Election program of Mikhail Prokhorov. Full text


A good campaign speech can convince, inspire and motivate people, and compensate for the weak aspects of the campaign. With the efforts of an experienced speaker, the speech will sound natural, but in fact, the effectiveness of the text is given by specific methods that are used for a variety of campaign speeches. With these tricks, your speech before the elections to the student or city council will be on everyone's lips.


How to Give a Student Council Candidate Speech

    Take your time. It should be understood that the audience does not read the text, but perceives the speech by ear. When writing a campaign speech, it is important to remember that the text intended for listeners should be different from the text for readers.

    • During a speech, many people become nervous, as a result of which the pace of speech accelerates. Such people are not credible. If you tend to be nervous, then separate the words of speech (literally leave five spaces between each word on the page) to pronounce the text measuredly.
  1. Communicate with the public in a conversation format. Despite the fact that you are giving a monologue, your speech should be like a conversation. Do not worry about the speech sounding monolithic, pause, interrupt for questions to yourself.

    • Don't go overboard with ease. If you want to lead people, you need to earn their trust. There are not many successful leaders in society, so it is important to show that you are more capable than most people in order to make your speech sound convincing. Find the golden mean. Try to act a little more formal than in normal conversation.
  2. Use simple and specific words. Most often, students have a short attention span and a limited vocabulary. Each sentence should contain no more than fifteen words.

    • Bad example: "We need to rethink the timing of the lunch break so that it falls at a more appropriate time, because the current schedule is causing everyone's dissatisfaction."
    • A good example: "We have to have lunch at 10:30 in the morning. Many people still have breakfast at this time! This is unacceptable! By 2:00, half of the students begin to starve to death. Lunch time should be different. This is obvious."
  3. Read the text aloud. People will only hear you once. Read the speech the way you plan to pronounce the text at the speech. Surely there are words and phrases that cut the ear and that you literally stumble over. Change those sentences.

    • Try reading the speech in front of a mirror or camera to maximize your focus.

    The Structure of an Election Speech

    1. Consider potential audience. Before working on the text, it is important to consider your future listeners. Are you reaching out to all students? For one course? One academic group?

      • If you are giving a speech to one group, then you do not need to discuss only general problems from the life of students. Talk about how a common problem affects a particular group and how the issue should be addressed.
      • For example, don't say, "The breaks between classes are too short." Say, “All of us have probably been reprimanded at least once for being late to class. It is simply impossible to go from the second to the sixth building in such a short time. Choose me as your representative and I will settle this matter with the administration.”
    2. Plan your speech. Any text has a beginning, middle and end. Immediately think over the plan so as not to go astray when working on the text.

      Get straight to the point. Start your campaign speech with a main idea or topic. Beating around the bush won't work, because people naturally like to talk and think only about themselves. Convince them to listen to you. For example:

      • Do not say: “My name is Nikolai Baranov, I am running for the city council. I am in…”.
      • Start with the main point: “All the citizens are tired of the parking situation in the main square. I'm sure everyone is unhappy."
      • There are different ways. Tell a story from your life, a joke, a difficulty that has arisen, or visually describe the problem. It is important to get attention as soon as possible. Don't expect your words to interest listeners on their own. Attention needed deserve.
    3. Bring evidence. Always value the attention of your listeners. In the middle of your speech, clarify the points raised in the opening and reassure people that you can make a difference, but be careful.

      • Competently combine facts, emotions and actions. The facts alone will make the listeners bored. Emotions drain people quickly. Discussion of actions is distrustful due to the lack of factual evidence and emotional attachment.
    4. Finally, double your bets. The final part of the speech is as important as the introduction. This is your last chance to impress, so up your stakes to be remembered.

      • Continuing with the parking example, there is no need to talk about the width of the new parking lot and the future number of parking spaces in the main square at the end. Expand the scope of the problem and show that without you, the inhabitants will be vulnerable, and with you they will only become stronger.
      • “It's not just about parking spaces. This situation is symptomatic of our city council's chronic illness. We asked, we demanded. We did everything in our power. But now it’s time to show that we can’t be ignored.” Give the listener a choice: vote for you or stay on the sidelines. Most will choose the first option.

    How to Write an Effective Political Campaign Speech

    1. Don't forget the ground rules. The political nature of the text is no reason to ignore all the basic requirements for writing.

      • The speech should contain a clear beginning, middle and ending.
      • The opening is meant to grab attention, the middle is meant to spark interest, while the ending is meant to get listeners nodding their heads in approval, getting to their feet and clapping.
    2. Don't go off topic. Your speech should not be scattered. Incoherent speech is confusing, and the speaker gives the impression of a confused person. No one will follow a confused leader.

Dear residents of the village of Vostochny!

Two and a half years ago, you once again showed me confidence by re-electing me as a deputy of the People's Khural of the Republic of Buryatia. My election promise, in fact, was one thing - to do everything in order to improve the life of each of you.

Objectively and honestly evaluating the two and a half years of the second stage of my work in parliament, I have to admit that I failed to fulfill this promise. Yes, of course, during this time I was able to solve a number of private problems of our village, I briefly mentioned this in my report.

But I was unable to fulfill the most important thing - not only to improve the quality of life for most of you, but even to maintain it at the same level. We all see very well that the material well-being of the vast majority of the inhabitants of our village, our city and the republic as a whole is only getting worse every year. Moreover, I can state with full responsibility that if nothing is changed, the decline in the living standards of the bulk of our citizens will continue. And it will not stop as long as the current leaders are at the helm of the republic, and opportunistic deputies sit with me in parliament.

I did not come to this conclusion right away. But every new month of my work in parliament, every new meeting with officials of the government and the city administration, more and more convince me that in the current system it is simply impossible to change anything for the better without coordinated measures.

The government keeps telling us about unprecedented rates of economic growth in the republic. Listen to them, so we are developing ahead of the rest, we are moving by leaps and bounds towards developed capitalism. But for some reason, ordinary people do not feel this frenzied development on their wallets. On the contrary, every month, the flow of people who turn to my waiting room, who simply have nothing to feed their children or pay for an apartment, is constantly increasing.

Recently, shocking data on the situation in the economy and social sphere of the Republic of Buryatia were made public. Over the past three years, according to 10 out of 11 main indicators of socio-economic development, Buryatia has increased the backlog from similar average Russian indicators. Thus, the gross regional product of Buryatia per capita in the period from 2002 to 2004 increased by 8.5 thousand rubles per person, and the growth of GDP per capita in the Russian Federation for the same period amounted to 37.6 thousand rubles. The proportion of the population with incomes below the subsistence minimum for the same period in Buryatia decreased by 0.1%, on average in Russia - by 6.7%. According to the results of 2004, one of the highest levels of poverty in the Siberian Federal District was recorded in Buryatia - more than 39%!
There can be only one conclusion from these data - the economic policy pursued by the leadership of the region every year throws us further and further to the backyard of the federation. Today, public administration costs exceed 500 million rubles a year, which is about 15% of the republic's own income, and every year they continue to increase. At the same time, the average cost of public administration in Russia is only about 4%.

What are the numerous officials of the city and the republic doing in our country? They slander over inflated statistics, write programs that no one needs, and hold endless planning meetings and meetings. There are neither clear goals and development priorities, nor a clear strategy for achieving these goals. Where we are going, what and how we want to achieve, is completely incomprehensible to me personally. And how could it be otherwise, if in the selection of personnel our main principle is not the professional suitability of officials, but family ties or personal loyalty.

One gets the impression that our officials live one day and think only about how to fill their own pocket as quickly as possible. Plus, there is a mutual guarantee everywhere, everyone covers each other.

Someone has direct commercial interests, someone is interested in promoting their projects in bureaucratic structures or receiving certain benefits and privileges. Some are simply afraid of the consequences, others do not want to quarrel: after all, the republic is small, everyone knows each other. What can I say, only a few in our power have their own principled position, and even the courage to publicly express it. And this also applies to many of my fellow deputies. How many cases have there been when a deputy's principled position quickly evaporated after solving his private question?

At the end of last year, the majority of deputies agreed with the government's proposal to allocate 24 million rubles intended for the implementation of the law on veterans, to prepare municipalities for the heating season, in this bottomless hole called housing and communal services! In Ulan-Ude alone, about 1,100 veterans of the Great Patriotic War need better living conditions. Some of them have been in line since the seventies! Against the backdrop of the poverty in which many war veterans who saved our country find themselves today, making such a decision is simply wild and blasphemous. And all this always happens with a typical wording: "there is not enough money." So, why do we need an official, in order to divide the money that we have, or to think about what to do to make this money more. How much the city's budget earned - namely the budget, and not the official's pocket - when allocating land for the construction of shopping centers and restaurants. Something incomprehensible is happening with the circulation of land in Ulan-Ude. There are practically no open auctions; Although the demand for land plots among entrepreneurs is huge, therefore, the sale of land could become one of the most profitable items in the city budget. The economic potential and opportunities of the city far exceed the potential of any region of the republic, because the main production, financial and intellectual resources are concentrated in the city. The mayor's offices of other cities are actively working with large enterprises and entrepreneurs in the social sphere. Open agreements are signed with them, according to which they take patronage over various social facilities, thereby saving budget funds for their maintenance. I personally have never heard of anything like this happening here. And there are many such examples.

After several attempts, I nevertheless managed to verify the targeted use of funds allocated from the republic for the city of Ulan-Ude. Today this check is underway, but I'm just sure that city officials will find ways to hide R.B. mechanisms for squandering and taking away budget funds. This means that again it will be impossible to hold accountable officials who do not know how to properly manage budget money.

Dear voters! Your trust is very dear to me, so I can’t feed you with new promises, that they say, be patient a little more, life will get better soon, I can’t do it anymore. I think that if everything is left as it is, it will turn into a complete economic disaster for the republic.

The system of irresponsibility that has developed throughout the state, the lack of specific actions aimed at results, glory-seeking under the guise of democratic clothes, the complete absence of a system in the organization of management and the economy, so over the past 14 years has led to chaos and confusion, the impoverishment of the people and the state, which affects everyone. from U.S.

Apart from Vladimir Putin, today there is not a single person who would take responsibility and try to take concrete actions, getting bogged down in the swamp of the current system. Until the talking shop is abandoned, a specific list of tasks is not clearly defined, with the definition of deadlines and the most severe responsibility for their implementation, until the extras of the elite are forced to work for the state, nothing will change in society.

And in building such a new system, a system focused only on results, a system focused on strengthening the state, on recreating its power, a system focused on responsibility and strict implementation, and not on parliamentary talking and reasons, I am ready to take part. And only in building such a system I see the future of our people and the system as a whole.

In order to educate a politically literate new generation, which will be responsible not only for their actions, but for the whole country as a whole, a game called “schools” has increasingly become a part of the school law curriculum in educational institutions.

This event is designed to show the younger generation how important their opinion is and with what seriousness it is necessary to approach issues of national importance.

What audience is this project intended for?

The game "Election of the President of the School" is held within the framework of the educational institution, students from grades 1 to 11, as well as all teachers, including the principal and head teachers, automatically become participants in it.

In this case, each child appears for one or another candidate. And the task of teachers is to explain to children how to vote correctly. The main emphasis should be placed on the fact that when choosing, you should not start from someone else's opinion, you need to think only for yourself and learn to make the right decision.

Presidential Candidates

Candidates applying for the presidency are selected from representatives of the 9th-10th grades. Representatives of the 11th grade are not considered, since they have an important task - to successfully pass the final exams.

There should be few candidates, 1-2 people from each class, in this case, the number of parallels in the school is considered. Since children are just learning to be responsible citizens of their large country, with a very large volume of participants, the children lose interest in carefully studying their programs.

Any high school student who meets the following criteria can become a candidate for the post:

  • good student;
  • adheres to an active lifestyle;
  • possesses leadership qualities in the classroom (school) team;
  • able to protect and defend the interests of other students.

The event "Election of the President of the School" should be as close as possible in its content to the true election procedure.

The main stages of the game

As in any game held in an educational institution, this project has the main stages of the game, which are adult names. These include:

  • Familiarization of school students with the right to vote. This preparatory stage can be either an individual plan (carried out in each class separately), or a general one (in the form of a school-wide class hour).
  • Nomination of candidates, campaigning, collection of signatures, registration of candidates - all this refers to the main stage of the event called "Election Campaign".
  • Participation in elections, counting of votes, announcement of the winner - this is the final stage called "Voting".

The game of this plan is held for 10 school days.

School elections

Before starting the game, the teacher-organizer must know how to conduct presidential elections in the school. First, the date of the election and the date by which all applicants for this post must submit their applications must be announced. Further, two types of election commissions are created - in the classrooms (district) and school-wide (central). They are the main organizers of the elections. The teacher-organizer needs to remember that the game should be as close as possible to the real conditions of the game, and therefore, relatives and friends of candidates cannot be members of the election commission.

After organizational issues are resolved, the next stage begins - registration of participants applying for the post of school president.

The last step in this event is the election itself, which includes secret ballot, counting of votes and announcement of the winner. After that, he must give the solemn speech of the president of the school in the elections.

Campaign events at school

In order for this game to be successful and to make children want to take part, it is necessary to motivate them by talking about the purpose of the election of the school president. Every candidate should have an electoral program. It reflects the main problems of the school, with the solution of which the future president should work directly.

In addition, we must not forget that the elections of the president of the school are held. The election program should be concise and understandable to any student, regardless of his age category. Its content might be something like this:

  • Achievement is the main aspect of school life.
  • Establish an aid committee for underachievers.
  • Carrying out activities related to
  • The introduction of penalties for students with an offense (lateness, obscene language, lack of student uniform, lack of second shoes).
  • Creation of a leader board called "The Pride of Our School", where photos of the best students for the current period will be located.
  • Introduction of rating activity of classes (according to progress). The rating will be taken into account at the end of the school week and posted on a special stand for everyone to see.

Decorating the venue for the event

Of course, in order for there to be no children wishing not to take part in the event, it is necessary to properly arrange the premises. To do this, each candidate must create his own poster for the election of the president of the school, where his photograph and the main priorities of the election program should be placed.

In addition, a special calendar can be hung in the foyer of the school, with the help of which the days before the voting will be counted.

In the corridors of the school, it is necessary to hang slogans for the election of the president of the school. They should be short and encourage all participants in the educational process to take part in this activity.

How to spend voting day?

When voting day arrives, secret voting booths and boxes should be set up in the school where voters drop their ballots. The slogans for the election of the president of the school are all removed from the corridor, on this day they are no longer needed.

In the secret voting booth, you can place a poster "To the election of the president of the school!", Where photos of all candidates will be posted with their names and surnames. This is done so that the child can correctly cast his vote, since children, especially babies, tend to confuse surnames, especially in cases where they are consonant.

How to properly campaign?

How do school president elections begin? Agitation of students occupies one of the main places. Therefore, it needs to be well planned. Campaign activities can be carried out at breaks. The future president can attract students with interesting competitions and entertainment programs.

There may be debates between candidates after school hours. The speech of the future president on the way to victory is a key moment. To attract students, the candidate must speak confidently, offer concrete actions to solve the school problems that have arisen. Example: “I promise that as the president of the school, I will help reduce the number of low grades in the certificates. Self-help groups will be organized. More successful guys will work with those who are lagging behind in the main subjects.

Equally important is the slogan of the future president. Successful examples:

  • "Let's build a school where you want to study!"
  • “Teachers and students are one family!”
  • “To the lessons, as to a holiday!”

The president is a student with leadership qualities who will interact with the teaching staff for the benefit of the educational process.

The election of the president of the school will be interesting if you approach the issue of organization correctly.


Of course, the speech of the president of the school at the elections is the most solemn moment. Therefore, it should be clearly thought out and include such a basic aspect as the president's oath to his constituents.

Teachers need to do this as often as possible. Children, by playing, learn to be responsible citizens of their country. After all, our future depends on them. Election of the President of the school - an exciting event. And its planning should be taken with the utmost responsibility.

On April 9, I visited the studio of the radio station "Stolitsa", where the recording of appeals to voters of candidates for deputies of the Minsk City and Minsk Regional Soviets is being recorded.

Already at the station, it turned out that the speech should last no more than 5 minutes, so the speech prepared and rehearsed in advance had to be edited and cut back on the spot - for everything about everything 15 minutes. This turned out to be an unpleasant surprise for me.

Thanks to the employees of the radio station - understanding the excitement and inexperience of many candidates, they encouraged, gave useful advice, and, in general, demonstrated correctness and professionalism, which is nice. On the subject of excitement: it is so great that some candidates cannot cope with it and do not show up for the recording at all. For example, two people whose recordings were assigned right in front of me never came to the radio station.

Full text of my radio message:

Hello dear listeners,

My name is Irina Viktorovna Ptashnik. I am a candidate for deputies of the Minsk City Council in the twenty-ninth precinct of the Western constituency.
I hope that my voters, residents of the Zapad and Sukharevo microdistricts, whose houses are located on the streets of Yankovsky, Sharangovich, Goretsky, Shirma, Shkolnaya, Novaya, Kovalev, Kuznechnaya, Kolkhoznaya, Machulsky, Odintsov, Yakubovsky, Pritytsky, can hear me now , Burdeyny, Lobank, on Torgovy Lane or Tymoshenko Lane.
Many of you have already seen my information leaflets on the stands, my web page and are familiar with my biography. However, I think it would not be superfluous to briefly touch on the main facts once again. So, on the seventeenth of April I will celebrate my birthday, I turn fifty-three years old. I have two adult children. I have higher education. After graduating from the technical school of transport construction, I came as a foreman to the construction of the Minsk-2 airport, and also participated in the construction of the Palace of Railway Workers and many other metropolitan facilities. I entered the correspondence department of the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute with a degree in Economics and Organization of Construction, after which I worked as an engineer in construction organizations in Minsk. In the early nineties, like many then, I had to retrain and I mastered the profession of an accountant. Now I hold the position of chief accountant in an organization specialized in the supply of equipment and the construction of water treatment facilities. In addition, in the year 2006, I was elected chairman of the building society number 499. This is my second job, despite all the difficulties, it brings me great satisfaction. Some things, quite simple at first glance, actually require enormous time costs, organizational efforts, not to mention material investments. A freshly painted porch in their house or a new linoleum on their floor is taken for granted by many, and they do not even suspect how much careful planning was required, how funds were raised to pay the costs, how the negotiations with the contractor went, what control is needed and what patience is required to finish the job. to end. Having gone through all this personally, believe me, it was difficult to hold back a proud smile when I received the entrances of our houses after cosmetic repairs. After all, this was the first renovation in our homes in nearly twenty years!
I have been living in the "West" for more than twenty years, my children grew up here, my friends and neighbors live here, I sincerely love our area and consider it my home, but I also see many shortcomings that can and should be corrected. I am sure that as a deputy I will be useful to my district and the city as a whole. Therefore, I gladly accepted the initiative of my nomination. I take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and I hope that in the future you will also show your confidence in me and vote for my candidacy on election day.

Dear friends,
The election campaign has gained momentum. Leaflets printed, meetings organized. The candidates have formulated and presented their proposals - it is time for the voters to think about their choice.

The choice of your representative in the local council is a task that is best approached from the standpoint of common sense and practicality. And this means that, when evaluating a candidate’s program, we must simultaneously evaluate his competence, education, professionalism, experience, personal qualities, all together necessary for proposals and promises to be realized, and not remain empty projects.

As a member of the Minsk City Council, I see my first task as work to improve the quality of life in the “sleeping” areas of our city. I am ready to offer practical and effective, and most importantly, CONCRETE solutions to such pressing problems as:
- lack of parking spaces and passage of cars in the yards.
- Arrangement of green areas, truly suitable for walking and recreation.
- development of the infrastructure of the districts.
In many cases, such simple and low-cost measures as the organization of through passages, the expansion of courtyard passages due to a reasonable reduction in the green zone, the competent arrangement of objects and structures of the courtyard infrastructure, can, if not solve the problem, then at least seriously alleviate the situation.
A reserve that can be used, including to solve the problem of a lack of places for driving and parking cars in the yards, can be the areas freed up in the course of thoughtful reductions and redevelopment of green areas. Indeed, in a number of cases, a reasonable reduction in such zones and their reconstruction (following the example of large European cities) in the format of smaller, but more efficiently developed sites, alleys and squares is an ideal alternative. At the same time, the costs of such arrangements, in view of the small size of the areas subject to high-quality development, are relatively low, and, in addition, can be reduced even if local residents are actively involved in the improvement work.
To assess the possibility of implementing my proposals, as one of the first deputy initiatives, I intend to propose to the City Council an initial audit of courtyard territories.
I see the development of infrastructure in the districts as another area for efforts.
The quality of urban life, of course, depends on the development of infrastructure. At the same time, it is important to avoid one-sided perception, understanding that we are talking not only about such important social facilities as polyclinics, schools, kindergartens, but also about commercial infrastructure: shops, cafes, sports clubs, swimming pools, cinemas - which also fulfill their useful function, providing comfort and living standards. And if the first is the concern of the state, then the development of the second can and should be provided by business. Therefore, I see my deputy position in finding the right balance of interests in order to ensure the dynamic social and economic development of our region and city. I intend to actively participate in the discussions, analyze the proposals of the executive branch, as well as the initiatives of the Council, drawing on all my knowledge and experience.

Higher education in construction and economics, extensive practical experience, including administrative and social activities as the head of a large housing cooperative, allow me to confidently navigate economic, political and social processes, assess prospects and make informed decisions, consistently implementing useful ideas and defending the interests of their constituents in every possible way.

Again and again I appeal to my voters, residents of the Minsk micro-districts Zapad and Sukharevo. We are all friends and neighbors! I urge you on April 25 to come to the polls and vote for me. I hope that an active life position, healthy optimism, competence and professionalism will find enough supporters.

I wish you all health and well-being. It was Irina Viktorovna Ptashnik, a candidate for the Minsk City Council in the twenty-ninth polling station of the Western District.

In a few months, the so-called "election race" begins. It was during this period that intensive agitation by political forces or individuals of the population of the state began.

Campaigning is advertising of political force during the pre-election period. At the same time, the party or organization discloses its programs (plans for further actions in its position), makes certain promises to voters. The most important thing is to attract the electorate.

The electoral program of the candidate for deputies of the Tyumen Regional Duma of the sixth convocation in the single-mandate constituency No. 18 (Leninsky district of the city of Tyumen) Sergey Anatolyevich Myagkov. She was an assistant to the deputy of the regional Duma. In general, I take an active civic position.

We emphasize once again that election campaigning exists as a legal phenomenon only during the period of an election campaign, a referendum campaign. There are several options for this type of attracting supporters to your side. Television propaganda has the greatest influence on presidential and parliamentary elections.


It is not uncommon to hear rather loud promises from each side. This election campaign is not very fair. But at the same time, no one can do anything. In case of any questions from opponents, a simple answer follows: "This is not a bribe, but just a gift."

Election campaigning is conducted in various planes. That is, the actions of candidates are not limited by moral norms.

Why did I go to the primaries? Yes, because I really want to work in a team with enterprising people who really want and can change the lives of ordinary people in the Far East for the better.

Examples of campaign materials for elections to the City Duma

This communication occurs through appeals sent by the candidate to his voters. The main task of political advertising texts is to promote the achievement of the strategic goals of the campaign. The solution to any of these basic campaign tasks begins with the text.

One of the most common campaigning systems are various types of political advertising and television debates. Both the first and second types are successfully used by various political forces. These can be organizations, individuals, parties or associations.

A newspaper special issue is distributed only among the residents of the area of ​​interest to the candidate. In this regard, the use of special issues seems to be a very effective way of conducting an election campaign, in many cases it becomes a pivotal one. For example, during the by-elections to the Saratov City Duma (December 1997 - June 1998), most of the winning deputies used special issues in their election campaigns.

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