Superlative degree of adverbs in Russian examples. Comparative degree of adverbs


How to distinguish an adverb in a comparative degree from an adjective?

    It is possible, of course, to distinguish the comparative degree of adverbs from the comparative degree of adjectives coinciding with it in the text, and in the text you should immediately pay attention to WHAT the word explains.

    The comparative degree of adverbs usually explains the VERB, and the comparative degree of adjectives explains the NOUN (or the word that replaces it).

    1) Parents never scolded their children, they acted wiser.

    2) Grandma still wiser parents.

    In the first sentence-example, the highlighted word explains the verb, from which it is put

    question parents acted HOW? -- wiser. This is an adverb wisely => wiser.

    The second sentence explains the noun, which raises another question:

    WHAT IS GRANDMA? -- wiser. It's an adjective wiser => wiser.

    Sometimes it is very difficult to do this and it happens that many people confuse one with the other.

    In order to distinguish / distinguish between an adverb in a comparative degree and an adjective, you need to ask a question to the word.

    • His car is faster than mine (what?).

      Come quickly to the house (How?).

    In the first case it is an adjective, and in the second it is an adverb. An adjective has a qualifying word to which it refers (a car is faster), but an adverb does not.

    To distinguish an adjective from an adverb in a comparative degree is quite simple. It is enough to know that the adjective answers the question what? which? which? how much? depending on the genus. The adverb answers the question how? Where? Next comes the context of the sentence. For example, in the sentence the sun is shining brighter, the word brighter answers the question how? Therefore, it is an adverb. In the offer, the headlights on this car shine brighter, than on another word brighter answers the question by how much? Here the word is in the comparative degree of the adjective.

    Good question. Due to the fact that the degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives and adverbs are formed in the same way, mistakes are often made in their definition.

    Without context it is impossible to understand what part of speech a word belongs to, so the first step is to determine its position in the sentence.

    For example:

    We have risen higher along the slope.

    This house higher everyone.

    Adverb is a circumstance, answers the questions how? Where? and other questions of adverbs, and also denotes a sign of action, therefore it is used together with the verb, from which the question is asked. We climbed (where?) Higher.

    Adjective in a comparative degree acts as a predicate, answers the question what? and denotes a sign of an object - it is used together with a noun. House (what?) Above all.

    Sometimes it can be very difficult to distinguish an adverb from an adjective if they are both in the comparative degree. Therefore, it is necessary to ask a question from the main word to this adverb or adjective. Adverbs usually answer the question how, adjectives what. Everything is decided only by a narrow context.

    Since it is possible to distinguish between an adverb and an adjective only in context, let's give examples and on their basis already explain the differences:

    1) Dad higher mothers by ten centimeters.

    We ask a question to the noun-subject: what kind of dad / what kind? high/higher. An adjective refers to a noun (a sign of a sign).

    2) On the steps to the entrance to the temple, the pope was higher mothers.

    We ask a question to the verb-predicate: where is it? high/higher. An adverb refers to a verb (a sign of action).

    In order to be able to find the difference between an adverb in a comparative degree from an adjective, you need to ask the right questions from the word being defined.

    Example: The old man is wiser than the young man (what old man? Or even what? - wiser). In this case, it is expressed as a short adjective.

    Example: The old man acted wiser than the young man (acted like? - wiser). Here it will be an adverb.

    Accordingly, look at the questions and find out the part of speech.

    Most often, if the question is asked from the word being defined, which is a noun, then this is an adjective. If from a defined word, expressed by a verb, it means an adverb.

    My mother (what?) is wiser (adj.) than me.

    He acted (how?) wiser (adverb) than others.

    Adjectives depend on nouns, and adverbs depend on verbs (most often).

    According to the context, probably .. After all, if a comparative degree, then there must be something and with what it is compared ..

    Distinguish adverb from adjective in comparative degree possible as follows.

    If the adjective is in a comparative degree, then it is understood that there are 2 different objects between which a comparison takes place.

    Thus, such an adjective is, as it were, a link between 2 members of the sentence.

    For example:

    My girlfriend (who?) younger(than who?) than my sister.

    The adverb, in turn, refers to only one word, and there is no mention of the object to which something is being compared in the sentence.

    For example:

    You look like?) younger in this dress.

    That is, the adverb here answers the question how ?, and from it you cannot ask an additional question to another member of the sentence.

    You need to read the sentence itself, then it will be possible to understand in what sense this word is used, for example, as an adjective or as an adverb. The adjective is what (th, oh, ie, th, ..), while the adverb answers the question how. You just need to grasp the meaning of the word.

Each of the existing parts of speech has its own characteristic features. All of them are divided into groups by value, so their features are completely different. Some parts of speech help to compare one thing or quality with another. Thanks to this, categories such as comparative and superlative degrees appeared. What they are, we will understand in more detail in our article.

Degrees of comparison

Every student knows that adverbs also differ from other groups of speech in that they can form different ones. They call such a form of a word that changes due to the comparison of one quality with another.

There are usually three subgroups:

  • positive degree. It stands in this when it is not compared with any other. For example: beautiful (by itself), cold (without comparison with what was before, or will be later). It is also called the initial degree, and in linguistics it is scientifically defined as positive.
  • Comparative. The word in this form is used when one quality of an object or a phenomenon is correlated with another. For example: big - more (than the first), sad - sadder (than it was before).
  • Superlative degree. It is used if they want to express the highest quality score among others like it. For example: light - the brightest (most), fun - the most fun.


Of the variety of parts of speech, the role of forming degrees is assigned only to adjectives and adverbs. This is easy to explain: each of them denotes the quality of the object and its condition. And it's not hard to compare them.

Formed in two different ways:

In difficult cases, it is not possible to form a simple comparative degree. Then only the complex one is used. One such example is the word "heavy".

Superlatives have two methods of formation:

  • Simple. The suffixes -eysh or -aysh are added to the base (adjective): cute - dearest.
  • Difficult. It is formed with the help of auxiliary words "the most", "all": the kindest, kindest of all.

Sometimes the prefix -nai is added to enhance it: the best is the best.


This special part of speech practically does not change, has no endings and no declension system. But at the same time, she has a different ability. Just like an adjective, an adverb has a superlative and a comparative form.

The latter is formed with:

The adverb in the superlative degree is rarely formed with the help of the suffixes -aishe, -eishe: most humbly, strictest. We can often find such forms in the literature of past centuries.

As a rule, the words “total” (fastest), “maximum” (as short as possible) are most often used.

For amplification, the prefix -nai is used: most.


Every day we compare one object, quality or phenomenon with another. In oral speech, we do not even think about the ways that help us with this. Now we know how comparative and superlative degrees are formed in writing. Do not forget that only adverbs have this feature. Whether you do it with suffixes or special words, remember that not all forms have an existence. In this case, it is worth checking them in a dictionary.

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Slides captions:

Degrees of comparison of adverbs Teacher of the Russian language and literature MBOU Vylkovskaya secondary school Chernakova N.A.

Repetition: Comparative degrees of adjectives Comparative degree of adjective Superlative adjective simple compound simple compound Suffixes: - HER, -E, -SHE Particles: MORE LESS Suffixes: -AYSH-, -EYSH- Particles: MOST LEAST STRONG HER LOUD E YOUNGER MORE RESISTANT LESS DIFFICULT DEEPEST GENTLE MOST KIND MOST DANGEROUS

Fill in the empty cells in the table Full form Simple comparative Compound comparative Simple superlative Compound superlative

Question: What degree of comparison of the adjective is formed using the particle MOST? Comparative simple. Excellent simple. Comparative complex. Superb Difficult

Degrees of comparison of adverbs Comparative degree Superlative degree Suffixes -HER, -E, -ШЕ Particles MORE AND LESS Pronoun ALL + simple form of comparative degree EXACTLY HER HIGHER E THIN SHE MORE EXACTLY MORE HIGHLY MORE THINLY EXACTLY ALL ABOVE ALL THINTER ALL

Fill in the blanks in the table Source form Simple comparative Compound comparative Superlative shorter Shorter Shorter than all Wide Broader than all Vigorously often More often Hotter than all Sweetly conveniently more conveniently More conveniently More attentively More difficultly than all

Question: Superlatives for adverbs ... There is only a simple one There is only a compound one There is both a simple and a compound one. Not generated at all.

Differences between the degrees of comparison of adverbs and the degrees of comparison of adjectives You probably noticed that the forms of the simple comparative degree of adverbs and adjectives are very similar. By appearance or sound, it is absolutely impossible to distinguish the adjective ACUTE from the adverb ACUTE. But if the words coincide in sound and spelling, this does not mean that we have one and the same word.

Words that have the same sound and spelling are called homonyms. You've known them since 5th grade. For example: Bow (plant) and bow (weapon) Key (spring) and key (item)

Let's compare two phrases: THE NEW KNIFE IS SHARPER than the OLD noun. adj. TOOLS SHARPENED SHARPENER verb adverb What is it? How?

Try to find the differences between the forms of adverbs and adjectives on your own by doing the exercise Determine the part of speech and the form of the degree of comparison This tree is higher than that. Today he jumped higher than yesterday. This is the kindest person. He laughed the most. This essay was written more competently than the previous one.

6. Work faster. 7. He solves problems faster than anyone. 8. This is the most dangerous way. 9. These apples taste better than those. 10. This is the most powerful telescope.

Answer the question: Single-root adverbs and adjectives in the form of a simple comparative degree are ... Neologisms Homonyms Synonyms Antonyms

Conclusions This lesson was devoted to the study of forms of degrees of comparison in adverbs. Adverbs, like qualitative adjectives, have degrees of comparison if they denote a feature that can be manifested to a greater or lesser extent.

The form of a simple comparative degree is formed with the help of suffixes: -EE, -E, -SHE. The form of a complex comparative degree is formed with the help of particles: MORE or LESS, which are added to the original adverb. In the adverb in Russian, only a complex form of the superlative degree is possible. It is formed with the help of the word ALL, which is added to the adverb in a simple comparative degree.

Final testing What words are involved in the formation of a complex comparative degree of adjective and adverb? MORE, LESS THE MOST, MOST, LEAST OF ALL

2. What category of adjectives has degrees of comparison? All categories of adjectives have degrees of comparison. Qualitative Relative Possessive

3. Adverbs with the same root and adjectives in the form of a simple comparative degree are ... Synonyms Homonyms Archaisms Antonyms

4. When forming a complex form of the superlative degree of an adjective, the word MOST is added to ... The full form of this adjective The form of a simple superlative degree The form of a simple comparative degree The form of a complex comparative degree

5 . What suffixes are used to form a simple comparative degree of adjectives - AYSH-, -EISH- -IM-, -EM- -E, -EY, -SHE -OVA-, -EVA-


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