Vanga's predictions over the years in Russia and the world: the future of mankind.


Vanga's predictions that came true are hard to list - many of her prophecies concerned individual ordinary people - neighbors and random petitioners. Nevertheless, the Bulgarian seer spoke about famous people and the fate of humanity as a whole.

In the article:

Vanga's predictions about events in America that came true

Scientists who are engaged in the study and decoding of prophecies have collected and sorted all Vanga's predictions that have come true. They can be a serious argument in favor of the Bulgarian healing abilities of divination. Most of what Vangelia said came true. Something, according to experts, may come true in a few years.

Some of Vanga's prophecies do not come true. The fact is that they are quite difficult to interpret, so mistakes happen. However, these are not the errors of the soothsayer, but the shortcomings of the people who were involved in deciphering her words. Vanga very rarely spoke literally, and in order to understand what kind of future awaits humanity, one has to spend a lot of time interpreting the words of the seer.

A good example is Vanga's prediction about America. Literally, she said this:

Horror, horror! The American brothers will fall down, and the iron birds will tear them to pieces. Wolves howl from under the bush, and innocent blood flows like a river.

Said in 1989, the phrase made sense by 2001. The fallen buildings of the Trade Center were called twin brothers. The planes hijacked by terrorists turned out to be birds. Bush in English is pronounced as "bush", which is consonant with the name of the president who was in power during this period. However, not everyone believed this prediction, because they could not understand what kind of birds they were talking about.

Even when no one would have believed in the coming of a black man to power, Vanga said that. She knew that Barack Obama would be the last president of the United States, and a separate prediction on this occasion does not inspire hope for the people of America - he will lay the foundations for the collapse of the unification of the States.

What Vanga's predictions about Russia came true

Many residents of Russia are wondering which Vanga's predictions came true and how many of them. It is not surprising, because it was about Russia that the Bulgarian clairvoyant most often spoke. She loved this country very much and paid much attention to it during divination. Residents of Russia want to know if they are being deceived, hiding behind the name of Vanga. A lot of Vanga's predictions come true, as well as her words, which are just beginning to come true, have been recorded.

In January 1988, Vangelia said the following about the Russian president:

A completely unexpected person will come. Not Lebed and not Zyuganov will be.

Then the seer did not reveal the identity of the future president of the country. However, some believe that she predicted Putin's rise to power. First, he became acting president, and then he won the maximum number of votes in the presidential elections in Russia. There is another prediction from 1979:

Like cold ice melts everything, only one future will not touch - Vladimir's glory, Russian glory. Nothing will stand in its way, and Russia will dominate the world.

At the time Vanga said this, no one had even heard of Vladimir Putin. But now few people doubt that she predicted his coming to power and a great destiny for Russia. It turns out that this prophecy of Vanga is coming true, because Vladimir has already come to power, the only thing is for him to glorify Russia and make it a world power.

Vanga also spoke about the collapse of the Soviet Union. She did not want this to happen, but according to the healer, it was impossible to prevent events. In 1979, she said that the old Russia would return and be called as it was called under St. Sergius. It remains only to achieve spiritual superiority over the whole world, as the great Vanga bequeathed.

In 1980, the famous prediction was made about Kursk, which will sink under the surface of the sea at the turn of the millennium. This tragedy should have been mourned by the whole world. Many expected a flood in Kursk, but it was not the city that suffered, but the submarine of the same name. Her entire crew died, and many countries really sympathized with this tragedy, offering Russia help.

Vanga's predictions about famous personalities that came true

If you doubt whether Vanga's predictions come true, you can read about her words about Hitler, Stalin and other world-famous personalities. She predicted many events of world significance, and all her words were documented at the same time.

During World War II, Vanga told her fellow villagers about the whereabouts of their husbands, saying who would return from the war and who would not. Gradually, her prophecies became more global. So, in 1943, Vangelia said that Hitler will be defeated on April 30, 1945. If he wants to survive, he will have to retreat and stay away from Russia. Of course, Hitler did not heed the words of the soothsayer from Bulgaria, and everyone knows the date of the victory over the Nazis.

In 1952 Vanga made a prediction about Stalin. Many were worried about the question of his death, and parts of it were asked by the Bulgarian clairvoyant. She did not hide what she sees and boldly made any statements. But after she predicted Stalin's death no later than a year later, she was imprisoned for 10 years without the right to correspond. This fact is known from the full, as well as the fact that she spent six months in prison. In March 1953, Stalin really died, and the seer was released from prison.

In 1942, Vanga received the first high-ranking visitor - the Tsar of Bulgaria. Boris lll heard about the power of the soothsayer and became one of her visitors. She predicted his imminent death and even named her date - August 28. Vanga was right, the king of Bulgaria died in 1943 on August 28.

The Bulgarian healer also knew about the death of Princess Diana. She said the wedding would kill the princess. According to Vanga, Diana learns of her death, but they will die almost at the same time. This was in 1981. The princess survived the soothsayer by only a year, she also died in August.

Vanga predicted not only death to famous personalities. For example, she promised Philip Kirkorov fame and a wife, whose name would begin with the letter "A". He was supposed to marry this woman at the age of 27, and it came true, it is difficult to find a person who would not know about the marriage of Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov. Vanga saw him at a height with a metal stick, which is easy to decipher - this is a stage and a microphone stand.

What other prophecies of Vanga are coming true right now

Vanga often talked about what awaits humanity as a whole, and how human consciousness will change in the future. If the list of prophecies over the years says that people will forget about violence and evil intentions, then this is not the case at all now. Vanga spoke about the current period of time like this:

Cataclysms and troubles await our world. The consciousness of the people will have to change. Difficult years are coming. Faith will divide people ...

Hard times is a rather vague and relative concept. In general, people of all times talked about them. There are many cataclysms, and it was almost always like that. Regarding the division of people on the basis of faith, perhaps we are talking about terrorism on a religious basis, as well as riots and similar troubles. All this has a place to be, therefore this prediction of Vanga is considered correct.

In the 60s, the great Bulgarian soothsayer reported that by 2018 trains would start flying along the wires, and these wires would go from sun. People will no longer be engaged in oil production, the earth will finally be able to take a break from resource extraction. This prophecy is just beginning to come true. Just by this time, it is planned to organize the extraction of a mineral on the Moon, which will become a source of energy.

The inclination of people to the mystical and the unknown makes them turn to various fortune-tellers and healers for help. Even skeptics sometimes lose their steadfastness and listen to the words of soothsayers.

There is hardly a person who would not hear the name of Vangelia Gushterova. This Bulgarian seer gained widespread fame, her words were heeded by ordinary people and the powers that be. Vanga's last prediction, published by journalists, related to the fate of countries and peoples. It told of sinister events.

short biography

Before talking about the parting words and prophecies of the soothsayer, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main milestones of her life, which will help you understand when the gift and abilities of this amazing woman were born.

The name Vangelia means "bringing the good news" - that's what they called a newborn girl, whose hopes for survival left even her mother. Nevertheless, the baby survived, but Vanga lost her maternal warmth early and fell under the yoke of her stepmother. She grew up like an ordinary child until the age of 11, when a terrible tragedy occurred and the girl began to go blind.

It is with the loss of vision that the birth of the gift of clairvoyance is associated, but she fell into the first trance only in 1940. At first, the young woman hid her abilities, afraid of being recognized as crazy. But a few months later, a small list of Vanga's predictions began to come true, and pilgrims reached out to the clairvoyant.

Gushterova herself wrote that in 1967 she entered the civil service, and the money she received from parishioners began to flow into the country's treasury.

The third world war - to be or not to be ...

Vanga's latest predictions often related to the political situation in the world. The soothsayer said that the global conflict will begin in 2008. She made the first such statement more than half a century ago, and people who did not forget the horror of the Second World War could not believe that this would happen again. But today the political situation is so tense that her words may well come true, albeit not on time.

Vanga's prediction of World War 3 was especially terrible and ominous. She said that the leaders of the countries would use chemical and nuclear weapons. The conflict will originate in the East and spin all the great powers into a dangerous whirlpool, the US will have a direct impact on the height of the war.

The fate of our country

Vanga's latest predictions about Russia were that all states would be destroyed, but the glory of our country would remain intact. She reinforced her words with gestures: outlining a large circle with her hands, symbolizing the unity and inviolability of the future state.

“A lot of sacrifices have been made,” Baba Vanga broadcast. No forces will be able to prevent the new Russia. She will sweep everything out of her way and will dominate the world. The term for the fulfillment of these words was set at sixty years, that is, they should come true in 2040.

Vanga's latest predictions said that the beginning of the growth of the strength and power of our country would not be sudden. First, there will be a close rapprochement of three large countries - India, China and Russia. However, our time will be very sad. The soothsayer noted that the population would suffer and die from multiple floods and earthquakes. Cities and villages will shudder from natural disasters. Injustice will prevail among the people: the wicked will rise up, and harlots, scammers and thieves will be innumerable.

Chronology of events - catastrophes and disasters

It is interesting to get acquainted with what Vanga's predictions were over the years:

  • 1979 - in two hundred years, humanity will be able to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.
  • 1980 - an incalculable number of natural disasters will be observed throughout the Earth. Earthquakes and floods will cause massive loss of life. Vanga said that dolphins come to her and say that it is getting too hot under them and they cannot stand it. In addition, the predictions contain data that the number of bad, unbelieving people who will dominate the world will increase many times over.
  • 1981 - the day is coming when animals, insects and plants will disappear from the face of the Earth. The seer warned of a general fatal outcome, which would be a punishment for the fact that a person destroys nature. Even the water, according to Vanga, will become undrinkable. She said that unknown diseases would fill the world, even healthy people would fall under this oppression. However, she warned that all misfortunes can be prevented, it depends on humanity itself.
  • 1988 - future generations will witness the fateful events that will take place on Earth. The achievement of universal peace is coming, the Eighth will come and will be able to establish final equality on the entire planet.
  • 1989 - the clairvoyant argued that the time of miracles would come, in the field of intangible people, great discoveries awaited. The water will go away, but all the gold will come to the surface.
  • 1995 - "The waves will wash away many countries, and the sun will go out for three years." The seer repeatedly warned that the world would drown in catastrophes and a huge number of people would suffer. All peoples will tremble, misfortunes will be drawn from everywhere. Humanity will shrink, the shortage of clothing, food, fuel and light will become apparent. Many will go barefoot, naked, spending their days without food.
  • 1997 - the end of the world is inexorable and the Earth seems to turn away from the Sun. Hot countries will cave in under the yoke of ice, animals will die out, and people will wage fierce wars for resources and energy. It is possible to judge whether Vanga's prediction of World War 3 will come true today. The tense world situation is conducive to this.

The list of Vanga's predictions is endless, but all the key points boiled down to the fact that humanity will come to happiness and prosperity through terrible suffering and torment.

Former CIS countries

Vanga's last prediction about Ukraine has become especially relevant today. The clairvoyant noted that serious political wars and disasters would begin to shake the country. She also talked about the fact that the Crimea will return to Russia.

Gushterova stated that Ukraine would be in a severe financial crisis and devastation and poverty would reign in the country. For example, Vanga's predictions about the Donbass tells that the people will no longer put up with the authorities and a whole series of global upheavals will follow.

However, the clairvoyant noted that it is this country that will contribute to the reign of peace throughout the Earth, important political and economic negotiations will take place on its territory, which will predetermine the fate of the continent. The people will survive all troubled times and will prosper.

It is no less interesting to consider Vanga's predictions about the Donbass and the eastern part of Ukraine in more detail. She spoke of her knowledge, which showed serious bloodshed. These are the words of the clairvoyant that are already coming true today. Quote: “In the land of underground holes and man-made mountains, everything will shake. Much will collapse in the West, but rise in the East. And Sagittarius will come, and he will rule for 23 years - and everything will be erased into powder ... It is obvious that the Sagittarius is Igor Strelkov - the leader of the militia, and the region mentioned above is Donetsk.

A look into the near future

Taking into account Vanga's predictions over the years, the next 2016 will be an epoch-making year in the history of all mankind. About half a century ago, she told that it was next year that Europe would be empty. The reason will be an armed conflict between Muslim countries and the United States. People who have fallen under the influence of chemical weapons will be subject to terrible diseases, many will become covered with ulcers and go blind. After that, "cold" Europe will coexist with Russia.

In addition to military tension, severe climate disasters are expected in the world. A large celestial body will collapse on the territory of European states, which will cause flooding of a number of countries. The climate itself is changing dramatically.


Even such a distant country was touched by Vanga's predictions. What awaits the United States, according to the owls of the seer? The fate of the most powerful state is unenviable. The seer said that the appointment of a black president would be the beginning of the end. By this, she predicted the outcome of the elections held in the country in 2008.

The ominous predictions were that the leader of the dark-skinned country would be the last, and then America would be covered in ice or plunge into the maelstrom of a serious economic crisis. She said that a split of the country into southern and northern states could be expected.

Parting words of the soothsayer

Vangelia was able to leave several commandments, which are as follows:

  • A person becomes the one for whom he holds himself. If he can direct himself in the direction of good, his whole being will change for the better.
  • People should love themselves and everything that surrounds them in this world. This is especially important when times are tough. It is necessary to thank God for giving us his support, and to appreciate our wisdom, which always leads to success.
  • Do not fight fools, because they are not so scary. They do not need to be corrected and re-educated. Far worse unprincipled, evil people. They bring great difficulties and disturb entire nations.
  • A person should not set unrealistic tasks. The goal must be achievable.
  • You can't promise what you can't deliver. The pain that a person experiences will definitely return.
  • People should pray to God and not ask him for too much.
  • There is no sin on children, they only atone for what their parents did.
  • If you read the Bible, you can find answers to all questions and solutions to many problems that make people's heads spin.

Words spoken on the deathbed

The clairvoyant, a month before her death, named the date of her death. At this time, a large number of reporters, journalists, filmmakers literally swarmed around Gushterova, who filmed the days that completed her earthly journey.

Vanga's last prediction before his death concerned her gift. She noted that only the Lord God endowed her with the ability to clearly see the future, and only the Almighty decides to whom exactly they will pass. The seer said that nothing depended on her, and, according to her relatives, she departed into another world with a smile on her lips and with a calm soul.

Today, Vanga's last prediction before his death finds many interpretations, which are used by charlatans and scammers who declare themselves to be her followers.

Is it worth believing?

Whether to take into account the prophecies of the Bulgarian clairvoyant is a private matter for each person. Skeptics argue that her speeches can be filled with any contextual meaning, but numerous facts indicate that some of her statements really came true. This applies to the situation in Ukraine, the Kursk submarine. Vanga's latest predictions about Russia give hope for a favorable outcome.

Instead of completing

The seer believed that all the trials sent down to people are far from accidental, and each person needs to learn to face obstacles with courage. Consciousness should be attuned to good and peace-making deeds. The time of virtue will reign on Earth, which will require qualitatively new people with a different way of thinking.

soothsayer Vanga(full name - Vangelia Gushterova, nee Surchev) died exactly 22 years ago, on August 11, 1996.

Vanga's gift began to manifest itself during World War II, when a woman began to answer her fellow villagers quite accurately whether their husbands would return from the front. Rumors about the seer spread quite quickly, and after a few years, real fame came to Vanga.

In the last two decades of her life, she received visitors almost continuously in the Bulgarian village of Rupite. She was subsequently buried in the same village. Vanga's grave is located near the chapel of St. Paraskeva, erected with the seer's money.

The prophetic gift of Vanga is still disputed by skeptics. Someone believes that the whole village was in collusion with the blind old woman - supposedly hotel workers and taxi drivers collected information about visitors in advance for the fortuneteller, and she then built her prophecies on this. However, several important predictions are attributed to her name, which eventually came true.

Death of Stalin

Joseph Stalin. Image:

Prediction: “A big man with a pipe will go to another world. The world will become kinder."

It is believed that in 1952 the prediction of death Stalin cost the woman her freedom. The seer boldly told that she saw the death of the leader, for which she was sent to a Bulgarian prison. However, after a few months they were released - in March 1953, Stalin still died.

Assassination of Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi. Image:

Prediction: “The dress will destroy her! I see an orange-yellow dress in the smoke and fire!

According to eyewitnesses, in 1969 Vanga made a rather strange prediction. She suddenly started screaming about the fire and the orange and yellow dress that would cause the death of the Prime Minister of India.
The meaning of Vanga's words became clear only in 1984. On October 31, she wore an orange and yellow sari while packing for a TV interview with a British playwright and entertainer. Peter Ustinov. At the same time, she decided to take off her bulletproof vest. On the street, one of the guards shot at her. After receiving several dozen bullets, Gandhi died.

Glory to Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov. Image: Boris Kudryavov / KP Archive

Prediction: "I see him going uphill, and he has a stick in his hands."

Family Philip Kirkorov always knew that their son would become famous. According to family legend, at the age of 4, the future singer fell ill. Then his parents paid a visit to the soothsayer.

Vanga said that the boy would be fine. She also stated that she sees him on a high mountain, and he holds a stick, and around admiring people. It was not difficult to guess that the boy was predicted to be a musical star, and the stick is a microphone in his hands. Vanga also claimed that Kirkorov, at the age of 27, would connect his fate with a lady whose name would begin with "A". This prediction also came true - in 1994, his wife became Alla Pugacheva.

Perestroika and the collapse of the USSR

General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbachev, US President Ronald Reagan (center) and US Vice President George W. Bush (left) walking around Governors Island in the US in 1988. Image:

Prediction: “The world will change in 6 years. The old leaders will go. A new person will come."

This prophecy was made by Vanga in 1979, when it was difficult to think about changes in the political system of the USSR. However, here her words turned out to be true - in 1985, came to power Mikhail Gorbachev, whose name is associated with the years of Perestroika.

In 1988, the prophetess declared that Gorbachev would soon rise even stronger. At first, no one could understand what the soothsayer meant. But in 1990, her words made sense - Gorbachev was elected president of the USSR.

The accident on the submarine "Kursk"

Murmansk region. Base point of the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation Vidyaevo. August 24, 2000 A naval officer carries wreaths during a farewell ceremony for the dead crew of the nuclear submarine Kursk K-141, which sank on August 12, 2000. Image: Vladimir Velengurin / KP Archive

Prediction: "Kursk will disappear under water, and the people of the whole world will mourn for it."

The prophecy about the fate of the Kursk was made in 1980. Then it seemed strange to many that the seer spoke of the flooding of the whole city. Moreover, Vanga gave the exact time frame of the event. She indicated that this would happen at the turn of the century, in 1999 or 2000.

On August 12, 2000, an emergency occurred with the Kursk submarine in the Barents Sea. All 118 crew members were killed in the incident.

September 11 tragedy in the USA

The tragedy of September 11 in the United States.

What the great soothsayer said and how her words should be interpreted will be able to explain the material of this article.

This site has other predictions, conspiracies, love spells and much more that can be interesting and useful and that can be found by searching the site.

Vanga's predictions are a hoax, true, nonsense, pre-planned scenario or myth

Of course, there were skeptics who believe that Vanga either did not really exist. Or all the predictions are a complete fiction. But there is quite a lot of evidence in favor of the great clairvoyant. As time shows, many of her predictions came true. And the moment when she was alive, many higher ranks, "big" and famous people came to her for advice, to find out the moments of their lives. Of course, now it is difficult to get to the bottom of the truth, but the facts confirming her strength and power say that Vanga is not a myth.

Vanga's predictions Armenia and Azerbaijan

In the early 1990s, Vanga told Azerbaijani journalists, “You came from a country where there is a lot of blood. I hear children crying, I see girls burning wedding dresses. Step back, you're fighting for something that doesn't belong to you. You will lose. But this is only the beginning. I see gold that will not bring happiness. After 30 years, you will return your lands." With these words, she predicted the collapse of Azerbaijan. The fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh made me remember the words of a great woman.

Vanga's predictions America and Russia and what came true

"Fear, fear! American brothers will fall, pecked by iron birds. The wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will flow like a river” (1989).

Experts compare these words with the events of September 9, 2001, when innocent people died as a result of a terrorist attack on skyscrapers.

“Russia will again become a great empire, first of all, an empire of the spirit”

Recent events will not allow to doubt these words. To date, Russia has proved that it must be reckoned with, it has begun to be respected.

Vanga's predictions and the dead will stand with the living when the Russian Federation becomes a great power

At first glance, these words seem to be complete nonsense. How can the "dead" be next to the living? But on the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, on May 9, the prediction came true. A large number of people all over the country came out to support the "immeasurable regiment". The excitement around the action surprised even the organizers, no one expected that so many people would take to the streets.

Vanga's predictions that came true and did not come true

“The world will survive many cataclysms, strong upheavals. The very consciousness of people will change. Hard times will come. People will be divided on the basis of faith ... "

This prediction came true, unfortunately, terrible things are happening all over the world, a huge number of cataclysms, every day on the news you can hear that new tsunamis, fires, floods or earthquakes have occurred in some part of the world. Terrible terrorist attacks around the world scare even seasoned skeptics. Conflicts on religious grounds, unfortunately, are also not uncommon.

Vanga's predictions Syria will fall and the third world war will begin

Once Vanga said that Syria would fall and changes would begin, scientists interpreted based on recent events that the great clairvoyant predicted a third world war after the fall of Syria. But now in the east, hostilities are underway with enormous damage to the country, both materially and spiritually. The authorities are changing, order cannot be restored on their own, peaceful people are fleeing from there. Until the prediction came true, the time has not come to say for sure whether it is plausible or not.

Vanga's predictions about Europe

Vanga predicted that with the outbreak of war in the East, trouble would come to Europe. If you look at the situation today, we can say with confidence that the prediction came true. Millions of refugees fleeing the East flooded Europe, so much so that the locals were forced to complain. EU policy could not refuse shelter to refugees, but it is also impossible to accept everyone.

Vanga's predictions when the war in Donbass and for Ukraine will end

She didn't say anything good about Ukraine. That the crisis will drag on for a long time, greedy people who want to fill their pockets to capacity will come to power. Not thinking about the interests of the people. Poverty, hunger, robbery, violence - that's what awaits the country. Nothing detailed has been said about the end of the war, or simply has not yet been interpreted.

Vanga's predictions for the Crimea

The prediction about the peninsula is very vague. The only thing that could be found was the words that Crimea and Russia would always go together, perhaps she had in mind the annexation of Crimea to Russia, the return. She also said that for a short time Crimea would belong to the Crimean Tatars.

The article offers an extensive selection of various playful and interesting predictions of fate and the future, which can be used in various situations....

Perhaps the most famous person in the world with superpowers is the Bulgarian seer Vanga. People who knew her assured that a woman could determine a person’s disease with great accuracy, predict his future fate, communicate with spirits, and foresee the accomplishment of an event. Many believed in her. And on the threshold of the change of millennia, her prophecies were published in all printed publications on the planet. This is a very interesting topic, so now it’s worth talking about Vanga’s predictions that came true.

Death of Stalin

Perhaps we should start with this foresight. At the end of 1952, Vanga said the following words about Stalin: “The gates to the other world, where Joseph Vissarionovich will go, will open for other Russian rulers.” She did not give a time or date. No clarifications. But for this prediction, she had to pay with her own freedom. Due to the fact that she allowed herself to speak in this way about the Leader himself, she was imprisoned in the Bulgarian prison, having appointed a long term.

But six months later, a year later, Stalin died. And the seer was released. By the way, people associated her words that the death of the Leader would lead to other deaths with the death of Yuri Andropov in 1984. He, like Stalin, died in Kuntsevo. And from that moment on, none of the Russian political figures used the complex located there as their residence.

USA events

Listing Vanga's predictions that came true, one cannot but mention the fact that she foresaw the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The woman said this in the middle of the summer of 1963, four months before the tragedy. She made a reservation - an assassination attempt would be made on the President of the United States. And on November 22 of the same year, the head of America was killed by two shots in his own car.

Terrifying to this day, the terrorist attack that occurred on September 11, 2001 in New York, the woman also foresaw. And back in 1989. Vanga said: “Fear, fear! American brothers will fall, pecked by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bushes, and innocent blood will spill like a river.

This happened. On the morning of September 11, four scheduled Boeings were hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists, who sent planes to the towers of the World Trade Center, referred to by people as “brothers” and “twins”. The blood of almost three thousand people was shed. What's with the bush? This is a reference to the then President of the United States, George W. Bush. This surname is translated as "bush". The seer's analogy boils down to the fact that the tragedy happened during his reign.

Perestroika and the collapse of the USSR

Listing Vanga's predictions that came true, it is worth mentioning this event. The Bulgarian seer predicted perestroika back in 1979. That is, 6 years before the start of economic and political reforms in the USSR. Naturally, Vanga's words were tried in every possible way to hide, but some of the predictions were still heard by the public through the media.

The main "source" was the well-known magazine "Friendship" in those days. Vanga told his correspondent the following words: “I see a garden - this is Russia. There is a lot of snow around. And from the depths of the earth, like voices - female and male. No... it's the sap that feeds the trees. An unusual spring is coming to the country. Three mighty trees dry up, and two rings are trodden in the snow-covered garden - a small and a large one. A woman and a man walk in a small circle, and then ... some people stick sticks in the snow.

Cloudy words. But their meaning can be understood by paying attention to the memoirs of R. M. Gorbacheva. In them, she told how in 1985 she and her husband, Mikhail Sergeevich, went out into the snow-covered garden, to walk along the walking ring. He said that he might be offered to lead the party. This led to unpleasant thoughts, because three general secretaries have died in the last three years. At one point, to distract, Raisa Maksimovna asked the guards about how many laps they had completed. Such a test of care. The guards knew about this, and in order not to stray, they stuck sticks into the snow. Here is the explanation for Vanga's prophecy. By the way, in 1989, a woman predicted Gorbachev's appointment to the presidency. After 9 months it came true.

Crimea and Ukraine

The events that take place in our century also relate to Vanga's predictions that came true. Once a Bulgarian clairvoyant said: "Crimea will break away from one coast and grow to another." Few took these words seriously. But that is exactly what happened in the spring of 2014. Crimea "disconnected" from the coast of Ukraine, and returned to Russia.

The woman also foresaw the conflict in the neighboring state. She warned of the fall of Donetsk, riots in Ukraine, that mothers would begin to abandon their children, and brothers would fight among themselves. There was even such a wording in her words: “What stood for 23 years will be erased into powder.” This happened. Exactly 23 years have passed since the separation of Ukraine from Russia until the start of a civil war on its territory.

Russian reality

It is impossible not to pay attention to Vanga's predictions about Russia. The clairvoyant claimed that in 2015 the Federation would begin to help refugees from other countries. As a matter of fact, this is what is happening. After the start of the civil war in Ukraine, its inhabitants began to actively move to the territory of the neighboring Russian state, hoping to find peace there.

Even in Vanga's predictions about Russia, there was a prediction of the global economic crisis of 2015/16. The woman said that the country would have a hard time, but she would survive, and even make other states starve. This also came true. Apparently, the seer had in mind the sanctions that rained down on Russia in hundreds. But in the end, many of them went sideways to most European countries, who regretted their decision.

About the Immortal Regiment

Once Vanga said such a phrase: “When the dead stand next to the living, having risen from the graves, then Russia will become a Great Power.” These words of her, like many others, stunned people with their eccentricity.

But now they are clear. This phrase found an explanation on the day of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory, when the action "Immortal Regiment" was organized throughout the country. People, taking portraits with war heroes in their hands, went through a solemn demonstration parade with them. This action seemed to revive the spirit of unity.

At that moment, it became clear that Vanga was right after all. When the dead "stood" next to the living, reborn in portraits, and as if having passed the parade along with everyone, it was clear that this was another vague analogy of a clairvoyant.

What was not destined to come true?

Some of Vanga's prophecies were not reflected in reality. For 2010, for example, a woman predicted the start of a new World War. She even specified the time - according to her, it was supposed to be November. The war would have gone on for four years, and ended in October 2014. The clairvoyant even clarified the details. According to them, the war would have started as usual, but then nuclear and chemical weapons were to be used.

Another unfulfilled prophecy of Vanga belonged to 2011. She foresaw the fallout of radioactive fallout on the territory of the Northern Hemisphere, as a result of which neither plants nor animals would remain.

In 2014, according to the woman, many people were to be exposed to skin diseases. She called this the consequence of a new World War. As a result, according to her, in 2016 Europe would be almost deserted. Terrible predictions, and it's good that they did not come true.

Near future

Finally, it is worth listing a short list of Vanga's predictions, which were dated by her in recent years. So, here's what to expect soon:

  • In 2018, China will become the new world power.
  • In 2023, the Earth's orbit will change somewhat.
  • In 2028, a new energy source will be produced, and a spacecraft will be launched to Venus.
  • In 2033, the polar ice will begin to melt, which will lead to an increase in the level of the oceans.
  • In 2046, the cultivation of any organs is carried out.
  • Communism will come in 2076.
  • In 2088, a new disease will open - aging in a few seconds. In 2097, the phenomenon will be eradicated.
  • In 2100, the dark side of our planet will be illuminated by an artificial sun.

Well, these are predictions until the next century. In fact, Vanga saw further. For the year 5078, for example, she predicted the decision of mankind to leave the boundaries of the universe, despite the ignorance of people about what lies beyond it. However, Vanga's further prophecies are another topic.

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