“Beautiful in the ordinary. The ability to see beauty How to find beauty in everyday life


The problem of the relationship between man and nature.

- V. Astafiev(morality in response to the question: why violent death? In the story "Belogrudka"The children killed the brood of the white-breasted marten, and she, distraught with grief, takes revenge on the whole world around her, destroying poultry in two neighboring villages, until she herself dies from a gun charge.)

The novels "Tsar-fish", "Last bow" (anxiety about the native land).

- S.A. Yesenin. Poems about nature. ("Birch", "Powder", "Dozed off golden stars. Feeling of the unity of man with the natural world, its plant animal nature)

- B. Vasiliev "Do not shoot white swans"(the main character Yegor Polushkin loves nature infinitely, he always works in good conscience, lives peacefully, but always turns out to be guilty. The reason for this is that Yegor could not disturb the harmony of nature, he was afraid to invade the living world. But people did not understand him, considered him not fit to life. He said that man is not the king of nature, but her eldest son. In the end, he dies at the hands of those who do not understand the beauty of nature, who are accustomed only to conquer it. But the son grows up. Who can replace his father, will respect and take care of your native land.

- Ch. Aitmatov "Scaffold"(a man destroys the colorful and populous world of nature with his own hands. The writer warns that the senseless extermination of animals is a threat to earthly prosperity. The position of the “king” in relation to animals is fraught with tragedy.

The role of nature in human life

* In the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin", the main character could not find spiritual harmony, cope with the "Russian blues", including because he was indifferent to nature. And the author's "sweet ideal" Tatyana felt herself a part of nature ("She loved to warn dawn on the balcony...") and therefore manifested herself in a difficult life situation as a spiritually strong person.

* The rebellious, conflict-minded and eternal struggle lyrical hero of M.Yu. Lermontov finds harmony only by merging with nature: “I go out alone on the road; Through the mist the flinty path gleams; The night is quiet. The desert listens to God, And the star speaks to the star.

* F.I. Tyutchev wrote:

Not what you think, nature:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

It has a soul, it has freedom,

It has love, it has a language...

The problem of ecological catastrophe

* The well-known writer and publicist S. Zalygin writes that “nature once sheltered a man in his house, but he decided that he was the sole owner, and created his own supernatural house in the house of nature. And now he has no choice but to shelter nature in this house of his.”

* The Russian writer Yu. Bondarev wrote: “Sometimes it seems to self-satisfied humanity that, like a universal commander, it has subjugated, conquered, curbed nature ... A person forgets that in a long war, victory is deceptive, and wise nature is too patient. But in due time everything comes to an end. Nature menacingly raises a punishing sword.

* Ch. Aitmatov in the novel "The Scaffold" showed that the destruction of the natural world leads to a dangerous deformation of man. And it happens everywhere. What is happening in the Moyunkum savanna is a global problem, not a local one.

The problem of a person's attitude to the landscape, to the external appearance of his native places, to his small homeland with its natural world

* Our great-grandfathers worshiped the Sun, Rain, Wind. Each tree, each blade of grass, flower meant something special and unique. Our ancestors believed in the harmony of Mother Nature and were happy. We have lost this faith. Our generation is indebted to our children and grandchildren. V. Fedorov wrote:

To save myself and the world,

We need, without wasting years,

Forget all cults and enter

An infallible cult of nature.

* I was struck by the story told by the famous writer Y. Bondarev about a cut down birch tree, which, dying, groaned painfully from death pain, like a person.

* The well-known modern publicist V. Belov wrote that a meeting with a small homeland, with those places where childhood was spent, brings a person a feeling of joy and happiness. The author recalled his childhood, believing that it is the past in his native village that does not allow him to grow old, heals the soul with its green silence.

Seeing beauty in the ordinary

* The secret of comprehension of beauty, according to the famous publicist V. Soloukhin, lies in admiring life and nature. The beauty poured into the world will enrich us spiritually if we learn to contemplate it. The author is sure that it is necessary to stop in front of her, "without thinking about time", only then she "will invite you to interlocutors."

* The great Russian writer K. Paustovsky wrote that “you need to immerse yourself in nature, as if you plunged your face into a pile of leaves wet from the rain and felt their luxurious coolness, their smell, their breath. Simply put, nature must be loved, and this love will find the right ways to express itself with the greatest power.

* A modern publicist, writer Y. Gribov argued that "beauty lives in the heart of every person and it is very important to wake her up, not let her die without waking up." Friendship

Do not take care of clothes - it will break, do not keep friendship - break off Tuvan proverb

A cowardly friend is more dangerous than an enemy, because you fear the enemy, but you hope for a friend Russian proverb

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Russian proverb

Human needs human,

To open up the soul in communication

And take in the light of your treasures.

Human needs human. N.Konoplyova Story

By learning the old, you learn the new Japanese proverb

If you shoot at the past with a pistol, then the future will shoot at you with a cannon Eastern Proverb

2. The problem of preserving historical memory. The epigraph to this topic could be the words of the academician D.S. Likhachev: "Memory is active. It does not leave a person indifferent, inactive. It owns the mind and heart of a person. Memory resists the destructive power of time. This is the greatest meaning of memory." The theme of those who were innocently repressed and tortured during the years of Stalinist terror sounds particularly prominent. People need to know the truth, no matter how cruel it may be. The revival of our history is painful. In the story “A golden cloud spent the night” by A. Pristavkin, the writer seeks to convey with the utmost certainty the atmosphere that prevailed in our country during the years of repression. Even the air was poisoned by general suspicion and fear, when for one careless word a person was thrown into prison, declared an "enemy of the people", his family was destroyed. He carefully examines the influence of the situation on people, their psychology, trying to find an answer to the question of what happened to us after all. Today, the education of memory is no less important for us. We all run from life, without looking back, in a hurry. And we do not notice how our personal history goes further and further. How many of us know our ancestry? Many cannot even name a grandfather. And they immediately ask a surprised question: “Why is this necessary? What are we, princes? Is it really only the princes that Russia is glorious for? After all, there were also hero soldiers, and masters - golden hands, and just honest people! From here, from this ignorance, come all the main troubles of our society.

* K. Balmont wrote:

You can leave everything cherished, you can stop loving everything without a trace,

But you can not cool down to the past But you can not forget about the past.

* In the story "Farewell to Matyora" V. Rasputin talks about a small village standing in the middle of the mighty Siberian river Angara. According to the plan, the island should be flooded. It seems to the locals that "the light has broken in half." The author painfully shows that with the loss of roots, traditions, the irreparable can happen - the spill of lack of spirituality, the shallowing of morality and the loss of humanity.

V. Soloukhin. The secret of comprehending beauty, according to the famous publicist V. Soloukhin, lies in admiring life and nature. The beauty poured into the world will enrich us spiritually if we learn to contemplate it. The author is sure that it is necessary to stop in front of her, "without thinking about time", only then she "will invite you to interlocutors."

K. Paustovsky. The great Russian writer K. Paustovsky wrote that “you need to immerse yourself in nature, as if you plunged your face into a pile of leaves wet from the rain and felt their luxurious coolness, their smell, their breath. Simply put, nature must be loved, and this love will find the right ways to express itself with the greatest power.

Yu.Gribov. A modern publicist, writer Y. Gribov argued that "beauty lives in the heart of every person and it is very important to wake her up, not let her die without waking up."

The problem of loneliness in old age, disrespectful attitude towards the elderly

V. Rasputin "Deadline". Children from the city gathered at the bedside of their dying mother. Before death, the mother seems to go to the place of judgment. She sees that there is no previous mutual understanding between her and the children, the children are disunited, they have forgotten about the lessons of morality received in childhood. Anna leaves life, difficult and simple, with dignity, and her children still live and live. The story ends tragically. Hurrying about some business, the children leave their mother to die alone. Unable to bear such a terrible blow, she dies that same night. Rasputin reproaches the children of the collective farmer for insincerity, moral coldness, forgetfulness and vanity.

K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram". The story of K. G. Paustovsky "Telegram" is not a banal story about a lonely old woman and an inattentive daughter. Paustovsky shows that Nastya is not soulless: she sympathizes with Timofeev, spends a lot of time organizing his exhibition. How could it happen that Nastya, who cares about others, shows inattention to her own mother? It turns out that it is one thing to get carried away with work, to do it with all your heart, to give it all your strength, physical and mental, and another to remember your loved ones, your mother, the most holy being in the world, not limited only to money transfers and short notes. Nastya failed to achieve harmony between caring for the "distant" and love for the closest person. This is the tragedy of her situation, this is the reason for the feeling of irreparable guilt, unbearable heaviness that visits her after the death of her mother and which will settle in her soul forever.

The problem of the need to act according to conscience

F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The protagonist of the work, Rodion Raskolnikov, did many good deeds. He is a kind person by nature who is hard going through the pain of others and always helps people. So Raskolnikov saves children from the fire, gives his last money to the Marmeladovs, tries to protect the drunk girl from men pestering her, worries about her sister Dunya, seeks to prevent her marriage with Luzhin in order to protect her from humiliation, loves and pities her mother, tries not to disturb her with his problems. But the trouble with Raskolnikov is that he chose a completely inappropriate means to fulfill such global goals. Unlike Raskolnikov, Sonya performs truly beautiful deeds. She sacrifices herself for the sake of loved ones, because she loves them. Yes, Sonya is a harlot, but she did not have the opportunity to quickly earn money in an honest way, and her family was dying of hunger. This woman destroys herself, but her soul remains pure, because she believes in God and tries to do good to everyone, loving and compassionate in a Christian way.
The most beautiful act of Sonya is the salvation of Raskolnikov ..
The whole life of Sonya Marmeladova is self-sacrifice. By the power of her love, she elevates Raskolnikov to herself, helps him overcome his sin and rise again. The actions of Sonya Marmeladova express all the beauty of a human act.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Pierre Bezukhov is one of the writer's favorite characters. Being at odds with his wife, feeling disgusted with the life in the world that they lead, experiencing after his duel with Dolokhov, Pierre involuntarily asks eternal, but so important questions for him: “What is bad? What well? Why live, and what am I? And when one of the smartest Masonic leaders urges him to change his life and purify himself by serving good, to benefit his neighbor, Pierre sincerely believed "in the possibility of a brotherhood of people united in order to support each other on the path of virtue." And to achieve this goal, Pierre does everything. what he considers necessary: ​​he donates money to the brotherhood, arranges schools, hospitals and shelters, tries to make life easier for peasant women with small children. His actions are always in harmony with his conscience, and the feeling of being right gives him confidence in life.

M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". Pontius Pilate sent the innocent Yeshua to be executed. For the rest of his life, the procurator was tormented by his conscience, he could not forgive himself for his cowardice. The hero received peace only when Yeshuya himself forgave him and said that there was no execution.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Raskolnikov killed an old pawnbroker to prove to himself that he was a "higher" being. But after the crime, his conscience torments him, a persecution mania develops, the hero moves away from relatives and friends. At the end of the novel, he repents of the murder, embarks on the path of spiritual healing.

* The secret of comprehension of beauty, according to the famous publicist V. Soloukhin, lies in admiring life and nature. The beauty poured into the world will enrich us spiritually if we learn to contemplate it. The author is sure that it is necessary to stop in front of her, "without thinking about time", only then she "will invite you to interlocutors."

* The great Russian writer K. Paustovsky wrote that “you need to immerse yourself in nature, as if you plunged your face into a pile of leaves wet from the rain and felt their luxurious coolness, their smell, their breath. Simply put, nature must be loved, and this love will find the right ways to express itself with the greatest power.

* A modern publicist, writer Y. Gribov argued that "beauty lives in the heart of every person and it is very important to wake her up, not let her die without waking up."

The problem of attitude to the native language

* The well-known publicist M. Molina wrote: “For Russian-speaking people living in Russia or dispersed all over the world, language is the only common heritage ... The first concern is not to let it die.”

*WITH. Erichev noted that "with the help of verbal mental images, we can create or destroy our genetic structure... Some words heal the body... others destroy it."

* "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy begins with a lengthy dialogue in French, and the babbling of Anatole Kuragin, who unsuccessfully tried to tell a joke in Russian, looked very pitiful.

* Well-known publicist A. Prosvirnov in the article “Why do we need imported weeds?” resents the unreasonable misuse of foreign words and jargon in our language.

* S. Kaznacheev in one of his essays wrote that the "blind" use of borrowing today leads to a distortion of the alphabet, the destruction of words, disruption of the functioning of the language, and the loss of cultural traditions.

* N. Gal believes that one of the most dangerous diseases of our speech is clerical. Stamps oppress the "living core" of the language, they are dangerous both in the live speech of people and in the speech of characters in literary works.

* Publicist V. Kostomarov is sure that "the language is subject to the people who use it." It reflects the state of society. So “it’s not the language that needs to be corrected now ...”

The problem of the future of the book

* The popular publicist S. Kuriyu discussed in his essay "The Book and the Computer Age" whether the book will die under the condition of the development of modern information technologies. The author argued that a book is primarily a text, but in what format it is presented does not matter for the essence of the work.

* V. Soloukhin writes about the enormous advantage of the book over the cinema. The reader, in his opinion, "directs" his film himself, the film director does not impose on him the appearance of the characters. Thus, reading books is a more creative process than sitting in front of a “box”, when a person is more a consumer than a creator.

The role of books in human life

*According to the famous writer F. Iskander, "the main and invariable sign of the success of a work of art is the desire to return to it, re-read it and repeat the pleasure."

* The well-known writer and publicist Y. Olesha wrote: “We read a wonderful book more than once in our lives and each time, as it were, anew, and this is the amazing fate of the authors of golden books ... They are out of time.”

*M. Gorky wrote: "I owe everything good in me to books."

* In Russian literature, there are many examples of the positive influence of reading on the formation of a person's personality. So, from the first part of M. Gorky's trilogy "Childhood" we learn that books helped the hero of the work overcome the "lead abominations of life" and become a man.

Section 6

Scientific and technical progress


1.Education and culture

2. Human education

3. The role of science in modern life

4. Man and scientific progress

5. Spiritual Consequences of Scientific Discoveries

The opportunity to see the beautiful and amazing around them is given only to children. Growing up, people gradually lose this gift. Many of us have divided the world into good and bad, useful and harmful.
Things, events, phenomena that mean nothing to some, or even annoy, for others can become a real inspiration, an object of admiration.

The ability to see beauty in something else

The talent to notice little things helps to make new discoveries. The most attentive are people of creative specialties - artists, photographers, writers, artists, sculptors. For them, the world is open in a diverse palette of colors and has more facets of beauty. People of art tend to find the positive in the most ordinary or even not very pleasant for others more often than others.
One such example is the attitude of actor Tom Cruise towards his daughter Suri. He, like a loving father, decided to capture in gold what other parents throw away by wrinkling their nose (guess what?). And for him it was a real work of art. I didn't want to include this picture. 🙂
This is, of course, an unusual case, and it is not the only one of its kind.
As you can see, different things can be beautiful. The main thing is to be able to see.

To be able to see beauty in gray and boring

The ability to see something more than close to the gaze of a person is not given to everyone. Alas, but many, as they say, do not see beyond the tip of the nose.

“Here it is, a gray and terrible fence made of aluminum, cruciform ... no fantasy!” - the fellow traveler in the bus grumbles.

Indeed, the gray color evokes boredom. And what should be the fences of hundred-kilometer roads of a huge city? To build chased or cast iron fences, as in tsarist Russia? Would these fences be a real decoration? After all, behind their beauty, no one would have seen dandelions blooming in a clearing. And yet, along the entire length of the road on such a nondescript and gray fence, real city beauties - petunias flaunt.

Why do some people see gray, while others see its shades and what is beyond it?

Seeing and understanding beauty in simple things

This is the most wonderful way to cheer yourself up. There is no need to wait for someone to take care of you, to entertain you, to console you in moments of grief. We can do it ourselves if we want.

How to do it, if everything around is not right and wrong? We will not list the reasons why you can be upset. There are really too many of them, but we are not talking about this today.

One of the options for raising the mood is this. Only here the loved one cannot guess about it? Or does his way home not pass by a flower stand?

Create your own mood! It is absolutely not worth going to buy a bouquet for yourself. This can be a reason for jealousy. Although, the reason for jealousy can also be from weeds (that's how they called my bouquet).

Go outside, to the nearest park, where you have not yet had time to "mow" the lawn, and pick flowers for yourself. Simple blades of grass, daisies, blooming clover, thistles. Everything you meet. Why not a bouquet?

To live well those who are a stone's throw away from wildlife. A city dweller needs to go somewhere. Well, how much effort does it take to pick up forget-me-nots and bells for your girlfriend? Such a bouquet, perhaps, in terms of spiritual value will be more expensive than the purchased one.

And how many positive emotions - fresh air, birdsong and a complete sense of freedom!

When a person begins to see beauty in simple things, he becomes happier.

If we could clearly see the miracle of one flower, our whole life would change... Buddha

This bouquet turned out to be not only cute and funny, but also useful. Cat Musya appreciated it, and enjoyed it with pleasure.

In the middle of summer, becoming the owner of a bouquet is much easier. But for the winter time, a bouquet is a real gift. Is it worth waiting for such a miracle? Create it yourself - plant a real one at home and enjoy your garden every day.

How to see the world as beautiful and unusual if we walk with our heads down?

As if they had lost something… Yes, many have really lost their sense of reality, good mood, optimism, the desire to be kind, sympathetic…
And then there is rain, dampness, puddles. If we walk, looking under our feet, then let's admire the world in the reflections of the puddles. look on the world through the eyes of children, photographers and artists, or lovers.

There are many examples when you can see the unusual in simple things.

To notice a miracle or not depends on one's own desire - to focus on the bad, or to try to discern and appreciate the little things, without which the world would be incomplete.

The desire to see the beautiful does not mean at all that it is necessary to turn a blind eye to things, actions and events that require intervention and correction.

People who tend to feel deeper just differ from the rest by a special responsibility for maintaining peace and harmony in it. I would like to hope that most of them are.

How to return the ability to see the world beautiful and amazing?

  • The flexibility of the mind can be developed, which sharpen all the senses
  • Can . They can help you get away from the hustle and bustle.
  • More walking (traveling) and observing.
  • Read the classics, listen to beautiful music.
  • Get creative: or take pictures.
  • Get involved in charity.

Sometimes, the disclosure of love for an unusual environment (objects and even people) is very slow.

The beauty that a person discovers for himself makes the deepest impression.

Unfortunately, many begin to appreciate simple things and trifles only when they find themselves in extreme situations, drastically changing living conditions.

Do not be afraid to be strange, move away from the imposed beauty patterns, learn to see the beauty in the ordinary, the extraordinary in the simple. And of course - be happy! Live well, right?

What role does nature play in human life?

Text: Anna Chaynikova
Photo: news.sputnik.ru

Writing a good essay is not easy, but the right arguments and literary examples will help you get the maximum score. This time we analyze the topic: "Man and Nature".

Sample Problem Statements

The problem of determining the role of nature in human life. (What role does nature play in human life?)
The problem of the impact of nature on man. (What effect does nature have on humans?)
The problem of the ability to notice beauty in the ordinary. (What gives a person the ability to notice beauty in the simple and ordinary?)
The problem of the influence of nature on the spiritual world of man. (How does nature affect the spiritual world of a person?)
The problem of the negative impact of human activity on nature. (What is the negative impact of human activity on nature?)
The problem of a cruel / kind attitude of a person towards living beings. (Is it permissible to torture and kill living beings? Are people capable of treating nature compassionately?)
The problem of human responsibility for the conservation of nature and life on Earth. (Is man responsible for the conservation of nature and life on Earth?)

Not everyone can see the beauty of nature, its poetry. There are quite a few people who perceive it utilitarianly, like Yevgeny Bazarov, the hero of the novel Fathers and Sons. According to the young nihilist, "nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it." Calling nature "trifles", he is not only unable to admire its beauties, but in principle denies this possibility. I would not agree with such a position, who in the poem “Not what you think, nature ...”, in fact, gave the answer to all supporters of Bazarov’s point of view:

Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
It has a soul, it has freedom,
It has love, it has a language...

According to the poet, people who remain deaf to the beauty of nature have existed and will exist, but their inability to feel is worthy of only regret, because they "live in this world as if in the dark." The inability to feel is not their fault, but a misfortune:

Not their fault: understand, if you can,
The body is the life of a deaf-mute!
Soul it, ah! won't alarm
And the voice of the mother herself! ..

It is to this category of people that Sonya belongs, the heroine of the epic novel L. N. Tolstoy"War and Peace". Being a rather prosaic girl, she is not able to understand the beauty of the moonlit night, the poetry spilled in the air, which Natasha Rostova feels. The girl's enthusiastic words do not reach Sonya's heart, she only wants Natasha to close the window as soon as possible and go to bed. But she cannot sleep, feelings overwhelm her: “No, look at that moon!.. Oh, what a charm! You come here. Darling, dove, come here. Well, see? So I would squat down like this, grab myself under my knees - tighter, as tight as possible, you have to strain - and fly. Like this!
- All right, you're going to fall.
There was a struggle and Sonya's displeased voice:
- It's the second hour.
Oh, you're just ruining everything for me. Well, go, go."

Alive and open to the whole world, Natasha's paintings of nature prompt dreams that are incomprehensible to the mundane and insensitive Sonya. Prince Andrei, who became an unwitting witness to the conversation of girls at night in Otradnoye, is forced by nature to look at his life with different eyes, pushing him to reassess his values. At first, he experiences it on the field of Austerlitz, when he lies, bleeding, and looks into an unusually "high, fair and kind sky." Then all the former ideals seem small to him, and the dying hero sees the meaning of life in family happiness, and not glory and universal love. Then nature becomes for Bolkonsky, who is experiencing an internal crisis, a catalyst for the process of reassessment of values, gives an impetus to return to the world. The tender foliage that appeared in the spring on the old clumsy branches of the oak, with which it associates itself, gives it hope for renewal, inspires strength: “No, life is not over at the age of thirty-one,” Prince Andrei suddenly decided definitively, without change.<…>... it is necessary that my life was not for me alone.

Happy is the one who feels and hears nature, is able to draw strength from it, find support in difficult situations. Yaroslavna, the heroine of "The Tale of Igor's Campaign", is endowed with such a gift, three times turning to the forces of nature: with a reproach for her husband's defeat - to the sun and wind, for help - to the Dnieper. Yaroslavna's crying forces the forces of nature to help Igor escape from captivity and becomes a symbolic reason for the completion of the events described in the "Word ...".

The story “Hare Paws” is dedicated to the connection between man and nature, a careful and compassionate attitude towards it. Vanya Malyavin brings to the veterinarian a hare with a torn ear and burned paws, which brought his grandfather out of a terrible forest fire. The hare “cries”, “groans” and “sighs”, just like a person, but the veterinarian remains indifferent and, instead of helping, gives the boy the cynical advice to “fry him with onions”. Grandfather and grandson do their best to help the hare, they even carry it to the city, where, as they say, lives the pediatrician Korsh, who will not refuse to help them. Dr. Korsh, despite the fact that "all his life he treated people, not hares", unlike a veterinarian, he shows spiritual sensitivity and nobility and helps an unusual patient to come out. “What a child, what a hare is all the same”, - says the grandfather, and one cannot but agree with him, because animals, just like humans, can experience fear or suffer from pain. Grandfather Larion is grateful to the hare for saving him, but feels guilty for the fact that one day he almost shot a hare with a torn ear while hunting, which then led him out of a forest fire.

However, is a person always responsive to nature and treats it with care, does he understand the value of the life of any creature: a bird, an animal? in the story "The Horse with a Pink Mane" shows a cruel and thoughtless attitude towards nature, when children, for fun, knocked out a bird, a sculpin fish with a stone "torn to pieces ... on the shore for an ugly view". Although the guys then tried to give the swallow water to drink, but “She let blood into the river, could not swallow water and died, dropping her head.” Having buried the bird in the pebbles on the shore, the children soon forgot about it, taking up other games, and they were not at all ashamed. Often a person does not think about the damage he causes to nature, how destructive the thoughtless destruction of all life is.

in the story E. Nosova The “doll” narrator, who has not been in his native places for a long time, is horrified at how the once rich in fish river has changed beyond recognition, how it has become shallow, overgrown with mud: “The channel narrowed, became infested, the clean sands on the bends were covered with cocklebur and hard butterbur, many unfamiliar shoals and spits appeared. There were no more deep, rapids, where before, at the evening dawn, cast, bronzed ides bored into the river surface.<…>Now all this yazovy freedom bristled with a bunch and peaks of an arrowhead, and everywhere, where it is still free from grasses, black bottom mud is rushing, grown fertile from an excess of fertilizers carried by rains from the fields.. What happened in Lipina Yama can be called a real environmental disaster, but what are its causes? The author sees them in the changed attitude of man to the world around him as a whole, not only to nature. The careless, merciless, indifferent attitude of people to the world around them and to each other can have irreversible consequences. The old carrier Akimych explains the changes that have taken place to the narrator in this way: “Many have become accustomed to evil and do not see how they themselves are doing evil.” Indifference, according to the author, is one of the most terrible vices that destroy not only the soul of the person himself, but also the world around him.

"The Tale of Igor's Campaign"
I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
N. A. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and hares"
L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
F. I. Tyutchev "Not what you think, nature ..."
"Good attitude towards horses"
A. I. Kuprin "White Poodle"
L. Andreev "Kusaka"
M. M. Prishvin "Forest Master"
K. G. Paustovsky "Golden Rose", "Hare Paws", "Badger Nose", "Dense Bear", "Water Frog", "Warm Bread"
V. P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish", "Vasyutkino Lake"
B. L. Vasiliev "Do not shoot at white swans"
Ch. Aitmatov "Scaffold"
V. P. Astafiev "Horse with a pink mane"
V. G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matyora", "Live and Remember", "Fire"
G. N. Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear"
E. I. Nosov "Doll", "Thirty grains"
"Love of Life", "White Fang"
E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea"

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