Crime and punishment Katerina Ivanovna. Characteristics of the members of the Marmeladov family in the novel "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky


Characteristics of the hero

All her life, Katerina Ivanovna has been looking for how and with what to feed her children, she suffers need and deprivation. Proud, ardent, adamant, left a widow with three children, she, under the threat of hunger and poverty, was forced, "weeping and sobbing, and wringing her hands, to marry a nondescript official, a widower with a fourteen-year-old daughter Sonya, who, in turn, marries Katerina Ivanovna out of a sense of pity and compassion.
It seems to her that the environment is a real hell, and the human meanness that she encounters at every turn hurts her painfully. Katerina Ivanovna does not know how to endure and be silent, like Sonya. A strongly developed sense of justice in her encourages her to take decisive action, which leads to a misunderstanding of her behavior by others.
She is of noble origin, from a ruined noble family, so she has many times harder than her stepdaughter and husband. The point is not even in everyday difficulties, but in the fact that Katerina Ivanovna does not have an outlet in life, like Sonya and Semyon Zakharych. Sonya finds solace in prayers, in the Bible, and her father, at least for a while, is forgotten in a tavern. Katerina Ivanovna, on the other hand, is a passionate, daring, rebellious and impatient nature.
The behavior of Katerina Ivanovna on the day of Marmeladov's death shows that love for one's neighbor is deeply embedded in the human soul, that it is natural for a person, even if he does not realize it. "And thank God that he is dying! Less loss!" - Katerina Ivanovna exclaims at the bedside of her dying husband, but at the same time she fusses around the patient, gives him something to drink, straightens the pillows.
Bonds of love and compassion bind Katerina Ivanovna and Sonya. Sonya does not condemn her stepmother, who once pushed her stepdaughter onto the panel. On the contrary, the girl defends Katerina Ivanovna in front of Raskolnikov, "agitated and suffering and wringing her hands." And a little later, when Luzhin publicly accuses Sonya of stealing money, Raskolnikov sees with what bitterness Katerina Ivanovna rushes to protect Sonya.
Need, poverty crush the Marmeladov family, bring Katerina Ivanovna to consumption, but self-esteem lives in her. Dostoevsky himself says of her: "But Katerina Ivanovna was beyond that and not one of those downtrodden, she could be completely killed by circumstances, but she could not be beaten morally, that is, it was impossible to intimidate and subjugate her will." It was this desire to feel like a full-fledged person that made Katerina Ivanovna arrange a chic commemoration. Dostoevsky constantly emphasizes this desire with the words "proudly and with dignity examined her guests," "did not deign to answer," "sounded loudly across the table." Next to the feeling of self-respect in the soul of Katerina Ivanovna lives another great feeling - kindness. She tries to justify her husband, saying: "Imagine, Rodion Romanovich, I found a gingerbread cockerel in his pocket: he is dead drunk, but he remembers about the children." She, holding Sonya tightly, as if with her breast she wants to protect her from Luzhin's accusations, says: "Sonya! Sonya! I don't believe it!" In search of justice, Katerina Ivanovna runs out into the street. She understands that after the death of her husband, the children are doomed to starvation, that fate is not merciful to them. So Dostoevsky, contradicting himself, refutes the theory of consolation and humility, supposedly leading everyone to happiness and well-being, when Katerina Ivanovna rejects the consolation of the priest. The end of Katerina Ivanovna is tragic. In unconsciousness, she runs to the general to ask for help, but their excellencies are having dinner, and the doors are closed in front of her. There is no more hope for salvation, and Katerina Ivanovna decides to take the last step: she goes to beg. The scene of the death of a poor woman is very impressive. The words with which she dies ("they left the nag", "took herself") In the face of Katerina Ivanovna, a tragic image of grief is imprinted. This image embodies the tremendous power of protest. He stands in a number of eternal images of world literature.

Katerina Ivanovna - the wife of the official Marmeladov, the mother of the main character in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. This woman is about thirty years old. She belongs to the category of “humiliated and insulted”, because after the death of her drunken husband she was left with three children in her arms and in poverty. She has a stepdaughter Sonya, who is forced to trade her body in order to somehow help the children in the family.

Katerina Ivanovna has been in need almost all her life because of her husband and is tormented by the question of how to feed her children. Although she once studied at a noble institute, which she graduated with honors. This slender woman was the daughter of a court adviser, but having fallen in love with an infantryman, she fled from home with him. Now she is ill with consumption and has difficulty making ends meet. After the death of her husband, somehow arranges his wake.

Marmeladov drank a lot during his lifetime and was fond of gambling, for which he was put on trial and soon died. She actually forced her stepdaughter to engage in an indecent craft, and she herself with the children, being on the street, begged for alms. Due to consumption and endless deprivation, a woman loses her mind and dies. Being a proud and rebellious woman, she did not tolerate disrespect in her address, often clashed with the landlady and

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Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova is one of the brightest minor heroines of the novel Crime and Punishment.

The image and characteristics of Katerina Ivanovna in the novel "Crime and Punishment": description of appearance and character in quotes.

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The image and characteristics of Katerina Ivanovna in the novel "Crime and Punishment": description of appearance and character in quotes

Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova is the wife of the official Marmeladov.

The age of Katerina Ivanovna is about 30 years old:
“To Raskolnikov she seemed about thirty years old, and really was not a couple for Marmeladov ...” Katerina Ivanovna is an unfortunate, sick woman:
"Beela! Yes, what are you! Lord, beat! And even if she beat, so what! Well, so what? You know nothing, nothing. She is so unfortunate, oh, so unfortunate! And sick. " Katerina Ivanovna is an educated, educated woman from a good family. The heroine's father was a court adviser (a rather high rank according to the "Table of Ranks"):
". she is the daughter of a court adviser and a gentleman, and therefore, in fact, almost a colonel's daughter. ". Papa was a state colonel and already almost a governor; he only had one step left, so that everyone went to him and said: “We really consider you, Ivan Mikhailych, to be our governor.” ". Katerina Ivanovna, my wife, is a highly educated and born staff officer's daughter. " ". she is educated and well-bred and has a well-known surname. " Katerina Ivanovna was born and raised in the city of T. somewhere in the outback of Russia:
". will certainly start a boarding house in his hometown T. "

Unfortunately, Katerina Ivanovna did not find happiness in her marriage to Marmeladov. Apparently, a more or less stable life lasted about a year. Then Marmeladov took to drink and the family fell into poverty:

It was a quotation image and characterization of Katerina Ivanovna in Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment: a description of appearance and character in quotations.

Crime and punishment (part 5, chapter 5)

Lebeziatnikov looked alarmed.

- I'm here for you, Sofya Semyonovna. Sorry. I thought that I would find you,” he suddenly turned to Raskolnikov, “that is, I didn’t think anything. in this kind. but that's what I thought. Our Katerina Ivanovna has gone mad there,” he suddenly snapped at Sonya, abandoning Raskolnikov.

“That is, at least it seems so. However. We don't know what to do there, that's what! She came back - it seems that she was kicked out from somewhere, maybe they beat her up. at least it seems so. She ran to the head of Semyon Zakharych, did not find him at home; he dined with some general, too. Imagine, she waved to where they dined. to this other general, and, imagine, she insisted, called the chief Semyon Zakharych, yes, it seems, even from the table. You can imagine what happened there. She was expelled, of course; and she says that she herself scolded him and let something into him. It can even be assumed. I don't understand how they didn't take her! Now she tells everyone, and Amalia Ivanovna, but it's hard to understand, she screams and beats. Oh, yes: she says and shouts that since everyone has abandoned her now, she will take the children and go out into the street, carry a hurdy-gurdy, and the children will sing and dance, and she too, and collect money, and every day under the window to the general walk. “Let him, he says, see how the noble children of an official father walk the streets as beggars!” He beats all the children, they cry. He teaches Lenya to sing "Khutorok", the boy to dance, Polina Mikhailovna too, tears all the dresses; makes them some kind of hats, like actors; she wants to carry a basin to beat, instead of music. Doesn't listen to anything. Imagine how it is? It's just not possible!

Lebeziatnikov would have gone on and on, but Sonya, who was listening to him with barely a breath, suddenly grabbed her mantle and hat and ran out of the room, dressing on the run. Raskolnikov went out after her, Lebeziatnikov behind him.

- Definitely messed up! - he said to Raskolnikov, going out with him into the street, - I just didn’t want to frighten Sofya Semyonovna and said: “it seems”, but there is no doubt. These, they say, are such tubercles, in consumption, they jump up on the brain; I'm sorry I don't know medicine. However, I tried to convince her, but she does not listen to anything.

- Did you tell her about the tubercles?

- That is, not quite about the tubercles. Besides, she wouldn't understand a thing. But I'm talking about this: if you convince a person logically that, in essence, he has nothing to cry about, then he will stop crying. It is clear. And your belief that it will not stop?

“It would be too easy to live then,” Raskolnikov answered.

- Allow, allow; of course, it is rather difficult for Katerina Ivanovna to understand; but do you know that serious experiments were already taking place in Paris with regard to the possibility of curing lunatics, acting solely on logical conviction? One professor there, recently deceased, a serious scientist, imagined that it was possible to treat in this way. His main idea is that there is no particular disorder in the body of madmen, but that madness is, so to speak, a logical error, an error in judgment, an incorrect view of things. He gradually refuted the patient and, imagine, he achieved, they say, results! But since at the same time he also used souls, the results of this treatment are, of course, subject to doubt. At least it seems so.

Raskolnikov had not heard from him for a long time. Coming up with his house, he nodded his head to Lebezyatnikov and turned into the gateway. Lebezyatnikov woke up, looked around and ran on.

Raskolnikov went into his closet and stood in the middle of it. "Why did he come back here?" He looked around at that yellowish, shabby wallpaper, at that dust, at his couch. A sharp, incessant knocking came from the yard; something somewhere seemed to be driven in, some kind of nail. He went to the window, stood on tiptoe and for a long time, with an air of extreme attention, looked out in the yard. But the yard was empty, and there were no knockers to be seen. To the left, in the wing, one could see here and there open windows; on the windowsills were pots of runny geraniums. Laundry was hung outside the windows. He knew all this by heart. He turned away and sat down on the sofa.

Never, never had he felt so terribly alone!

Yes, he felt once again that he might really hate Sonya, and just now, when he made her more unhappy. “Why did he go to her to ask for her tears? Why does he need to eat up her life so much? Oh, meanness!

- I'll be alone! he suddenly said resolutely, "and she won't go to jail!"

After about five minutes he raised his head and smiled strangely. It was a strange thought: "Perhaps it is really better in penal servitude," he suddenly thought.

He did not remember how long he sat in his room, with vague thoughts crowding in his head. Suddenly the door opened and Avdotya Romanovna entered. She first stopped and looked at him from the threshold, just as he had looked at Sonya; then she already went and sat down opposite him on a chair, in her place yesterday. He silently and somehow without thought looked at her.

“Don’t be angry, brother, I’m only for one minute,” Dunya said. Her expression was thoughtful, but not stern. The look was clear and quiet. He saw that this one came to him with love.

“Brother, I now know everything, everything. Dmitri Prokofich explained and told me everything. You are persecuted and tormented by stupid and vile suspicion. Dmitri Prokofich told me that there was no danger, and that you should not take it with such horror. I don’t think so, and I fully understand how indignant everything is in you and that this indignation can leave traces forever. This is what I'm afraid of. Because you left us, I do not judge you and do not dare to judge, and forgive me that I reproached you before. I myself feel that if I had such a great grief, I would also leave everyone. I won't tell my mother about this, but I will talk about you incessantly and I will say on your behalf that you will come very soon. Don't worry about her; I will calm her down; but don’t torment her either, come at least once; remember that she is a mother! And now I only came to say (Dunya began to get up from her seat) that if, in case, you need me for anything or you need it. my whole life, or what. then call me, I'll come. Goodbye!

She turned abruptly and walked towards the door.

- Dunya! - Raskolnikov stopped her, got up and went up to her, - this Razumikhin, Dmitry Prokofich, is a very good person.

Dunya blushed a little.

"Well," she asked, after waiting a minute.

“He is a man of business, hardworking, honest and capable of much love. Farewell, Dunya.

Dunya flushed all over, then suddenly became alarmed:

- What is it, brother, are we really parting forever, what are you telling me. Do you make such wills?

- Doesn't matter. Goodbye.

He turned away and walked away from her to the window. She stood looking at him uneasily and went out in alarm.

No, he was not cold towards her. There was one moment (the very last) when he had a terrible desire to hug her tightly and say goodbye to her, and even say, but he did not even dare to shake hands with her:

“Then, perhaps, she will shudder when she remembers that I now hugged her, she will say that I stole her kiss!”

“Will this one survive or not? he added after a few minutes to himself. - No, it will not stand; can't stand it like that! These never last. "

And he thought of Sonya.

There was a breath of freshness from the window. Outside, the light was no longer so bright. He suddenly took his cap and went out.

He, of course, could not, and did not want to take care of his morbid condition. But all this incessant anxiety and all this spiritual horror could not pass without consequences. And if he was not yet lying in a real fever, then perhaps precisely because this inner, uninterrupted anxiety still kept him on his feet and conscious, but somehow artificially, for the time being.

He wandered aimlessly. The sun was setting. Some special melancholy began to affect him lately. There was nothing especially caustic, burning in it; but something constant, eternal emanated from her, the hopeless years of this cold, deadening melancholy were foreseen, some kind of eternity was foreseen in the "yard of space." In the evening, this feeling usually began to torment him even more strongly.

- Here with some sort of stupid, purely physical infirmities, depending on some kind of sunset, and refrain from doing stupid things! Not only to Sonya, but to Dunya you will go! he muttered hatefully.

They called him. He looked back; Lebeziatnikov rushed to him.

- Imagine, I was with you, looking for you. Imagine, she fulfilled her intention and took the children away! Sofya Semyonovna and I found them with difficulty. She beats the frying pan herself, makes the children sing and dance. The children are crying. They stop at crossroads and at shops. Stupid people run after them. Let's go.

- A Sonya. Raskolnikov asked anxiously, hurrying after Lebeziatnikov.

- Just in a frenzy. That is, not Sofya Semyonovna in a frenzy, but Katerina Ivanovna; and by the way, Sofya Semyonovna is in a frenzy. And Katerina Ivanovna is completely in a frenzy. I'm telling you, I'm totally crazy. They will be taken to the police. You can imagine how that would work. They are now in the ditch by the bridge, very close to Sofya Semyonovna. Close.

On the ditch, not very far from the bridge and not reaching two houses from the house where Sonya lived, a crowd of people crowded. Boys and girls especially came running. The hoarse, strained voice of Katerina Ivanovna could still be heard from the bridge. And indeed, it was a strange spectacle that could interest the street audience. Katerina Ivanovna, in her old dress, in her dreadlock's shawl, and in her broken straw hat, which had strayed to one side in an ugly ball, was really in a real frenzy. She was tired and out of breath. Her exhausted, consumptive face looked more miserable than ever (besides, on the street, in the sun, a consumptive always seems more sick and disfigured than at home); but her excited state did not cease, and every minute she became more irritated. She rushed to the children, shouted at them, persuaded, taught them right there in front of the people how to dance and sing, began to explain to them what it was for, fell into despair from their dullness, beat them. Then, without finishing, she rushed to the public; if she noticed a slightly well-dressed person who stopped to look, she immediately set off to explain to him that, they say, this is what children “from a noble, one might even say, aristocratic house” have been reduced to. If she heard laughter in the crowd or some kind of bullying word, she immediately pounced on the impudent ones and began to scold them. Some actually laughed, others shook their heads; in general, everyone was curious to look at the crazy woman with frightened children. The frying pan that Lebeziatnikov was talking about was not there; at least Raskolnikov did not see; but instead of knocking on the frying pan, Katerina Ivanovna began to clap her dry palms to the beat when she made Polechka sing and Lenya and Kolya dance; moreover, she even began to sing along herself, but each time she broke off on the second note from an excruciating cough, which made her despair again, cursed her cough and even cried. Most of all, Kolya and Leni's crying and fear drove her crazy. Indeed, there was an attempt to dress up children in a costume, as street singers and singers dress up. The boy was wearing a turban made of something red and white, so that he portrayed himself as a Turk. There were not enough suits for Lenya; only a red cap (or, better to say, a cap) of the late Semyon Zakharych, knitted from a garus, was put on his head, and a piece of a white ostrich feather, which belonged to Katerina Ivanovna's grandmother and has been preserved until now in a chest, in the form of a family rarity, was stuck into the cap. Polechka was in her usual dress. She looked at her mother timidly and lost, did not leave her side, concealed her tears, guessed at her mother's insanity, and looked around uneasily. The street and the crowd frightened her terribly. Sonya followed Katerina Ivanovna relentlessly, weeping and begging her to return home every minute. But Katerina Ivanovna was inexorable.

"Stop it, Sonya, stop it!" she shouted quickly, hurriedly, panting and coughing. "You don't know what you're asking for, like a child!" I already told you I'm not going back to that drunk German woman. Let everyone, all of Petersburg, see how the children of a noble father beg for alms, who served faithfully and truthfully all his life and, one might say, died in the service. (Katerina Ivanovna has already managed to create this fantasy for herself and believe it blindly.) Let this worthless general see. Yes, and you are stupid, Sonya: what is there now, tell me? We've tortured you enough, I don't want more! Oh, Rodion Romanych, it's you! she cried, seeing Raskolnikov and rushing towards him, “please explain to this fool that nothing can be done smarter!” Even organ-grinders get their money, and everyone will immediately distinguish us, they will find out that we are a poor noble family of orphans, reduced to poverty, and this general will lose his place, you will see! Every day we will walk under the windows to him, and the sovereign will pass by, I will kneel, I will put all of them forward and show them: “Protect, father!” He is the father of all orphans, he is merciful, he will protect, you will see, but this general. Lenya! tenez vous droite! You, Kolya, will now dance again. What are you whining about? Whine again! Well, what are you afraid of, fool! God! what am I to do with him, Rodion Romanovitch! If only you knew how stupid they are! Well, what do you do with these.

And she herself, almost crying (which did not interfere with her incessant and incessant patter), pointed to the whimpering children. Raskolnikov tried to persuade her to come back and even said, thinking to affect her pride, that it was indecent for her to walk the streets like organ-grinders walk, because she was preparing herself to be the headmistress of a noble boarding school for girls.

— Pension, ha-ha-ha! Glorious tambourines beyond the mountains! cried Katerina Ivanovna, coughing up immediately after laughing. “No, Rodion Romanovitch, the dream is gone!” We have all been abandoned. And this general. You know, Rodion Romanych, I put an inkwell at him - here, in the footman's room, by the way, she stood on the table, near the sheet on which they signed, and I signed, let it go, and ran away. Oh, vile, vile. Don't care; now I will feed these myself, I will not bow to anyone! We've tortured her enough! (She pointed to Sonya.) Polechka, how much did you collect, show me? How? Just two pennies? Oh vile! They don't give us anything, they just run after us with their tongues out! Why is this idiot laughing? (she pointed to one of the crowd). This is all because this Kolya is so slow-witted, fuss with him! What do you want, Polechka? Speak to me in French, parlez-moi francais. After all, I taught you, because you know a few phrases. Otherwise, how can you distinguish that you are of a noble family, well-bred children, and not at all like all organ grinders; not "Petrushka" we represent some on the streets, but we will sing a noble romance. Oh yes! what are we to sing? You all interrupt me, and we. You see, we stopped here, Rodion Romanych, to choose what to sing, so that even Kolya could dance. because we have all this, you can imagine, without preparation; we need to come to an agreement so that everything is completely rehearsed, and then we will go to Nevsky, where there are many more people of high society and we will be immediately noticed: Lenya knows "Khutorok". Only everything is “Khutorok” and “Khutorok”, and everyone sings it! We should sing something much nobler. Well, what did you come up with, Fields, if only you could help your mother! I have no memory, I would remember! Do not sing "Hussar leaning on a saber," in fact! Ah, let's sing in French "Cinq sous!" I taught you, I taught you. And most importantly, since it is in French, they will immediately see that you are children of the nobility, and this will be much more touching. You could even say: "Malborough s'en va-t-en guerre", since this is a completely children's song and is used in all aristocratic houses when children are lulled to sleep.

Malborough s'en va-t-en guerre,

Ne sait quand revendra. she began to sing. — But no, Cinq sauce is better! Well, Kolya, hands to your hips, hurry up, and you, Lenya, also turn in the opposite direction, and Polechka and I will sing along and clap!

Cinq sauce, cinq sauce

Pour monter notre menage. Hee-hee-hee! (And she rolled over from coughing.) Straighten her dress, Polechka, the coat hangers are down, she noticed through a cough, resting. - Now you especially need to behave decently and on a thin leg, so that everyone can see that you are noble children. I said then that the bra should be cut longer and, moreover, in two panels. It was you then, Sonya, with your advice: “In short, in short,” so it turned out that the child was completely disfigured. Well, you're all crying again! Why are you stupid! Well, Kolya, start quickly, quickly, quickly - oh, what an intolerable child he is.

Cinq sous, cinq sous. Soldier again! Well, what do you need?

Indeed, a policeman will make his way through the crowd. But at the same time one gentleman in a uniform and overcoat, a respectable official of about fifty, with an order around his neck (the latter was very pleasant to Katerina Ivanovna and influenced the policeman), approached and silently handed Katerina Ivanovna a three-ruble green credit card. His face expressed sincere compassion. Katerina Ivanovna received him and bowed politely, even ceremoniously.

“I thank you, sir,” she began haughtily, “the reasons that prompted us. take the money, Polechka. You see, there are noble and generous people who are immediately ready to help a poor noblewoman in misfortune. You see, sir, noble orphans, one might even say, with the most aristocratic connections. And this general was sitting and eating hazel grouse. stamped his feet that I disturbed him. “Your Excellency, I say, protect the orphans, knowing very well, I say, the late Semyon Zakharych, and since his own daughter was slandered by the meanest of the scoundrels on the day of his death. » That soldier again! Protect! she shouted to the official, “why is this soldier climbing up to me? We have already run away from one here from Meshchanskaya. Well, what do you care, fool!

“That’s why it’s forbidden on the streets, sir. Don't be rude.

- You yourself are a bastard! I still go with a hurdy-gurdy, what do you care?

“As for the hurdy-gurdy, you need to have permission, and you yourself, sir, and in such a manner, bring down the people. Where would you like to lodge?

- As permission! yelled Katerina Ivanovna. - I buried my husband today, what permission is there!

“Madame, madam, calm down,” the official began, “let’s go, I’ll bring you up.” Here in the crowd is indecent. you are unwell.

“Dear sir, dignified sir, you don’t know anything! shouted Katerina Ivanovna, "we'll go to the Nevsky," Sonya, Sonya! Where is she? Also crying! What about all of you. Kolya, Lenya, where are you going? she suddenly cried out in fright, “oh foolish children! Kolya, Lenya, where are they?

It so happened that Kolya and Lenya, frightened to the last degree by the street crowd and the antics of a crazy mother, finally seeing a soldier who wanted to take them and lead them somewhere, suddenly, as if by agreement, grabbed each other by the arms and rushed to run. With a cry and a cry, poor Katerina Ivanovna rushed to catch up with them. It was ugly and pitiful to look at her, running, crying, suffocating. Sonya and Polechka rushed after her.

- Gate, gate them, Sonya! O foolish, ungrateful children. Fields! catch them. For you I am.

She stumbled as she ran and fell.

— Broken into blood! Oh my God! cried Sonya, leaning over her.

Everyone ran, everyone crowded around. Raskolnikov and Lebeziatnikov ran up from the first; The official also hurried, followed by the policeman, grumbling: "Eh-ma!" and waving his hand, foreseeing that things would turn out troublesome.

— Went! go! - he dispersed the people crowding around.

- Dying! someone shouted.

- Lost her mind! another said.

- Lord, save! one woman said, crossing herself. - Were the girl and the boy angry? Won-ka, lead, the eldest intercepted. Vish, sbalmoshnye!

But when they took a good look at Katerina Ivanovna, they saw that she had not at all been smashed against a stone, as Sonya thought, but that blood, staining the pavement, gushed from her chest in her throat.

“I know that, I saw it,” the official muttered to Raskolnikov and Lebezyatnikov, “it’s consumption, sir; blood will gush out and crush. With one of my relatives, until recently I was a witness, and that way a glass and a half. suddenly sir. What, however, to do, now he will die?

- Here, here, to me! Sonya pleaded, “this is where I live. This house is the second one from here. To me, quickly, quickly. she rushed to everyone. - Send for the doctor. Oh my God!

Through the efforts of the official, this matter was settled, even the policeman helped transfer Katerina Ivanovna. They brought her to Sonya almost dead and laid her on the bed. The bleeding was still going on, but she seemed to be starting to come to her senses. In addition to Sonya, Raskolnikov and Lebeziatnikov, an official and a policeman entered the room at once, having previously dispersed the crowd, some of which were escorted to the very door. Polechka brought Kolya and Lenya in, holding hands, trembling and crying. They also agreed from the Kapernaumovs: he himself, lame and crooked, a strange-looking man with bristly, upright hair and sideburns; his wife, who had some kind of frightened look once and for all, and several of their children, with faces stiff from constant surprise and with open mouths. Among all this public, Svidrigailov suddenly appeared. Raskolnikov looked at him in surprise, not understanding where he came from, and not remembering him in the crowd.

They talked about the doctor and the priest. Although the official whispered to Raskolnikov that, it seems, the doctor was now superfluous, he ordered to send it. Kapernaumov himself ran.

Meanwhile, Katerina Ivanovna caught her breath, and for a while the blood drained. She looked with a painful, but intent and penetrating gaze at the pale and trembling Sonya, who was wiping drops of sweat from her forehead with a handkerchief; Finally, she asked to be lifted up. They put her on the bed, holding her on both sides.

Blood still covered her parched lips. She rolled her eyes, looking around.

"So that's how you live, Sonya!" I have never been with you. led.

She looked at her with anguish.

“We sucked you out, Sonya. Fields, Lenya, Kolya, come here. Well, here they are, Sonia, that's all, take them. from hand to hand. and that's enough for me. Ball is over! G'a. Put me down, let me die in peace.

They lowered her back onto the pillow.

- What? Priest. No need. Where do you have an extra ruble. I have no sins. God has to forgive anyway. He knows how I suffered. If you don't forgive, you don't have to.

The restless delirium seized her more and more. Sometimes she shuddered, looked around, recognized everyone for a minute; but immediately consciousness again gave way to delirium. She was breathing hoarsely and with difficulty, something seemed to be bubbling in her throat.

“I tell him: “Your Excellency. ' she shouted, resting after each word, 'that Amalia Ludwigovna. Oh! Lenya, Kolya! handles to the sides, hurry, hurry, glisse-glisse, pas de basque! Kick your feet. Be a graceful child.

Du hast die schonsten Augen,

Madchen, was willst du mehr? Well, yes, how not! was willst du mehr, - he will invent it, fool. Oh yes, here's more:

In the midday heat, in the valley of Dagestan. Ah, how I loved. I loved this romance to adoration, Polechka. you know, your father. still sang as a groom. Oh days. If only we could sing! Well, how, how. Here is what I forgot. Remind me, how? She was in extreme agitation and struggled to get up. Finally, in a terrible, hoarse, tearing voice, she began, crying out and gasping at every word, with an air of some growing fright:

In the midday heat. in the valley. Dagestan.

With lead in my chest. Your Excellency! she suddenly yelled with a rending cry and burst into tears, “protect the orphans!” Knowing the bread and salt of the late Semyon Zakharych. One might even say aristocratic. G'a! she suddenly shuddered, coming to her senses and examining everyone with a kind of horror, but she recognized Sonya at once. Sonya, Sonya! she said meekly and affectionately, as if surprised that she saw her before her, "Sonya, dear, are you here too?"

She was lifted up again.

- Enough. It's time. Farewell, wretch. We left the nag. Broke-a-ah! she shouted desperately and hatefully, and hit her head on the pillow.

She forgot herself again, but this last oblivion did not last long. Her pale yellow, withered face threw back, her mouth opened, her legs stretched convulsively. She took a deep, deep breath and died.

Sonya fell on her corpse, wrapped her arms around her and froze, leaning her head against the withered chest of the deceased. Polechka fell at her mother's feet and kissed them, weeping bitterly. Kolya and Lenya, still not understanding what had happened, but anticipating something very terrible, grabbed each other by the shoulders with both hands and, staring at one another with their eyes, suddenly, together, at once, opened their mouths and began to scream. Both were still in costume: one in a turban, the other in a yarmulke with an ostrich feather.

And how did this “commendation sheet” suddenly find itself on the bed, next to Katerina Ivanovna? He lay right there, by the pillow; Raskolnikov saw him.

He went to the window. Lebeziatnikov jumped up to him.

- Died! Lebezyatnikov said.

“Rodion Romanovich, I have two necessary words to convey to you,” Svidrigailov approached. Lebeziatnikov immediately gave way and delicately shied away. Svidrigailov led the astonished Raskolnikov further into the corner.

- All this fuss, that is, funerals and so on, I take on myself. You know, if I had money, I told you that I have extra money. I will place these two chicks and this Polechka in some better orphanage institutions and put on each, until adulthood, one thousand five hundred rubles of capital, so that Sofya Semyonovna will be completely at peace. Yes, and I’ll pull her out of the pool, because she’s a good girl, isn’t she? Well, so you tell Avdotya Romanovna that I used her ten thousand like that.

- With what goals did you become so blissful? Raskolnikov asked.

- Eh! The man is incredulous! Svidrigailov laughed. - After all, I said that I have extra money. Well, but simply, according to humanity, you don’t allow it, or what? After all, she was not a “louse” (he pointed his finger at the corner where the deceased was), like some old pawnbroker. Well, you will agree, well, “Does Luzhin really live and do abominations, or should she die?” And don’t help me, because “Polenka, for example, will go there, along the same road. "

He said this in an air of some kind of winking, merry cheating, without taking his eyes off Raskolnikov. Raskolnikov turned pale and cold as he heard his own expressions spoken to Sonya. He quickly recoiled and looked wildly at Svidrigailov.

Why. You know? he whispered, barely catching his breath.

“Why, I’m standing here, through the wall, at Madame Resslich’s. Here is Kapernaumov, and there is Madame Resslich, an old and most devoted friend. Neighbor-s.

“I am,” continued Svidrigailov, swaying with laughter, “and I can assure you with honor, my dear Rodion Romanovich, that you have surprisingly interested me. After all, I said that we would get together, I predicted this for you, - well, we agreed. And you will see what a foldable person I am. See that you can still live with me.

World of Dostoevsky

Life and work of Dostoevsky. Analysis of works. Characteristics of heroes

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Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova is one of the most striking and touching images created by Dostoevsky in the novel Crime and Punishment.

This article presents the fate of Katerina Ivanovna in the novel "Crime and Punishment": the life story, biography of the heroine.

The fate of Katerina Ivanovna in the novel "Crime and Punishment": a life story, a biography of the heroine

Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova is an educated, intelligent woman from a respectable family. Katerina Ivanovna's father was a state colonel. Apparently, by origin, the heroine is a noblewoman. At the time of the narration in the novel, Katerina Ivanovna is about 30 years old.

In her youth, Katerina Ivanovna graduated from an institute for girls somewhere in the provinces. According to her, she had worthy fans. But young Katerina Ivanovna fell in love with an infantry officer named Mikhail. The father did not approve of this marriage (probably, the groom really was not worthy of his daughter). As a result, the girl ran away from home and got married without the consent of her parents.

Unfortunately, Katerina Ivanovna's beloved husband turned out to be an unreliable person. He loved to play cards and eventually ended up on trial and died. As a result, at the age of about 26, Katerina Ivanovna was left a widow with three children. She fell into poverty. Relatives turned away from her.

At this time, Katerina Ivanovna met the official Marmeladov. He took pity on the unfortunate widow and offered her his hand and heart. This union took place not out of great love, but out of pity. Katerina Ivanovna married Marmeladov only because she had nowhere to go. In fact, the young and educated Katerina Ivanovna was not a couple for Marmeladov.

Marriage with Marmeladov did not bring happiness to Katerina Ivanovna and did not save her from poverty. After a year of marriage, Marmeladov lost his job and started drinking. The family fell into poverty. Despite all the efforts of his wife, Marmeladov never managed to stop drinking and build a career.

At the time of the events described in the novel, Katerina Ivanovna and her husband Marmeladov have been married for 4 years. The Marmeladovs have been living in St. Petersburg for 1.5 years. By this time, Katerina Ivanovna had fallen ill with consumption. She did not have any dresses left, and her husband Marmeladov even drank away her stockings and scarf.

Seeing the desperate situation of the family, Katerina Ivanovna's stepdaughter, Sonya Marmeladova, began to engage in "obscene" work. Thanks to this, the Marmeladovs received a livelihood. Katerina Ivanovna was sincerely grateful to Sonya for this sacrifice.

Soon a tragedy happened in the Marmeladov family: a drunken Marmeladov fell under a horse on the street and died the same day. Katerina Ivanovna fell into despair, since she did not even have money for her husband's funeral. Raskolnikov helped the unfortunate widow by giving his last money.

On the day of her husband's commemoration, Katerina Ivanovna behaved strangely, showing signs of insanity: together with the children, she staged a performance on the street. Here she accidentally fell, she began to bleed. On the same day the woman died.

After the death of Katerina Ivanovna, her three children were left orphans. Mr. Svidrigailov helped arrange the future of the poor orphans: he assigned all three to one orphanage (which was not always done), and also deposited some capital into their account.

Such is the fate of Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova in the novel "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky: a life story, a biography of the heroine.

Death of Katerina Ivanovna

Katerina Ivanovna has gone mad. She ran to the former boss of the deceased to ask for protection, but she was expelled from there, and now the mad woman is going to go begging for alms on the street, forcing the children to sing and dance.

Sonya grabbed her mantilla and hat and ran out of the room, dressing on the run. The men followed her. Lebezyatnikov talked about the reasons for Katerina Ivanovna's madness, but Raskolnikov did not listen, but, coming abreast of his house, nodded his head to his companion and turned into the gateway.

Lebezyatnikov and Sonya found Katerina Ivanovna by force - not far from here, on the canal. The widow has completely lost her mind: she beats the frying pan, makes the children dance, they cry; they are about to be taken to the police.

They hurried to the canal, where a crowd had already gathered. The hoarse voice of Katerina Ivanovna could still be heard from the bridge. She, tired and out of breath, either screamed at the crying children, whom she dressed up in some old clothes, trying to give them the appearance of street performers, then rushed to the people and talked about her unfortunate fate.

She made Polechka sing and the younger ones dance. Sonya followed her stepmother and, sobbing, begged her to return home, but she was inexorable. Seeing Raskolnikov, Katerina Ivanovna told everyone that this was her benefactor.

Meanwhile, the main ugly scene was yet to come: a policeman was squeezing through the crowd. At the same time, some respectable gentleman silently handed Katerina Ivanovna a three-ruble note, and the distraught woman began to ask
him to protect them from the policeman.

The younger children, frightened by the police, grabbed each other by the arms and rushed to run.

Katerina Ivanovna was about to rush after them, but she stumbled and fell. Polechka brought the fugitives, the widow was raised. It turned out she was bleeding from the blow.

Through the efforts of a respectable official, everything was settled. Katerina Ivanovna was transferred to Sonya and laid on the bed.

The bleeding was still going on, but she was beginning to recover. Sonya, Raskolnikov, Lebezyatnikov, an official with a policeman, Polechka, holding the hands of the younger children, the Kapernaumov family, gathered in the room, and among all this audience Svidrigailov suddenly appeared.

They sent for a doctor and a priest. Katerina Ivanovna looked with a painful look at Sonya, who was wiping drops of sweat from her forehead, then asked to lift herself up and, seeing the children, calmed down.

She began to delirious again, then she forgot herself for a while, and then her withered face threw back, her mouth opened, her legs stretched convulsively, she took a deep breath and died. Sonya and the children were crying.

Raskolnikov went to the window, Svidrigailov approached him and said that he would take care of all the funerals, put the children in the best orphanage, put one thousand five hundred rubles for each until adulthood, and pull Sofya Semyonovna out of this whirlpool.

While serving a term in hard labor, Dostoevsky conceived the novel The Drunk Ones. The difficult life, the corresponding environment, the stories of prisoners - all this prompted the writer to the idea of ​​describing the life of an impoverished ordinary Petersburger and his relatives. Later, already in the wild, he began to write another novel, where he entered the previously conceived characters. The images and characteristics of the members of the Marmeladov family in the novel "Crime and Punishment" occupy a special place among other characters.

This family is a symbolic image that characterizes the life of ordinary ordinary people, a collective one - people living almost on the verge of a final fall in morality, however, despite all the blows of fate, who managed to preserve the purity and nobility of their souls.

Marmalade family

The Marmeladovs occupy almost a central place in the novel, they are very closely connected with the main character. Almost all of them played a very important role in the fate of Raskolnikov.

At the time Rodion met this family, it consisted of:

  1. Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich - the head of the family;
  2. Katerina Ivanovna - his wife;
  3. Sofya Semyonovna - Marmeladov's daughter (from his first marriage);
  4. children of Katerina Ivanovna (from her first marriage): Polenka (10 years old); Kolya (seven years old); Lidochka (six years old, still called Lenechka).

The Marmeladov family is a typical family of philistines who have sunk almost to the very bottom. They don't even live, they exist. Dostoevsky describes them like this: as if they are not even trying to survive, but simply live in hopeless poverty - such a family "has nowhere else to go." It's scary not so much that the children found themselves in such a situation, but that the adults seem to have come to terms with their status, do not seek a way out, do not seek to get out of such a difficult existence.

Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich

Head of the family, with which Dostoevsky introduces the reader at the time of Marmeladov's meeting with Raskolnikov. Then, gradually, the writer reveals the life path of this character.

Marmeladov once served as a titular adviser, but he drank himself, was left without a job and practically without a livelihood. He has a daughter from his first marriage - Sonya. At the time of the meeting between Semyon Zakharovich and Raskolnikov, Marmeladov had been married to a young woman Katerina Ivanovna for four years. She herself had three children from her first marriage.

The reader will learn that Semyon Zakharovich married her not so much out of love, but out of pity and compassion. And they all live in St. Petersburg, where they moved a year and a half ago. At first, Semyon Zakharovich finds a job here, and quite a decent one. However, due to his addiction to drinking, the official very soon loses her. So, through the fault of the head of the family, the whole family is begging, left without a livelihood.

Dostoevsky does not tell - what happened in the fate of this man, what once broke in his soul so that he began to drink, in the end - he drank himself, which condemned the children to begging, brought Katerina Ivanovna to consumption, and his own daughter became a prostitute, so that at least somehow earn and feed three young children, a father and a sick stepmother.

Listening to the drunken outpourings of Marmeladov, involuntarily, however, the reader is imbued with sympathy for this man who has fallen to the very bottom. Despite the fact that he robbed his wife, begged for money from his daughter, knowing how she earns it and why, he is tormented by pangs of conscience, he is disgusted with himself, his soul hurts.

In general, many heroes of "Crime and Punishment", even very unpleasant at the beginning, eventually come to the realization of their sins, to an understanding of the full depth of their fall, some even repent. Morality, faith, inner mental suffering are characteristic of Raskolnikov, Marmeladov, and even Svidrigailov. Who can not stand the pangs of conscience and commits suicide.

Here is Marmeladov: he is weak-willed, cannot cope with himself and stop drinking, but he sensitively and accurately feels the pain and suffering of other people, injustice towards them, he is sincere in his good feelings towards his neighbors and honest to himself and others. Semyon Zakharovich did not harden in his fall - he loves his wife, daughter, children of his second wife.

Yes, he did not achieve much in the service, he married Katerina Ivanovna out of compassion and pity for her and her three children. He remained silent when his wife was beaten, was silent and endured when his own daughter went to the bar to feed his children, stepmother and father. And Marmeladov's reaction was weak-willed:

"And I ... lay drunk, sir."

He can’t even do anything, he just can’t drink alone - he needs support, he needs to confess to someone who will listen to him and console him, who will understand him.

Marmeladov prays for forgiveness - the interlocutor, the daughter whom the saint considers, his wife, her children. In fact, his prayer is addressed to a higher authority - to God. Only the former official asks for forgiveness through his listeners, through his relatives - this is such a frank cry from the depths of the soul that it evokes in the listeners not so much even pity as understanding and sympathy. Semyon Zakharovich is executing himself for his weak will, for his fall, for his inability to stop drinking and start working, for having come to terms with his current fall and not looking for a way out.

Sad result: Marmeladov, being very drunk, dies after falling under a horse. And perhaps this is the only way out for him.

Marmeladov and Raskolnikov

The hero of the novel meets Semyon Zakharovich in a tavern. Marmeladov attracted the attention of a poor student with a contradictory appearance and an even more contradictory look;

“It was as if even enthusiasm shone, - perhaps, there was both sense and intelligence, - but at the same time, madness seemed to flicker.”

Raskolnikov drew attention to the drunken little man, and eventually listened to the confession of Marmeladov, who spoke about himself and his family. Listening to Semyon Zakharovich, Rodion once again understands that his theory is correct. The student himself during this meeting is in some strange state: he decided to kill the old money-lender, driven by the "Napoleonic" theory of superhumans.

At first, the student sees an ordinary drunkard frequenter of taverns. However, listening to Marmeladov's confession, Rodion is curious about his fate, then imbued with sympathy, not only for the interlocutor, but also for his family members. And this is in that feverish state when the student himself is focused only on one thing: "to be or not to be."

Later, fate brings the hero of the novel to Katerina Ivanovna, Sonya. Raskolnikov helps the unfortunate widow with a commemoration. Sonya, with her love, helps Rodion to repent, to understand that not everything is lost, that one can still know both love and happiness.

Katerina Ivanovna

Middle-aged woman, about 30. She has three young children from her first marriage. However, enough suffering and grief, trials have already fallen to her lot. But Katerina Ivanovna did not lose her pride. She is smart and educated. As a young girl, she was carried away by an infantry officer, fell in love with him, ran away from home to get married. However, the husband turned out to be a player, eventually lost, he was judged and soon died.

So Katerina Ivanovna was left alone with three children in her arms. Her relatives refused to help her, she had no income. The widow and children were in complete poverty.

However, the woman did not break down, did not give up, she was able to maintain her inner core, her principles. Dostoevsky characterizes Katerina Ivanovna in the words of Sonya:

she “… seeks justice, she is pure, she believes so much that there should be justice in everything, and demands… And even torture her, but she does not do anything unfair. She herself does not notice how all this is impossible to be fair in people, and gets irritated ... Like a child, like a child!

In an extremely distressed situation, the widow meets Marmeladov, marries him, tirelessly busies around the house, caring for everyone. Such a hard life undermines her health - she falls ill with consumption and on the day of Semyon Zakharovich's funeral she herself dies of tuberculosis.

Orphaned children are sent to an orphanage.

Children of Katerina Ivanovna

The writer's skill was manifested in the highest way in the description of the children of Katerina Ivanovna - so touchingly, in detail, realistically, he describes these eternally hungry children, doomed to live in poverty.

"... The smallest girl, about six years old, was sleeping on the floor, somehow sitting, crouching and burying her head in the sofa. The boy, a year older than her, was trembling all over in the corner and crying. He had probably just been nailed. The older girl , about nine years old, tall and thin as a match, in one thin shirt, torn everywhere, and in a shabby dradedam's burnous coat draped over her bare shoulders, sewn probably two years ago, because it now did not reach even to her knees, stood in the corner beside a small brother, clasping his neck with her long hand, dried up like a match, she ... followed her mother with her big, big dark eyes, which seemed even larger on her emaciated and frightened face ... "

It touches to the core. Who knows - it's possible that they end up in an orphanage, a better way out than to stay on the street and beg.

Sonya Marmeladova

The native daughter of Semyon Zakharovich, 18 years old. When her father married Katerina Ivanovna, she was only fourteen. Sonya has a significant role in the novel - the girl had a huge influence on the main character, became Raskolnikov's salvation and love.


Sonya did not receive a decent education, but she is smart and honest. Her sincerity and responsiveness became an example for Rodion and awakened in him conscience, repentance, and then love and faith. The girl suffered a lot in her short life, she suffered from her stepmother, but she did not harbor evil, she was not offended. Despite the lack of education, Sonya is not stupid at all, she reads, she is smart. In all the trials that fell to her lot during such a short life so far, she managed not to lose herself, retained the inner purity of her soul, her own dignity.

The girl was capable of complete self-sacrifice for the good of others; she is endowed with the gift to feel someone else's suffering as her own. And then she thinks least of all about herself, but only about how and with what she can help someone who is very ill, who suffers and needs even more than herself.

Sonya and her family

Fate seemed to test the girl for strength: at first she began to work as a seamstress to help her father, stepmother and her children. Although at that time it was accepted that the family should be supported by a man, the head of the family, however, Marmeladov turned out to be absolutely incapable of this. The stepmother was sick, her children were very small. The seamstress's income was insufficient.

And the girl, driven by pity, compassion and a desire to help, goes to the panel, receives a “yellow ticket”, becomes a “harlot”. She suffers greatly from the realization of her external such a fall. But Sonya never reproached her drunken father or her sick stepmother, who knew very well who the girl was now working for, but they themselves were unable to help her. Sonya gives her earnings to her father and stepmother, knowing full well that the father will drink this money away, but the stepmother will be able to somehow feed her little children.

meant a lot to a girl

"the thought of sin and they, those ... poor orphans and this pathetic half-crazy Katerina Ivanovna with her consumption, with her head banging against the wall."

This kept Sonya from wanting to commit suicide because of such a shameful and dishonorable occupation, which she was forced to engage in. The girl managed to preserve her inner moral purity, to preserve her soul. But not every person is able to save himself, to remain a man, going through all the trials in life.

Sonya love

It is not by chance that the writer pays such close attention to Sonya Marmeladova - in the fate of the protagonist, the girl became his salvation, and not so much physical as moral, moral, spiritual. Having become a fallen woman, in order to be able to save at least the children of her stepmother, Sonya saved Raskolnikov from a spiritual fall, which is even worse than a physical fall.

Sonechka, sincerely and blindly believing in God with all her heart, without reasoning or philosophizing, turned out to be the only one capable of awakening in Rodion humanity, if not faith, but conscience, repentance for what he had done. She simply saves the soul of a poor student who has lost his way in philosophical reasoning about the superman.

The novel clearly shows the opposition of Sonya's humility to Raskolnikov's rebelliousness. And it was not Porfiry Petrovich, but it was this poor girl who was able to direct the student on the true path, helped to realize the fallacy of his theory and the gravity of the crime committed. She suggested a way out - repentance. It was her who obeyed Raskolnikov, confessing to the murder.

After the trial of Rodion, the girl followed him to hard labor, where she began working as a milliner. For her kind heart, for her ability to sympathize with other people, everyone loved her, especially the prisoners.

The spiritual revival of Raskolnikov became possible only thanks to the selfless love of the poor girl. Patiently, with hope and faith, Sonechka takes care of Rodion, who is sick not so much physically, but spiritually and mentally. And she manages to awaken in him the awareness of good and evil, to awaken humanity. Raskolnikov, if he had not yet accepted Sonya's faith with his mind, accepted her beliefs with his heart, believed her, in the end he fell in love with the girl.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the writer in the novel reflected not so much the social problems of society as more psychological, moral, spiritual. The whole horror of the tragedy of the Marmeladov family is in the typicality of their destinies. Sonya became a bright ray here, who managed to preserve a person in herself, dignity, honesty and decency, purity of soul, despite all the trials that fell to her. And today, all the problems shown in the novel have not lost their relevance.

In Dostoevsky's work "Crime and Punishment" there are many female images. There is a whole gallery of them. These are Sonechka Marmeladova, Katerina Ivanovna killed by circumstances, Alena Ivanovna and her sister Lizaveta. In the work, these images play an important role.

Sonya Marmeladova - the main character

One of the main female images in the novel "Crime and Punishment" is Sonya Marmeladova. The girl was the daughter of an official who drank himself and subsequently could no longer support his family. Due to the constant abuse of alcohol, he is fired from his job. In addition to his own daughter, he has a second wife and three children. The stepmother was not angry, but poverty affected her depressingly, and sometimes she blamed her stepdaughter for her troubles.

And Raskolnikov decides to dwell on this thought. He likes this explanation more than any other. If the protagonist had not seen such a crazy woman in Sonya, then perhaps he would not have told her about his secret. At first, he simply cynically challenged her humility, saying that he killed only for his own sake. Sonya does not answer his words until Raskolnikov directly asks her the question: “What should I do?”.

Combination of the Low Way and Christian Faith

The role of female characters in Crime and Punishment, especially Sonechka, cannot be underestimated. After all, gradually the main character begins to adopt Sonya's way of thinking, to understand that she is in fact not a prostitute - she does not spend the money earned in a shameful way on herself. Sonya sincerely believes that as long as the life of her family depends on her earnings, the Lord will not allow her illness or insanity. Paradoxically, F. M. Dostoevsky was able to show how it combines the Christian faith with a completely unacceptable, terrible way of life. And the faith of Sonya Marmeladova is deep, and does not, like many, represent only formal religiosity.

A school homework assignment in literature might sound like this: “Analyze the female images of the novel“ Crime and Punishment ”. When preparing information about Sonya, it must be said that she is a hostage to the circumstances in which life has placed her. She had little choice. She could remain hungry while watching her family suffer from hunger, or she could start selling her own body. Of course, her act was reprehensible, but she could not do otherwise. Looking at Sonya from the other side, you can see a heroine who is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of her loved ones.

Katerina Ivanova

Katerina Ivanovna is also one of the important female characters in the novel Crime and Punishment. She is a widow, left alone with three children. She has a proud and hot disposition. Due to hunger, she was forced to marry an official - a widower who has a daughter, Sonya. He takes her as his wife only out of compassion. She spends her whole life trying to find ways to feed her children.

The environment seems to Katerina Ivanovna a real hell. She is very painfully hurt by human meanness, which comes across at almost every step. She does not know how to be silent and endure, as her stepdaughter Sonya does. Katerina Ivanovna has a well-developed sense of justice, and it is this that pushes her to take decisive action.

What is the hard part of the heroine

Katerina Ivanovna is of noble origin. She comes from a bankrupt noble family. And for this reason, it is much harder for her than for her husband and stepdaughter. And this is not only due to everyday difficulties - Katerina Ivanovna does not have the same outlet as Semyon and his daughter. Sonya has consolation - this is prayer and the Bible; her father may forget himself in a tavern for some time. Katerina Ivanovna differs from them in the passion of her nature.

The Ineradicability of Katerina Ivanovna's Self-Respect

Her behavior suggests that love cannot be eradicated from the human soul by any difficulties. When an official dies, Katerina Ivanovna says that this is for the best: "There is less loss." But at the same time, she takes care of the sick, adjusts the pillows. Also, love connects her with Sonya. At the same time, the girl herself does not condemn her stepmother, who once pushed her to such unseemly actions. Rather, on the contrary - Sonya seeks to protect Katerina Ivanovna in front of Raskolnikov. Later, when Luzhin accuses Sonya of stealing money, Raskolnikov has the opportunity to observe with what zeal Katerina Ivanovna Sonya defends.

How did her life end?

The female images of "Crime and Punishment", despite the variety of characters, are distinguished by a deeply dramatic fate. Poverty brings Katerina Ivanovna to consumption. However, self-esteem does not die in her. F. M. Dostoevsky emphasizes that Katerina Ivanovna was not one of those downtrodden. Despite the circumstances, it was impossible to break the moral principle in her. The desire to feel like a full-fledged person made Katerina Ivanovna arrange an expensive commemoration.

Katerina Ivanovna is one of Dostoyevsky's proudest female characters in Crime and Punishment. The great Russian writer is constantly striving to emphasize this quality of hers: “she did not deign to answer”, “she examined her guests with dignity”. And along with the ability to respect herself, another quality lives in Katerina Ivanovna - kindness. She realizes that after the death of her husband, she is doomed with her children to starvation. Contradicting himself, Dostoevsky refutes the concept of consolation, which can lead humanity to well-being. The end of Katerina Ivanovna is tragic. She runs to the general to beg for his help, but the doors are closed in front of her. There is no hope for salvation. Katerina Ivanovna goes to beg. Her image is deeply tragic.

Female images in the novel "Crime and Punishment": an old pawnbroker

Alena Ivanovna is a dry old woman about 60 years old. She has evil eyes and a sharp nose. Hair, which has turned gray very little, is richly oiled. On a thin and long neck, which can be compared with a chicken leg, some rags are hung. The image of Alena Ivanovna in the work is a symbol of a completely useless existence. After all, she takes someone else's property at interest. Alena Ivanovna takes advantage of the plight of other people. By assigning a high percentage, she is literally robbing others.

The image of this heroine should evoke a feeling of disgust in the reader and serve as a mitigating circumstance in assessing the murder committed by Raskolnikov. However, according to the great Russian writer, this woman also has the right to be called a man. And violence against her, as well as over any living being, is a crime against morality.

Lizaveta Ivanovna

Analyzing the female images in the novel "Crime and Punishment", one should also mention Lizaveta Ivanovna. This is the younger half-sister of the old pawnbroker - they were from different mothers. The old woman constantly kept Lizaveta in "perfect enslavement." This heroine is 35 years old, by her origin she is of a petty-bourgeois family. Lizaveta is a clumsy girl of rather high stature. Her character is quiet and meek. She works around the clock for her sister. Lizaveta suffers from mental retardation, and due to her dementia she is almost constantly pregnant (it can be concluded that people of low morality use Lizaveta for their own purposes). Together with her sister, the heroine dies at the hands of Raskolnikov. Although she is ugly, many people like her image.

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