Predictions of the Moscow matron about the future of Russia and the end of the world. Predictions of the matron of Moscow, what awaits Russia and Ukraine in the coming years


The Holy Matrona of Moscow (1885–1952) is a legendary soothsayer who gained fame in the last century thanks to her deeds and prophecies. Blind from birth, Matrona seemed to “see through” everyone who turned to her for help. Matrona's prophecies applied not only to the private lives of ordinary people, but also to large-scale events of world significance. Her gift to see the future is compared with the abilities of the Bulgarian.

Matrona was an "eyewitness" to the tragic events of the last century: the revolution and its devastating consequences, the extermination of the Romanov royal family, and wars. She foresaw all these events in her childhood, which she informed her parents about.

She also used her amazing clairvoyant abilities for personal interests, in order to save her life and preserve her freedom in the harsh post-war years - a real hunt was launched against her, representatives of the Soviet authorities were her pursuers. Due to her constant "on the run", Matrona did not have her own home, and she was provided temporary shelter by numerous friends and admirers of her gift. So the clairvoyant wandered from house to house.

Such an unfair attitude towards her did not make the heart of the prophetess callous, she loved people and felt sorry for them, she loved her homeland. Matrona considered her gift of clairvoyance to be the Lord's Providence.

After her death, Matrona was canonized as a saint. Her relics are kept in the Intercession Women's Monastery and pilgrims from all over the country still travel to them.

Those who managed to venerate the holy relics claim to have received healing from serious illnesses, and women suffering from infertility have known motherhood. Of course, there are many skeptics who consider this a happy coincidence and coincidence. However, few can doubt what miracles faith can create. This is what Matrona taught people during her lifetime - spiritual and physical healing is impossible without faith in the heart, where access must always be open for the Lord.

Predictions of Saint Matrona for 2017

The last prediction of the Matrona of Moscow for 2017 is not as rosy as many of us would like. But getting to know him will allow modern generations to think about their fate and try to change it by doing everything in their power.

More than half a century ago, the famous clairvoyant predicted that society would actually turn away from the Lord, replacing spiritual and moral values ​​with material goods. And it was the middle of 2017 that Matrona designated as a turning point preceding the “end of the world”.

Literally, Matrona's prediction for 2017 looks like this: “At sunset, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different. And great sorrows await people, which they have not yet experienced.

To question the last prediction, at least, is not reasonable, since the rest of the prophecies of St. Matrona have come true. For example, there is documentary evidence of Matrona's prophecies about the Second World War.

Attempts to "decipher" the prophecy of the Matrona of Moscow for 2017

Disputes among esotericists and astrologers do not subside about what the true meaning is fraught with the last prophecy of the Matrona for 2017. All her predictions are characterized by a lack of specificity and vivid metaphor.

Speaking about the upcoming events of 2017, the prophetess does not report a bloody war, but speaks of death. There is still no exact decoding of this message, except for phrases reporting the salvation of souls.

In her message to the future, Matrona advises to constantly pray, lead a charitable lifestyle and not place great hopes on material goods that are useless in salvation.

Several versions of Matrona's predictions:

  1. According to the assumptions of astrologers, the prediction may be talking about a large-scale celestial body that can approach planet Earth at a dangerous distance. But the famous astrologer Pavel Globa refutes this assumption, saying that large-scale cosmic cataclysms are not expected in the near future.
  2. According to scientists, Matrona's prediction may be closely related to the emergence and massive spread of epidemics.
  3. In the predictions of the Matrona of Moscow for 2017, there is not a word about the complete disappearance of mankind. According to one of the existing versions of the decoding of this prediction, we are probably talking about the use of biological weapons or a nuclear explosion - after all, both of these methods of destroying people do not entail instant death.
  4. Too few people think about the catastrophically worn state of our planet. Meanwhile, natural resources are extremely depleted, forests are cut down, animals are exterminated, fresh waters are polluted. And no one can even predict what will happen to the planet, if right now we do not arrange a colossal shake-up for humanity. Perhaps the clairvoyant would like to convey to people the understanding of the fact that if the end of the world takes place, then only the activities of mankind will be to blame. But there is also a way of salvation, which consists in understanding the true price and value of life on Earth, in sincere love and respect for God and his laws.

And although in Matrona's predictions punishment for human activity is inevitable, there is no reason for panic, since there are no literal words about death in the prophecy, but there is a prediction of a "great rebirth".

Predictions of the Holy Matrona for 2017 and their sacred meaning

No matter how events unfolded in 2017, but speaking of such a distant future for her, Saint Matrona foresaw only that humanity was expecting a deep spiritual crisis and the changed moral image of humanity would inevitably lead to a catastrophe, whatever kind it might be. It can only be avoided by understanding and accepting the true values ​​of life.

And in order to protect yourself and your loved ones, before it's too late, you need to re-learn to respect, honor, appreciate and love everything that the Creator gives us.

Video"Matrona's Last Prophecy (2017)"

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Holy Mother Matrona is a very revered Russian saint. She was born blind in November 1881 in one of the villages of the Tula region and already had a special gift to perform miracles. The family of Matrona Nikonova was large (the girl was already the 4th child).

Mother Natalya intended to place the child in an orphanage out of fear that she would not cope, but she had an unusual dream about how the most beautiful white blind bird flew in and landed on her. Matronushka remained in the family. Surprising was the fact that on the chest of the girl there was a sign in the form of a cross, which indicated that she was chosen by God.

During her lifetime, Matrona was already widely known as a prayer book and an adherent of spiritual achievement.
Her house from the age of 7 was always filled with pilgrims. People came to her for healing and advice, and she always helped everyone and did not refuse anyone. So, the girl became the main breadwinner of her family.

Matronushka treated those whose legs failed, and those who were completely paralyzed, demon-possessed, and in general from any disease, so great was her strength. Matrona, even during her lifetime, believed that the body must be treated, because this is the house where God lives.
In return, she asked only for faith in God from people, as well as the correction of her life and cleansing from sins.

When Matrona was 17 years old, her legs gave out. But she never complained and humbly endured everything. In the 25th year, she moved to Moscow and lived with friends and acquaintances. Finally, she settled with a certain Nadezhda Zhdanova, with whom she lived for 8 years. For example, Matrona helped her defend the project at the institute.

Every day about 40 sick people came to Matushka, and no one was rejected. They even went for advice and just for consolation. And the seriously ill were healed.
During her life, Matrona had many trials, but no one ever heard a complaint from her, the old woman was always kind and friendly.

She spoke quietly and never got annoyed. Even then, she knew when she would die, and predicted that many people would come to her grave (after a short desolation), and she would help everyone, as if alive.
Matrona helps in a variety of illnesses and needs, but especially in the birth of children. Haven't turned anyone down yet.

Watch the video

It is known for certain that 9 months after visiting the relics of the Matrona of Moscow, women who had not been able to have a child for many years found that they were pregnant. That is why her icon in Moscow has a lot of pregnant women and women with strollers. All of them give thanks to the wonderful saint.

You can talk with Matrona not only in Moscow, but also in any city next to her icon. The matron will still hear and help.

Flowers are usually given as a gift to Matrona. And when leaving the temple, you can take with you other flowers, already consecrated, which someone else brought. The flowers are dried and brewed like tea, turning to the Matrona with a prayer. This tea has a healing effect on the entire body. Also, dried petals are placed in the house next to the images.

The relics of Matrona have been kept in the Intercession Monastery in Moscow since 1998. Previously, there was a cemetery for the homeless on the site of the monastery. After the revolution, the monastery was closed, the nuns were dispersed, but in the 90s everything returned to normal.

Now every day in the monastery there are huge queues of those who wish to touch the relics of Matrona and leave a note next to the icon.

You can also skip the line if you serve the monastery in some way: for example, sweep the monastery courtyard, if the nuns allow it.
On the territory of the monastery there is also a source of holy water, which can be collected and used by anyone.

Predictions for years and dates

Matrona's predictions are simply amazing in their accuracy. It is known that long before the revolution, she predicted it. She knew that Tsar Nicholas would be overthrown. She lamented that he had renounced the throne in vain, wanting to save his people. As a result, the people did not save themselves and ruined themselves.

The saint also predicted that temples would be destroyed, and she also predicted the beginning of the World War.
In 1950, a prophecy appeared from her lips about the overthrow of Stalin, after which rulers would arise who would be worse and worse.

The appearance of Mikhail Gorbachev and further turmoil and chaos were also predicted by the saint. She said about Mikhail that he would want to change the order in the world, but nothing would come of it, and everything would only get worse.

Prediction for 2016

For the modern period, Matrona predicted many misfortunes. Her predictions are simply frightening.

Saint Matronushka believed that this year Satan would finally take possession of the souls of people, and that one should pray so as not to envy and avoid demonic networks. You need to ask God to have mercy, and only then everything will be fine. She said that only God will save, because there will be wars in many countries, and many continents will be flooded with water. The whole world will go up in flames.

Prediction for 2017

For 2017, Matrona predicts the end of humanity, she says that all people will die, they will lie dead on the ground, and the next day everyone will be resurrected.
Many are frightened by this prediction, because the trust in Matrona is very high.

However, people hope that the saint's prophecy still concerns the spiritual life of people.
Matronushka also predicts that people will be forced to choose between a cross and a piece of bread. This suggests persecution of believing Christians, who will have to “eat the earth” in order not to starve to death if they do not renounce their faith.

Matrona's last prediction

The last prediction of Matrona is the most frightening.
The saint kept repeating that the preparation for the catastrophe would be a decline in faith in God, that all troubles would begin precisely from this. And the material will come to the fore. And then, without a war, everyone will die.

Predictions of the Matrona of Moscow for Russia

Matrona points out that it is not the war that will cause the end, but something else, but what it is is not clear from her predictions. However, 2017 is just around the corner, and soon we will find out what the holy old woman had in mind.

Verbatim predictions

We present for you the literal predictions of the Matrona of Moscow.

Verbatim predictions of the Matrona of Moscow for 2018 were not made. But she predicted a lot for the previous year, considering it very difficult, mournful and significant for Russia and the world. And given that the astrological year comes later than the calendar year, it can be assumed that some of her prophecies are associated with the beginning of 2018.

The Lord did not give Matronushka eyes, but gave her a unique gift - to foresee the future and heal the sick. The soothsayer was born in an ordinary peasant family, where every child was, first of all, a “mouth” that had to be fed. The blind girl could have ended up in an orphanage if her mother had not had a dream, thanks to which Matrona remained in the family. The woman saw a bird with a human face that had no eyes, like her daughter.

From childhood, Matrona discovered in herself the gift of predicting to people what might happen to them tomorrow or in a few years, and a little later her unique ability to relieve ailments was discovered, but she herself stopped moving - the girl's legs failed.

Since then, the whole life of Matronushka has been connected with serving people and preserving their faith in God. Matrona said more than once that godlessness would be punished, that people, having lost their faith, would be doomed to death.

“Believers will be few, life will get worse and worse. The people will be as if under hypnosis.

This prediction of Matrona can be applied to revolutionary Russia, and to atheistic communism, and to the present time. Today we can already say that much of what the prophetess predicted has come true. The murder of the Royal Family, the terrible war, the death of Stalin - she definitely saw all this in her dreams. But whether the prophecy of the Holy Matrona for 2018 will come true remains a mystery to mankind.

Predictions of Saint Matrona for 2018 for Russia

Foreign predictors made different statements about the fate of Russia. There were some that came true. Matrona, who was born and raised in a long-suffering country, was especially worried about the fate of the Russian people and her native land. She said that they would plunder and destroy churches, and drive out believers. She predicted that a war was about to begin and many people would die. She also owns statements about the victory of the Russian people in the Great Patriotic War.

As for 2017-2018, the fortuneteller did not say a word about the war, but warned of the onset of a whole series of terrible events.

“There will be many victims. You will die without war. You will all lie on the ground."

What did Matron mean? The woman was not literate and had no education, but she knew the Bible perfectly and believed in God. Perhaps she was talking about the spiritual death of people? Or maybe we are waiting for a terrible earthquake or an atomic explosion?

Astrologers and esotericists are studying the movement of celestial bodies in relation to the Earth and are trying to decipher the metaphors in the words of the prophetess in order to reveal the secret of Saint Matrona's predictions for 2018. She did not talk about the mass death of mankind or the disappearance of the planet Earth, but her words make more and more people think.

“At sunset, everyone will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will be different.”

According to her, the events that took place during this period will bring much sorrow to the already long-suffering people, and the Russians will have to go through such trials that they have not seen before.

Saint Matrona's predictions for 2018: versions, conjectures, transcripts

Currently, there are several versions that are put forward by astrologers and esotericists who study the prophecies of the Matrona of Moscow. There is very little specificity in her words, and the statements are so metaphorical that they can be interpreted in different ways.

  1. Perhaps Matrona was talking about the catastrophe that would occur as a result of the use of atomic or biological weapons. Cataclysms of this nature will not destroy humanity, but they can change the world.
  2. There is an opinion that the words of the soothsayer are connected with a natural disaster, which can happen due to the godlessly cruel treatment of the Earth's resources.
  3. Trials may arise from new, yet unexplored diseases and epidemics that are already flaring up in some countries.
  4. A celestial body - asteroids, comets, meteorites that have descended from their orbits and approaching planet Earth - can harm people and plunge them into sorrow and torment.

As a spiritual and believing person, Matrona urged people to regain their faith. The soothsayer sincerely believed that the return to the Lord, the construction of new temples and churches, the veneration of saints would help people avoid mournful events. And, on the contrary, that it is atrocities and lack of faith that are destructive for the country.

The sacredness of Matrona's predictions for 2018

It is common for a person to try on any predictions and prophecies for himself and his life. Today, many residents of the country believe in the gift of the Matrona of Moscow. This is proved by queues of hundreds and thousands of people who line up in front of the icon of the Holy Matrona and the shrine with her relics in the Church of the Intercession. The soothsayer herself accurately predicted the date of her death, but assured those who came to her that she would always help people. Thousands of stories of real Russians confirm this. Prayers addressed to the icon of the Holy Matrona help the sick to be healed, give childless families the happiness of being parents, and help in difficult life situations.

There is a version that the last prophecy of Matrona for 2018 is connected precisely with the spirituality of people and the mass return to the church. After all, the spiritual crisis of mankind is also a catastrophe. And the fact that people “will rise at sunrise” and “the world will become different” may mean a reassessment of moral values.

What the Matrona of Moscow saw in her visions remains a mystery to those who study her predictions. But one thing is clear - the last prophecies of the prophetess should change the world, and how this will happen, humanity will know in the near future, about which Matronushka spoke more than 60 years ago.

Video with the predictions of the Matrona of Moscow:

Many people know about the great old woman, who died many years ago and canonized as a saint. Matrona's prediction for 2018 was not verbatim. There are many of her prophecies for the previous 2017 - here you need to consider that the astrological year begins later than the calendar year. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that some of her predictions relate to the beginning of 2018.

Prophecy of the Holy Matrona for 2018

The great soothsayer was born into a simple family of peasants, her mother had a dream about a fabulous bird without eyes. The woman realized that her daughter was destined to become great, despite her blindness. The gift of prediction was discovered in childhood, later it turned out that the girl could heal the sick. For the healing gift, fate took a huge price - Matrona's legs failed. The blind girl did not grumble at fate, she was always very pious and assured that the atheists were doomed to death. The predictions of the Matrona of Moscow for 2018 for Russia are permeated with confidence that the troubles of the country are associated with a weakening of faith.

The last prophecy of Matrona about 2018 says that believers are constantly getting smaller, so life is getting worse. Today it is safe to say that most of the predictions of the blind man have already come true - the death of the king and his children, the war and the death of the generalissimo after the victory. But whether the prophecy of the Holy Matrona for 2018 will be fulfilled is still unknown.

The fortuneteller grew up in Russia, most of her predictions are dedicated to this particular country. She sincerely worried about the fate of the people and her homeland. Long before the revolutionary events, she saw in her visions how the churches were perishing, and after this sacrilege comes a terrible war. Only thanks to their sacrifice, the people were able to survive and win this war - Matrona spoke about the events of 1941-1945 that happened after her death.

In the prophecies about our years, the old woman did not mention military operations, but warned that there would be dead: “Without war, you will die. You will lie on the ground." How to interpret these predictions? It should be borne in mind that Matrona was a pious believer, but a completely illiterate person - she could neither read nor write. There are suggestions that the woman warned of the spiritual death of mankind. Other readers of her predictions are sure that we are talking about physical death. If people lie everywhere - this is the result of the action of nuclear weapons. Everyone who did not hide in bomb shelters will die from penetrating radiation.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that a woman who lived sixty years ago knows nothing about radiation, cannot find words to describe it. Comforting news is also hidden in the words of the holy woman - humanity will survive, there will be those who manage to escape. “At sunset, everyone will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise. The world will change,” the saint predicted. There are many allegories and allegories in the expressions of the soothsayers, one thing is clear - there are many difficult trials ahead, but the Russians will pass them all.

Versions and decoding of Matrona's predictions

Esotericists and ordinary people have long been studying the prophecies of a blind old woman. Based on the available data, several versions have been put forward of how to interpret what the Holy Matrona of Moscow said.

  1. The pictures she described are similar to the consequences of biological or atomic weapons. Humanity will survive as a result, but the world will be transformed beyond recognition.
  2. The cause of the disaster is natural - the wrong attitude of earthlings to the resources of the planet can lead to disaster.
  3. Troubles will begin because of unprecedented diseases, doctors will not know how to resist this. In part, this prediction has come true - AIDS and several new diseases have been identified that they do not know how to treat.
  4. Space guests can harm earthlings - comets and asteroids, whose orbits sometimes intersect with the Earth.

The video "Matrona's Last Prophecy" details the most likely and interesting interpretations of predictions. Matrona was a believer, she was not afraid of danger, she believed that salvation is real only through a return to God. She believed that outrages arise from a lack of faith, it is destructive for Russia and for the world. If a person is strong in faith, he is not afraid of death and will find a way out of the most difficult situations. The matron predicted her own death three days before her, remaining calm and unshakable in her faith to the end.

The Matrona of Moscow continues to help people who come to her icon and relics in the Church of the Intercession. The matron during her lifetime promised to help everyone who comes to her, just like she does after death. Prayers addressed to the Saint heal the hopelessly ill, help to have a child, and bring inspiration to the praying person in hopeless situations.

According to the stories of Matrona of Moscow's contemporaries, she felt sorry for all of us, our current generation, and she said that she felt sorry for all of us, because we are destined to live to the time when we all have to make a choice between the cross and bread.

Life will be very hard. And most people will have no doubts about what choice to make, because somehow you need to live on, and you also need to feed your family. When asked how believers should live on, Matrona answered: “People will roll balls out of the ground, and pray sincerely, eat them and be full.”

About Ukraine, Matronushka said that they were Slavs, but they would not want to admit it. Because of the denial of their roots and the denial of the true God, they will have troubles and great losses and destruction. And the only way to fix this is to return to your roots and turn your face towards God.

For Russia, Matrona predicted a sad fate, at one time she predicted the revolution of 1917 and the fact that the tsar and his family would be executed practically without trial and any investigation. However, she also predicted a revolution in our time, but many misinterpret her exact date, for example, there is a widespread misconception that the revolution will happen in 2017, most likely people see something mystical in numbers, you know, a century revolutions and all that.

My opinion about this is that there will be no revolution in Russia specifically in 2017, the new leader of all Russians has not yet come, he will appear later and everything is going to that. Let's remember a little history, all of us are at least remotely familiar with all the horrors of the Second World War and how much evil A. Hitler caused to mankind.

However, almost every one of us has forgotten why exactly A. Hitler came to power. For example, after the First World War, a lot of people from the former colonies served in the French foreign legions, as if we would say now they were not of Russian nationality. So these dark-skinned legionnaires raped local blond German girls without shame or a twinge of conscience.

And for you to understand, in the Western armies, unlike our Russian army, at all times there have always been a lot of mercenaries. And how can a Russian soldier be publicly flogged for such a terrible crime, or even shot. Western commanders with a mercenary could not do the same, otherwise they would all have fled, and there would have been no one to fight, and this is at best, but they could even turn their bayonets against their commanders.

Here, remember from history, the famous unspoken rule - three days to plunder. That is, most mercenaries join the army not for a penny salary, but for the opportunity to get rich. So if the city is taken by storm by mercenaries, then they are given three days to plunder, that is, they have every right to enter any house during the first three days. And also to take everything they want, and if someone is raped at the same time, then, as you can guess, no one will be judged for it.

Now imagine how ordinary Germans who lost the war felt at the same time, and add to this the fact that only 200 thousand cows were taken out of starving Germany. That is, you understand, Germany lost the war, and before the eyes of ordinary Germans, they began to take it apart piece by piece. There are actually a lot of reasons and we will not list them all. One thing is clear if the Germans in those days would have been at least a little better treated, then a man like Hitler would never have come to power and the world would never have known all the horrors of the Second World War.

Matrona also predicted that after the revolution, Russia would disappear from the planet, and the Russian people would be expelled from their lands. Of course, nothing of the sort has happened to date. But already now we see how many Russians are leaving or have already left their native towns and villages, everyone is running wherever they can.

I won’t say where or who exactly, but one Russian teacher said: “We are leaving because my daughter turns 15 this year, I don’t want my daughter to be raped and my son to be stabbed to death.” Many Russians unfortunately do not feel safe in their native towns and villages, that's the problem. But this is only half the trouble, and the other half is that many other nationalities in Russia do not feel much safer.

Saint Matrona not only predicted the departure of Stalin, but also that after him the rulers in Russia would be one worse than the other, that Russia would be pulled apart piece by piece. That modern politicians will increasingly look to the West, travel to foreign countries, and spend there what they have stolen here at home.

As for Stalin, a controversial statement is possible, he was far from a gift, it is enough to recall here, camps, executions of innocent people, the physical elimination of political competitors, and much more. But under Stalin, everyone respected our country, in the post-war years in a dilapidated and half-starved country, prices were constantly falling, and the country was recovering very quickly, and much was built specifically for people.

Of all the rulers in Russia that were, after I. Stalin, it would be possible to single out only V. Putin, and that is very debatable. On the one hand, V. Putin prevented the further collapse of the Russian Federation, returned the Crimea and Sevastopol.

But on the other hand, life has become even more difficult for many people. Yes, we were allowed to travel to New York and Paris under B. Yeltsin, but for most people such freedom is still inaccessible. It's the same as if you were allowed to fly to the moon. Anyway, you will never fly there, because it is very expensive, and not in our wallet and earnings, but it is beneficial for the current political elite.

A lot of things are being built in Russia even now, but these are not schools and kindergartens, but the mansions of officials and oligarchs are growing like mushrooms after rain. And as for many small towns and villages, there is a lot where devastation reigns, a lot of things have been stolen or abandoned, and this is in the absence of war.

Matrona's predictions about the third world war

On this score, her predictions are encrypted, and in this regard, people disagree. So some believe that we are talking about the fear of the coming war. Others interpret it as aircraft noise, possibly referring to September 11, 2001. And still others even believe that Matrona called people to the Orthodox faith, while saying that those who pray will see and be saved.

And although there is no unequivocal answer to this, one thing is clear, many people have given up on God and their faith, and in pursuit of selfish goals, they have completely forgotten about simple elementary humanity.

Matrona's last prediction

Even during her lifetime, she said that even after death she would help people. Anyone who prays to her and asks for help, she will help and will not refuse help to anyone. According to numerous testimonies, it can be judged that the way it is, the Holy Matrona really helped a lot of people and still helps.

The last thing the seer predicted was:

“Without war, you will all die, there will be a lot of victims, in the evening all the dead will lie on the ground, in the evening you will lie on the ground, and in the morning you will rise - and everything will go underground. There is war without war."

It is authentically known that Matrona betrayed this phrase to nun Antonina, who is considered her successor. Some believe that Matrona attributed these words to the summer or autumn of this year. But for me this is nothing more than speculation on the image and national glory of the Saint.

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