Predictions of Natalia Vorotnikova. From Natalia Vorotnikova to Konstantin Getzati: the life of the winners after the “Battle of Psychics” A short interview by Nonna Khidiryan with Natalia Vorotnikova

She was born on April 10, 1976 in the Tula region. Parents - Yuri and Raisa Vorotnikov, hereditary healers and psychics. Natalia has a younger brother, Mikhail, who is also a healer. In infancy, the future star experienced two clinical deaths, which was a turning point in her life.

From early childhood, Vorotnikova felt her psychic abilities. She could predict tragic events in people's lives. With age, her abilities only intensified, and she was able to predict joyful events.

After graduating from a medical school, Vorotnikova began working as a nurse in a hospital. Her extraordinary abilities helped people recover ahead of time. Natalia's energy was so strong that electrical appliances and light bulbs constantly burned out in the house.

To curb her abilities, the future healer went to study at the International Academy of Human Development, which she graduated with honors. In it, Vorotnikova was taught to interrupt spontaneous manifestation, as well as control the time and strength of extrasensory abilities.

During her studies, Natalya was nicknamed a nugget for her special talent. The data of the results of a scientific study of her abilities showed that Vorotnikova has a bioenergy effect that is favorable for the body.

After completing her studies at the academy, Vorotnikova left her job at the hospital and professionally engaged in

Natalya Vorotnikova was remembered by many due to the fact that she became the first winner of the domestic “Battle of Psychics”. The talent of the clairvoyant really surprised critics and skeptics.

In the article:

Psychic Natalya Vorotnikova - biography

The name of the psychic according to the passport is Vorotnikova Natalya Yurievna. She was born in 1976 in the Tula region. Birthday - 10 April. Almost the entire family of Natalia has paranormal talents. Parents are healers and psychics. Raisa's mother has a reputation for being a powerful magician. The younger brother also received a family gift. After his sister won first place in the mystical show, Maxim decided to try his hand. It is known that in the second season, the magician took third place, losing to stronger psychics.

The turning point in Natalia's life was two clinical deaths, which the girl experienced in infancy. Vorotnikova believes that clinical death enhanced her abilities. Powers appeared in early childhood: at first, the girl was able to predict only bad events, which, according to most psychics, are easier to see. At a more mature age, with the development of abilities, the clairvoyant learned to make positive predictions.

The future psychic Natalya Vorotnikova graduated from a regular secondary school. Received a nursing diploma after graduating from college. For some time she worked as a nurse. Vorotnikova's abilities did not go unnoticed in the hospital: thanks to Natalya's attention, the patients recovered faster - even seriously ill patients, who were said to "not survive", rose to their feet.

Natalia almost from birth has a powerful energy. To learn how to control forces, Natalia graduated from the International Academy of Human Development.

The abilities of Natalia Vorotnikova were proven in the course of scientific experiments. Experts have revealed that the clairvoyant has a strong bioenergetic field. After gaining knowledge and skills at the academy, Natalia decided to stop working in the hospital in order to start practicing healing at a more professional level.

At present, the sorceress, together with her brother, with whom Natalya has a strong friendship, conduct seminars, receive people who need the help of a clairvoyant or healer, and help others in other ways.

The choice of psychic Natalya Vorotnikova was a conscious rejection of family and children. The clairvoyant was not married. Maxim Vorotnikov also has problems in his personal life. According to brother Natalia, living together with a psychic is too difficult for an ordinary person.

"Secret Knowledge" - a book about the famous psychic

Book " Secret knowledge"Written not by Vorotnikova herself, by Mikhail Komlev from her words. The paper edition was released as part of the Heroes of the Battle of Psychics series.

The book, according to the author and readers, really contains secret knowledge. The text also contains practical recommendations for beginner esotericists. In the book you can find some facts from the biography of Natalia, which are not in any interview, the reasoning of a psychic and the secrets of reincarnations:

Back, back, back. Let's go back, - said Natalya.
- I see her. She looks at me.
- Back, back, back. Follow the order, go back to your body. We take a deep breath, open our eyes and feel lightness and calmness. Breathing calms down, we come to ourselves, otherwise you will be shaking for a long time. Breathe in, breathe out rhythmically.
I lay on the couch with my eyes open, breathing more evenly, after a few seconds I said:
- I can't feel my arms and legs. I don't feel myself.
- Completely all sensations of the body are returned. Now everything will be back to normal.
- I have paintings, images.
- Forget the pictures. Get up. Now these pictures will pass. The images are still working, they will work for some time. We come, we come to ourselves.
- It's kind of cold.
- Here and now, completely and completely, - Natalya repeated, - a complete return.
- I'm back? I asked myself. - Yes!

Contains a book and secret techniques used by the entire Vorotnikov family:

Natalya was taught this practice as a child - the girl was then 12 years old. She came across such a grandfather in her life, a forester, a very sweet grandfather, who saw something in the girl and began to teach the child how to walk through the forest correctly. Natalya was a forest girl in her childhood, she still loves the forest, and in her childhood there was such an opportunity, and she spent most of her time in the forest.
“I know how to listen to the forest, I know how to understand it, and if necessary, I will never get lost there, I don’t need stars or anything else, I’ll find it by feeling: where it leads, I’ll go there,” Natalia explained.
This practice is very helpful. You can use the technique not only in the forest, but also in a big city. Works great. A person begins to navigate and walk correctly.

Natalya Vorotnikova at the Battle of Psychics

Vorotnikova's energy is so powerful that light bulbs constantly explode or burn out near the psychic and electrical appliances malfunction. It is not surprising that in 2007 the clairvoyant managed to get the main prize of the first season of the Battle of Psychics.

Participants of the program and members of the film crew often noted that strange sensations appeared from the look of Natalia, similar to a surge of energy. Many believe that the clairvoyant has x-ray vision.

The victory in the project gave a lot not only to the psychic, but also to her family. Maxim imbued with the example of his sister and decided to participate in the "Battle of Psychics". The clairvoyant, thanks to her victory, was able to receive an invitation from the James Randi International Foundation. The organization is ready to provide a million dollars to the person who demonstrates paranormal abilities more convincingly than all the other participants.

In 2011-2012, Vorotnikova took part in another project - "Psychics are investigating." During the filming, the clairvoyant revealed many crimes, unraveled the secrets of deaths and told about other events. Since 2012, the witch began to make regular forecasts for the 7 Days magazine, which concern exclusively

Natalya Vorotnikova was remembered by many due to the fact that she became the first winner of the domestic “Battle of Psychics”. The talent of the clairvoyant really surprised critics and skeptics.

In the article:

Psychic Natalya Vorotnikova - biography

The name of the psychic according to the passport is Vorotnikova Natalya Yurievna. She was born in 1976 in the Tula region. Birthday - 10 April. Almost the entire family of Natalia has paranormal talents. Parents are healers and psychics. Raisa's mother has a reputation for being a powerful magician. The younger brother also received a family gift. After his sister won first place in the mystical show, Maxim decided to try his hand. It is known that in the second season, the magician took third place, losing to stronger psychics.

The turning point in Natalia's life was two clinical deaths, which the girl experienced in infancy. Vorotnikova believes that clinical death enhanced her abilities. Powers appeared in early childhood: at first, the girl was able to predict only bad events, which, according to most psychics, are easier to see. At a more mature age, with the development of abilities, the clairvoyant learned to make positive predictions.

The future psychic Natalya Vorotnikova graduated from a regular secondary school. Received a nursing diploma after graduating from college. For some time she worked as a nurse. Vorotnikova's abilities did not go unnoticed in the hospital: thanks to Natalya's attention, the patients recovered faster - even seriously ill patients, who were said to "not survive", rose to their feet.

Natalia almost from birth has a powerful energy. To learn how to control forces, Natalia graduated from the International Academy of Human Development.

The abilities of Natalia Vorotnikova were proven in the course of scientific experiments. Experts have revealed that the clairvoyant has a strong bioenergetic field. After gaining knowledge and skills at the academy, Natalia decided to stop working in the hospital in order to start practicing healing at a more professional level.

At present, the sorceress, together with her brother, with whom Natalya has a strong friendship, conduct seminars, receive people who need the help of a clairvoyant or healer, and help others in other ways.

The choice of psychic Natalya Vorotnikova was a conscious rejection of family and children. The clairvoyant was not married. Maxim Vorotnikov also has problems in his personal life. According to brother Natalia, living together with a psychic is too difficult for an ordinary person.

"Secret Knowledge" - a book about the famous psychic

Book " Secret knowledge"Written not by Vorotnikova herself, by Mikhail Komlev from her words. The paper edition was released as part of the Heroes of the Battle of Psychics series.

The book, according to the author and readers, really contains secret knowledge. The text also contains practical recommendations for beginner esotericists. In the book you can find some facts from the biography of Natalia, which are not in any interview, the reasoning of a psychic and the secrets of reincarnations:

Back, back, back. Let's go back, - said Natalya.
- I see her. She looks at me.
- Back, back, back. Follow the order, go back to your body. We take a deep breath, open our eyes and feel lightness and calmness. Breathing calms down, we come to ourselves, otherwise you will be shaking for a long time. Breathe in, breathe out rhythmically.
I lay on the couch with my eyes open, breathing more evenly, after a few seconds I said:
- I can't feel my arms and legs. I don't feel myself.
- Completely all sensations of the body are returned. Now everything will be back to normal.
- I have paintings, images.
- Forget the pictures. Get up. Now these pictures will pass. The images are still working, they will work for some time. We come, we come to ourselves.
- It's kind of cold.
- Here and now, completely and completely, - Natalya repeated, - a complete return.
- I'm back? I asked myself. - Yes!

Contains a book and secret techniques used by the entire Vorotnikov family:

Natalya was taught this practice as a child - the girl was then 12 years old. She came across such a grandfather in her life, a forester, a very sweet grandfather, who saw something in the girl and began to teach the child how to walk through the forest correctly. Natalya was a forest girl in her childhood, she still loves the forest, and in her childhood there was such an opportunity, and she spent most of her time in the forest.
“I know how to listen to the forest, I know how to understand it, and if necessary, I will never get lost there, I don’t need stars or anything else, I’ll find it by feeling: where it leads, I’ll go there,” Natalia explained.
This practice is very helpful. You can use the technique not only in the forest, but also in a big city. Works great. A person begins to navigate and walk correctly.

Natalya Vorotnikova at the Battle of Psychics

Vorotnikova's energy is so powerful that light bulbs constantly explode or burn out near the psychic and electrical appliances malfunction. It is not surprising that in 2007 the clairvoyant managed to get the main prize of the first season of the Battle of Psychics.

Participants of the program and members of the film crew often noted that strange sensations appeared from the look of Natalia, similar to a surge of energy. Many believe that the clairvoyant has x-ray vision.

The victory in the project gave a lot not only to the psychic, but also to her family. Maxim imbued with the example of his sister and decided to participate in the "Battle of Psychics". The clairvoyant, thanks to her victory, was able to receive an invitation from the James Randi International Foundation. The organization is ready to provide a million dollars to the person who demonstrates paranormal abilities more convincingly than all the other participants.

In 2011-2012, Vorotnikova took part in another project - "Psychics are investigating." During the filming, the clairvoyant revealed many crimes, unraveled the secrets of deaths and told about other events. Since 2012, the witch began to make regular forecasts for the 7 Days magazine, which concern exclusively

Many fans of the show "The Battle of Psychics" are interested in the official website of the psychic Natalya Vorotnikova and other contacts of the winner of the first season. How not to fall into the clutches of scammers and get the desired advice, you will learn from this article.

In the article:

Is there an official website for psychic Natalya Vorotnikova

After reading a large number of positive reviews, many begin to wonder how to get an appointment with Natalya Vorotnikova or her brother. But for this you have to come to terms with the fact that such well-known psychics often become victims of scammers. Dishonest people at all times tried to cash in on someone else's glory. There are too many of them to bring their activities to a complete collapse.

Natalia Vorotnikova

Therefore, it should be remembered that Natalia does not have an official website. All the sites that supposedly belong to her were actually created by scammers. Center website "Magic Power" (, in which the clairvoyant works, there is a list of such sites. Natalya Vorotnikova is on VKontakte, but she does not conduct online consultations, like most clairvoyants. You should not agree to such services and even more so pay for them in advance. Such offers can only come from scammers.

Accepts only personally, in the center "Magic Power". In order to make an appointment with her, you need to call the administrator and choose the time that suits you in the clairvoyant consultation schedule. She accepts not only as a psychic, but is also an active psychologist, has a medical education and is engaged in diagnostics using the Bronnikov method.

Natalia Vorotnikova - how much does an appointment cost

How much does a reception with Natalia Vorotnikova cost, the winner of the first show "The Battle of Psychics", which can be considered one of the most truthful. Only the approximate amount of one reception of the famous psychic is known. It is about 10-30 thousand rubles. The cost of an appointment with Vorotnikova depends on the degree of complexity of the life situation in which her client finds himself.

Judging by the reviews about the reception with Natalia Vorotnikova, her clients are completely satisfied with such prices. They justify them by saying that for a psychic, organizing receptions is the same job as everyone else. People are sure that a clairvoyant or a magician should take money for an appointment, since he spends his own time and energy on this.

In addition, a popular psychic tends to have many clients, leaving him no time for other earning opportunities. Not a single person, even a well-known magician, has the desire to be left without a livelihood. If you take away from him the opportunity to take money for receiving people, the psychic will have to look for other ways to earn money, and he will not have time to help people.

Another reason is that Natalia does not conduct private receptions. She works at the medical center Magic power”and receives a salary, like any other of his specialists.

Natalia Vorotnikova - feedback on admission

Photo Vorotnikova from office. center site

Reviews about Natalia Vorotnikova, for the most part, are positive. There are even comments from people who contacted her 8-10 years ago. The psychic left them such a positive impression that they did not forget about her predictions and years later decided to write that they came true when Natalia told them during the consultation.

Judging by the reviews of the reception with this psychic, she gave many people practical advice on how to avoid problems in the future. Some were skeptical of her warnings, unwilling to change anything in their lives. They paid for it, because it happened exactly as it was predicted to them.

Natalia helped many people deal with difficult life situations and avoid troubles in the future. Enjoy great success. On our site you can find all the predictions of the winner of the first "Battle of Psychics", which you can trust, because she proved her abilities even during the project.

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