liquid that has entered the mouth.
What is allowed in Ramadan
At the same time, the law does not prohibit doing:

Unintentional eating and drinking;
The introduction of a drug means due to injections;
donate blood;
Swim, but only if water does not enter the mouth;
Kissing if the partner's saliva is not swallowed;
To enjoy caresses that do not cause ejaculation;
Swallow saliva and sputum that does not belong to another person;
Brush your teeth, but with the condition that the paste does not penetrate the throat;
Do not perform prayers.
Persons released from the post
Those who are not Muslims have the right not to follow the rules. Also children under the age of majority and people with mental disorders. Ramadan may not be observed by the elderly and people who suffer from serious illnesses that do not allow them to cope with fasting. To atone for this they have to feed the poor. Pregnant women can also not follow the fast if they are worried about their own or the health of the baby. They should follow Ramadan after the worries have gone. As mentioned earlier, travelers can break their fast in any physical condition or difficulty of the chosen route. If a person does not observe Ramadan, then he should not show eating or smoking to other Muslims. Also, in countries where the Muslim population predominates, it is forbidden to eat, smoke or use chewing gum during Ramadan.

Mandatory requirements
It is very important for those who are fasting to communicate their intention. The intention must be pronounced with the heart. For this, you can use any language that will be understood by fasting people. If you translate this phrase into Russian, then it should look something like this - "I intend tomorrow (today) to fast the month of Ramadan, for the sake of Allah." You need to pronounce this phrase every day for the whole month. The phrase is repeated between the night and morning prayers. An intention that was uttered once a month for all subsequent days is not considered valid in any Sunni madhhab. The only exception is the Maliki madhhab.

What to do in case of violation of the post

If the fast is broken, and there are no good reasons for this, then this offense will be attributed to sins. In case of unintentional breaking of the fast due to severe illness, the Muslim should perform the missed fast on the 1st day of the fast. It is also fashionable to pay the poor a certain amount, which is equal to 1 sa of wheat. Other products purchased for an equivalent amount may also be used. If the fast was missed for another good reason, then the faithful must observe it at any convenient time before the next Ramadan comes. Sexual intercourse that was committed during the daylight hours must be made up for with 60 days of constant fasting or feeding 60 poor people. If the fast is not observed for a reason that is provided for in the Sharia, it is necessary to engage in repentance.

good deeds
Based on the hadiths and the Koran, doing good deeds during this period is considered to be very important for Muslims. If you follow the words of the prophet, Allah can increase the value of each such act seven hundred times, and the devil will be in chains during this period, so doing good during this period will be easier than at other times of the year. Devout Muslims should spend more time studying the Quran this month. They should not forget about almsgiving, as well as do other positive deeds.

Breakfast (Suhoor) at dawn
Suhoor is a breakfast that is taken at dawn throughout Ramadan. Food should be taken before morning prayer is to be read. Suhoor and iftar allow you to replace the usual meals this month for all the faithful. Muslims must perform suhoor before the first sign of dawn. In this case, the reward for the faithful will be much greater. If the fasting person is not satisfied before dawn, then his fast will be kept, but he will be deprived of a certain part of the reward, since he will not fulfill one of the requirements of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.

Evening meal (Iftar)

Iftar is breaking the fast or eating in the evening every day throughout Ramadan. There should be after the evening prayer is performed. Iftar can only start at sunset. Do not postpone this meal until later in the evening. To break the fast according to the Sunnah, you should use dates or water. When the iftar is completed, it is necessary to say a special prayer, which is called a dua. It may sound something like this: “O Lord, for the sake of Your pleasure with me, I fasted, believed in You, relied on You and broke the fast using Your gifts. Forgive me, O He Whose mercy is infinite. Praise be to the Almighty, Who helped me to fast and fed me when I broke my fast.”

Taraweeh in the month of Ramadan

Taraweeh can be translated as respite. This name is given to a special voluntary prayer that should be performed after the night prayer. It continues until the sun appears at dawn. Taraweeh can be done alone or in a group. Prayer got its name due to the fact that after every fourth rakah, the worshipers get the opportunity to rest while sitting, bringing praise to the Lord.

During the life of the prophet, taraweeh consisted of 8-20 rak'ahs. Modern prayer includes 20 rak'ahs. It was approved by Caliph Umar, to which the Sahaba agreed. Today, the prayer is represented by 10 prayers, each of which consists of two rak'ahs. It must be performed daily throughout Ramadan. Prayer should begin after the end of the night prayer.

End of Ramadan

During the last ten days of Ramadan, Muslims should be especially diligent in their prayers. During this period, it is best to visit mosques, as did the Prophet Muhammad, who retired to the mosque for the entire period. In the last year of his life, he spent 20 days in the mosque during the month of Ramadan. During solitude, do not forget about the need to pronounce your intentions. They should mention that you have decided to spend seclusion in itikaf. After the believer leaves the mosque, you need to return to the usual form of intentions. During this period, the night of al-Qadr should be expected.

Night of al-Qadr in 2017

This night is also called the Night of Power. It is generally accepted that exactly the 27th night of this month coincides with the period when the surah “Inna anzalnagu” was revealed to Muhammad.

This happened in the seventh century in the cave of Jabal al-Nur mountain. It was at this time, which is confirmed by Islamic sources, that the praying Muhammad met with the archangel Jabrail, who pointed the prophet to the scroll and ordered him to read it. Muslims celebrate this night at the end of Ramadan. It is on the Night of Power that the faithful get the opportunity to ask forgiveness from the Creator for their own sins. Also, this period should be devoted to reading the Qur'an.

Feast of Eid al-Fitr

At the end of Ramadan, a feast of breaking the fast is held, which is called Eid al-Fitr or Eid al-Fitr in the Turkic language. Ramadan 2017 is celebrated on June 25th. During this period, Muslims can make a special prayer, as well as pay alms. Zakat al-Fitr is alms that must be paid to the poor. The performance of this act is obligatory for all believers. The head of the family must be paid a certain amount of money for the whole family, which he takes care of. If the child was born on the night of the last day of Ramadan, then there is no need to pay alms for him.

You can pay zakat al-fitr in the mosque to a person who is authorized to receive it. You can also distribute food directly to those who need it. Alms is equal to one saa of bulk substances. For example, in Europe it is customary to pay alms in the equivalent of wheat or barley, in Asia rice is used for this, and dates in the Middle East. It is best to pay zakat al-Fitr with food, as was customary in the time of the prophet. It is possible to pay alms in money only in the Hanafi madhhab. This obligatory charity allows you to atone (kafarra) for all kinds of mistakes that were made during the period of Ramadan. It is also intended to provide assistance to the poor and those who need funds to celebrate Eid al-Fitr.

Congratulations on Ramadan

Lent continues to be the most joyful holiday for the faithful throughout the planet. Muslims can congratulate their friends and loved ones on his arrival thanks to the words of Ramazani Kareem, which are the wishes of a generous Ramadan. Traditionally, at this time, you can wish Muslims - “May Allah please your eyes in Ramadan with sweet evenings and the friendship of the elect, the mercy of the All-Forgiving and the paradise of the pious!”.

Uraza calendar 2017: the feast of breaking the fast, which marks the end of fasting in the holy month of Ramadan

Each nation has its own faith, and although significant holy holidays also do not differ much from each other, they always fall on different days, for example, in 2017, Ramadan (or Uraza) begins at dawn on May 26 and ends after sunset on June 24.

Uraza is the obligatory observance of saum (fasting) for Muslims for 30 calendar days, which consists of five pillars (foundations) of Islam. During these 30 days, Muslim believers must refrain from drinking, intimacy, smoking, and even eating. The beginning of the saum comes with the morning adhan and ends after the evening adhan after thirty days.

Before starting saum, Muslims read niyat: “I will perform saum of the month of Uraza today, for the sake of Allah.” Believers before the morning azan should finish eating (they call it suhoor) and immediately break the fast, it is allowed to take milk, dates and water for iftar.

Every night, believers perform the rite of isha (prayer for the night), after which there is a collective tarawih prayer, it consists of 8 to 20 rak'ahs. The mighty night of al-Qadar comes ten days before the end of the saum.

Uraza Bayram is celebrated on the first day of Shawwal, which comes at the end of Ramadan. Muslims perform eid prayer (holiday prayer) and obligatory pay zakat al-fitr (alms).

Uraza calendar 2017: Uraza is a time of fun and joy

Uraza Bayram is the second most important holiday in the Islamic calendar after Kurban Bayram. On the eve of the holiday, Muslims buy gifts for each other, prepare treats, and decorate their homes.

Four days before the holiday, women carry out a general cleaning of the house, court premises, barns, and clean cattle. After cleaning is over, all family members should bathe, put on clean linen and clean themselves up.

In the evening, the hostesses prepare traditional oriental dishes. Children carry them to their relatives, there is a mutual exchange of treats.

Eid al-Fitr is not allowed to work, so in most Islamic countries this day is a day off. In Russia, they will also have holidays in the republics of the North Caucasus, Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

On the holiday itself, it is customary to get up early and put on festive clothes. Muslims greet each other in a special way: “May Allah send His mercy to both you and us!”, “May Allah accept our and your prayers!”.

An hour before sunrise in mosques, after the sermon, they read a festive prayer - Gaet-Namaz. The prayers are mostly attended by men only. Women at this time prepare treats at home.

After the arrival of men from the mosque, the hostesses set the table. In each house they are waiting for the arrival of guests, they also visit their neighbors, relatives and bring them sweets.

Before the start of the holiday, alms (fitr-sadaqah) are obligatory - the distribution of property and money to those in need on a holiday. This year the minimum amount is 50 rubles.

In addition, on Eid al-Fitr, it is customary to visit parents, do good deeds, give gifts, visit cemeteries and commemorate deceased relatives.

Uraza calendar 2017: These days, giving alms is not just a possible solution for a Muslim, but it is an obligatory action

Eid al-Fitr, sacred to all Muslims, in 2017 will begin on June 25 and will last until June 28. This date can be found using the lunar calendar, which correlates with the Islamic calendar.

Now we need to find the month of Shawwal, which immediately follows Ramadan. This is the end of the search, because the holiday of Eid al-Adha falls on the first three days of the month of Shawwal. There are many lesser known but important rules. For example, it is important to take food with your right hand.

If you use cutlery, it should also be in your right hand. It is very important to show special attention and hospitality to guests, even if they are your long-time friends: you need to leave the best food, choose the best places for guests and make them feel at home, without a hint that they are still visiting.

What is customary to cook for the holiday table?

The main product from which most of the festive dishes on Eid al-Fitr are prepared is lamb. Rich soups, roasts, snacks, meat salads are made from it.

The festive table depends on folk traditions. If in Tatarstan they bake pancakes in the morning, put pies on the table, then in the Central Asian republics pilaf is an indispensable attribute.

In Saudi Arabia, sweets and dates, fruits are eaten in the morning. At noon, you need to eat well so that the table is not empty next year.

In Kyrgyzstan, the holiday is called Orozo Ait. The believer must visit seven houses, taste the prepared dishes and read prayers.

In Turkey, they also enjoy sweets at Sheker Bayrami. The youngest of relatives are obliged to visit the oldest.

Month of Ramadan 2017

There are many significant dates in each faith. In Catholicism, some are celebrated, in Orthodoxy, others.

In Islam, there are also special dates when believers refrain from all human passions and purify their soul and body from earthly filth a share of eternal bliss. In the article, we will take a closer look at how to fast in Ramadan and what prohibitions fasting imposes on believers.


Uraza Bayram in 2017

Ramadan: what can you eat?
Intention to Fast Ramadan

Can you brush your teeth in Ramadan?

What should be done in Ramadan?
Ramadan rules for women

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

When is the month of Ramadan in 2017, what date does Uraza begin?

Muslims are no different from other believers: solemn events for them take place in an atmosphere of joy, holiness, when hunger and thirst meet with satisfaction, and the fate of the poor is fully realized.

The month passes in observing fasting and reading prayers on the days of remembrance. Like other believers, Muslims have certain prohibitions on human passions that are imposed by fasting.

What kind of holiday is Ramadan?

The holy month of Ramadan is considered the most honorable for believers. It is based on faith in Allah. A full-fledged fast will be when a person is cleansed of sins by his behavior and receives the pleasure of Allah

It is considered impermissible to waste time during the Holy month. After all, it is on these days that Muslims can be rewarded for their good deeds. Wisdom consists in not violating the rules of fasting imposed on the believers by Allah

In Ramadan, there is also an improvement in the good qualities of believers who fast. Quarrels and strife cease, the hearts of friends unite, and a sense of responsibility and compassion for the poor is instilled.

On Ramadan, fasting begins. And all believers are obligated to adhere to it

As for the Orthodox, the date of the Easter holidays changes every year, and for Muslims, the onset of the month of Ramadan is calculated according to the phases of the lunar calendar and the difference from previous years can be within 10-11 calendar days. Therefore, the date of the onset of the Holy period for Muslims changes every year.

In 2017, Ramadan will come in May, namely on the 27th. Ramadan ends on June 25th.

The sacred period for Muslims has long originated in the warm season, since it always falls in the summer months.

In the literal translation, Ramadan means "sultry", "hot". However, not all believers perceive the holiday in this way. For most, the literal translation does not mean the summer season, but following the strictest rules that must be followed.

Historical reference

How is the exact date of Ramadan determined?

Every year, the date of the onset of the Holy Period for Muslims is indicated in the teachings of theologians. They also determine the day of the onset of Ramadan, based on the phases of the moon.

The onset of the 9th month of the calendar is the onset of the sacred period of the Muslim faith. By the way the night luminary is located, the date of the holiday is determined.

The mission of the prophet was indicated in the "frank words" received by Muhammad that day. At the same time, Muslim believers received the Koran, a gift from Allah.

According to ancient tradition, on the day when the Sacred Period begins, Allah becomes open to resolve the fate of the believers in a safe way and fulfill their forgiveness.

Uraza Bayram in 2017

Confessors of Islam are often interested in the issue of the fasting of Eid al-Fitr. After all, it also does not have a fixed date. Traditionally fasting occurs on the ninth month of the Muslim calendar.

Since the fast of Ramadan in 2017 begins on May 26, and the Holy Period ends on June 25, Uraza Bayram falls on June 26. Fasting during one of the biggest holidays in Islam, Eid al-Fitr, is very strict.

The Great Feast of Breaking the Fast begins immediately after the end of the fast. At this time, all the faithful are allowed to eat everything that they could not afford in fasting.

Believers prepare for the holiday a month before its onset, and expect it all year. After the Great Lent, which lasts throughout the month, the day of breaking the fast comes.

All adult Muslims are required to adhere to the rules of fasting Uraza. Children, the sick, the insane may not fast. All month, believers only after dark have the right to eat food. Only under such a condition does the spiritual purification of the faithful take place.

Fasting takes place in the muting of all your passions and desires. Time should be spent in many hours of prayer. There is an equalization of the poor with the rich, which cleanses from committed sins, among which gluttony occupies the first place.

It is also good to invite the poor to break the fast together, since helping the afflicted means doing a deed pleasing to Allah.

After finishing their meal, believers go to the mosque to pray and indulge in the reading of the Koran.

During prayer, the faithful ask for good for all people and forgiveness for their sins. After the appearance of the new moon, the fast ends.

Muslims have a holiday. They say morning prayers. There are many believers in mosques at this time. Not everyone gets inside the mosque and prays next to it.

On such a joyful day, the worshipers feel like one family. The poor receive gifts, because each family prepares aid in advance for them and presents it during the celebration.

With the onset of night, believers can begin breaking the fast. Only eating should be spent at the same table with friends and acquaintances, and not exclusively in the family circle or alone.

Traditionally, parents are paid visits on such a day. The next meal is shared with them.

When do Muslims fast Ramadan in 2017, its schedule?

Muslim fasting begins May 26, 2017. Ends by June 25, 2017

Schedule for Lent

eating should be completed 20 minutes before the FAJR time
You can start eating during MAGRIB

Ramadan or Ramadan which is correct?

The Arabic word "Ramadan" is based on the name of the most revered month. But to simplify the pronunciation of the name of the holiday by non-Arabs, changes took place in the word: the letters “dad” were replaced by the letter “for”.

This is due to the presence of the specific letter "dad" exclusively in Arabic and the absence of its counterpart in other languages. Only knowledge of the special qualities of the letter "dad" can achieve its clear and correct pronunciation.

It is correct to pronounce both Ramadan and Ramadan in everyday speech. But while reading the Qur'an, the letter "dad" is not replaced by the letter "for": this distorts the meaning, which is unacceptable.

What breaks fasting in the month of Ramadan?

Muslims learn about the main foundations and prohibitions of fasting from the Koran.

According to the schedule of the basic rules of Ramadan, fasting should be:
stop eating and drinking completely
start eating before dawn
during the day, snacks, drinking any liquids (compotes, fruit drinks, water, tea) are excluded
refuse intimacy, various caresses and exciting actions
refrain from smoking, using narcotic substances, drinking drinks containing alcohol (they poison the human body, therefore they should not enter the body of a believer during Holy Lent)
do not cheat
don't swear
do not mention the name of Allah while swearing
do not chew gum
do not cleanse the body with enemas (cleansing unnaturally is prohibited)

It is considered a violation:
swallowing liquids (even water when bathing)
omission of niyat (conscious performance of an action; niyat should be pronounced every day during the Holy month between night and morning prayers).

How to keep Ramadan, how to fast?

Ramadan passes for believers without entertainment and pleasures

Recommendations for fasting:
eat only light food after sunset
before dawn (two hours before dawn) you can eat more plentiful and heavy food
fatty and spicy foods should be excluded or reduced as much as possible, as their use increases thirst
arbitrarily breaking the fast, the believer must extend the fasting time by 1 day and pay the poor money equal to 3.5 kg of wheat or pay him food for the same amount
the commission of carnal sin during fasting is compensated by 60 days of fasting or the organization of feeding the poor
if the believer had good reasons for not fasting, then he can make up for the missed day by any other day of fasting until the next Ramadan
in the last days of Ramadan, believers pray hard, repent of their sins and analyze their mistakes
On the last day of fasting, Muslims read a solemn prayer. A prerequisite is the distribution of alms. It could be dry food or money.

Ramadan: what can you eat?

The first days of fasting are very difficult. But then the body begins to rebuild and food restrictions are tolerated more easily.

At the end of the day after sunset, the time for iftar comes, which should not end with overeating.

And only after a while you can start eating the main dishes.

The best option for the main meal:
restriction of flour and fried
vegetable dish
meat and vegetable dish
a fish dish
vegetable salad
cereal dishes
limited amount of sweets
You can arrange 3-5 meals

fresh juices
store-bought juices diluted with water to reduce acidity
fruit drinks
water and tea
not strong coffee

Intention to Fast Ramadan

Intention (niyat) is pronounced nightly before fasting. But the intention that the believer pronounces at the beginning of the night also counts. However, it is better to pronounce the intention in the second half of the night, which is closer in time to fasting.

An intention pronounced after dawn breaks the fast.

Health benefits of fasting Ramadan

Conventional diets can help shed pounds and reduce blood sugar, but can cause side effects. Therefore, it is better to follow a diet under the supervision of the attending physician.

While fasting in Ramadan:
a person does not remain hungry and consumes calories adequately: without any food restrictions
carbohydrates are burned (the amount of sugar and insulin in the blood decreases), from which energy is extracted
fat deposits are burned
body rests on a physiological level
the metabolic process is normalized
no side effects
the body is cleansed
a person after fasting can forever give up bad habits

Can you brush your teeth in Ramadan?

In Ramadan, Muslims use a special tool to clean the mouth from food debris. This is a sivak (miswak)

It is not considered a violation of the fast to brush your teeth with a toothbrush.
However, the use of toothpaste breaks the fast as the person may swallow the paste.
It is recommended to brush your teeth with toothpaste in the evening or early morning

Can you swallow saliva during Ramadan?

Swallowing saliva during Ramadan does not break the fast
If dust or smoke accidentally gets into the throat, then this also does not violate the fast.

Congratulations on the coming month of Ramadan

If you are looking for beautiful congratulations on the advent of the month of Ramadan, then look at the following collection.

Strict post. Commands the Quran
Observe it.
Everyone welcomes Ramadan
With a pure soul.

May Allah bless
For a good cause
Ignites the light in the hearts
Faith helps.

In the glorious month of Ramadan
The Koran was sent to the people,
To carry the truth
With an explanation of the way

As it is written in the Quran,
Muslims this month
In memory of your shrine
Keep fasting from now on.
For believers, fasting is help,
To be closer to God
To grow spiritually
Subdue your passions.

Holy Ramadan is coming
Great Muslim holiday.
For the purification of the soul
Fast, pray and do not sin.

And may Allah help us
Overcome vice and fear.
Help friends and family
Wish them only the best!

Congratulations on the start of Ramadan. May there be strong faith, pure love and lasting happiness in life. I wish you to keep everything that you value and appreciate. Good luck, good people on the path of life and respect for others.

Ramadan is here, congratulations! This month is the most important for all Muslims. A strict fast begins, it is designed to help you strengthen your faith. May goodness and mutual understanding settle in your home and hearts, and may your prayers be heard by the Almighty. Be happy, I wish you health and prosperity!

Happy holy month of Ramadan! I sincerely wish you happiness and health, rethink your life, drive away all bad thoughts and intentions. May faith and hope only grow stronger. Strength to you!

Prayer before meals in the month of Ramadan

Before the morning and evening meals, Muslims say special prayers. Here is their text:

The intention of fasting: Nawatu savma gadin an ‘ada’i Ramadan hazihi-s-sanati ‘imanan wa-htisaban li-llahi ta’ala - I intend to keep the Fast of tomorrow of Ramadan this year in accordance with faith and sincerely for the sake of Allah.

Or for a whole month, then the intention is made on the first night of Ramadan: Navaytu siyama salasina yavman ‘an shahri Ramadan hazihi-s-sanati - I intend to observe the thirty-day Fast of the month of Ramadan this year.

Before eating, say: Ya vasi'a-l-magfirati, igfir li Bismi-llahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim - O Allah! You are the All-Merciful, the Forgiving. I begin with the Name of Allah, Merciful to all in this World and only to believers in the Other World.

After eating, the following dua is read: Allahhumma laka sumtu wa-'ala rizkika 'aftartu - O Allah! For Your sake I fasted and took the food You gave me.

What should be done in Ramadan?

In the blessed moments of the sacred period, the believer should behave as follows:

stop fasting after sunset
having stopped fasting before the start of the fourth prayer, eat a date or, in its absence, drink water
do not slander and do not deceive
do not look at the forbidden
do not support empty talk, fights
Ramadan rules for women

A woman should not stop fasting when she feels that menstrual blood begins to come out. Only when she sees her should she stop fasting.
During the fast of Ramadan, a woman is not forbidden to taste food for salt
It is also not forbidden to use perfumes and jewelry for the spouse at home during the day during fasting.
A woman can fast only after cleansing from bleeding and childbirth.
Women should remind their husbands during daylight hours about the prohibition of sexual intimacy
At night, until dawn, sexual intimacy is allowed.
Women should not skip prayers, explaining this by the need to cook something in the kitchen
Do not party outside the house after breaking the fast

Why is Ramadan only eaten at night?

This is the will of Allah. The meaning of fasting is for a person to improve in prayer and do good deeds. Bodily abstinence helps to increase attention to the spiritual life.

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

Among the prescriptions of Almighty Allah, there are such duties that believers must follow strictly, without any omissions. Only in this way can a Muslim become closer to the Lord. Such a prescription is the fulfillment of five obligatory prayers during the day and night period.

What not to do during the month of Ramadan?

you can not stay in the water or bath for a long time (water can enter the body)
you can not hug and perform actions aimed at arousal
can't gargle
can't taste the food
can't swallow saliva

Video: how to meet and spend Ramadan?

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