Presentation - Preparation for the composition - Thematic direction “The Way. December essay topic path - materials for preparing for the exam in the Russian language Outline for a future essay


The fourth direction is "The Way".

Here is the definition given by FIPI: "The path" - this direction actualizes the specific and symbolic meaning of the concept of "path", aiming at its moral and philosophical understanding. The range of thoughts is wide: from road impressions to thoughts about the fate of a person, his way of life, the choice of a goal and means to achieve it. Here is how this direction is commented.

PATH. The widest direction of all presented. It proposes to reflect on such a concept as a “path”, and it is possible to consider it from different angles: from impressions after road adventures to reflections on the path of development chosen by mankind and the results to which this path can lead.


A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.
Either I find my way, or I make my own.
Follow your path and let people say whatever they want.
We are given the opportunity to choose, but we are not given the opportunity to avoid the choice.
Way home.
My exciting journey.
Spiritual searches of the main characters.
Life is the way.
Sometimes you want to go nowhere.
When you are on the road.
A road without beginning or end.


Homer "The Odyssey".
A.N. Radishchev Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow.
A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", "The Captain's Daughter".
M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"
L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".
A.I. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet".
I.A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco", "Clean Monday".


Afanasy Nikitin "Journey beyond three seas".
L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina".
F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment".
N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls".
ON THE. Nekrasov "Who should live well in Rus'".
N.S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer".
M.A. Bulgakov "Running", "Master and Margarita".
A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor".
V.A. Kaverin "Two captains".
Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"


Proverbs and sayings about the road that "accompanies" us all our lives.

The road - from village to village, and led all over the earth.
Road together, tobacco in half.
The road will be overcome by the one who, though slowly, but goes.
The road will be mastered by the walking one.
You go for a day, and take bread for a week.
If you give way to your enemy, you yourself will be left without a way.
The familiar road seems short.
A familiar curved road is shorter than an unfamiliar straight path.
Whoever travels soon is not in trouble on the road.
He who knows the way does not stumble.
To each his own path.
Started walking - overcame halfway.
Do not look for a country road when there is a post road.
Don't brag about your departure, brag about your arrival.
One to go and the road is long.
The road is open to the open heart.
It is bad when a long way comes out of a close road.
Sometimes without even leaving the house, we embark on a long journey.


And the range of thoughts is wide, and the range of literary works, respectively. Today we will consider a work on the material of which you can write a final essay on the thematic direction "The Way".
This is a novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". After all, this novel is not about fathers and children, but about the path of a person!

1. Introduction biographical is appropriate here.

I.S. Turgenev, the great Russian writer of the middle of the 19th century, although he belonged to the nobility, always looked attentively and with genuine interest and listened to everything that did not belong to this privileged stratum. In "Notes of a Hunter" he depicted peasants with deep sympathy, and in novels - heroes who just come to the Russian historical stage. In the novel "Fathers and Sons" - this is Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov, not at all like other heroes of Turgenev. The author looks at the hero with genuine interest. Who is he? Will the life path prepared for him survive?

2. Main body

Before proceeding to the main part of the final essay, let's ask questions:
What path (from what to what) does the main character go through?
What changes in the views and in himself?
Where does the hero end up?
Before you is an essay plan, from which we will not deviate.
Evgeny Bazarov in the novel goes from an implacable nihilist, materialist, a person with simplified views on life to a person who is aware of the complexity and diversity of life.
This is the thesis. Let's prove it.
1. In the novel there is an external path of Bazarov: he travels around the province, meets with different people. These are the parents, the Kirsanov brothers, Anna Odintsova. Each of the heroes brings something to the life of Eugene that enriches the views and life of a young man, changing his worldview and attitude.
2. At the beginning of the novel, this is a person who does not accept someone else's position. He considers the aristocracy an obsolete class, does not recognize any authorities, the spiritual life of a person, the role of art, and romanticism and love for the hero are "women's tales" and mind games. But he still accepts the strength and dignity of Pavel Kirsanov (they shake hands at the end, saying goodbye after the duel).
3. Meeting with Anna Odintsova opens the power of love to Bazarov. He is simply overwhelmed by the feeling, if not crushed, because this refutes his theory of the materialistic nature of man. No, it turns out that he, too, is able to love and suffer from this feeling.
4. After breaking up with Odintsova, Bazarov returns to Maryino a little different. He is no longer so harsh and uncompromising. Turgenev subtly illustrates the change in his views in a dream before a duel: Pavel Petrovich dreams of the hero in the form of a dark forest. And such a forest in the minds of the people is something incomprehensible, unknown. Bazarov cannot give up his views, but he already recognizes the complexity of life, as well as the ambiguity of his opponent's personality.
5. Before his death, Bazarov admits: “Does Russia need me? Apparently, it is not needed ... ". Such a recognition is bitter, but the hero is sympathetic to us because he has outlived his peremptory and categorical nature.

These are just abstracts! They need to pick up illustrative material from the novel.

3. Conclusion

Here it is necessary to repeat the thesis or paraphrase it, not forgetting to mention the author of the novel.

I.S. Turgenev respects his hero, but "tests" his views for strength, leading Bazarov through the pages of the novel, showing that a person's path is not exhausted and is not motivated by his worldview, and life is not equal to a simple sum of knowledge. Bazarov's path is most accurately expressed in the popular saying: "To live life is not to cross a field." It's just a pity that the hero realized this too late.

Make sure that the word “path”, “movement”, that is, the key words of the topic, sound in the essay.


on the topic "The road without beginning and end"

“The road will be mastered by the walking one,” the wise man once said. At first glance, this is a common, banal phrase for those who are on the path, life or spiritual. Let's try to think about this phrase. The meaning of this phrase is much broader and deeper than we saw for the first time. But indeed, a confident, purposeful and stubborn person will master the road of life. Any business can be brought to its logical end if you put effort into it. And then any road will be on our shoulder.
Often, while on the road, we make casual acquaintances and trust strangers with our most intimate thoughts. So it happened with M.A. Sholokhov, when he met Andrei Sokolov on the way. When they met, Andrei told the writer about his life and fate. Thus was born the wonderful story "The Fate of Man."
The main character of this story is an ordinary Russian man with the most ordinary fate. Before the start of the war, he worked at a factory, got married, had children and lived like an ordinary person, but the war put everything in its own way.
Andrei Sokolov, together with his eldest son, voluntarily go to the front. He did not have to fight for a long time, as he was captured. While in captivity, Andrei behaves very courageously and bravely. The episode of the interrogation of Andrei Sokolov is one of the most powerful episodes. The hero, without eating, drinks three glasses of vodka for his death and the victory of the Soviet army! Causes respect and the episode in the prison cell. Even there, he behaves like a Man with a capital letter - he shares a piece of lard and bread with all his cellmates. This act is a vivid example of mutual assistance and support in a difficult period. After escaping from captivity, Andrei ends up with ours, and after the hospital he goes to visit his family. Grief, despair, horror seize him when he sees a funnel in the place of his house. His wife and two sons died... The culmination of the story is the episode of Andrei's meeting with the boy Vanyusha, whom he decides to adopt. Vanya’s words are shocking to the core: “Folder! Dear! I knew you would find me!" Vanya brought Sokolov back to life, and he gave Vanya a chance to live.
After reading this work, I thought about the main character, about his difficult fate, and I wanted to adopt his best features. Indeed, with a character like his, one can master any path. Our life is a long, unknown and difficult road that we have to go through. Now we are graduates of the 11th grade. In six months we will finish school, fly apart in different directions and each choose our own path. And it will depend only on us how we go our way.


Creative path? The path of life's quest? Walking path from point A to point B? What topics to expect in this thematic direction and what to tune in to? Let's try to figure it out together. Here, the creators of the final essay come to our aid, who write: the direction actualizes the specific and symbolic meaning of the concept of “path”, aiming at its moral and philosophical understanding. The range of thoughts is wide: from road impressions to thoughts about the fate of a person, his way of life, the choice of a goal and means to achieve it. It seems that everything is clear. However, let's get down to the details.

After analyzing the data shared with us by the organizers of the essay, Andrey Georgievich Narushevich, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Russian and Foreign Languages ​​of the Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov, formulated the following, in our opinion, very successful list of possible topics within the thematic direction "time". We recommend using it!

  • What the road said.
  • Why do people travel?
  • Journey to the future.
  • Journey into the past.
  • Why is the theme of the road often present in many works of literature?
  • Journey through St. Petersburg F. M. Dostoevsky.
  • Walks in Bulgakov's Moscow.
  • Journey through Russia with a literary hero (heroes).
  • What is the purpose and meaning of human life?
  • How to achieve the purpose of your life?
  • What kind of life can be considered not lived in vain?
  • How to resist the blows of fate?
  • Real and imaginary values ​​in human life.
  • Does the end always justify the means?
  • The problem of a false goal in life.
  • “Life is boring without a moral purpose…” ( F.M. Dostoevsky).
  • “You need to live not for yourself and not for others, but with everyone and for everyone ...” ( N. Fedorov).
  • The search for a moral ideal in literature.

We recommend, but in no case do we claim that one of these topics will become “yours” in the final essay! We remind you that the topics are compiled for each region of Russia individually and will become known only on the day the final essay is written. Then why do we need this list? Read it carefully again. Isn't it true that the topics here can be divided into three main blocks: "The path of search, knowledge, spiritual quest" and "Journey, wandering." But in any case, the path will remain the central concept of a particular topic, which means that we can make some preparations even before composing. We can prepare almost the most significant part of the essay - the so-called "strong points of the text."

What are "strong points"? These are those fragments of the text that attract the reader's special attention and can make a particularly strong impression on him. "Strong" traditionally consider the epigraph, title, introduction and conclusion. We can easily prepare two of these four positions in advance.

As an epigraph to your essay, you can use a short phrase that would be in harmony with the topic you have chosen. It can be a proverb or an aphoristic statement. There are many sites with thematic collections of proverbs and aphorisms on any topic. Choose ten or twelve you like (preferably, different in meaning), remember and calmly use it in your essay. By the way, an aphoristic statement can also serve as an entry element, an argument, or successfully complete your essay. Here are a few aphorisms about the path.

  • Only those who have somewhere to go are lost. (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)
  • Do not brag when you are about to leave, but brag on the way back. (Indian proverb)
  • The shortest way is sometimes the longest. (Neil Gaiman).
  • ... For the ways of the Lord are right, and the righteous walk in them, but the lawless will fall on them. (Bible. Old Testament)
  • I walk slowly, but I never move back. (Abraham Lincoln)
  • They say the hardest part of the journey is the first step.
  • There are paths that must be traversed with clean hands and one's own will. (Nicholas Roerich).
  • And meanwhile, after all, everyone is heading towards the same thing, at least everyone is striving for the same thing, from the sage to the last robber, only by different roads. (Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky)
  • There are many roads that lead to the top. But the landscape remains unchanged. (Chinese proverb)
  • As with any good story about the Way, the key comes before knowing how to use it. (Max Fry)
  • Everyone has a spirit to be perfected; the body to be trained; and the path to be taken. (Morihei Ueshiba)

We have already talked about the types of introductions, recalled the historical, biographical, analytical, and many others. When creating a final essay, you can use any type of introduction, however, for those who want to act confidently and prepare an introduction in advance, we recommend using a lyrical introduction. Those who know what we are talking about may object: after all, a lyrical introduction is often called "aerobatics", a form of work that is available only to "writers". Yes, probably, if we are talking about the need to write such an introduction "online", right here and now. And when there is no need to rush and there is an opportunity to make a preparation, this form of entry is available to everyone. And it is also interesting and pleasant to write such an introduction.

Use the method that comes in handy when you need to create a text in the essay genre. If you do not use long boring definitions, then an essay can be called a free-form essay that includes the thoughts and feelings of the author. Try to answer the question, what is the path, the road is for you. Pay attention to details, feelings. Here you can combine sublime definitions and everyday little things. You can practice this way to get started: come up with ten sentences that begin with the phrase "The path is." Offers can be very different, for example:

  • The path is the meaning of life for any person
  • The path may be simple or difficult, but everyone must pass it with dignity.
  • The path is an adventure
  • The way is the smell of the railroad

When you have a sufficient number of sentences from them, combining them at your own discretion (imagine that you have a constructor in front of you), you will be able to compose not even one, but several lyrical introductions that you can easily use when creating the final essay.

And the last. What works can be used if you are going to reveal the theme of the path in your essay? Here are some examples:

  • "The Captain's Daughter" A.S. Pushkin. Here the path is both the first big journey of Petrusha Grinev from home to the service, and the life path of the main characters, whether it is Peter himself, Masha Mironova or Emelyan Pugachev.
  • F.M. Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment. Here, of course, we will talk about the path of the spiritual quest of the main character, Rodion Raskolnikov - from a monstrous theory and murder to repentance and finding inner harmony.
  • M.A. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita. Each hero goes his own way, but it will be especially interesting to look at the path of Pontius Pilate's spiritual quest, how his earthly path, especially difficult, almost unbearable at the end, is replaced by the eternal path.
  • "Dead Souls". N.V. Gogol sends his main character, Chichikov, on a journey through Russia. Traveling, he meets a variety of characters, falls into a variety of "scenery". From these images, the reader can make a portrait of Russia, contemporary to the writer and eternal. No wonder Gogol ends his poem with the famous lyrical digression: “Rus, where are you rushing to? Give me an answer. Doesn't give an answer. A bell is filled with a wonderful ringing; the air torn to pieces rumbles and becomes the wind; everything that is on the earth flies by, and, looking sideways, step aside and give it the way other peoples and states.
  • Lyrics. Almost all the classics of Russian literature wrote about the road and the path of life. Here your choice is limitless, and the process of finding the right poems can be very exciting.

Here we have given examples of classics of Russian literature. However, remember that you can use examples from modern literature in your essay. You can also use as arguments and works of foreign authors.

Get inspired! And don't be afraid to write: this is a great opportunity to think about the important things, express yourself and discover new talents in yourself;)

O.S. Shadrina, teacher of Russian language and literature, St. Petersburg

biographical is appropriate here.

I.S. Turgenev, one of the galaxy of great Russian writers of the middle of the 19th century, although he belonged to the nobility, always looked attentively and with genuine interest and listened to everything that did not belong to this privileged layer. In "Notes of a Hunter" he portrayed peasants with deep sympathy, and in his novels he portrayed heroes who were just coming to the Russian historical scene. In the novel "Fathers and Sons" this is Yevgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov, who is not at all like other heroes of Turgenev. The author looks at the hero with genuine interest. Who is he? Will the life path prepared for him survive?

Main part

Before proceeding to the main part of the final essay, let's ask questions: what path (from what to what) does the main character go?

What changes in the views and in himself?

What does he end up with?

Before you is an essay plan, from which we will not deviate.

The composition plan can be presented in the form of logical diagrams. Definition-thesis - "subthesis" + illustrations from the text (there may be several). So you won’t deviate from the topic, and this is the main flaw in the essay.

So, Evgeny Bazarov in the novel goes from an implacable nihilist, materialist, a person with simplified views on life to a person who is aware of the complexity and diversity of life.. This is the thesis.

Let's prove it.

  1. In the novel there is an external path of Bazarov: he travels around the province, meets with different people. These are the Kirsanov brothers, Anna Odintsova, parents. Each of the heroes brings something to the life of Eugene that enriches the views and life of a young man, changing his worldview and attitude.
  2. At the beginning of the novel, this is a person who does not accept someone else's position. He considers the aristocracy an obsolete class (and rightly so!), does not recognize any authorities, the spiritual life of a person, the role of art, and romanticism and love for the hero are "women's tales" and mind games. But he still accepts the strength and dignity of Pavel Kirsanov (they shake hands at the end, saying goodbye after the duel).
  3. The meeting with Anna Odintsova opens the power of love to Bazarov. He is simply overwhelmed by the feeling, if not crushed, because this refutes his theory of the materialistic nature of man. No, it turns out that he, too, is able to love and suffer from it.
  4. After breaking up with Odintsova, Bazarov returns to Maryino a little different. He is no longer so harsh and uncompromising. Turgenev subtly illustrates the change in his views in a dream before a duel: Pavel Petrovich dreams of the hero in the form of a dark forest. The dark forest in the people's mind is something unknown, incomprehensible, unknown. Bazarov cannot give up his views, but he already recognizes the complexity of life, as well as the ambiguity of his opponent's personality.
  5. Before his death, Bazarov confesses: “Does Russia need me? Apparently, it is not needed ... ". Such a confession is bitter, but the hero is sympathetic to us because he has outlived his peremptory and categorical nature.

These are just abstracts! Pick up illustrative material from the novel for them!


In conclusion, it is necessary to repeat the thesis at a new level, or rephrase it, not forgetting the author of the novel.

I.S. Turgenev respects his hero, but "tests" his views for strength, leading Bazarov through the pages of the novel, showing that the path (THEME and DIRECTION!) of a person is not exhausted and is not motivated by his worldview, and life is not equal to a simple sum of knowledge. Bazarov's path is most accurately expressed in the folk saying: "To live life is not to cross a field." It's just a pity that the hero realized this too late...

Let me repeat myself: in order not to deviate from the topic, follow the logical chain: question - answer (thesis) - arguments ("subtheses") - illustrative material from the text.

Make sure that the word “path”, “movement”, that is, the key words of the topic, sound in the essay.

The material was prepared by Karelina Larisa Vladislavovna, teacher of the Russian language of the highest category, honorary worker of general education of the Russian Federation

The concept of a path is very broad and multifaceted. This is the road in the literal sense of the word, the very movement in space, which often becomes the basis of the spatio-temporal organization of the work. And the path in the philosophical sense: the path of life, the moral ascent of man. And fate is blind fate, which, like a stormy river, carries a person who is powerless to change something.
In a literary work, a road can be a compositional basis. For example, in N.V. Gogol's poem "Dead Souls", the main character Chichikov travels from one landowner to another. Much of the story is built on these meetings. Scientists have long noticed that the landlords are located on the path of the protagonist in terms of the growth of their main feature (squandering or hoarding). So, for example, Nozdryov's propensity for waste is more pronounced than Manilov's, and Korobochka is not such a money-grubber as Sobakevich. Plyushkin, on the other hand, is distinguished by the highest manifestation of both one and the other qualities, which proves their ability to coexist in one person.
But the image of the path in this poem also has a symbolic meaning. This is the life path of a person, his psychological dynamics.
It is interesting that only two heroes of this work have a background: Plyushkin and Chichikov himself. Researchers believe that the author is hinting to us: only these heroes have a future. Roots are needed to grow; To somehow change, you need the past. Indeed, we know that in the continuation of the poem, N.V. Gogol was going to talk about the "second birth" of Chichikov, who was supposed to become an honest man. For this reason, it is generally accepted that both Chichikov and Plyushkin, unlike other landowners, can be considered "living souls."
The path as a road and as fate is depicted in M.A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man”. The hero of this work, Andrei Sokolov, having lost his home, becomes both literally and figuratively a wanderer. He works as a truck driver, all the time on the road. Andrei finds something like a home, a haven when he adopts Vanyushka, but soon he again has to give up everything. Because of a downed cow, Sokolov's driver's license is taken away, and the hero, along with his adopted son, has to go looking for work elsewhere. Wandering is both a component of Sokolov's profession, and his share after he became homeless in every sense: his house was destroyed by a shell, his family died, the meaning of life was lost. It is no coincidence that Andrei sees his loved ones in his nightmares, which are unattainable for him.
At the same time, the motive of the path in this story also has the meaning of fate. Rock carries Andrei through life, like the wind is a torn leaf. The hero can only accept his lot with dignity. He cannot reverse an unfavorable fate, but even in such circumstances he can preserve the dignity of a person and the ability to sympathize with the weak and take care of the defenseless. Vanyushka becomes not just his adopted son, Andrei needs him just as much, if not more, than Andrei needs him. The boy is a kind of anchor that keeps the protagonist of the story on the verge of physical and moral death.
Quite often in the literature we come across the image of the path as a kind of moral vector. For example, in F.M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment", the author depicts the spiritual path of Rodion Raskolnikov from admiration for the "great man" Napoleon through disappointment in himself as "having the right" to kill for the sake of a lofty goal - to the realization of the fallacy of the goal itself and the very understanding about greatness. This path is given to the hero with great difficulty, because he wanders in the dark, having lost his moral guidelines. For the path to be meaningful, pointers are needed. But Raskolnikov has almost none of them. The only landmark of the hero at the beginning of the novel is the path of Napoleon: through blood - to greatness. A lot of time must pass before the hero realizes that his ideal is not a guiding star, but a crafty swamp light that lures a reckless traveler into a trap. And then Raskolnikov suddenly reveals another moral landmark. This is the gospel, namely the story of the resurrection of Lazarus. This passage, reminiscent of the fact that everything is possible for God, that even the dead can be resurrected, and the sinner can be corrected, as if offering Rodion a different path. This is not the path of a strong and cruel warrior. This is the difficult and narrow path of the humble sinner who is aware of his imperfection.
Very often in a literary work the path is understood as a crossroads, a choice. This motif can be found in many books. Their hero is faced with a difficult and often ambiguous choice, which is of crucial importance for him. For example, in M.A. Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, many characters are faced with the need to make an important decision. Pontius Pilate, realizing that Yeshua Ha-Nozri is innocent, still sentences him to death. The reason for this is the fear that he himself might be reported to the emperor. For his wrong choice, the procurator pays with centuries of suffering and repentance for his deeds. Another example can be given. Margarita, in gratitude for playing the role of the hostess of the ball during Walpurgis Night, asks Woland to return her and the Master back, not realizing that returning to the past is death. And as a result, both of them with the Master perish and receive “peace”. Berlioz also makes his choice. He believes that nothing awaits him after death - and he receives this "nothing". That is, the choice made here, in our world, within the usual space-time framework, matters for the posthumous state of a person - outside of time and space in the usual sense.
The motif of the path is found in literary works very often. But it is truly multifaceted and sounds different for each writer. However, in any case, it is more complicated than just the image of the road in the spatial sense. This motif, as shown above, also has a philosophical significance.

The motif of the path can perform both a compositional function and a symbolic one. Most often, the image of the road is associated with the life path of a hero, a people or an entire state, it is the ability to be creative, the path to knowledge, and so on. In this material, it is proposed to consider 9 thematic blocks. Each of them names literary works and defines a range of questions and problems that will help in preparing for the final essay.



With the motive of the road closely


  • A.P. Chekhov "Sakhalin Island"

Next block:

  • N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

on the following questions:

Another block: Off-road, crossroads "

A. Block "Twelve"

M. Bulgakov "The White Guard"

Let's single out questions and problemssolved by writers:

  • What is a crossroads?

choice life path of heroes.

A. Blok "On the railroad"

The story of the prodigal son

N.V. Gogol "Portrait"

A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov"

A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

L. Andreev "Judas Iscariot"

M.Yu. Lermontov "Masquerade"

V.G. Rasputin "Live and Remember"

Let's think about these questions:

- The choice of works is great:

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"

Consider the questions:

  • What issues are being addressed?

"The Way of the Righteous"

I.S. Turgenev "Living relics"

  • Who are the righteous?
  • What do the righteous teach us?

"Roads of War" - works discussed:

V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

V. Kondratiev "Sasha"

Consider the questions:

  • The path of the traitor and the hero
  • By the roads of captivity

"Road to a Dream" Consider the works:

A. Green "Scarlet Sails"

V. Kaverin "Two Captains"

sample questions

  • What do heroes dream about?
  • What is their dream?

Creativity Road works:

M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

  • writer among the people


Preparation for the final essay

On the thematic direction "The Way"

In order to prepare schoolchildren for an essay in the direction of "The Way", it is necessary to highlight the blocks and the works corresponding to them, as well as outline the range of issues and problems.

With the motive of the road closelyconnected with the theme of travel, wanderings. According to A. Blok, "the first sign of the originality of a Russian artist is a sense of the way, the road."


Remember which of the writers spent a lot of time on the road, traveled around Russia and abroad. What works reflect their travel impressions? For example, you can take the following works:

  • A. Nikitin "Journey beyond three seas"
  • N.M. Karamzin "Letters from a Russian Traveler"
  • A.P. Chekhov "Sakhalin Island"
  • I.A. Goncharov "Frigate Pallas"
  • N. Gumilyov A cycle of poems, the result of a trip to Africa

Schoolchildren, under the guidance of a teacher, can select material and prepare reports about these writers and poets. During the conversation, we will find out what significance travel had for the formation of the writer's personality. How did travel experiences affect his work? How the writer is characterized by his works about trips around the country and abroad.

Next block:From road impressions to the fate of the Russian people, Russia.For Russian writers and poets, one of the main themes is the theme of the road, the way. Starting from the 5th grade, schoolchildren get acquainted with ancient Russian literature. So, they will be able to operate with their knowledge when writing an essay. Writers of the 18th – 20th centuries continue the traditions of Old Russian literature. The road impressions of the heroes develop into broad generalizations about the fate of the Russian people from Russia. You can invite the children to name such works. Let's recall some of them:

  • A.N. Radishchev "Journeys from St. Petersburg to Moscow"
  • N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"
  • ON THE. Nekrasov "Who should live well in Rus'", "Railway"
  • A. Blok "On the field of Kulikovo", "Rus", "Russia".

To write an essay, you need to thinkon the following questions:

  • What are the road impressions of the hero?
  • Attitude to what he sees while traveling, wandering
  • What questions does the author solve in the work?
  • How does the path of the Russian people draw?
  • How does he see the country's development path?
  • What images, symbols does he use to create the image of Russia?

Another block: Off-road, crossroads "and consider the following:

A.S. Pushkin "Demons", "Snowstorm", "The Captain's Daughter", "Road Complaints"

A. Block "Twelve"

M. Bulgakov "The White Guard"

M. Sholokhov "Don stories"

Let's single out questions and problemssolved by writers:

  • What is a crossroads?
  • What does the image of a blizzard (blizzard, snowstorm) symbolize?
  • What is the direct and figurative meaning of the word "off-road"?
  • How does the hero solve the problem of choosing his path?
  • How does this choice characterize him?
  • What helps the "wandering" heroes find the right path?
  • What does crossroads mean in relation to the country?
  • What periods in history can be called a crossroads?

The most understandable for high school students is a block of topics related to choice life path of heroes. You can take almost any work read by the guys. The main thing is not to go into retelling and correctly place accents, draw conclusions depending on the wording of the topic.

ON THE. Nekrasov "On the Road", "Troika", "The Drunkard", "Reflections at the Front Door"

N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls" (life path of Plyushkin, Chichikov)

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" (the fate of Tatyana, Eugene Onegin)

I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" (the fate of P.P. Kirsanov)

I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" (Oblomov's life path)

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor" (the fate of Matryona)

A. Blok "On the railroad"

Talking about the difficult life path of the heroes, one more topic can be singled out:The path of degradation and spiritual rebirth, the fall and repentance.For analysis, we take the works:

The story of the prodigal son

N.V. Gogol "Portrait"

ON THE. Nekrasov "Who should live well in Rus'" (robber Kudeyar)

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" (Sonya Marmeladova and Rodion Raskolnikov)

A.S. Pushkin "Boris Godunov"

A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

L. Andreev "Judas Iscariot"

M.Yu. Lermontov "Masquerade"

V.G. Rasputin "Live and Remember"

Let's think about these questions:

  • How is the life path of the characters?
  • What or who does it depend on?
  • How does the hero behave when faced with difficulties and temptations on his life path?
  • What moral qualities are lost or acquired?
  • How does it change during life?
  • What lessons does he draw for himself?
  • How and why does spiritual rebirth happen?

In each work, this topic will be solved in different ways, depending on the tasks that the writer sets himself. But the essence of moral categories should be clear to schoolchildren.

“Each of us has only one true calling - to find the way to ourselves,” wrote Hermann Hesse. Another meaning of the word "way"- the path of spiritual quest, the path to yourself.The choice of works is great:

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

M.Yu. Lermontov "I go out alone on the road", "Both boring and sad", "Duma"

N. S. Leskov "The Enchanted Wanderer"

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don"

Consider the questions:

  • How do you understand the phrase "the way to yourself"?
  • What does spiritual, moral quest mean?
  • What trials do the heroes go through to find the purpose and meaning of life?
  • What issues are being addressed?
  • What helps to overcome a spiritual crisis?
  • What moral qualities do they have?
  • What do they come up with as a result?

A topic that is rarely covered in class is"The Way of the Righteous"If high school students have the appropriate vocabulary and this topic is close to them, it can be revealed, taking as a basis

The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom"

Life path (life) of Xenia of Petersburg, Matrona of Moscow, Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna

I.S. Turgenev "Living relics"

A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor"

V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera"

Consider the following questions:

  • Who are the righteous?
  • What qualities do they have?
  • How are they different from other people?
  • Why is their life not easy, why are they often not understood and accepted by people?
  • How often does life end and why?
  • What do the righteous teach us?
  • Why has interest in the genre of life revived in the 21st century?

"Roads of War" - Another block of topics worth working on. This year we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War and, for sure, at the lessons of literature and extracurricular readingworks discussed:

V. Bykov "Sotnikov"

V. Kondratiev "Sasha"

M. Sholokhov "The fate of man", "They fought for their homeland"

K. Vorobyov "Killed near Moscow"

B. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man"

A. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin"

Consider the questions:

  • Growing up yesterday's boys in the war.
  • How do heroes manifest themselves on the roads of war?
  • The battle path of one person and the whole country
  • The path of the traitor and the hero
  • By the roads of captivity
  • What qualities help to survive and win the war?
  • Why is it necessary to know and remember the heroes of the war?

"Road to a Dream" - one more direction. “The one who goes to the stars does not turn around,” said Leonardo da Vinci.Consider the works:

A. Green "Scarlet Sails"

M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

V. Kaverin "Two Captains"

I.S. Turgenev "On the Eve", "Rudin"

People tend to dream. The Manilovs dream but do nothing. Their dreams are fruitless. And we'll talk about the heroes who go to fulfill their dreams. "Fight and seek, find and not give up," - this is the motto of Captain Tatarinov and Grigoriev (Kaverin's novel "Two Captains"). The dream becomes a reality for Assol (A. Green "Scarlet Sails"), the heroes of I.S. Turgenev go to their dream, no matter how illusory it may seem.

sample questionsthings to work on:

  • What do heroes dream about?
  • What is their dream?
  • What do they do to make the dream come true?
  • What are you willing to sacrifice to make it happen?
  • How do they manifest themselves on the way to a dream?
  • How did their dream come true?

Creativity Road- Another block that can be distinguished in the direction of the "Path". In literature lessons, we devote a lot of time to studying the biography of writers, considering the evolution of their work.(for example, the path from romanticism to realism). Analyzing poems, we pay attention to how the authors themselves consider the role of the poet in society. This topic can be explored with an example works:

A S Pushkin "Prophet", "Poet", "To the Poet"

M. Yu. Lermontov "Poet", "Prophet"

V. Mayakovsky "Jubilee", "To Sergei Yesenin", "Out loud"

M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"

Consider questions such as

  • Why is the creative path of a writer (poet) difficult?
  • writer among the people
  • What does he see as his mission?
  • What is the significance of the work of talented artists for society, especially when the country is at a crossroads?
  • What legacy did the writer leave?

The road is an image used by all generations of writers. The motif originated in Russian folklore, then it continued its development in the works of literature of the 15th century, was picked up by poets and writers of the 19th and 20th centuries, and it has not been forgotten even now.

The motif of the path can perform both a compositional (plot-forming) function and a symbolic one. Most often, the image of the road is associated with the life path of a hero, a people or an entire state. Thus, the philosophical sound of the motive of the road contributes to the disclosure of the ideological content of the works. The road is unthinkable without wanderers, for whom it becomes the meaning of life, an incentive for personal development.

The road is an artistic image, it is a source of change, life and help in difficult times.The motif of the road also symbolizes such processes as movement, search, testing, renewal.

The road is both the ability to be creative, and the ability to know the true path of a person and all of humanity, and the hope that contemporaries will be able to find such a path.

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